Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 19, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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paok Fonrc
OTBFonn mru rnrnvm, mwotrn. mwins, Tvnixwir.Y, avuu. in, iom
rrtt hrtgnn
Kvnnr At-rmbmnn
rr nvMVAr py tur.
m rwicriHO ro
MUM Tflfcofm HnlMlnf. M-lt-t
If Html. t1u!iniw Ti.
TTt IMaknCrfttlS Tlmi-. Hni V
M1fnH Trtwne, The I
n. Th Ashland Trims
mH 18.00
tnal - .. H m .SO
IK red by carrier In
hjffalx. Jackionvilla
Petnt -. ,6
yssr -... i ii
fjeal tpr of the rifr of Medford
Atrftlnl taper ef Jackson County.
MntereJ A amond-rlBM mattar nt
Medfcn-d, Oregon, undsr the act of Mareh
Wn rear. W
QA WMltk. br
Sworn Circulation for 1914,
l'u 1 1 Irnaod wire Asioofaled preti dla
Subscribers falling to re
eclvo papers promptly, phono
Circulation Managor at S60-R.
Kvon tlio whispered call to duty
onn lio heard by a rtenf man If thcro's
enough snlary in It.
Oh, yos, n woman may ho only a
woman nnd a Reed cigar a smoko,
hut why not onjoy both at the samo
tlmo by ItlMlnR u ftlrl who smoko
Tho Old-Ap lleronl
A man wo know can romonihnr ns
far hack as tlio day whon all of tlio
magazine didn't hnvo a girl's face
on tuo front oovorl
Original HiiUKCftllon for tin Writer
of Moilo I'iiHm
Why not havo tho heroine rocovor
tlio pliins of tho fortlflcutlonn of tho
Unltol States constN from tho vllllun
ous forotgn spy who has stolon thorn
from tho Bafo In tho prlvato office of
tho soorolnry of war? It's only boon
Ufioil OS, 1015 time and thoro may Mill
hosoino folks who hnvo novor soon
Today' llcllrlimcr
Thsro Is a certain public man In
fllnbmiw who Ik notad for two HiIiirh
his quick wit and pride In his Col
tic origin.
Ho wh walking down the street
one flue ovenlnic with an ICuillsh
iiiiiii, whon tho lattor. looking at tho
sky, remarked, "How hrlaht Orion
J' tpnlgMtr
"A-Wrhl" replied tho Glaswegian.
"ho that Is O'Hyan, Is It? Well,
tWink the Lord, there's one Irishman
In lit ven, anyhow!" Tits-lilts.
Snys tho (Till on tlio Illni
What a woman never can hell ova
I that the shapes In derby hats
oka Hue every j ear.
IT in not a vrrv glowing trilrutc In mgrrwiivr Afpdfmrl
rrhan (Iip ntUm nf the Joral iMr)rovcHwnf fhihn liavr
to njjppflr rrpfnfp(Ily br-forp llip pity poiuipjI (o hppiii'p nuy
co-optTBtioH in flip iHMUitiflpittion of flip pity jntrk at the
reservoir ifp. 'Hip vpijjt rpitnoimblp rpqitcnf rpppntly mude
wnfl nompwhnt phtirlwnly l'pjpptpd nnd now flip iripngre
sum of $-10 in nkpd o hplp mnlcc n most sightly plncc nt-trapfive.
Arpdfoitl, fliouirfi leiifi: on pprmniiput publip imnrovo-
iripiit, is short on pnrlcs. Thp pity could be made the most
bountiful plnpc in Oregon nt small expense. I5very resi
dciipc street should be lined with shade trees. Shrubbery
in profusion should adorn the lawns and curbs. Such im
provement costs little, goes far to make the city attrac
tive and hence enhances its desirability as a place of resi
dence. Oufside the small city park, there is no recreation
ground in McdTord. The city reservoir is endowed by
nature with one of the finest panoramas to be seen any
where. Jt is the first place that visitors are taken to, to
secure a glimpse of the valley. How much more attractive
it will be when its barren waste is covered with lawn and
shrubbery, and shade trees, and its unsightly rocks hidden
by ivy, is evident fo all.
What it' til
mes are hard ? Is it any reason that wo should
not prepare and help create better conditions by beautifi
cation of what we have? It will not help the city or its
citizens any to capitalize our poverty by presenting evi
dence of it on every hand.
Life is something more than a chasing of nickels and
a hoarding of pennies. The ideal of the beautiful is im
planted in all of us and should not be allowed to wither and
die, for barren surroundings help create barren natures
and barrencss is always a symbol of the inetlectual and
As citizens' we cannot afford to permit unprofitable,
unintelligent parsimony to block beatitilication ol public
places. All of us who are gifted at all with imagination
have visions of the city beautiful that we should unceas
ingly strive to realize, and only by their realization can the
small town compete with the city in attractiveness as a
The "Rogue "River country is one of the most beautiful
of valleys save where man has marred and scarred it. To
make the city as attractive in its way as nature has made
the charming vistas on every hand should be our aim, for it
is within our power. Hut it cannot be done if we do not all
of us do our share and flic city council does its part by
hearty co-operation in plans for a city beautiful.
.liven considered commercially, tlio money spent in
beaut ification is an excellent investment, paying dividends
noUmlyJodny, but for uncounted tomorrows.
News From Our Neighbors
Mr. and Mrs. Casper of .Monroe.
Modioli & lived liino nold tlio
Oregon, spent the weok-ond with Mrs. ,lm.j, ,, pnnrth street, owned by O.
Sarah McKay. Ic. AIcAlli-tM- ttud oeeupu'd by
Mrs. w. I). Clark and dauuhter j Ituujtliiiiaii'a clothm More, to Tom
were shopping In Med ford Monday. JMiikIioiik of Mcdt'ord, who turned in a
Mr. and Mrs. 1). W. Stone enter-! t'H forty-ueie traet, located near
Tharo Is bo a plonle In Gardner's
grove Thursday, April 10. comprising
taH sHrroundlng districts each of
vrhloli will draw two pupils from their
tliolllng contestants to spall In ths
general contest to be xtveu that day
under tits supervision of Mr. Peter
son, ltrsryone Is oordially Invited
to Borne and bring u well (Med Iws
koi. J. Y. Merrell has returned from a
visit t Umi Hawaiian Islands.
Ill the apallitiK eontest held here
Thursday between the le4lHg rum
pdlUert of Pulton and Ilybee Springs
dlelrlaU. our school won the eagerly
sought silver cup. Much credit Is
due Miss I we for having wrougbl
NHh an Improvement In her pupils
lu BHeb a short time.
The Odd Ksllows pintle held at
OeM Uitl was itroneuueed a complete
aet9M by alt no atleuded fatal
Her. Williams has been hold lag
several successful meetings lu this
awl eurrottntUng district, lie Is
well worth uearlug.
Mies 1 1 awl Lews visited her home
Ih AiaWaud (rem Krlds till Sunday
!W. A. Trestaam Is the proud pee
setter of a due new Overland car.
Many of tie Interested outs will
be glad ( knew that the heavy bent
bertifcMU Hear the Bams valley store
Monday night was no more then a
general rejoicing of the young people
with Jty Stoaer ovr his late acqui
sition of a pretty ouug bride, the
saw havleg been Miss Nora McUrlde
of Ashland.
Miss May ICvernart visited home
folks In ttedferd interlay nnd Sun
day. .ii4.ii
Sjk-Ih1 ItvwiujelUtle Service
Ar Ming held at the Free Meth
odic u.ui.ii, for. 10th and Ivy. this
wif K S( i v ii ,-h every night excepting
ggXtutlui, to ui-gtn at 7: SO. A full
itiffl at guil lll be preaened.
(Jollib and Join ue in tliee servteca.
, J. K HKADIiEY, Pastor.
UIihnI as guests Monday evening
Walter Hoy of Woodstock. 111.
Mrs. J. ICIiik or Hockford, III.. Is
visiting her daughter .Mrs. It. W.
ICIdon of "Green Acres."
O. 8. Illnckford, Mrs. Surah Mc
Kay nnd Mr. and Mra. Uasper of
.Monroe motored to Ashland Sunday.
A. A. Itoyce of Tolo, was a busi
ness visitor In Willow Springs Fri
day afternoon.
Mies Dura Plnney, who passed
away at Klamath Palls Prldny was
buried front the home of her uncle,
K. A. Pierce, Sunday morning. Miss
PlnHey waa uolt known in this val
ley aud she will be much missed by
her many friends.
Colonel George P. Mlms transact
ed business In Grants Pass Monday
Tuesday afternoon Has chosen as
the occasion of another delightful
party ghen by Mrs. Shipley ltoes as
a farewell to Mrs. llrldaln Sanderson
f Tacouia, Washington, who has been
visiting In this vicinity extensively
as the guest of her mother. Mrs. J.
W. Merrltt. live hundred was the
afternoon's diversion aud before the
guests dispersed dainty refreshments
were served by the hostess.
A redding f much Interest to
many was that of Miss Herulcu Smith
and Kluley IC. Wynkoop which Mas
solemulsed Tuesday eveulug at Trin
ity Upiwopal church, Portland. Or.
Morrison used the always beautiful
ring ceremony In uniting the couple
lu the presence of mau trlenda. The
bride was given Into the keeping of
the groom by Mr. George Hruut, who
hi a very dear friend of the family
Ml Smith was gowned In a Uelglan
blue taffeta silk suit, and carried a
hower bouquet or lolels and lilies
of th t alloy. After the reremony
Mrt. C. IVutv right was hostess to
vi dllabtfull; planned luncheon The
tabU via profusely embellished ith
quantities of pink carnations freely
Interspersed with ferns and greens. '
and covers eere placed (or fourteen i
and has many friends ehe are Inter
ested In iter uew vent me
Aledford's miliurliau Seven Oaks dis
trict, towards the iitrehnse jiriee.
llodrou & Itettd also uetftdinted the"
eule of Frank Sliinu'a interest in tlio
Hriiot slmo stoit) to II. T. Klinore, n
newcomer from Mnine.
The nnnuul meetintf "f Hie Cliris
tinn eliureh will bo field on Thursday
oveninic of thia week. In n liusinoas
ay, officers will ho elected and a
review of the church's status will ha
taken by way of eoiniwrison with
previous yen re. In a serial way the
reunion will lie ulso a notable one,
inuHuiucli us a fine aupHr will be
V. A. Hock fellow, representative
of the Hudson MnuufaeturiuK Co. of
Aurora, III., ha been visiting numer
ous relatives in this city for the post
two weeks.
Claude Johnson, shoemaker, has
returned fioiu Dunsmuir, whose he
haa been living; for some lime pAst,
and is owupyiiuj Mrs. Clarence
lnuc' house, eorwor nf Mechanic and
laurel atreets. For the time heinr l
is assisting in K. Hurkburdt's shoe
hhoji, Allen block.
Odd I'VHow of Jaeksun and Jos
ephiue couuties will observe the U'th
uuimei-Hnry of tho order April Ud at
Tuleut, where lodge No. I'll will avt
the port of liont to the big gathering
of the order wbieh i made up of sub
ordinate organisations in terntory
cxtcudiiMf from Ashland to uud iu
eJuduiK Grunts Pass.
K. U. Icenhowur of Auaeonda,
Mont., ih visiting his pereuU, Mr. aud
.Mrs. J. M. Icenhowor, reHidiiig on Me
ihuuies atrcel. lie la on a busineas
trip to I am AugeJe.
The Kleven u'Ctwk dub "lriiHcd
ttbe light faiitastie" at Memorial hull
Monday night, whe twenty-five cou
ple duneed to the strain of a four
ieet orehextru. After the exercises
proMr, four of it niembeis inatiiW
to a private residence and partook
of a Dutch supper, the courses of
which were o varied that the meal
lotted till the hrcakfut hour.
Pivllluiliurv In lh union muml
su MU. tailkUU. daughter MW.ti u,h b in on (, F
U A. Pierre of llto 8;t. ;day. reliumus oenau. of ihe .vu, .
being taken. The city has hecu ub-
xided into over forty ihtiul. mid!
u temalic boine-to-hoii-e cui.i
is beiiiip in tide durum liuK unk ;i, t,.
fnrnf'"' inen telenSIr Inf'tfinalintl
dl hr nvuilnrd ft,r (lie beder in (he
big rctival ftwrtremenf. The metne
will pvttmi oeT fwrr werx.
Albert Amen of Talent, operator M
the internrbnH nwtor aervice betwfn
Ashland and CcMrst f'-mt. has re
turned o Ma ferawr home at fTolota),
Minn., where he irlll reenirage in the
managemeflt f tile Moat club, a not
able sporting orpwnisation nt thai
ek, which speeisliw in rowing
event and raflNtta emitole.
J. F. Mrikle, after revisitine; old
eetiea here, tetteos rr.r the sooth this
week, stopping In Tnmtv eotmif, Col
ifomia, on the wav home to Iterke
!ej. The family address ia 252fl Hill.
gss avenue in that eitv.
The recent track meet in school
athletic wo a won bv the junior olaea,
which issued n defi to nll-eoinura.
There wad a score of events, the jun
iors winning in n colleetivo record by
over 80 lo '10. Don Iiwe proved tho
beat Hll-iiround oontestnut, with Luith
Abbott n oloso second. This at niggle
wa merely preliminary to othors
ivhich follow.
Kxtrn fine moving picture effocts
nl tho Viiiinp Thtirsilay and Fridny of
Huh week will bo afforded bv ItUliu
lltirku in tlio roh? of "Fegjo'." Mus
ienl ncpoinpnnimonti by Loveland's
oilit-pieeo orohostrn, nlso a vocnl
speeinlty by Lloyd Stratton, local
A joint recital by music pupils of
Alius Mury Younu nnd Mrs. A. L.
btricklnnd wna ivon nt the M'otlinilist
cliuroh on Monday niRht. About
twonty young pooplo pfirtieipntcd in
n program Httbdivided as to topics, the
classifications being "netivilfcs,"
"moods," "nature's gnrden,'' and mis
cellniieous. Grcnl proficiennv was
hIiowii by npt pupila tinder competent
.Mr. nnd M"rs. P. W. Paulson nre
renewing many familiar ncqtioint
ancosliips iu this -1einily, whore they
formerly resided for yen re. Mr. Paul
son used to own the Klkliorn store,
headquarters for sporting goods. The
family now reido in Portland.
Mrs. JL V. Slough of Klamath
Falls was visiting .Mrs. l)nn Wnlkor
of this city early in the week, on her
wny to Medford a n delegate to the
Presbytorinl nsaocintion.
Ulinn Colomnn nnd O. W. Agor,
both of Talent, have been hero of lute
roviowing thoir chances lioforo tlic
pmnnry us onndidntes respectively
for RHscsHor mul school supurintend-
ont of .Iitekson county.
Audi-ow J. Fouler, well known
hereabouts, has just received the fed
eral appointment of receiver of pub-
lie moneys nt Lukeview. He was a
former nseeaaor of Inke eountv.
Tho current report that the South
ern Pacific contemplates clrctrifioa
tioii of its Hue ovor the Siskiyous
seema to hnvo storied from the oir
cumstanco Hint Chief Knginecr Ilab
eock recently made a statement that
the problem hud recently been dis
cussed with officials of the Caiifor-nia-Oregon
Power Co. In fact. Mr.
Ilahcoek waa called na an expert wit
ness by the California-Oregon peo
ple to testify as to tho ability of that
conmmtion to furnish adequute
powor. For t"he present at least such
an intent on the part of the South
ern Pnoifio is denied by its higher
officials. In the not distant futuie.
however, the electrification may be
Mise Dora Hello Penny, a fotmer
resident of this valley, died at Klam
ath Fulls recently, aged 28 years.
Reinforcing city ordinances already
in effect, the spritifftf commission of
fers a rewnid of .f 10 for the appre
heuaion of those committing acts of
vandalism in the park. These acts
are not all the work of vanduls, iu-
asmucli astiome though ties ivereonx
nipropriate the foliage aud flowers.
Among Ahhluud ixirties who went
to Medford Monday night to hear
Senator Hurton's address were Mr.
nml Mrs. M. C. Heed, and they were
accmuimnietl bv Messrs. Perry, Ames
and Puller of Talent.
The Craftsman of New York City
for April contains illustrations, three
in number, of the exterior of F. K.
Watson's fine residence, located at 33
Strawberry Une, South Ashland.
This hoase is of the bungulow design,
very attrnethe, ami ae to location is
ideal, inasmuch uu it commands au
unrivalled uew of the tmrks, nUo the
scenic drive east of Ashluud creek.
The photos as sent to the Cm tu
rns u. were taken by Cheater Steveu
son of the Studio Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. Willuim Olenn, resid
ing iu the Myer ereek neighborhood,
were surjiried by a company of
friends last Sutunlay oveumg with
expressions of good wishes previous
to their departure for Alaska in the
near future. They have rented iu
stead of selling their ranch, in the
cent that the may decnle to return
to this locality after the far northern
Mx. f.'Hjjcne tlrnd has returned
home from a iit eith lvlufives at
Hill and Hoinlirnuk. li.iiiturd, hois seriously
ill at In hi me on Mantnmt.l street. i
reeerrhif a tfalt frogi g kfother re
aMiiiff at flan fHefti, eh wNl remain
heee ilNlefinrtetf,
RepOTt are to the effect that the
Cote raaeh, noiihraat nt Ashland, an
sfmsive proper tv whhih ha gained
mote than a Wei refutation, has
been sold he the estate of the late A.
W. fHlstrr to CanaHan mrlieM, who
are on their war here to confirm
Ivl Longfellow, a wholesale cowi
mis4ott merchant of MlnneapoNa,
Minn., visited last Saturday with
friends In the A. M. Heaeer family.
He was accompanied by two dangk
ters, and they were on the way home
from a winter's stay on the Paeiflc
coast. v
Mm. Frank Hymn, wife of the gov
ernor of South Dakota, and who is
a sister of Mm. Klisabeth Yoekoy
and the Heaver brothers or this city,
is prominently idontifiod with tho
prohibition straggle which is im
pending in the state of her adoption.
To add a zest to the dry campaign,
she ban penned aomo line to tho
mnsicnl sotting of "Onward, Chris
tian Soldier," which have been sub
rait ted to Mro. Yockcy for review,
with the result Hint the hitter has
added many snlient poinlH lo the
rhyme and metre of n rousing enm
pnign song in bohnlf of prohibition
Knights Templnr iu this- jurisdic
tion, under nuspices of Mnltn Cora
nuiudory, Xo. 4, will nttond divine
service on Foster day nt 2:30 p. in.
at Trinity Kplsoopnl church, flew P.
Iv. Hammond officiating.
John Jacob Henry, father of Clms.
Henry, roMtling in the Frog creek dis
trict, etist of Ashland, died Monday
night nt tho home of bin son. Ho
was a widower, u native of Germany,
nnd was 81 years of ngc. Funeral
ocourrcii ni t lie lamiiy Home on
Wednea-dny nnd burial wns in Moun
tain View cemetery.
Among lnte federal appointments,
as per dispatches from Washington,
April 17, arc Arthur N. Stanley, ns
signed us forost limger at Miles City,
Mont., and Miss Stella K. Owens, us
tenoher iu the Indian bcrvico, detail
ed to New .Mexico. Hoth aro rcsi-
ilents of and the appointments cred
ited to this city.
A gain event iu Kasteni Star cir-
clow on Tuesday night was the offi
cial visit to Alpha Chanter No. 1 of
Mra. Mary K. Houck of Roseburg,
worthy grand matron of tho order,
who is ranking an official inspection
of tho chapters throughout southern
Oregon. Subsequent to transaction
nf business mutters were suggestions
from tho woithy grand matron, who
took occasion to compliment Alpha
chapter in general and spdcifio tonns.
Tlio nvent concluded with serving re
freshments on n genorous scale. Re
ception features formed one of tho
pleasantest events ever taking place
in Musonie hall.
April !. Martial law was declared
within the Hftiits of Hastings village
ami state troops were called frpon for
dnly today after rioting hail assumed
serious proportions among strikers of
the National Conduit & Cable Co. A
mob attacked the company's plant
with bullots nnd stonos.
Tho plant of tho National Conduit
& Cable Co. is closed as n result of
the rioting, which began yesterday by
strikers and their sympathisers.
Private guards within the plant
this morning attempted to disperso
the attneking mob, but tlio strikers
anil their friends mailed forwnrd
nnd the guards hastily retired. The
temper of the crowd was Ugly and
its numbers rapidly increased.
A shorter .working dny and in
creased wages are the strikers' de
mands. The company employs near
ly 3000 persons.
Q. Y. Ilnrry. representing tho
Woodrow Wilson longue, a non-partisan
organization, will hold n moot
ing at tho Medford liotol Thtirsdny
evening nt 8 p. m. for the purposo of
organizing a local branch or the
league. All persons of both sexos
desiring to Join this lenguo aro In
vited to nttond.
Modrord ltooitcrs Smokn
Tho Medford and Mt. Pitt Cigars.
LONDON. April 19 "David Lloyd
Coorgo, the munitions minister, Is
clearly tho storm center of tho pios
eut cabinet situation" says tho Dally
Telegraph. "Ho Is agitating with nil
his oaruostnees for generul military
compulsion. An organization in tho
cabinet would not bo difficult, but for
bis insistence. Mont other ministers
hold that a cabinet crisis Just now
would bo a sourco of national dan
ger." The best Informod lobby corres
pondents lay considerable omphnsls
on the attitude ot the labor party,
which met yesterday and passed an
Ironclad resolution against any fur
ther extension ot conscription. Ono
of the leading labor membors In tho
house or commons gave the following
statement to tho Dally Kxpress:
Not a Bite of
You 'Drink Water
Says a rjlats of hot water ah3
phosphate prevents Illness
nnd keeps uo fit.
Tried Various Kidney
Remedies But Only
One Proved Reliable
It Is with pleasure that t write
thw lines of prsls for vonf wonder
ful kidney and bladder rmedv. I
had kidney trouble so had I Wfceame
ery much alarmed. I had tried va
rious kldnev remedies 1 heard af but
without relief. I was sbotit dlwoHr
aged of ever being helped, when, one
day I tdeeed n a book containing
testimonials of people who had been
helped and cured of their kidney
trouble by the use of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-ltoot, so I decided to try It
anil I knew I owe my present good
health to the wonderful cnratlve
power of awamn-RiUJt. I sincerely
hope my words will be the means of
rostorlng many other snfrerers of
kidney and bladder troubles to good
health. Very truly yours.
n. j. nKNSTHftMAKicn,
1101 noycroft Ave. Lskewood. Ohio.
Personally appeared beforo mo this
18th day or October. 1018. II. J. Fen-
stormaker, who subscrlbod the ahovo
statement nnd niado onth that the
same Is true In substance and In fact.
Win, J. KloUbush, Notary Public.
(Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lling-
liampton, fc Y.)
Prove Wlmt Swnnip-ltoot Will Do
For You
Sond ton conts to Dr. Kilmer & Co.
ninghnmpton, N. Y., for a namplo
bIzo bottle. It will convlnco anyone
You will also rocelvo a booklot of
valuable Information, telling about
tho kidneys nnd bladder. When writ
ing, bo suro and mention tho
Medford Ore.. Dally Mull Tribune.
Itogular firty-cent and one dollar slzo
bottlos for sale nt all drug stores.
rir7Srj-lZ'&rr .. N
1J:g'.1STTitf BP?
5 - . Ol
Look Young! Bring Back
Natural Color, Gloss and
Common garden sage brewed Into a
heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn
Srsyi streaked nod faded hair beautifully
ark and luxuriant. Juet a few applica
tion will prove a revelation if vour hair
is fading, utresked or gray. Mixing the
Sage Tm and Sulphur recipe at home,
though, is troobUwnue. An estdrr wav U
to get a so-rent bottle of Wyvth'a Sage
and Sulphur Compound at any drug tore
all ready for ue. This is the old time
recipe unproved by the addition of other
While wispy, gray, faded hair ia not
sinful, we nil desire' to retain our youth
ful appearance ami sttractnenesi. H.v
darkening jour bair with Wvrth's a
and Sulphur Compound, no one ean tH,
taceuFo it does it so naturally, s evenly.
You jiut datopvn ii spoage or toft bru.L
with it and draw thu tbroajs joj-,
taking ic laxdl .trsnt a "tern; br
eioraint all ra Wv divApvreO,
sad, after soother app!iott twa,
your hair becouu beautifully finrs
glossy, soft sad luxuriant.
This pit-paration is a delightful toilet
rqalsiU ami is not iutviidid for tl core,
miUgmtiou or prewutMu of dimax
'i)- aimoke tut Ciner
When la (londaa are inly its.
With Medford traut u Meatord made.
Absolutolv Removes
;''""; ""' tt;" "l,;,,1,,a- r,"',,,r,"1; Incligostion.Qnopacko
fun, iii., ehur.-h at iul.i to ., ,, t"vl-"
ml., ol attendance, etc Frou tu.f PYeS it 2oC at IXll druggists.
Lady Aajlttaut
Piiont'e 31. 41 and 47-JS
Ambulance berrtoe Coroaar
Just IIS coal, whon It lmrnn. lonvod
iioninu n certain amount or Incom
bustiblo material In tho form or ashes,
so tho rood nnd drink taken day after
day leaves Iu tho alimentary canal a
certain amount or ludlgostlble ma
terial, which ir not completly jllmlna
ted from the system each day, be
comes food for the millions or bacteria
which Infest the bowels. From this
mnsB or left-over waste, toxins and
ptomalnlllio poisons are formed and
sucked Into tho blood.
Jlen nnd women who can't got feel
ing rigid must bogin to tnko insldo
baths, lteforo eating broakraet each
morning drink n glass or roal hot
water with n teaspoonM! or lime
atone phosphato In it to wash out ot
the thirty foot of bowels the, previous
day's accumulation ot poisons and
toxins nnd to lseop the ontiro alimen
tary canal clean, pure and froeh.
Those who nre subject to sick head
ache, colds, biliousness, constipation,
others who wake up with bad taste,
foul breath, lckache. Thoumatkj stiff
noes, or havo a tour, gassy stomach
after meals, aro urged to get a qeWter
pound or limestone piiospuate from
tho drug store, nnd hegin practicing
internal sanitation. This will cost
vory little, but is sufficient to make
nuyono an enthusiast on tho subject.
Itemomber Inside lmthlng is more
Important than outside bathing, be
cause tho tsklii pores do not absorb
Impurities Into the blood, causing poor
health, iwhllo tho bowol pores do.
Just as EOflp nnd hot water cleanses,
sweetens and freshens the skin.' so
hot water nnd limestone phosphate
net on the stomach, llvor, kidneys aud
bowels. i
William Russell
The Craving
A five act Mutual .MuMcr plcturo
staged under the HrMinal direction
or Clmrles llaitlctt
Booming the
Boxing Business
A oni'-ivel comedy with two rwds
ot laughs.
Shoemaker Wanted
Will sell halt interest In well equip
ped shoe reimir shop. Well located
and doing a line cash business. Own
er has more work than he ean han
dle. Address No. 05 North Main streot.
Ashland, Oregon.
(u$h Suit (mn
niOTHEy tJUilvJ VjlEOfeW
Medford House Movers
We Move
lMiono 18H-M
Ol" 8. Xovvtovvu, 7.17 W. 1 Itli St.
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Cleaning, Presslnri and Alterlnn.
Auto Service from Eagle Point
to Medford and Back
Tho undersigned will leave Frank
Lewis' confectionery ovory day ex
cept Sunday for Medford with his
auto at 1 o'clock p. in., arriving at
2.00 p. m. Leave Nash Hotel, Med
ford, at 6:00 p. m., arrive Bagle
Point at 6:00 p. m. A part ot the
traffic Is solicited. S. 11. MARNISH,
Eagle Point, Oregon.
TIMK OAltl).
Leave Medford for Ashland, Talent
and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at
S:00 a. m.. 1:00, 1:00, 400 and 5:15
p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p
nt. Sundays leave at S:00 and 10 SO
a. ru. and 1:00, 1:00, 5:30 and SJ0
p. nt. Leave Ashland tor Medford
daily, axeept Sunday, at 00 (a, tu,
1:0, 1:01, 1:00 and 5:15 p. m. a So
on Saturday nights $t 6.30 kar4
2 !0. Sundavs leave Ashland at 900
i a. iu aua i vv, t du, o ij aua 10 30
p m.
All that's New, Stylish ami
Becoming in
For bright spring days is
ready now for your choos
ing. Our prices will please vou,
as well as the styles.
Miss Lounsbury
Milliner si. & M. i)ept. SU)t,
dJ ""a"!! L"if '!!
ttutituUi (rthitd.
S Uwy ittcl ui cucntt BaSduit.
JiTPe J09 A DAY m '"ion
Aw Cnf H w nuti tkt Sr.