fu.i r r i! r Mf r i i. ii f .f !( 'l;ri. i!,i '-' If! I 1 AVIATION COUPS CENSORED FOR LAX methods; I MfLUMWifil KKrf f.or-ft f'-Mirr. PHrE TlTLtH T 0 ftfUMt IAHK MUI I Oourt Mnrttol Sentence Agflln! Goodfcr Approved Brigadier Gen eral Sorlven, Chief sf Signal Serv- ' foe, ami Colonel Samuel fleber, Chief of Aviation Service, Censured mUWWOTO. April 17. ! 4Mt Wilton today approve the rao dmiNSMdntSomi of the seeretary ( war Imposing it MRtence ef reprimand on Lieutenant Colonel Ooedler ef the aviation sorvlee who recently 'm tried by eourt martial In eennetl with ehnrKM over thu eenduet ef the Sten DlttKO station. Kcritan Otwurwxl Soerelary linker announced that ho lind annwirod Hrigadior (lonoral Serlvon, chiof of the mjpinl oor, nml MeHtonant Polonol Siuntiol Rub or, obief of the aviation v.orjm, for itnpropriutioa in uiiHiioutioii with thu ariation gat-vino. Sooratary Dakar nlo announce! iiiHt Colonel Hc-bor hail boon roHovod from duty n olflof of thu aviation motion ntid tlmt the whole uelio.i of the management of army aviation wwild bo reviewed by a ootnmittM ol tfte general Maff. Cnplnin Mitchell of tho general Uff, will SIH'Caed ('olonwl N(mW Nil- (II tht geiwrnl tnff enmmitteo makon U nwowmemlntiona. OVimral Kcrivcn wan rewmnd "for III failnre eraonnllv l uprj lb: ilWiidittarrfeNtfirM of thu -ivialion H)Tm nilminUt ration." , Holier Is IViimuviI Cotwiul Ruber was censured for "diaroaMi!t to a co-ordinate branch of tilt government, failure to observe the restraint iiHHoil by law with re gttrd to the poroiino and pay of MOinhont of thu aviation section, Tor lack of biminoMi niolhodM witli rogatd to thu property of the government diatmrdud machines ami for failing in (hat degree of loyalty to bin npr lor officer which would have hi veil both Oonoml Serivon and hiiHlf ' from censure now involved ami thl brttiieh of tint nervine from the pub l!o doubt ami critieiaui whiuh but af touted it unfavorably." In his statement regarding llio pen- i BHro of (leneral Seriven and the otW offtoora, Secretary llaker deelaied: "It i clear that at least a Ml rt the orUieism which haa attach! to army aviation ia du to a failtirc to , rtwiito Uh .TtMtriiofWtal tt of I lie , Mt of flyiHK kHVHr-tHH-air ma-. utdatw adtfl to wiliUry wtm. Tb, Mppl failurtH) of aowe of ourj a.nwy iHaewinea arc ho! jtroatrtr t:.nn faHHnai iixriem,wl by iavwtor, iHlufaflHen and pilot ia oivil Jlfo." aik J2tm.. jMi iLWfam MET v jM "" l3HiW CANNERYMEN ii IE EW PROSPECTS I0VII I OR L ARGE PLANT jwralthv i-auautMuma fanll. 8nt an pncniHlantic poioiat and la cuttlnc to Bngtand to prepare for Marrard. l1c clnlea In the ani tlown touth. Wllllaau Ivarntd tnnla from aa m-1 There' Udnr Wanamaker, lfi port and aooa after hta rtnn roa to rear old. who aonaatlOHal playing the Davis Cap aauad. He met and at Plnehurat haa alread ilamped the defeated all, lacladlnc MeloaRhlln. ' Philadelphia youth aa a candldnte for bnt laat acanon waa beaten by Wl!- Ihr International four. The tame U (.Meno) oil youtliN, promlnrnt In world of A.Hr(M. Top n, left to rlRlit It. XoriN U'llllniiw, lemiU; Ilodney Wonnuuilicr, jtlci: Mn .MnrMon, Rolf; ( nlel Itrnlm, nolo rnt'liiK; Viiiront ,Utr, nvlntliiu; .Mar. Minll Field III., jh.Io; .lay (JmiiM. IcniiN. lly llaiidd Jolinvin How d th yoMng OonMa. Harrl mana, Wan maker, Helda, Aatora. KlelMbmana and aclona of other Mualthy famlllea utlllao their apare Hiomenu? AddlHK to the mllllona In the imrontal atrimg-hoxes? No, Judging; from the flauret they are eattlng In the aport world newadaya. Hoadlns the llat of younff million aire aport champion eome Jar flould, the railroad maanate. Jay pooa a rltampienahlp on the ten nlH court. With nil the trmalv aporta open to him he tome year aim doclilod on court ten ill and for two yearn practised with a private tutor at hnkewood. (lonld then went out and donned up In America, after whleli lie challenged awl defeated Georae I'. Covey, of ICnsland. the world' groatttat pro alar, aeven act out of tdeht. 11. .Korria William cornea of a Marshall Field III. of Chicago. Is ' " - . - Ham Johnston. He la now getting ready to regain hi honors. George Church Is another national tennis notable who'll never need to worry about the visit of the worlf. Oolf can aappljr Its share of mil- lolnalre competitors. Maxwell R. , most fearless pilot now appearing In Marslon heada the llat. He came'kpeed trial. i . (rue of Thomas Hitchcock, whore father Is a celebrated horseman. drover Hergdoll of Pblladelhla. not only races, hut builds his own automobiles. Caleb Bragg of Cali fornia, Is one of the yaungeet and II. t. Mathi'n. I'nnt nr lui rr f..i l.il.hv, MfSeil F.iih. tl... h.rj.-f iinnerv oiieem in the w rll. i- m Medford fodnv a" an advance nirent for two other repreenlalive b will arrive Tajomla lo unftey the field mi the inter! of the pHifnwition to ctahlmh large cannery in trrU val ley, film eompanv of ranner con tii mo fruit and vegetable" alike in it- nfocewefp, where the inducement ii oiiflieiefit. In thii eane it mnv limit the work of itx cannerv to the con sumption of pearH for the firnt enr. hut H in nndemtiNMl that it will fol low the plan of its work in many other prodncimjr eowMinnitie and in clude everything that i worth can I nina- in the lines of fruit nml ege j tabic rai-cd in thin valley. Mr. Matliixon U engaged today in i acipiiring official data eonccniniK the : acreage and age of fruit tree in the j valley. From tbeae figure the com limny may determine the tonnnne it ( will be posaiblt1 to obtain for it ctin , nery iH any given line of production, so rar a rmua nre coneerncii. t'o sihle eontraetn for vegetable prodiic. tion may be diUMNed with pronmient farmcri in thix district. l'hilip Itnnou, Kneral tnnnaKer of the liuMineaa of I.ibbv. Me .Veil ft Lib by, aceomimnied bv Mr. .Marrow, sup erintendent of their cannery plants in California, will arrive tomorrow to (extend the invest iirntiu into the po- irilit nf installiiiK a plant at Med ford tin- year for the con-uuiption nf I lie .ir crop. Her Home No Longer Childless Operation not Necessary af'.er j Talcing the Great Medicine I for Women. TODAY (. K ly I'M.Y" I'llll' I J-'i film lit-' MARGUERITE CLARK a e Kjr 1 liuiL e a WAT TIM A novel drania of enters I. IKK I'nlqiif BU-part I'arnmonnt SKclnl Production eOMINU TOMOHItOW I.iililn'x Smanhlnu lltg I'lay NATIONS PKUIL A V. L. S. K. 0-part Attraction VSiv333 U ViV'rv '-' 'r'' '''jr'y .j' fBSjsBowe'4me4s1aiwaiiiaaMsei EA5TER wm&?kt M to EASTER FLOWEKS PLANTS Take homo a LiltL -for Sartor Vi A w J I within a two-foot pntt of loading the national championship at Oetrolt last mimtaer. Then there's Henry Top ping, who waa recently presented I The aerial sport recently converted Vincent Astor an'dtthe young heir to the Astor million now awn two of the fastest hydroplanes In the United with a fioo.000 Fifth avenue man- States, which he delights to pilot at alo. He wont further la the It 1 4 Bagllsh ebsmptoashlp than either T ravers or Oulmct. The same year lie waa runner-ui for the Pranrh title at Boulle. bia Rblnecllff estate on the Hudaon Max Ptelachtnaa already I a lic ensed aviator and'one of the society pilot of the country. He ba hi own hangars and 'aeroplanes on th4 outskirts of Cincinnati. Illinill 1 1 1 1 1 Let sffBm.'nlaaVvi 1 1 1 1 H)n (lie (Jill on tlio Film fThern are only two sort of man, thoao who are constant In love ami thoae who are constantly In lo 10 CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY Tho following books have been added to the library during the week, by Rltt and purchase: Itcttea: Oolden House, ' (V. D. Wnraor.) Initials. (aHoraoas Taut phoouH. i Plaahers Mead IComplon Mackonale I Non-fiction Anstole France itlro I Care and Feeding of Children I Holt I i Five Plays (Lord Dunaany.) Jane Clegg. a play I Brvlae ) Mors Mod- era Monologues I Cooke. I Play ; i Sheridan. I Story of a Canada Mark- , le Field ) Universal Pronouncing ; Dictionary of Biography and Mythol ogy Lipplncott. I I'pion Letters Benson.) Javenlt. Alfred the Ureal (McKH lUm.) Ufa of Robert Loala itev- (Ovortoa.) HKATRICB. Neb, April - -In a revolver battle late tonight tmtwoen Policemen Trade and Wheeler, on on klde and Nelaon and Mtln Smith, lather and ann, on the other I he rider Smith ahot and killed COUMIlt S. M . April 17 It was lea r lieu today that e.enernl Pershing haa asked for more civilian coats, especially those familiar with the district aouth of Parral. ThU waa taken by military men here aa an Indication that the report of the finding of Villa' body had not hcen confirmed and tint the advanced rav atr detachment are pushing for ward. poKNlhl into Durango Miller's Falls, Maaa. "Doctors Fold hnd displacement very badly and I would Ji. vo to nnvo an operation. I had a serenes in both sides and a pulling sensation in my right side. I could not do much wcrlc the pain was so bad. I was also troubled withirrcgularityand other weaknesses. My blood was poor. Wo had been mar ried four years end had no children. After usInpLydia E. rinkham's Veg etable Compound nml Blood Purifier I liecame well and strone and was saved from the operation. We are now Uk parents of a big baby girl and I pralao your remedies to other and give you itermhuioti to publish my letter. "- Mrs. osehi Gl'li.HAiI.T, Jk., II ridge Street, , Millar's Falls, Maas. ! Lj-dla E. Pinkhnm Vegetable Com pound is famous for restoring women to normal health and strength. When this is done wives no longer despair of having children. A irnmnn slioulil lie. roluctnnt to .submit to h Hiirglcnl opcintlon until. slioliiiit;lvin JiVilia IMMnk linm'ti Vcgotaliln C'oinpouiitl n fair trial. If you liavououMcthat iiecils Micdnl advice, wrlto tho I.jilla K. IMiihhani iMedUlno t'o. fcoiilldi'iitlali, Lynn, Mum, It Is ireo and always helpful. Wo have a sppcially fine line of Flow er for Mister, iiH'luriin";: LILLIES in pots or cut flowers. CARNATIONS, SWEET PEAS, LIL- IES OF THE VALLEY, ROSES. Also other appropriate flowers for the oeeasion. Got Your Order in Early. ' PIERCE The Florist (Jreonhouse, 1 ()().") K. Main. Phone 371. Downtown Store, Heath's Drug Store. Phone KM ttXllllllll .A....... ; I4 ! wwwwwwwwwwwwww-ww-w y t ? ? Y ? V V V r ? T ? ? ? ? Y Y Y SENATOR Will Address a Republican Meeting in Under Auspices of Lincoln Club M I At i Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v NATATORIUM, April 17, k' l edford at 8 O'Clock COME AND HEAR THE LIVE ISSUES DISCUSSED AND HEAR THE SPLENDID L H H T aft. i Ba Mf -l V I K I i BY MIXED TTE Y &K QUARTE f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y j