Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 20, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    TM':r vir
i nr ?,- ii ff:rr
- .
t rr i r.-rf'T ?' fr hmf.'fi rii;u.rr
"?" I '
IN j
'. .
A first-class fsmll row hs broken
rat In the rnnks of the "reunited"
Omitrf 014 Party. 'Hie ft loaves of
patronage dtetrieatod among the
teKhfal by the prtflVHt county r
genlMtlon hM produced war and
ymr to the knife. Hasklaa; In tho
NMllgnt of gubernatorial 'aver (a
Mid tfr the Insurgents to hare an-
Henoelly enlarged the rraniums of
these that are "It," and reduced to
a NtlHlMHm alse the hata of those that
"lu't." Ko "smash the machine" I
the logan.
To bo ntirn tho layman onnnot hoc
what tho "organisation" has won In
tho line of Inaros anil flalioa but
(hut Im beside tho inirk. Thny have
the unutterable ploaauro of llstr-nlng
to tho word of wisdom of that dls
ttiiftulshod horao doctor now occuny
itiK the Kubcruntorlul ohalr, whon
oror ho visits Mtdford, uml whenever
thuro la n rhnnco of a Medford man's
KOcnrliiK appointment, of hnockliiK
him, ns well us boosting favorite.
And aa a not result, no Jiickson coun
ty man Ih holding a alato offleo out
Dido tho oriinilm of rninfort fallliiK
from tho political tublo confined to
Jackson county.
. Tho aweot discord In O. O. l
rank started when tho organization
proronted tho appointment of n Med
ford man, It. 1. Ifiwlng, tho choice of
Ibeal sportsmen, an atato hhiiid war
den and throw their support to a
Jtoioltiirg mutt. The appointment of
O. C. Itagxa, a member flf the oraan
ttatton, aa attorney for the alnto land
board, over (iua Xowbury, popularly
ondoraod, added fuel to the flatuoa
ajtd alleged' favoritism uniens: -plranta
for local office helpml the re
volt. jw a reault, two completo tlck
ola are In the field for eoiinty com
Hlttomflti In the Mod ford product.
IJert Andorsou, chairman of the
OBtiuty committee, li opposed l
Iteger llejiiifitt. II. 8. Smith, secre
tary. la opposed by .lap Andrews.
0. C. Hoggs la opposed by flua New
bury. The lineup of candidates as
tiled with the ooHiily olurk Is as fid
Clarence Pierce.. ..
J. O. Smith
ICart C UaddU
Uert AnilersoH
F. F, Junior
T. II. Hillings
...C. D. Campbell
Iteger llenuelt
rfrl W. Mollis J. A. Waal erlu nd
Olnreuce Meeker ..
J. II. Cochrftn. .. .
Ohio. L, Trotchler
O. C. ItoggB
8. 8. Smith
W. II. 8tmon ....
It. 0. llrldwell.
C. U. OatM
O. D. Horn .
It. 0. Nicholson .
0. V, Young
Fort Hubbard
ltd IIIhhs
Qua Newbury
... . Jap Andrewa
J. 11. Italllnger
. ...10. (1. Itlddell
..Oon. W. Porter
B. A. Welch
....J. F. Iwrence
John Demmer
Kot all of these will auknowledge
hotug on the two alatea, but inoet
of them will.
Othor proelnot commlltoc asplroiitn
in the county are:
Ahlnd--No. I, W. II. Oandy, J.
0. Hunt; No. 1, II. A. Itakuer, A.
II. Praeht; No. 3, V. 0. N. Smith; No.
4, Frank It. Merrill; No. &. J. ICd.
Thornton. C. II. Ihp.Iii; No. fl,
T. II. BtmDMH. Louis W'erth; No. 7,
0. . Fraley; No. S, Q. F. Caraon;
Xo. . tl. II. Htlllngs.
Central Paint No. 11, J. O.
isoacaou, W. C. Leever and (too. Hil
ton, Jr.
JackoHVlllo-N. 35, II. II. 8ai
gent. 1). W. ltagahaw; No. 30. John
F. Miller and Fred J. Flck.
West Talent Vo. 66 K. 12. Hob
Ihmm sod Uutwetl llelaon.
(Geatluued trow tmge onoi
formed the mvi clary nt a iiienage
f a highly conl iilent nit nature he
had received from Ih-rim.
Ilni'iikloiff Vol Seugulue.
Lat night Count Vou lierntorff
injwured lioM.ful that ttoiue way
Woukl be found to prevent a break of
potation. Hi maimer toduy iudi
aoted thut be wu not u siiugume.
After returuing to the cubosy,
Count Von'Hem-turff prepared a
loug dimtch which probably will
gout to his government before night.
! ambusoauor wa nuthoritiitively
iaMVMMiied aa paving Koiigbi Hie
goeretar)' views in regard lo n tcnt
Uve mpoul thot Germany iue a
(levlaraiioii cuteriug nil subinurine
weralion-, imilnr to that issued on
JttUHJirT 7, W tho otmtiwus iu the
. AuibMSkodor Von Hofpxtorft' wu
iMMfcrMooti lo have boon imirecd
with the neceity of (trompt action
li (lennany
In In message yt'ster-l
(( (o lU-rlin the nmbussador urgwl
(Jt ..uu'tliiiiv; he dune iBiineilittloly.
No uiMiuitoiciit for Another con
fojtoice mi li Ncrivtary Uinsing baa
)JMU tnadi- l the uuibaasador. lis
)ty with 1 1.. M-creinry twentyfive
ipjuiitaa. H' " 'iier left nor rtcoivoU
tuij otpW' ' ' ' ' '
IVrimii- d'W women in iIim I'lMinti
nrp lu-tiiT litteil In NiM-iik mi the -nil
jf-t-l f m..rl eriWulmn thnn Mi-
Mnrv K. Hrown. who i in Medfnnl ,n
connertina with the Xm-ial Hervii-e
KxpoKitina nmI I'nleotine I'nsrant
given under the aofiTp nf the Min
iter' nuiiM-ialinn at (he Nut, begin
ning next week, ilonday, Afril 21, ut
At the Alaaka-Yukon exposition in
H(th Mixn Itrnwn had charge nt
I he pnil t'dive work for gii'te undir
Ih(nneji4ee of the National YV. .
T. U. So aiu'ceexfiil was .Miss
Hmwn'a work them thnl the Wm
cu'x clnli urged her to take charge
of the women' work for women in
connection with tho tmlico ileiwrtmcnt
of Sonltlo. In lea Ihon four yenra
.Mie Hrown haa tlcimuwlralcil the
grt'nt imporliiiice of Hum Hplemliil
work anil when mIih left to liikc chnrgi;
of (lie oxhihil of ll nliounl W. ('.
T. I'. nt the I'linnina-I'ncil'ic cxmmi
lion in Knu FrauoimMi tlicri' woro ai.
women engaged in the women' do
imrlmi'iit of the Seattle police deNiit
mont where theio I mil been hut o)ie
VrlinM no heller plnee could he
furiiiMlicil .Mi Hrown to have
brought home In her I he great need
of nrouaiug mronl nml oilier lo
tlie neeeHMitv of iiiHtruetion for chil
dren nml .young Hode.
Mies Hrown gave the firt eourwe
of leeeoii in puiily nml mi hygiene
in any inxtitiition of higfier lenrniug
in tlii north went country. It hii
nt Whilworth collide, In Tiu'omn. The
HtitdeiitM were required to dike thin
wonderful conre. Siime then .Mi
Hrown hn lieen made one of the ee
reliirie of the Nnlimml ('. T. I',
mill her apeeiiillv throughout the
country i e liygiene nml uioinl cd
uention. Mi-i Hrown will led ore inil nt
the sneinl -civile cxpo-ltinn at the
Nat iiiNt week.
t'p to 8iiturdu iiu.iii, pi I ., tlie
total registration In tlilx louutv wa
60 HI, of which ,to:i7 arc republican.
1 ." 0 ." democrat, i progreHHlves,
1.0 prohibitionists, III socialist,
223 mlsceHaneons.
The total number of males regl
tering Is 3117; females, 1H6.
Women registered as follews: He
publicans, IIIII; democrats, Uk;
progressives, i; prohibitionists, K0;
socialists, it; miscellaneous, 80.
At the time these figures were oh.
tallied three das remained for regta
tratlun. It Is estimated thut t60
voters erglatered during (hose days.
They will be numbered In the distant
dlstrleta. Complete returns probably
will be In by Saturday. April 38.
(JihkI I'lidoy riei lew
Flrat Methodist rhureh, Dr. J. C.
Ilnlllna, pastor. One to three o'clock.
1:00 Organ.
HywN, "Alaa and IHd My Saviour
The Lord'a Prayer.
Scripture. "They Crucified IHm."
1.16-Solo, "lloaaona.", Mra. W.
M. Van 8eeo.
I:8u "The Accusations or the
Croaa." Hey. U. F. Uelitan.
I'SR lbniH, "Jesus I Mi f'ross
Have Taken."
1:10 Solo, selected, Mr. Iternard
1:16 "The Significance of the
CeoM." Ir. J. i.. hiii.
2 00 Solo, "I Know That My He
tioeiuer Llveth," Mrs. l.nette Ho
vloua. 305 Duet, "O Twaa Uve"
Messrs. Meeker and Canaday.
810 "The Place where they Cru
cified Him." Dr. Allen Moore.
8.30 Koto, "There Is a Oreon Hill
Far Away." Mr. Forest Kdiueudes.
8:36 Heeponslvo reading, "lie
Waa Despised."
v3:to Roto, "Calvary." Mr. Clar
ence Meeker.
8-15 "The Silence of the Cross".
Dr. Holllna.
8:6.1 Holo. "My Redeemer and
My l.ord." Mr. Bernard Veaaey.
Hymn, "Never Further Than Thy
(CootlBued from 'Page Ono )
the position which w- had ciiiu,l
Horn blm on the euntein b.nik of Hie
r'vr -
"In tho Cailtotte wood a prepar
atory artillerv fire of the enemy de
i eloped toward ovmtiia Into a; strong
attack. In a salient corner the at
tack reached Into our trcucove. ntk-
rviao It t apiaetl filili Ucac(
sanguinary loi 4 tig 4riaatW
aiao wero ukcb.
i i . . .
l Hilllp l-urmon. rnfr,.l inannger
'"f '"h. ' ," "' '",,,v- "nnery
I ". ' orfow. uirlateBd-
w tl' r'llfornla eannry
plaata and H Mattibinn. thotr
expert, who have been In the tal
ler looking over the alluatlon for a
large cannery, left Wednesday even
ing after having made a thoreugh
Inspection under the guidance of
CoNMty Commissioner F. H. Madden,
whe Inlereated them in the valley.
"They were very favorably Im
pressed," said Mr. Madden after
tholr departure, "and bavo loft for
Chicago, where tho proposed ,W
ford cannery will be put up to the
directors of Ubbjr, McXell nud
by with a favorable report, and with
every Indication of favorable action.
"It Is too late to figure on a can
nery for thla year, aa contracts for
the required produce must be outdo
In advance, but they expeet to have
preliminaries concluded, with a view
to haying everything In leadlness for
the next season.
"The ponrs alone will not Justify
a large cannery, as they furnish mil)
six weeks of operation, and In order
to fill out I lie season they will con
tract for a large hi cage of sptnimch.
hoana, tomatoes, beets, berries and
other produce.
"Mr. Ijirmoii stated that he was
charmed with the vailey and ftom his
examination of products waa con
vinced that Hogiie river valley pro
duced not only superior pears and
peaches, lint many other prodiiea
and that a high grade of goods can
be marketcii ut a price maKlim their
mow Inn proriinhif to the inoiliicer."
Cniefully done I The Yellow
Hlrenk," the Metro phoioplu which
opened al the Page theater last night.
It neglects absurd Imprnlmhlllliea.
There are thrtlls aplenty of IlisOgood
old sort, and heuit Interest Is cre
ated gracefully. Comedy rollef is
loiiud In many humorous situation
and little bits of liustncHH contributed
) different members of the cast.
In playing the part of Harry Dale.
Mr. Itarrymore again la the consum
mate artist. In his transition Horn
one to the other of Hie three distinct
ly different tpes that the role rall
for - broker, bandit and "parson" -
he hi thoroughly consistent. It is no
small matter. The other members
of the company that support htm are
very good. Irene Ilowley aa Mary
Austin la especially pleasing.
"The Yellow Streak" will lie shown
tonight for the last time.
WASHINHTON. April 20- The
senate public lands committee hud
before It today ror Ita Information u
communication from Secretary I .ami
in which he estimates the petroleum
content of the public domain at 7:o..
000,000 barrela.
Col. J. F. Mundy returned to Med
ford this morning after business so
JoiiruliiK in Sew York and other east
ern cenit'r covering u period 01 three
Most Richly-Flavored Cliew
That Was Ever Pressed
Into Plugs
i -X
Rcd-ldoodcd men with real tobacco
hunger laid ilut iliry can wu.ty it only
by chewmg. and the mott wholesome
and tiitit)iiui tobacco to chew i that
made iu plug form.
The limit of luxury in tobacco chew
inj it the rich, tweet, juicy flavor that
trivUct through our atem when you
chew Spear Head.
No other chewing tobacco ii to met
Kw, o lutcioui and to tatufvum No
other equal Spear Head for putties a
Mrn edge on your appetite.
Spear Head it made of the world's
best tobacco leaf the choicest of red
Kentucky Hurley Thit hat it selected
for ut lull, juiry richness with the
raot painstaking care, n stemmed by
lttuj, Ij pressed into Spear Head plugs
to lvy that not n drop of til ricM.
natural juice CM-anet.
Vour iat hew of Spear Higil will
cbc.i ivur e)t to the genuine enjoy
iet theie is i chewing
tV tfe rich ami Sneltow tobacco
Hit fa ttcen the lavoritc for a third
t & ctntury that' Spear Head. In
Jvfcsait Wtpocia wax aaptr.
r'lH.h III.AHVI ,RTK. April
17, by oero t ('nlitmHii, April W.
Continued lack of effective military
ro-ftfwrntion bv the Cmtnn author
itie hn been met by the American
expeditinniur colutUB. At ome
filnc the Americans' have received
eoniilernble courtesy fTtm the hwal
('Ntrnnxn official. Al other point
there hn been n tittle uipitig on
American. I'mmwes of CariHiia
co-oiemtinn have not materialised,
due to lack of oi-gaulwd goveriimenl
and a coldtie of sonio Carrnnxn of
ficers towntd the American.
For n long time American officei
did not fed certain which attitude,
friemllineH or oppimifion, the
eau would nNxiime, and Iherefote un
friendly incident wore
tliiiingli the i'cnorhip. Today little
hope i held that progre could he j
made without xenons iIh-Iicm with
the uiinily elemcnta of the outlying
Cfiirniiii eommnnd. The caution of
Aiiieiicaii coinmnudora auani't any
net which might o.M'ito Hie .Mexienua
hn le'ii one of (lie great c-"! Imiidi
en w, ullliough elfiinio4ed. They
have not I'ircd op Vlllitn at lime
iiecniiHe fliey weio not nine of their
i.lniii,. ai in..,l M..i i,v..i,
miiiiiii,, ... . .n,, i,i j ,,, a, Html, ,
Tomokin. who had onlv IM ,,,., D'au officers as well as n nunibor.of
permitted only hi expert mnrksmen
to retnin tho rurrnniu fire to avoid
tlie (lunger of hilling women ami chil
dren, nud the ofl'cctiw'iit'MM of tin
American re-Ntnneo-wn Ihoichv to-l"m '"', "I1.01".' UW ",01, Hmml"
liifl. officials here, who declare
jthat not all of Its ramifications have
gifrrj h'ot ,l,!,,u traced. Thny Mute that
.H5NNINH8 - At (iranls. Pass,,10"h '" known- vwr. lo check
April 17, Dorothy .leniilugs. wlfo of , R,,y l,ow","lt' ' trouble In Inlla.
M. A. Jennings. Sho was bom on
the Applegate river near .Murphy Ap
ril 2, IS7S, and was married to Mr.
.leanings ut the old homestead, her
birthplace. Novoinbor !, 1800. Her
girlhood was spent on tho
Apple- j
gate, tint during her young worn -
niihoud slie was a toucher at various
points In satitliorn Oregon. Sho Is
survived by hor husband and two
daughters, Klwliie, nged li xears, and
the Imliy, Kmlly Day; her mother.
Mrs. ICmlly S. Day; a brother, II. T.
Day. and two sisters, Men. C I,. Swin
dell mid Mrs. (!. M. Jldweii. n
torment nt WIHIiiiiik ccmeteri
The Well Dressed Man on Easter
or Any
IDou ever notice hw gogd clgtjKss win recogni
tion for a man wherever he goes?
A littIe8more care in choosing a suit, and a little
msre courage in paying ths slight margin between
ths bsst and almost as good and hs gains an
advantage hs hdds evsr after.
I he new Spring Suits and Overcsats mads for our
clientele by the most reputable manufacturers in ths
business smbody a distinctive individuality and char
acter in fabrics, style ahd tailoring, which mark ths
wearer as a man gf gogd taste.
Now rer.dy for our
Model Clothing
I.fNIHN. April 1 A the n-olt ' SAX AXTONlo. Tcv. April -'o. -of
the eixure of (lenneo ami Au-. Friffhlful deM ruction f the country
trinn -.iibjeet aboard the-f'hina mail
liner ( hina lat I'eVnianr while mumd
from Shanghai for the Iniled State,
the intelligence department of the
Hritieh government claim lo hne
iinenvercd a phil of immene ramifi
cation conducted with the MtrHie
of cau-lng a revolution in India.
The American headquarters of tho
plotters Is said to be on the I'aetfle
eoaat. At leaat one ship la known
to ImVo failed from San Kranrlsco
with n German crew and Indian
cnusplratorN and arms on hoard.
The llrltldh officials any they ho
Ilevo that Franz Hojiji, tho Oermaii
consul general at Snn Francisco and
other persons under federal indlct
inonfh ore, pnrtlclpntcd In the plot.
The hcndipinrtcr of tho plot In the
orient was nt Shanghai, and whou
the gun running and other tunchlun
tloim wore uncovered, according to
the authorities here, the plotters sol
sail for .Manila aboard the steamship
The lender of the plot selxcd on
tho China are said to have had In
! their possession false pnpsporta which
i they destroyed. Among tho moil tak-
l" """ m veesoi wero uvo aus
t Hermans from tho Herman ships In
ternod In Shanghai and nt other
Chinese portH.
The seliure of tho party on the
;i,Yci:inxi: and iiahk
The simple mlxturo of buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc., known as Ad-
ler-l-ka, astoulsho Medford poo-
! pin. Hiiciiiiko Aldor-l-ka acts on
J IIOTII lower and upper howol, ONIC
hPOONFCL rollovos almost ANY
j CASI3 coustlpatloii, sour stomach nr
'pus. It remove such surpilslng foul
matter that a few dosos often roliove
or prevent appendicitis. A short '
treatment lielim chronic stomach I
trouble. The INSTANT, oas.v action'
of dlcil ku Ik uhioiiImIiIiik.
Other Day Enjoys, a Certain
inspection. $20
Every department in our
Furnishings is full of the sea
son's newest and nobbiest, and
we are ready to supply all your
,hroMn wn"h ,m American tr.mfH
have Keen orwrnting onth of (nn
Grande wa pictured in a lng re-
iHirt receiveil br flenernl Fnnton ti
day frnMi Oeneral I'erehing. Tho re
port was written nt Solevo before
Oeneral I'crbing had learned the de
tails of the fight at 1'nrral, April 2.
Oeneral Fiuiston refned to dicu
the character of the report except in
g'nernl term. It wn ihip of (Icnernl
Perching' report on condition that
caused Secretory linker to enil Ma
jor Ocnenil Scott to the lwirder, it
wn miid.
In the iTirt received today Oen
ernl Poivhiiig mculioned the hostile
nUitude nf the impulnce nt Hncliin
cvn, displayed when Major IIoiiho
pned through theie with a o.nndmn
of envnlry. lie enid tbo force wn
uljeclcd to niping. For the inot
pint, howexer, lie declnrcil the jmi-crty-otrickcit
peon element exhibited
nothing hut nputhy when the Ameri
can troop pncd through the coun
try uml skirted vitiligo' where (lie
hungry inhabitant had gathered I mm
Hie war-ruined count ryide.
Order Them Now for Friday
Price 2 for 5 c.
Nurmi Baking Co.
IMnlcoi's of
Run "down ?
-Tired ?
Kwry prlng most people Hi "
mi of ori " - their vitality I at a
low ebb. Through Hie winter motitM
shut np a great deal in hJJlwr
office, or factory, with heahhy
eacrclse in tlie great owldoors-eat ng
more than necessary - the blood be
MuiiMi surchaned with poisons I Hie
k beat Spring meiiiclne awl tonic is one
made of herbs and roota withont aleii-
nol-that was tlrrt aiscovereji or it.
Ore,. veers ag. Made of Golden
ileal root, bbKl nnit, with glycerine, It
ia calel Dr. I'ierce's Uwklen )(euieal
Dleeovery. I ngredionts on w roppcr.
It eliminates from the UhMKl dliease
breeding ioiions. It makeii the blood
rieh and pure, and furnishes a founda
tion for sound, phyidcnl health.
Sokl by medicine dealer, In liquid
or tablet form, or wod It) cents to Dr.
riurec's Invalids' Hotel, lliiffnlo, N. .,
for i large Dial package of tablets.
Salem, Oregon.-" As n spring tonic,
to build up a weakened, run-down
system, and to givo one an appetite, I
found Doctor herse's Oolduu Medical
Discovery good. A friond had recom
mended it and I nnd it nil that t-hc
claimed for it." Mus. Jaki: UiNiiiitt,
10UO S. IloJIvlew h'tu-et.
Confttpntion caiues and wrionly
nggrnvates many dlieiises. It Is thor
oughly cured 1'iv Dr. Pierce's Plens
nut Pellets. One a laxative; two or
thtoe a cathartic.
;; ( I "id ' m