.ji ;fL u; iM i 1 ftr 9K ' 1'AOK TWO y iiii ii i im -t TOCAL AND Jk PERSONAL y OimnrrmrtnirfrfTr-r r " -"-'-'--'. Laeflee' dr ef l"e Rid" temofe has twee, pMrtMirl from FrMay af M week ttnllt frMay of nrt wees. April Da N ft traelwf rtaape wttk everetatag eaeept trwcrlM. Tb Amowia class of the Baptist chare will ! iu reenter irM iMnUljr Bible liitl.v at !h aoma of Mr. & J. Iltewert, 04 Pwuhmli aeeftae, fMmUy rronlnit. April It. All tf anl new members art raueete4 fa Ih preeeat. Rift tBVltM 7M 10 fie Mf irtlktoi tint see fredaing Mock. fwate men ant more Incky than rfeaa. For lastanee. a local eltlaM laat ale fade tooth yeetentajr and lejateeMatelr started for tbla off too to advertise a reward for their rrtnrn to Mm. On the war. at overtook a dog that had found tbm and waa aretutW earrylHR hla uiiio how. He dlapoattaaod tho dog f hla find and mtmI tho eoat of an ad. Labia's amaahlna Mr plar, "Xa tlon'a lerll." lUr today. It. J. Henry, of Cooa bay, who cam to Madfonl yeetorday on business, mt that railroad connection with the outilda world haa given to too an tiro Coos hfljr region an atmosphere of business and httatl navar realised tlioro before. J. W. Diamond returned Monday td OranU 1'aaw aftar peiitllna; Sunday In Medfonl. Smoko a King Spitz olnar. Ec. Thjr nro homa-modo. tf 'Sonlo ilffVHH or ao or Medford I51k nguit Monday In Grants laae. arrang ing for ft special meeting of the Med ford taiga at Omnia I'aaa May 10. 4 Dr. Stephenson now practlolns ngnln. 14G South Holly, Phono 802-X. ,18. 0. Trowbridge. Jr.. of the la olflo Furniture Hinl I'lxttire factory, 1ms 1tMHi awarded tho contract for building thn Judne'a anil clerk's ljenohe and doska for the rourt room or tho new fed it ml building. Tlioy y') Mo first-elwee fljtnre of that kind. It ta fortunate that a local concern secured tho eontrart. Clot your milk, cronin, buttor, oggn nnd buttormllk nt Do Voo's. Quite a delegation of people from outside points In tho vnlluy heard Senator llurtonli apeecli laat night. Dr. Klrcligeeanor will ho nt Hotel Naeli nrery W'ednesdny. Iloura Mr oonaultatlon 10 to t. A epeclnl lueetliiK of the I'artuit Tooney circle oftli VvaalililKion iiol will be held in te puuiic li brary frlday evening nt 7: SO, gflo Dave Wood nbout thnt flro ln fliirnnio pollen QtflfW Mnll Tribune Illdg. "T'' ' "( L.ubln'a.ainaiMnf ' slay. "Na tion 'a I'ailUWar today. Tbe Jitter Thrift eihlbtta will be a feature of thU nieetlug. 8uirln (Hdeot Hlllta and Jndge Kelly will apeak. Mra. Walter M unity will put ta a Vlrtrola eoueert. It will be a mooting full of Intereatlng feet urea and the public la urged to attend. k 11 area the florlat baa obolceat bed ding planta. OreeHboueoa ISaat Main. 11 Bennett or the Marah A lien nstt Oo.. haa alarted a grocery atore at Bend. Ore. Urn Dennett and family will leare Wedneaday to )tn him. Typewriter pa pom all klafta, at Madfunl 1'rlntlfig Q. John Davla, Infant aon of Mr. and .Mra. Cbarlea H. Kunkel, died at the home or Mr. and Mra. A. K. titration, pear tbla city, Mouday evening, aged three montka and four daya. The faiaet. who I a traveling man, will arrive home Monday. Maeler poet carde. boekieta and cut UU, Medford Book Store. IS Mra. C. It. Wllllama returned Hun day from HtlUe county, t'allfornta where ahe apept tho Inter with her huabaad, who haa employment thre Oh eatertng her home on Aumiu at reel, ahe found that It had ii.n ranaacked from and to end, but ahe haa mkwed notblag 1 1 tew from Thi' foora ware airewn with burpt match nji, The pillagers were evtdentl aJher paper of eome tnd, but tluu Vfrr nou In ihe house of value to aay pereoa. we4 eider a Do Voe'h. Or. t. Q Thayer, who haa spent two weeka at falaley. Ueke count), Orogou. where be wnt to attend his brother, and who aubaequeully pasaed away, wilt return to this illy about Thursday of this wc-k The McCprdy Insurance agent'." now ranrteopu Ihe Ipwa Bute l,ir took Inaurgnre companv offl.r Medford National Rank bldg. Marguerite Clark was a m m-rul t rprlte la "BtUI Waters- at the Mtar theaier laat tiiaht. Abe Is siiialtr than Mary Picktord cble aud iheer, epd quite pa full of action. She Is a coaming aeraen star and her aitW ta ao natural that oaph movement can be easily interpreted in words and laughs. "84 111 Waters" Is a preltj little drama and Waa very cli-wirh played by all of the character to it J. Q. Oerklag. tae Beat ail around photographer la southern Oregon. A i wan reliable. Megpttepa made any. where, time or place. ltllo Its Main St. Phone 320-J. !.ilifvrrd what tnc " "iKnllisH NlrUnIrn inn In.mnaa Mff of confer Marine I Ull I lUll U I Lril f ILI 1 re a fh faf of lafce creek rl dolaa eifve leeelopmenf work in htr claim tie are apparently hecoml.;g r leper aa they atfaft depth M they a impreeeed with th reoaN of efwaw eeeava that the) win aoon have a geeaver datermlpe Ita copper content. A pamber of ofhera have become Intereefed and have staked fllalms op he aame ledge, H h. Tonag hating an awjefnlpg claim oa the aame ledge and Charley fer ret another. "Meet ate at the Shasta " Mra. A h. Doaglaa, who uader- went an 'operation of a degree of e- rlouaneaa at Ihe hospital a few daya ago, la reported to be eonvaleaelag nicely. Try a King Ipltz cigar and on con rage heme iRdnetry. tf The floes! display of fine station ery ever shown In Medford Is being exhibited la the Medford Book atore window. Tbla dlaplay of the new styles Is well worth going to aee. SI The world'a greateat oompanlse. Dolmen, The Insurance Man. Poetago stamp at Do Voo'h. T. C. White la charged with forg ing a check for $21, using the name of H. IS. Conger, a farmer In the vi cinity or Medford, about a week ago, and cashing It with Mike Ityan. He fore complaint whs made. White es caped. A eomplalnt charging White with the crime or forgery haa beon Hied In Justice Taylor's court and an effort la being made to ovorlake the alleaml torgor. He made Inquir ies for ratee to Twin PhII.a Idaho, and also to Ileno, Nevada, before dla apeparlng fiom this city. Prosecut ing Attorney Kelly believes that While may not be very far away. 2R off on Kodnka at Woeton'a Oainera Shop. W. W. Usaher or Ashland, trans acted business In Medford today. Your lawn itiowei- maciilne sharp ened at Mitchells. Phono X2Q-J. Alfred tatta, aged ! yeara, aon of II r. and Mrs. II. A. I.utta. left this morning tor Oakland. California, where he will inijoy m visit with rel atives for some months. Alfrod Is a bright hoy nnd had no hesitancy In undertaking tho Journey alone. Fortunately, however, Mr. I.attu met Mr. anil Mrs. M. II. Tracy, of New York, who are en route to San Fran cisco, and who wore delighted to have Utile Alfred accompany tlium, prom ising to tnko good ottre or lilin. Mr. Tracy Is president or the fore lull aud Coastwise Transportation company or New York. He and Mra. Tracy are kindly dlsKsed elderly people anil Alfrod waa pleased to ho their ehtim on the trip (o Oakland. Our ohooolaios ure Medford mailo. Tho Shaatn. tf Hatha 25c. Hotel Holland. A. C larael, a business man or San Kranclsco, la sojourning a day or ao In Medford. I)e Vflo buya hpor bottles. M. Lydell, of Tacoma. It looking over this part of (he valley today, while attending to bualneaa mattera. Gate sells Kord can, $200 down and I n month. J. M. Harrison and Jimmy Mason, representatives of the Bunaet route from San Francisco to Washington, p. C. are visitors today to Medford. IMg lo mllkahakea nt De Voo's. A. 8. Kosettbaum, ageut tor the Southern Pacific company In tbla city, let! laat night for Marsh field op official bualneaa for hla company. He will return on Thursday evening. P. T. liaulon. or Umery. South Da kota, who spent a week In Medford visiting relatives, left Mouday for Hillings, Montana, where he will vis it a few daya before returning home. Wealon Camera Shop tor rimt-eiaM kodak finishing and kodak supplies. Sandera. the all around painter. 23. 11. C. Kentnor, a traveling man whose home ta In this city, and who has been visiting here for a few daya. but wboae wife Is visiting In Port land, will leave tonight for that rlty to Join Mra Kentner Iu a t lett In the metropolis of the state The Star brand or typewriter rib boas are guaranteed to give TS.000 Impressions of the type "a" and "e" without ao clogging the type a to show on the paper. This la a pretty stiff warranty, but that la what the Webater company agree lo with Star ribbons. Sold by the Medford Print ing company. Now that we have corn clubs and pig itulm and other cluba of use fulness In the county among the young folks, it is suggested that we also ought to have a few sheep elubs. With lamb chops selling at the rate of flit a bundled pouuds and still r.xina up, It should pa to raise lamba. Inaure your auto tn the Alliance sealant theft, fire. C. Y. TeagwaW. Olympic flour l.l a saek, $6.60 a barrel. 1.. B. Urowu. tfpevlai Kmttajoltalk- -kr. Are belog held at the Free Moth odlat church, cor. 10th and Ivy. this week. Services every night e&eepttng Saturday, to begin at 7 30. 4 full and fre gospel will be preached, t'ome aud Join us In these services. I )v' UHADl.KY. Ppsjor. NQTICB PreotaeU Medford Notth Mate Md West Medford register new at the MaiU'rltune offuo. WKfipofMi r rr. tf.tpjm. ZfflT II MMIHN. Anrn IM An miii'toifc ment n- i- ned Hie udmir.i!li to day eofrohomting he irevioo unof ficial tafement that the Hriih wteamehi Xenl. nnk early thin month. wa torpedoed without warn ing. The xtatrmeul in aw follow : "The British eteuaner Kent, nnarm eeV wfa uak h u torpedo from a nabmarine April ." without aov wgrn ipe; whnterer. Hhr never nw the aubmarine. Nhc nab m a very few minutes and consequently forty-nine lie were loet." Regarding the Holland-American freighter Krmdjik, wliieh arrived at Kouthampton April 11 in n da ranged contlilioH, the ndmiiallv statement en ye": "The Dutch steamer Kemdjik waa torpedoed li.r an en era v eubmarine on April 7 while on n imeHage from lml timore to Rotterdam. She had the Dutch colore painted on lier aitlea in four different place and aleo carried a riaiil )aiu(ed nign at the foretnaat tieail, lier name uml port of register in large white letter on her Hides. Tho whip did nol Mink nml liaa been bench wl in Knglnnd. rareful oxom innlion liv exiwrtx hae Iteen made of frngmcntN of uteel nml hrniH which were found emltedded in Ihe ship, which ore undoubtedly (MirtionM of n torpedo, nml which have the name np- iienrnnce uh tlie found in other cum wherein Nliip hnve lieen tor liedoed hv fJermnn aubmnrine."4 EXPECT GALLANT TURKISH DEFENSE ON BLACK SEA PICTItOOItAD, April IS. Having occupied the strongly fortlflod Turk ish position on the left hank of the Ka Dure on tho Turkish lllnck sen coast, the Ituselan forces havo passed the last or a series or natural ob stacles along the const, the defensive advuntngea or which hail been madu the moat or by the Turks. Thus they have entered the Immediate a rim or the Treblzond fortification. The Itoaalnns now are separated from the oily or Trebliond by only sixteen mile of roadway, no part of which Ih conalderod capable of sus taining a iletenso, although, since tho fall ef Ifirserum. the Turka have un dertaken everything possible to per fect the defensive power or the Trett liond fortifications aud greatly In creased the garrison, which now Is said to contain three complete tllvls lona. Therefore, the word "Imminent" no longer la used here In predicting the occupation of Trebliond, and It Is realised that the city will be taken only after the hardest kind or a struggle, which Is likely to outclass In stubbornness and duration the one which resulted In the rail or H no rum. Tbe capture or the Kara Dere posi tion, whlrh neoeasltated the crossing of tbe swift stream, which Is partic ularly swollen and turbulent at this time ot the year, waa made possible by the fine assistance rendered gy Ike ttuaaian fleet. BELL DELIEVES FUNERAL FAKE (Coatlnued (cum page one) ulthoiitrh new ilipiitilic from den ernl l'crxking'N chiiip diidoel tlittt Aiuericuii titMtpn had nguin been fir ed uHn by t'nrrnnx.t troop. It waa iutimuted thut Ueuerni IVr hinK might have thought it nefeevnrv to i all the depaitmeiit's attention to the ilutilioii very fiillv nnd to uwatt further iiihlrui'tionx. It seemed prohnble that present operotioni ul the I't'ont ore of ii limited elm meter nnd would not be .extended without IlltllV lUtlti'lllllH. With Medford treat it- Meoioru made wa.:gjag. .-. as TOO lTl 'in t;issil'V. YYA.vrKD -X windmill aud tank. ddress J. A. M. tuie Mall Tribune FtJlXI -There has been returned to this offiee aa heir-loom bracelet, which waa advertised for. Owner please call for sauu-. i 0 I.OgT--Oa Sundg) afternoon between Meilrlde'a confectioner). Medford. and tlrunta Paaa. ladles' black handbag containing keys, letter ud dreesed to owner, toilet article, handkerchief, etc. Finder please notlf) Courier, llrapta Pass, aud receive reward. :.' ulp WANTJCDMaa and wife for ranch work, wife to do eookliiK Phoue ttiit-Jl. FOR SaMC - One IfSht orchard team, harneaa and wagon. Jersey tow. A-l Milwaukee mower, self dump McCarroack rake, angle hoPe cul O tivgtor. light two seated apring wagoa. canopy top buggy. Mr0l M. MiNunsei, Ciuti.il Point, I'bon. -N' DRPEDOED mm NOTICE uuvhuu. ri:tn iu I 10 BUR tne "t the lunreMt n rnblinfe eer B.itherl in thm cits ! heiir n teilit ich! -peech, hears the rttdrei f ex Menafor TheoeVre K. Hirt'n Mondav evttHng ai te Nntnf'rim. The xpeahef waa aeffermif from hoofee- neaa ao eevefe that it woe with great diffienlty that kw made himself die thvfly heard Jw half of the audiem-. Many left the amliteritim earff Hi Ihe evening oh that aeeennt. Thnt eondi tion alao eerved to worry the speaker in a maaner that rendered hit bent effort impoftnibUk To those who heard the nddresn. however, it waa dinwintiii;r. It whs a imrtiean apeet-h. The tenntor announced yeeterdav to reporter thiil hi" epeeehee henceforth during the campaign will be pnrtiun. The aenalor devoted neh time to criti ciim of PreeWanl WiUon's ndminin trnlion, after ilaelaring thnt the rc imliliean itarlr ia more enttniHiutic nnd confident in thi rnmimiun Ihnn it had lieen einee the c.ninntiirti of 1U0I. "Not a single demoerntie uil minietrntiou," declared the nenntor. "Iins eiiecceileil iUelf ninco the eiil wnr." Criticism Incouslfclont Sennlor llnrtoti'i nrrnigmaent of the preeent adminixt ration wm feeble, eoualduring the source from which it came, utd in mnv inatfrwo. itieoneiatlnt. IVir iiiftnacc, he se verely naHnilei l're-ident Vilon for rrfueiiur to reeogtiiie l'refidenJIn ertn of Mejdeo, who gnineil thai of flcinl place by Imteherv nnil u-isin-ntioti, nml then tell Mexico to -etth-it- own Iroublea; nnd, iu Ihe next hreuth, ho nlmo'at Uwirfullv lumenteil the fact that I bin administration bud not intervened in Mexico for the pro tection of Anioricun livea nnd prop erty. The senator naaniled the diplomatic departmeul of the present nibniuiH I rut ion ua weak and ignorou!, with out reference to the tragic condition nml extraordinary etubnrniMi.nientN nml reatrictiona under which they ure onniiellcil to aorve a neutul nulion (luring the muelatrom of biitcbcrv iu Kiirone. "Violated pledgee, broken propi ieex, Mieillntlon ami inxlnhility" were frequent chitrge muile nu'iiin-t the Wileon admiuiHtralion, with onlv here nnd (here a snjrfrmtion of hnin for Ihe charge. The charge thai the demoenitie ml ministmtion pmmiael a tvdiictoii m the higli coat of Ijving nnd hud l.ul.d Kliamefnlly lo produce it u- t.,; closely by a statement hhowmj; tli.it in pruHperout. tiiuea, when Ih - Niimption of Ntuidea nnd Iiimih.' i inereuard in volume bv r'iun ..i greater purchaalita; )wwer in the hands of the common people. -n. Ii a reduction ia an absolute imiM.ilMl ily." Senator liurtou believe thut n president mIioiiM bo elected for one term only, and intimaiel thut, nincv the demoerntie platform hud deelur ed tbnl it would bold W'iUou to the otie-tenii ideit ii nd had In i led to keep ita pledge, the repoMb-an imrtv next fall would redeem thut platform phe for it. The uddrehtf of Senntor limton wiih received with urv little entliuM;iin. A Hi UK I'lnsli or Orwloiy Kx-('ungre.iuuu ltalph I), fide t Ohio followed Ketmlor Hurton in .i reul, old fn hIiuukhI, rapid lire nut burt of p rotechnic cuiuimivuiii. telling of umuxing egperiemi' m lu life, both pi iv nte am publie. and . in eluding with u jterorution ,i ,;iii, gyrie fur Senntor Hurton. Mr. K. It. 1 lankt.v oddreN.i the HMMMiibbtge on behalf of woinuu' privilege uiul duty in the oxcnum-m of the counlrv ml paid . ulniu tribute to the manner iu luh t Ii, hinl ho fur tleiuouatrnted their nhilitx to work -hoiililcr to shoulder with men in the tn-k of giivuneed cmk... lion through political or-hh.iIimi, and the iiuunUiiaiice of ..i , in,. I M'ost.ly. AlturiitN tiu Xewlnitv nit i,.I,i, , , Sen.il.ir lt.iit..n m u brief talk .. leiniut: tlir i-mu. iinv the '.'iiiiiin of the - il.r ol the isemiiv. -i Hair Dyeing by a SHVI U.l.vr nt the MARINELLO HAIR SHOP 107 (lumett-fiaey lllib;. drn MADE nn r " i jioottka vjjyi TO QRfJBBSOaUP Also Cleaning. Pressinq and Alterrna LARGE AD NCE LISTENS roN ARRAIGN WILSON 128 E MAIN, UPSTAIRS l i' i nf the difmifiii"hed m-iI't. PfftAimt r. tH, Tbowtai of the Lincoln el'd predef, opening the j program fr Ihe eeninr in n digtti i fied peeeh ernieerwUhf Ihe eenaktte- j niton- ont of wlnVh fnvf ffrrrwn the! anpieifiii oermn ifgrllie WMen the. pei.tde of Medford mhtht tmhf die- j i uion of national iews He i af j national renown. j The mited nitnrtet contributed ! larvelr to the enfh!iiafti of the meet ing hv rendering evernl pntnotie number. Why flaanfce twt Ham- afhen Ia ftoadas ere Milt 1'a. - i' h; Another of Those High Standard Productions that' Are Winning Steady Patrons for the Page " T T f f y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y The Sensational Triangle Keystone Comedy k ik 14 H w I u U K wm I as ra m S And that splendidly staged, wonderfully dressed Ince rr-kHimrirkn ji uuuuuu featuring the three big stars Wiilard Mack Mary Boland and Frank Mills TONIGHT Last Time :! aaaaaaaA eeeieeeefiitur-UKua LtMUiriu iyiuiiuim fiututtt. The New Whole Wheat Food with ihe Delicious Flavor oriinaieclLilie KelloggToasiedComFiakeCa WEMgmm&ma on the table as a delicacy. KRUMBLES, the new Kellogg food with the delicious flavor, brings to you aU the nourishment of the wheat, with a full, rich flavor that you've never known before in a wheat food. The discovery of Krurnbles is en achievement of the Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake Co. It is the whole of the wheat, cooked, "krumbled," and delicately toasted by a special and exclusive method. Krurnbles haa a fit? sweetness of its own nnd the more you chew it, tho sweeter it tastes. In the WAXTITE package lOc Ihxj'k for this signature. ol? . j MAISZ ycT ' fl n I'M V if TALENT IRRIGATION Ii MAY 19 The Talent Irritation dlttflrt haa called aa election for May I, the same dsv as the atat primaries are held, for the organltatlon of Ihe dhv trlct aad the election of three direc tor aad a treasurer The ballots will read ' Irrigation District -Yea" or ' Irrigation riletrietNo " Those who faror the creation of the district will vole ye, these opposed no. The election will be held north of ' - ..Mill f tssst LEG The big 4 reel feature that laughter than any comedy rH MtM a ewMaaikSM iinelnii s- vw a e-i e - ?! jai l L he a A fi PAi F .M jL Jsu kJI f 4 OR ihe first time m the history of things to eat, the whole of the Wheat appears k. .-. nil- i UrZ'- " I lli :ir Ri i if "111 of the "nifil road ruaalng eiwi i- Ci: fftt a The aMfMl tail wfi Wjgll f.ill IP flhttfwealy fH Jflwiw. kM faa H f ITTf raf1 pi kfw lht row eiln sam money 1f ytrfj efh buv t Iba. tff sngar fee It t, MM 4ea4 of bog Aur lettuce for eenia: 'fwaMla f new potatoes for 2f rent's; X pownde of asparagus for i't enls; J ponnda new pean for 85 cents, ? Minchea of onions of radlehea for 2"- cnta: 1 ponnd of the vert bet onion aeta for 85 cents, with n frtte tirket to tho Paa-e. at Tout OroeeWT ux . f has created more heretofore shown of the Thin ,e ohi of Uie )IM1 IKi'leiily tngMl Mielaty iliwntes ever show n , :;,''il . ' i ,r fr Last Time TONIGHT e e- n e. e e ff dh .e e. eV nwM&jWvM"&ia?v ?:!&& r - a A abyss Eptoit Hi K t-j XaHsjJeJkL .' S&6tV- S-- -ju . n& &-..& gru40j sjr u&$ f3T1TnnF?S All Wheat Ready to Eat isiUMmmfuStr. v i r;;J7Ts IIXAIIX :nMvu&, "S! CO o 4' 'A 4 i I " V