1fTf T'TT MT ff.fc f M'fOr?f f. ' ( ! ! TMorc TTnmrt V vV . & ILWTHffl lEiKnmr at airy mmi 1M0IT t-Mn rf)n WOWPPI i'liri', rf)nFnc?rlRi r rivr ( yi,G- ?T S Bft OWING FAD thr awf nfhp n' Mo'lfafrt' r yen MrrTrtTl in imr rhlMrn'n raiareea? What year afcii- asaae f their inawaa tint? Tka reWeakaa; etreatar letier kaa km area) m rWT sekaet rklkl atst revs af aa m hm. f i in I htfOTWM tke MHil I II Tkrift esktatt kte la a ha Attefaf lb awtra at taw Mheary PrMar at 7:2 awl War Hr. HRfia aa4 Jadfc lURr Mil wkae tkar will aiaaa to yea ajnf rwmt cMim. Tfcara W he aa fcwetaati anafcaJ a Taw Tfcrttt aovraiivt la at paeaewJl acacla tke atteatta ef aaraata aa leaekem all aver Aaarrtea. Tka fa tar eeaaaaal caadltkHt af tka Patt ed talaa depend taraeijr ape well a iaark aar kajw aa aae aaji aitfllte tfeair epaa both la aa eat af aekawt. t-Taaekar orcanlsatJoa are lac a asaveateat kaewa aa tka "Jav ! Tkrift KxhtkH" whlek lateaa ta iaeter a dli aa the part of horn aaa airta la atltiae their opare lime la atn aosnethla bath naernl and profit a hie ta Ikt-aMwIree aad (.nMlv Will raw sat ha wlUla to provM .1 way where? yaar box or U m ! prwfhabir eoiployej ibis summer? Tke parpaae af tka aMvameat is eVateaad ta awakaa la tke pareat a eepvr tatcraat la tk mental aad physical acUelllaa af tke rbiM and at tka mm Haw nbaw th value to tka child af the opportaaitr to derelop tke aetieltlea. It will ntlaalata arlftiaallir. taseanltr. ladastry aad. tkrift la roar cklld. Iteiliili weal 1. An cklMraa sfxteea yaara af aga ar aadar aiajr exhibit aat abject tkajr kava wltk tkalr 1. Tke prevarta t savtefia atade la mraaataajr. fralt eaaaJa. raMas paoltrr. wood work, tajre, electrical aa weekaatcal apparataa. prlattas aria aad eiafta. taakhsc. sew lag asaaW. arilUBary aad pats may be ei klbiled. 3. All work aiust be doa oaUitle ef mIiooI hour. 4 The ori U not eoinierltve. . Ai!tic- rna bv outoed from aay on- or Iroui ar. v oirr- Br m A aHMkkkkkkBkkHI JHi bHbK kaHfertliLyaVi. - ,aK aikflBLkWcBkklkkBbMk Bv - .ak aaH-S HmHLv JHaWBBaL QwatHBBWaflBHaT SIIHHbbbbbbB aMelalpW flTy LLLLkkm, Mt. kkLr stdkBfc'1 & 4m jh v 4 MwkLLvVvHlv LakVWfflv vwBkrlBrQF i? rkSikHkH2i2iBilui "skLV V tSk aVVn if HaaA.xHC3kVf vHaBPlLlklkalwW. JaaH aT jl JHalaaafeiaF WSaKJeHS aT " aLHkHlk!HLVk!BBH S aJF 'SkkkK - arilaik JkkkkHkft JGw ' VHHflfyU0O lb fllSD fkLBBlT V ikkBaaaHLm acL VtUMHMwCx H fSaflkuL.'fkHHkHkl aakkkkakmkkm JHaWV "J kCKm Mil J Lv 91B9wkHE?fr, kkkkkDLLH TTaMtVw l ' XI6 v rf""y LSEiaHkdkAyiaaWP JftnLHLffaHkkkUkbSn X I T tt IlkafkVK, TC - ' kkkkBaBW V s E BR IN NAIViEO AS PLOTTER BY VON DER GOLTZ o MOFFI.T1 ITIONRE EXPOS SULTS Witmen wliu I'jivor -ho't luur inr Wi'hirptin: Lm-illi- I'm ;Ii. i-w lrk Wr-. llwlH'k lilli-. iii.-r nii'l IimIii wmi-fif Above, roll to nnht, lr. V lnwvcr iintl porirty jjirl; below, lelt I IT. I 'Ml I I :ll ..-I..-. I t, llthol )r. Mnr WnlkiT of ,c(iinilMi, ii;ini-(, nml AT PAGE TONIGHT A fx kant full of enuie iirriM and thrillinjr ndreBtnrtu tuok plu'e recaotljr tktrtjr aiilaa outkle of !, Aaavlap. and tba fcaatar, who ert tkoronabbred Triaanle K.vtontr, hnd the tnae af their liven. The puli lie will have nil lha leuitara of hemp at a real hunt wftep, they ee Mnck Seaaett .. eomedjr, entnJad, "The lluat.'' whieh attraetiua opaon at the I'aye tbetiter timiabt. atarriair th' popular Pord tirlinjt and Folly Mo ran. Twi-aty-fivp people monntcil on hrr and a m of fifteen t mined hoamln partM'i(Mted in the pursuit of the y Rryattni. A number of ex lTicneeii borxaroen 11 ad horewimien U have fotlowd the houudx in nutv lj'.''ih hrinlH, were enunm'il to turni-h -tur ditrln- "tefpliM-liiiM uuil hiinlk'-pimpiu ntitnt-. A ttrv that i different iimi 11 pir t if-.- Jv worth eeinf i I). W. (Irif- in'i'" (treat pectuculur uluy. "Tlic I 'in it cnt .,' priaiiiintr hen li llu tiist lime (Irrin JohiixtMi, out' l America' foremost reiimutit: uctoi. Mr. JohiiMm hii hii vnttaKinK (R-r-on-nht, epro.ivi fealitren iiikI 11 m utli leiie I rum i nn1 wnlk, nil ot wlucli luio lii'liil to 11111 Kc inn 11 v lrii'inl lor liim nmoii' tlii'iitervoent. wm OF RULES IN ALBANIA FAKIS. April ill. A llaan UIh Itatrh from Corfu b) that I'rlnco William of Wied, rervntb reported to hara been relnatated n ruler of Albania, baa iunad a proclamation at Ul Bauan, apepallng to tlic neople of the country to admit to the Teu tonic alliea and enroll in the army. The proclamation wan signed by the prince aad aa Auatriaa officer, flhlr-iiadtnt. RUSSIA CUBES RtrMKHI HO. dr., April 'Jt -.. Kehudniiichcr, livinaj lit Khnliir Ritnr farm, near heta, who was nam cd in the sworn itatement mudc lv Florxl Von Der (foils, which wic made pablie by the tfritiak jmvem meill last niffbi, aa baiag ana of tin pcrsonn ahVfev to be hanDeatcd m lwmb plota, i a Oenean akewiet. Much of hi thae bare baa been do voleil to cheaiical experhnenta. TIickc cipcrimciitH, he mid, were for the ptirpoHc of diHcoverktg a cheap poul try fowl. Mfkudwiucbcr Innubcd at the idea of Ma being iuiplicuted iu bomb plolt. He any hi name prohulil.v i on the Hat iff Herman in America who 11 re aabjwr'lo military duly. Thix, nml the fact that he in an expert chemiM, he wtW, may have rcNidied iit hI tanttta ta implieate lihn. During the I lime yearn of HIh teHi llciiee here he Iiiih been eii;HKeil in Hie Miutry liuilicHH, hut teeeiitl une up 111 in liUMinex iiihI IikIii wiim flic" t-fl in tcimiiK down cerul muiiII )nr.ll I in-r. tlillt lie luti! urn-ted. lie -l.llnl 1 lixlti Hint lie I1111I lo 11 Inlhpii' nl , f. .0,111111 hi 11 hliel -ml in M ..li.. NORTHERN mil XKr VOKK. April Jl.-The Hu kiuii Kovernniciit'a decree eloninK the Hirt of Archunpiol to nil hip caiyot's except thone exclusively for line liv the Rovcinini'iil, h hocii Inondeiiuil to inclmic all White ea nml Arctic ports, it wi matlw known (inlay at the offit-f of the KuH-inn eomiuciviiil uttuche here. Xo officiul c.vr)amt(iou Iihh hucn received in Xtw Vork iih to ichhou for the decree. One intcrpretntion iidvanced iu marine circlex in I hut llio order bun to do with the movement of ltn.tniitii troops to I'muee. It wii huIiI hero toduv that Hit' IJiiHsian einliiMy in WiinhintTtou Hill ioon iue u KtnU'iiK'nt iudieatiug pit whnt nhip moveiiientK to KuxMin tire to he. pcruiitted under Hie decree. TIZ' TIRED, ACHING FEET No moro soro, puffed-up, tender, aching foot no corns or callouses, "Tin" make ore, hurtling, tired fteb fairly dnnoe nlth dclifthU Avray s tlio uelim ami palna, tlm corn, onllourw, liliitiira, tuiiilnni and clilllilaina. '"Ill" draws out tlio aciJ anil polnono that pufT up your feet. No nutter how hard you wort, how lonx you daucv, how far yni walk, or how long you remain n your fivt, "Tia" hrlngH rentdil foot comfort. "Tit" In magieal, ffrand, won Icrful for tired, noliing, hwoIIcii, Btnart ing feet. Ah t hmv cotufortaiilo, liow luiipy jon fool. Your 'wt jut tlnalo for joy ; bIiooh nnvcr hurt or bcciii Unlit,. Get 11 2ft tent Imhc of "Tix." now from any dniggUt or departmont utorc. liml fot torture forwer wenrMunllcr allocs, kcp your feet frtli, awect and happy. Jiut tliinkt a wliolo ycar'u fewt comfort for only 'Jo eut. AT STAR TONI GHT Tutiijn' at Iim !ji ' . 'r.'"i'i' will in .-!rn u rvrfi r..tl. lb .mI.Ii tkalt to I be Rfilur prvraiit. Il.it lit jerr. the yoalkfal 4traetir ut iw ot Ike sraa4 pnae csr-itioii ehd it, will gie an iltn-tnitrd talk "n lb- irll'- Kreate-i .ir. ilii 1m- ;ikI f mihirLrfMr mh4,m (Xtt'iro .ind aaluntl -4tr v WW-. Tbr -H idr- ,.i..i ..!.! f;irr.'tu xiw ( h rl' -null. -ii ilftUUr rx- lkhf ljrt I- - ' ' !..: 1 . m -!.-.. . ...'. Htuiic : . 1 a huJ.rtir-d lijiilf 4"A TVe wbw bar i(-d ibe 2tai espuitf wui i tu i. f. . rfgaaa lb- Mm-4Bl hm wi- ( iti.iir tiait. Tho- abw rtr mli!i 10 atteaa) 4uiid ot aaVw tki f.-r annmtf t e 1 be partarv. and brar Ur. I-ier it hi- mum wkirfwiatf tfc, Aad all ia dditt u the rYaiar ! nua aa4 at la- rtuiar pnaa f ad-mu-im. Taw f t.'drea -fr-nlj aat tui 'ppnuiti:r. J I y Jr V...; J h3$& xi 'v-o , I m VraW'awyi,ifV:AwiJw &! , 8Baw'.'JPA,' " - " Vi w.r vvniRZt ""l . va "r:-TnaaB'ir'-r'3Mi in imaaaa ami 1 iimi va-j .' w .f sl ; 1 s I B C5rf Wi- .iCh ?LTt GBKUSmr- rfrt?" ' i JBaatiaaTaaTaaf II S JLH a MIJMLl.U1 MrlattiaiMkTOt1" & M&m& im n mMMKmBmvNKmwm I 3bbBc 1 Vr-Xa aBkMaTBaTBblE?4r . ttJRSBf 39bkW ' T'TWwaS r- ' !.. H .A'. - e ssst -en, 4 u - aad H II I I ATrsrua a. w. v. at. J fcaamr wa.atiraaa) t4 V'Ml at p. at. All ordiaii ifirtied to be A N lUU'KUUA&U. Sir iw Klartrtr w'iw' Kalroa 'tm t-rtft ail! - ' ffoi.i ' to Z' ia 2aa4A. -:..". f-a aa- jbi r araar rr iicm Clothes and Next Sunday HTHERE'S a bigger idea back of "new clothes' for Easter" than just clothes for clothes sake; it's the effect that new clothes have on you and your attitude towards life things look brighter; everything is fresh; you feel like doing bigthings. Hart-Schaffner & Marx Varsity Fifty -Five Is an ideal suit for next Sunday. It's so brimful of youthful spirit, it'i contagious. You'll feel as you look in these smart clothes. Priced at S20 to $40. Other Suits $12.50 and up Gt your Eaiter htt ji?re and be in style m The newest in Ties and Shirts for Easter car. mffLgS "K Baking Powder Those who have had cakes ruined by jarring the slove, slamming the oven door or a heavy footatep, may have wondered how the dining car chef can turn out such marvelous biscuits, hot breads and pastry when his ovca is being Incessantly jarred ana jolted and shaken by the jnotion of the train. Tc Ret pastry to rnlc and slay raised under these con ditions, a baking powder must be used titat continues to give off its leavening tfas thai sustains lha raise until the dough is baked through. Dlnlnrf Car Chef have found a baking powder exactly suited to their needs In K C and you will find It liut as well ml led to your rcoulrctnenl. K C Is really a blend of two baklntf powdors, one active as soon as moistened, the other requiring both mois ture and heat to start thcjienmtlon of leavening gas. No matter how moist and rich wi nuke your cake, K C Itakln Powder will sustain the raise until a crust is formed and all danfer of falling is past. K C IJaldnil Powder Is pure and healthful. It Is guaranteed under all pure fund laws, and Is guaranteed tu please you. And It iiMild at a reasonable price- no baking powder should soil for more. .1--jjf. t ."-- -ZJ M Trv can at our risk anil be convinced. Easter, 1916 SPRINGTIME SUGGESTIONS FOR EASTER SUNDAY Lettuce Green Peas Spinach Green Onions Aipurngiis Mustard Greens Radishes . Cauliflower Parsley Ctioumljors Now Potatoos New Calihayc ORANQES GRAPE FRUIT DANAHA8 STRAWBRRRIES f APPLES Froth Rnnoli Ej Extra Quality Hams and Bacon I'cr-ointl Attelllioll Prompt Service. M QT Phone 252 East Main Street H raiWHirarw-r IS BANK SERVICE 'l . i ,i'lill i I Tl s I' ilih til I'l mull: Hill l lilt tll.lt M a in i .ii i i' I iii - "i i ut rpi i i it 1 1 .i iMiiiiii in.-tl-iiiUoii We In liuve the liaiiKer ucH a. tin1 .iki'IU ot tlio i"oile. and in onl'-r to lutflil vouipiuti l hie trimt. he uiuxt he In a pualtion tu offer a makimui 1 1 . , u atrvlie to meet the reciutreiuenlH of all. OVfR P?V"AI6 UNDER ONK MANAS i Jl! ggifm"ufla i HkWtkaVHHBH uakimuiii of nor- k it of all. I ANAttEMCNT I -gWgmawrrncniiiiiii i iJl 8 J '.!.. r.irl'.i HOE POLISHE TSc poli J t tlwls easiest io use- tlianlesttolose. y7 ttHMblBi4'wi Black 1 White Tan m Al-iK -oK povieit to KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT Th r. V. Daliey Co., LU.. Buffaiu, N. 9, r-J ." .&-.Ja&a--.weOoolSa sTBsas 1