Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 23, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    trt rtitfii Mur rrfft'i r- vrumnty .ot.'i.. tns. u i.'ii 'ij
tutu limit ilnr lit Eag1 1'
Which -nil le Thnrnda, Apr '
profRimi to he the largest. nn
ihiMiaMie nod het stripped - '
fkld Mirrt irer hld in aonthern n;
?fWt. F.illhful frmHmi ha-lim
ftlkle for H hy Nil at the m . - .
school I'.Mt will pirtWje)t. Mtn
frxlnre wHI N added that hn n,,
yl IHWH hlitHfoi ht ar-hool lull
Th lethK featmr of th mu-i
for lh or 'aaioti will We fttritifthed lj
(It Mmlfonl high Mhool band, under
(he (Hroetonlil of I'rofwwor J.
fhj t'wnoetitloH for the ailvrr ip
will he the Aral event of conawiir tu .
H will begin f, 10 o'eloek n ti,(
forenoon Mini eoneliide Ht VI :.!(). I
of the ihiIiodIh iti the vicinity of
Point will compute for tliw ailver tro
jdiy to hp jrivon by the Ktatc Hunk of
Vmf' Point. I
The bo.' elates are 0Kiennted
liy weight. The context will include!
("printing, jumping, "chinning," run- '
ning jump, hroml jump, 100-yard
diirh, standing broad jump, putting i
eight-pound shot, -MO-yard relay
race, throwing baNkethall from foul
line, throwing baaketball from fifteen-foot
An old-fiiMliioned picnic ilinnor will
lie enjoyed in the prk.
At 1 uQ .1. A. I'hiirehill, xtiiip tu
porinlendeid of ubliu iiwtnictioii,
will deliver the prineiml add run.
At U o'eloek the enp will bo pre
bented to the winning school.
Anionic tin eonteatN for prizes, eaIi
ami otherwi-o, whieh will bo "pulled
off on that day are: no-eatiug,
wheelbarrow race, erab raeo, aaek
race, tug of war, I'ootniec by boys,
girl mid women, fat iiiuii'h iiieo,
three-legged race, potato raeo for
boy mi honebaek, auto obstnclo
raee, auto egg raee, auto bun nice,
nightgown race, touniainent nice.
A ba-eball gauio at I o'eloek proni
imk an o.xciting I'ontenl htuwveii good
Vlllley clubs.
Free moviiifc picture show ut the
opera lioucc, given 'at 7 o'eloek by
the Kuglo Point AniUMcmunl eoui-
At 8:;i0 mi all-night bonfire will bo
Marled and alonic with it will bo en
joyed an nll-ninht wciiiie roa&t.
At tin same hour n!o a dunce will
open, with mii-ic bv the IVntriil
Point oiehe-lm.
Trianitle plays continue to be the
fctiiimtiuii of tho Page theater. For
itiHiiy week they have been tho toie
of eonvoraation as well an tho admir
ation of movie fans throuichout the
entire country. Tho jiHneiial offer
inic. "Hetween Men," on the new pro
jfram for toiiitht reveals one of the
iuo( finished production yet shown
al the Paice. William S. Hart ueeds
no. introduction to Triangle theater
goen. He is assayed by Kind .Mar
key and lloiikft Pteer in his newest
lnco vehicle, "Between .Men." .Mr.
Hurt journeys to (he cast ami shows
Wall street; how little they know
about their own name when a new
and wine player decide to take part.
The stock exchange scenes are
faithfully produced and are prob
ably Hie lanioM 'f kd aver
tJiown on (he screen. The dictagraph
that modern instrument it used
prominently and its introduction into
tho Inee )la is sure to attract at
tention and make more interestiuu a
feature that combines so many at
tract ie novelties.
Mack Seuiiett is there with the
humor, as it witnessed in his comical
effort with Chester Conklin in the
Triangle Keystone, 'I)iy Heights
and Damn? Hearts," There is a
great explosion fceeiie, wruekinic of a
two hundred foot ehimnev aud (hen
a laiifii-proukiuic rescue ui tin aero
April J I. Return
'luesita pniuarv Hi hand 1
.... ,, ,, . . ,
early today tcae Ilenrv lord a lead '
over A. B. t'limmills of 97 Vot in the '
raee fur indorsement for president.
1 ills vote represents sixty counties
complete and eventyfive scattering
)reciiu-i. It ba developed that the
delegates from tho second conures-
touul dtatnet, Ouinha, will gu to (ho
eoiiMiiVittJi it-BiruitCd to SipiK.rr
Ch.irie, r Joshes. .11 least ii.
iitht r il.'fPfT.ita itmUA -ir. w?iii1 fit
MA . p Klf "ft Al T f rAf) Tr 't Mi'lf
ItiaiTOk Srxjv XjLy( jg rTLBBHBC Jt, " SFil jJaLaLaaB
Liiiiiiiiiiav)wfiflwitbJiHwnK 3 LaflalHBflaBHaBrilK. ffiHD ILiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHl
It ! rarel (hat motion putiirp
eiiiiitely arlitte u m rt-.i 1 1. in i
Hutterllv," the F.illii'ii-. PIimi- I' till)
of .John I.tilluT l.iuii;'- hin . whii li
throtiKli tin' medium ol upcr.i. inel
tltlH wild talc Iim- lici'ii pic-cncd mid
hIiuJi is the Pariimoiuit pictmc it t the
Atnonj.' I In- Simtliiv caller-Itellou-
liiime were Pnilci
.Mrs. Ilcnrdoit't, .Mr. and Mi
Caster, .Mi. II. 1'iciicli uiul
at the
r and
ter, Cnia, Ne and Marl .Mathews,
Alex. VesJal.
.Mr. niiiL.Mtv. Alvin Alhriuht scnl
seeral days in the valley. They
boii(lit forty ont and broiiftht
them home with them. They huva
100 acre feneed and mow have ihjv-
euly ttoatrt eleaninc it.
Mr. and .Mrs. .Iiihikt lluiiuah mid
sou, Fverell, were to the alley
towns on a business trip.
Anionic the Kiiirle Point visitors on
Thursday Her: Mrs, dene liellows,
A lev. Kniney, Joe Iliumah, Ji
II. French and son Uuyd.
Je-se Kngsdnle was ut Table Hock
Mr. I.e'miuinif f Talent line Inn !
prunuii.' orcliHiil on the Dodice and
Theiss I'ii nn for (he last fortnight.
He -M-nt Sunday with his old friend
Tom Kaincv.
Schuyler Hammond and family
mot el to Med lord tu make their
Mr. 'Falmundson of Ham's Vallev.'w
has moved his lamily to the home
stead on the head of Long Mraneh.
Frank Zucculu culled on Kdward
Foster Sunday,
.Mi-.s Ora Kaiiii'x is
week with her -Mer.
Millet, Central Point.
Mr Veilt Id 111. .11, 1
arc 1-itin.j 1 in ml- inn
ml 1I.111.
It I.. 1 1' 1
- Ill
FnH'-t 1 iloi .
Mrs. M. I. Ibthi 1 it turned Imine
last wok litter a 1 it 111
Mi's. McDnliald Went In Medtiild
Tuesday aud returned Kuliirdav.
Miss Muni Sear has been i-it imr
Mrs. Credde at Hniiidieriu last wetk.
Charlie J.i 1 1 oil wiii; m .1
few du- and returned
Mrs, Sears, sou ltm:er ami Mi--.
Nitu Sears ,ne 111 (he willev on Imi-i-IIC'.s.
(hi- Week.
Mr. Iliiiker eiileitiiinctl with a
dance at In- Imme Tiicm1ii eveiiiu.
AH had a -I'l. mild tunc.
Gives Results Whon Others Fail
Nature's Remedy For the Blood.
Thf punrttnir smI i's'mc priiprtls
f Nature r .i1 ha- intl "K
- .- fnr thi1 HI.. 1 ' h h. unrhr.ld iting.
rtioiiimnttii tt.ds t nj. ma ptrfetl health
owe ih-ir rn't.ver blood or skin
intrant 10 thla unherally uaart blot4
pn it ter. a. M B I mad antlrcly from
r.i..ta. herba and .rk. which iom
i.unlna and haalina Inaredlfina.
Vim tannot b wall when your 1.100a ia
impure. )U lara aiienat" ana rii.rr i
n,"ral ,,.n '": "r ' ""'""'" pale ana ibuuw tur naiiijr
euend Whm aat r i.fu
mur. whe h Naiura Intenda nl.all " f
abaori.t'd mit ihf bl.d and b...l. iim
plea. raahra bhitdiea and ulher fi.
tltinalr lha kin a.par
M. t .S or in t . thf rlr ilatl'.n ana
reinuwi. t?n iiartulr nf bl""d t inn .r
iitikn tin. ia irit 111 tttv ,.... n
p..iun or tn) 1 naiti. in i r... 'j -ni
an. 1 t-r.i'tluin p.f ! .ni.l ".
tinoolh . .-an -liii louitia ali In, Mb
mt,;t tint n I- ... II. K It" tr 11 1
'(rta H f.f l I'.itiaJ.t.ij h..i I'..
; , - ',', ;;1 '" " ' .
u 11 a tat tt a
a - Hi it '
an pn ili ol t w.tni -- o
M.u Pn 'vtniti in "Madame
ciin i.t(,v , n i.t.iliiiri
h.- .ili l tt
and pin v. AH tin pnctii
eiihiiln')'l in flic him
Star theater txla.
l iiniliiir
In .nit of
'production three iinrt lioltles III Olte'H
kit In AhIiIiiiiiI are not woilli one
pliiul In llornlirook, ih ceiiiillfleil
III the tire or a travelliiK dHlemiiati
last l'rlda t veiiln. w'ii roprenoiita
H l'nrdand her house. Train No.
M wan (lelH)etl here twenty minutes
over Hit Hccilitoined ntop by tho ef
forta of the cotulitctor and two
brakemon to remove the blbuloiM
Mleaman from a day coach. Tlireo
hot Ilea of whlakey were found In ltla J
grip, one more container than tho
law allow during the month of Ap
ril, lacked ii I'rlday nlaht aa n
week-end guent of the iwllce. he
turned adrift Huturday iion the pay-
.men t or a L'. nne ror an lurraetion
of the prohibition law. forffettliiK
JTom a Calllornla point or view that
"0e)oud the Hlakiyou Hck Aahland."
County Atlornev Kelly of Medford
waa caned upon to proaecuie.
C. A. Malone, former manager of
the Aahland Klcdrlc Power A Light
Co., left for Ran FrancUco 011 Hatur
day where he haa been appointed
purchasing agent for the California
Oregon Power Co., w ith headquarter
that city. Mra. Malone and the
children accompanied him and the
family will live In Oakland. For
two year Capt. Malone waa In com
mand of Hrat Company. Coaat Art.ll
pcndimr the 'lory Corps, tho local military inn
Mrs. Frank tlngenl.
) Arrayed In full dreH uniform,
mlnu aworda. nicnilicr of Malta
Commandery No I. Knights Templar
attended divine service on Knitter
riundu at Trinity KpiHcnpal ihurch,
Sir Knllil Itev I' K ll.tiiiinoiitl of
riciatluu The T ini'l.irs nut 111 Huh
ttn 1 11 iii at '2 o't lot k 1
ami serit e
rz -
1 1
aniaifnrHirJ .
aurfTtnai nnnn
Make it into a batch of bread and let your ovens prove its
goodness. The proof ot the flour is in the baking. Order
Rogue Spray Flour
it n 'MY.rt,.,Jl. T)rt
x., v. nuiuwiva. a. uw,
Patronize tho
Pavroll in Medford.
The MedfonS Priniting Co. "
Tr-tv Ti.-t I.ijujij..( ( Job Plant in Orrpon outside of
1 ut in '. 1 r ' ntllfi" . i i. 01. ii . hinnl i'1 in ii.,
ifofd, W 1 l ifwr of central irmdiri ecretari 1 nng'n ht
n.i fflffm ff K'Ulef f ffWN r)Wtl M rnimmtii mwtfffnl t
1 rpmm (te(nattoW 7 Mto afm
rntt frm pnfflti HffrfflWWf friKf HrHttffdHW fffft H Hi Me
1. . ' rtowf, rm , hi h nmf fur, wmut
frailfnf itomr m ttrtnat f n wi f toi Hht tnf ifim We
in (fttt toeatur fm mm- inwff f,mhf eoinfNAy
. Mhe (rfffl of rfVeri, A Knty 1 ftmt MmtOfR Wlawfmen In one
nnff In (own tMINfttaV '" I" NH "" '
. 11 wMfH were of Hi "gfe" !'n" "f Woltoiwily ffnp !o fHf.
- ut ftm Ihf hanrfififf mn tt.t tto fit. r nwfih. nnfw. hn
... me ninttn of trade mw beon ""' "" wdw, (her hofng
lnr(t 'Rimer. Nerf and Phef the latter of
. vvantffW of (he Orrtta Paoa ' " "
wa.rMHlM rtlMtm Itor.l'- fh'U a coraellere in hit dad
flMk 1Ma
t Morton; itMprtetor f MM to
nnrin ffllftt, ha I rutted a M
fneerty. totatwt nr Chtto
u Klamath county, fl,0 ea
rn Jo Mmklna of fhotllx,
in fctHk9 Aahlaad, (no.
1 1
i iinl t.akTw realtr. T)w dml
t i cut f700l and went Into (
. .iil (.
( iue tOaater pIMa whlrn kUI
d if 1 the heart of (wo lt(tl Anh-
i' I niliie woro enrloaed In ahoe-
. r the ronteiita of whleh were
i t ii ir.l neata filled with artlrietal
( . (ontalned In a tM'Iral old ahoe,
tid in nddltlnn there waa a real live
diminutive rabbit a few weaka old,
white in color nml utrlrtly In bar
manv with ltd cute aurrotindlnK.
iTIie rerlplenta were Dorothy, tho
dniislitcr of Mr. and Mra. XV. Newell
WrlKht. and Klbert, daughter of Mr.
find Mra Hort Oreer Tho thought
ful donor war Mr Itobnrt Stanley,
upholsterer, familiarly known aa
Tho Old Chair Doctor," and tho
Rift reflected Kroat credit upon tho
orlKlnnllty of tho arrangement aa well
aa tho kind aplrlt which prompted tho
layor .Tohuaon ha (Unsolved tho
tie which hold up the roller skating
ordinance, voting for tho enactment
which prohibit the sport on city
aldewalka. A two-fold daiiKor la tho
reault, however, liinamuclt hh tho
Nkatora will ho driven to tho pnvod
atreota. The council haa undor ad
vlaemeht an amandment which will
jtrohlhlt (hi phnao alao, lcavliiR na
,iii( altcruadvu
liiatallntlou of a
akatlng park.
I.nat I'rlday Sir. Suo M. Day en
tertained a niimbor of olderly ladloa,
all mutual acquaintance of former
ear In (hla city. Her guuata were
Mcttdamoa Dunn, Wagner, Mathoa.
Van Kant. (JiirroU, Wick, Atkluion
and Cane.
Ilonton Howora left for Portland
oil Friday to attend tho Oregon State
Tax conference hold Saturday and nt
which over 30 counties of tho atato
wero roproaontcd. At Medford ho
waa Joined by .lohu A, Woatorliind,
also a delegate.
Mra. II. C. (Jaler. of Yuma, Arl
aonn, arrived here laat I'rlday, ac
companlod by her three children, to
vlalt her parent. Mr. and Mra. .1. P.
Dodge. and othei relative. She will
remain Indefinitely, Mr. (laley plan
ning to come later on.
.limine W. Jam, of Virginia City,
Nevada, eon of Mr and Mra. IS. W.
.larvla, residing on North Main street,
Is visiting hla parents, called here by
the Illness of his mother. He la u
drugglat and mining man, aud while
In (hla territory will go to Drew, In
Douglas county, to Inspect a cinnabar
mine In which he ia Interested.
Prof. II. (1. (illinore, musician and
IHintaater, also prciddent of the Wood
row Wilson league political, haa re
cently received an autograph letter
from Hubert Landing, secretary of
state (hanking him for a ropy of hla
article In the prima entitletl.
Trimming Their Sales (o Catch the
Hvphenated Vote." and (ompllment
Iiik him also for the sentiment ron
vcvt'il at (his inUcal period when
unit h hiatnry is I. 'lug made through-
Phone 507
that maintains tho Largest
7 -A "
A T7 r
g"? jT M-HI.I...T.
I ""' "" " . . . .
un erening mn weea .1 n nnn
ier, orrnarrilet, wlM realdea tn the
lelltew dhMrlet abnt a mile from
the ftonlevnrri. wat arprleed at hla
bachelor home by parenti and achol
ari of Bellevlew Sunday rbool, of
whleh Mr. Hunter la the able and
model auperlntendent. Orer 30 were
In the party, and the hoat prored a
moat genial one (0 hla nnmerona
A ah land. In eommea with other
southern Oregon tewne, la to he Tin
ned later on by a wholeaale trade
excursion gotten up under the an
plrea of (he Stan Kranclaco rhninber
of commerre.
(!. ". Milam, auportnlendeiit of the
C.0I1I Hill echoola wua here 011 Sat
urday, escorting W. W. Truax, dem
ocratlc cauillduto for county aaacaMor,
on (he rounds among voter.
Arthur Ituttor, of Spokane, who
lately ahlppod two carload of horaca
out of till territory, loaded one car
at Medfurd aud the other wan filled
hy purchase from tho llarron, Owens,
Dunn, Orubh aud other rnnchoe In
(hla locality. K. V. Smith, loual liv
eryman, aaalatod (ho buyer in round
ing up the aulinala.
Judge Canon, of Med ford, waa hero
laat Friday, aMlillug 0. Y. Harry
In organising an Aahland roiitlngent
of (he Wood row Wllaou loague of
Portland. Harry la a mechanic, hy
trade a aheet metal worker, and waa
formerly connected with the Woalnrn
Federation of I.ubor In Km oxtoualon
lloewlck boy a big Hulck. Aftor
invoatlgatlng the merlta of over a
doen different makoa of oitra, Dick
Heawlck, residing on MaiiMtulln
atroctT decided on iurchaalng a
Hulck, Ahlch ho la now breaking In
at a paoo not exceeding tho apeod
limit. Arthur Dnveuhlll, of Twin
Oaka ranch, hna Invented In a new
Ford for touring purpoioa between
county and city.
Karl Maya, tenant on (he Shoemak
er place, oaat of town in tun lleiie-
view dlatrlct, hna vacated thu prom
Ihom aud redirued (o (hla city.
Mr. and Mra. A. II. Conner and
daughter Helen left the laat of (ho
week for Alaakn where (hey will vlalt
rolatlvea. Mr. Conner who la a ve(
erau engineer In the 'employ of the
Southern I'aclflc. haa been 111 of lato
and (akoa the trip to derive benefit
from the aea voyage. The family
gooa to .lunoau, wheare a daughter
realdea, the wlfo of W. W. Wllaon,
who formerly lived here.
The city la being bulletined for
an ultra fashionable society event,
tho Auxiliary club dance, whleh will
take place at the uatatorlum, on Fri
day oenliiK. Ma .
The Chrlntlan cluin Ii nt It annual
election IaM Thnrs.l.t' exenlug elect
ed J M Denver and (i ' McMlls
t(r, cldcr- I M Mri;in. Dr Cltor
l.uck and C H Hum ilcnoii'- (! C
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. OnopnckuRo
proves it. 25catalldrujjKists.
Rogue River Valley;:
The Best Made
Help Home Industry.
Try LoQanberry Juice and Sherbets
at tue tountains and ice ere parlors.
Go to J. A. SJCITK.
128 N. Grape St.
Telephone 8DQ
f (l.r It Criflni F 11
tinalc. r vv Hawio, vt ftrarcr,
(fttaleaii; Mr fh Caldwell, Mr
.1 WytwHHi, nfm t ft dwHHfM.
dntfSIMMN V IfHWley ft (toff
dfy MflMM iwpeflnfoflfliflf Htif w.
S falttndtibam. mWfnr, re-
MKim awnetlme atn. ffffWlNKf hW
firetf'awrmon on ftanter diy H
ITf piwrfe 10 CafffofiHn. loriHhm
no! ?f nVflnHeh fNod neon
f. W lw. frettfif irafMe managw
of the ftonthern Pacific Hh bead-
quartern at Man rranrtero, haa been
here recently ineldenl to an inaiiee-
T IGHT up an OWL and puff slow--
ly on its even-burning fragrance.
See how freely it draws I Nolo
that the OWL gives you its best from
the very first. Note that the smoke
ridges form perfect circles on the
outer edge of the ash. This is tho
"test of an even-burning cigar.
Why does tho OWL burn so evenly?
because the long leaf filler runs
straight down to the square-nosed
tip, allowing tho whole cigar to
become alight at once.
because the OWL is shaped
by hand and always allows a free
draught of air.
Because of this careful hand-workmanship
you get all the mellowness
which makes the OWL the satisfying
smoke it is. You can smoke your
OWL without having to light a
second match the way you sometimes
do with a poorly made cigar.
A ' A-sK5lSW3 L
( u4i ill rm JVTTlCl assVTif ""Tni Tr1
All in a Nutshell
hy itrr ulilt to tin mill woik ror
Mrftiii- M'itiltt lime ami linn .iKttili
It Ih that we aluu alto tlieiu the
heat jiouHlMe vahif fur their money.
If e huppen to luy below reaular
prltea m don't keep the extia .roiit
hut paw It aloag to our ciintoninrx
Thla la one of the lliaea. Come aud
HharB ",B ,v,nB
Ask Your Grocer and Butcher
They Are
' ( 'AJ RRANnkV w
PAcm TgntiML
11 i" n 1 um mmmM
fine ("'if t hr f,.tirrtnift titftnn (rrrt
f f. flMWfj, well Known AfbiitUt
MWretlf, (Mr mtUt " 'he vtrinHv f
1 Atiftto. KM MRIghf pmperfr af
Wndte, a tttfrvflTaf attrb of rM
wfheffl ratfrWMt rr.po!l. Mt
will imnfOte If AftnMffh he fatafM
prnptttf inf$rmn Hm Nlth !
dltlona mmHl realdiwie in flW
jeoMfh a good ptflNMl ot lh if. At
muftafa now aland fttf mm Jfm
flhmn hate the aawfanoa of g rm
In boin norther aonthoft (
the Best
Piiillnnd. M
Jl r If
'i' ir .-.Hy. B,..My &?&: :?x ," ' " -1
--: ...,.i a. - a r