Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    ' fi r
f I !' m, ! i
i n wont), fii.i o ii,'fi fi;ir 'i. t'iii.
' I
: .-.
; "mum tf fikrr nmz$x fit
T, K Ppnelnck. KM-rHnrv of tli , Tn thr K.lilor
f?wa DvlpiiMwt company wriiiw I j nm f, f ,), w, ,,,r ,,,(,
Ihhm l)Mt rftjr l Bwtry l.nm nt ,, , ,,,,,. , , ,.,,,,,
tn MMfora iBwmercMii rnn, to u
i. ,i I . h ..
, ni p . a . , . i.
ti 111111 i sluliil- ii rln
I it If 'tlllf , ll. I lll'll'
ll . I tut of j
I till lllll II
I'ii fin run -I'll-
fl the hiirh
effort that RrMt dnl of ratba
lum ha bMW areuaed In Humboldt
county Tr the proponed railroad
from Medford toward Ifnmbolrft bay
and thai the annotation la doing all
In It power to aatatthe lamiM form
ed In February at Yrka by alt of tao
ronntloa conernd "
RoproaoniallVM of that rompany
tiaro bn to all of the la rue towtw
In the territory affected and, there
fore, internaied In the propoaod road
and aecured from all of tho Hvl or
Kanlaalloni Ixttera and rcaoliilloni
oncftrnlng their i ntrat In the plan
of the league, which known on rerorrt
nx the California and Oregon DitO'l
opment aaaoclatliin. Thl data lia
i-oi'H Iui-mmI over to the Iluinholdt
county aupervleora. It la Mr. l'eaa
liiik'a opinion that the lattnr will up
inoprlate finnn lj wny of pmmotltiK
the work neoeaaary to he ilone to rom
lili'te prelltHlnary arratiMiiiienla for
ii definite plan nf artlnu.
Word niea from othor roiinllea to
I l.o effect that eerthliiK mhhII1h la
lifinx done to aet the matter In hand
111 ehaie for ptORreaalvo detelopinent
nf nil of th' plan Involved In the
1 injei t
' i nt. ii
"ii- i 'i j I i
'W v" ,,n irti.ll III
rltlien, Moinr tnx no on th mill h ilit . mIihIi
jeef of BOlay nillaonmi In tlir heart - mid mrl- i iln.ri.njh bunineiH
of the ellr. Thi. heart, of i.eoide ' ",l" '" '" ""' I'-'1' f edlWntloll,
who maintain aneh nnlnanrea, how
t'" n Mr moon oi the
ii il .it Iluil ureal e
i. ..I t.if -tnrv of hi
..w fift )iirh ehonl
A WlHIlll'llU 1 1 - HI I'lllll Wll- I ! III
ill in linn citv Tliur-iliix nielli, nli
niit hoetH n-.-1'iiilili'il in .ti'iintt niiin
li'p and lorini'il n roll ( meiulier
'liit tliut Hiijfet - I lint nil ot the
ill niciernl have not ol n-ciHtereil,
nlilioiirli the elnb formed in non-mr-ii-nn
in ehnrneter, wtlli tin ipitinl
mi inlerlii; of l.'ifl.
(I. V. 1 lurry of 1'oitlnml, orvnn
ier op the Winnlrow Wilxon leuirtic
ni' tin ft ate, wax present and ilitveted
tin- work of ortfuiiixntiun. .Judue W.
I . t'nm'H won eleeteil tniiliiit of the
''ah, Attorney Xeto V. MoroYn
-irretury and Joe I'urker treiiMinr.
A Mi't'iiniiUnt will be elnen at a
ineetinK to Im- held next Moiidav
mulit and n woman will imlnihl he
i li etetl to fill that MiiHoii.
At the meeting on Monrinv nitfht
'iniKiilenible buxmehs will lie tran-
ueted. Anions the matter-, to Im n-
Milend Htuin wi'l he that nf ho!din a
Wniidrww WiUon ont-ofdoor Imn
I'H'l n rt'al, old-faoliitmeit uenie
limier in h -intahle Im'atiou to lie de
ided on bv the eluli nf southern Or-
itou. (Irnnt I'ii-, at which plare n
lull will be foruted Saturday niRhl.
lui- HiiirRVkteil that a ienie dinner h
held iu the itrove on the mer bnnk nt
that nlaee nt n date when weather
eundifiona bnll be airreeable. llw
ier, that i onlv a MiKReslion. The
Iiil will deti rmme mium wheie their
I I --1 Iii; im 1 1 mi: -hull lie lii'iil.
Colonel II. II. Kiiryeiit. iiiiiilK ol
Multurd, hut linw nf il.n K-"H die
ulinne illkllnj in-lied Ml Mm Hi tin
uvular nrmv t the jjim rinneni . -tiiblhed
In- ri'iittaluli a- i lli
'f M ' '1 einiraye nilil nt' ilili In
Ifetlt i i i Iu n inn ni Milium ii
lie-, i I ' in In e.ilii'il ml. i mii
lee in i i Mi m. in niiliinliii, ahliiiiii. h
the i i i . Ii i - in ti im tin- ii im ,
llt '"i "'I i i .it . He Im- hi i H
n-k) i hi il Mive, aud ha- n-wen-d
tii.ii In ull Tin dav-weie ni
Infill .1- Iiiii tut- ii',ii,ilin. ,.
thnauh the iii.unel Im . nm t ie. ei
1 the .. iilii, il ( iVi. ,i. jiu ,,,
Jl will i iili.ililv lie in Im nut, ire nt
illliltelilii ' i'- .Kiln i 1'iilmii I
Hnnteiil i- inn, iii.u- m it u t' tli pan
meat !' the m 1 1 u-i
( nlnliel -! i;. i, i
t-... ii ... i
HF'I I "llll Mllil J lie iHHiii.r lit il
work no I. nt, whieli s,i
wdnnlnl bv ilu nriiiii w'nMiiiiiual.
Jli'feetuv lie.ii' . . i , ,. ,,,,,
i Mt to Ittlf'li'til I M ,t I.'. I,
oyer, are not eaally touched; no. with
your ptrmlMloti, I want to add a
word or two or appeal for abate
ment of that type of unnecessary torture.
I live In an excellent part of the
city amonR good neighbor Thore
la one exception to tho latter t-harae-torlxatton.
One neighbor keopa four
or five pena of rhlrkena. It la a com
mercial poultry yard, lta product
ara aold In the form of ogRa. Hihw
tem are not neeeMary to the pro
iliicllon of en an And et half a doiun
hraxmi chanllcleera are kept with the
flock of hona, preauniahl) to make
a nole. The noice I not a part or
the commercial product of tho yard
It I worthlea a nit aet or the hut
Ine. It poeiH only the rhuruc
ter of h nuiiMnre.
Ait elderly lady, ulmoRl an Invalid,
I one of in) nearcHt nelRhtmr She
I h victim nf thl iiulaHiice, n are
all of the other nelRhhora, hut It Im
ponen upon her an enpeclnl eiiHe or
illNlreMK. Tor hour In the after part
of the tilRht hIio cannot itleep on ne
count of the choriia of clarion crow
conducted by theae rooalerN from Jl
till 7 In I lie mnmliiR It In an out
luae ()n thl one lad)' account
It ouifhl to he abated Appeal hu
In i n made ftequenll) to tho womitii
who owiim the chicken arda under
our window n. Hhe Iriioion them.
I am imother victim. I am a Unlit
Kleeper I can't help that. The lna
en iiole of thl hunch of rooatem In
wreckhiR my nerve. I have nmwd
iu bed Into a far corner nf my rent
dance, hut I cannot eacape It.
Other nelRhltor have complnlin d
aorely of thl nulaanee. We have
held council of war. Violence lri
been iiRReted. We have liej-n pin
ed mfiiarely on the ilefennlve it
Heeiii that we have no lenal defeiiNe,
No ordinance ban ver lieen pnixt il
declarliiR tliat ort of thing n iioIh
nine. The count il I uracil to uim
aneh a law. It would he a "met vli
moil provlalon ngnlnHt it 'i In trth k
Indifference to the pem nut iiit
tude of n Rreal uiajoriit ni mir (
It Reeni to me to ! i iliv.dt
Rhiuneful that a nelKhi' i mii iimii
Ifeat uch a mean line u ' cdne
when It hriOR him nothliiK. unii
Il he the Mataiilc Mtlafactloii of i.m
Iiir dlalrea to other. Il hou - ,i
inoanl) conteniptlhle nature in ('
uch a thing. There I almoin n 1
uo excuo for maintaining u lev m
cM'k to erow the after part of i
night awa to the great anmiUli ni
mind of many neigbliora. Much a pei
aou cannot he clirlctlanl) in charm
tor- nor even a good rltlien who will
knowingly create Mich disorder.
If you will print this Mcond pro
lent, vou will oblige a number of
readei It mav do Home good.
riRht 'in the ein-ituin trrnund-.
Kver.Vthintr a- free to tJje luekv
t intent- ndtni -ion lo the lair, tuit
ion, book, iipilie nnd incMentaln.
The exhibit h- financed by Mieh men
an John Hubert (lregir wbo xy-tem
of -holthaml i iwed in the loenl
- chin il, nnd other lenders in the held
of commercial education.
After mix month of sludv in their
Rlnxn-cneliiKeil engen (be sIimIciiIm
wen graduated in the famous Court
of Abundance. And now thev nre out
in the world earning a IniriR, ami
xotne of them able lo help siipMirt the
Thi- exhibit, known n- the Stun
dill il Ciiliunen ml -ehiHil, was :iwi ril
ed the ;rniiil ine, nnd Mr J,eer. tin
ilirci lnr, leeelMil ,i ineddl n limiiil'
tor Iiiiiiiiiij , iiid i .tnllv diiect -
HILT I''1- It Hi ilk .III. t'xllllllt
' e- "T V
y ".1JSH.ZZ' ..'-jjra.
, '. f -mini . J
The old lotltlc-l ii Unv'tii. enlle d the "bullilmf of the nnv v ," hn- leen
retired and will Im- i-nl a- a iriicl -hip for naval cadet, at .Mure I-l-
nnd, t'nl. In the war the dirjim -ailed trnm San FrHiiei-ett
around ('ufM Hotii. iiitmiiir it-t in ti me tor action in the battle of Santiago.
Wl 111 T
A'li'lih ftebnl' wnod heater ( t or
efcgrd in lime rtf frot vea demon
"tmted on fbc vacant leetirm of the
fajrht-of-wny in frrmt of the Mail
Tribune offlee Wednedav mihf.
fnnr hlter Were frfneed g it would
be negrr to ptnee them in nn or
ehgril. Two eithir feet of wood wefe
tippHed for eeh henler. The nidi
ntKn of bent w fotind to be eqnnl
to- Ihnt given off by five gallon of
oil to eneh mndge pot et in the name
-- a. . .1 i :
ninnnr-o iir- roi t. ine nnn rrrinu !... .'... ,.,. .... t... ,....
. LI L L i t Ifll'-!' I'M i tt- IlllWIirfll " ..-.-.
Ie I nnn naif of the ertt of the oil, ry t tinniMnd of uffrr in thr iw
The deirree of combo-1 ion wa- nbnot r " fr"r "? ''0,, r,n r'
, , , . , . ... IliI i I a MoihI inriit -a puil-
rierreet, Icnvinir no dirty, choking flr ,a, rtr the t,t,t an.i mKr
-tMit tn be di-lrihnted in the vicinity' ' fu'e It w twfure ii iit-min pul-
.I tli,. I,i.,,i,.r. ftilUn l till khI ' eoecil ilh Impiillir H. K f Hi it
ni Hie iieiinr-. inlton If. Hill nnd ,irMI,h , rtr(v, U the imi.u.iii -other
orehnrdi-t have tned thee nail nu thm Hie Rhumiliun n-i s
henler- and pronounce th.m fnr " '" K-"' " "' '"7' "JV
, . .' , t lal ntili r. itir iwlft rfpcurii Co. Vt- nt .invtliinc vet tried a- a -n't- unm i:
-liluti- I'nr the nl -nmdi;e-iot-. '
t ,, i n inil n
ffllfirt.t W'1 rtf Hn iliti'l'il V ulr
rfhfOiniiii-m rin nnnwrr i ! name
Torn mnt tiiil ll ihntuli the iilmul
Thai l (he unly way to rifl ili ittfnij
of nrlf mtif. nurlfr the bloml ana r.i
il lx the nni. It th llimd I fi'1t
from Imamritia. nhetimatltn mmi a
Tltl. In ehort. I the knowlrdfe fcinl
iiy the lahnrntorle of lb a. W
Th lM have heen mail tor nm
ar Thrt know what ltlleumailm i
Tliy know lhl M H. , lh rmrlililr innif, uhlth the nriatlnaietl. will
WHlll.(iTO. pril :! State
department offliinU win- prepailug
today to make n piiM'iitatloiiH to
flreal llrltniu to Insure the ufe ni
rlval In the Initeii Htate of l.'i.nrio
ton of dycHtuffH from Cermany No-
tire that the Herman government had
ugieed to permit the idilpment came
Iu a note presented to Setietarv
l.aiiNint: In iiii..i--.idoi on llern-
sSiiU. ..l Jl Hie
-i ll. tie Ii -nliilii'li lii -M liil WJ.IMIH
.lilillli lllll, (MMI i - it the I 1 1
i llie lidti.ll n-l .1 1 1. l I -i
niiiiiii mii .Hid 1 0. 000 i ti m - n tin
tl-tlllliil It I link .ltliiii'il Ind. i
li tin Imn i
Mixed with Sulphur
Dm ken io Naturally
Nobody wn Toll.
To Make Up Her Mind for
Surgical Operation. She Ro-
fusutl; Cured by LydiaE.
Pinkhams vegetable i
l ' i.'t l In.i l'a - )". y.r.r n;:o I
wa vi i -iik in d 1 ill ''.'ni with piiin ,
in a . uiv- una out k
until 1 nearly went !
iraj. I went tJ
ilitri lejtiloctorHund '
lb. nil Haiti I ha.l
tt uiiile trouble and
Would mt t ui:y I
r iu f until I vvuuld i
!'' i.raUil on. I hulTeretl ftu four
tKiH lie fore thM
turn, but I kept get
tmif worm' the more
nit-di me 1 l'Hk I'very month aince I
wa a .niiijr eirl I had autfertHl with
cramp in my ide .tt pvriod and wa
never regular. 1 aw your advertbve
ment in the newvaper and tho picture
of a woman w ho had been aav eil from
an operation and thi pu-ture wa im-
preuMtl on my mind. 1 he doctor hut
given me only two more day to make
up m niind o 1 ent my huaband to the
" ill;
drug lore at once for a liottle of I.ydlu
Ii ruikham j egetaKie i oniMHini.anu
la-lieve me, 1 only took four done be
fore I felt a change and when 1 had tin-
ihed the third bottle I wa cured and
never felt lidter. 1 grant you the pnv- y
liege to publiih my letter and am only
tint triad to let other women know of my
cure"- Mr. Tllos MiConiual, IJ
lUrtvillu Sired, l'hilu., l'u. I
Easter Jewelry
The eUl Imn miMiire of !.j!i' Tea ind
Rul.linr fil ll 1 1 kt'llllllt gltV, Ktlllk.'l
nil bill, il Imn i uiHadmot In i' iisipe,
and l"ll uri iniill lining it In ki- tlifli
hair t.mi.1 nm ttitor, wiiit-li u auitt-
1 it. . .ii. Iiviiia In it m vvlirn
i.tdmite nt , v.iuilitul iii.i4iiiiue u of Hi gu-lt't , liiin,! , ,.iiii,l,.,,enl lo Die raiml of,
'-.u... - .,.- -,
u. .iiii.'i i
k." bvK
Wt l IT l VI. K
1'I.MIMM nn
I 'Iu t it ti in the iltlitl ot nitl.iU. 1
lull lie 1- r itii v
...,L,t. 1 ,.,..!. ... .! h.. Ih. """ -oimih t-.ui tptiir vtpi.u u
inn ' in.' uk .. gailii-nng t'w jjjc " 't t'iiig for lu diamond' hrll 1
Ulil lie 14,1,1,. t n.ivil'x 4t home VUiilrfliM'
.Una nr -il. tit. teail-IOUt prtvln t HvUr I.aV.itltireu !
I'rii.t'i'U llr.iiu-
Hi.i..M4l i!.r lnlma i( oiiirr
ni j. ...". 1 Wit tii !ii. tni 'j'i ' ur
i-'"' " "i'1 ''" ' t ..nn. mt.. 1 ' inr '.it. mi ju .tent ( Uur lint. Kin-
i'Mt Ml 4hv r.'p ny u tiki Ii In It 1- 1 j kiii'.h Ihimiim' 11.11u.l1 n rt tpipp ft t' dunioii I idgitnniH
ainMf.l Tin ,1 ,, , .tn iiu, it ) ltn ap.nil- -mpi nr4 t,nt, t0. 'tut(inl
vv.4n i-nbr ,..1,,, . n r v,,f,:M.Ir.v.,,.,..i.r.,.!..,:l,, n.,.
ne that .uo aUr( to du a tali
uut tn ttutu cvts ami itivttf for'
t.,t.u ,r"uv '"""' 'irnu -ne , ii- ,li wrtna at a um. In mm
'! sr. -L-.t "., "! io me mine mt?rui m ii - 'J Uo iiiiwma ' t w'ut
tt. vl W W.I. -I .. .. . .... - ... .. I. i,. ll 1 I... ...I. l..ll . I.....
j? r,A..e Mffwirt.iiM.iun,. iw ;:.,'.:" -j., '''ivt-.:.
?,ffiSiS5'r ,b M "J, JM1.tolu,,lJU " " &" h u v r rur
3?aSa,'J;lfWIP', Ul'tltU' & -Wind) . I tie ap!..n..i., U, tll rU4U tt ,
I p5W'S&2,ilWtl HMfl (S11.1..I i. Iikitv ''Hie mliJlPi-a'ttfi'taeawift-
K A w r IVHV " i1 ) '
O - -r- ' " '" ' ' ci
Martin J. Beddy
D (Hi'iltii'e
"I'll I) Jlj'ttl'tTIt
Get Ready for Easter Day
Silk Petticoats
200 Iirmitirtil Yv All-Silk T.-tlTcta
IVttii-nats with "SitiiHitli Sit" tons.
all colors. vrtli tn-dav (JJJ'l QQ
$. on sale Sat., raidi w3 O
Wash Skirts
Our niv line of Knnvi-t" Wash
Skirls is now on disilay, made tf
f,ralii'riliiic.s. Oxford idotlis. j)i(iic and
I'alin Mi'tti'li Miitiuir, prii'i-tl at Jj1.9S.
$iJ.f)S. .?LJ.J)S and $4.98 iwh.
Woint'ii's t'nion Suits,
line fiiality, all sizos,
:!." valuos. OC
TheWbman's Store
11 J
Sat., suit
l-'iiip l.ili
J iSfco,.
and st.fs.
sM'fial .suit
Kiivwr's Li.slr 'ixi
lll'W StIfS. VT
'pt'fial. 'ali
Ka.vM'rV. Silk
iu while and
eeial at,
Women's l-'ine
sn-eial, epeli
For the Windy Days
Xew .stvle meshes and patterns, on
sale Saiurdav at IJ5c. -18c. ()c and
S- xaid.
Ribbon Sale
At less than mill prices
."i(M) itids All-Silk TalTeta liib
lioli iu the new sllailes, wide
on stle Sattirdav, vd. . X J-f
HMell yartl.s Wide l-'am-y UMli
loi. suitable fop hair bows.
I'liinii Suits, all st l.s t widths, up to Jib- values
$25 Suits $19.98
Kvery new j?2.".U0 Suit in the house,
all eolois and sizes tjo on sale Satur
day at tho extraordinary dj Q AO
low liriec of. eaell ' tPl.wO
New Coats
oO lleatitiful Corduroy, Chinchilla
and Kaney Cheeked Sju-iii": Coats i
on sale Saturday at reduced prices
special uootl values at $5.00. $S.00.
$10.00. $12.50 and $15.00 each.
A, New Corset
Is very necessary to mttke your new
suit fit rudit.
Hit) pairs I'Ifsh Colored Coi-sets, new
spriiiu' models, ijood as most QQ
?2 values, Saturday, each j OC
Complete lino of Warner's liust-
Troof Corsets $1 uji to $3.50 pair.
extra wide widths, up J r I Aiits for lied I-Yru Corsets .
to &. ;,lue. Sat.. ardZfjC I $2.50. $3.50. $-1 and $5 a l.air.
Easter Sale of Gloves r
Largest stock in Southern Oregon.
Kaiser's Fancy Silk
(Jloves in black and
white. stlcs short
and loii":, 50c up to
$2 pair.
Women's Two - lasi
K'id (Moves, all colors.
and sizes,
Washable Two Clsp
White (Moves, (f-j nr
pair Qi.&d
Derbv Kid (Mom-s, in
all col til's,
lest uuid
e, i,r.vlt)
Kavser's Hi- Ibitton
Silk (Moves, iu till col
ors special tit.
- r
n 1
New Parasols
All the iii'W shapes and color
inns for spring and summer, it
will pa un to sec our line
I'easoiial'lv j ifi ed at $l.J)Si
$ii.)8. $:LJ)S. $LJ)8. $5.)S
and $(.S each.
ieautiftil Ni w Collars and
Collar and Cuff Sets on
sale Sattirdav, each
Painty New Organdie Collais
and Collar and Cuff Sets, val
ues tt) to si. on sale
Sattirdav. each
Silk Boot Hose
Houuht last fall befi.iv the rise
iu pi ie . all colors, i ati't be
sold ait. t this sale foi lisili(1ti
:!."e, Satarda at, pit
ii t 1 1 i 1 1
Muslin Underwear
For Women and Children
Special alus in ti.ti t t.vers. prawers,
FtiM-lopi' Chi-niisi . ( ..lobulations and
Skirts from 25c up l $5.00 i a. h.
Children's Union Suits
One case of Knit 1'iiion Suits
for bos and ffirU, all sizes,
cheap at "itic, on, Sattirdav
at (.') I..i $1.00 . r
each JjC
ip rg
Easter Hos'ry
Kaxsei's Silk lbse
in all colors and sizes,
worth 1.23 tmlav, on
sah' Satur
day pair
Fiber Silk Hose mall
ohm and Met on
sale Satuidax ?t tin
old pi-i-ft), (v rAp
Hand Bags
1H) New All Leather
Hand !, fancy lin
cl. fittetl with mirror
und am kt i'xK)k, val
ti up tu $-, on sale
;'1;;."',"v- 98c
v -M 1?j 't'v
Ohv '
Wlion lii'
(O n
iV -
I Wlion i i i. i K u i i t t . ,. i j '
l i .