Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 18, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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WW prrrn
Kfjponn MAft ?Mivf
. tn I"! !Wi v i Nr-rirHH
rf'Hf fnr'i f, rrif i rr. (treats
MMt)f"rH PltlVMNII lo
flWe Hfull Tflhuti" ''ilMIng
Th J)aawMfe T"t, fh 'fadfotd
g01, TM Mdfnr(1 I'rh ma, I'M fewflt
ern orirWBf, TO Aahlnnl 'ffi
uae Jjeef.
ti I
t lete.
wTrjaeJaujiiiow katxu
y mat . ..
ay eiat ?t" !' .
i, liv. red fit eerrfor
ft xmfi, jj
!. br tnalt. wr rear 2M
er "" ' l.M
arflrrfroriri Af.ur; rftmrflff. OTnpgtm qwm.on. ti i;jj,n uim, ia rwr,
700 MAmow jrarwsM wra itu
ifH 'f rbr folk
I ilim mfn it lnrff r i tirf-fiHH c and
truer tntth.
The moay denomination and
fMf a net fora of worship mwt ho
eenttflted H (he Mihlr truffle nnft
Thev nil
tr ef the rtr of MaMam
aeconif-elaaa maltar al
Oregon, under the set sf Marsh
ftwerH OlrmUttftn fer 1914, ISM.
leased wlro AiiMUted 1'reis dl-
4 Btibscrlbors falling to re
ccIto pnpera promptly, phono
Circulation Managor at 250-It
Wo onn't reKlHt:
'Tli Jlmo to lio
An opdmlnt.
Tlio IiiimIiios iiiiiii
To luck hiiihI-IIhI,
And lio Will lio
A nhopttirlllit.
Tim farmer brown
With horny flt
itiint Htrlvo to ho
A oroiUliulit.'
' Thou UnWo Slim
With nil thlH grlMt
' 1WIII Hiiro come out
. A Topthlilit.
'UiiidburK Wllnou I it DrownliiRN
l.lltlo I'ulilol
All this tnlk of liynliaiintwl oltl-
Jio'rWrtp Ua evidently had' Ita fft
Vpti a Hhii l'mneinw ytniHRalor.
' i Amorkan born, wlra rrntly rtblll
Uatmiy wbn hi imiUn rathar whlp
(HHl Hun for wtina mtudamfKHor.
VJUtt TmiiuMo, your fnthtr hat a
right to whip you whati you art bad,"
' om ona at tka ramlly wild.
Tomroaao'a ttyaa flaalia. "I am
. I JttjMi sf tha Uwiud SUtea," h
. dalUMTXf, "Do yen thlak I ait vaIhr
i fit I6t ay foralgHftr Itek mar" Ar-
- .
tu Mat that Juhh D. Uooktfllir
wid pay a wIUIh deliara to m
-gMt ta wjoy a Juicy bitarataak' la of
traal lMtraat to tka fallow who
Um utdtMi- the million nor tbo bor
ataak. Sajf (Iim Oil I on the I'iliii
Oh tlHy wblff or ohIhm will do
ihhio to kill Uiva than all tha elovea
thai uoro avor grown.
"Who la bnuklna; Villi?" ln(Hlro
nil mt(nnxl voiitoiniiontry. Don't
know tlml, hut wt do know fimi.
Parahlng la Ht III iniuu dlilnimo Imck
, of lilia.
TotlnyV Hullrliiuni'
I'mlilllng I'otur ahuffltHl to the bar
qf thn ooHHtry Inn and onlurod
glHiw of boor.
"Slay, boaa," ho roinnrkml, hh thn
luHillonl aurvoil lilin. "d'you wnnt tnr
buy ti iwltHii. nHvor-falllHg tl-kll-lur?"
"Maw niutdiT" waa tkH reply.
"Wall, KHv'nor. If yoH'll wrld
wo wl' u d'Kint dlHHor, ytr oh av
(hIIhiIiwI hittle of ittj fly-killer for
Thn worthy iMnkpufwr ovHtiull
Hgrmitl, Hitd whim (ho rnwt had hmu
ItfHWdad Had miitaumel, hw aald,
"Now kU mm thia wotult-rful pt
t iif yHHra.'4
I'dddltHg falr at pfodurMl a
HHMll bttttl rraiai bla pack and car-full)-
HHaurkod ll.
"All yau avu ii do," b mtrialHod.
"Is to old the MggrawHtiu' hlnaec Ihu
immm the finger and thutub, proaa
'Hi firmly until V opn 'Is mouth,
HH thuH drop lu aoiu of ilila iwlaon."
"W.wh)'." gaaped mlaa boat, fMb
ly," If 1 had blot btwn my flng
yni I (ttiKld aqua blm to deuth
airllit hwh."
"Well." rawarkad lddllttg Malar,
Ha ha dapartod, "a' eoura that's a
Wry law! way. to"- Tlt-UIU.
l4ii t of Hit Mlllton WIhi Would ItUo
Owv Xlgltt, Ulc.
Colllar'a haa dug up thla lllumln
atlRg uaaa Itaui:
Llacolo, Nab. Tha third Nabraa
ki roglMM'ttt la raady to ba muitarrd
la g abort uotli-a Th man are
trtUlux but Bgvo m guna or aoulp-
Ifttnt.- Col. William JonDlatt Bryan.
Trying la lttgaH It?
"Tba Waat i'arlahfMla birthday
club met at Mr. 8yl Tboiuac Utt
i.,iird to raiuittd hat of kr bli-th-ttt
It waa a eoMPhato aurprlato
hjg, t-in in llic I'otadiiiu Ui'iald
f t trM tifi i ..!. a. a a a
onrmniiniMitioii hum Comitv Ofk ihtirm A. (m-rn
rr In rtvrvnt'P Ui m iiffioriat n liintrnnfhiwihn rmtiifTil-lm faith am haHm
uau eft ifim iitirl kui ut ntitttritiiml jmrfntnj
fr tha adttor Katativa to th ragfatrailgg martiarn of witch f
ba an rrat) attafklg ma, will av, that I data btan ftflfowlMg Ike htw
Mtotdlny) to the ovIntM of the attormpy ganoaal of Oranow, trhjwll Ut tn
parlor to tha adtlea of thfi ronntr attornav.
If tha reglatratloaa hare not beta properly taken care ef, why htra
von not had tha roimtf attorney bring mandamua proraodlMga and the
ma l tor rould bore bootl eottled In a few dare.
Very truly. O A. SAKDNBIL
April 17.
'IIip AInll 'I'Hljiino nfrpfaj thai Hip county clerk nhoulrt
Ijc inamliimuaxnl to do hto duty ainl admit pioneer eitisoMw
niul Iioinc8tin(lfm who lmve proved thoir citi'ennhip to the
jntirifnction of (he United States government deeaaea jio,
to retfiMtnition. II in, howevei', the duly of tile dint net
attorney to nflv'we the county clerk, but no jwirf or lim duty
to reHort to iniindniTiim proeeediiigs, suve upon complaint
or mmvmunlfi coni'rned.
fJ'he iMnil Tribune is imiible to lenrn what advice was
Kiven by the attorney general. Inquiry at the attorney
general's office brought forth the in format ion that the
attorney general had been absent: for some weeks at Wash
ington, I). C, and that, so far as his assistants know his
advice had been confined to district attorneys.
There is no warrant for the county clerk's ignoring the
advice of the prosecuting attorney, and no warrant for his
consulting the attorney general, for under the constitution
and laws of Oregon the prosecuting attorney and not, the
attorney general is the legal advisor of theVounty clerk,
and if Mr. Gardner exercised his well-known love of tech
nicalities he would lint, be seeking excuses to disfranchise
honored citizens.
Article VII, section 17, of the constitution states that
the prosecuting attorney "shall be the law officer of the
state and of the counties . . . and shall perforin such
duties pertaining to the administration of law."
The supreme court, in the ease of the State vs. Douglas
county, held: "The district attornev is the law officer of
the state within the limits of his district; with the powers
of the attorney general at common law."
Section 28J0 of Lord's Code thus defines the duties of
district atterneys: "It is hereby made tho dutv of the dis
trict attorneys and their deputies to advise county courts,
tne county school superintendents, the county clerks, the
sheriffs, county assessors and county surveyors in their re
spective district, on all legal questions that may arise."
There was no intention by the framers of the present
registration law to work a hardship upon citizens, who,
like I.W. TliomnK ofMedford, voted for fifty veal's in Jack
son county, held a homestead, and whose citizenship
papers were lost through fire, both of his residence and
of the court house where he was naturalized over half a
century ago.
There was no intention to disfranchise honored citizens
like William Hndge, who was naturalised forty-seven
iCHt-s ngo aim ins papers uesiroycu, wno nns laicen up
Homestead and timber claims, who wus nost master
Grand lAtrks, N. I)., for eight, vears, chairman of the board
of regents of the state university for twelve yours, a dele
gate to every national convention of his party for twenty
veal's, and who could have been governor of North Dakota
if he Jiad desired it.
To provide for just such cases, section fl of the regis! ra
tion law says: "Provided, however.'that all persons here
tofore registered in saitl county as fully naturalized citi
zens shall not be required to exhibit their citizenship
papers when registering under this act,"
Hut Mr. Gardner's attitude and letter shows that he
has not only ignored the advice of his legal advisor, but
gone out of his way to seek other legal advice to justify tho
narrowest possible technical construction.
Uegisl ration is designed to protect the sanctity of the
ballot from fraud, not to work hardship and injustice. I loth
under the law and under the advice of the prosecuting
attorney, the county clerk had ample justification for
accepting the registrations and shifting the responsibility,
but in resorting to technicality to work injustice the
county clerk proves himself too narrow between the eyes.
Mis const ruction of the law is not common sense.
'liv J. LAWItlSXCK HIM..)
Tli'iv i it much iifvd um ccr lor
tidfruiM'o in hII tiling, t'iHMMn)l,v
uuhh'k ChiiHliiitiM, churche- niitl bo
Wvrn in tueuloK't'iil h.U,iii. Hut,
ulu. it i not um t'vulfiit u it alioukl
b', mid uiuht b', if truth i lu pie
ui. It a lU'U-t ilt'Mjtued by the
Creutor tliut nil uit'it hboiild Ibink
tlu-ir imrtifiilitr rted or purt, ami
uUwt.v- wilhttut IttfMlll us to
truth is, iiifii Iiuxh ifitn to ii-at c
IrvuM to tnr it mu the world Hunt
ha not uIwmvh liwu tit ut-foiilmu-i-with
tin Hi or eontHMeure.
The Old TealauN'iit k hut.l. n.-.l
with it aud tha new Hrnn
Kuu. bitterue, uMkiuditcs .md (Mr
Mvuttou eutoug the diitplv. ttml Hie
pfwwtot m nfm, tutw matt
lof any HMrrehj ggree n arery dfn-
irmeT now aagtry rirmienf m ttM
-etna 4nnminMk ee eve to eye m
eterfthbjg 'I la e talent that tho
ante mWe liMtHI teerh haplrm try
immernioR nted Imfwm by ejrhkliftg:
that hvth rftowylerinniMM ami At
ndfiianiem aro right; that fnHarian
iM anal TriaiterhtnHm are right ; and
that HtMtiay ggtl Snlurduy are tbo
aaJdrntha of tho Lord.
fhurrh rownell and not QoA have
rormnlflleri tho faith of the age-, nod
men still regard them with aaereil
nwr. WTth anelt a hiistor, aah Hi.
vrnrenpe or ofdHitm, faith ami mlat
pnttathHt of (he Seritttorw, and d
Hifreetnenl oyoti on the rxxential
tliinp. of ItIV, why Hhoiild tlierc not lie
more" tideranco, imoiv eiiartty one to-
wardu the otlior.
Whnl right linn . hhicIi. 01 miu
itti cont'roiitad hm we nil nr with
mt'iitnl liiHltfltione, lo iIuihhiiico, to
eritieijit', (o otrtinire h cliurcli or iU
M'tjde hccttiiHo tlicv tin not worhii
on tho Hitino mount that we do Clod
in not confined (o tmdc inniic with
IihiuIh. lie in over.X whi'iv. The true
worNliippurH hi u tlumc who woixliip
Him in niuetrity innl in truth.
in nil tliinpM tlonhtl'iil tlii'io nIioiiM
ho toluitiuco, in osKciitinl tliiiijtH unity
mid in nil Ihiiifta clim-it.v. Thin wim
I lio .Mustnr'n npiiit, toneliingt niul
life. Thia in why He lun xui-li n unn
on Hie hearts mid mimle of eumi'st
men today. Ho ruhukcil I In dixeiplcs
Tor ttskiiig IHm to call Tor firo to full
iiHiu oue hIio, iiltliiuiKh lie wus cit-t-iujr
out devllH in lli iiitmo, followrtl
not with Ilium, hikI Mttfd: "Koiljid him
itd: for hu ttml js not ugaiiiht u in
for um,"
Whut , leliuke lo tliuau of Hi day,
niul Kiiiee, who (huught Unit nil (mill
mid goodtumK liuluuuetl to their liltlo
erecd mid faith when Ho Maid: "And
other xhuep 1 lmve, which uro not of
linn fold; (hum nlao I niimt bring, and
tht'.v kIimII Iioiir my voice, mid there
xhnll he ouo fold niul ouo idicpliciil."
Theso worda ahould ho written over
every pulpit mid chinch, mid (lie
"pint iiiidci-t.vuiir them tdiould lie oin
pluiKiiieil und praetirod.
There is- enitujfji eil, enough self
ishneKH mid unkhidueHM niul rccd
olid hut red nntl JviiIoiikv to he (i-t
out lo keep nil of if bu., niul lo do
lliix work is mueli better thtiu iiiih
liltug nhout urtilr of fuith und
forms of worxhipi
The time nut, uud uot very fftr dis
luiil, alien tbo ebiueho of oithodoxv
peieeeuted oni'h olhor, hut todnv thev
weetu to he tiuiteil on one lliuitf. und
tluit if to uproot and duMtroy Clin
tiaii Seieuue. I full to eeo whv this
ehmt'lt should he made the turet lor
o much hittemes, deiiiiueiutiou und
oMtrucUut on the jwrt of any ehuiih,
M-et or party.
That it haa met the need of thou--
it nds mid made them hotter men mid
women is evident to nil unhiii.-cd
minde. Tlio tree is to he .iudged hy
its i'niit. ( icprttountu the etiltuie
niul weitlth of every iioiumiinitv nhere
it hus estnhlishcil Itadf. Its crowded
temples, the most bountiful mid o-tlv
in the laud, mid midweek nieetint( .tic
h. atHitding ivhulio to ith etttics. In
its HHtirt history it haa won more to
ita standard than Chriat did m the
first tbrt eenttirioa of His jjreut
world movemeiit. Hit Ipnchiiii; arc
reeogniiuMl by thniienudw in nil
chuiflips. It is tloing wbnt the ehunh
did for tluee ceutiiiitm utter t'luial's
reNiiriectioit, mid which He eommis
sioiied His ptsiple nutl church to do in
nil agex.
I mi not wilting thia in defence of
thn, chuicli, hut nicreh to ichitLe the
unkind, iinf.ui. iiiirensoii.ihlc und hit
ter ei'tti- i-in ol it, hy iikii vlio kimu
llltlc .llll ll' , , ltllf,'- in l, lie
lc. tft ii rather erk ih "in r
nil erred end nppropriule tlim '
ntr own ne Vo doubt there nt fr
rnf In Selefiee end Health: afnt
meiH whleh need reeftma: hferr
lotions nt erijifnrea nod aeienee
wwh need eflanamg , hut W ean he
n Irtilf sgtd of the ereeaV and fherd
ofy f ererr ehureh. fgetead of
mtrming, H in helping thoe that m
Here ita gHHwatnjdty. and ha nrwted
n row fort, an infdratlfa, a help, n
rery ffothwaMa to thowaoda who
found gettbar peaev hor joy nor at
iefaetion m other ehurehea, 4o long
as - LMua . - tJ .L.t
ft- m-rw vv-iift- nmi wfrrnr iirm. wnw j Hk d hteh
, .. wn... ... "-TIP"
Ponce de Leon Failed?
His Prize Is found
N'KW YOllK Aurll I - Xgenta of
Poaee d lwa, the darlag eapior
er aeerehed among the awampa of
I or Ida for tb Fountain of Tenth.
which lao ladlaaa aaM would reefer..
iower and maho aooplo yottag. He
did not find It.
Thouaaada of chrmtle Inteatlnal
bowel and atomaoh aafferera have
the department of Juatir nought to- written to Ooo. H. Mayr. IS I Whiting
doea it natter so long aa they are
made better hv it, aa to whether their
erred be orthodox nr heterodox f We
are not lo he the judge. XiKhing ia
framed hv env other eonrae. That
there ia a rdnee aud need for thin
ehntrh h the leatimony of n million
or more of believer hi it. I think
a lietter understanding of it teueh
inga would soften our judgment of it.
The world Hne grown tired of ee
tnrimiiMtn. Itx crv is; "Show us the
Fnlher mid it Mirfiecfh u.s." This ia
the mission of the cliurcli. After all,
men nre wived hy the truth, the truth
na it ia hi fori!, the truth each
tiiHii uuderatuiHla it for liiinclf.
Let us, then, follow in the stein of
Him who went nhoul doiuu- uood, mid
who would mil Ineiik the liruiwd nietl
nor ipu'iicli tho xmokiutc t'lur, und who
gnve to tin' uoild the siihlimest und
dmuet doctiiue Hint eer fell on lia
teiiiiir enrst "The liilherhood of (iod
mid the biotheihood of mull."
rklmiM In maai m ttaallh T,.
day tho afreet of a mua deetrlfred aa , -
in uerman aocini i .
etrelea la thla country, aa otto of tho
five men iHdletotl by tho federal
grand Jury yoaterday for alleged con
spiracy to blow up the Wellaad canal
In CaiwdH, In Soptembor, 1911.
Thla man waa Indicted with Cap-
of healing vegetable oils from
franco, haa indeed given them back
tbo health of youth.
Why suffer from ladlgoatlon, gaaea
on the stomach, fainting spells, tor
pid liver, constipation, and all tlio
evils of a disordered etomoeh when
there Is iiermanent relief here
led (ling dntpKlstH evert Hhci v. I Hi
the jki-.1I l t- midi'i f laliillnn llui our
mone will lie reiunded without ques
tion nt iiiililI If ONI) Imltle tails lo
Kl ott iii'ototc utlsrac lioij tlv
l'AUO I'AtlO, Aiueiicmi S.inion.
April I (eoi'ie-Hindcnce). Tlie lliit
isli udininiHtriitor of (Iciniuu or West
ern Suinoii is clo-iiikr till Uernuui Ijiih
iuess plnces. The prupeilies nre be
ing diHposed of nt miction or sold
privately nt kw' siierifiee.
tain Prana Voh I'apgH, former aer-lMr Wonderful Itt-mcdx In wild in
man military attache at Washington,
who wus reeallml ut the reitueat of
thn United fltatee govriimen't be
cause of his alleged promotion of
Cormnn propaganda. Others Indicted
wore Captain liana Taueoher, alleged
agont or the Krupi1" la the I'liited
States mid husband or Mine. Johanna
(ludakl. the iirlRiu deuiin: Alfred
Frit ten und C'oMHtantlno OovhiiI.
It Is charged thtU Von Papon tdin
nod tho oonsiilrncy, Hint Tuuncher
auppllnd tho oxploalvcK nnd firenrur,
and that Krltxen nnd Covmil carried
the dyiimnlto to Xlagura Kalla.
Federal und city aitthorltlpa K.ild
lodny that thoy hud titkcn Hid', to
co-opcratc lu tho duitling with the
criminal ncllvltlcs of forulgn imint'
Beware or Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
tnrtir will wirrlr ilmjr Ih ih" of m II
ml nimpli'tt'lr iIitiiiki. thi Hboif ttniitu wlirn
miIMIw: It Ibroniili the nmi irlr- h J
rllrlfHi IhhiUI hpti r h IImhI I'ivltt ml rti,aU)l'
itotas flow rrptilabl i4ylrl. I hi- iluiBC
tkrr nill lu l tru fiilil li tlv Ipioil ri ,iu
liblj ilrrlrc Iruw thvm llall'a Tatarrli lui
nwmiftfllimt r V J. i'briwr A Co. Tulnln O ,
rOBlnls ho tnrrrHrr anil l taka Int. tnallr
artlae illrllir Ht lb Mmsl anil nrnw am
farra of tkr aairtn. In liuTlnc llall'a Catarrti
Car Ik- trr jml vt b K'milaf It l HVra
Intrraallr ami mad In Tolnln uhto 1T I J,
CjlfWr A r. TrallOHialaU Ins..
BM W ProwUU. I'rl'. "St. wr boltlo.
Tako llall'a t'tallr TIIU tot ceutlv'tloa.
() a
(oj Ti
W Iff
jLiajyvAw,,iysS " - S? ) ,,)X','? "5)i $. SlXjjyggffl5)'
bWHERETHg -fSjJft'JclfewDSO i
Smashing Big Play of War
me nanoo s reri
. II. tt MMINs
Tho Kronlii!; btrcntti of Senutor
Cuiiinilns oi Iowa In the proldi ntlal
nice linn made It ndvlstthlo itt thin
llmo to orgiinlxe a Cuiuiuliis cluh in
It will he orgRiilxml ut St. .Mark's
Hall on Thursday evening, April 20.
at S p. m., mid all are cordially Invit
ed to he proaeut.
iSenutor Cummins hits a long und
euvlahlo record as a alutoaiiuin, ami
Ik developing as the strongoat cuudl
dnte to cement any and all (llfforontoa
lu the Itoimblliun ranks.
Come out and gel IxitUir accpialut
etl with him by llslenlng to those who
know him boat.
An enjoyable evening la antlcfiml
od, whoro, asldo from the main bus
Iimh lu hand, a program of mindc
and dancing will he enJoed. Adv.
..It .. M..l...j tl.... ,...! I L .
1 I .1 . , i -.,. i ,,,-p n Hit-1 llll' llitlllticu. .-i
Hliku ui eiiin lliiuir. uttutt-tiiMM tiuuoiu i ..
,i. .. !. .,'77, j " I uul reters lo lilts when he u-k
luuugut aim oriwt hiw iirwciiee
would hitu becu the suute in all agea,
mid the a nous sects, cult, s.ystcuta
ol thought anrf denouiiualiutto could
eer lmve eisted.
I, .. , , innu nuomer. - mm Ol .iioiiu- , .uc i
I hi leit'iice of upwiou has uUuyu)ltll( -rtM1.i .CL ,. , ... ,
i -...i ..l ill -e.. .Lj-i ...i,,,' ,lr rbia MUlit ytnc t lui-,
eMcd and ulwn.s will. To think tor
htiuselt is man's inherent right, la
this comitry, ut It-Ust, this ia rerog-
nised. lieu uuiu i ulluwinl to war
ship Uod meordiBg tu the itiutate of
his own eMUeienee without let or
lundruure, ao lung a hi belie fa and
oractuea do uot interfere with the
ruritlx of olbir. Ml. t'nnl Wik u fi.... '
i inn rcier ti tuts wucu lie u-k- i
"For wiiereua there is umon,- mmi en
t.wiig uuu uiviaiouh mm -inic, me
ve not ournul aad walk u- otlur nun '
r'or while une agitb. 'I am i I'.i A'
main u heuitgche uud nut tin .u v
chmxh ui twuiu.
( luist Hga always iol. unit. IL
deit u lie in I hips were alwu. directid
ngaiaat the leaden m the church, the
Kcrilwai mid l'hariaiee. men who had
the rorui ut godliaeo, hut who dented
the Mier theienf; men who Here
ifttaaL Ia7tftw au k l..ltA. ..t tl. . I i. . .
.....I ....U.-....I . .K...I..- .....I -.--.- a. .' . i ! inn, mil
,-- "i " Uli., Li,.,.
i.. i ii ... ii .i.:. . I " "
ui.ukii'u nn mam -iu oruvy an mings
uud lo hold fust tu that which u
' inivn. then lore, hue the riyhl to
Uii'tnic to nuv Uuiu what bis tmtn
niiu'i lie. oi how wliu or where he
sht i
uot ita apiril. but for bou-
e-t doubt, tor Nint'fiii.v ot Ikdiet, He
hud no wonl of eeusure. It bv
Ivinditc-s, luve, geiilloues'., that He
in w no ii uuio hint, mid hv whiih He
Home Celebration
of Wonder Interest
The nrrlva! of a baby In tlio lioutehohl
completely changm tho cntlro axpect of
mo minis, nut hi thi
incdiitlmc, diirlBR tbo
niiilom pcrhsl of ex
pfct.ouv, tlirro Ii it
plonilUl rrawdy tnoitn
aa 'Mrtthcr'i rrid"
lint iIism wMKUfi. It
I f"r extrrual u, re
licrrt ttio putiu ot
muni expamlon,
aootiidi ana nult4 11m
nrrrM, cxtftHla IU la
lluttKd to list laleriul
orjim nnd raiMotf to
n sat ctat tlMtao-
lit n to wf ry aad hb
pmi.tkn. It i a iiitunl trMtiaaat, sate
fw I'm i i dor tm im dnitf egai-t waalio
nrr and fi r Hm reoii mu-t wrt a umI
bturadat Influx i.puu ta function iU
raxtly itMiuu.i vllh mlheilxl. Ia i
Try liilcreallin !., I he ul.j,t la rrrty
MAiraeil and , ,,yv will (, ouillvsl tree ta
alt fJJVfcaut imitl.orf Or Wf Jila.'Ul OctfuUtor
IV. IM 1 auur Hilf.. AtlauU, Ca. .t a
wllU of M.4tWi Kr(o.r of any
itnunriat. l'e j tiircitr.1 and j-st wltl llaa
kiatu why inl . , ut iwarly h i!f a century
have llacl t iiurml.M I hi. iileji,lij old
lu bjeIIhtIuxk: i, ir Mt.ia .itv mvacci
tt itaor. Hi it ' it. . ,o u.. it uij ari
U. S. Atlantic Fleet
Sinking a Ship by
Shell Fire
Thousands of Sol
diers, Sailors and
Medford House Movers
Wc Move
riiouo ihhoi
ma S. Xuntuwn, 7U7 W. llth St.
Artillery Bombardment
Wireless Station Mine Explosions
Auto Service from Eagle Point
to Medford and Hack
Tho undersigned will leave Krattk
Lewis' confectionery every day ox
copt Sunday for Medford with hia
.' (into at I oenek ti. ut.. arrlvinx nt
' 0.11,1 .. u. l A..a XT...I. nui..l ,A.1.
...I , HT. I4WI1Q tMIMI IllflVI, HIIV1I-
ford, at G:00 p. iu., arrle Kuglo
l'olnt at 6:00 p. m. A part ot tho
traffic la solicited. S. 11. HAltN'lSU,
Uaglo Point, Oregon.
. iii! vjASAjAiAiXsAiiiu iai liAiteXiAi A(j.jMXijXsv'iiiiyiiiiiits)iAyAiiiii
i BUHl lW 1
Wwr Aawaaaal tBaaaWMM rB
I V1' ' flnaalH
StJirt the Day Wight
End u successful day with our succulent, spicy HAM.
All tho leading stoves in the valloy carry our products.
Wo Pay Highest Prices for Cattlo, Sheop and Hogs.
ilp !
ti i
la tuiH'i ol re
i i,.1 "ornkip eer m.iu ,
i If. Tlie lustoi.i ui i
' i the beginiiuc; t
lreiot tone, Ims het'li one oi lui
uiilil.i--. iim h I -i i ill hm III
i lil lull. i I.. I . ii in li.nM ,,.
Absolutoly Removes
lndiirostion. Ouppackato
proves it, 20c at all druggists, Uuihui-K &3)
en 8 t ' r
Tad; ifafiv
POimftadt OaintftAToCL
TI.MH OAltl).
Leave Medford for Ashland, Talent
and Hhoeulx daily, except Huuday. at
t):uu a. ni.. 1:00, 3:00, l:0U aud r:lt
p. tu. AIho on Saturday at 11:10 p.
in. Sundays leavo al 8:00 uud 10:30
a. ui. aud 1.00, 2:00, B:30 aud 11:20
p. m. Leave Ash la ml for Medford
daily, except Sunday, at 0:00 a. u.,
1:00. 1:00, 1:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also
on Saturday ulgbU at 0:30 aud
x:30.unduys leave Ashland at 9 00
a. m. and 1:00, 4:30, 1:30 aud 10:30
p. Hi.
Camera Shop
208 East Main Street,
The Only Exclusive
Connnereinl Pliotojraphcrs
in Southern Oregon
Negative Made any time or
place by appointment.
Phone 147-J
We'll do tha rest
T,. D. WESTON, Prop.