Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 20, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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M lMl l ' ' I M t I
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4 ) t 44
P 0iihBm$m,t$w9m$99tm0t9m4tmi
Mm W WIIKlnin wm flnM t
Hi llH rnt rntirt vafrMt for faf
ttht th Mnrt of tto ipt
hi n ih eftjr Btravt Arthur frw.
ford farad a similar fat In the wmn
Mrt for tn Isfractlon of tk apad
tow on tfc tllf atroHa. JtHfc Oay
ara ft M1 hofmiftor, N aaavacf
opaoraar of loo offtacfars In this
timd Ma! onataoaa, ftM oach of
fko f&.
10 MMforif riamr fNora MlftM
BVrtjtants' thaalor tlckrta. SO
Utfltmaiit Willi flhlppam, C. A.
(Who earn to Madfofd on Sunday
huftta hla regular Inspection lour.
Ill for other points In hi official
ry last rrafltm. 8rRn( Jr
natruetor, who proeadad Uou
flhlppam to (hi city, prob-
ftfetjr will rwnwjo until the and of the
flrat wk in way.
De Vm give trading stamps with
ovorythlnjc axeapt grocarlaa.
Mr. Hsxel Terrctt, now of Itogn
ltlvor. la vlaltlng her mother, Mr.
Anna IS. Darla, In thin rlty, until aft
or ISatr. Mr. Tarratt I cashier of
'tho ItogtiQ Klver bank.
Pierce In riles yen to vlalt hi
gronnhouaoa and tee bachllng took.
C. T. Huntington, of San l'ran
oleo, In In the city Matlietina: data nml
jilctnrn alliles IHuBtrAllnpc sconee anil
palnU of Intereat In this vnlley for
linn in nu enatern tour Mr. llunt
InKton nroposos to make In the Intor
ot of many rommunltlns on tlia Pa
cific eoaat. Publlolty work I Mr.
Huntington's biielneas. Tho Houtli
orn Pacific company, It I aald, I aa
tntliiK hhn In thl tour and the prep
aration to mako It a aueceaa. Secre
tary J.ntlit or the Commercial club Is
Katharine data and attrattlre photo-
Hrnpli of favorite acene In and aboiil
thl valley for Mr. Iliitttlnalon's nee.
Tin of StaK frtw with each pipe
bought at Mndford Cigar Store. 80
LMIae Mary K. Ilrown, who arrived
from Seattln yeatonlny, la aililross
irii nn Hiidlenoe nt tho public library
thl nftornoou on ' the subject of
"Child Wolfaro." Ml Ilrown la a
representative of the W. 0. T. IT.,
under the anaplce of which organi
zation the meeting I lining hold.
Smoko n King Spitz clKar. fie,
Thny nro home-mndo. tf
Tho Main street crowing of tho
Southern Pacific railroad, torn up:
Hjiiln thl wank, I noarly ropnlred
ajinln. So far that work has been
dpim only once a week, hut it may be
t Tint It will yet lie possible to tear It up
gfid put It down again at least twice
n week hereafter.
' Dr. Htaphnnmn now practicing
ngnln. MO South Holly, Phone 8G2-X.
' funeral servleea or the Infant son
'of Mr. and Mra. Charles 1). ICunkel
were held at tho homo of A. HI. Strai
ten thl HfteriuHiii at I o'clock.
Sea our abow window and what
yen oan buy for 15c. M. F. ft II.
Co. !
Colonel George P. Mima of Seven
Oaks, returned homo yesterdav even
1MB, aftor a day or business In this
Get your milk, oreain, butter, ckrr
nnd buttermilk at De Vne'a.
Charlea Grant or Mutt Falls, vis
lied and attended to business er
rands In this city yesterday, return
ing dome in the evening.
Dr. ICirohgoasner will be nt Hotel
HMk every Wednesday. Hours tor
enaMltHtlon 10 to I.
Hen tiyan who attended to bual-
tiOM In this olty during the week, re-
turned to Welkin yeaterday.
See Dave Wood about that rire In-
auranae nollar. Ortke Mall Tribune
. Uric Anderson and Andrew Jeld
M&gg have returned to their mines In
tho Blue Lodge district.
Cedar oil mops now on sale at 95r
a( M. F. 11. Co.'. II
Harvey Ling of Ashland, returned
home last evening aftor enJolng a
gar of visit with friend and rela
tive In tbla rlty.
Pleree the florist ha choicest bed
4Mg plant. Greenhouse Bast Main.
W. M. Ilrower. editor of the Argua
pi Rogue Itlver, returned home yes
torday evening, after holding diver
tad sundr seon with the polltl-
efaws In this nck of (ho county
hue Tuesday ounliig
, Typewriter papers all klnos, at
dlord, Printing Co.
There will be an KdUon phono-
gnyih coueert at ih public llbrar
Sa4ty from & to 8 o'clock p. n.
pwsoi eMor at Do Voo'k.
' Tho publle apirlted gentlemen
who are willing to arririce time and
gealua In tho gfflrlal service of the
dear people during the neat term or
two of tounly business have boon
guaieroua on the street of the val
hy suetropoHa tbla week.
, Ay article In our corner dlmday
wind 5. M. F. H. Co :'6
Colonel George P., Mlms of Sex en
Oaks, has received word of the d'ttb
of hla father, a prominent and
wealthy citlseu of Newport. Tenu.,
from ailments Incident to old age.
though long In III Ullh. the and
oamo auddeUIy.
b vorM'a groataat aaMiajUaH.
Roioioo, To iMuraiMe MQJ.
ril, frfim rfnlnnn 'hi 'tmir r '
mUi iw f ft orowfoKn n' V mi
fnm vrffaoo fin Ml rt'.!
Th fWdftttfll tH IH lmifraMr
ftot tlf t heht af thf Mf-i'ft-i
hotel of a o'eloell Ihia "renirtc i
will bo a non-partisan nrannii' n
hitoever, and all WHewn rtwn mi
omofi ore naked to i- in m- r
ftjrtfng IHo formation of fh '"
tfoaj't forget to vtelf n iiomr
MllllMry before bgylng KdM"t
hat. lint West Ninth
Tho friend of Senator r mum in"
of Iowa, will moot tonight t n rio w
al M Mark' hall' where. In ldl
thra to tho organitatlon or a riui
there win be rendered an Interpntln
ajort program. The evening will
too with dancing, for which Ml
Butler tod Herbert Alfnrd will fur
alsh tho mwale. Tou are Invited m
come and enjoy the event, whethrr
you wlh to Join the club or not
Oate soil Ford ears, ?200 dawn
and Stl a month.
The Alnmnl tennis ball, which waa
to have been held Friday evening.
April 81, ha been postponed because
of the tact that the date fall on
Good Friday. The affair will bo
given on the evening or Monday, May
1, In the form of a May Day tennl
ball. Plana are being pnrfaoted to
mnke thl one of the inot enjoyable
event of the soaaon. The decorat
ing committee promlea a number or
aurprlsea in the Matter of novel of
foct produced for tlnU occasion.
J. O, GorXIng, trio neat all around
photographur In nnuthorn OrcRon.
Alwnys reliable. NogatlvoB mado nny
whoro, ttmo or plnco. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-J.
David Lever, who tabllahed the
Standard Commercial School In San
Franclico a a roault or hi superin
tendence or the school exhibit at the
Panama-Paciric exposition Inat year,
in which that exhibit wan n feature
of the big ahow and took flrat prlae
In Ita line, la In Medford today to ar
range a date for hi appearance here
In a lew day in an llliiatruted lec
ture on aubject akin to the work or
his school and achool exhibit 'gen
erally. Mr. Lever wn connected
with the Dally Courier or Grant
Paaa six years ago.
Come In and see our $5.00 Raster
Special. Ml I.ouuabury, mllllunr.
M. M. Dept. Store.
'Mr. II. G. Dauloy entertained at an
afternoon tea last Thursduy at Se
attle tor Ml Catherine Wagner or
the University of Waahlngtou. .Ml
Wtagner'a home was In Mm! ford un
til alio euterod tho unlvontlty In So
altlti, mid ahe I at present a corre
apoudont from that town , tor the
Mall Tribune. The party waa made
up In a purple and gold color scheme,
which are the sohool colors, and the
guests were the girls or the Delta
Delta Delta sorority or the univer
sity. Insure our auto ta the Alliance
against theft, flro. C. Y'Tengwnld.
Mrs. I. L. Hamilton, who. baa been
visiting In Seattle for some time haa
left for Medford. but will atop lu
Portland for a few daya to vlalt the
Peeblera of that city. Mra. Hamil
ton waa very III during the time ahe
waa In Seattle, but la able to travel
now. She the guest of Dr. and
Mr. MrCultougb o( university dis
trict while lu that rlty.
Weston Camera Shop for flrst-clau
kodak flnlahlng and kodak supplies.
Jerry C. Wilde, of Cheyenne, Wo ,
la Mojourulng with friend lu tin
Medford district thl week, while re
cuperating from a recent tllUf km 11
deairwd to acquaint hlmtttdf b 'r
tonal examination with the nil rue
lion of this part of the roast, IuWhk
heard many good thlnga about th
Rogue river country. He Is dellahl
ed with bis good fortune In brina
directed here for a partmf hla vaca
tion period and haa already become
much Interested In the appearanro ot
new life which this territory ha
taken on.
Try a King Spit oiinr and en
courage home Industry tf
Mr. Joseph Shaska of Grunt I'm"
I vlaltlng Medford rclutlve.
If I waa thinking of ulnn itrol
eum or any mineral oil for count I pa
tloa or stomach trouble I would
leet oue of the ll knowu brand-.
carried at Heath Drug tttore. oi
poalte Naah Hotel. :'
,C II. Page! of Kuterprlne. thU
tale, I attendlna to bulnea mut
tor In thl city toda.
15 otf on Kodak at Weston's
Camera Shop.
The little ton of Mr. and Mr
Cbarie D. Campbell, 3 years old.
naaaed away at tho parents' homo.
58 H North Riverside avenue, at 7 ;to
this morutng. The child obtained 1111
oiwued c'hu of concentrated le, It t
aald. and awallowed a quantll of it.
which rauaed Ita death. Funeral au
uouncemeut will bo made later.
Your lawn mown macnlno aharp
enod at Mitchell. Phone 3r0-j.
lr F. O. Tajer. a ho he heeu at
l'aloy. Lake county, thl stHte. tor
two week, returned nouu thl
Special Paaalon Week series at the
Methodist church tuntght at o'clock
"A Day of Farewell. ' Trie nr
rameul will be administered. Good
Friday services tomnrrow from l to
8 o'clock, r t4,
aW 1 tolUad. .
O 00
ArYf A Sr?
jHbHpK KjH9R Vm JtHsBBBsBaHaBBtl
B aaV L U'f ilu aa"Wypy it, jtKT JSK
bbbbbI bHbbbbWuI ( CflkMaBtaBBBBBSkbak EE1mQvE
1 sift mm. mi mmnU&imRBNm
, ililhiffiWasrlB rlgarfy "liiiaeiBT''saiBiTan' ' bbbBHbsBh
IImii rllmi .l.iiii mil rn. ifi' ' i' "W !' . li' Mi-iii r-
Hilcr1-," nhi'li li.. lM-n ncTt-l Hit I'liriunimnt n inn liv the KumoiiH
l'laer Film i'inninv, with ltusel Dawn in the etoller role, i the attrac
tion at the Htar today.
A piano and violin recital will bo
given by the pupil of .Mrs. B. B.
Gore and Carlton Janoa tomorrow
evening at the home of Mrs. IS. IS.
Gore, 118 Geneva avenue, to Intimate
trlenda and relatives of the pupils.
It was originally Intended to make
thin recital a public event and to give
It st the Presbyterian church; but
thla being Holy Week and the o
rlal calendar being crowded ren
dered it ImpoMlble to do bo.
Our ohocolato are Medford mado.
The Sheatn. tf
Phlalh or gold duit and uulckallver
and packages of sheelHe and tung
sten ore are being exhibited in the
hotel corridor and on the atreeta
very frequently theae daya. A very
largo percentage or the local popula
tion ia much Interested lu score of
claim, old and new, altuated In all
parte of thl dlatrint, and mnch de
velopment work la being planned.
Prospector are becoming more nu
merous every day and an old-time
mining excitement appears to be
H I waa going to brighten up my
laat year's straw hat I would get a
bottle of Colorlte at Heath's Drug
Store, opiioelte Naah Hotel. 26
Xera Snow, h prominent Portland
attorney who haa been vlaltlng A. IS.
lioamcw, left Thursday for Portland.
"Meet me at the ShaaU."
Frank Preaton and family are
moving from their Itooeeveit avenue
realdcnce to their Applegate ranch.
Do Voe buy beer Uottlae.
Senator H. Von der Hellen
loft laat night for Corvallla, wbero
he goes to attend the quarterly meet
ing of the board of regents of the
State Agricultural college.
IMg 6c mllkahakea at Da Voe's.
The "heavy frost" predicted for
this morning didn't materlullte. It
wigs a fairly warm night and a bloom
ing aprlng morning gladdened the
orrhardlata throughout the valle.
Further reports concerning the light
frost of Weduesdny morning Indi
cate that the Iohn Ih practically im
perceptible. t
I Only
fyr l
Imiiionsf nt'w showing of Kpw 'I'linuiuHl Huts that
aiv just in by pxjhvuh; lsu from ur own woinun.
llcautiful U'irhuni lla:tt 8ft), i'lO.lit) ami ll.:0.
Many other PreMy Trimmed llats
at $-.? 5. $5.75, $.!5rt.
im ArfR
rutj - i'i
A. B WMftMB. 519 Edward street,
ha left at tat Commercial club rooms
an egg laid hf a Rhode Island Med
hen, which In form is an egga-ect
(awful) repllea of a pear about one
third grown, Those who onjoy the
latitude of Imagination vouchsafed
I by superstition have Interpreted thl
peculiarly shaped specimen of hen
fruit to portend that the pear crop
tn thl valley thl year will be im
mense. Inaaniucli a the egg hnwod
no evidence of blight, dronth or
frost Injury, It I aaaumed by the
oothaayers that these Ills will not
Intervene between tho pear producers
and a bumper yield of excellent qual
ity. The McCurdy Insurance agency
now reproaonU the Iowa State Ove
Stock Insurance company. Office,
Medford National Bank bldr.
Mr. and Mra. Amoa Ayera, of
8abbatha, Kan., who returned to that
city last rail aftor having enjoyed , Also Cleaning, Prcsslnn and Altering
a year'a vlalt In the Rogue river val-1 128 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS
ley, have returned to thla city fori1
another extended visit. They are the -
parenta or .Mra. II. M. Iiraiiham ami
Mlaa Mildred' Ayera of thla elty. It1
I rememberec) by the many friend 1
ui .ir. i)ra uiai ne is an WTtueraio
and more than usually aticreaaful '
Isaac Walton, buvlng enjoyed
whipping thtjtotreama lu thlB. valley
core 01 uitiew. 11 ih necreiiy gueaaeci 17
that Grandpa Ayera had in mind a
repetition or thl chief or all sport1
when he concluded to return to thin 1
vnlley tor another "oaaon.
Poatngn itarupa al De Voe'a.
Iiy 11 HI'KCI.ll.lsT ut the
14)7 GMi'iietNfiHcy Itldg.
HairDy eiog!
Wo aw bidtliug siroug foryotti' business by showing tho
i tine il bun evor lxen our fortune to ahow, lUuLar
(ho laiiM' lime quoting you nmuy jvry sjxmm1 pricos.
Every Tailored Suit Reduced
Must of tluw art' Style Craft Suits, and the Style Craft
lala'l always insures you absolute sutiaifaetion.
All -15.00 Silk or Wool Suits now $35.00
All 135.00 Silk or Wool Suits now '..$57.50
I'ji to $30.iH) Silk hi- W.vol Soils now $2I-;.75
l to ?:M."0 Silk (u- Wool Suits now 1S.50
rrlr 'I I ln I" " 4ff,fh topi'ilf
Wepfirt of fw flregow Sta Morth-nl
fKrui aoroty dfid Ineindc artide ni
i'dl tfaf frrtff grof on
prnnIM, agflo ettj roHtrol, lb" nc
don vavem tf gftrkefltg htrt iiop,
he irige rndunffr, ffgglteh Weloot
rtipere, glfrowen and gpwle. etc
The other pamphlet to entitled Ore-
I ton' rjppoflwoNf in National Prm-
' iardnoM" and I dmvrlbed on It .
iioipt mm toiiwwp 1 mw niiiiwinrn wi
our water power ratoourre In the
manufacture of filtrate for moni
1 tion of war In time of peace hi he
manufacture of fertHKor for tho Im
irovement of the farm, la anggtnted
in thl bulletin. Tho ladlrect bone-
ru to navigation, irrigation
onvncrrlnl development Which Will
' om thrnuah this ntlltaatton are ato '
,iom pd n it Thl pampnlot la tanned
b thr ofrirr of the tate eaglnotr.
Sander, the alt aroand painter. II.
Thoe who ue thejeetrl earrent 1
In thl city during the day are !
warned that the CalltoraM-OrtgOn
Power company will ahnt off the
Jrrlce en Sunday morning for mm
honx, from 8:45 to 9-45. Too curl
ing Iron and chafing dtahes should ;
be Included In (he item which It la
necessary to take Into consideration
In this matter.
nlvmnli. lour tf iO a ncilr K RO
a barrel. L. M. Brown.
Mrs. George Andrew and Mist
Geraldlne Thai will Ring the "Qui
eat homo," from Howlnl's "Stabat
Mater" at the pervlces on Good Fri
day evening in the Cnthftllr church.
FOPXD lllaik mongrel Airedale
terrier. If owner (llrp same
will return. Addrosa M. T, Mall!
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
fri) Snift tfSn
Jl1011iEy u'WHtiS NEoroW
Cordially invites you to
Anniversary Opening
Saturday, April 22, 1916
Afternoon and Evening
Excellent Music
ays to Comolete That I
Extra Special Trimmed Hats at $7.50
Wi- have atkleil to our steoiiGf line of Trimmed Hats
at this jiritH nianv models that earlier were marked
!UX), !).:() and 10.Ut .L'te-Kastor miwirti .. $7.50
Complete lines hFnll that ip new in
AbfioIutHy Krmovou
Indlgpstlon. Dtippnckiiffe
pnrn it IHc at all druggist
fewfBft Wtlon
Itriwre Thewtre
lAst time-
1 Wonderfully Gifted Actor
in the Powerful
Screen Play
Starts Tomorrow
Another of those superior
Triangle bills
Ford Sterling-Polly Moran
Favors for the Ladies
1 em v a a
) el
s ie last Day
Good Things
don't last always
and Saturday is
the last day
you can get
Toilet Payer for a
Big Bib Overalls, all
the pockets, 75c
50c Suspenders 25c
10c Handkerchiefs 5c
50c Neckties 25c
Wool Sox 10c
Black & Tan Sox 10c
Sox, 15c values,
3 for 25c
$2.50 Silk Front
Shirts 98c
$1 and $1.25 Dress '
Shirts 75c
Work Shirts
Best Dollar Hat in
A Big Line of Shoes
Both Dress and
Work Shoes
10-room house close in
for rent--$5 per mo.
House and lot in Grants
Pass to trade for car
We want to buy a lawn
mower and good
Also anything else you
may have
Will B. Wilson
6 North Front St.
Near City Hall
Phone 467
Cheapest Stole
fe ikv West