vir f.-uw r iir rif. -rv-rv - VKDPOHO IWAIIi IHJIJUNR SHAKESPEARE i.lffillf tfiirlf Di'i, i k Mil' f li'-ml A l, if i l c I I ' " ' ' f i Kdlth Hof abonf tho fiirM' Hiking 1 A m. Youna if.n .-"fr , I fifol'l iwedfokt) frr, TftTnrNK mniroRn, om'.ov - , 0 .1 I Ml M rtii III N I INI off-, iii rnr.m. RulMlflK ll'17-f Ifffi Mr rtfpM tiphrn J f -arTB rsflc Tlnv fti fofl MM, rtw Mritforti Trfcuna. ftp era OrnMUM, Th Aattlamf Train wd Tffcun. Th ajoatn SBHBORIITjeK KATX One msm fc mat . 'ne sjonta b mall - ., a - maniit wtvrM ir earner IfnM H.rnlr taehiannrlll rtra' Pnlni I So I ) l if, ... f i F V if .: l7. , .1, b ". f aar ,r i, 'V f Wtn-r1 f.l ifMl '. I i I i. - ' l nnltt.f Or.mi M.fir tfc of Mnrn stwet GtreNlaUmi far II4, . PifU l tri kad w1r Ammetalml ! ill HHhweriberi railing to re cwive naper promptly, phone r.lreulatlon Manaaer t 2S0-It HONG KONG KOLUM All.UlilliK Mill That! TIib inHii of Krrat financial prom Inenett hail met with mi iicililent. "We'll have to piolie," nhIiI Hid doctor. Jmt nt that moment the man ih covered consciousness ami exclalm otl: "It ilia a surgical operation ao ahead, lait If It'i another IiivhmKmh Hob, hIvq A'h anesthetic." Missouri .Mule. e Toollisimo Pound A gold tooth In a pie at the Iowa Union (tie social the other from II. H. OleH ICtiier Cor. or the I'hllllpaburK (Kan.) I 'oat. . Tin llelott .Miitrliiionlnl Nollco From t liiat dato forth 1 will not ho reepoualble for any- ilehta contracted by my wife. W. M. IWIKIHA.M. February S7, 1918. i.Votloe I ran prove that I have nevor contracted any hllla In the nnmo or V. M. IlurKham ami also thnt he botiKht me only one dress In 1 1 your. Mlt. N. .1. IIUHOIIAM. - Adva. In the ICaat Palestine (O.) Loader. A gnwl deal of cloth noes to waist lit a fat man 'I trousers. . Tim mmI Old Stuff. The following written on the beck ef nn envelope wm picked up on the ground at a natherlnit r aViuth Car ftllMlana ami la yiMtal to be the h4t or the aMMch which one ol the orator delivered and which he had jotted down beferehand: Ood knowa-t- Thd fnr women ! ' prr-nt atr I h1 od Vetera na -- ttrMthea there a wan- Pnwlllar fea JeJts limp Brnlltude ColumblH Blale. 'IVtUjV lUdlHiiMDr IOttK-aufferitiK Kniployer Oood frMtoua, girl. I acnt you to get me it poet carda nearly an hour ago' Whal'a kepi your Kow Office airl (war aulatltute Wail, air, I had to pick 'em out. 1 wua't my aure which you'd like taat. ao I got half actreaara and halt oowlci London opinion. S (1h (.Mil cm i1m Mlm V man will poki-t U pride, but mokt women hadn't any. Wo are not going to tiro our pa ilu readera ti naming thowi who W aiik. we will any thoau ho were leg ImI wtNk at allghtly Improved, exception, however. ROGER SULLIVAN TALKS FOR PRESIDENT mrinuk;ki.h. hi. April :-.' - One feeble no" on renolutlona en drlHg l'reld-ni Wilaou and the dmlnlatratlou,.. b Uoveruor Dttttlie, waa the onl !nhnrmunlou word ralaed in th denutcruili' Htale eouveflUoB here todu Kverythlug In thr i-onventton u af accumulative ovldenoe of the con trol of the demwralic pan in 1 111 MOta by Hoger Bullivan. duini.itii' national ronimltleoman wiu u elected ebairiuau of the IIIIhoh dt li gation to the national contention in St. Lou la. Udr. HuIIUbu In a apetwh pruiwd the president courae In Internaiiuu- al sffaira and urged hi aupporterk to begin Immediately to "work for the re-olecilou of Woodrow Wilson Nunilnatlonx .md a platform were left to comiuttu i which Heie i.i mftko their teruniHUudutinu to lh coovcnilon wbio it uteeu hem kVt tcmlicr id. ri Tflo ywlford Mid Wt, Pitt Cigars. -j rlllrAOO iltdtff, with A fltllibilitv that clffiiki un'u-tv of tuition Iiv irrnvrlv Hhnkoonrt h dcriaion nvmt iK'fitting that rfiitor of jwkinjf-hoiwe riiHnrt. Urrtibtlcw Armour or Hwift furti tHiiffi thf bwon. ('(lining on the (Iircc huiulrfdOi nnnivcrwiry, olwcn-cd April 2'A, of ShnkcujK'nrc'n rlrntli, the dcfinion in worthy of IifiMnitifrrninmonl only Imthimip it rmhaix(ft tho futility of intHIcctiinl liilliputiAiiri trying to tnpnure tho iiitpllcptimi fJuIIivor of all lilonttiiH' evt-n with the rlearer vision of the intervening eenlurics. No generation i fit to jjiisk .judgnient upon its own creations, as it lacks the necessary perspective. Yet there is abundant evidence that .Shakespeare wns highly appre ciated in his own day by the limited few capable of appre ciation. And with each of the three hundred intervening years as humanity developed, has grown the appreciation of ins transcendant genius. William Shakespeare is the greatest product of English civilization, perhaps the greatest of European civiliza tion. Yet of none of the world's great figures is so little known about the personality of the man. Of compara tively unknown origin, what we know is largely based upon tradition. He was the perfect flower of the later Renais sance, of the largeness of the Elizabethan period when England became a nation and awoke to the vision of world power. Poet,-player and playwright, he reached heights never belore or since Shakespearean drama is and incoherent. He sounded and of human exaltation. The vast comprehensiveness of his creative impulse swept through all the emotions hu manity can experience. Every phase of life is explored and portrayed by the master's hand. His vocabulary was greater than that of any English writer. J lis sonnets give a vision of his dissatisfied, passionate soul. Shakespeare will always be elusive and enigmatic be hind his divers masks. So little is known or can be known of his individuality, except as portrayed in his works which show the development of the master magician who so enriched the world that today there is not a hamlet in all the land that is not paying sincere tribute to his mem ory. THROUGH COLORED LENSES ' THOSE who view the world through colored glasses find it strangely altered, with the sunlight missing. Similarly those who view it through the distorted vision of corrupt ion see only a corrupt world with the sunlight of honest v eliminated. The irrafter's tainted lenses behold only a tainted universe, anil crooks' perverted vision mir ror the zig-zag projections of themselves. Mecause the Mail Tribune criticised the action of County Clerk (Sarduer in disfranchising pioneers and citi zens against the advice of the county's legal adviser, citi zens whose naturalization has been admitted by the United States government, the Ashland Tidings (which only this week proved its public spirit by securing an option on hind at the entrance of city park and attempted to force its pur chase by the city at an increase m price ol 1000 over the option), unable to find a valid defense of Mr. (Gardner, assails the Mail Tribune and attributes a sinister motive for ti just criticism of a public official because only such motives inspire criticism by the Tidings, which asserts: "The foundation of the Mall Tribune' anlmua Ilea In the fact that County Clerk (iardner refuaed to turn nil of the county prlntlHg over to the Mall Tribune and Ita aide lUhl, the Med ford 1'rlntliiK company, with out blda and at whatever price the eomwlence of the aitld Mall Trlbuue chow to dictate. Gardner Inalated that he owed moro to the taxpayer ttiftM to the ilall Tribune, and aked all the printer of the county to bid on the work and then let It to the loweet bidder." Some such conditions would inspire criticism by the Tidings, if its own m'intiiig was involved, but these condi tions do not exist. The entire statement is false. My order of the county court, all printing is awarded by the county court to the lowest bidder, and has been for a long time. The county clerk's activity in persistently sending work outside the county by seeking bids from firms that paid no taxes and supported no payrolls in southern Oregon, who proved their Portland spirit by publicly announcing that they would take the work at iess than cost to ruin local industry, resulted in an order from the county court in favor of home industry. If the Mail Tribune shared the grasping pi-ojH'nsilies of its virtuous eonteuijorary or hail liven conducted on the grafting order, it would have accepted the Tidings' pro jMsal to charge the legal rate off) cents per line for print ing county proceedings and exchange the type instead of cutting the rate in two, over the Tidings' protest and forc ing it to the reduced rate. No, the Mail Tribune has no business or personal quar rel with Mr. I iardner, but is merely criticising his narrow ness of visum in the abuse of his power us a public official. He takes himself too seriouslv. " w - At the Churches J .inH'k 1 eiutetU-Hl I.hiIhm-kii Cliutvlt Fourth and Oakdale Avenue. Hr lr. W it Moreiu-Oeacr, paator. Hunda) Mhoel 10 . n. Hauler aervire (KuglUh) 11 n m t'elehration of the Lord Supper. All Lutheran are tordiull in vited. Sm'iiU Im, Adveufit Clitinh North Ritride avenue. M.'0t owry Sabbath (Saturday) to;Uiliuih m'hool ion m llnirti. mlnaion utility. II ' i. Y " u n iHtoiiU'i meeting Suud.N eemu S tii l'rtr utDeting NVeUuvkUa) eHn tug 7 3d p. . 1 irt i'lmrfli f (tkilK iK'imt Prune)) of the Motr cut',. the ,1111 that iilmtird, unfathomable 111- the pidl'Mary, hasnfklcfl to the flrf)rlincr thnt Hnron wrotr attained. Jle was tor all time. magnihccnt though rough the depths of human misery Firm Church af ChrUt SckmtUt tn Hoton, Maaa. Sunda ervicp at It o'clock. Sub je. i "Probation After Ueath " Wednesday evening meeting at lilih testimonies of Christian Sci ence healings are glveu, !s o'clock. All are cordially invited. Suudaj school at D t5 All uudr hki of 30 are welcome. le.idiiiK room in church edifice, "'i North iakdali, open from 1 .! to i :o dull), except Sutulax ,ind liolld. Jiiikvunlllo .MitlimllNt riKiil, ltobert liutihinsun. pontor Sunday hool 1p n m ) can dill 'kiiiorinten4eni Tin .iticndauco lei'eiitly i vt oumur.igtug b,t tike ttto'dr Twlwt. We w.ijtt nnt " K U'tM'tll LUKU4' I H ,' m, Tjiiv A; Helving UdMil " n J ait1 c U'iiiik mum a u'w le u- ir w ire j iftna,' i tig tnlo..- v uc t cltth h" In organlflng I I'll' ill'- IF .IIHRIMflllR ( ' "n" '!'! .'!., ''rr'"' .."--' n if .r Van rown of AaHlander wift-gwak. lnMlraflonai rv will prfh the aermon o Hnday morning at 1 1 o'clock Ton fM'l f. ford to ml hla meaaag Th pMtor will preach at the even ing frrlce There will also be epe clal mnalc at Lhta aervlre. a Alwaya a welcome to everybody at the Mel hod let church, where the goapel, the whole gopel and nothing hut the toepel la preached. .fiM'knoivllItt lv-ftyerl. Xornlng worehlp with appropriate muelc and lermen at 11 o'eloek. A tolo melee ted) by Mr. Sober t Henna. Kaater anthem by the full chortta choir. At the evening aerrlce there will be aperlal Kaater muaic and the ter mon will be appropriate to the day. l'tvi .MetliiHllit. (Corner Tonth and Ivy.) Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. An Haatern lermon by Hov. J. W. Sharpo. Preaching, 8 p. m., mibject, "The Sinn of ApoHtasy." Prenchlnx. 7:30 p. m.. eubjoct. "Tho Condition and Final Doom or the Lost." Other orvleo during the wook to Ik) announced Inter. You aro Invited to thoeo sorvlcoa. They aro rroo to nil. There will ho proachlnK at Orirrin crook ncliool Iiouho In the inornlnR nt 1 1 o'clock. St. .Mnrk'.s KihcouiI. MomliiK orvlce Procoaalonnl. "Joatia ChrUt U Itlien Today.".... Morgan Kyrlo Crulckdhank Gloria Tint Ortilckahank Oratlaa Tlbl Crulckaliank Credo Crulekhank "ThcStrlfo I O'or," Paloatrina Anthem. "Why Seek Ye the Living Among tho Doad." Clare Ofrortory, " Praise God From Whom," Old Hundredth 8uratim Cordn (lowor Sanctua Crulckahnnk llonodlctua Crulckahank Agnua Del Crulckahnnk Olorln In KxcoUls Old Chant Anion (iowor Nunc DlmltlH (lower ItGcoefllonnl. "Come Ye Faithful," Sullivan Onkliile Awmio Methodist. Sunday school at 9:15. Pj.oachlng at It a. in. Subject: "An Kaater Moesnge." Sacrniuuut of the Lord' Supper. Hvonliig at 8 o'clock an Kaater program will be randerod a follows. Soiik .. . "Awakening Chorus " gong "The Wondorou Stor." Prayer by W. C. like. lllble losson and address, Hev. II. M. liranham. Chorus by the school. Recitation, Adeline Hoard man. Kercl, The Kaater Lilies. Vocal solo, Mis Mutilee Ilrandon ltecltatlon, Andrla ltoberti. Kxerclao, The Seed So wen. S4ing. "In the Oarden." ltecltatlon, llurrl MeCIaln. Vocal duet. Hoee and Ituth Hill ing. Kxercl, The Opon Door. llttnedlctloii. Prayer meeting Thursday ovenlng. Strangers a,.e always welcome. Pnwdijterlnn (.liureli. Services at It a. m.. conducted by Dr. Allen Moore, aeeleted by the reg ular choir. Mr. Ilalght at the pipe organ and the quartet consisting or Mr. Ouy Chlldew. Mm. lid Oore, Mr. Core and (ieorge Andrews, Miss Ines Cross, accompanist. Or khu voluntary, Mr. Ilalght. Invocation and Lord's Prayer. (Iloria. Hymn, choir and congregation. Kesponsite reading, selection. Quartet. Jubilate Dee. Uudle Huck. Scripture readlnp, Dr. Moore. Prayer followed by response by the oholr. Solo, "That Sweet SUry of Old" (West), Mrs. Oore. Announcement. Olio solo, -The Hoaary" CXevlne) Frank II. Anderaon, Uaater song. "As It llegan to Dawn" (Cha(in, quartet. Sermon. Theme: "The Place and the Scene of the Resurrection." Dr. Moore. Hymn. "I-ow In the Cirave He Lay." quartet in costume. etingtng. holr and congregation, hmn No. lot. Uenediition. I'ifl ltuKit (liiinh. Frederick W Carstens, pastor. A live church with a cordial wel come " lu on n ni Hlble Dihool Or t:aul'd I.i-- s for all grades, torn pi lent tij.U. r- imd siiuuik Its son sui'ie.t T' e Uinn Christ'" 11 tn' a i" . oiriiiou ') t e r-istor whtt'i'l "T'ic Ile-urre tion of the JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER l Ally Alsnt s. s nAitriJiTr PlMMie H 1 and 47-JS .imbolaana So)-vto CVvoaas If. Mim Nora fmlr. mfMfin Th 1 1 -The place where young po- pie Hhe to go 7.30 p m, nermow hy the pee, tor, auhject- ,'The Keanrrertlog of Omr t and the Chrletlan Sabbat h, or Why Chrletlan Ought Not Keep the Seventh Day Sabbath" Thla le a (heme which I got often dlaeneeed, bat In which maay, nasy pereon are deeply Intereeted. Special mnair, orcheatra playa at thla aervlce. Maptlsmat ervlce. Come early to get a good eeat. llonee peeked every Sanday sight. Cntliollc Clinrcli South Oakdale avenue. First mesa on Waster at 8 a. m. Second mass at 11 a. m. will be solemn high, Hev. J. Powers, cele brant, Hev. Hugh Gallagher, C. S. C, deacon, and Hev. W. Meagher sub deacon. Hev. Hugh Oaltagher. C. S. C, will preach at second mass. Kastur musical pregram: The choir will sing La Heche's main. The processional will be from Gou nod. Offertory, Reglna Coell, by Dubois. Soloist, Mr. George Andrews ijml Miss Oeraldlno Thels. Solo during ma, Mprano, Mrs. J. WIlkltiRon; alto, Mlsio (trace Drier, Patricia and Ilortllle Miksche. Ilenedlctlon Immediately after mnsfi. During bonodlctlon oratorio by Umlilllotlo. Soloist. Mr. Wilkin son, Mrs. Andrew and Miss Thelsa. Violin accompanists during mass and bouedlction. Mies Irene Sullivan and Mis lone Flynn. Heceftlonal, organ and violins, The Priest's March, from "Athalla" by Mendelssohn. I'lr-t nirltlnii Cliuivh Corner Ninth and Oakdale. Wo cordially invite all to our Kas- ter servlco. Wo aim to make this a groat day; a feast of good things. Mimical program at oach service. A groat chorus. Sermon 10: IK a. m. Kastor. "First Fruit." Kvenlng S:00, subject, "Hoveallng of Sons of Ood." IlaptlRiual at ovenlng service. Sunday achonl 8: 15. The primary dopartmeut will give a splendid Kas tor progrnm at Sundav school hour Special mimical nnii'liorn for the rn n I! TTANS fill yo' pipes If c with VELVET an' "pull" for the a Home Team, yt Mriiiiirny ' jji-1 f? THE UNIVERSAL CAR Willi -. Immlnd anker.-- it' anttiinohiicA in Annum, tlie Kurd tuctorv turns nut more than III nnc-lialt' of the entire fimbfd product. Bceaue the wmth of Kurd care a dependable, money. v.ixmi; utilities haa been dcwont rated beyond .ill iiction, the demand U contautlv increa- III IIJ mi; Otder ouri NOW. Kunubout J90; Tour- II inu' tir$!40; t'ouiielet V0; Town Car t40: Sedan t740. All irue l". o. b. Detioit. Ou ale I at Sparta bin I dun;. I C. E. GATES J-;as Tunis If OiMi't.l. I II 1 1 4aTmJS)'LJ jm IWf gamglallWMalagsWllsJlleWsWsjaps 1 1 i - "i .. -yasiUis,eJwAfia)baMMs ssaj(fcWej nssss iy,i im, sxeaaai mtM9 mlffl fJiorn. ' Th Angel," Rubcntln of women ' volcef Solo, ' AMrfa With Me", Tlddlf Mies ftee Bryan. Solo, selected. Mff. .1. M. Oreeslv tMet, ' Love Dfvlfte', SehSogMHcor MIm Ben Bryan, tw. w. W. lit- ard Solo, R. If. McCordy Rvealng service preceded hy "v oral orchestral number. Mr. Lou .lone accompanist. Miss Ines Coffin, choir director Marry K. Tucker, minister. Flftl MutlrtxIM Clmrclt Dr. J. C. Holllns. paatof. Services for Easter Sunday as fol fel fol eows: The day begins with a sunrise de votional service by the Kpwortli League at (1:30 a. tn. The Sunday school gainers at : l ' The hour will be devoted to an Kaa ter program by the school. The Kpworth League devotional service at 8: 16 p. m. Public worship at 11 x. m. and S p. m. Dr. Holllns will preach, theme: "The Steadfast Anchorage of Hope." Following Is the musical program for the morning service: Anthem by the full vested oho I r "They Have Taken Away My Lord", by Harrington. Tenor solo, "Angels Hell the Stone Away", Mr. Clarence Meeker. Anthem, "As It llegan to Dawn". Hawley. The processional and rocosslonal numbers will be Master hymns ot pralie. At the evening hour a special mus ical program Is arranged: Anthem by the vented choir, "Christ the Ixml Is Itlion Today", Haven. Mixed quartet, "The Magdalono", Warren. Anthem, "Christ Our Passover," Schilling. Soprano solo, Mrs. V. M. Van Scoyoc. "Hlso Glorious Conqueror." Heading, Mrs. Lynette Hovlous, "King Hobert or Sicily." orrertory. violin duet, "Mrs. Dad dyeman and Prof. Hoot. Anthem, the choir, "Lord Now Victorious", Mascagul. "Tho Kvenlng Atler the Down " Dr. HolIIn. Tho decoration will be appropri ate to the KnMer occasion. The pub lic I cordlnllv Invited to worship with u ty? 3nESH3E SffAl ' .'?-YlT& iVfUsC'"'. TODAY MAOAZIXK DAY. 300 of the latest motion plcturo magazine glveu to the first 300 pa trons. A Ql'AltTIMt SHOW KOK Rcml 10c Self-sacrifice on the part of n lov ing wife Is the appealing theme In tho Mutual mastcridrturo DeLuxe Edi tion The Haunted Manor I A l"li-it PjcliooKlcnl llmmii I lilt It Will Appeal to All. Fatal Bumping Tliiiusiml l'et of lc)Moiu ComiMly Willi a I mmli in l'erj nnl. CHARLIE CHAPLIN MABEL NORMAND In i liin i-lliH-l Chaplin (Vinuly. Charlie's First Vacation Will It." sIiohh Mimliiy With the All. iin:i'lj (mill ItiMtstor Play MARY'S LAMB I caturing tho Popular Slur IIICIIAUI) CAUL I' I flit -reel show, all comedy. You ill laiiKh from the time the firat i el goes ou until the last one coutoe off. MUIY PMKIOHI) MONDAY i "miimi: hi rrKiti'LV." Sonut'iiiirf ' 1);k'i than over com Bee Supplies A COMPLETE LINE Consisting of BEE HIVES BEE SECTIONS BROOD FRAMES SEPARATORS EXCLUDING BOAHDS BEE BRUSHES HIVE SCRAPERS SECTION PRESSES SMOKERS WIRE IMBEDDERS VEILS BEE ESCAPES QUEEN AND DRONE TRAP FOUNDATION WAX Get our prices before putting In your supply. MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. VI r Vnm St. Medford House Movers Wo Move HOURS, BARNS, GARAGES, ! MACHINERY, F,tc. Pit-ma 4BH-H' 'mlSiJjni, . gM w mm Wm m t