Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    fw;r r r
" t . i i
i l , il 'f 1
PMUM, Vrll si. -The fomfniii
of the I'm nrh preM M Pr.lent VII
Mm' atfattwa to eonan-M mm
4 amimed up In theae word, whirl, the
Pttlt Parfalen print In targe tvt mm
a heading over the teat of the speech
"Never hm the head or atate
prenouiieed such arare word agalnt
alafa with which It wm not itt war."
The president 'n address has mad
u dean Impression in Kranee. All
the newnpspcri ulve It the place of
honor. It overshadows the Brltlah
tnhlnet crista and even the arrival ofl
KiikhPim force at Marseilles. The
i fi h la not merely a formal In
mm Hon, the l'elll Parlslen aaya. It
i .i closely knit and item Indict
iiKiii. pronounced Ih the name of all
iiintriila "aaralnst Herman barbarity
.nut duplicity, raarklMK lhe Herman
t-ow't-iiniotit wllh a brand which
i, idling- ran efface."
,lilits Knm'Ii Milking
Tho Matin characterise the ad-
ili'KK aa epoch making and comIIh-
' When the responsible ami a I moat
of'r-la(i head of a hundred million
fire cltlaena mounts the rostrum In
i omen (o ilerlare 'an are the
hjiukpsiimi or the rights of buinaulty,'
hi bus performed an ait or linmenae
morul Importance. It In In the name
r legality tlmt IIiIh statesman, hav
tim iichhtd him the country on which
far whole world rtemmria. declarer
before the whole werld: 'We will not
tolciule Injuatlre.'
la those few worda , bin whole
inc-miRe In hi turned Dp. It Ih an hhK
toMitl awHt which la deaervftif or
our admiration aa one of tho noblest
ii tn in the nlatary r mankind."
Stephen Picbon, former rorelKH
ii iiiistor, says In Ihc petit Journal
j t tin' rirmiieaa and solemnity with
ii'ii .Mr. WIlKon made known IiIm
"Union to (onariM rein I In thi
ati'Kl daya of American binary.
'. unilnuea:
CwHaltt In Ohm Trap
w bother or not the UermmiN dl-
v i lie nctlon of their submarine,
i ' ' .no raueht lit their own trap and
their present pi Ion fall to the
'"I'l before tho calm and r"oliito
in 'Ii- df a ureat connt'iv HiumlliiK
n "i the 'rlr.htH of IhiuikiiU).' "
i nder the heading ' Mermnna eon
' 'iiif.i alih an honM initn." Jean
''"tte, ono of tlui leadlim Krem-h
xin.rttlea on Intarnatiqiial iMilltlr,
. i
riK' Herman government must be
,ii nnd tn find Itaelf race to face
nil the duly force of which It la lf-
i ."i. mi -conat lente. K Uermany
' - in It would be an unrorKOttable
' inillotlon. for It would be the
i u inn nil of that Ideal of luttlce and
ii "Mv aa-alnt which (V'rmany wept
" hid The MluMnic of a few Vhlpa,
i Hi' or leaa, would not arrect tier
i' in tniereais ureal ly but bow could
( ..iniellor Von lUlbmaiin IIoIUoh
tloo lielalum und Poland as
iLiIli'm' In bis peace prititranis. If
ii.' -nbiuarlne that other dtHlomlly
,i''iulred eaMn, had been knocked
("it of his baud liy a cbatnplon of the
ii lit' The ruleiH or fieiinain en
t "i Mitli liiipiinlt upeii ii Iim'.icIi in
l" luiiri''.-. n lll.'li IniiiiiitU'!. "
uiii. UH i... .. u
L 10 ACT
hi unlit u iiiljiiiiliiinrill litUcn li
ii i'.iiiiuiI ul the eilv h.ill TilC'-
iii 'hi. it mil mini iiu.iiii luiiiulit
10 ii'eltH-k ti lukc lip the at ml
"i.l liiilli lllne Irf'tlye imlrtuiil i
' t l.l llliul netliHi. ,i
II" riililtliiie" , mi.IIv iiiteit -led III
tin- -in '. ll i .i.i. .-I, il I- .'l)
.'' HiHl ii jjn.ui t I'lti-
' "ill In' Kudv In ii'i'i'ii ihc I, i-i
in. i.l iii'iu ih. i .. ini-ii ..ii the niiiiiir
ul "iiliiniii in. ih. i ,..,.-ii i.,i in i In'
M'.tlll l"l ,1 till, . I. "l . Jllll"
liu-iil on tin ) .i . . j .. . -i .1 ,, ..ii
1)7 A. C. nowlait
Inl ntda v 1 1 it'll l. Ain.t I . il.iie
WO lll( 0 IIIUIlbiT i, i i' ." ,.,.
pie Went t Hum i I" ..
dune', Mini i mi .. ,,.,,i
tttjWed mi ih .i i .. i t
94 A KiMU - !'"
Mr-. If. i. I. .. ..
our IcniliiiK ii" ' ' .i .
(tiftl "1 i' '
f fce h"-'- ' v o i
u wenibv
liarr A .ff iii 1 'id & c
t-.iU hIU- IM f h 'I'L . $
work ilkfpf"f lll ,
The CVutrol r" - r.. I'
h.i I if nin- iliiv .1 h r i v
1 !l. I 'I Hi' I
o CO
(lly HlflTV HKUWN.)
IIhi.-V litlhi Mi 1KJ0 Willi her
ttrimly itoinlei bMu "jinl like liix
MjtWrV mid 1 1 ir witlo ami flil'lly
i'o'ldrd xkiri. Iter ohJ-fMKhionod Ihiii
ih'I n ml ohl-fiMliioiieil Utile rout 1 rif -
anil mil. the neon t-tniiiliinr S lo 7.
Tlieic eume up u lit lie shower of ruin
jift n boii t tho time tliev were thromrh
plu.vinir. n nd then there wnx a kimi
erfll McutteriiiK of I he jteoplc lor hIhI
ler mid wrapM, iii. tlieit whh ipiite n
liHHihcr of the Imlitw who hud noth
ing lteiiier tliun their while xhirt
wnixlx. There were two of them
who hud wulked from the Kteveiia nod
UihiIhIiiiw plnccx, lint they ohtuiiieil
U'nip-4 I roin one of mir iHinrdere, n
.Mt. Iliiwlclt npd Mnllie were iiwny
nl the lime and I knew hut very lit
tle nhont the wlierenliotitx of the
women'.. wnip, hnl I proHteed lo let
them Iiiim' a bul iplilt n piece, hm 1
I bullish! (lint thnt would keep them
hoili wiinn mill drv.
The -rh. ml In i.' id lut- hint, in nddi
tlllll III Mill pllllltllltf ot tin' WI'llOol
Ihiiihc, tin' stone und under the
linl.linv m. ii.r-i'oiil. d rinl pnitiled,
.ii. il ne "-leiu- pill nt the door-,
lenlU miplovi'iu III' . 1 1 .irunee oi
I'te Imililiuv. I
Mi Helen Voeke,4he hook keeperl
in the Meill'iMil I'lllilo-lilliir Co. olliee,
her iiiothcr mid ;i IimU friend uIiohc
mime Iiiim r-lippi'd n mind, is ere mil j
Mlllduv for ii rule mid -lopped here '
.... .1 'i'l .. . .....i I
l.'l Illllll.l. I Mill . II - llll- II IIIIIM-
Ihji' here beside her, hut I did lod
-eenre I heir iiunie-.
The .ithjeel of ll.e enlliirt' of iit;iir
licet n is hem;; ili-.ii--i'd immn, mid
JoM'ph Hile, who owiif u I ii t in on
AllleloH i'111'k, hit- eouelitileil to put
Ul uholit three in re-, its nu cicri
meiil. The in'e--iir nmouiil ol heel
-eetl linn in ri ed unit Ihe-e w ho tin'
in the Ini-ine-- ore putt Hit; m I heir
A. (1. Hi-hop of the ItlllijHooil of
ehard eiiine in Moudiiv with hi" mo
Iniir anil -old it lo tieoiie trwn A
Son-, reuliinu I- icnls n imhiihI. I..
M. Nel-oll o l'n.sMrl ill-. i liiiiilllt
Iii- iiioliuir for the Mime lilm. I'lmik
llionii told me thnt lliev -hipped
iilioni i ton on Tiie-dav, V.. ,1. I'ul
lier-oii a I on hroni;ht in o lot of lno mid -evernl heel hide-.
tJrinil Mnlthew- lino jn-l -hipped
in 4M0 rmU of wire femiiiir loin
I'oi'llinid, mid .1 l. Ain'ie- put
i Imi-i'iI a liiipi lot of nue teiicllti.'
I lorn the ion iler llellen I In id ware
t'o, Theie seem- lo lie mule n lot of
teneiii uoiti) on out hi Win till-
-pi III!.'.
I urn to lie .hie In .inn. 'inn i' mil l.iwn-uuiii. I I.. Ile.illli, ii..
-.iilid In- Iii'cii-i t" pi.ii'lne ph. il
tniiei tn till- -'..le lie )i- Ml tin
ill u l: liu-iiie-o in Mn ..nil
In- In i'li-e bili'H In i .itne hele, lint
mi- liillied ili.:i l.i-l win, ,i- tli,. I
-een- lo lie .' km. I ..I i.i
Willi till lll.lMll... i-l .mil M. I. Ii.'.i'.l
ot Oie-jnn I., luiii ilnMii ul le.l-t the
len-l ul tin in i'..iiei-.
The pi..ii...t.'i ot tin truck tmel
ol einutniii'iH il.u lit .'t lime n nl'ue po-l. l - tti. !t nl .ml lire -. .il
li'lin', I.l........ I ..v.i he i n in
In, .iiiim ui .ii. t i. ; .. line tin i
lhe ate jj. i . (. ii
it A 'III ill "i'l II! ' .
.i i h.i! tin . j . !
on iiu 'ii'iii
. Ai.dili.y
i He n llio t
-,-Hlll M "I'l' III t .'Iii .1 ."I'..
U" mil i.l Ii if 'ii . I I u -.1
I.. . "i ,.' .1 ii
... I
t ' . ,
mi 1-
Lilllc Mm i & Makes
pina; iiilo fnxhion'M liitielilii I" hw
how xiiiiiII jtirU me coin to die
tliih Minimer.
Tito child of (lie lHHO (termd with
iliaeovered by Mine, lloeker of the
Knohioti Art Irnjtuc of Ajneriea, who
'1 .tty. r r ' ''.TV' zzz? 1 T" "" il I'sslk.'Sg
I -it the hillM ore out for a bull
irnmc here next Hiindny Iwlwccii Tolo
mid Knitle I'oiul.
Aiiuuifr the pn--eirer on the P. $
ll. Tuenduy for Untie I'oIIh were live
olriitijicr. Scott t'liiKpill und our
dntiKlitfr lluttii'.
Tliere mcciih to tie oniiilnrnbte de
miind lietv for lumber ninee the new
lumber .Mint Win etHbliwhcd, for 1
lint iced ipiite u iiumlH'r of wnjroiiM
Imiiled with IihiiImu' of differetil kimU
niin out to dtlferetil p:tiU ol' the
Since niv lp-1 repoft S. K. t'o li
icilcWetl In- Mill -el iption In the 1.
M. T., mid - liii- t'nrliiii Kdjji II, one
of our li'n ilinu oriiirili-l.
ili4tn . I'linoll hl.nt'ihl out In
new ti.ikliiinl fit r trout (Irmil- I'u--Siniiln,!.
Mr. ii ud Mr-. New belt; with ouie
lintiil- pieiiiekeil ul lite nlle I 'rule
pu'llie ut'oiitido SiiiiiIui.
Ijttile ii iiuuditir o the Applej-iite
d.illeel- iitlelltleil the diltiee nt Mlir-
lll SlllltllllX ItlL'lll,
I). I., Iliileotn, (he I'lifie wire I'en.'e
mini til Miillord. hn- lieen -tielch
nil- leliee lor ti. K. Ko-c Ihc puel
The 1 1 "ji-trill ion hook- ch'-ul wn
Tn. mid litem wete -i t me
lepiililieiiilo, fifty deiuiH-riito, eiyht
4fl! Tirss
mwniiw " ifniiiiinniiiiiHi
Saidl a Great Automobile
, . "You fy for what you naod,
wlicthor you buy it or not."
If you do not buy the exact tir you nuedth oimi
juat suited to do wliat you require of ityou will pmy
For it ovenlually anvwav in final
high coil and iow aervive.
Tliere are five United Sut
nalancod lire a tire to meet
every need of it rice ami use the
only complete line offered by any
one tire manufacturer.
Fiiul out which Units! ftlat..
TIru fiti your particular neorli-4iul then buy it.
Buy the exact lire you need In the brgmntn nml
Mi wiil Jwvw low-nuleaiie coit in the end. "
Alii the nrarrtt 1'itifrtl Slotrt 7
fi ),i .r...,., , t ;n-
fe ! um nttdt.
inittd StateTi; s Company
Nobl,' 'll.V -V.c9- R...IC..i 'IV
CJ "INOiSini A' IT'i t, i.Ri -
Hon in Cushion World
Sim IKKtet J 2PWPv 1ft
i- I" tin i m i nlle til I.l i hut I'oin t i
to the I ll -III. HI Will Id IfCllCllllly elf
nlor o oii'imil deei(iii-.
The little frock nt (be riuhl i- dc
oined for n flower jriri who ih to
iwirnde in n .June weddin". proecH-ion ;
hociiili-U und live indeHndent rcjf-i-tered
in the ApidcjMtc precinct
ju-t n few more Minn hull'.
t'lureiice l'rely of (imnt !'nw
wiim out to hie ranch on Tliumpouii
vreek Sundiiy.
Wurren L. Hee mnde a biioine-o
trip to (Irmils I'iimm Friduy. ifturiiiiiy
t'liiirleit Grey, the (Irvnti I'iiho
hiileher, whh ill the iopletnto euiuitrv
' Wednc-duy.
j Williiun Welch, one of Aver'n
I iiiiiei'on, of SJeuniboiil, mode u tiip
' out to ApplcKiite HuinliiN.
J Kiul t'tiiicle of Williuma whh in
thii -eetioti .Monday on hn-ine-s,
I (Icnrue llnriiott lett lor iJori-.
jl'.il.. Moudiiv. where he will inn the
. ein-ilie lor the 111"-, -itttlnill
i tin- -'iiiiinel'.
Mr.'.ll,.he rum! -upi rit-m, -!
ill lln- -eelioli of i coiiutli done.' iinieh-lieeiied Wfilk illid iileh'l
to li tile rondo In (he eonnlv line
lib he hae been lt K -o loti.
Nniiiiiin Slinfer ii Khii l''innei-eo,
3r. mot Mr-. Wrialil'H nephew, i
iniikinc u -Iti'i't i-it on Appleunte.
Helen mid (li.iilf Mec of l 'en I ml
I'oiul ojK'iit Suturtlny mid hiii!.i
with I'leir p.irelllK i4' tllio plnee.
A Handier of the Apple;.. He .l.ui.
ei- nlletided the Muiphi dunce I..-1
Siitni'il.iv ve.
Im Satui'dn iUKit Mi. W. !'.
VVrntht ituvc hei -mi rred ,i i.tiew
party. Tile evelilim Wil "I ''! in
peiitlilt unme, liinlt'e Wlllter re 'emu
ire Thr alar
..'. " , lrf 7,,
ii. 'i I'll, in.-- di e--ei for :t
.iii' 'ii white t it I If mill mull)
I-III e.illo.- "ii ll.e kill .'ippi'iir- ill
lite eenli I pietiuc mel I'l I'iuht -he i-
nllowil ill demure little eon) of noxclU
white M'lue with n VmikiT honinl in
luohl mid while.
the irotitlenieit'M firot prize .mil tllail
ItoHe the Inily' lirol prire. mid Alio
Kulili ItiHtby priK". After the unme
wh over lunch wu- enetl. Tho-e
preocnt were: Mr. and All-. (1u-ler
Kilhli. Mr. mid Ml-. I'iek llollmmi.
Mr. und Mr. leiuido (Ineie, Mr. .unl
Mn. Fred Hciiediel, Minnie. ticMie
mid Hernial! Walter. Mr. and .Mt.
Ilnrley Maholield. t'lyde Hmien.
Klmo ThiiH'kmortou mid (HihI.vh
Itooc. After lunch u ocleil I he
rent nl the eieiiinv wn- -pi'iit in miik
iiiK und niti-ie.
IJnitc a lew M'nple alletided the
fnueral on Willimn- t'n-ek Wcdne--duy
nioinitttr, the dieen-iil beiny
irr. - - , lot inert Hot la. a -ehmil
teat I'l of I hi- pl.-n i .
Finishing Touch
Th fipiahina loin Ii to
a sour! ilnirii-i i" a
Isaly dee rl. ( nk- !.
V-rcam and rniiiii.i?i
flvofid iith Merit.
Vanill.i have that
ataliiie lili-nifii- taie
thai mVr one hrl good.
Order of Your
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
'Also Cleaniiiji. Pressiiid nml Allerinn
l.NTKIIl ItllW llK Alt CO.
TI.Mi: t'AIMt.
Leave Miilfoi.t tor AstiUnd, Talent
and I'hot-tux d.tiii, except Sunday, at
h.oo a. m.. I. ui'. u.iio. I no and &.16
p. m. Aim on Saturday ut 11:15 p.
in. rnmduyti leave at X:en und l: ill)
a. in 'ml t oo, s:00, r..So and 9:0
l' in. I.1...11 Atihland tor Medford
d.illv, et'opt Sniiil.-iy, at 9 on a. tn.a
1 no, .' on, mi ,,n. ', i;, p in. Alio
oit .- ii . i'l..'. i. in - ii i. o aud
" Sun. I . ! lie I "I mi at 'J OU
.1 in .Unl I ' i ', ' .ilid 1U .i0
I I"
lrirl kMM'4 wiilHa Pmiu 4.4 tittte, nri iak m i atiliu Hi)
tVavlifullf ImrM.
Vf v.n uwl u4 tuikrtlf Bmlif
Inst ttrry w PfMO UU
(l tut MM)
Any 6rfy ttHH tar m IW Jaw
Nt; tKI sr ID 1 t i o . i'. s.
San Francisco
Orf. r. ips 1 Ii nl.
i, i r vli .i' m J
ban rransiicii j
'Vfctt mc .it
t..i M '
noderete raies !
I . V
II ILtlN V fltfTtrV (M'ul:-
VflSlty tJUllJ VHEDfrW
2 '4 f t f T." 'f' ftyyajawpi
mil :,' ' '' , I Mji h.'1'.koih
I'l I lu-trr
N XV KtlUi
"Well, I Should Say
'ObIsH' DOES Work"
"Imk A'Th, If YonDo'tTWiik
Ifi Jtwt Wonderful for Coraif"
"fllf-K in
tbf llvit. '
Jorn iiitT" i
off ttntnu
ii ii n of
- I .it It ' Thiit
nf like p-l-
nntccr on my
"Dl.l liiu r.trr Srr thr I.lkrf u
WoHdrr Ktrloll' I-. thr IIUdrNt
.'tIIIuk urn urr In Ihc Uiirlill"
too. rlKlit tin ri . -ilon t t'f :ifrall.
thnt'K It. f..l hn intiniiili ih. hKiii
In Well,'ll tin- i "in whh
Wall, Hint heats nil'" TliutV the w.iv
"0tii-lt" works on nil mrni, rvi rv
1 corn, I'vrry tlmr. It s tin' new, slmliv
Way iif mrliiK i orim. uu'll n.i koiiU-
Siye to all roollah ronlrnpllotm llko
lundltna ImndsKoa. ailck tape. plui
I terst too-entlna anlvrs, anil grave
i dlsra'r ui h in knlvin, raxurs unit
I aefcaiKT". "GNU-H" atotw pain Appllcit
I In meondii. Novrr fulln. Nothing to
tlek to, Hurt or lrr tin inn corn.
"Orts-tt" la sold Vlryv'hrl, 2Sr n
iHtttle, or arnt dlioit by Ii. Uwantu
& Co.. Chlcaao, 111.
Sold lu Mcdford and recommended
38 tho world'n best corn remedy b
l.i:o. II. IIAKKINS.
Medford House Movers
We JVlovc
Phono IKH-.M
(ll'J S. Nonlouii. 7U7 W. i fill St.
Particularly Pleasing
to Particular People
Most people are parlculur. espec
ially in tho Helen Inn or articled or
rood. Particular people would not
think of eating butter without flri-t
knowing that it bin been pnr.totirixcd.
You may h I ways depend on
"Medford Creamery"
hccuiiM' fieri omiie of i n - 1
for thlM liluhc.-t 'pi.tllti tnlih Imiii'i'
li panlfiii'1.i i; It Ih purf. fifh, d
lli Ioiik
hen Imller b' pa-teurUed It Ih lib
yului.'h imre.
I'u'f, itweet cream tor family tine
at .ill timet.
Medford Creamery
Kith, Ntiootli and lit'lo'bMio
t.n w.iiii -ouitiliiim cxiea. und
ellfl lie I ivani I- What .toll uant.
I'm! up In iiitlithlual Miohla (Ih t'alla
111), Iom, Ciiiimllim.s, Ili'irU ami
Plain lie I ivaui
i:i:mi miii:h iiaimy lll'TTim l
ii elled lj no other.
mira fin- Senlce,
w mi i tut i iikwi
I'l. ..lie ISt
;fJ- I Main
Camera Sop
208 East Main Street,
Tho Ortlv T'!xolusivp.
W 1 a 1
in rfoutheru Oregon,
Svgfl fives -Miiih- any iuw ur
;l.u(0 I'v atfU'itnii'iittt
i ( . ir
TnU ? m ssssssssW
publish a
large list
! ' , ,
iiiext weeK"
lust on
few items
Look for If
C3 00
Till UHI.4NAT.
Cbraj 1.1 i
s. it. -... j .a
I s''l I
3?iriio Ii7-,T u A JL JL ,1, jJ.
o O
x d weston Prop, i 33 N. (irape St.
1"-- "(
1 ,
V'1'- ? '
.. ' V.' j