Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 18, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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m nimof m 1 1 ii. it n 4
0 wmmwimmmmmmmmMmm4mmm muiiiiaf ft
tafjjjtaK MM
1JL 1
"O T"0 T T "TT7'
ium i mm n
Pnr! f tfh Y flf
fMi,r 1,1'Vy'1 y -!-
Attack With Strong Forces Results
in Gaining Some Ground Near the
Cl.auffour Wood 1688 Prisoners
Taken by Germans Totnl French
Captured in Verdun 3B.I55.
. .;. .;. .;. .. ,. .;. .;. .;. :
iinit(KJ.i). ,iiii in.
via lnidou, Ttchlnud, (lit
nio-i Itnptii tuni Tutl.I-li rll)'
on llu Illn-cU sen, luis been
uipttiivd ly the Ittt Inn-.
;. .;. ., ., .;. . : : :
PAWS, April 18. Alter six !'
ic-t while eHiMtie were made up
mxl Mock nf ammunition replenish
ed, the (lenuuns again have begun
concentrated attacks iinm dilfcreiit
jM'intu if the French delensis lit Ver
ilun. The fir-t iHiint selected wns tho
L' mie-iiiile section between the Mcitse
nixl Ooiiiiiiinnnt, winch form n Hiili
i nt that -crinu-Iv iniiedes the enemy.
Jt includes the tumoii Pepper lull.
Appmueltes to this lto-itUm nre
further enlilnded bv the Freneh but
teries on the west hunk of the Meuse,
mill it mii with the tiew to facilitate
operation- ngninst the salient tliut
the Geimiuis iiiinle their recent of
t'emite nu'iiiit CumietCH nnd leiul
Men's Hill. That having failed, they
now nre trying the effect of direct
wctrnig tactics, employing dense
nn es ot infnntry in small spaces,
I n I co tnr with little success. The
net result of their el fort hn heen
the gain of a small salient went of
liiiiinuiiioiit, which, the Freneh elaitn,
J- UMWOpW'lm'rt. -
1'ieucli Statement
PAWS, April 18. Freneh firl
line trenches in the Verdun region
we-t of the Meuse, from leJ Man'
lull to Oimicres, were bombarded
M-tenluv by the Oeniians. Kat of
tlif river relutie eahn pret ailed dur
in).' the night.
Yen te i day the nttuck Itctwccn
Douniiiiinnl nml the Meuse was verv
indent. The Herman forces includ
el troop from live different division-.
fast of the ( 'liau f four salient the
Ocr.nnn penetrated n front line
tieneh, but wen pnitlv ejected.
(ieiiniiii Statement
y ItERM.V. April I R. Freneh poJ-
ttor.i on BtreiiiDucn. tuu vara uutn
ot lUudremont farm, in tha Verdun
ifeijton were captured by the Oer
muui In their attack of eterday. the
war office announced today. The
(irnnaiu took priaoner 1818 un
bounded men. The total freneh
iiionera to date la given as 711 of
ficers and :u.K5 men.
pt The text of the statement foltewn:
' Western frent: Our artillerv ex
ten -lively bombarded Hritiah iiohIUohh
ta the region of 8t Klol. We eull.v
il'iii'd a weak hand grenade at
tack directed during the night agolnet
one of the mine craters we had u u
I ted. On both sides of Im Basse ca
nal and northwest of l.oos, spirited
band grenade fighting developed In
the region of Xeuvllel and near Beit
ralgne w exploded several mines
f with good results.
'On the battlefield on both sides of
the Mouse (Verdun region) there
weie ery violent artillery duels. On
the tight bank of the river our troops
from lower iaxon) wrested from the
Trench by storm positions on Btrein
lirucli istone quarry) 70o yards south
ot Haudremont farm and on the ridge
ot bills to the northwest of Phiomont
farm Kort-two officers, including
tbiee btaff officers, and 1(4 men.
were captured unwounded In addiuwu
to Hit) wounded men
. nl!K Vim. 1 I'" ' """I
Stal - Mi'i I iilii.ilinii 'ml i .111
luiinied .timtlur hiIuuh in the
wniie ut it- tuiploe, inn I'Uitinu to
per t-t ut, fttcctive Ma 1. Tbi-.
tolliiwp. u 10 ier cent nrtance mane
in I In ii. u v Itolh l..velhei- n .n
Consul Lotcher Fails to Verify Report
Garcia Still Sure of Its Truth
Cabinet Considers Situation, An
nouncing No Clinnnc in Policy
Pursuit Now Veers to Westward.
SAX ANTONIO. Tex.,'Aprtl IS.
Oetiernl Ikdl, refMirtinjt from Ml l'w
to General Fmifton, gnvo It a hi
opinion that after an thorough nn in
veitigntion a he eoitbl make, the n
jHrt of Villn'H denth hnd been manu
factured in .Inures. Conxul I.oteher,
who 4itiil lie had been in eommnnien
lion with Citsiliuiiaeliie. nUo linn fnil
wl to erily the report.
Still Itellou". lteHtt
F.r. PASO. April IS. i:plnining
the faith of Cnrrnnsit offieialn hete
in the repml tHnt Villn'a lioilv wa
found at San I'ntneieen Itorjn. ilei
eun CoiihuI (Inrein niiiil teday:
"Our belief in Villi' death i e
Mtrotitf a ever, and we expect ollieml
confirmation nn moment, heenne
we know the difliciilltc in tnni-MH-t
tit ion Hi I'md. It initut lie temembei
ed that the liod mut be carried oer
a rough mountain tiail of foitv mile
or ko, and doitblle rcfpiircn ilelieate
hnndliuir. F.erv one in the diMriet
aiouml Ctiei believe, the leport. The
lelegnipher at Sun Antonio told n be
would rttitke hii life oil it- Im my
Nti ('liMtine In I'olley
WASHIXnTON, Aptil IS Pi evi
dent WiNon nnd the cabinet went oet
the .Mexican Hituntion ngnin I till v at
the enbinet mtM'ttng todav and attci
wnrtl ii.wa aoootfwfed that them
wax n clwiHirq iu (lie situation nor in
the American government V imiIicx.
Oenernl Periling' n.Mtitou what
iM-eutred at Pitrrnl hove been Iran-.-milled
to Hpeeinl Agent Rodgew nt
Mexico Cilv to be comniiinicuted to
General ('arronxa oh n matter of in
formation. They nre at variance
with the ir-ion communicated to
Sccretnrv l.iun.inu by tho Mexican
embav here.
The depart moil t ha information
that Oenernl Carranxa will retnuin in
Mexico Citv ilv a dav or two longer.
Calilnel lteeH Chv
Secret urv Iteker laid before the
enbinet todnv long reiort4 from fien
I'ful Funton reviewing tho whole sit
uation on the border nnd iu Mexico.
From the Mate department, the
president and the cabinet received nn
outline of the diplomatic ttlepw taken
or contemplated muco the I'arransa
government urged the withdrawal of
American troow.
A decision to what course now
to pursue is to be ivnebed between
the niilitarv and dipbunntic opecti
of the sitnation.
Oenernl Kuuhton's dinatchex enme
lnt night and are the fullest diM-u--rmmi
ot bix problem be e hu sub
nutted. Thev contain no mention of
the reported death of Villa. That was
the only hint of their content Keere
tary linker would reeal. The ub
xtauee of the met..aes, the secretary
aid, was beond the realm of public
dicufeion at this time.
I'liCktilt ving' Wo-tHiinI
It i understood thai the refxirtH
show (ieueral l'erhing' men to be
south now of the farthest southern
point at which Villa's train has even
ludeiiniteiv been located. The pur
suit i- swinging we-tward into the
more mouutuinoii region.
Keneued siupiuu' aiountl I' I
wii-. imt npoiteil In the dei.illii lit,
(Continued on page two.)
VA.slHSTX. April la.-Pres
ident Wil-'M f "l- the -mate bill
mi-Imii.ii tin pi o in "I -'i. ii mi
I he tn i ' nut iP I'tJo tn i i I. n ii
to the i " i -'i (jt i i - 'i "' i
initelx tii i - i ii i
seiuit' ' ' '
! pre it i
I me llllli-iire were m m tiiuiii , .iijii
A ffi
Top, left lili; pnbll pail,
iiMbltcUiite iiKeil iu Ml(i.n itie;
Mali's lllens in liu-ln.s (u tl ( ijtj
XKW YORK. April IK. Wolfe
Von Igel, secretary for Frani Von
Papen, former military attaohe to the
German embassy, was arrested here
today in Captain Von Papen'a for
mer office after a fist tight with four
agents of the department of justice.
Vou lgel la (he fifth man indicted yes.
terday with Von Patten, charged with
conspiracy to blow up the Wetland
caiml. When the four agents of the
department of Justice entered his of
fices today he put up a right In which
he was assisted b) tieorge Von Skall,
an emiloe Von lgel. before he was
overpowered, succeeded In reaching
a safe in the far corner of the room,
bauglug the door shut and turning
the combination. He was not sub
dued, the federal agenta said, until
they pointed revolvers at him.
"Oo ahead and shoot." his raptors
reported him as sating "It will only
cause war between the United States
and Germany. You have no right
to invade this office. It Is German
territory. These are Russian meth
ods." Von lgel made a similar statement
when arraigned later before Justice
Howe. iJicklug a lawjer. he was
told by toe court that his arraign
ment would be postponed until later
when his plea that he had been illeg
ally arrested could be formally enter
ed. Von Igels asHlstant. Von Hkall. at
tempted durlan the pioieediiiB to
get Count Von Ueinsiorff. the (Jer
man ambassador .it lo-hliiKtoii, on
the telephone, hut failed
M)D(), iril Is Mulish lin
on tht south Miik ot the Tiijtli iu
Mesoiiotamia have '.- n foited back
b) the Turks for t di-mnie in some
plates from Sou to duo yards, aays
a official statement given out today
by tbe pri fa Imie.itl
Tllf Il O till OtfP I ll rtlllUIlt
IV -
I I. I I f t 11 -It I'" '
I , . I I. ' ' '
i i ' i
n' beiw lounlii .ilUO"1 w,rf" "'
in Ml on i' 1 Ii' ' .. Hi 1 ' 11 of
OHhMO.V TI'IM'W. WMfll. ! I'Mii
and the latliedial iu I'anal. top, rl
I'elou, left putt r (lie main street
Ktitln-r ami entei lain t i-it-.r-. Iielow,
speedy motor train enn.ving Oeiieinl
Mm J. Pemhing, exditionnrv com
mander together with his e-eott, mis
fired upon during a drive m ! nt
night from Siitewi to the wirele sta
tion nt Xamupiipu. according to re
jmrla received here.
No official continuation of Hie re
port could be obtained bv milittm au
thorities here, nor could it be leu men
whether the report wan based upon
I the attack upon Oenernl Pershiii ;'
mipplv train mi it- way to Knteo on
April' J 1.
According to the rewi1, Otneriil
I'ersliing wan on In- wuv to Niimi
(piiW to attend to the sending of de
tailed dispatches eoneerainff the en
gagement at I'orrul when Mexicen in
ambush near Pro nlencia oi ned fire
on the cow. There wei on'" about
ten sinners nil of liom fled when the
Americans returned their fire. Vrnic
of the Mexienn bullets tok I feet,
the leports said, and Genera t l'ei-li-ing
regarded the imnlent as trivial.
A dispatch feceiud from Jottep'i M.
McMullen a truck captain, said that
a truck truin due to arrive heie this
afternoon was hiinuiug tliirtv me
siek and woumltd men. Xo repocU
concerning the mm.ils were rewii'!
bf Major V It. Simple, eomin.'tud
unt, uud it -- n"t known here
whither tin n i "' AmericaiH t:
1 TIIKS, il Is The Liberal
iiMirninj: p.ipeih i umiiii'iit tit II '-i I to
i J v ou tlie aition of the polite dm
mi. the noting Sunday while the gov
rtimenl organ t mi the Maine on
the llherals. It i uunoiiured that
liberal meeting will be resumed al
itor Kaster, the lit" ral party ineau
j while taking aeiiou agant the po
I lice authorities (or allowing, It If
I alleged, the nietene at their meet
jinas of ugeiits whore otJet-t was to
I'limil.e r otoiif . v i nl-
I i iv ii in i . in ' t' i w it a of
'. .i ii .1 I i ii III I , ' t of
I i ! Hi Ii I "Vi-
I llxh f n speei h ax the fundamental
ri lit ut 1 1 . 1 ii ' 1- 1 1 I 1 l'i
d"SB3 I ll ff fflwuit i fetf
gl't ti of the flm -I building'- In the tit) showing the tiluli tjpe o(
of I'anal. 'the nuiiw points lo (lie nieiiiaii (lti' wtieie fulled
liKlii a lilal McUtnu inaikel staml.
I.ON'liON. A pul 1 Piemier A
iuitb will not make lint exacted
Mtntemeiit in the house of commons
on the recruiting imestiou today, ac
cording to an official announcement
made nt 12 Downing -I reel.
The )Htioueineut ot Premier A
ipiith's statement of tbe recruiting
question, which he had proiuiaod to
make iu the bouse of commons lliot
aftcinoon, was taken as uu indication
that tbe cabinet mmi-lci- were un
able to reach an agreeineut on this
subject, which has bi ought about the
most serious cii-is the prune minister
has had to meet in hi- eighth year as
bend of the gn eminent.
The deci-mn came ns a complete
surprise to those not Mithin the inner
circle, but it later truiigred thai
negotiation hud been in progress
during the night and early morning
with that end iu view.
He-ides (lie cabinet ncding, there
was u conference oi t'n- -tM'cinl com
inittee iipKintcd to u final ef
fort to blllig about a -olntion of (be
problem, but like the i .ihinct, it was
unable to reach an agreement and
a MMtMHiemeut ot the premier
statement became iiiipiiutnc uule-
un immediate break up of the coal
ition wan lo be tni'id.
The sH-eial conumltec cinlsted ot
I lav id I.IomI (icoigc, the uutilstcr of
munition-, who, putting nil liis old
principle- In hind linn h.i- enme out
-trungh tor iiniipiiUnis -ervice lor
nil men ot miiitui a.' . hnld Ma'-lnl
Karl Kitchenei, -tent ir lor war,
who iil-o tu ni- i iiii-i iipiinn , IK ucrul
Su William Hobclt-oii, ilii i- expect -til
to follow the cii'ii-' nt In- chiel ;
Wiiltt r J Inn i- I.oiik, pn -uleiit ot the
Iniiil L'luennneiit bouiil. ifpresenting
tin uuioiii-t incmbti- in tbe cabinet,
.nut Aithur Aiider-oii, pie-ident of
tlie I, ii. ml ot eiiuiMlion, who, like tli
liilioi p.iii1 , i- npp i ii in aiiN I Hither
I tl I. -t' t nt I HI p I1 n
osi wTiMiru:. Apui is -
'i'u 1 kii-h ol filial Matenifnt todu)
Irak front, The situation is un
changed. ...,,i-- - Uv, 0
'T'horuk and on our left wing them
' - 1 111 lil 111. 1 1 1 hi 1 111 tm
anuislics has been declared between
Chinese revel and President Yuan
Khi Kai and tieaee negotiations are
iu progresa, the state deimrtment has
boon officially informed.
Proininent lenders of both factions
nre endemoring to reunite the prov
inces. The American minister at Peking
aihised the deimrtment that Presi
dent Yiiiiu'tf agent in jmhicc negotia
tions is his former vice-president,
who resigned when Yuan promised
n monuiehy with himself as emeror.
Him former war minister nl-o has
agreed to aid in enee mrle-,
Tlie Cliinese legutiou also Mt'eived
dispalebes of the same nature, The
understanding is that one of the pro
visions of the anni-tiee slipulatea
that Yuan Shi Kai shall remain at
the head of the gin eminent nn4 that
the condition was made li -omc of
I tlie rdiel i hlcts lhelii-ili-.
PITTSItl HO. Aptil 1. Kiguiei
made public here today show that
.'tll,00(l,t0il Im- In. ii impropriated bv
industrial nn lor the con-
-tiuctiiio in tin I'nt-lnirg district of
' Im -pri'ilui t cuke ovins, while an ad
ditional In. unu, nop will likely be up
piopiniti il in the neai lot are.
With these piojcefs completed ail
tboritiei -ii v we-teui PeniisyU aiitn
will take a comriiaudiug sisition iu
the dw-lull- and cluiiiuul indti-tries
bee hi -e nt tin miIiu nt the b-prod-iii
I-, un nli nt In tin union!. icliue of
HO UK. liuil b, u.i I'ailii The
iiniteut cutheilial at Ainlria, near
Marl, was (liktru.d h lne today
The fire began iu Ibe renlilenie of
lite bishop, from which vlonsignor
skldl was rescued with difficulty.
Andriu In the t ilh tentury was the
!uorll. iciutiiiii of t'mpeiui I "red
I 1 I I 1 1 11 I M Will
fiilfi "shower rVMfttMHrr.
ilem Ml, .ifffl. IW7. Pr. .Oft.
WWWWaltiBHVWWWliritliW 4
VO. 23
Von Bernstorff Told by Lansing That
He Cannot Discuss Issue With Him
Note Is Final Word and Most
Viorotis Diplomatic Paper Yet
Sent Threatens Rupture.
;. .;. .;. .;. 4, 4. .j. . . . .j, . .j. .5, .;.
WASIIIXtno.V, Apill IH. -
I'lv-ltlent Wilson will go !
before congittss loiiiorroiv anil
lay tho cut lee (ierumn submit !
lino lne before ImiIIi bouses,
A bi-emk In diplomatic rela
tions Is said to Is' Imminent.
Tbe ptvsMcut already has
completed the innitniinlca
linn be will ilellxer to con-giu-s.
t'jt lo the ptvscnt It
luiil 1hhii IIioukIiI bo would
send bis commiiulcntlnii to
lleilln. It hus iUh'IiUhI, bow
eer, that the situation lias
bet mm -o serious as to i-c-ipiltv
initio din-tic steps.
, -
WASIIINdTON. April 13. Count
Von Hernstorff, thu Uurimin mnbas
snilor, called 011 Secretary Lansing
late this afteriinun ami wa told by
the secretary that lie oould not dis
cuss the Miihtunriiiu isstto with liim nt
this lime. It woanuonneud nftor
ward that the situation was tinulittng
rd and it was stated that thu dis
Hitch of the note to nertnniiy would
not be delayed because of tlio isit.
W'ASIIINOTON, April 18.Tlio
enbinet discussion of the mtbiuariiiii
eri-i. (minx rc-ufled in no distaHO in
i'ic -ttuation and it a- niiiiiiunui'd
that nothing had eomc up to prevont
tbe dispatch of the Anuuican imte to
(icitnnny, as planned, probably to
night or tomorrow.
Afier the cabinet meeting it wiih
learned that some Hiinta had not been
finally agreed upon, and it was un
derstood there might be some change
in the note's phraseology as drawn up
by President W'lUon yesterday. It
was said the points left open might be
closed ut uny time and the eommuui
cntion sent forward. Just what those
points are was not revealed.
The American goverautent's eom
muiiieutioit tn Germany designed as
the Inst work of this government m
the submarine controversy, is said to
be the most tigoroim diplomatic
imper President Wilson and Secre
tary lainsing eter have drafted. It
covers the activities of German sub
marines since the lAisitania affair
ami is intended to force the question
of a speedy settlement of the subma
rine issue bv making plain that only
an immediate change in Iterlin's pol
icy can prevent a rupture in' the
trieuill iclalion- between the two
count rn
SKATTl.K. Wash., April 18. Tle
Yakima ludians having promisetl to
obev the slate fi-h luwa hereafter if
grouted iwrmusiun to hold one great
fen-t next Saturday, State fish Com
missioner Hurwin yesterday teie
gi a 1 died to his deputv at North Vak
1111a, iiuthoriring the Indians to eatoli
all the -allium thev please for the big
lav. The Indians have insisted, per
sonallv and iu tbe courts, that their
treaties with the L'uited States gave
them unrest rieted fishing privilege.
They hate finally surrendered. For
Kiitunluy's carnival a gathering of
l.'itMJ Indians on the banks of the
Yukiiuu river near the Piooser daui
1- expected. Thousands of salmon
are iuiMiuniled Iielow the dam- It 1"
returned that the Indiuu- shull take
tin m with dip nets and not use spear
and club.
.UNDoN, Apnl 1. According to
a dispatch to Lloyds, the Uutaiau
bark ftchwatiden, which lit (ueeu
01 1., Sentland, Murch a for Mobile,
Ala . I1.1- linn totpediad and -unk by
1 in in 1 'in nun., Tlu i ri a mi-.
. -' 111 In- iilv .. O
-. I - - ! I 1
I tD
I..I. 1 1