Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Amorlcflii Note in Regard to Subma
rine Warfare Is Dellured to For
eign Minister Von Jagow Owing
to Length and to Delayed Arrival
of One Section, It Was Not Deliv
ered Until This Evening Note Not
to Be Published in Germany Until
INSULIN. April at. Tli.- Aim n.-ii.
note In regard to aithninnne w.ut.uc
i now in the hiitiiU of the (In man
government. It im tlli t-rfil tin-
' ciiiiiir lo Foreign MinUter Von Ju
piw in lite iihiiiiI manner, with un at
tendant cireiimtiinpe In murk the
miMniliil imMirtnnce of the itltiur.
Owing ! I he length !' t In- milt' and
appendix, iiimI to IIm' dclii.xcd nriiwil
"f one hccIioii of the nolo, it
ii'iiilv for tircciiliition iinlil ":'
o'clock thi evening. Ambawlor
Oerard then rolled the document in n
nmgaxine, to protect it from a alight
mill which wo falling, iitnl walked
ncroM the quarc to the foreign of
Jico. Tho nmbnador wnw received im
mediately. The foreign iiiiniler re
. ccivoil the nolo Mini it hoit cotiversn
tion followed.
The nolo probably will not he pub-
lcdied here before Sunday, nnd no
comment hy the Ocnnun press i e.
jH'ded before that time.
WASHINGTON. April 21. Secre
tary laniug announced toduy I hut
the aulminrinc note to Oermany whk
ilelivereil to tho Iterlin foreign office
li.v Abnndor flerard nt 7-M
o'i look tonight.
Pending Germany' ieply to Amer
ich'h demand thut ho immediately
nhnndou the preseut method of con
ducting Million Hue warfare, one of
the chief concern of nfficiiil here
i- the iMixsibilitv of nnother tittuck
on 11 ship currying American. It wn
admitted t lint 1111 immediate rupluiv
could only Im prevented hy proof
that Germany had liccn tumble to
imiiiun'iitc w 1II1 In r -iibniniinc coiii-
&. . -KiTjWMy 'IFvy WvOW VTll '
mmix .&& otwftitijtMKSW
i H
A-r ijwrte : ,
April 1-5, via aeroplane to Columbus,
N. M., April SI. Tha ftgkt t Par
rut, where, according to lndUpul!ile
evidence reaching here todu, Cr
rantH troop In foree attacked the
cavalry command of Major Frank
Tompkins, ha changed the etotlre
nkpect of the rllla cbaae ao far ai (be
iirinjr plaua are concerned. Thin at
tack upon an American force which
went n perfect good faith into I'ar
ral in the moat friendly fashion,
blocked what teemed to be an excel
lent opportunity for either the cap
ture of Villa or the diiperaal or one
ot bin atrongeat bands.
Heretofore, the American troops
hare retkoued only with meeting op
position from brigands but resistance
from regular armed troops of the
Mexican army put the American mil
itary leaders under the necessity of
preparing for serious difficulties.
Whether the preparations mill have
to le iompMl (!MBdi on the fu
ture rours of the Carraiua faction
lWWTO, A,!! 21 The aolima
Tie L. oe of tUe largos! subma
noca tP ll c Tailed Sixtet. navy, was
frmgillv ilclweioa to tlit jcivrnment
I ter Viultlera tUe T-oio riher Shlp
iaiiuiii tirt"irafb'H. at ho riiartwt
'tit at t: l a, o'(4i ia.- h
, i . , . 1 1 " ii. ill
Offensive Operations on Both Banks
of the Metisc Result in Wresting of
Territory From the Germans
Dead Man's Hill and Haudremont
Wood Scene of Heavy Infantry
Fighting, Which Is Still In Prog
ressGermans Admit Trenches
Penetrated hut Quarry Retained.
Viscount Chindo Confers With Presi
dent Wilson Japan Objects to
Proposed Inclusion of Informal
Agreement Which Japan Promised
Upon Horor to Fulfill.
WASHINGTON', April 'Jl. Vi
count Chimin, the Jtipuueae iiiiiImisxh
dor, conferred with President WiUoh
ftwluy over the proviwion of the pend
ing immigration hill, which propuie
to eimct into Inw tho ho-culloil gen
th'ineiiV agreement rctrieting the im
luigiution of .lupnncae laborer., A
meiuornndutu on the aubjeet ha been
preoented to the Mate department.
The exclusion provUion a nmend
wl liv the M'linlc commit teo remU:
"1'ernoiiH who enuuot IwH-ome elig
ible under e.itiiiB law, to becomv cit
taetia of the I'mied Stutcn by natur
alixatmn, iinlp otberpo provided
lor by exiHting ajrreemeiila n to
wi".Krtn, or by existing trentie.,
comciitioiiH ur ugreemenU or by
treatiex, contention or ngriementa
that may hcrcattcr bo entered iute:
The rfctiiiic coinmitieo reMrling the
bill for piifMtge inudo I hi explana
tion of the cliutiftc:
"The win da 'Hindu mill' bad been
iiiei lid undoubtedly Wccouho moiiic
nt i - have held that Hindu enu be
come eligible to hecoint) oiticen by
mi tu in 1 1 xa Hon, o that the anid luive
iIii-h of Urieutul aliens originully 111
tcmleil to be covered by the provi
iom, excluding IIiomc who ennnot be
come xo eligible might )oibly be
held not to be included in the Inw.
"It will be observed that the
phriie attached to ihco proiions
lo hiow (hat they hao neither the
Japnneiie or the Chinese in mind, hu
lice ii improved and made ulolutely
The pioK) inclusion in the law
of an infonnal agreement which Ja
pan hit promoted on honor to fulfill,
accordini; to the iiftrccineut bclwcen
Former Sceictarv lfiit ami Former
Alalia -nlor T.ikalni.i i-. nmli ioim1
to In- li p.i.n Hi' to (lie J.i i.i ir-i .
l.ONMON. April -M The leci-nt
attack., of tin- Tmk- on tin- llitt t-Ii
lorccH iiIi.iik the TiriH in Mc.,po- j American Military Authorities
taiiiin wan made liv abonl llljllii) men
Mini cot them henvv loc-. An of
I'icinl nccomit of I he buttle, upplo
mentiiig enrlier reMttU fiein the
Uritinh commniiiler, wna given out to
day nm follewN:
"The etiemv made liin iillaek on the
17th ami ISth with moiiic 1(1,00(1 men,
coinpriiinir one whole diiioii nnd
MrtioiiH of two others. They en wo
i Mil A(l(. Ami il 21. I'lami Uu
eon uu- declared In lie I lie author ol
the woik of William Slmkcopeare in
able to Confirm Report of Bandit's decmum n-ndercd in an injunction'
miiI today bv Judge Richard X. Tut- '
Burial or Throw Ligiu on bituaiion hill m the circuit court. The deci-
i!i Unnci nf UIII-. W.c nMnii ' ' "'""Ivi'd "n iiijiinrlion i-Mied oil
tatll Hiiiu U vi Kill enu vipip
Carried Toward Durango.
the iielitioa nf Willimit C. Heliir. inn
tion picture iniiniilaetiirer, to restrain
I (leorge labynu. piibliwher. nnd oth-
lllfiAlQI'AHTKH8 OK , cr. from completing pnblienlion of
PKHSIIIXC. hy wlroleas ' book supporting the Hneoninn the-
X. M. April 11. ory.
aiithorltiea de- The court held that the nnme
to Columbus,
on in deiiKc lonnntion and ponelrnted 'Amtirlean military
imri oi our ironi. muiiii oou ynniaitalleo to inveatigate ine report mat Minkeimre iiuii lieeii uea mimpiy m
of (he tiont of one of our brigade the body recently disinterred at Ban I n diguiNe.
alone 1200 to l.'iOO dead Turk were Franciaea llorja was that of I'anrho "The claim nf friend of Fmuei
counted. Villa, reported today they were un-i ltucon," the court ai further, "that
"It i reportwl they nre Ulnar thick 'able to obtain oonfirmatlon. Xo de- he i the author of the work of
fait her out before the front on other I tails were given which would tend to
portions of our line. Ttudr killed , throw light oh tb MtwaHon
alone on the night of April 17-IS nre j
cMtuiiatcd at more than .'(OIK). Iuc-j PRItSI UNCI'S CAMP AT Till:,
eral instance attack were led byiFKONT IX MCXICO, April 15. by,
(leininn. aomtyof whom were killed. ' aeroplane to Columbus, X. M., April
"Apparently J lie enemy, MippoKcd 21. Alter the 1'arral fight, Colon 1
that mit of our troot were JMilatod jV. C. Drown of the Tenth lulled
by flood and that they hud a elm nee gtates cavalry obtained fairly reliable
of overwhelming them. A n matter I evidence that Villa, wounded, was ho
of fact, ii"'iort were moving up utilng carried by an escort southward1
the time. 'toward Durango. Villa himself, with i
"Our Mai ea-ualticH, killed. J an escort of 150 men waa aald to have
wounded nnd miinu, were very con- 'passed through Kl Valla, a small
Mderobly le than (lie Turkish killed, place about twenty mlloa west of J
"On the 18th stonnv wenlher niude 1 1'arral. bound south. Three miles
nircrnlt ieeoiiiiiu--anec crv difli-.wost of I'arral unother band of one!
Shnkeupeurc, and facta and cireum
htance in the vnl bibliography oi
the rontroM'r"v ot' the ipteMlion and
Revelations in Confession Do Not
Contain All Evidence Secured
Numljcr Involved in Conspiracy Is
Much Larger Than First Surmised
Government to Follow Clews.
XBW YORK. April 21. -The reve
lations In the confession of llorat Von
Der Oolts aa published tmlay In dls
patches from London, do not contain
all the evidence In regard to flermnii
activities that la now In tlii posse
Ion or federal authorities, It hmmino
known today. All that Von Dor Cloltx
wrote In bis confession was prosented
htance in the ra-l bibliography f JW W ltia aowa
Hum ku miu nrui nm more, it
prtiol -illilinlleil hell ill, etin incc the
limit tlial l''l.uiei ll.ii'iiii iu the nil-thoi."
la understood, wbbh he baa fitted In
i with evidence obtained by
j agents from other sottrcae.
1 The grand Jury will resume Its in
I vestlgatlwna on Monday aad Assist
ant District Attorney Wood said be
expeiied new Indictments would be
! returned soon.
cult. The Hood- aie -piTMiliiiy and
the mi i i- -till v r hit-li."
ASHIXflTOX. April 1.--Addl-
ioual Indict menu of German sym
pathisers in this country will be aak-
HKI.KNA. Mont . .i it .'I - Mom- d by the department or justice aa a
tana oli i - aie i.i-iui li.illoi- in a remilt of revelations made by llorat
prenlcntial pi unary ; Von r Oolts, alleged (lerman spy,
chancellor, to the headipmrter of the
general -tuff will extend over the
KnMer ludida.-, m coidinu to th
flenevu corre-potidi lit l the IIiimi
Xe .ii,'clie. Th' elianeellor Icll
Hcrlin lor licailipi. 'iter- Wcdiu-dnj
, liiiiulred Villa bnnillta reiKirted nass-.
I . ' .m .. . X . . . j . . . . . .
lug south two or threw days ahead of ."cciioii loiiax. rn-nitniiai eiecior orougni to .ew iora iy Hooiiaiiii
!lhe A met loan itilumns. (leneral Is- 'nml ilelguteN to the naiiomil cnucii- ( Yard detectives. This was learned
imael Iisano, at I'arral, said he had t lion aie.ul-o beiuu elm-cii. Butliorltotlvel.v here today Von Der
cnaaaed the band near I'arral, hill-! There oih- four name mi the lml-i,li' statement was said lo bave of-
.... I. . I .' I . ll . . 1 I (.J . !, I.l ..-.-, I.. II.. .l.l. .... ti
lug 12 of them, lie sain bo fought 'i " preiueiiuoi caiieiuaie: immi-j " "' iivnn7 wnm nm-
them "when the were split Into three I row WiUon, demoerni ; Seuntor A. It. ,'" '' investigation. The govern-
;smali detachment, defeating each Inlt'ummuih ol Iowa and Kdwgrd K. j ttat will follow every clue. It was
'turn, (leneral I.oxsno also claimed i Wooda of I'enuylvuiiia. republican, underalood today the number of mon
that the presence of American troops nnd Allen I lenon of Now York,mvoiveg in Von ler (iolti activities
tociallxt. iee-rrcnlent llionta K. n " inueu maies is niucn larger
ilai-hall and Oovernor K. W. Aliijorl'ban had been thought heretofore,
of .Viouri ure on the ballot can-; 'Ponding Xew York Indictments
didatc for the ice-pic-idential iiom-n'nst five of Von Der dolts' asso
ciation on the item... tain ticket. K. 'late were said lo embrace the al
J. liui kc It ol Ncbnirk.i i on the re- l"Ked leader In the conspiracy to
.publican ballot, (iuwriior Hiram "low up the Welland canal, but In-'jolin-oii
ot (iililoima on the pro- diriment of men Involved iu minor
iMc--iw and (leoem If K,ik,M,fn,.u t &" In the alleged iio.pliac prob
ol . w .lei-e on lli. -uiiali-t. ,'dy '" be aoughl mion
near I'arral had the effect of Incrogs-
1'AHIS, April '21. -The vUit o Dr. ing Villa's rank
Von llethniann-Ilollweg, the (lei-miin
g.VN ANTONIO. Teas. April 21
I'ubllc Interest I centered in the ion
fereiuM on the Mexican nil uu Hon
which Will be lit Id here between
(ieneral Scott, hi t of staff, and (len FiiiihIoii . mral Kiott will ar
ne tonlnlil
I.OXJMJX. April -.'1 A I.IomI'-,
dufiateh irnni lnai.len. Ilollalid,
a the liith tf.nn-hip lMlewijk
Van Xm-mh w.i. enk eterdar at
icniuMn. She wcut do m sis win
ntes. Fne of her rew acre drowned.
Thiru-MT fcunivow bae bevn lauded
at YoiiiiiUn.
Tki- lyiWaijk Van NauMtv nailed
fr. ao I'iwle in Fibruir ith car?
of .ilttcr for idtttrdaag. A lv-
iin vinli' li-p,tth of Anl wind
-be Ii.mI been held Up 111 The 1nii
by the Hntih aiilhoiitie -inec Marli
'J'.' anil that lir detention IiimI urou--id
public opinion iu Ilol'uud, a tin
Dnlili farmer feared the Milliter
mOiiUI arrive too late lor their u-c
with al 'il,, ,. w ,s (,,, , i,ii- (..!
ti III. Illl N , U .1 ,.''.
VT$1i fvpf f f p At he
' If : iu urn;
' 'i lui
I lo ll
I It)
PARIS, April 21. OrfoiiMvo opcr
ation by the French on both hunks
of the Meiic in the Verdun roidon
lunc reulteil in the wicetitig of tcr
ntorv from the Dcrmum. Following
up their uccee of yenterdny in tho
region of Dead Man' Hill, Gonornl
IVtain' foreea returned to the nttncl;
lat night and. according to this nf
iernnnn' Paris bulletin, impturod nd
ditional trcnclie and took four offi
cer mid lo0 men priaouor.
In the ITHiidrtMiifliit wood roftion,
ent of the lleoee, the Fronuh ropoit
gnin in Inst night' fighting.
The le.t of the stalemont PoIIewh:
"West of the .Meuso tho nttnok tin
dertakeii yenterdav by our troops iu
thu region of Lo .Mort Uoiuinii pro
greNHed during the night. In nddltion
we noised h trench on tho northern
oittkirt of the Caurultos wood nnd
made prisoner four and l.0
laisl of the Men
"Maul of the Meimo a violont hoin
bardineiit of our ionitioua whh fol
lowed at the close of ttio day by ii
Kwerful offenaive hpUmii hy tll8 en
emy on a two-kilometer front between
the Thiamoitt farm and tho pond of
au.x. ( tie Uermnns, who had gained
a foothold in our lines south of Fort
Ibiuauinout and north of the pond,
were completely tkrown baek by our
enunter-nttaek during the nigiil. Two
machine gun and a number of prits
oner fell into our hands.
"Wet of ftoiiauiMoMt in tho senior
Hoiitb of lluudremont woo I, wo like
wie made progrua. We iveovered
ome wounded French prisonei-a nnd
captured n wore of flennans.
"The night waa eahn on the nht
of the front, except in tho region of
l.e I'etre W004I, where our nrtlllery
wn quite active."
(ieriiuiu Iteport
li:i(UX, April 21. via Undoii.
The war offieo aiinoiiuetuniMit f to
day says that on the Venlgn front
stnbborn infantry fighting hi atDl be
ing carried on.
The statement follews:
"WeMern frent: In Ike Meuto te
giou (Verdun front) stubborn infan
try righting develojKNl in ooHJHHeliou
with a great increa of aetivity 011
the pnrt of the krtillery on both aide.
Went of the river the French matlo nn
uttaek with large foreea againat I.e
Merle Homme and in the vast there
of. In general these attacks waro 10
puled with Kanguiuary loasea to tho
nadant. The lighting ia still go
iug on for 11 kiuhII (Mirtion of a tromdi
in the viciuity of Can rot tea wood,
which the French penetrate!.
"To the right of the Meui-e effort
of the enemy to recapture the atone
ipiarry outh of the village of Haud
remont were entirely fruitleaa. South
of Fort Douuiiuiont fighting develop.
ed at eloe ipiartent duriug the night
around xonie Freuch treuehea and ia
not yot completed. Au enemy infan
try attack aguint our lines nt Call,
lette wood failed at the very oaUet
on account of our strong ad eonetju.
trated artillery fire.
"In the Vuiu Hector oh the Woavie
plain und 011 the heights aoulkoanl
of Verdun er lively artillery naUv
ity wn the rule of the day on both
Hides, a hereto! ore."
I.OMidn piil 2t The follow
Iuk fctuliiiiont ueil by the Dutch
foretgu uifiee cornea from Neuter's
correspondent at The Hague;
"The tlermau government, acting
in acronlauce with a request of Tho
Netherlands xouiniuent, luo; consent
ed to .im 1 uin tho Identity ot tit
tiiiiuilo wiiuii struck tho Tubauttu0