Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 20, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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no. as
A U rhtRbH
Strong Force ' Russian Troops Ar
rive at Marseilles lo Strengthen
Verdun Defense anil Are Welcomed
1 by General Joffre Came From
Archangel, Outside Submarine Zone
More Troops Said to Be En
Route, as Russia Is Long on Men
and Short on Equipment.
Troops From Russian and Serbian
Fronts Brought to Strengthen Wes
tern Line French Resume Offens
ive, Capturing German Trenches
Germans Occupy British Trenches.
I 'AIMS, April 20.-A strong Torre
of ItiiMMiuti trtMm disembarked at
Marseille nt noon today.
Th a Itiiesiiins are to fight beside
tlm allied soldiers in France.
General .loffre welcomed th Hus
sions in n order of the ilay, saying
their arrival wu another proof of the.
devotion of ItiiMwiu t tli common
Tlio llusinns nn believed to Imvo
' embarked for France from tin1 ott
nf Archangel on lite White . this
only ioit through which them in flee
ewninuniention between Kiissin nnd
her ullics in I hi- went. It is consid
er d. prolmlil that the transports
carrying tilt troops iiiuiIb n wide
sweep out into the N'nrtli Allnnjit! bo
i'oie hooding fur the Mediterranean,
to avoid t It submarine danger zone
in llio vicinity of the llritish Won.
In thi connection it in to lie noted
thnt I'nbli' advices ntiite thnt Kihkiii
liml i'Iom'iI tlio lwrt or Archangel to
nil oM'opl government traffic. Thi
iimv indicate thnt other troop move
ment from Archangel lo the western
fimit are either uniler wnv or in con
templation. .,
Wclcontrtl liy .loffii.
The .text of the order issued by
Oenernl .loffre follew:
"Our fnlthful ally, JIussw, vhoe
nnniiM alreudv are fighting m valor
inisly against Oermnriy, Austria nmi
Tui key, wunted to give France fur.
titer assurance of her friendship,
more striking proof of her devotion
in th (oimiion euuse.
"Ihissiuu soldier chosen from the
bravest in iter nrmio nnd commanded
by officers of the highest renown,
liiive come to fight in our rank.
"You will receive them like brolh
or. Yum will show tliem that wmw
sympathy which yon feel Inward
times who leave their count rv to onwie
nmi fight nt our aide.
"In the num of the French army,
waleome the officer, nnder-nffi-eers
and soldiers of llussiu who have
debarked in France. 1 bow before
the ItuftMian flag upon which there
siton will be inscribed the glorious
names of our victories.''
'I'll Fill Vltlllllll HK.
The Itusslau forces will be used to
fill 1h gsps or the wostern front
caused by the recent righting.
The arrival of the Kuaalan troops
la regarded here as an event of great
Importance and of significance from
both a military and political Stand
point. The Itusslsns eame oa a great flo
tilla of transport. Xot a tingle
word of their coming waa permitted
to become generally known until
they had actually concluded tbe
Journey and were landing on French
Xo eact detail a to the number
of ltussian troops lire avullalde
I'AIMS, April 'JO. French ieit
nncc in the region of Verdun is coiu
iellintt the (lermnn gwieral taff to
withdraw lame furee from lhe Titi
lon front in MaemlnuiH Mini ScHiin
nnd in ltitia, aeenrdlng to infornin
tion obtained tiwlay bv tho higliimt
inilitnry nitthnrilim boro.
The t'itxt divWon nf tho fir-t (ler
mnn arrav conw and another division
nnt yet identifiiil nre nid to bo
nmoiig the trcwiHi which imvo jut
been brotueht from the other front.
The eighteenth nnnV oonw hiiiI th"
olerenth llavanan ilivimnn, it ! oe
elMreil, have betm brought front Ser
bia. '
American Note 'Delivered lo German
Government Von Bernstorff Vis
its Lansing to Discuss Situation
and Tells of Confidential Message
PAIHS. April 20. French lronwi
took tbe offenwive hyd night in tho
Votdun region on tho right bank of
the Meiinp. The war office annonni'o
nipnt of Hum nltoniocin nay thnt they
enpttued MittH of f Ionium trenohi",
oocupied h redoubt nnd took severnl
hundred i)rionpr.
The let of the ilnteinont follew:
Oiitun (lerumii Ticnclic-.
"In the Aruonne. at Hntito t'hevnti-
chee. Iheie Iiiik bwn iwiiii' mine workJ
whicli reultiil to uur nilvniilnge. Wo
eniiied the explosion of n hiuhII iniue
which doMroycd moiio HUiitominenn
work- of the enemy.
"On the left bonk of the Mennfthe
hninlmrdmimt or our Neiiitid line con
tinued lut night. On (he rigkt bank
of the river nn'r lroow yohtoriljiy
uvciiiiiir delivered a mirilrt nttiick
ngninat the Oennnn Hwitioua north
west of tbe Fond of Vauw Thi op
uratiou made it poaniblo for u to on
eupy certnin 4'tiiHii of the Herman
trenchex, iim well na n fortifieil re
donbt. In the eoui-Ke of thix nctiou,
which ciiued henvv ot to the en
emy, we took prisoner ten offieera,
ixteen under-oflicerH nnd 21 1 men.
In addition to thin, we captured nev-
ernl innchine guim nnd a certain
ipiuntilv of war material.
"In the Woevre our artillery has
directed a eoncent rated fire MiKtii the
ciHiiuiuuieiitinK nmdwny of the en
'There hn been no event of im-
IMirtnu're on the itenHiudiir of tl.o
WASHINGTON. April 2u Tele
rnu from N illiaiu J Hran an
nounelns th hour he expecta to ar
rive bere nd reiterating the opln
ton tnat it ould be a 'crime againxt
illlition for thl couuly to go
lino ur," were tbe ouly intimation
ht. h Representative Bailey, of
iviinnylvanta. Mr. Uryan' epoke in tbe bouts, bad today of the
Neiirekan's plana on bii Washing
ton Visit.
Mr. Bailey today recalled Mr.
Hrtti, g statement that if war eeemed
to hi in imminent n would come to
W dliington. dropping anything !
might hava on'hnil. Mr
ai-l Mr Hran 9uld attend
'i,i il diiiuei htrrf tonuUl
lllltlsll Scrtloii CliptllllMl,
HKItlJN, April 20, via Umlon.
UritUh trenehe for a ttfstanee of (100
meter between lngeman-k and
Ypren, Ilelgium, have been ooeupieil
by Oermnn troojw, aceiuilimr to tlm
officinl Mtatement given out nt anny
hendipiartern today.
The toxt of tbe offlolal statement
Issued tda says:
Weatein frent: In the Yprea sal-
lent German patrols succeeded nt
several poinU In penetrating the Kng-
liah trenches. In one Instance on .the
high road between Ungemarck and
Ypros they gained about S00 meters
of the enemy's position and firmly
maintained them against sevorsl
band grenade attacks. At this iolnt
and near Wieltae and south of Ypre
the number of prisoners taken
amounted altogether to 1 officer and
tos men. We also oaptured two
machine guns.
Bust of Tracy le Meat a quantity
of gas directed by tbe,enimy last
night against our trenches only
kpread into the trenches of the
French themselves.
lint Ho In I'logiov.
In the Mouse Rector the enem) di
rected a llvel artlller fire agaliiat
WWI.IN. April 'in, 'm London. -The
American note to Oiirmnnv nr
rivod in llprlin Into .vilotdnv ocn
ing. AinhnMMdnr Oernnl prolmbly
will pntient It to tio foreign office
early thi nflornoon.
WASIIIN'OTOX, April '20. -The
rnitod Stilton govorniHont Inning an id
it lnt word to (Ipiihoiiv in.lhp nib
innrinp enntroveray, tnnied today
with grnvo expectancy tn Heiliu,
whore ntntn the decifon whether the
iuiierial government shall nbnndiui lis
jifenent method of etibnmrino war
fare or hrenk with nahington.
No time limit waa not in the com-
municnlion, but the president U
known to hold the hope that three or
four day will be sufficient for it de
cision. If none is forthcoming with
in h reasonable time tho slop necom,
pliehing n break in relations, with nil
its grave possibilities, will he taken,
fount Von Hernslorff, flonnnn nm
blissador, would receive bis passjxirls
and American Ambassador (lernnl at
Huriiii would be instructed to come
It was staled thai a rnptttre would
not ucppftsitrilv oNlond lo noiinuln, al
though diplomntie oiipIoih generally
included such ornoials.
llciiiKtoirf n Visitor.
Count Von llenistorff. the Oermnn
ambassador, went to the slate depart
ment I mlay fo n confei-encH with
Saorctary Inaing the wdlmnrine.
wnrfare situnliou and also lo discuss
the asrest in New York of Wolfo on
Igel, aeereinry to former flcnnnti
.Military Altaeho Captain on Papon.
Soeretarv IuWiu; nnd the (lerumii
ambassador were in coHfetence fully
twenty minutes. After the nmbnssu
dor hud left the secretary of state
would make no stutrTHeut.
After the conference it wns learned
that Herman diplomat regard the re
ceipt of n replv from flermnnv within
two or three days na physically im
possible. It wns thought a redv
nould ttot lie leceived here before ten
days. It was tminted out thnt lCnster
Arnndav i holiday in Hennany, nnd
that neeossarv con-nllutiuns of of
fieiala would cause almost another
week to elnMo before the Hormau de
cision could be transmitted here.
Pourc or War u 'I'uss.l'p,
Aiubgsasdnr Von Ilernstorff refus
ed to dlsvuss his conversation with
Secret a iy lnnaing, hut indicated his
onll was not prompted bv the arrival
of instructions from his uownuueiit.
Itegarding the hope held bv (lermnn
officials here for an amicable settle
ment, one official described the pros
pect as a "toss-up."
Keeretarv lousing exuliiined in de
tail to the Oennnn ambassador the
position of the Fnited States and Js
understood to have expressed the sin
cere koi that the attitnde of the
Oennan government would be so ad
justed as to meet the Kition taken
by the Uniteil Stales.
Tho ambassador was understood to
have informed the secretary of the
details of s message he sent yester
day to his government makiug cer
tain reeommendu lions which he be
lieved, if acceptable to his govern
ment, wwild be sHtit'actiirv to the
United States,
lu addition, the ninbuisudur in-
i " j -jf MSA ttii w J
Compromise Agreement Reached Be
tween Ministers on Subject of Re
cruiting Reopen Voluntary Enlist
ment Scheme for Six Weeks, Then
If Unsatisfactory, Compulsion.
(.Ynenil Hun. licit (left) Is Imin.illuteh In rlmrgo or tlu ciilun ile-
f,.Mr, the nuiii ho held out ngnlu-l the first Ricnt (ciiimn ru-li and
picwiitcil the foit fnnn Im-Iuk mcrulicliiHil In the ilCHicnt tnwniil Paris.
General .loffiv Is ciiKngis! nuipplng out fuillier plntw for defense or
$750,000 DAMAGE
T.ONIION', April '20. It i 'tnled
utlioritntivelv that n setlleinont bus
been reached in tbe cabinet crisis.'
Troop Movements Hint to American
Forces to Get Out Made Without
Carranza's Knowledge, Indicating
That De Facto Government Has
Not Full Control Over Army.
KANSAS CITY, Mn., April 20. -Report
received up to noon today
from lhl tornndo-awopt sections of
Missouri and Kansas, indicated the
death lUt in yesterday's storms would
rench twenty. Over 100 persons were
injured. Property damage prolmbly
will amount to more tlign $730,000.
Ktver, Motmii iiOMy',ilia)nri,
still was cut lift from comtniinlcnlion
today nnd il was imimssilde to eon
firm reports thnt si. iwrsons were
Tho denlb list was added to bv ro
poita from rniontown, Kourfmn
county, Kanana, which said four jmt
hoiim bad been killed there. Clean,
Missonri, reported the dcnlh of John
Farria and wife, who lost their lives
when a tornado recked their home.
Two deuths and the injury of Ihuty
persons wet reMrted from Arthur,
The wiud swept n path four miles
long and a quarter of a mile wide
near Fort Scott. Kan., rating oil
building in its path.
The little town of Hcriin. in Itour
biiu comity, Kan., which leeentlv w.
titioned state officials to change its
name, was badly dumaed.
All of the Knn-nx storms broge
during the doyjight. Mlack clouds
guc lu-oplc ample w .lining nnd most
of Horn wire able t -it into toim
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 20.
Fsrlv withdrawal of (he Innips sent
into Mexico as a punitive expedition
or the anlhnniatmn or military oper
ations on a large scale must be the
result or (leneral Hugh L Scott' in
vestigation of the situation, in tho
iitittiinii nf ii mi v officers here.
(leneral Pershing is pot uushing hbj
campaign against Villa and will tint
until b uets fnnn hendounrler au
thority mid facilities to opernto mors
freely. Officers here believe the finds
in the ease, showing the futility of et
tendingnwrutionM along the existing
lines, will convince Secretary linker's
envoy of the boHdeno.H of further
pursuit unless (lie commanding offi
cer in Mexico is given more ell'ectivo
Villn, if he is yet alive, can be
eu light, officers here believe, but only
by the adoption of n plan thnt Mexi
cans generally almost certainly would
characterise us n war. Aruiv offi
cers are convinced further oiorations
must lie undertaken with the under
standing that armed iipisoilioii rrvtu
both faction will be met. ,
(leneral Pershing is holding luiftct
his 10,000 men stretched from Colum
bus to Hiinls almost IIM) mile from
the border. The mobile cavalry (de
lachments that have been scouring
tbe district beyond Katevo now are
in env communication witn tne main
minion und will hold their toitioi
I or the present.
(leneral Pershing has sent through
Isevciul icpoits ill the lis fort -eight
In. HI-, but ( KilM-l"li I'll- llllt
I llljllll (III III lllltlhl .
I.ONHON, April 20. At n meeting
todnv of the llrilish.onbiuel nu ngreo-
ineiil vvn ronoiiod tipon the prnposnls
which the minister will mnko to r
linment on tho subject of recruiting.
Their proposals will be submitted nt
a seen't session of eaob house of uir
hninont on Tuesday. The foregoing
was announced in an officinl state
ment issued this afternoon.
It is understood that a proposition
advanced by Attliur Henderson, pres
ident of the board of education, nnd
ii labor lender, will have tbe effect of
reopening the voluntary enlistment
scheme for a month or six week and
thnt Ibis proposal was accepted In
principle by the cabinet Willi n view
lo ascertaining; whether sufficient
men would come forward for military
service without the introduction of
general compulsion.
lleuiiiniN of liiilior.
Tbe labor members, however, de
manded that all facts and figures re-
gn riling the militarv situutinu nnd to-
ipiirement shall be submitted to the
house of common before tbov con
sent In any nionsure ir univorsnl
conscription. This tins nnt boen of
I'imnllv confirmed.
Un to yaatordny the labor momperri
Unit steadfastly refusml to llstim to
any proposition eonoernlng universal
conscription. It la undnnitood, how
over, that at the cabinet uieetliiK
yesterday when the ministry was
about to be disrupted. Arthur Hen
derson made a oomiiromlto proposal
for a further trial of the voluntary
service which was to he followed by
compulsion If the necessary number
of men demanded by the army coun
cil was not forthcoming.
The announcement that the cabl
not crisis has been settled will bring
groat lellef to a majority of the llrtl
bib people. The in-ospecl of a general
eluutlon or any change lu the ad
ministration at one or the Important
atagos of the war was recognised us
Kl. PASO. Tev., April 20. Fran
cisco Villa imssod through Ttoyn,
about twenty-five mllo (mat of Pnr
ml, two dnya before tho ougugement
between Ainpricnii nnd Cnrrnnza
troop, report toeoivod hfrp today
(Continued on page U)
(Continued on last page)
, ib.ii
F.I. PAX', T. v . April -' The sit
Yilhstas pl.iied "ii nmi t lH-ming.
X. M., ve-tcrduv, charged with killing
Charli- U. Miller ui the Columbus
raid, todnv were found guilt v of mur
der in tlie lir-t dctrree. :.,i or.lui,' I"
,.,,! IH.IM.I II. I. 'II" I " '-
IMll '..' V ti.Hi lit"
WASHING rN, April jo I.egn l.-iMiiluiir tlit tree sic'jr 'liuie
of tke'tunli. which was to lime be
come effective May 1 next, wilt lie
pus-ed immediately by congress. This
wus pjisscd upon by.u caucus of sen
ute democrats last night when they
voted to accet tlie house repeal bill
ui-teud of tbe senate substitute pro
viding for the continuance of the ex
isting duty on 1 cent n pound on su
gin until 1020. A a result the pre--',
11 ilit "ill ! ' 'Milium .1 unit tin-
WASHINGTON. i"il -' H"
Oregon-Ciilifoiiiin I I gram bill,
designed to rosin e ' the tedernl
government title to -'. HMI.OIH) unsold
acres of the original grant to the
Southern Pacific rnilrud, wa com
pleted today by the lands committee
und probubiy will be introduced in
the bouse tomorrow. It has the ap
proval of the interior, agricultural
and Justice detgrtnients.
Provision is made tor tlie institu
tion of suits to determine what
umouut, if any. is due the railroad
The Wind would In divided into four
rla--e- wuterpowei -itet, mineral,
tllilliel lilld li- l nil UI .il.
CONSTANTIMU'I.I . April .'it -
The war nftiee uiilioiilicen jhilt the
position of the llnli-li armv wlinh m
lieing besiised at Kut-el-Amura is
becomiug very critn'Hl uud thut the
BntUh comUmi'der ha ordered the
eivibur populotiua t" ovueuate the
i"Vti Ott .icant oP tl -i .u i its !
1 ....!
WASIIIM.IMN' V,. .i -" Hub-
stantiul iu reuses in Hi" naiuiug
personnel ol tbe luitv are nuide ill
the naval appropriation lull, ileteriu
liiud upon li tbe house nuvul suli
eommlttee. The full lomuiittee will
meet next Thursday to take up the
bill aa now drafted and to pass on tbe
building program. The bill Increases
the enlisted force by between 13.000
and M.OUO and the marines by 3000
A new provision I Incorporated for
a medical corps or 2 '" to 3000 men
and for a general reorganisation (if
the marine eorpa. with one major
acneral commanding and thrre brig
adier generals, and for a marlue re-lerve.
There is considerable increase In
the number of gunners with thirty
five or forty gunnery sergeant.
Civilians am authorised t be ap
pointed from teehnlesl schools for
service aa engineer as recommended
b the secretary of tbe navy.
An appropriation of $1,500,000 la
made for erection of a naval muni
tion plant, expected by tho eommH-
(Jee lo cost ultlmuleh nelween IJ,
I, in ,H,i . nu. I, 'Hill
l'l1lMlso AlllU'llllllVC
Attacka upon the cabinet have
been confined to a email group of
London newspapers which have a
wide popular circulation ami to a
few polltleiana.
The only alternative to the pres
ent cabinet proposed waa tine to be
beaded by l)avld l.loytl George, min
ister of munitions, or by Sir ICdward
Carson, the Plater unionist leader.
and, according to political observers
a considerable portion or the iwiN
lack confidence In tbe stability and
capacity or both.
A large majority or the provincial
uewapapers this morning slroily
demanded a continuance of the pres
ent cabinet and their voice orteu Is a
better Index of the nation's views
than Is tbe l.ondon press. The crisis
which now Is overcome or postpone!
undoubtedly lias brought tbe gov
ernment nearer to a dissolution than
any of the previous difficulties.
CHICAGO, April 'JO. The verv lut
eal iu confidence games was unfill
ed here today through the arrest ot
Harry Watson by agents or the de
partment of justice. Watson, it is
said, rode in and out of Cbicugo on
iiassena-cr trains ones tinning passen
gers as to what kind of money tbey
carried. When he rouud unusieclmg
persons earring Canadian money, it
is alleged, he informed them that it
wns unlawful to transport British
money from one slate to another nnd
he would Inks the money. His arrest
came as tbe result of a complaint of
a pusscnger. who said Watson "eon
fiseuted" I Hi of his Cuuitdiun
WASHINGTON', April 'J0.-Offi-eial
advice to tho state department
today noting recent movements of
Currnnn troop from Chlliuahiia to
tho Parrnl resion. caused concern
among administration officials. Tho
si . t il ll .1
ilmpateiie expiOMseu tuo opinion tnni
tho movement wa intended n n hint
to the American forces thnt (hoy
miglit expect at least a allow of op
position if thoy sought to pouotrnto
farther into Mexico than tholr pros
enl Hisilion. It was milled, how
ever, Hint there wns every indication
thnt tho movement wns mndo without
the knowledge of Gmiontl Cnrnmzti.
Xo est tlim t ns tn tho numbor of
men involved was oommunlontcd. Of
ficials hen, however, bneiug tholr
lieures on tirovions ronoits ns to tho
strength of various Currunni parrt
sous iu tho vicinity, boliovc il oould
not Imvo exceeded lflOO men. Ac.-
cotdiug to the dispntolifs, It wns tho
impose of the commander who nr
"luni.1 the moto lo ostabllalt tho force
south of tho most advnnood position
of tlunenil Pershines troops nonr
Pnrrnl. " '
At my Without Dibciplliic.
The most ImportntiL nnpoot in tho
official viewpoint hero, it wiih inti
mated, is tbe iudiwilloii thut tho do
faclo gnvenimeut hua not full control
over all it military fnrcoe.
It was learned authoritatively to.
day thut the United States has ack
nowledged through Special Agent
I lodgers at Mexico City the receipt
of (lenernl Carranxn's note suggesting
the withdrawal of Uie Ainericau
tronw. The iust ructions to Mr,
(lodgers went forward some duys ago.
(leneral Carronxa was Informed thnt
bis argument was being given seri
ous consideration.
Another liiesssue todnv I old of ad
ditional brigandage iu tho Mnmtlim
region, which Americans are lenving,
Tho disorder wua ilesortuod an duo to
baud of thieves taking advantage ef
disturbed conditions.
General Carranxa, tbe depiiitinotit
has been informed, has framed a new
mining law making some ooiiueooiun
to the mining eomiauies. It is builov
ed bv those who have stndlod IU do
tails here that it will ml provo swtia-
factory to mining interests generally.
The lax law of March 1. 101.. is re
traced under the new lave.
Nothing on Villa.
There were no official mswagos to
the state or war detriments uagtiilg
with the reported death of Fnmuicoo
A message to the Mexican etHlm?
last night und press reports said Gun
eral Obregon, the war minister, was
inclined to iilnee iimfideuce in re
ports that a search party of twit
Mexican officials and an AmeriQM.ii
officer hud examined tut grave. Ooii
erul O-brcgou has been ileseribeil pro
vioiisly a very dubious of Villn's
death and if he has now ehangttd tlint
mcw oil nulls fed he must have new
The wnt deiuirtiiient had rvenlvwl
m eoiiliiiiuiiiou of press reimrta ik&$
a -hipineiit ill hay . ia the Mexistui
Niiriliwesterii liml been seised by
C,u run, i ol t nulls.
i i i i i
XFW ()KK, April 20 Giuseppe
Archu-llo ind Frank Ferruia. receutlv
convicU'd of the murder of Ilaruet
lluff, tlie poultry dealer who wus sliot
to . . ,itb at the alleged iuaUgntifli qf.
rivii in n.n hi i, 101-J, wore fen
teneed to die in tho elactlio clittif tin)
Week ol M.iv -'4,