Mr hf Mi.'h M r i i n r M hi l. ii I Mil ct-'M fr) ., ioi &? - L.L it- n v '. s. WILSON CLUB !S ORGANIZED M mtv nr onniuop is uiu ur ormnuo ASHLAND. A i in -'-' , V.i..elrnw WiNnn lenane vwi- lormed here on FimIiiv evening nt the Commercial etui, ronii) li O. V flurry of Port loud. W. K. New combe am president nrul S. H. McNmr Be "erretnr? p tln tpfiiM.rnn officers. A eonstitn tion nnd by-law were adopted. Per mnncnt officers wen elected fol low": President, Professor Ilenrv fleorgr OilmoiT. who wni referred to ns a "former lifelong republican"; for viee-preMuVnt tin- newly formed league followed precedent etnMlhed in Portland nnd selected n womnn for the position m the person of Mrs. John K. Horlm; secretary. Johntigg; treasurer, H. I. McAmr. i A goodly ' number of signatures it jrerv secured on the memherhip 1it, rf it ml tht' will foe milled to rnpidly. To five mi impetus to the movement, nil prrxent thi meeting were nntncd n membership commit lie. Various other committee" will he appointed later on. The meetinir adjourned subject ( full ill the liiiir. E FIFTY ON WEDNESDAY The Woodmen oi the World will initiate a (Ihhm or flft uiKllilntun next Wednesday evening. April 2ti. t the new 1. O. O. F. hall on West Sixth street, which has been secured for tliu occasion. There will be a street parade headed by tho Med ford l.igli school band and the 1'nlform Monk Degree team of Medford camp, under commund of Captain II. A. Canada), followed b candidate and members and a line of automobiles. Tho members and candidates will as semble at the W. 0. W. hall at Kast Main and Central avenue at 7 o'clock Khnrp, Horn which plare the parade will start. Refreshments will be served after the Initiation, the com mitter hi charge being O. It. C. Grow, Hurl Miller and J. C. Smith. I). .1. lieakey of Portland, district manager of the Woodmen of the World, who Is In the city, will be present on that occasion. Mr. Heakey probably will remain In southern Oregon, busy with tho several prosperous ramps of this dlstrlit. for two weeks. uiriy STORY PROVES FAKE XKW YOIIK. rll :'.' -The story told liy Octue Charles Ulennorri. ronMrt In a Rhode Ulaud prison, of his having assisted at the burial of Dorothy Arnold's bod) in a cellar outside West Point was pronounced a fabrication today by detectives who explored the cellar. Inspector Fau tot said he believed the convict told the story In the hope ol obtaining parole. COURT HOUSE HEWS Xeportcl by Jtckaou County Ab tract Co.. Sixth and Kir HU. (ii cult I.ltln Van We'en -. Adla '. Ilih et nl., Hiiiit'jM'je lorei l"-nre. I Km K. WjImhi . V. II. Xutwiek. hiuiiimms W. K. Ihni-oii v.. C. W. Turpui, action to lei-over mnie. W. D. IImIumui ct l s-. A. F. Berkley, Hummon. Carolyn Trowel) v. Hi. fold J. I'jiiwcll. eoat bill. M. I. Kchmitt v. Public Sen ice Corporation, stipulation. asjsssjansvsBassBSBwssBBat I'w Ante Mai tin V. Mut'rilli- etnte, ndmin-i-lrntnx bond. Xolie to Contiwctoc"' Sealed proposals, addressed to the undernlgned at Jacksonville Oregon, and endorsed "Sealed Uids for Re pairing Road," for repairing a countv road between Medford and Jackson ville, Oregon, in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the county urveor' office, oer the Mfdford Natlonul bank building. Medford. Oregon, will be received and filed until 10 a. m . May 12. l!MC, and at that time the count) court will publicly open and read all bids Koch bidder shall be required to deposit with lila bid five per cent or the amount of his bid, which shall be forfeited to the county in case the award Is made to htm. and if he fails, neglects or refuses, for a per iod of to days after such award is made, to enter into a contract and file his bond In the manner required In .tiul to the satisfaction of the vOOIIIl'v lOfttt A onura!& sureU h($ will ' rr (filial for the faithful performance ii ' i iti- i ii i ii in ' t )' ' r i ttf i ' A 101U' " ' t Tj tht to ;rt r iiv ! tjirij.hi social xotk. Mlfis Rfftre Tompkins has gone to Little Rock to tswty at a college of manicuring, Kd Higglns. our well knows artist, will give an exhibition of hand paint ed painting at' his father's bouse on the north mad. Brery picture I or iginal and Mr. Wiggins didn't trace one of them. The HlgglM Corners handball team has six pitchers and a manager and a bat bey. All they need to fill up the team Is a catcher, a abort stop, some baseman and a few outfielders. tf It hadn't been for the roof being wet after the heavy shower on Tues day, Dr. Wilfred PeltlnRlU's house might have burned down when hl chimney caught fire. Shoe polish, chocolate creams, dill pickle and sealing wax at Dings em porium. The Foaming Brook basketball team hadn't lost a game until last Frldav when a girl In Youngs Cross ing threw a lemon at Stm Ilubbell while the team was playing there and hit him aquare In the left exa. Tho teem didn't score another point, liad portswomanahlp, we call it. Wilbur Tucker says he will Inter vene In Mexico if anybody elso does, but he won't go alone. lh ' ..nil P " "- ! ! ' "" - - to reject any or all bids, or to ac cept the proposal deemed best for Jacknon county. Dated thin 1Mb dav of April. 1010. 0. A. OAKDXKK. County Clerk, Jncknomllle. Ore. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS it)it ui:iMti:si:xTATiM I hereby announce that I have filed my declaration of Intention to become n candidate for the republican nom ination for the orflce of reprenenta tlve subject to the decision of the re publican party at the coming primary oloctlon. Adv. C. M. THOMAS. I am a candidate for the republican nomination for Joint representative from the district comprising Doug las and Jackson counties mibject to the primary In May. If nomlnntod and elected I will serve the people of the district to the best of my ability. Adv. W. II. OOItK. I hereby announce mv candldncy for the nomination for repretienta tive from Jackson county on the ie publican ticket, subject to the pri mal y on May 19. I pledge myself for economy and a squaro deal for all. Adv. 1IEXTOX HOW13KS. nlSTKICT ATTOHXHV The record of the county clerk at thlH time show a saving of HT.OO ou In the administration of this office as compared Ith the previous term. This has been accomplished by trans acting the samo amount of business before grand Juries In one day that has formerly required five or six days, and by eliminating many petty matters, and without any sacrifice to law enforcement In the county. I feel that this saving and my exper ience entitles me to a second term. I am therefore a candidate for re election to tho office of district attor ney K. K. KKLLY. Adv. I hereby announce that T have filed my declaration at intention to become a candidate for the repub lican nomination for the office of District Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon, subject to the decision of the republican party, at the primary elec tion to be held May 19, 1918. Adv. 0. M. 110UKRT8. I hereby announce that 1 have filed my declaration of Intentions, and that I am a caudldare for the democratic nomination for the office of district attorney, subject to the May primar ies. If I am nominated and elected to this office, i promise not to forget tha fact that I am a public servant, and that 1 will to the beat of my ability administer the affair of the office, Impartially, lfnestiy and without fear or favor. Ar. NKWTON W. BORDEN The first of the year a number of republicans, Including many who ap proved of no efforts In the interest of the taxpayers as state representa tive four years ago, requested ma to become a candidate for the office of District Attorney, inasmuch as there would be, In addition to tbe regular duties of the criminal and Juvenile courts, new duties and conditions confronting the office. Among these were mentioned the enforcement of the prohibition act, and tbe likeli hood of having to foreclose many tax liens, particularly those against the Southern Pacific land grant of nearly half million acre In Jackson county, amounting to about K' Mv reply aa that I would become ft candidate If It were generally de- WANTED u' h,x' "" ' '' ' "" r ' '" UUhed liO 1 I - I ' I i e (jll lllut 0H would n hi ( ili ii M e will n nt ii lui on Bennett Investment Co. ICi rtl i,'Ute, Ixiaao, litwt.tU. liner, am .'. 10'i W. Mn si. I'Jmiiu fni;. iwhioxkd it) kfrp vor .lorrcr. i vni. rinttAT imixa itnc.ii (ONTIBrT 4 fend In Your Poem, atria Nothing Hcares the Kdltor. ! iVirle, here'x your chance to get famous. Send la a spring poem to tho Wheeze and take a c nance! If you win the prtte yon will be the proud posset aor of a self-boiling foun tain pen. If you don't win tbt prise you'll have your imem prlntd. any how, and that's so m thing that hasn't happened to a lot of people I S1MMXG. Wintr la now out of focus And I can go out In th gardn and pick a crocus Spring maks you feel like a faun And tonight my sweetheart gels the ring out of pawn Oh the balmy moonlight nights It fooms , That my lover and I get balmy .in tha beans. By Minnie Mildew. Jim Slcethera. our popular town alcoholic, was drunk Wednesday for the first time since he took the pledge ut the revival meeting Monday. sired a 3-1 the race could be made without assuming special obligation to any particular Individual, faction, locality or interest. Therefore, after consulting person ally or by letter several hundred men and women of all occupations In all parts of the county, believing there is a real desire for mv candi dacy, I will bo a candidate' for the nomination of District Attorney on the republican ticket. Adv. JOHN 11. CAItKLV. I am n candidate for tho office of district nttoruev on tho democrat ticket. If nominated and elected, I shall servo the county as I have served the City of Medford during the past three years, during which time I have been Its city attorney. Adv. II. It. M'CAIHC. coi'ntv cr.ieitic. O. A. (lanlncr is Itcpiihllcan Candi date for County Clerk I hereby announce mv candldncy for the office of county clerk and If nominated and elected will continue to give my entire time and attention I to the diitten thereof, conduct the office nccordlug to law and kIvo an (efficient, economical and buslnesa I like administration. I Adv. 0. A. OAUDXICIt. I herebr announce that I have filed my declaration of Intention to become a candidate tor the republi can nomination for the office of coun ty olerk, for Jackson county, sublect to the decision of the republican par ty, at the primary election to be held May 19, 1918. I" .Vdv. A. N. HlLDttimAND. COI'XTV ASSKMHOIt I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county assessor of Jackson county on the republican ticket, subject to the primary on May 19. I pledge myself to an honest, efficient, Impartial and econ omical discharge or the duties of the office and propose to make all assess ments upon the basin of the true actual value of tho property and not upon any Inflated valuation. Adv. OKOKOK LAU.N'BPACH. I herewith announce my candidacy tor county a. nessor, subject to the decision of the republican party at the primary election to be held May 19. 1916. If elected I pledge myself to make a Just and equitable assess ment and administer the affairs of 1 the office in a bunlness-llke manner. 'Adv. J. B. COLKMAN. I hereby announce my eandldacy for the democratic nomination for the office of assessor of Jackson county, at the primary to be held May 19th, 1918. Have had threw yeara' experience as deputy assessor. Adv. CLINT GALLATIN. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for county ashessor for ;Jakson county, Oregon, on the re . publican ticket, subject to the prl- luorles to bo held May 19. 1918. My platferm: Economy, equalitv and efficiency. J. C. I1KRKJNU. 'Adv. Candidate for countv assessor at republican prlieun eleitlon, May 19, ldlfi Thiee ji!ir eX)i I lenco cirri- WHY? CASH WAXTKD 0 acres Hear Creek bottom, TO jaerea In cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and i grain, easily irrigated. Las than ' S miles f rom Medford. !8v eaaa. Oaa of the beat buys in Jackson county. Bay when aud I will show I iron. ) J. C. BARNES le: V,et Mam St. I'iUipe 799 uomiw. I'e Mu'hvUte itiitrh choir h ot to set a new hnrltone Alf An demon can't sing as good a ha naetf to sine Doc Allers i tilled two of his front teoth. Tho town cammlitep held a moot ing last night to dlHrti the note in the mMdle of Main Mreet. The dis agreed on whether thev ought to pay to have tho hole filled up or whether they ought to wait for the spring rains to waah the mt of the road down to U level of tha bottom of the hole and level the road again that way. PACTS VOl' DON'T KNOW. That you couldn't play tha scales of a Halt and that ku can scale a fish oaaier than the Washington monument. .That tr a teal had feothera like an ostrich It would be a much more val uable animal than It is now. That a family tree needs trimming a tot more than a hall tree. That if a hen laid as many eggs aa a shad you could have a hard boiled egg every half minute for a week If you could hard boll thorn in a half minute. Xtn'ICU! N'ews la Hearee; If )ou See Any Send It to the i WIIKICZi: And Get Your Xame in the Paper. eal work making up assessment rolli and extending tax rolls, township 29 ami 30 North, It a nice I West, state of Michigan. Three oars aiseestr end member of county board of su pervisors, Olsego county. Michigan, Hlx years deputy assessor In Jackson i county. Oregon. If elected, practical : experience, common sense and btial I nes Judgment will be exercised In 1 making assessments Fictitious, , boom valuations will not be permit i ted. The greatest possible nccurncv ! and economv In field and ofrice work will he rlKldly enfoned. The most efficient administration that oxper i lenre, education and capability can 1 exact, in every department of this Important office, will be effected. Fair and courteous treatment extend i ed to all taxpayers. Integrity of purposH the governlnu fictor. Your 'support solicited. W. W. TltUAX. 1 Adv. j i I suimiiM'. I have heretofore formally an- nou need my candidacy for tho nomi nation for sheriff on the republican ticket to be voted upot. at the com ing primary election. May 19, 1918. I have held the position of deputy sheriff during the past four years. It is unanimously conceded that a mark et' Improvement bus ticen made In alt departments of the sheriff's of fice durlug the inrumtiency of the present sheriff, the records In tht of fice at the hcKliintng or the present administration were considered the worst In the state they are now ronatdored equal to any and better than most. The work of tax collection has been ayetematlred so that quicker and bet ter service is now being rendered, aud taxes collected at n much loss cost than heretofore. I am fully conversant with the du ties and needs of the office for which I aspire. If I am nominated and elected I plcdc myself: ist To maintain tha office In Its present efficient condition. 2nd. 'lo endeavor to further Im prove the servlct to taxpayers and to minimise the re thereof. 3rd. To Impartially perform all duties and enforce all laws K. W. flirty) WILSON. I am a candidate tor tha nomina tion of Sberirf on the republican ticket to be voted for at tha primaries May 19, 191 C. If nominated and elected I will en form the taw and give the public an honest. Impartial and efficient administration. S? years in Jackson county. Adv. HARRY N. LOKLASD. I hereby announce my eandldacy tor the republitan nomination for sheriff, to be voted on at tha coming primaries. Mav nth, 1916. I feel that I need no Introduction to the public, having been a resident f Jackson countv for SI veers. I pledge myself. If elected, to give au ini'iartlal, e oiiomlta! and con servative admlutiiiatlon of tbla im portant office. I have endvavoraU to aervo tbe public faithfully in tha past and agree. If elected, to strictly .and Impartially enforce all laws. Having a varv large experience In tha mat ters of taxation and knowing Jack son county thoroughly, I pledgo my self to conduct tiie tax Collection branch of tho ofiln In such a manner oa to mtih t'te intpavers booestly, promptly aud effhiently. Adv. W T. GRIKVN. I am a rartitidaie for tbe republi- NEW TODAY 'Today It is :,u acres with eUru Kood buildinus, and a pumping plant y acres floe alfalfa, grain or garden land. ." acres dand) oung pears, close to school and town. A real snap, Itr.oo A lu-urre tract, very sightly, close to Medford, IjUlldinga for rai-.ltiK .don b! ' o' I'd ed way down. Hoon-Cathcart Co. i . . i r . l ' if i ii i o'i'iii, siiti eel lo the prlnWv. way t iota I hnva Mved in .faction conntf twehe years, trade the race tot the nomination for sheriff two vegr ro and received a aplemild vofe desplfa the uflimisl rrmdHlons 1 had In np pfM and wontd appreciate your sup port ihft ftfti. if aaarted i tin anrofea an taws art jMedg myself la an awmomical, impartial aan ronaervanva aomiaie tmMgi. AfT. A. W WAfnXRR. I herehv announce my candidacy far the nomination for nhertff on tea democratic ticket, subject to tha will of tha toters at tha prltnarv to he held Mil' in 11 I am a native Lann of .Tncknon county and my en tire past life Is snniect to rnnr inves tigation. RALPH 0. jRNNlXnS. Adv. I hereby announce my candidacy far the democratic nomination for sheriff tp he voted on at the coming primaries. May 1. 1118. 1 have served tho city of Medford as chief of pollen for over five years and daring that time served nnder four different mayors. I pledge mvself. If nomi nated and elected, to serve the public and do my dulv as sheriff at alt times, and give the public an honest and Impartial administration. Adr. J. P. IIITTSON. COCVTV TRKASrilKlt. Depulv County Treasurer Mvrtle W. ltlakelev announces her candidacy for the office of county treasurer. I hereby annoiin'e m candidacy on the republican ticket for the of fice of county treasurer, to be voted on at tbe coming primaries. I have held the position as deputy In this office for the past year and am con fident that I enn fulfill the duties connected therewith. I served two years as deputv conn tv recorder before taking the posi tion as deputy county treasurer: 1 have also had experience as account ant for several corporation!, such as the Medford Concrete Construction eompnnv and Medford Ice and Stor age Company, before taking up coun ty work, and will sav that my past record Is open for Inspection to tha voters of Jackson countv. If nominated nnd elected I will run the office without the expense of a deputy nnd continue to servo the pub lic Just as efficient In the future a f have In the past. Adv. MYRTl.K W. BLAKKLKY. I hereby announce that I lmvo filed mv declaration of Intention to be come a candidate for the republican nomination for the office of county treasurer, to be voted on In the com ing primaries. If I am nominated anil elected will conduct tbe office In an efficient and businesslike manner. Adv. KOY L. MAULK. I hereby announce thsr l am n can didate for the nomination of county treasurer for Jackson county, Oregon, on the republican ticket to he voted for at the primary election to be held Mav in. 1918. I formerly held the office of county treasurer and believe I gave general satisfaction to the public. During the time I was rountv treas urer the county employed expert ac countants to expert the county offi cers' books and said experts compli mented my work very highly as a public official. If nominated and elected I shall endeavor to conduct the affairs of th office In an honest, efficient ami busl-neis-llk manner . Adv. JAS. M. CHONKMILLHIt. covxtv sri'iciu.NTKVim.VT. I hereby announce my randldacy on the republican ticket for the of fice of County School Superintend ent for Jackson county. Oregon, sub Joct to the will of the republican party at the primary election May 19. I stand for practical school ef ficiency, personal supervision of the schools and elimination of oounty hci.ioI supervisors. Ad . FRANCIS C. SMITH. To the vol era: I am republican candidate for county school super intendent at tha primary (action, May 19, 1918. I am for iiipervlrlon of the schools by tha superintendent and for econ omy In tha county superintendent's office and every place where it dims not retard tha efficiency of tha schools. I am in favor of progressiva educa tion, that Is, education that prepares the boy or girl for life, t am for all having g aquaro deal and an equal chance for an education. ir nominated and elected will do every thing in mv power to make the schools of Jackson county tha beat in tho atute. Adr. A. J. HANHT. T hnrebv announce that I have filed mv declaration or lu tent lone, and that I am a candidate for tha re publican nomination for tha office of County School Superintendent of Jackson countv, subject to tbe prf marina of Mav 19 If nominated and electeu I pledge mvself tinn honest Impartial and econoinb administration and will personally supervise our schools. I hold an Oregon life certificate, and having recently spent four aea ilon on preparatoiv work, both In the t'nlversltv of Oreaon and in tha ITnlvrslty of California in the study of modern edu'itlon and supervi sion, and havlim nerved the county as rural school supervisor for two w-uiii, I feel competent to fill tha of fice In a thoroughly satisfactory man ner and hereby solicit tbe support of every true friend of education. Adv. Q. W. AOBR. I am a candidate for tha republi can nomination for Countv School Superintendent. I stand for- A eon tlnuance of inogrcslve policies In education, economv ennslstnnt with efficiency, equal educational advan-j tages for tba tovs and girls on the farms with those In the cities and towns If nominated and alectad I will In tbe future, as in the past, glva my full time and best efforts to tha suii rvli-ion of il e schools and the ad mlntstratloe of the dull of the of flie During mv Incumbency I have not conflncsl mvself sfrb'tlv to the ro t'm d i I of !'! nff'd ii tlae t 1 i n ,i lii ii ! i. i I . i i ii 1 nf t . I ii il. I '; ok i i, . i J I ! nt in a t 'iip.n lo m '"of -i r ?'.. ''tr -tnnilnrd of fe'ichloi 1d imnrme iNa ptMlcl roiMlflots df sel.eol I have tatvrfAf fa araiMte fha mrifnr of the hms and girls fhfo'igb tndnsfrlsl clubs, fimi1 fairs, school credits for home worn, parent. acher flfeles spelling and arithmetic contest!, anif other aclftrrles I feel thai my work hat ha regarded with fsvof and In order to continue this work, I am asking IW ra-aiection. AJ. J. I5HCT WBlJLi 10K hm mnjl wssjsnseaawsasM nsisaaasasanaaaafcsassswssananjsg) FOR HRNT A 8-rnom strleilv mod ern htmgalow. fall 42.'. N Holly, .11 I I. .n.. I HI MMI WIN FOR RUNT S-room modern bnnga- low, garden, lawn shade, fine wa ter. 8 JO W. 1 3th. 30 113. - Ji rtH HU.fttrtvrBVitJOn; FOR KALH Or trade, one fine bred black horse, surrey, new harness. KrttSchle, Route 2. Medford. 33 FOR SALE No. 1 young, fresh. Hoi-stein-Jersey cow, with heifer calf, Klla Rroomfleld, South Peach. 37 FOR SALE Thoroughbred wire haired Kngtlah terrier dog, 3 mos. eld: owner going awav: must sell Call Union Livery Stables. 38 FOR SALE One light orchard team, harness and ngon, Jersey cow, A-1 Milwaukee mower", self dump McCormack rake single horse cul tivator, light two-seated spring wagon, csnopv top buggy. Mrs D. M. MrXasser, Central Point, Phone. 3S FOR BALK 75 head of high grade Angoras and this spring's crop of kids, does and buck from the fa mous Itlddell band. Price $27T.. Phone Prospect, Claude Moore, Persist. Ore. 31 FOR SALIC Four or 6 Jersey cows, three Jersey calves, one Jersey bull will sell or exchange for second hand Ford car. M. Marshall, Cen tral Point. 26 FOR 8ALR Freari milk goata at re duced rates. Mrs. L. Dusenbury, Climax, Ore. FOR HALU MISimit.lW7HOUH FOR "'sAI.rVTwin "cylinder'Merkel motorcycle in good condition, at a bargain. Walker's Oarage. 37 FOR 8ALR Kastern corn In bulk, f.18 per ton. tiring vour sacks with you. Central Point Packing Co. 30 FORSAI.K -Uood refrigerator cheap. Phono 393-11. 27 FOR SALK -Hays' I -horse spray rig, complete, good aa new; cheap for cash. Also Iron frame ball bearing Davenport wagon. Itox T. K. Mali Tribune. 27 FOR SALK-Sell your 8. II. (ireen Trading stamps. 1 100 N. W. Hank Itldg., Portland. 47 FOR SALU drain or alfalfa hay. Phone 310. 37 FOR SALIC- Piano, mahogany rase, bargain, cash or terms. 316 X. drape. 28 FOR SALIC Good range cheap, and some furniture. 308 North Roose velt. 26 FOR SALE --Bead corn and grain hay; also pasture. Phone B91-J3. C. W. Isaacs. FOR SALK--Seed corn. Phone 689-J1. K. II. Hall. 37 FOR BALK Seat revers: one man lops at A. D. Little Top Worka, 106 X. Front at., near S. P. station. 21 FOR SALK Overland roadster. See K. A. Hicks, Manager, Oregon Granite Co FOR HA Lie POin.TRV AND IIOOS svawava asasnasssMassai FOR SALK - Thoroughbred Mam moth Uronice I ii ike v eggs, first prn. zic; iccoud. 20c each. Winn, Wollen, Ore 30 FOR SALK - Prise winning light Urahma birds and eggs. Phone or write C. Caray. Talent, Ore. IIUI.P WAXTKP PHMAMI WANT R ii" Woman 1 3 0 "for distrlbuU ing freo skeins Wear-Proof darn ing cotton with hosiery, your sec tion. Kxperlenre unnecessary. In ternational Mills, dept. 700, Nor irstown. Pa. 42 IIICI.I' WAXTHI1 .Male or Peine I e WAN'TUIV- Man or woman of good education und personullts to leuro- henl Kell-kliowu school. Address Kduralion, care Mail Tribune 37 LMHKM and gentlemen add to your Income, become highly paid ropre siiitutlviM of Indestructible pearls Send address und e will send ku tuple and booklet Rogoa Co, 2 1 ". Fourth ave , New Fork 38 WANTKI) -Live agents, salesmen, saleswomen. Your opportunity, wonderful seller. Just out house hold and business bouse necesslt). repeat oiders, permanent business, free territory Sample and partic ulars 4 stamps mailing chargsi. I loan Bpuclalties Co. 7 Tulor st . San Francisco, Cat .'i. AUSCJSLLAXWWS. ACT qi'K'K' Automobile gasoline go ing up. Httll dsu-Tonlc. equuls Katiolliie at 3c a gallon, eliminates carbon Dollar au hour profit; sale guaranteed White Mfg Co., Ii tit Wi, Cincinnati, Ohio. 2i iilN'lil' ItllKt'M TISM OIL, an ex iilliiit rt uiedv for rheumatism. iini.ilm.i hi iff iwolieu aud sore !m;i, i- I'iIiI Uiiil. .''ie; full site f I W nt. I'ln. I i Oil Co., 370. First avt., mv Wash 26 .MIS'l) CONTROL V iTlNHRKLH'W TIIK HODY IN llALIXU Btrlct I1. Hclfiittrii . lie discovery Learn hott I. .-ri well postal brings in ' HI i-ir.ili il 'ion Ii l l'o op . ' 1 1 ili i i ill .nil I I i i. ii il l.lil. hi Uli' , lab. tai'Mi 1fn). ffR RfVT fgjfif..nn fa Mt The fterr-in it ft lm if, ' wa. fRD Agents, men 4mvn, fm gartlenlaff anil at 91 I. ftr rt Wadford, 0e 10 's m. to 1 p. m It row iWlirr-tfaurtM.miarltrS VV angaSjBSBaasssjpskariBaanaWaHBas FOR RRXT- 1 m 1 acres Irrigated gardr ar beet land: hwWslnsgti near Mr 'nrd. Als kwraa taf gil. Phone s i ' ? evening. WA WW m - nai.uAlsltrW' 10010 ..nfc .. ..i KWMS" WAXTKD A few yowMt alga. .1. K. Dnnbar, Madrana Park. 36 WAMTBldsacks! Laava at Tnr pin's blacksmith shop. .MOXIIV TO l.Ort.N saajsaatiamsaaassa MONEY TO LOAN -On Improved city mercantile property. MeCwrdy Insurance Agency. TO LOAN $1 800 on Improved ranch nolmaa the insurance Kan. MUSIXKflS 1MXHOTORY Auto HRpptlee LAHKR AUTO SPRING CO. -We are operating the Inrgeat, eldest and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 3ft North Fifteenth tit, Portland. Ore. Attorneys ORO. W. CIIKRRY Attorney and Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun ty Rank Rulldlng, entrsnoe N. Central, Medford, Ore. PORTKIl J. NBFF Attorney nt law, rooms 8 and 9. Mctftfartl National Hank Utilldlng. A. K. RBAMK8, LAWYMIt Qamett Corey blilg. , 0. M. R0BKRT8 Lawyer. Medford National Dank Building. Collections. COLLECTIONS AND RBPOUTS We collected some accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to got the money. The Uutloek Mercantile Agency, Inc., Ilouiim 1, 2, 3, IliS kiut' llliig., 216 K. Malnnt. Dentists Dr. W. M. VAN 8COTOO DR. O. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists OnrnattCorey Illdg., ulte 310 Meiiront, Ore. Phone 8(6. Collections and Itcportt DR. FRANK HOBRIlTS -Dentist. M. F. A 11. Rldg. Office Hours 8.30to 13; 1 to 6. Phone 607-R. Knglneer aul Con tractor F?tBl)r'cUMMiNbs8nRln eoutnictor, 404 M. F. & U. Bldg. Surveys,, eattntatoe, Irrigation drainage, orchard and Uuil Im provement. liisiimnee. BARL S. TUMY General Insurance office, Fire, Automoblla, Accident, Liability, Pinto Glass, Contract, and Surety Bonds. Kxeelleat co Hi pa n lea, good local service. No. 210 Oaruett-Cora Bldg. Inetructlnii to Stasia S.. . SfcjMSh'S..S . iB FRKD ALTON HAIOHT, teacher of piano and harmony. Composer and arranger of music. Height Music Studio, 401 Oaraatt-Oorey building. BLISS HEINK Teacher of Violin. Music furnished for all occasions. Prices reasonable. Studio 1131 K. Main 8t., Phono 303-J8. Onrbnge OARHAOB Oat your vremlsei eleanad up for tha auutmar. Call on the city garbage wagons, for good servioa. Pboae tft-L. F Y. Allan. S1 Plirelcianii ami aergaoai DR. F. Q. CARLOW, DR. RVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-117 Oarnett-Corey bldg., phone 1036-L. Naatdeae 36 South laurel at DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 Oarnatt-Oorey hulldlag. Pboae 130. DR. J. J. EM MF.NS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, mr. nose aud throat. Byaa aetea tlftcally tasted and Klaaaan sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst tor 8. P. R. R. Co Offices M. F. H. Co bldg, opposite P. O. Phone 667. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon Phones, of flea 36, resi dence 724-J. Offloa hours. 10 t 13. 3 to 6. OrT MARTIN O. BARBBR PhyiuV Ian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 13. 1 to t. Phoaa HO-J Printer and Ph1JIim' sussajsaa MBDFORD PUINTINQ CO., haa U boat equipped prinking oftca In aoutbern Oregen: book UladlnK. looaa laaf ledgers, billing syatawa, ate. Portland prlcaa. 17 North Fir at. Tmnafara BADS TRANSFER ft 8TORAOB C6, Office 13 North Front at. Faaa 316. Prlcaa right, larrtoa gar sati. Sawing MaaniHee toKR's!i 'ijco machinbTfov BALE OH RKNT lone used m ehlnes slso for sale Cleaning and repairing Baldwin Piano for sale from futor to customer Rest joucu :ti Jiu. Ceuital. l'Uuue 30, MiR 'J. if it'