Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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mhFOun mw. Tr.mrvfi. stiurnnu. r.-i n
r-nrV a'f'tr f f.f-.
fWfiRrrm'RNT rw,rM run
f C ffMf EVKnt AKTR'"
fWiffiRi. t'Htttrititt CO
'' Mali Trlnun HulMIn l-JT-t
Tf Fl mrrrt fsleafion If
T tmortl Tm fh Kfdfw
Mstt, fti MMfnril TrKua. fh Pwtfh
riM rwr. ar umI
fJIW wHWith. oj
It ft
Ap7vrMJ fc MrriV "la
Phonlx JaftHsoavtll
I Point .. i
m rmm
rtstntrts oni by mall r rear
wi.r ar r
W) p. .f tft nf ttnifsnf
1H' Phim ' if I season county
4 rniirt-cla matter ai
A 'trwawi!. unrtir fh sel of Mrfi
Hi Cfrewuitton for MM. H88
II lwp"1 wtr Aetiiti1 Pr! rtl
"Mil 1
tiiiticrthrc rallln to rr
rf payors promptly, phone
''.roulatlon Manaaer at 260-11
NKW YORK. April 21 llprst Von
Dor (loltx, (hi (leriimn soldier of for
ttino nml secret aaent whose stale
ineiit of ilntNlIn of the plot to destroy
the Welland ranal wa tnatle public
hv th llrltlih government Innt nlKht,
Ih now detained at the lCllla Island
lininlarstlon tatlou hern. I In whh
brought here from Liverpool March
2 In the riiatoily of a Scotland Yard
1 ' O ' " " ' " "
VX7IIKN we fail we Maine condition, flu- nmnlry and
' the world in general. When wr wrvp(, we mon
ojKilisw Ihf rrHif fffr oitrwlve". An a matter of farl, Inith
the ifirli vilnnl nnd environment pharo the eredlt for both
mwcc nn and failure.
Home twenty yearn ago TJealrice Jlaraden, thp noveli!,
depicted in "Jfilda .Stafford" ilio tragedy of failure upon
a California orange orehard. A similar imilietie story i
related by n CJranta IJaas frtiil xi'nwer who failed, in tin
HI. Joseph, AIo., Jiiii t Grower of Ajiril 15. In rt it reml.s
as follews:
Talk about growing beltr fruit bah! The more you grow lh morr
you 1M, aa none pay for lh roat of production anil transportation. W kn
one aoea hla lifetime aavlnga mo to amaah, one can't hare a kindly feeltmc
for people who make their living by atatementa rontrary to the real farm
"I put $7,000 In land and Improvement! close to Oranta 1'aaa In 19"!)
It coat $15 an acre to dear It. In ten month I waa broke and had to Ko
bark to work at my trade. I have earned 19000 alnre, and It liaa alt Konc
Into the place. Now I ran't get 30c for each dollar that I have put In I
planted, among other tree. 2o Hlng and Lambert cherrlea. They all died
from gummoali. Nothing can atop It.
There are many in every fruit belt that tell the same
story, with the irony and bitterness of failure. There
always will be, for the idyllic life of the orehurdist appeals
to the inexperienced, to the ill-equippud, to the dreamer
and impractical, to the city-worn and to the retired. The
perfumed bloom, the fragrance of the ripening fruit, the
sunshine and charm of out-of-door life in a region where
every prospect pleases, lures the unfit and the misfit along
with the fit.
They say in the orange belt of California that it takes
three generations of owners to brrng- an orchard into prof
itable bearing. The first plants it and sells before it
reaches the bearing age, usually at an inflated, exorbitant
price to the second, who exchanges his money for experi
ence and becomes bankrupt or quits in disgust and the
third, practical enough to make it profitable.
An individual who puts his entire capital into any
business about which lie knows nothing, and especially
into a business that he knows cannot return profits for
seven yeaix, must expect to become "broke." An individ
ual who speculates in purchasing frm't lands on margins
has no more just complaint about losing out than he would
dotective with the uinieratttiidiiiK'timt' have with the same sort of speculation in a bucket shop.
after he had hihiIh hla atatementa to
federal officer or a grand Jury ho
is alst) destined for failure for of all occupations, none
requires more careful, intelligent supervision and actual
hard work than fruit growing- with its endless battle with
pests and nature.
Periodically, following the fabulous profits of favor
able years, the fruit-growing craze sweeps over the coun
try, just as the stock craze and the milling craze and the
real estate crazes do. The lessons of the past are always
forgotten in the excitement of the moment, and everyone
who can buys in haste to repent at leasure. Carried away
by a contagious enthusiasm ami the unscrupulous lies of
brokers, the widow invests here mite along with the youth
from college and t lie ripened business man, in inflated
securities. And in the tragedy of the reaction, in which
the inflation is squeezed out, necessary experience ac
quire!, t lie orchards reach bearing age and the industry
placed upon a business basis, there are hard times and the
faint-hearted lose their courage.
The past few years have been severe on the local or
ehardists, but valuable lessons have been learned. Might
and oilier pests have been successfully fought, frost dam
age minimized and the necessity of irrigation to overcome
drouth realized, and the marketing problems being solved
through co-operation. And even with the handicap of un
favorable seasons and a foreign market deinoralizt'tl by
war, some of the orchardists have made good profits.
Kvery year sees the fruit business upon a better business
basis and it is still the one best M in the Uogue K'iver
valley. As the I'Yuit-G rower remarks:
Now la a good (line to atlek tight to our own orchard, and to glvo
It better rare than ever. U aiothlng worth htW In lUU world to be gained
without a atruggle? No bualuoaa of an magnitude haa ever been develop
ed without having to endure hardship that would break the courage of
any but a man of Iron, and while bankriipto haa fared many a mail, thoae
who come out on top are the ouea who Httck to the fight and never know
when they are whipped There ta a futiin- of unbounded opportunity In
orcharding in the north went, aud the ltn rewaida will come only to those
who are willing lo ta with the buln'HM to the bitter end In the uet few
ear there will be many orrhardUt in the l'acific Northweat who will
reap a fortune through the intelligent application of modern bualnoaa meth
od to their choaeu occupation. "Don't Ik a quitter"
tthould he returned to ICugland to lie
lnld aa a war prlaouer until the war
' over.
Ito nils IMnlN of Plot
Soon after arriving here ho waa
taken before the United State dla
trlrt attorney and It waa aald that
ho revealed lo the federal officer
inot of the detail of the Wellaud
cnal plot. A a result It I aald,
of the Information he gave to federal
official. Indictment were, found a
few day ago charging complicity In
'the Wetland canal conspiracy against
Cltaln Krans Von I'apen. the re
railed military attache or the Her
man emhaasy; Captain I Ian llauach
rr. who la aald to he agent of the
Krupp; Wolfe Von Igel, Von I'apen'a
ri iner secretary, In whose office fed
mi agenti seised the document now
i ' ilmed by the German embaaay, and
There wa no mention of Von 1 gel's
iwnne In Von Der dolts' statement aa
Tide public In ICugland. The Oer
a n embaaay now demands Von I gel's
r 'ease from arrest on the ground
that he la a member of the Oermau
diplomatic organisation In thla coun
ts Many name of German propagan
da or director emplo)d ' un
neutral aetlvHIe mentioned lu Von
I'-r liolta' slalemanl have never ba
r.'t' figured publicly In that ronner-
Soldier of INjiOiik
V cording to hla story, Von Der
c: iit wa captain in Carruuxa'a
ii in) in Chihuahua In June, 1913.
Winn he waa arrested by General
M.r. udo aud sentenced to be shot.
'I luce time, Von Oer (loll said, he
w.i placed against a wall for the
nniiK squad, but each time was taken
i m.k to prlaoa. Kvenlually he waa
it i .icd upon demand of the German
umiI. o then went to I.oa An
i w here In November, he sa s, an
.n.ii k was made upon hi life. lie
r i ii mod to MekU-o and took part in
tin iuttle of Torrtou, Ojlnaga. San
l'ciro and Xaeatecax. Just before
the Kuropean war began, he said, the
i.. iiiinii ninxiii hi Chlhiiaima sent him
in Wu-hiuKiou where he met Cup
tulu Von i'ai en
mi Dr : 1 i in the cimtod) of
tin d.'i'.ii t ui 'I i,' in lit i'
IMn'l IliiV Hun. illi n il; lie.
lltmo 'litem Willi IIm OlhiHO
I'ivm riMiiH
This prescript ou lor the removal
Of freckle was written y a prom
inent physician and 1 usually so
successful lu rehieijag frecslaa ao4
giving a clear, beautiful oiuUi
Ion that It I sold by my druKrUt
under guarantee to refund the moue
If it faila.
Don't hide our freckle under a
veil, get an ounce of olhlne and re
mote them. Kvun the first few ap
plications should nhow a wondtrful
improvement, some of the lighter
freckles vanish entirely.
lie sure to Mi; the druggist for the
double strength othlne; It U thta that
J void ou the moue)-back gnurau
teo. i
mm... :..,i:., :,i,... i ,..t... i . : . . t .... , t ,i ...... : w ,,,,
in; uiui iiuiiii in; uiiiiivn ui iih iiiini kiii i iiii iiniu in
leaves it to a cheap emplove while he fritters awav his time
, . i f k r (iinv hi no
" '" "' "" ' ' ''' '' ' ' , ,..,-t ii to e , .r -. and It .
In,, ftrrgfer forfland . "I.Hl , I "....,, r.,,ii. ofMarfttKHI.
.'ilrli ff,rMnnlh "" '" ' "" ' ' ,,. visit With
.m.-....,.. , Mcorisin i ntfninai a vieu whh
., ml r...o ' ,n,h,p.,f, .1.1- w-li
,H 1.. f It ndopt i It ' '" ' ' - --;
payativBaa)1 TV'UxWM
ti, Mr i.jMjf xftvrrffriiriu
! iMaiurui. ' p i.
Cnttolenc is ready for u when you Ve it from
X piT It mi readily with flour "
nicely with .ugar. Cotlofcm. has no equal for
shorteninjt or frying;. f
Food,, prepared with it have . delicious ; Ajvor nd
are tempting in appearance. Arrange today with
your grocer for regular of Cot olene, the
Natural Shortening. It is put up in puis of con-ven.-T.
'Cptttilene makes Reed booking bette!
TIhuikIi nlie in younger tlnin inan of the -.iiejetv lnnl she cntertnin,
Mrw. l-Mifnr 1'rouhnik, wile of the A n-tro-ilununrinn eonsul of the north
west, hciM'H ns offiiml hn-tesM at till the jmlilii' -oi'inl funetiotw of the
cmiKiilnr ilepnrtment, wlm-h i-. Inealnl m St. Paul, Minn. She is tin
American kmI mid nidcil for her hen tit v.
Orchids the World's Choicest Flowers
Ask tlu nvcrngu mini if he ever, Amonj; nil the things of frnjjile benutv
tiiNted the fruit of an orchid itnil the ,l,at "'ittiro hni nrodueed pvrhniM
ehancea aro porlmi n ll.ouanml to ,n!,lJe, hn,, IfWHter charm and ia more
., , , . . ,. . , highly linaed limn that nulinnt,
one Hint he will rcply-.o. Hut lie J flnwor of rHin,J(m. 1lo1
1ms nt leaat it' ho ia n norinnl man ml softened shnden and tints and
and enlM ire eronin and enhc. Prom infinitelv varioua forniH the dr
whieh alntemonl it may lie iiifurred ,.hid. P.r its rnrer ajweieH men lmve
that the fruit alluded lo is not enten j traveled I'nr, suffered iniieh, ami of
like an apple, poneh or jH-nr, lint is i ten died; and yet. in its commoner
consumed in thu form of n flnvorintf forms few flowers nre more widely
extract. Ivxiictlv. nml it is mi e-' ,.,i it ,,.,.,! ii,,.,.i.i .t, u...,.i.i
- iiiiiii iiiiiinKiKfui iiil" nuiiiii
HpHK uutiitluiuuH roci'ftlin.u to compel the plneiuK of
.Justice Hughes' name on tlu- Oregon ballot has been
crowned with kiuci'sk and I he name of the favorite candi
date til the stand -patters will adorn the ballot against his
expressed wishes by order of the supreme court. .It is
now in order to institute mandamus proceedings to eoniHl
Mr. Hughes to accent the republican nomination, which he
has stated that he does not want.
It is indeed a curious state of affairs when a great
political party has to resort to the courts to dm ft a candi
date for the presidency of the Tinted States against his
will. It shows what dire straits the partv managers are
dihen to in their frantic effort to pick a winner.
The sentiment for Hughes is based solely upon the
idea that he will prove a vote-getter. No attention is paid
as to what may be his principles or his attitude upon pub
lic quest ion ami policies in this most critical aud crucial
tiiiM in tin' nation's history. Whether Mr. Hughes favors
commercial economic ami industrial reforms that affect
the life of the people, whether he fa vol's preparedness and
militarism, whether he is for war or for peace, what is his
attitude upon a hundred other issues U not known. Nor
does it make any difference to the priiuipleless partisans
advocating his candidacy what he helieu-s so long as he is
thought a vote getter.
So we see tatcsincii of actual accomplishment and of
known ideas, staunch adocates of principles, mm who
huve been tried hiuI found not wantiutr. tinned hv fr an
miwillimr i)iiUiio,viiv picked as u lcfider soleh to lead, tliuf jmt
hllllUl't pi'lltl- Mil t. t)li 'I "UllUT.
tract that is ono of the most widely
known and ircncrallv used in the
world vanilla. Which gwa to show
that most of us aro not of a very in-
iiiriiiK turn of mind utter all, csh
Whcreuxni he enters into nit ac
count of where they imWi how tliey
grow, how the flow era nre fertilised
by certain insects, the ireoulinr atntc
tnro of the flower, and niimcioii
..:..ll I :. . .. , -. - . -
cmuv wium ii comes 10 i ot ni- other phases of orehidology of n
most dady use, nml, even iu legard to J mora or lean iiitereating charaetor.
tllltlKS We CHl. . One of the mnsi utrikiiur Cant linu-.
. , .......... n .,. ,- f .,..,.
I Jin ! n ummmm
Naturally, orchid are md uaunllv
tlKHiglit of in connection with things
ever, in connection with this tremen
dously larjrc Junior of plant ia that
eilthlc. Ilicv nil) not canceled l i ,.l(lw.nK !.. ...... .... i...... .i.... i -.
si'rvc in it utilitarian caiuicily. Thev (W0 different aiveoiea, ludoiifring to
apiM-al not to the gastronomic, hut to Lome thing or Jflfl genera, thoro in
the neMhetie side of the human indi-' IhiI one genu-, that has nny known
vidunl, and nre priwd ehietlv lor ' practical viilue. and concerning this
their beauty and in some instances genus Vnmlla Ihe article slates;
wi Ocularly because of their rarity. t)f this p-nti there nre but a few
Anything that is beautiful and nt the I Hpecies, and of these the moat im
Htnw time rare nnd hard to get is , portnnt is Vanilla planifolin, fi-ou.
cerium to be wanted whether it is which the vanilla benna of commerce
itaeful or not. n clmracteristic which are derived. The genus is nulive in
is touched main ia an article iu the the warmer part of Mexico and por
Mnreh number of the llulletin of the dona of Central America, but haa
I nn-Americnn I'nion (Washington, M., inirodueed mid is extensively
I). V.) by KdMiinl Albea, in which he ( cultivated in some of the Wet Indies
introduce;, his subject, "Orchids in and in the islands of the Kost Indian
the Anicncas. ns follewa: ! an-hindagi,. The several specimens
. A ,,nr " lieauty that is rare and! of vanilla arc nil climbing plants,
ilii licult to obtain seoma ever to have , their slender sterna emitting neriiil
proved an irresistible lure to ndven-! root by means of which they cliruh
tiirous man To poese. it he will, upon the trunk and limb, of trees,
suffer the hunlhitui of the highest , The flowers have thick, flcshv. dull-
mountain cln .r Hak the almost , colored leuve and are inodorous.
certain dangers of disease iu tropic The fruit consist of long, slender
ones; he will dare death at the ,k1s, shaM like a thick, somewhat
hands of savage enetuie and pursue flattened leud pencil, firm but slight
hi qnrat far into the regions of un- , ly wrmklcd. These pods are gathered
known wild. Now into the depth of jnd dried before they are fully rip,
shark-infested scan he dives with the j the drying process being the most in.
o , rr""" ,u",rw"" l"rl J l1l 'wilare of their pre,mrntion.
""" ,"'""""v 4V,n,,e H'H : which develona their jieculiar odor
climb for a rare seimon f the, and gives them their value a Ik-
...,'.. 4x Kimeriug jewel m un
idol's head ma lempt him to invade
the sacred precmcta of au Indian tem-
vonng exlract.
Of (he rarer nnd more beautiful
orehiilM mi 1m tin... tiio ma..:a. u..
,.U ...-!......... . ...... ,. --.--."...".... -,,-,, ,,
: T .i. "?,u"," """" 're "" mr been gathered in the forests of r.
into the primeval frfreU of'iil, while foUm,l,i has furnished
lolombia or Peru, 'lo this spirit of ! something over 600 specie of this
daring and adventure the endued i queen of all flower. IVro. Ecuador,
world owes not only it greatest reo. Vene.ucla, Bolivia. Jtesico and all the
graphic discn ,., 8nd important ml-Central American counlric ure nUo
dilious lo scent knowlede. but to ; ,,r.alueers of magnificent varieties.
it is also laix-.U due the d vei of , and the world thus owe to the Amer-
111 U lit Sit Bill I ..... ..I.... A I. . .. J l
, ' "" "' : nMes, ,;,, or ua the most vanegutcd a well as
l... .... .1 , . " ""'- ""-Bii- ll IIS
beaut, things v.l.ue praetnal viilue-the most gorgeo.,, ,H.,imens ot thw
may be but -liuht. but whose appeal creation which i veritably "a thmg
-eu-e. lot beauty and a joy forever."
is lo the artisti,. n,j aesthetic
The Bloodsuckers
(From the hugeue Heiuien t f,.,,.,, tn an vttoH ,0 Ju ,
Th. "Oreater Portlaiur .a- ..r ,.. ,., h1 . ofm Jtn
Ion o the Mn run, is !. or,Kon wolllt, be ob, ( J
to take awav the flesh and h..H,d do,, ,d leave th. whole field To
T Jr h Tr'V ?: " vonun Th ki fee..;; h t
ng onl, the t.,re bone. The ,,r- t .tlrrltl uu b) ,, , J
ose of course, u to make a are.ter neighborly little acheme ba. not jet
I'ortUnd b re.Un, .., b, fowe been forgotten.
the thine. Out Would make a greater noun In the Rogue rlrer valley
proiiosf d action is based Is that might
makes right.
Only a little while ago other
"Oreater Portland" enthusiasts ere
balling Astoria with a proposal for
equal rates with Puget ftound point,
but wiite planning all the time a
soon as equalm waa granted to de.
maud still lower Bte than either
Aatorla or Puei flound. The Inter
state rommeree commission, hou-
T, t i I'll 1yN1e' tfx lu the
'' .
v''iffr i . i. ,
trflf r kvtP9
IM f ' WSJ
Special Added Attraction
A Visit to the
World's Greatest
Exposition with
David Lever
Director (Jnind Prize Khilit
J'nnninn-Pacific Kiusition.
Ijeinarkalile MMtimi Pictures
and Natural c 1 i- Views.
In Addition in lveiiilar Pri'iaiti as Ftilluws:
A Luxe Stnry nf the Aijcs,
Keatttriiifr Winifred Greenwood.
A "Trunk-An" Trouble
A fast and furious Comedy.
Mutual Weekly of Latest Events,
Afternoon shows, 12:1.") nnd .1..H): Kvenhig, 7:15 and
Sr-l.".. Admission " and 10c.
Charlie Chaplin ami Mabal Normancl in
three reels Sunday.
Mary Fickford Monday
Cordially invites you to
attend their
Anniversary Opening
Saturday, April 22, 1916
Afternoon and Evening
Excellent Music Favors for the Ladies
as nude to secure ferlght rate that
would make oile establishment
ot Hie jobbing fndnsin on a small
le Hut the (ireater I'orlland"
l'ln, iimi i filed and the result U
ilia, Midtord im haa the highest
Iitjr AmIaui
i$ S. li.UUt.KTT
t'lKMie M. ii sua 47-J
Vmbuluum Sanies Coroaar
Now on Display at the