vvnr pitt WT)rriT:Ti ,fir, TfTt.fVr V1 TVnTiT) c;i uf TrTTivV 'T-l.'Tf ! 1'ilrt 'J 'J ,i u I i 1 ( J M POVERTYCAUSES' MOST DISEASES AMONG TOILERS PULPIT WHITFIELD -LLOYD-GEORGE RESIGNS F AJ ROM CABINET SUPREME CUR USED SOCHI SERV ICEE POSH ,'"'"'""" """""., ., ," ..searaBttfe. '"',, Public Henltli Service Inveitlyntton Shows Overwork and Under Pay PrlnoJpal Forces at Work in Brook Inn Down (he Mcnllh of American Worklnn Men and Wom.in. By QILHON nARDNKII.) WASHINGTON, April 17. Over wrtt HHd wider jmv are the priii erjml foreua nt work in breaking down lliu lionlth of American work ingsion mid women. Thin is the ami (rttorinn of the I'nitcd State pnblie Jienlih lorvico in rv bulletin jtiNt pub lished, dealing witli tint effects nf modern liitlMMtrinl condition upon tin' livua mid happine nt thirty million Aincrinun wngp caiupr. Dr. II. S. Wnricn, surgeon, ami Htlajnr Rydcnat tinker, attiludipinii, of tlui publiu honlth Mirvimi, nrc tlui mi thorn of Public Health Hiillelin No. 70, untitled, "Health Inaiminra, lift Jlomtlon In tlio Public llcnltli," which tdiown the condition in American in dmlry tndiiy. This report leeom mends a pi nn fnr compulsory lumlth in-iimnnA for wage nanicr. in ho ad irmiitftorad liv the flnta null federal (rnwrnuiouls. I( outstanding fea ture, however, i tlm indictment nf precut-day social nnd cconomici Conditions. Atcmgo Slk Penally ''Knelt nf the nn.OOO.Iino workcro in (In' 1'inled Stales loses on tin aver age nliinit hino dnya every ,enr on (ii-i-niinl nf aickueas nliini'," aiiys this 'I'H). TIlC OHUHPN of (licCfiMII lilt' irncn ii h follews: The ncciiMiioiiAl linxnrd of Hm-ia-c; irtegiilMtity of employment, iiu l.inlthfiil conditions nf living; tint cm- plnwurnt of women in industry under modem cniiilitlous nf work, purtieti- Iirly of married women; nnd tlm noinio disadvantage nt which n large proportion pf wngn workers nnd their familioa are placed iik the ipmiiII nf low wages nnd insufficient annual income. Tint report makes it clear Hint "ecmnatiie dlsadvantago" s A cnuso nf diHdiM) ororshadows nil tlm rest. J'or example, inndetpiKto dint is mi! iliiun mm tin first of "unlirtiiltlifiil ptiiiditiuiiH nf living," and the ivpnit m. s : Iiui(lcipiali "JiK-nnip tntili(ii puUWii'd ly fodBtnl mud ntto ttoverMtticulK in thw IhM trw yMi-M indirnto thai a con Hfckroble ppoiMirtvun of tlw fmuUif of iRt werkern hnvo nut Ihu abK t iiihiiiUIh a dift tltMt will jirtividn fur pmjHr nourishment. "A latnor pmHrtion own mniiitain nn udaqiiMiu dwt only nt tlio Hiiri ffno of IitMtlthfiil piivironmuut nnd of otkwr ituiiM wkii'li gn to poimtitnte a roNAOiifllilo HtAiidAnl of liing. Thuro onii lio no donlit lliat inmrihliiiik' food ii wiPrifirod in tt la rue innulinr of iuMtunt'OM in onlvr t obtain onio nf tky twforta and mnuwnipntu and In gratify aao of tbt wanta whu'h are imtiioly tiHtnral aad to ho oxpwlwl of Iko hvoik Aniprifan. Iin tlian half of th ffttuilieM of AHWfkian waajo wurkprw pft nooili wagaa to maintain dnnt potiditioitb of 0.ltHo, awonlinf to thin riH. "An o.vawinatMH of a iiuinlicr nf Utdit of tko UwlicfU of Ami'ncHH wsrkiNtHioM'a I'aiailipw iiidicatrM that tb oiNt uf adHtt.itt hiibM.t(m,' in uoi rli4 until tlw family im-oaw in aImuI S00 a year," tb rvMrt pou tiNHM. MIma than half of thv hk (aWMtrh' faniUra in tit I'liitwi SIhIo bava aa auaual iihww of that aiii, oeoitliajr to ull Matialipa of im'otiit tut worluwipufoV faiuilit'K. Iiwiir Siainliimt ( 1,1 fo "If thiw Im tnu, owe hall wf tin- famillf of AiiU'ncnn uiri'-rui'UrM MMaat eithr luwr tlu-ir tunUrd oi lib ill other rt'MWi'l m Hir to liavp ait ajtaiaiit dk't, or make auorifwrs )H Ukafar rfuit in oaler to arraiv health 1 bottMng. fiitorahla ponnuuuity navlrrmnwnt and a few f thi ivaa onaMa oafoiti. M9ka tffavt of tha rapid incrvai in ta rptil pricva of iooUa that hava beat) fouud to pointUut tlio riiat of wurkiiMniu'o' tatuilu cauaot ka ovariookwl a an udiiiimntil tap tor is tkia Minam'tion. Ilvtpii ItMMI aaal lBU tk avaraaja uwnme in tin Wtail price of fomU wa about HO pr cat, awerUiut: to atutiKlipa pub iialMMt by ih dvimrlnieiit of labor. Jluriaa; the am uvriotl wiik in inMaad kd tbau ;i0 par ovnt, ao niia to ttw miiiio authoiity. il i plwtriv atidput Ibat tbf IpiuI tui durum the pi nod 104MMOU baa luiii inward mu iatpovahahniMit of tin- ill, i .r tutuilif with low in-' fllll. !-.." La- i.rt Munia ap tba avououiw u' i l .'; i.t.iiMiuit' ntaaaja Tai i atttniipt to pivont the real ulSfUuk;; "i Ii"' problem of utultli I'lpxpntinp; n marked ennfrn-t In pnlpitx n4 in mmlara i-hnrrli- :md rrftanlnl aa ana f tbf mmt hiclilv valard raiirn of rrvtaatantiaRi in tin Mmatry, tb iatr framr ntiljHi n-, .1 by Onnrr WbitfMd, AnVrlra'w r.at avaauelinl, prior In Ihp rrvoliilnmaiv war, hnn Iwn lironjrht l Wndfonl :ind i to Im aboan hir in the HOfinl -i-r-vipr rxpoHitiott and J'alrttinc pn,'i -ant at Urn Nntntorinm, April -M J'i. Ilia pulpit dntPH bapk to Hip Iiiih of .Inlin and Charlpa VpIc.v, Isnni Wnlla and oilier jrrnnt pliuri'limon, and wn aptil hera by the Ampiipnii Trart aoiMPlv of Npw York City, to whom it deaeondrd from Jnupph liar Ha, who inherited it from llor. II. C. Smith, phapliiln of Onniwall, Kiir hind, who olitnincil it nt Wliitfiold'a iloalh. t'liiry ItilllN on To urn In nppoariini'P it in not unlike a do inol ic Mpri'on o nrninxcil with hooka, hiiiRita nnd hnaix na to ho rundily tnkon down mid folded up. From it U'liitfiolil mid i owned thoiiNanda of hiHirora during hin aevpii ypnrs1 toui- of American polnnipa nnd Ihi-nimhuul KiiKhiud nnd Krotlnml. Wlullield hiiiiaelf wua ono of tlio itroiip l ten Htudrnla in OaTumI imivoriiy, 'n. land, known aa the "IIolv flioup," the otliern, iripludiiur Juliu and riiarloa Woalry and .Initio Ilencv, Wliitfipld waa tlio yotttiHPHl, beiiiK Iml 1(1 when ho entered eolloue. , After heiitir alionii nt tlm 1'nnnmu Paeifie e.xpoaition, the iHilpit , al low 1 In fnim pari of the traveling exhibit of (lie fnmoiia American Trnel aoflety. It waa ahown in Senltle, Tiieomn, I'oitlnud, mid i now in Sn - leui. It furiiia one of many interexl ino; reliea aliown, other hoitift Hip or ijriual Franeea Wlllniil petilioM for teinpemnce poiitaiiihiK tlionwfiiiiU of uaiiiaa in fact, million, and pro amiltid to pniinroaa when the proliihU Hon niovenient wua firal begun. Thia potilion ia over a milt) and a half loiijf and ka uamea upon it from al umni ovory uoiiiili'v in the world, ' Holy I.'tml Autliiillles Olhera iuelude nntin.iiitie from the Holy Mud, Cnunnitiali lnrata aaid to dnla bnpk '2000 reara Iwforp t'britt. Thaio are man" other objoeta of nry ttrmt Interprt to' alnilmita of Wther hiatory or afffnlory. Tha I'ulewtliiepaoniil, under the ilirtK-lion or Dr. Allen Moore, will ha on of Ike mHtt inteifatinir leatuiv ever hIiowu iu Madfonl uIohk elmreh aad wminl wrviee linew. Dr. Moora iwa nbout J 00 loeol M-oplp in hi IMiaanta and tableaux ami present aeene fnim tb lilV nf Pnlpaline and the near east ho real that one feel traiiMirled at onee to the laud of PhIpmIiup. Thia great itnseant haa rpppnlly fliMtiP fnim thn Oram! Central Talap in Nw York City, wbam it waa nf firially upanod by I'lewidwil WiUon. Dr. .Monro followed Hip Hilly Sunday imwlintr in Seinulou, wlune be e- lilluled to oer .'i0,n00 Mnpl. It w.i a dotidid follow-up to thn Sunda iHPtiiura, aa il made ltpoide aiudv the Phrjolianity whieh Hilly Sunday hail Riven theut. Dr. .Muore haa a phamiP of pntffruni papli afternoon and even ing. N'i't Sunday moruitur he will icise one of the moot realinlie Kasler aaniep er pteseiile.) in Ihi pimim try. He will have ample in the poh tump of lha land of 1'aleMine and will hae a ntnHliwtioH of Hip roek tiaub and will give a rval Hauler werviee frwiu bia rii'h e.vMrMMiee gaiued t'ra aeveuteen ywtra of bfe in that POUHtl.V. among wage-worker and their fam ilien pan be eotnplete without taking into eoiiHidemtiou I heir ti'ouomio Htatua the aagea tlwv wirii and the iueowe whieh the wage-enmer'a fam ily i able to rreeive uud enuiiairing it with thoap MtundnnU whieh hae been ngnnnl itan u rpaoouahle and neeeasan- for the muintenanee of health. uelatiipa of total ineoniea of a'age-wnrkpi' families point to the eoncliiKion that the average total an nual futuiU income (nieluding eani iuga of women and ebildnu) in lliu principal nmmi fuel oritur and iiiiuiiiK induktrie baa bien between $7UU and 8M In reeent yeura. Tin uveraue. however, doea not adepiately depu i the real ituation; for the ennclu-ion ta also indicated (hat one in c.i ten or twelve worl.iuitiueirH tutiulu-. had at the time of the iiivfiiuaiin. an annual iueoiue of !e limn .ion ., i . .i. ... . . i .. .. i tnr; mu i iieuriv a uiiro had unimii -of lpK than .'tul, and over one li.ili had iuemie of le tbifn ".V a .hi ' Mhmm the foivgiMug, hay Dr. Win ren and Mr. ti.vdentrieker. it u . i dent thai underlvinu all othr ....... omie faetora affeeling I' w.iV, earner iieuiih, ia the fr. i ot p,.x ert.v." i r'j. CUUbm. laaaVkT '. JAav. . jev '" T SUSTAINS VALIDITY SEWERASSESSMENTS '''ntmmwwM llabl l.loJiNdcoino ," LONDON', April 18. It wn una on'it thia nllenioou Ibat David Lloyd (Iporgp, minister of munition", had pt'PMcntcd hia rexignntiDii, owing In the differeneea of minion which have arisen rpitartlinir eoiieriplinn. The rumor aiwinntlv nriitinulpd in Hip fuel Unit Mr. Llovd (leorao Has not pre-i ul diii'inu' the iln'- debate in the ' lunwe of common. Xo confirmation I of Ibe report wua nbliHiiable. I It wn oImo nbxorved that Winaloii I Spencer Churchill, former find lmd jof (be ndinirnlly, who rwentlv eriti eined Ibe pivenimenl opvendy, miil two iit to Mr. Lloyd Oporge nfler ' 1 lit- moniinu'' meeliiiK of the eiibinet i ('unci!. COIN. TO ACT FIVE LOSE LIFE IN H TON GHTCONCERNING W HAVEN WRECK Tin- -iipreme court at Malrni Tuc .i TffrnHli Jndce Calkins in Hie .f WT. R. Ililppa va. Ike Citv of (.tf.ird, and modified the findm n I lie pa of Itiippa va. the Itogue Itivcr Canal Co. The former pne i nn important m to Medford, state (Itv Attorney M abe, who retnventaI the eity, in-M-unich aa if auatnma the vnliiliu ot l be -.ea'pr difctriet naements m North .Medford am) thua remove- all doubt poneeiniiig the vnlidilv f the puviUK naxpaaineula. V. K. 'hipw brought miit to re Hlrain tbo collect inn of tewer ni(,H ntPiilN, eluiininit that the aHrtexxinenU had been made after the completion of the aewvr ayatem. iindor n chmter nmendineiil adopted after the -ewer hud been onnatruclcd, without duo noliee. Twicp in the circuit court tlio citv lnt Ibe cane, nnd Attorney Me Cube bnd fcivnt trouble in iiidiioing Hip council In appeal the cuko. Ho nrgucd the en-e, with Mr. I'hippi, three week no. Thi is the hiNt pnsn the city has won uud Hip only one Mr. MeCnbe luunllcd nloiie for the citv. E ROAD A Joint meating: between the city council anil th .Medford Commercial olub't railroad committee terminal od rathar tiaaernmonloitaly Mouilny oveiiliiR wbon Councilman ISmmeiia moved that the entire matter be left to the city council to dlaooee of at lu rpRiilar meeting Tueaday night, and the Commercial club committee ac cented the Invitation and left. The tentative contract, baaed upon augseatlan nuide by the city coun cil at the previoua Joint meeting waa read and provoked but Utile dlaruH alon. cguncllmen refuel hi to aay whther the contract pleated them or not, with Ibe exception of Dr. Keeae who oppoaed.lbe entire project. lAt a meeting of the Commercial club committee Tueaday. the contract waa turned over to A. K. Keatuea bh chairman ot the bar aaaoeiatlon com mittee for revlalon aa to legality and the luaertlon or aafeguardM. It wtll be conaldered tonight by the leaat fraternity. Aa the contract la not to be imulc until the adoption of the charter amendment autborlilng the bond I iik propoaal. the council will act tonlalit upon (be qnedtlon nf HillimltttllK the charter a mend men I imuiroitl), It. I, urll 1S A aean h of the wret kage reuniting from the ear-end colllalou of two train on the Now York, New Haven and Hartford railroad here Inat night, vv.ia till In progreaa today In an effort to determine whether it contained any hodlea In adltlon to the five per aona known to have loal their Uvea. It waa the oplulou of many porona who bad been at the aceno ilurlnn the night that al leaat three other paaiutigera had boon unable tn extri cate themaolvea from the burning maae. More than thirty porxina wore Injured. All of the victims were occupnnta of the rear coach of a local train which bad atarted to run nn a aiding In front of the atatlon when the (lilt Udge lixpreaa from lloston crashed into It. Coala from the expreaa loco motive and the explosion of a Raa tank set fire to the wreekagn and the flames spread ao rapidly that the nearby atatlon aud freight house were destroed together with four wooden coacbea of the local train. Trainmen were al varlaine lu statements Ah to the MkiiiiW. OREGON IHAT BURNS W000 Adolpb Si'huls, of thia district, hnx invented an orehaid healer which be Ifelievet. wdl aidve the "i-mudi;e" inten tion. Il in a heet -mill heater, 17 inehet. nt one eud, M iuebex at the other and 'Si inches high. Mv dem tutKt rat nu he haa pmved that oeven tetu of tliee heatera are aiilfieient for an acre of orchard. Thev will eoiiMtime on an ordinary ucastm two cubic feel of woial nt a eot of I cent a cubic foot, or lea than 1.40 Hr acre. The beat tliux aupplied eipiaU that fnHti five gallon of oil. In addition to that, the wood ia a lo cal piodinl, while Ihe oil, being im ported, take the money tail of the vallex. A number ol onhnrdM hae tiled the Sehiilx beater aud ex pn'H sjie.it Mili-fui-tii'ii oei ibe re-mill- A public te-t will In uurn iiiic He lb, .til Tribune liiiilt'm VedlU'-la i Minn.'. M 10 IS HOUR ARGUED WARIIINnTO, i.nl 1R Oial aivument mu the Oregon ten-hour worldnv law for men in mill, fa.ior iea or maiiufactuiiu; eatablilimeut were begun today In't'ote Hie aupreme court. Thev will be concluded to morrow when the couetHutionnlitv. of the law- the lirM of ibe kind ever considered bv the court will b taken umb'r adv ic metit. In opening the eaaa, W. Lair ThiMtiMou of Oregoo, oppoinK the law, argued that it eonbl not be u tained as a beulfh meaauro. "The law av ii ia injiiriou to health for wen to work more thnn 'm I nunr n witii in- iiiiibitmi wmi .;- : iieitra the injury i- diaaipntetl if tbe get extra pay, for the law itelf pro vide that men may work t hi i teen hour if thev net pay and n hull tor the last thn-e bour." Attorney (leneinl (leorge K. IV i of Ongou defended Ibe fttatut, a eondiit'ie to the health of workni'-h mid n'i'car to iho welfare ! the tale " -"- !- -ITillllii niiiBimi . .111.1.. I J 5 Ccttolen-e Itd bad taate I a spire the man wlio itarted the tail of liil. nklrt- or i It U MUl' Ul hOlll'l $ "7Vij Natural Shortening"' i iiiiinw..)miiinii hiWiVfxmlir Cctlolcno males foods Uetf Ivttw rrwlca them iw mtrac'Ao in oj'vcararttf, more wholec.rie und digestible. Biscuits mala with it are light ami vefvety of texture; pie-crust shortened with it is unuauiuly fine in flavor, Foods franl with it nr not heavy, but on the contrary an most crisp and uppetUing. Uar Cotiolcn tor all your shortening, frying nd cWe mjiWiint it ia packatl in nails oif arnus nurt o that v.uir irrir ii !' )uu jum tl.u quai.my yoi sur ou ieuirr icuUily. HSOHFAlRBANKiSI FRANCE 10 EXPERIMENT WITH COOLIE LABOR I'AIMS, Apnl LS.-Ow.n-lo Ihe luck of labor in the ut;rieiilturnl uud inilii-itiial fieldx, an oi'iraiii7iitiou has been effected in r'nuice for I tying Cliini'He labor. It i expected Hint filllll) Chineao laboicra will arrive in thi country within a few months. Twenty Chinese me now preparim IhctiiHuUes as intcrproteiK for Iho Intel" ii nival-. The Sprint; or I'etpeiunl Youth waa what the Saulh explorer xoiikIU in Florida. Youth cannot bo pcrpet ikiI. but with honltli, n man or wom nn ctut retain youthful looka till the near approach of actual old age If a woman Is draglng wearilj alnnt; oppressed by some woman's ailment, hu may expect a return nf Aoutliful bnauty and vlvacfty b iisIiik Lvdl.i 1C. I'lnkaam's Vegetable Compound Easter Jewelry St (jr.M.ITY MAHK l'l.TIfJI Ml IIIA.MO.MI .IliU'lSl.ltY I'latlnuiu, tba richest of metals, W a titling complement to the nttest of tones. Nothing oan iiuttn equal ! as a setting for the diamond's lull liance, Mecklaces, LaVallleren, 1'eadants, liracelels. Uar Plus, Itinga, are some of the diamond-platinum Jewelry we mu offer you- ticaiitUtil tilings you will le inoud to i:le ami one that ate urc to elldt .ulmlr.i tion for ibei.i'i Ives and repect fm on. Martin J. Reddy Tin: .n:YKr.i2it IIoii:e of (Jualin Visitors AIw.i.mi Welcome 2 1 :' K. Muiu 1 ' ' I i i hi n i ''CoHolene make good cooking batfe' f I All ihafs Noav, Stylish and tleeoiniiig in MILLINERY i 1m r liii Ut sprinj? days is ivadv niiv fur vour ehoots-! j i :. i Our prices will ploase you, i as well as tho styles. i Miss Lounsburv ' Milliner M, M, IK'pt. Store ' 1 Whv shouldn't the Stand ard Oil Company make the best oil-with over 40 years experience in refining-vilh un equalled plant equipment? And Zerolene is scientifically refined from selected California crude-asphalt-base. Prominent authori ties have recently declared that an oil correctly refined from asphalt base crude can be made not only equal but superior to paraffine base oils. Next time you empty thecrank-caserefillwithZerolene. Dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil j Company. ZEROLE ihe Standard Oitforttoior Cars PyH MRS m E MR. ED ANDREWS DHA.MATIt' AIIT Pupils piepnicd for legitimise and silent drama. Tidily jcjiiV cv- perlcncc. MRS. ED ANDREWS veici: CCI.TlltK Opera, oraloiln mid conceit coach. Fifteen yemV cciIeiiro lu pulillc Mori;. , STCDIO Si'AltTA IIUIR., IIOHM :t. IIRSII1KVCIC PHONIC HliT-lt When you are tired and not in the humor for answering letters that must be answered, you will appreciate the comfort ves, luxury of an easy writ ing, even'! flowing Waterman's Ideal Fountain l5eni ' Quite as important is1 the choice of a paper, and the smooth, even texture of RP'fl kuW" MM Mjlfn I lends itself particularly well to the smooth writ ing qualities of a good fountain pen. Stop in the next time you pass our store and we shall be glad to show you the very latest sizes, shapes and shades of Highland Linen, together with a com plete assortment of Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens. Medford Book Store i SflMsaf I he lound-lrip rale to Ln All- fk. jj s:elc. Si month return limit with 'm B -li'M'K The prinu U a delightful - I l,,m' '" """ i ia m f . n I Southern California DOLLARS Beaches I i.ie at tin ii In -t. Nice warm, . I Minn dn making bathing 9 ideal. I hoiee ol headier, Santa Monica. Hi eim I'nrk, N'eiuee, B Hedondo, Lonsj Heaelt and New- I poll an- all within u tew- miu- j iiie rule el Lo- Anv:ele. I Heiiiember that the heuutilul j Panama-California J Exposition I is ojien all the ear. Many of the I best exhibits from the I'anaoia-Ps- I cit ic KxpoKition h.ie been taken to fl San Diego, ntukiug tin- fair biuccr i and better than eer. , R Write tor our booklet mj fSon MS 1 J I lbeao aud Southern t'alitnrvii. MetllOrd I A,k lol'',l a,:,:8t Jtflp " informa- i lion or utile tO I ,l'"n - Seott, (ieneml Pacnger jj Aent, Poit land, Ole. Los Angeles SOUTHERN untl B Roiurn I Pacific i X r-