PAfir: two WKHFOfU) Mfh TKTntW. MFDFOUI). OW'.o UIHMin WMJff. 1' I'.Ii w 1 . ft TC - OCAL AND JL PERSONAL .1 iiiiiniiiliiiifinminmnii Tl piano ami violin rrvltnl hli to fcnve iem given Iij the pni'iln f Mn. 13. K flora and Carlton ,1anr mt tk PrMntrlnn rhtirrh KrMnv. April ?t bMtxMin ntorOftiy iKton H an aerMitt f Hie irowdfit comfl- f the ealvnitsr. This pro (tram. In the preparation of whleh it aipUs hara bcon faltlifull) nlu rftotm, will I glrwn at th resldanrc f Mrs. K R. Oan, 1 1 dmi at niw. M Friday tranlag, hafore the ralagaaa and lattmale frtands of the pVfriT. Roth Irarbem and pnplta n fttt that tho nut-ll recital oonkl Att ha aiTMi a iinnouncml, I tut (hi I Haly ft and seaaonal rfenU art -tunarott. Do vm gtvas trading itarnps with ArrTtalac axcapt grocsrlss. 0. 7. Harry, tat organlssr for tfco Wodrow Wllaoa lagn. will ar rlre Iron l'Oftlatnl tomorrow for the purposa of sulillng In the organlxa tlftH at a YfaHlntW Wllaon club In title elty. Tho tnaetlng far (hat pnr ptiai will h held on tin nimcanltif UnC of th Hotel Madford tomorrow wotting at R n'elMk. Thoao Intor- miml art rwjiiittl lo Im tirosnnt. 'Np Wtrntlwar Wllaon league In h non partisan organisation Hi mi-tutor ship, tharofure, la not lltultwl (o Hip Htdmharalilp of any one party On Prida- night Mr. Tlarrv will aaalat In lite organisation of a league at Ashland: on Hatardsjr night at (Iranta Hm, and on Monday night h) II'mm-. hHrfk Boon after tho organisation of thucp? loafclioa tap soNUtsrji Oregon, h 401 .mil will b huhl at soma iKUUt In Ut VsIIfltr ie bo agreed on by IhJMiArJw,, TfuMr frfvllaa yon to visit ,hlt crMnhonaea and m treddliig atoek. Bstwaati loo and 600 ford hiiIo inobllaa have boon stotau In the city of I.a AngolM. California during Ujb pMt month, according to alalia trot Mftpllatf to toral polio siilhiirl-list.- 'WctiwHtifttundlng Hit man) JBftts'itfftagsd at the Kurd. It con UafygaJa bo popular among thlevaa. tfa well Mjnat people. Hninko n Kin Spitz olenr. He. Tlio' nrahomo-mudo. tf tfJlM- P-' tleiiablman and family ltt4TWnlnr"Wlii for I'olWn. Moii taig, where they no to vlalt vj'ltli tl HreM of Mra. Henetflwan. l)r. Mtophenaon now practicing ngnln. MO Booth Holly, I'hono 8SX. tfUllirlae earloestiir luin)Mialt ltiia.fMg tliorHlRMa )(Wx-- 4gnto VN (rmlHltli of . 1IM. Tllln IIIMOoKNM'aM o( ffjaf order from &hiiU I'awi ' -. dot ywtr milk, vmm, buitor, ega nwl (Hittarwllk al .DFVen, glneera are now at work, on n I I'li'i ifnii of i h ( ii v i'' r hiii iliutriit Hiffiifl'l fo iiiiKln-nn In llil 'iu tMterday, retorglng hctne Inat evenlag. Try a Kfnfc tfrha dator and on eonrtft hM Hmn- if The regnlar meeting f the tilgh echool I'arent-Tearhefi' etfefe will l held Krlrtay, April SI, M 3 p in In the high eehoal bKHilnc. Mr Hlllld will talk on the aabjerl i "Thrift " An Informal maenaalon or the junior thrift exhibit Will rotloH All mother are urged to be praaeni The world 'a greatoat euMpanlea. Holmes, The Inaflraneo Man. n K. Hodfleh. of Han Fraclro u attending to imaloewa in Medfenl i , ty. tS off en Kodak at Weston's,' Oamera Shop, W. I' Peterson, of Olivia, Mliino aota. la giving the (tonne river conn try the once over thla week. Your lawn raowei- mHculne sharp nod at Mitchell, l'hons 0-.r. W. II. Connoll, or Seattle. WasliltiK ton, Is a visitor In Medford and vi cinity thla week. Onr ohoeolnloa are Medford rando. Tho HliaatA. tf I-' O. Thompson, of lak creek rsglnn, la attending (o mtalneas In Atodford today. no Voo buys boor bottlos. Mr. ami .Airs. 8. II Calkins, of Itosehtirg, accompanied by their ilauglitor Inos, nro vleltlng ri'lnllvs In this cllv. ilr.-C'Hlklns is a brother or Clrrult Judge V M. ralklns of Aloilford. Giitofl sells Port! oars, 200 down anil 2R n month. W. K. Dnniiy. of llllt. ('KlifornlH, Is onjojlng a day or two of business visit In tills oily and vicinity. Ill fio inllksliukos at Do Voo's. Pruimrntlon Is comploted for tho ronieneoninnl of work on the survey of tli Crater Txko park hlRliwny on the first of May. Jtnglneer Hall Is reportod to be recovering from n re cent operation for Hppondlcllis at I'ortlMiiil and will be able to super intend the work. Weston Cntnern Shop for flrnt-claw kodnk rinlslilng and kodak stippllos. AT STAfJ TONIGHT f iz& Wllllnm Rusicll, Star In "The Crav ing," American-Mutual Maitcrplc turc, Dc Luxe Edition. W'llluihi 1 1 m ! I . the iuMiliir Ami'r ioMit ntur, ln I lie U'ihI, on ii voiing colli'in iiiiiii mi Ihc llirt'Mlndd nf lite, who ik cunf rooted with Hum problem and i iliirrnid Ihnnurh the tivucli ery of a mihhi(I rrlotHl. "The Cmvinjr" m intenm'lv ilmin ittiV fmm wlnrt to fiuiHli, mid !m full of nntiMiiiil Iiumnn inli'ii'ct. CliHrlotlo lliirton, (h Americnn (Alnhml) "viimpirp" wumnn, in mn a n dnnce hnll girl of the went in the .Mutunl miisterinetiii'H, l)e l.uxc rdi lion, "Tlie t'nmmx," Jiowng at the Htnr Ihfiiter IimIiiv. Penn C. Howard, or Pasadena. Cal ifornia, is enjoying a brief sojourn In this part of tho valley. He is on route to Portland on huelnesa, but will atop on his return uiul ronmln Philip Urmnu, inanagor or the tin- U nt-ek or more In n tour or tho llngue jnJI tie nieuae cHiinlng ronccrim of tue Mbby McN'etl nuil I.lbb) coimany, and Mr. Marrow, superintendent of its plants In California, will probably complete thi'lr Investigations of this valley to day, having In mind the estHbllsh- iimnt of n punnory here this yoar to handle at toast the poar crop. These Hentlomen represout the largest ohii-, nlng doueern lu the worhl. and have for some time lieen contemplating the establishment of a plant In this vaf ly. II. .( Mathlson, who piecedetl themldir'',' Jltk theVijlii riieir es amluatniii of go'ue'rai 'romtltlnna In tho valley. Handera, the nil around iwliilar. 33. Thd bOTUfl l?rmoRfiiW '" "" city reulstcrtttl 2B.S us the low en I temperature registered lawt ulght. inn It In gi'itpralb cwMCedeil frH, nt mtrvey or Ibe Pacific and Kern accouut of the moisture that fell yne rallwa, straightening out tNe curves nd otherwise putting the road in shape for the annual statement of valuations. Dr. XkrehgeaaHer will be at lintel Nagg every Wednesday. Hours for cstgNgMttoa 10 to I. iin. (1. K. Johnson and MIns Dor ImmI RebUiaon. Iwal artists irlte llse their arrival In Han Krunclnco UsM Lne are keenly enJolnK bi great art uxblhlt whlcli huiidrtHts of tlt0gid of isfople admired during b?snsnu t'aeKIc eniosilUiii In Hint ,JaU- 'JThe enbtblt will 4te rewioved at The hmI of rhge month See Dave Wood nboal that fire. In mirNun ftMiif, Office Mall TrHiuHo 1W. the JjTeJggtSi CJtoUr 8oip4k4gilstors club yW ggeaj gt Kggle Point onal urdgjr MMt. Pierce the frUt has chotrest bet. ding plants, tlroeuhousc Kasl Main W W. Truss, of C.old Hill, reiurn oi how laat evening, afiii attend Ing to buMneas In this ctlv and ll lenlng to Hie ftiawcb of Monator Itur Ion on Montlny evening. Typewriter egners aM WtM, at Medford PrtnUac Co. Mrs. Bd lmiwrt. who rtoatttl un derweut an oiierstlon at the bonpl tai. la agsln at home and well on the way to recovery. KHMt c44er ni n Voe's. lr. Hy water, of tirtuila Pass, inl lnda) In this cit on bualnos. The MoCnrd) tiMiirance ngent-v nW represents tin- loa Mute Uve itk lnuuraort' i-ompany Offices Medford National Hank blag. pWjwd b all of the ibararters la it The baseball season was to him oawiMd at Portland on Tuvd but u postpoutHt on accouut of i.i The Portland team mei throiuh Medford Monda n romr to ibti city. J. 0- nprkltt. IM bast .11 ttmond nhotofHUlm la aoathern Cresa. Alwar rtitebla. Negative n.e to; wbera, Mate r vtutt. Studio 338 Mala St. PUMtia-J. lii Klrfhgbsansr, oi ib uniKr llou. aiiended to bus lut-KH iu Ibis city jester da "Meet me at the-Jifeaata " The coudltiao of Jtov Ketiui of Hie Modrord Unlivery Doatpaa) is report -d to be about lb sane. He was Injured by heavy lifting while ettgag jg at his wortv ad Is confined to bis h4 alth Iju. t. trouble as a result. me itiimpi at D Voffc ' tnrday and the general hasv condi tion this morning, no hsrm was done by thla freeslng temperature. Home orchardlata reported grave fear this morning that the pears and apples had suffered a little, but from Investi gations by the oonntv pathologist's office, by Howard Hill, who made s special Inspection of his father'a ex tottsUo itethsrd during the da. and bv ntberN familiar with the advanced condition of the oung fruit, It U be lieved that little harm was done nt any In the valle.i. Asnstaut Xatan n the iyui)iy ofrbv reports HffiMQii Injury one or t or chafils 'In the vMnlty of Contrat Point. Insure your auto la the Alllanio against theft, fire. O. Y. Tengwald. Mine Mrlle I (Hayvlile, u taaohei lu the Medford srhools, baa biHtn elected as May fifteen for tho annual Ma festhitles of the normal school at Monmouth, this state. These will be bold ou May ft Mlsa IHsyvllle Ih In Monmouth on leave of absence to complete her normal course and will le granted her state certificate lu June Miss CbovUleV many friend and associates In this city are glad to bear of her recognition Olympic flour fMe a asak, J5.5U a barrel. I. It. Brown. John Owen, of Kan Claire. Wis. president of the John it Owen bor rompaio. accompanied by Mam Owen and William Carson, of Port land, arrived tn this tity last evening via Urooklug, one of the compn ' lumber centers on the coast. Tho will piobably remain sonta days In a consideration of business projects In this part of southern Oregon. With Prank O. Owen of this cit the) are visiting the Mutte Palls district to day. M l Morris, owner of the Brook I link orchards, west of Phoenix, u MtUudlag to bugiuetm is ibis cut to d.v v illiam and J P. Hansen, lot nu r h Mith the Ruukerhlll orcharl. imi now ot tho Pionver are trsn-.i m biulueut tn Medford thU afb rm Jm Hader. of PboeuU. I i ness visitor noon. Mr and Mr u . u rm-k the brother and aoi of ir ti w McOougsll. SUd lll " :iuii'l-iiii I hn Carey, woo have iii. boaie of Mrs Ii. m. imh,. Tueedu for I'orilmul Their home It in U-'iel lt.M'lUi-, I vMg, river wiuntry. Al prosldenlsof the Paront-Tench-er's circles or the county that have lederatcil with the Southern Oregon Federation, aro reuested by Mrs. W. V.f Ussher. or Ashland, to bring a three minute report t,o bo read at Ilie convention Thursdny afternoon, April 37th. All circles not federated ure given a pressing Invllotloii to do so at tha ,tlmt, Hatha 2T,v. Hotel Holland. , t ,Couft'llall jias, roiiuafltPsVom mi nnn trrfWriHeHrJr'rtv:5 He took as pasitengcrs over I.Miiau Ortou atld two'curtiontors who will work on the lteoklnaw..MMI .jhmI. . Usought heel John fT Owefi'TfflT bin "son. owner of tho flrooklngs propertv and of the Hart U arbor btllagK In (he Mis Hullo aortlon. The trip was made lu eleven hours. wJik'h. cwiNderlnx tin muddy roads, was rrmurkabl) itood time. A heavy Crater l.nke tourist tmf fie Is predicted by Court Hall of the Crater lake Htage for tho lomlnt; summer, many bookings having ul reody been made. Mnny weallbv men are scheduled to visit the valle this summer. Mr. nnd Mrs Pebnuu of KhkIo Point were Tuesda vlKliorn In Med ford. ,MImm Mr K. drown, of Health Wash , nat tonal sMretary of Juvenile dopuitiHstr offthr-'w M t P . Is a Medford visitor on orficfal business. The senior high mi hool class mem bers to the number of .lt onjoted n picnic on the Appb'KUle river Tuesday. 'i III tll,-lllll-lt ill kltj'tf I iliiilmiiiitif relnliiiii-. I The breilK4 eonwiilln enaTrea at modern hielovw srhere a brrsk m dip lornntic reklnp between two flrst elne iKiwcnt hna iMt been followed U wnr. M bt fn aituufHiii between Oinnunv end llnly. f"irtHao ganvarw have RAienfled i .i'!iitiin whUi falser int'- nnd knsar -tiite hove broken between Ihem- Ufi vritlioitt boat ill ti-. but nil dip I'.tnattc liixlorr pnnt to n xtnle of v ir when two firt-lnn itowers ri'iu-h thill Hurl. Iiiiniisllste .nsHt'f The note Went forwent lnt night in code by wnjr bf ('ofK-nhngrn. Tlie lniHlnt wants i( to b in the ImwU t Ambsesttdor (Tfrord or the Qcrruon iireum office wtum be npiN'nm U'-lui-e emigrewn. Sennlor Uh1s akeri the reideul nbinit the nef Of ihe word "isiniedi .itely" in that conticction. and won mid Hint it NHNint Hint Uennitnv j -limild tie given an opportunitv t i reeene the IMUHHIIiniciltloll llllil to' nuke reply. The eviiletieo 'In I lie Xti e eiie , w referred U nnd the pre-nlenf M)liiled out tll'i) atiHretil uiiiliiiitv ill the oarottHts of the time nnd plncc of the ntleck upon her nnd Hip ut- liiek ndinit led lir (Icrninnv to lime ' Imtii tnuile by one of her Miliniiiriiu- on n hip in that vieinilv. The pre-i i ilciit Indjovee tho ovideuee in the Su x eiie was oh tneiuir. "The adilree b n ver ilrim!; iiih mill I ho note i xlronj; mie," -jihI Hcunior SI one after the while limi-i-eonferenee. Mlt putn the next moe up (i (icrninnv anil will In inn dipln mnlic ifirrewtHHtdeni-i to n elo-e. tl doe not nei'eeHnnlv menu n lnmk Ii ilemnuiU thai Gertnnuv iimilih hei Hiibmiii'ine Hilie.v. It U the ln' n( tn lie Hiiid Ii.V thin liovenunenl mi t!i Milijeel. CoultMiiiliiK for .VnlniN "The plcHiilent dne mil n-K i en (fre to 'do nn.vtliiiiv. Altir the iiii -ii n i r ' I i i' M t fnrfwd In the edel' I -Ii ill nmve i In i the premVrnl addrexe be pnotx1 and referred fo Ihe foreign relaliim eoMNHiflee for cooxiib-ratioti." The president, it beenme kno r . takea tfce BWitlon that he i- eenlen: ing not for Amertr-u alone, but lor nil nentrul iiationn nnd tlieir nghts. The prewideiit went over ihe im nthm very thoronglilv with I lie com mittee lender nnd ttd thrtn fsplu it Iv lie believed the I'mled StateH mild not rernnln on tnendlv 'lenn- nith flentiiinv if Amerienn live i-mitinued to be rdneed in jrwpnrdv bv Oenmiii iatnnrinet. He laid before them nH inforniolion he will emvey in his nd drento iiingrc. The demtind for n lop to illofrnl fiibiunrinn warluie, tin president told the le.'nti-TN, i- nneipii' - OI'lll. A- the eiMiimitlecmiti left (lie wlnli loni-e tliev miide mt effiot tti wlinl tin pii-id'nt IumI t !! Ih'n. . , , ," , . , ,erft,BUL.....,,v !.. . mmmam0m'mmmmm0'' ) H0MEiSET Genuine Bristle Dauber Bif Ltmb's Wool Polisher Easily worth 50c Sold to make the ue of Sm-stA pleasant at 25c. With SuiNObV 35c. SanotA'is'Wax and Oil. Contains No Injurious Materinl,"Good for all Leathers, The Quick, Durable Shine. Accept no Substitute. If Dealer ;cannot Supply you send to SmnoiA Company, Rochester, N. Y. BLACK TAN WHITE s$M2) A YELLOW STREAK Comes to the Page highly recommended the most forceful of Metro Productions. PLAYING NOW HOW TO HIU.'AIX STHKMJTII Tho great factor that retard- n covory after sloknosM In Unit wenUcu ed devltalUed condition, nnd It will Interest our readers to know Hint our local druggists, the .Medford Pharmacy, liavo a reliable, nonce cret strength creator colled Yinol which contains iron for the blood, tlie curative medlclmtl extractivoH of fresh coil llv'ors and the nonrlshlnK prorrnrtln of beef lieptone, nil cotn- blned In u dellclbus nalhc wine Kor Weak, run-down coiidlHonM and to re gain Htrength after wIckneeR, there ie nothing better - Adv. r '" LIONEL BARRYM0HE in Wonderfully Gifted Actor You despise him at first and can't help applauding at the finish the Powerful Screen Play mJ V t 0-5 x 53 5 O X r-5D 5 J'5"2 'C v ! A Yellow Streak PAPir Mcdford's Leading Jr$U!if Motion Picture Theatre ALSO NEWS PICTORIAL f ULTIMATUM TO GERMANY (Uoatlaaad tram pag imrl lit" "ts:c, it n ihiiiiIciI out. Im- eiuiMs while lie lui" the outhorit to III ill k oil illouiOtle rt'l.ll MMI-. I'OII-ure-- .ilmie lui- Ker to dei Inn ul, mid tin le i imK one iii-tinn e ill lili pit -iilent lielnli' In lnok .m SO DECEPTIVE tilti) MtHltm I 'e tle I all lu IJeiUU the HciinuoHok, Ktti k.iclie la so Uif'ptle 11 i omen nild Koex kt i p gu KlteitKlllg I. em n the cause then ilirr It. Polbl if weak ktdnes TliatV why Uoau'x Klilnej Pills are to effective. The'r wsitacialb for eak or dU orileieil lilduevg, Heie's a Medford i ase. i Iti.lur.Uog. it;, g Oraua At. Miii'mii s.ivk i ban been a long i hoi miu i i have had au occasion i ' i... . p,.(n a Kid no Pills, but ..mi ,.. ii ian eKerlaace. I; o in t ii. 4i iimi'M tia4med tor WE GIVE mm: green trading stamps -" v.Lv ryv, i . i i i i ii i i H -v'-" sill ffl. I. JltfAKIffllNl Mmi RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS Easter Para ol tllk. Itll .i ii lite I. Ill v riluiiile it tn uiedtclne ai. I '.i,ckaiue i'i i. ilisiiritei 1.1 Im. . I 1 1 .ill i i i i. O ll e Itleh.irilKon hud I'M' - ilu( .le Don't iy -gat -M that rter Jdlllnirii Prc-Eastcr Offerings in Everything that will be the Vogue the Coming Season Easter Suit Sale Oiir-'oiirlh tilT n all' Stuitf T.tilorril SiiitsN iiiiai jiitt;l iitakrit 1m kill ain! od tilv IUMH lllili'MtilIKMl ill I be Wuli'l of woiitfirH wai. tKUKI KuitK ,.. . 912.04) ifcJO.OO 8nitt $ 15.00 fcMeW SiuU .... $18.00 28,011 SuiCM $21 .(M) fi. & II. (IlftMl StailiJ'SI Qui riiul Mll. .1 nrv ar;iM'i iur ai 1 1 ill aiui vn tlit'in t'NH'iU'.ll at tract i vp thin aen Tht'v ftiiiif in tlif latent .shatK'K uutl .stif aild ilirlllilr ItHiKt !" tilt' ftlMUH'tl f'til- tuv. as will an tnuiiy of tho pojailar lunk ami wliiti pffpfiH. 'I'luw art t'xrt'ptinu- ail.X JiiMitl VUllll'K, ciHIlillHIIIj; I'XtVU ijiuwtiy with iiiotlt'i'iiti1 jnircs- I.J)S U 1.0S. ZT I " "V s SPECIAL SALE WOMEN'S SHOES All iWiioiiahli1 h'aihi'i, luitttuijir Iwe $I.(MJ values for ;....,..,,....... a... .'.m) vh.1up( lor ......,.... ...... $li.tK) values for S. A: U. (lrt'eniUuiil, k K w - 2?wL cc 'U "A .T".' A m is zx Holeproof Hosiery for Women .ss.oo .S8.50 NOTIt'K We aniiomiee that are exelijv,. ,li tiiluitoiK uutl ngi'iitM fur Women's Iluleproof Ili. i ..!. i.. r At ....1 k'i.. , t , ui, in .Mi-un'iu, ia jmirs jfitaitilllrcil Im months. Lile, Filter unci Kilk, blaek ur unite. K. Ac II. I iiven Stalling. .SIX ' A ""1 KWJ k TS W 1 t V J. w PAHU JQNE& ,tt BLPU9Q Easter Waist Sale tieornytte Cii'iH! ami Ciepe ile Chine Waist in Ihe Uterit stvit, .)KM'ial U the t'ollewiiii: ir.n-e thi week: irl.() rri'fie Ue t'hlH.N ... S2.G0 MJ.UHitui'KVtTf I'i"'-H $4.06 AH htJtn, 1l -H iTul hit. t. II (tivti Suin... Paul Jones Middy Blouses .IlWl -tje IWil lieW .s il HI:; 1) 1 lUftlT made ol' (ialatetts, U t&&& T MtDlras Chffh, Klein Ii (loth, plain or imcil trim- V' rf''v uiiiigK.nt .. 9Sf .$5.00 ' ' H. II. IJivfti StamijM 2 V''' Ill k $?? sZB i?V J I m : &2 U o 0 9 v -J -tsi , - TI.- CT TT '0 F"