T'AOf; TWO MForoiMi ffn ri:rr:ir. AM hi own. ni.i'n ii.ii, J'l.ii i t 'l m TOCAL AND J PERSONAL H O. Radars, Jr., promfBent and n youaa bniMM man or itfMaad. fraawarted bnalaeae In this Ky aatarday, retnraiaa name laat (rTBUlm. faa Bedford riar aMara glee tMTcaaa f theater tickets. SO Aa iMltr aaarlee pram ffieetlag iH to aW aViadsr at I: SO sharp at tha rreabyterlaa charrh. All nem fcara f tae eaureh ami tkalr frtad lira hirltesl l attn4. Wa ar prepared whetaer you ar iMklng for a handeame allk dreaa, a suit, a roat or a pretty hat. Alto tha propar fHntlahlaia to complete tha outllU Ahraas. Tfta Rsrarorta leagva will ho tit a sunrise prayer mealing" at fl.SO at the M K. church, ISaater morning. All members of the rhurcli and league are nuked to ba presont. Do voe gives, trading stamps with UTorythlnR oxcopt grooorlos, J I. I'onlyce, agont supervisor of tho Now World Ufa Insurance com panv, with headquarters at Spoknno, U'ahlngton, who had liuen onjoylug a business ioourn In southern Ore gon and northern California for ton day, will leave this ovoiiIiik on his return up atato. Tloron Invltaa yon to visit his Rrrenhouaoa and tee IjwIiIIhk atook. Mr. and Mra. I. 1C. Wakemaii motored to Aahland tqdny on hual news U I waa thinking or ualiiK potro lpinn or any mineral oil for constlim tlon or Rtomnoh trouhln I would mo lert one of the well known brnndi cnrrlml nt Htxtth's Drug Store, op poolto Nash hotel. 2 A L. K. Wakoman, a local Insurance man, haa boen appointed ganarnl ngi'iit for Jackson, Joaaphlno and SIm hlvou count loe for tho Now World l.lfe Inattranea company. Ilo and J. 1' Fordyoo roturnml thla morning from a IniRlnoea vlitlt to Siskiyou county. Tin of Stag frto with oaoh plpo bought at Modrord Cigar Btoro. SO A phonograph concert will he given at tho public library from B to (I o'clock Sunday aftornoon. Wo hnvo mill Monks and onn do llvor prouuitly. Dig I'lnoa l.mnlior Co Harry Manning, ownor of tho Won der storo, waa fined B by Police Judge Oay for Ignoring tho warning to remove defective wiring. U mar b cloudy today. Do not H that stand In the way. Waster nuv come out moat beautiful. He prepared. We can aerre you In all jour wants. Ahrans. I h Klymi. formerly an employe of the Med font Rleetrlc company linn accepted tha poellloH or tltne-ie-per for the Oregmi-l'tah Sugar iciiipany at Oraata Pass, and haa gotio to aaaume charge or the work. I, I' Olean. or Trail, la a IiiibI ne8 visiter In Med ford tur a raw time Dr. Htonksnten new praotlelng again. 140 Heutli Holly, Phone 862-X. IRBaaVm V '' ".""."f" rl!Artr(IOrT WflUlD SAVE li.i- n.nt.1 .,-e.lHl injuria or mei , flLp 0N f(AM6f iionv ror .woaoay evoaing. prii it, An lajelafiew af fa)mMNM Hi feMfiNMni la IflaetrMed ty lit Plea 1 Mfg r a-no kara dyoa whieli coat IMmi 2r par pofttMl end can bow ha atld tor tSS.OO yet they ar retalalng them to make their type writer ribbon, and carbon the aame high quality nri at the aame price before. Th Mri ford Book flora aall their produ" Rlbbaaa put ra macblnea free of, ckarge. 2fi A. A. Croft, of Agate, returned ' kome last evening, after a day of bnalnaaa In I hla city, t flra the florlat hacholceat bed ding planta. Oreanhoaaes Kaat Main. Sam Sandry, the fluh-eereen anper Intandent, tranaacted bualneaa In Medford yaaterday, returning to Rogue river laat evening. Typewriter paper all klnan, nt Med lord Printing Co. The ground of the new Moral building are being cultivated ami beautified by the ladlea, who are ft ret to In t ttraat themaelvea In aueh mat tare. Smoko a King Splti cigar. Cc Thoy aro homo-mado. tf Mra. I. I.. Hamilton, after an ab- nonce of a month In Soattlo, whore alio vlilted with her daughter, Mra. McCullough, hna rettirnoil homo. Without a doubt wn oan nave you money on your Hnter outfit. Ahrona. .ludgo Wlthlngton nttondod to bua lneaa mnltora In tho county aoat yes terday. Any article In our corner din-play window SRe. M. V. &H. Co. SO The temperature dropped rapidly In thla valley thin morning after 9 o'clock. A heavy froat la predicted for tonight. It la hoped that tha woather man haa mlaied hla gueaa again, ua In former caaea ao far thla month. Attorney flua Newbury haa movod IiIh office to tho third floor of the M (Hi ford Furniture and Hardware building. Interior rramo work ror tho now bUNlnoaa block on the corner or Weat Main and Kir atreota In being rapidly placed, flood progreaa la being made on tho building. Are you prepared ror tho Hauler parade. If not look to u lor tho fln lihlng tnuclioa. Ahrona. Tonight, liiitend or thla afternoon, aa huretoforo publlahed. tho Parent Toachora' circle of tho Wuahlngton achool will hold Ita moating. Super intendent HIIIIm and Judge Kelly will i ( I- i , hi nt y i font i iKlinr l bl ivifK Hertram V. llanderMiii. of Vreka, CaHfarnia, fa In tfce city (nfnr. Imv ln to flvma by mgf f ihia eftf ! reaek the Nine Let dlrtrlel. wtetre i.r la eiUKHHvair aHHfeitnd. m$ U nlnmilnlal U 0 f ffS. ' i k ( Howien, we veieran marnor of Kaale Pofnt InSleta, vMfetf In M'-dford rrltfgv. Rathe f. -ffnttl Holland. ( lilef Thre lloarK Monntninn of ll went should ha monumentn to the Indian, the Hlnek feet Indian claim, and Three Moara, hraviwt warrior of the llluekfeet, linw aont a iwtition to Secretary of the luterior Lane ankiog that "Trick I'm 1 1" and wiiuilar name be changed to nainea of Indian leaders. t'harlea Henry, or the Steamboat dlHlrlct, tranaacted bualneaa In thla ilt eaterday, leaving on hla return home thla morning. Hee our ahnw window and what ou can buy lor SSe. M. K. & II. Co lack r Morilll, or Oold Hill, re newed arn.ualntanee with old-time frttii.U In tkla elty yeatarday, after an alwence of aeveral moutha In thu IlMwailan lalauda. We are aelllng the high grade Ohmptc Khmr at a aneriflee beeauae m are uveratorked. Rvery aaek la giiitranleed to give eatlafMtlou. I )i Hrown. Thoinaa Upton, of Klamath Fall. la a bualneaa vial tor In Medford and M. Hilly Cat your milk, eream, kHtter, egga and buttermilk at Do Vea'a. Kdaar llafier haa returned from a visit to hla aawmlll iniereata In the Hiitt Kalla dUtrltl. I)r Klrchgeaaner will be at Hotel Nuah every Wednesday. Itoura ror conaultatlon 10 to S. lr J V. Iteddr. of (Iraata Paaa. la attending a few daya In Medford on bnelneea. One thing on which there la no "war price" la Amatel Pound paper and envelopea We have abaorbed the three ralaea In price You pay the name. Medford Book Store. SO Una PraneU. proprietor of the Kagle reaUurant on Kaat Main atreet. la waking Interior tinnrovementa in Ma ptaee of bualneaa and adding an eteetrt an aklniiiR and hat clean Mag ngepnratna. 9m One Wood about that flr ln fnirenweo pettay. Office Mall Trlbuno milK, 8ua Hederie. of Waldo. Jewpb llin ooailt) U vpeudlnt e few dua at totiilJjiic to buuiDtti lo Ihia cltv Cteilnr oil Bvoia now an ' at S' at M. V. t V Co 2r. j. H Coleman of Talent, returocd Itautft liuu cvoiu after oueellniv to . Jewu.J i& tbts iv daring tee d'av TV njuA'gyeli1 TMar&ftc agenrv 4ios tMwimr ib lew to Un? 8itfS(?Mf,'b) HMK iVttn?tj Medford NalfJttWJiaBK iwjf addreaa the circle on the aubject 0r M1,rl,n" "Junior Thrift ICxhlblt." Mra. Wal- r,M,'H " tor Mundy will give u vlctrola con cert. The public la luvlted. Tho world's greataat companloi. Ilolmee, The lhauntnee Man. W. D. Wright, of Seattle, la at tending to bualneaa mattara In thla city today. (latea aella 1'ord cart, 1300 down and SS a month. Chaa. P. liarkman, of Princeton, Uliuota, la a Med fold vlaltor today. and may extend hla Inveatlgatlona Into other parta or the valley. Another one of thoae popular pa vlllioH daucea at tlold Hill on Sat urday evening, April tt. Plenty of good muale. Oood roada lor auto partlea and good time generally. J. O. (larking, tno boat all around photographer In southern Oregon. Alwaya reliable. .Venn Uvea made any where, time or place. Studio X2& Main St. Pheno .1X0-1. (I. Y Harry and Judge W. II. Can noH went to Aahland thla afternoon to aaalat in the organlaatlou of the Wood i oh Wllaon club there tonight. Come In and aee our jr.. 00 Heater Special. Mlaa tauuabury, milliner. M M. Dept. Store. Joe Dannebauiu, of Seattle, la en Joying a buainea aojouru In Medford and aurrnuudlng territory thla weak We have mill bloeka and can de liver promptly. Hlg Plnea Uumbei Co. T. M. Hughea, of Seattle, who ateadfaatly inaleta that he cannot af ford to be a candidate for the ptea Idency aa loim aa bualneaa continue to litiiirote as It la no, la enjoying a atop In Medford a day or two. lneure your auto in tha Alliance agftlaat theft, tire. 0. Y. Tengwald. Prealdent Pat Welch of the Kogue River Volley Canal company arriv ed In Medford today to attend to bua lneaa matter relative to hia eUeu- alve lnteroW here Weaton Camera Shop far flrtt-eleaa "Cltliena not familiar with the pro posed route of the railroad to and be yond tho nine Lodge dlatrlct," aald a man Intereated In the mining dla trlct, "do not real I He how much of a population the little valley a and cultl vatalde oovea along the way will hold and aupport. A number of beautiful ulclioa of rich toll, on which wild graaaea now grow In great abundance, will afford room for many orcharda and gardena for the hardy growtha that mature In abort aeaaona, and for hoga and eowa and ror a row aheop. The range will be abundant. Many comfortable liomea will he oatabllah ed along the Hue In theae place when transportation means ahall have been provided." We have mill bloeka and can de liver promptly. Hlg Plnea Lumber Co. Try n King Spitz cigar and en courage homo Industry. tt Postmaster IC. J. K liter of Aahland, attended the Woodrow Wllaon club organisation in thla city laat night. Ilo made arrangementa to hold a In the Commercial club of that city lor the meetltng tonight, at which fl. Y. Harry will effect a club organisation. 2k off en Kodaks at Weston's Camera Shop. A. 8. HoaeuhauM, agent tor the Southern Pacific eompauy In thla city, haa returned from an official visit to the Marehfleld and Coos bay districts. Sweet older al Da Voe'. Kdilor C. It. Wolf, of the Aahland Record, waa In Medford a mlnuto to day. Your lawn mo at mannlne sharp ened at Mltchella. Phone S30-J. Prof. A. R. Sweetaer, biologist of the University of Oregon, arrived In Medftrd yesterday on profeaalonal biminea and addreased (ho student body of I he local high school at o'clock this morning on matters per taining to hla department. Profes sor Sweetaer la one of the foremost educatora of the state and a report of his talk to the student and hia spec ial buslnesa In Medford at thla time will be made tomorrow It. Kliim, the well known hIkh writ er and palnler, haa completed a largo Illuminated sign for Dodge Hroa auto house and la Installing another for the Maaon-lChniMin Co 's place of buslnesa In thla city Mr. Klum has completed a large Illuminated alan for a prominent firm in Kugene. Onr chocolates are Medford made. The Saaeta. tf J. Frank Carson of Hutie Kail. I trammeling business In Medford this afternoon "Meet me at the Shaeta." William Lewis, of Hold Hill. Is at tending to bualneaa In this rlt toda Mr and Mr K M Hall, of Pori land, are sojourning In Medford for a few da this week. De Voe bnvs beer bottle Mi uud Mrs, A. L. Yecv, with Kvang.lltii Mathta In this riiy during a recent revival campaign, tarried among friends in Medford todav while CANADA 10 SEIZE ! SAILORS ON LAKES WASHINGTON, April '.' The I nit- (ii mere' asaociiitiiifi tonny no tihcd the deTaatiSMait of commerce it ha -. informatioa that the Canadian uoMriiment intenda in the future to I'Mimine all ehirm o the flrent Inke tmichintf Chnmlinn tHrt and remove "iiiliir- of belligerent nation. The UMucintion firoteslcd thai ex ereite of xueh authority would tie up navigation tin the lake--. The (indent wok turned uer to tin- -lute denrt-incnt. 0ITUARY foWTMllMilO!ll lire f tt fa ""' " "" "r " """ ' tmi4 At fHerra i!arV CI , Bedford in lio and ete ftrt , .4,fiwrr,. i, 'f. f-ey TTWriy. April s, leia. Sfrt. V. .' 'f? f?fJ?J ,. 'L. f.-tar - ?-" leear. fgee Ml. Nettle StMctrfft), ?JZXmlTZ 'v' " " ttm age M year., tmm was jlf ??. g TCrJaisftSTtl r ' '" ""' f"r ' TT RMfyfJ fa IMS rttr wtwre aft Sea .JWT Wj. re.r,lft wrtH renebm a M The rehMlve. fitaarai esrelaaa lalee. jansoawser ajwey. n,mmtim wHI kf enjwwfw4 fir- MNCOLK lUlph H, Llgceln. a I The faiiernl eriHW for Wwl, ' ,HrT "" " - native of Manntrknaetta, 30 years otd. I infent on or Mr. ami Mr, r. P. I the sreMtert for uu . a former resident of Medford. died f m.MI. will liM from Ike kmie. I left netklwf tmt imi w at rail River. Maes. April It. after VI Vorlh KUer-.de. Haturdav f '1 hamir ih cofaftrr f '"" .. ten vpcmnR iwr Borciiir iir i ni., n". n'"iin innru. ......... 'l survived bv a wife and two Infant i . I M fi K .(mcter. v. inland Paper DOOX)OOOOKXXOQOOQQOOOO(X LAHGELU1ER0R0ER PORTLAND, Oro.. April 21. The L. II. Menefee Lumber company heie announced today that It had receUed an order ror 11,000,000 feet or lum ber from the Croat Northern railroad to be used In the construction or freight care.. Thla Is the largest sin gle order placed by any railroad with an Oregon mill for several ears. In addition. Hie Great Northern haa di vided an order for 3.000,000 feet more among several other mills. csm KB Starting Today I A story that is different handled with con- summate skill by that master producer Griffith Dramatic spct-iaclcH and beautiful wild scenery add mut-h to the pffrliv lipss of the jKNverftil production, o . .,. . THE PEN1TENTES I'Y.-H uriiii; Joho WASIIINOTON, April 21. -Scimle. Met al 1 1 a. m. Keeiuned dieiMieHion of good roads lull pnividing Tedenll aid on state projectn. Ileuee: .Met at 1 1 n. in. CitiiMilerutitiii of ngiieultnral np iroiriution hill, including forest iv prolileinH, was renewed. KeHolution of inquiry repuding the detention of Samuel Hehwnrtx, an American, by Hritieh niithoritiet, was intniduccd bv leinHcntatie Ben nett, republican. An Inside Bath Makes You Look and Feel Fresh Says a ohus of hot vvater'wlth" phespbate befere breakfast keeps Illness away.'' r This excellent, common-sense health measure being adapted by millions.' 1 B klhlkV flMlahltiv am) kadk Bunnllaa. Q. M Ktrl. a buslueaa man of "" roU,,, ,0 A,n,"U- ,0 ,0,n U,r Yreka. lallfornla, haa extended an Invitation to members of the Med ford Com menial club to uttend its celebration of Its third aonlTerry on April 2, at which time It ill escort the remain of Messrs KnocV er and Pessimist to the city limit and cremate them in the presence of Kn terprlse and Prosperity .nd their con fident hosts Au eUcnslte urogram haa beeu prepared, iucludint a ban quet, mi which Ihere will be proerea ve addresses and musle Robert .1 Mxon. the u'tersn niaper nwii, Will dcltxvr the funeral oration dur ing tlm leq.uie over the abi4 of the douuiod Kuoikvr uud Veafeltnlst. folluwod bv other dliUojulfhed tiienfceiV in the liaiwul hfill Jf l yas sejns to I'rtahtsn up my laat) ear straw hal 1 would get Lot I b of rolorlte at Heath's Urug Hion' oioslte Nash. Hotel Malhi in a revival in that cilv. P lletherton. of Portlaud, waa call ed to Medford on bualneaa loda. A K ' Hamber, or Butherlln. la in Medford today on bualneaa Postage stamps at l Voe's. A K Chaiuuan. of Knternrise. is attending lo buslnesa matters In this rit it ud vltlnit) this week. ganders, the alt around paiater. IS. J V l.use, of 8ittherllu. Is sojourn ing In this ctl and vicinity for a few da Olympic flour 11.10 a saek. 5.B0 a barrel. L R. Brown. John A. 0en, head of the lumber company of that name, left for the east last night TOO MTU TO UUSSIll r?rOllKr"trader" nite bred blalk horse aurrev. new hurueaa 96M rrltscale. Ili-rtic 2 Medford 32 Phyalotana the world over recom mend the Inside bath, ota lining thla Is' of vastly more Importance than out eld oleanlluvaa. because the sklu' Iteres do not absorb Impurities' into the blood, oauaitiR III health, whllo the IHtrea In the tea arda of bowel do. Wen and wom n are urged to dnuk oaeh morniug, before breakfast a gleae of hot water with a teaspoonful of llmeatotie j.li.mphate in It, aa a harmless moans of helping to wash from the Btoaiaio. Hver. kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible material, poiaoue, sour bllo nnd toxins; thua.oleanslnK. sweetening and puri fying the outlro allmeutury cunal be fore putting more food luto the atom- jieh: Just aa soap and hot water clcwnse and fraahen the skin, ao hot water and Umestoue idioephate act on the elim- , luatlvo organs. i a ThoMi who waKo up with bad breath, coated tongue, nasty taato or have a dull, aching head, sallow completion, acid stomach, others who are subject to bilious attacks or oonailpation, bbouhl obtain a quarter pound of lime- stone "pboephato at the drug store. , This will cost very little but Is sum cleat l to dcmouMtrute the value of In- i aide bathing Those who continue It each moraine; am assured of pro- i ittowaeeu meuits. both la regard to tieultb.aaa apiiearsiiee. " LfJ i w. Tiww HMs I! n Houa will Krlp yes tm Ikiw fcipJiaw t... irtukMdB Omt latal ) mi hiiiiki tunti mui bMkaa Uw VWUltUNfc Medford BooUtlfre Orrm Johnson, Starred In "The Pent' i tuntei," New Triangls-Pin Art Play. son Broadway Legit. Star a,ld Seeoa Owen j Co -Star of the Lamb And the rtiinctlv Hit, Designed to exi3el dull care V THE HUNT Featuring the Ford Sterling Funny Pair Polly Moran 8 MEDFORD'S Leading Motion Picture Theatre mJ$ am. Im 11 & '& Sb tteP m MEDFORD'S Leading Motion & Picture Theatre OOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXKXXroOOOCXXJOOOOOCXJOOOOOKXXKJOt -, , ii ii-1 a i IajVJ. "Jai . i j ' s 1 nWsaannBaWs " Nl i i " Ta'N WT J'-' ,riaaa. -f CA4 f, M J 2 aster Footwear JSp(Si A No Doubt You Will Want a Pair of New Shoes to Wear With That New . Suit on Easter Sunday Vi aro in a iiosition to shoo you at priivs vt-ry 'asi.uall. evenifleaUierisjiiiiip iiiK akywnrd in cosi. We aiv ktHi.inj; up the qualit in all our grde and all our fottwar must 1h all solid lfathci- or we refuse to handle it. Shoe for the wbol family. (Hyp us n trial. SEE OUR -?2KDOWS AT TIIK Rlo.N.,01'' "s Good Ssioes1 o -. ' - KJ GOOD SHOES11 BUILOURBUSIKIGSS, Cjij ttt - ' '- 21 X0IJT1I f'KX'TRAL o 4 n