o o O -ffiofl ftff Mn-rof-n Mir, n-mr.vf:. MKirronD. ohm(;n. n.TUsi-AV. apiml 10. into IMEAf iMffl CHASE OF VILLA; MONDAY NIGHT, HIM IF R if ION SHIP MB IN OIK l (he I nltr-'f tl Jf ffmmfr SMW fllfff rtt MllliU f twm Tlr WIM rW MIIMVIH ' TV wmm nrnw itw wwj " .-,. , ,,. mniif. . .. -4.. .A . ... .-..4. --t u. . .a... Ajifti A dlf... '""" kM Um trmnn ni rniiwm rwm xn im rmrmrj rimnmw whit fnt mirr? rinn in" mm ( fMm f,gH "msrwn wp- tHr tmmtfimm fM wm fni! nmniiw eft ww fur rf f w ' ri,M,! !"!LM( ' n-rmanv flOtmgtf' ft second 111 rof. ' irinMnf hnf the f ("i( ntt hf i i'f. iif veaf and made Franc .".fi'i i'h reeofftt ! than one f-MirUt ,T iMfffff to Americas pttr- ! anumnf Mf mttmt Atnn m lb MtftM ftM fmtiot nf egpffg ewwmpfi"" The fff4 Ufafe rank third In the I'nifM rfltfe inillM ""' drinking lh h fnffed KIM- rftl pfmnrt. and emt '" dnm first end RuM erond On" fhird piind fnHflh nt all fhn pmki n nt.mnt In Thf( 'niifth of lb COM rn" MffM MifMrr M M IM ! JWJW" ' "" Am.flM fgfWflf, ...... m ....if jiMMMtnflnn In aW rm i "" " . rppiitilU IMdlt H cmtritr"! i f i f men f in !nl"l Etatc flaatHfe Panoats Druu 0wrfofo Pwilitafi Ftepofts on neHlInn of Dully Life of SolUtcr. fi PHnltlvc Expedition In Mextio Gold Surprises. PIERBHIXa'S CAMI' AT THK PWOJfT IK MEXICO, April 10, ky wtoier nni MropliH to CotmatniM, X. 24., AprH 14. WkfU thn Awric Uwp onll Mni!n' lrnKtor,' ww m6mk tha riz4M rttHniI nfir (Iw Omrrero finht, it wn ItMrnril lo (toy frwn mon of the Soventh cavalry who imrtitrtmtml in that hattio. Ttto dntttstoro wan a mck mule lontlol mill (iHiti eapnlefi, Htitiflofitievj hiii! lMH(!ajH. In Hihlitiun the initio r.ir rfl a quantity of enffon whieh the AmerieaM gnneirforuil of NuhI im jKrtHtioe with drug in mainUiiii'cjt wimwifniK. One of the unriiMi of thin cam iMfftt, iyBordiii(j to llrixiuliui' Oenornl J. .1. I'arahinic, domiuaiiiliiifc (lie exv Hti has lieen the offot'tlvonuni of HMlomohilea in raountain ami dtmirU, lrttth of wliieli wore ffewniitKb' immm l)le t HHythiHic but mon or four foot. W HlliHIHlb. "Tho ant(inM)l)ilo have ilonn work which astonialitHl me," vaiii the kiii ornl. "Tliey have travurautl roHtln whloli luoiHod itnimiMwhle. Thoy iiavo olimlitHl Iiill whero tho roekn nlone Mppoarml aliarp onmiuli to cut the (jrt ami tumuli llm ruiiiiiiiK iHr; Ijioy hnvo gfino thnitiKh onnyoiiH whoro a goat nuKlit liositatn. Tim HiitomohilM Iihvo iiihiIo fHMtor rc rM than any hntiii'li of tho ftorvicc n.ci)t our aoroplHiiw. Without tlittui 1 (lwil)t whother our cavalry 'ouhl (mivo troiilcHl it Iihm doiio mnro tJidn '100 milt'n into Moxieo in lo ihMH three VeokM. Tho autoinohilo trHHka Iiavo liroimlit 1'mk1 for men am) honitM, not only to alvHiictl litUHw hut to MintH beyond tho hawa, iiiffieiuutly olonu to the eol mHii to eitolile tliem to Mend Imck for NtJle without loiinK the advuiitage of ttwir early fori'Ml umrehe. HAutHnohil likwwitMi lrav 1khii of vrHt vnIim (4i (he ataff offieera. Thty hava (Hiverl trail whre noth ing exMnt a hopM) or man aver 1m fora travalwl, at tbt rattt of 100 inilen a day. They were "urtri.uiirl,v few Mcrklonla to cam. Wlien the wire low would Hot work, due to utatie evwliUona, and when hurrieaiieH ket tint MeruplMHen laiihel to the roud, the autotnoldle have bridged the gap, Making p4Mihle co-ordination of ef fort between the varioMK tMiuutwrnU ever a Jong front. When HUtking long ridea througa diatrkta weere attaek might It e. )oatetl, the MMtomuhde traveled in mwmU group, with gwarda in oaeh. With their mobility the automobile patil an ronnidered here a very ffaoiire figfatiMg rrtMtpa in emergen fit. Ko liver or dit-h eneoiinterwl kM nroved a romplcle oUtarle to the Kireao of then- machmnk, either the t ataff aulomobiktg or the MKM) pound truck. The driven pick out a aballow looking 4ace and go into Um water with a ruh which unuallv Ukoa the car acruk by U monwn Ug. When one car or one truck get lock in Um mud too other pull it Hi with rupee. "Tho wild ganx of that region ha not Warned to tear the machutee, turn which one or two deer have bora hot. Drove of wild turkc, ffawko of quail, coyote, a few wolvee and mi Mnallrr aniuale have wr intttod machine to approach them aloaoly. The bt-ani alone have kept ot of ight. "The men at tin. cauip hate been JMiny into the ground tur heller ngarniil the cold at night. Tent- have not y Nwched here, the ruah to get food forward to the column now najproaobing the toutbeni part of Chi hanhua in punuit of Villa having crowded U oihir freight off from Um nntotnonUe truvka. Tbe Mnl oldier'i; nhtlter i a bod duo; to a depth ot u incbc uh Maali treneh around a fur a wind bionk. The dirt at the but ion of the troock pulvoriiod for cvmt'ort. A rj' of the men hero, boa ever, bate dug tbcateelve veritable grave, mi foot long and no wider than a oof- fin. li the butt out of the rectaugular obi tbey alorp at jtight with a blanket bud owu the top to cover it, fXoopt a w-uih hoW for teunlaliou. MAt noon the temperature i IMI, ky oarty morning the creck here are tpMuUly froaea. o Hliurpria i espreKMd bv the mci P Ittl Ooid. Cjit of tltt-ai thought dJ( Vt& Madidf; tor Bono t-li iMVe 4ngt)b cVo Ui hitN. Wluo cine tiPttre,! Wtioj" J lg ' ' '- and cn- bliktt-ii in the h. nnt f Theodore K. Hitrlon wtll 1 arrive m Aelrntwd Mottdav evening on Sttfinly at i ,riuri M ni m be gtven rec,i. lion nt the otnltofi. He will make a abort talk fbefe and will arrive in Medford nt 7:0S p. m. He will be accompanied by hi private aeeretary only and will go immediately lo the Med ford hotel, where the member of the Mnekeye elan and, all other who deire lo are reqneMed to meet the senator prior to 8 p. m. The Itnekeye club member and all other Ohioan who detdre, will occupv eat on the platform at the Xalatorium. The meeting i under the direction of the IJimsomi elnb and C. M. Thoma the prenident, will pftwkie. On New bury will introduce the speaker. There will bn eventl gowl muicl neleetion rtmdered by a mixed quar tet. Iridic vpeeially arc invited a Ihia i tho flret year they will have a chance to vote for pnwidnnt and they should ce and hoar thin Ohio candi date for the preaidential nomination. The meeting will begin at 8 p. m. aharp. 0. C. HorUinovi'r of Portland, Manager of the Hurton campahtn in Oregon, and hi accretary, Kdcar Winter, arrival in Med fori 1 Friday evening and will meet Senator Hur ton here Monday. The jmrtv leave Tuendev morn ing for the north. SO. OREGON UN'S NBW fOfllC. April -i rcderal Invaatltntor httf marte IHtle prs- grana Hi their attempt lo dtarover the MwrtHjr ef the men who financed and dtrtetod the wfteged fir bomb 1 evMptrncr to deatroy munition j blpe. Agent of the department of Juatlre aaid iodny that the vtem of lb (Itrmnn agent alleged to be In folvfd la doatruetlva acta In thla conn try la ao perfect that none of tho ring leader are dlnelosed. "Tbote who have a comprehenMv knowledge of aoch an undertaking are hlnh ctnea men who will neither confoM nor betray a atnglo secret.' aalil CnptalM H'llllam M. Off ley of the department. "The men wh have ronfeaeed are not entrusted with Important aeereta. Per that rooeon the tx eonfeatona we have obtained are of little value In going higher." The whereabout of l)r Walter T Reheele, the chemlet who conducted the fertiliser rectory In lloboken. where It la charged the bomb were filled with explosive. hs not been aaccrtalneil by the authorltle Ills wife, who live In llogofa, X. J . aaid he hod gone on a two weeks trip Into the mining region of Pennsylvania. Federal Investigators re examlnlnK the banking aecoun(a"V)f Dr Scheele In the hope of dlecoverlnn the source whence lie obtained the JlOunO check to finance the operation of tho fnctorv. The Women' Preulo terlal society of Southern Oregon will hold their annual inetUliK WtHlnoadny, April 19. at 0:30 a. in. In tho I'roahyterlan church. DoloRHto from Itosolnirg. Suther lln, (lleudale, Klamath l'lls and the Itoguo river valley will he proeeuted. Tho loadiiiK speakera are .Mrs. M. J. Olhleraleevo of the New York Hoard and Mrs. K. V. deary. North Pacific hoard. In tho morning report of committee will be given. Also a plsylette by the Medford society, "Our Tools," Ashland society; ad- ilree. "Momionlstti," Mr M. J. Nor rls; (Julet hour. Mr. Mary I). Fin ger. At 1:30 devotional. Mr. Thark rah: a Mowenger from North Pm- clflc ItoNrd. Mr. K. P. deary; Meth ad Hour, Mr. M. J. nilderlecte, New York City; Instrumental solo, "The l.t Hope," Mia Ituth Y.u , ner; addree. 'Chill," Mr. Frank Oloeckner, In costume. I At 7:19 p. m. Joint meeting uii ' I'reabytery. Addroaa. "Our Field Work." Mic M. J. nildereleeve. j ,l,unch will be erved at noon nu In the evening dinner. Koch l r- ! queated to bring one doien t.m.t , wlrhe. Th Preoby terlal officer are Pi . (dent, Mra. W. F ghlelds, tcv Vx, Idnnt, Mra. W. W. Thackrah. Kofi burg, vlee president, Mra. II. S I'm cott, Oranta Paa. secretarv, Mr- i Hatfield, Central Point; rorrcioni Ing secretary, Mra. ('. It. I.amkm Ashland: secretary literature. Mrs K. X. Warner, Medford; serrctan young people's work, Mra. M .1 Mer rill. Uranta Pa: mission stud). Mr. B. Palmer. Central Point, treasurer, Mrs. W. D. Vater. Otants Pass. SHIP ERICA! 40 PERCENT OF COFFEE OUTPUT WASHINGTON. Apill 11 - The AmiH'Iran people lon known a the world's coffee drinkers actually enn sumo forty percent of the amount sold In the International markets, ac cording to the flgurea announced by the bureau of forelan and domestic If Micfp were bftfef pir-tim-A imMfe fli.r Wffukl bo w'tfi at the SfrAH. gWHfc RE THEJJ-fcR6wr3 GQ5 jrtiiivH nbowif hrrf nr ruiiivrly ffmrwnivv( to ho the .Kt oWnlnnWr--i'ifnr iiihI Im- ronvim'p'l. TODAY EVERYBODY LAUGHS TODAY CHAPLIN GIDDY, GAY AND TICKLISH THE OVAL DIAMOND (SID Charlie's Brother) in The biff Mutual lnnater jti'tiii'c; kmiuihc (iiini'tci' show fur 5 niul 10. in six parts. A show um can't afford to niis.s. COMING TOMORROW Florence Reed in the extraordinary fivp-nrt Gold booster play, "AT BAY." This is guaranteed to he the best (Jold booster jjlny ever seen at the .STAIJ. MONDAY Daintv Marguerite Clark, one of the highest salaried motion pieture stars i! J 5 mS ' V?S' ft"d admired by millions, will be scon in the unique five-part Paramount production, "STILL WATERb. TUESDAY Lubin's smashing big plav, "NATION'S PERIL." A five-part military subject. You will find the program for the entire week to be unusually good. There are other pictures, but none to compare with those seen at the STAR. We give no free tickets, as our show is always worth your time and money. ;.m;;o BE SURE TO HEAR V V V T f ? ? V t ? ? t t V t V Y Y Y Y SENATORT. E. BURTON Republican Presidential Candidate, at Nat.-Monday, April 17 AT 8 P. M. SHARP Come and hear the issues of the day discussed by the live-wire Republican Senator from Ohio. LADIES SPECIALLY INVITED aaa AAAAAAAA4kkAAAAA MXKXKXKKKKKKMXH:H:i5wTH A. " t Y Y Y Y Y Y f t t Y Y Y f Y Y Y ;.m;;;;; (? OteihH4l ICMotw SurprlH I'lHiined Hit right down now. and phone m-J tin Overland agency ). aa "Come on around here no, and show us tthat you've been blowing about, you're boon saying that the Overland la the beet buy In A merit I am going to buy my fsiulU a car and tho beat for the least Is ht I am sfter." nay this, or drop don on the sly If you want to surprl 'em. and we'll have a heart to heart talk, dope things out and pull off tb big surprise together The Overland homo Is at 39 U Urape. and the care are there big and lilt I ' , I HIM'ls t . SMI I II CUllty .SIH'l'iUt'Mllt'U of ScImhiN. A unherlt graduate, hold Ore- itou life irrtifirale; spt f Talent chools to ears. supi of .l.t.khou- llle kcIukiU for the pact tlir,r ear Head ' ollltcal aiiuoiiin'cineut (I'al.l Ath i CaV f dflHH het ainl nlk'Mi IJ-i ( tw i.ntli, iK',',,1.1.. i - I lilil l.lllll.l ill -l I I II..HU 't Jjil U !l'l, UK .. I ' AlletitbiH HM' irf IJtMer Str Monday evening April l'th there III be a Siecial meeting of Keamcs Chapter In Maoonlr Holl at 8 o clock sharp for the purpose of receiving the official visit of the Worlh lirand Matron, Mary K llouck ot Kosebura The orthv matron reoueets the at tendance of all members of the order MRS 1,1'l.f J WITTK. Sec NOTK'II C ViwIneU Medford Noitb Main and West Medford roglator M; at tto 4JIMVlbui otttfa thiO '! leer about -At ooi - tiruied. and diajbrd- ' of t VELVET ICE CREAM Itlilt. Sllll'i-lll HOl IVIlt toil FOR EASTER t II WMUI wMlto'lMHH t'Vtnt. HHll I clf( I iv i fciii t wImi you MMHl. ' IStt up in iiU ilul lutdtl lu-1 mIIm Mil. lbM, loiiMltoH. Iti. Ik Mtol 1'letM Uv t Yearn UK.MirbituoH n.vbsv m rri.it i. ecHcd bj m tHltec. on iv fur m4- itv, THE DAIRY itrrKi0ri. tfu i at m it tf If iy 'Y IV Y '? Y T Y Y '? '? Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y t Y t f - J 4 HI. I In . ' III.' I, .fill -o rr Eledric Pumping and Irrigation lileelrieity aff(rds the simplest and mot ctmvcnieiit nwii' for pumping: for irrigittiou, ami jjlants jiroperly inslalled can bo xiui more econouneally. nil things considered, than in miy other way. Tlio qiutntity of water required vrtHes with ihe soil, and for crops iu this locality, from oie acre foot (12 acre inches) to one and one-half aore. feet ( IS aere incite) in the senaon js eomidered ml fieipnt. Kcouoniical intiUlUitiuu nnd omu'Htion or pumping plants are best secured by small units, ojieratiug 21 hours per day, pumping into suitable reservoirs, so as to irrigate under large head S to 13 hours per tiny a i 7o will ho glad to supply estimates of i.c and cost of pumping complete. California -Oregon Power Company 216 West Main Street I'hone KB MEIU-'OUD, OREGON ' A.' Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y o O o o o O jf " I'll.. n. IM !J.' I ... m..,,: : : :: m 1 '''TTTTT