o. iu P;i Tor f wumuv Mir; 'rf.'Jf.t vr. Mi rmTr, i i i n mmuui) Mut.'iMnvm -gat ttltMrr.H)'nri r mr.nnPM Tfmnnuf rnlkTimi en B.i nw.mnpArnn wm Mall Trihun NiilMlna IMM If lft. telaphnne fa. frig MflffMd Time. Trtran. Trio BMMft- see ratio Oraffofian, The AaamM Trtone. SPRAY WARNNB tt SSUED BLGHT StfUBtfRIPTlOJ JSATJIg Mr. ar mm . iiiwTn( dt man . ..... . M, fiivra ay earner ta mrC Phnanl. Ja)if)1IU Central petal at eeir. by mull, par rear... if, far tear . & "H ! wmt HMVM, i. jiff. Ieer of th ( il Paper or Js a M nveottaVe CHr of Medlem sckeen Ceaittr. elaaa matter Hi . - --:- --; i-ra -i- oregen, enter im mi ar xi DANGERS AHEAD Hwam OlrtmlalKM far 1H, .181. st ran tab fMri wire AhmIM I'reas dls- . Subscribers falling to re col vo papers promptly, phono Circulation Manager at 260-11 SEEK TUNGSTEN ORE THRU WEST, PC E IS HIGH I'roipwtltiK for tungsten ore linn became Hit Interesting search for Itltl don fortunot In many parta of tlio W(t. Tito dlsoovory of elmollto umr Gold HIM Imi kIvoii now Impotus (o tits (umt In thin rnglau. Tlio volns fount! nro being followed Into the Herdlne orook oountry, whllo soaroh for aheollto Is bolng wade In overy district of tiny notH In tli la part of tint lonthorn Oregon territory. The moat wxtmislve flmli, ho far, nppoitr to bo In .N'ovndu, whore sourcli for tiingstun tins boon pursued by those who know more about It than tlio avarage minor for noli and morn cansernlrig the formations In which II ta found tliun do the gold miners of till region. in "U'hlto Pine county, Nov., ono minor Iihh a tungstou proporty that ylalila ovnr l!0 percent of vnlnoa from a litiltuerlte ore. Tli at proipoot In probably tlio Ittrgeat producer In tlio Onltfiil Stiito. Tim main velu Id from IS to SO Inches wMh and trnoenblo (In tilt) aurfuce for 3000 feet. There art several other veins from two to five feat wide. Korty miles from that liroapeet the Doyle Allnlug company lul baea openttlnn n iiiIiih tlm oro of wlileh ylalla' a 40 prnt product; anil 10 nillw from that inlnu thu V. . TnHatn eotnimny haa bu opar a ting a tHHjiataii mine for ttuuitha yMtk ylrtWa a 60 poreent ooncan tlKl. In another location in that (HMtMty the Mllllck bruthira rcntly pHXtlod tnt X2b iMtuuda of cuiicm trataa from old diunpa that aaaay 00 (tetMHt ami waa worth $C00. That attW (rum the pan In four day la cer tnlnl a big yield. The ConaolldalHtl Tungaten Mtuea OoiMrKUiy baa been ornatilxml with a capital atook of half a million dol lar to develop SO claims. Other or MHHlMUta are being effected In var I9M parte of that great ilUtrlct for mlHliig tungaten. ,rj. V. I.llJcgraM. the local aaaay or ami meUllurglat. nfwra to the oxtra otMry Mtlvtty In tuugateu nilnlHg In Nevada merely to abow that the Mftrek for that precloua metal la be eomlNg Mrnit and general and that miners are engor to learn the nature of Ue fornulktu In which It U found and the proceaaea of tullllug It. The bollef In wldeutog that II may be found In aeuthern Oregon, as In Ne vada, In abundance and old minora would not be surprised If seueatltHial strikes should be reported In this region. AI THE PAGE I0DAY The l of the all -lur motion ic tgw iuiM uruvftl to ioiiinU' Midi i h fluuilur ull-otur i'um of tin- aMakiiiK s)ga. Oue of tin tin-t m-rit'n und imtitouut't-tl a kiigi -.iu-w'kh im "li'tttty the Hruadenv Sturs,'' the Tri- -Kytogt vouwHiy hnh oK'iitl ut (JM I'ggf theater vcttruu.r and n peattxt again Um1u. Thin esUwunliuarv romedy tVuturi'M ItoMcnt AHiiu'kle und ititrMluc HMriy all the ItfrittimiU' und moiu laWtMrr tdt now at thti tuuioiu Tri rfUftr 1jUo, iimltidiiii; Muck Kimi rsct, Willis m (oUici, Wth-r und i'WJj, rinm lleniard. Ford Kwr Jia.w n'fil jll Ht. J"liii-, which i u dc-i-iJ.d uiivoity for the I'uge theater jiutrons. Tk other picture plav on the Tri nnjrle bill, "Joidim 1- a llnrj Hoatl," ie g Qritftlh etim uf Kir flilbert I'flrker fwuoiw uol of (be t'aiuid ia northwent. ntw&w ni U itt 0Hr., Bt ('. C f'ATK. The time i now at hand whfn it ia darned gdviaablf to mnki a few Hnrar reootnmendationa. Ifegaae of the many enrietiea of apple ftA4 lieart and Ike different stages of de vcloimient in the variona narta of (he valley it ia verr difficult to give KPiicral recominendatioiia. No e.xat lime can he aet for any aprny for a jriven variety. Jt mar hit Merif-jnl, hut miaa outlying districts. I'KAK.H One point I wish to make clenr at thia time. In the Mat the ao-callml calyx spray of the par haa generally bmm aiiplicd about n month after tlio petnla had fallen, no spray having been nnplifrf iininedintoly aft er the fall of the petals, corro NMiiiling lo the ealyx spray of tlio apple. At this time the young fmit is exposed and unprotected and sub ject In at tacks by soab spores which are now found. Youn pour and lenvoK examined under (lie microscope. in the laboratory allowed ntlncks by the nchIi spores. For this reason sue.Ii varieties as Winter Nells, Hartlott and Howe, whieh are very misroptiblo to senh, siioiild be sprayed at thia time. In order to effectually control tlio si'iib it is oNsentinl to spray with Ume-siilphur l-!l.ri or 1-10 its aooh as thu miIhIs Iirvu fallen. If tliore is reason to believe Hint the aphis will become prevalent nicotine mil ihato (Hie pint to JfiO gttllona should be lidded. It ia not necessary to npply tlm arseiiHte of lend at this lime unless you opeet ilamngH from miy of (ho followiiur iiihim'Is before (ho regular time for applying the arsenate ot lend: I 'ear slugs, plum uuretilio, bud moth larvae, climbing out worms, greou fruit worms and caterpillars. It is not to be inferred that all these Hosts are to bo found in any one local. ily, however, one or more mnv bo present especially in neglected or chards. In leu lo fourteen days anolliei lime-sulpliiir spray should ho applied for lite senb. In four to five weekrt will follow another spray which will be the first codling moth spray and will also have limo-aulphiir added foi the scab. A1MM.KS For the apples the calyx spra. ia applied after the petals have fitlleu and before the ealyx lobes have closed. The objoel of thia spray in to fill (he ealyx enps with a poison in order to prevent codling moth larvae entering through the ealyx end. If the ealyx lobes have closed the spray is completely shut out, leaving this means of entrance unpro tected throughout the whole summer. Itefore nil the petuls lmve fallen make frequent examinations of the young fruit to determine whether or not the ealyx ia closing. It may often he found necessary to spray before the IHitals have all fallen. Arsenate of lead 1-100 should he applied. On Newtowns especially and any other varieties susceptible to scab lime-sulphur l-.'tfi should also he added at this time. On such va rieties as Spits and Innnthnna the liuie-Hiil4iur ean be omitted. When deemed advisable tub) nicotine sul phur for the control of a4iix. The trees have considerable foliage at this time nnd in order to iusuie the spray reaching the enlx cup a pressure of at least 2M) Hiuuds should be maintained at nil times. Make frequent examinations of the fruit clusters to determine whether or uot the calyces are filled. Do not be satisfied with anything short of a firtolaee id. New infections of blight have been found this week on jwara ami apples. It will be wise to wuleh entrfullv Tor new infections at this time. Orowet'N who are interested in scab control might be benefited by see ing the spores of the scab fungus that are exhibited at the office. A announced before the new bul letin on orchard spraying in Ore iron is just off the press and mnv be obtained by uddressiiig the Kteu moii Service, Oregon Agricultural t'o! leu, Cnrxallie, Oregon. It should be in the hands of every up to date fruit grower. Where linie-aii!ttiur cannot he ob tallied atomic Milphur eun be substi tuted. l'e the utomie ut the rale ol 1J HumU to I till gulloiiri. Keep (he -olutioii ihoroiiihlv agitated at .ill tlUlCh. At tin ar-giag n .siiaisasie. Churches mG&L4B4tmtt9-'4 ! Wwinirtni PTeei Melifte 'fcPlfl tfor toih nH lr t aaday arhool io a at rVaftehfM 1 1 s m. Praawklag 7:3" p m .Wkl-k graytr aiaattag Tkinra day ?:! a. m. Came aad wekeaia. j. c. nKxm.tr, Hit. Otlwllo f8tilh Oak dale atattHe) Tlrat maaa Snnoaf at I a, m. aaoml maaa at 10:40 a, m. tllaaalNg and dlatrnbutfen ef palms befers aeeead maaa. ISvenlng service at 7:30 p, in. ItBV. JOHN POWRItB, Itetr. . ' l ! nr,. It, r . i f.f d ih ratlrv" i ii ' foreed info HotaNimedatttsrri .- atmturr, Npaeial mwlk ft the maM itatirt : p. m. fMffg TpW servlra fall ot Mtm mm entaoaftMtn. 7:SA p. m. faatof rartfeas win aaaak npan -& Mrfhrtght Raraaino'i Orchaatra tsjaltr the dlfeetlon t Praf. Oraaaiar, ajtri ptay. Toa will aojar attending aarvlre at taa Baptlat eMrrh Cmnui. I'l-ojdijflerlan Runday school 10 a. m. I'roachlng 1 1 n, in. and 8 p. m. Itov. Frank Oloocknor, Sunday sohool missionary for soiithorn Oregon will preaoh both morning and ovonlng. Y. P. 8. C. K. at 7 p. m. Pmyor ninatlng Thursday at S p. in. All nro cordially Invited to nttotul theto services. St. Jlark's KplsMipnl Pnlm Sunday Sorvlcos 8 n. m., Holy Communion; 10 a. in., Sunday school; 11 n. m., Uonedlctlon of Pnlntfl mid Holy Coininiinlon; 7:30 p. m., ovonlng prayer. Oood Friday 9:30 a. m nltar sorvlco; 12 to .1 p. nt., threo-hour sorvlro; 7:30 p. in., ovonlni; service. Dally Kxcopt Sunday 9:30 n. in., Holy Conitniiulon. W.M. H. HAMILTON', Vlcnr. Onkdule Avo, Afetlindlst Sttndny Rchool nt 9: IE n. in. 'FroaohltiK nt 11 a. in. and 8 p. m .SIiikIiir and dovotlonnl sorvlco at :.10 p. in. Mornliig subject, "Mary's Happy Choleo." KvonliiK subject, "Tlio Call of Matthew." Prayer mooting Thursday evening nt7:30. Stranger, nro welcome II. M. IIIIANIIAM. Pnstor. First Cliinrli or CInM, Scientist Ilrnnch of tlio Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist. In lloston, Mass, Sunday service nt 11 o'clock Sub Joct, "Doctrine of Atonement " Wednesday evening meeting nt which testimonies or ChrlHtinn Science hoallnga are given, S o'clock All are cordially Invited. Sunday sohool nt 9: IS. All under SO are welcome. Heading room In church edifice, 212 North Oakdnln, open from 1:30 to 1:30 dally, except Sundays and holidays. PliM. MctliodM (Dr. J. C. Rollins. Pastor ) Servleea for Palm Sunday The Sunday school hour Is 9 4'. An Interesting and helpful school Thn ISpworth League chapter meets at R:1S. A splendid hour for all young peoplo. Public worship at 11 a. nt. and S p m. At thu morning hour Dr Itol line preaches on tlio theme, ' The Query of Palm Sunday. Who Is This?" Special muslr by the vested choir. Mr. Kdmeados will sing ' The Palms" by Fan re. At the evening hour the vested choir will sing "The Crucifixion Stalner. and Dr. U. A. Moore will speak on "ifiastortlde In the Holv Land." Dr. Moore has been a Ioik lime resident In Palestine and his address will be of great interest Passion week will be observed with two special services, Thursda even tng, "Keeping the Feast," and Oood Friday servleea from IS till 3 o'clock The publU ia cordlaly Invited to all the servleea of the chuuh. PATENT MEDICIWE IS WOE 0 THE SOUTH XKW OHI.KAXS. April 1 1. I.uuh lu und patent uiedieluee eic it. rlared by speakers before the 8oui it em Sociological congress tonight ,t constituting two of the gravest men aees to the social Ufa of the south lr. W II. Weaiherford of Nashville urged tu aevesit of chaagus in rem t pmewdura ta alimiaata lyadi lag b tasurtgg quirk legal punish ment, especially In caaaa of attacks by aagroaa on wfctta wtiatan. l'ht ItaptM "A Live Church With a Cordla' Welcome." 30 a. in. Ulble school. K T Stew art, aupertnteudeut. Wide awake organ lied classed for all grade and ages. At 11 a. m. Dr. Allen Moore will apeak Dr. Moore Is In charge ot the Palestine Pageant of the Social Ser vice expoeltlou to be held in the Nat April 84-Stt. Dr. Moore has been a missionary In Paleatiue for 17 yearn and Is perhaps one of the moat care ful students of the Hlble in this country. He has had many thrilling experiences In Africa, Kgypt, and the lloh I. ami lie is the founder of two 11111.-I0IW in Uellu was kicilul tuts Mkilim I'luot to the war In Morotro ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. U5c at all drujjviists. JOHN A. PERL? UNDERTAKER lvdy A.saUiant W! H. Il.KTI.K1r ptHiHtM tl. n ana t7-is VbMiu1nmc JMvkc Ooeaif j Hint CflrtNMH Cliaesli Car. Nlntft and OaaAala The ehareta wltk a vital maaaage to whleh wa Invlta you. Morning aarylta, 10-16. Subject. "Ood la lve." Special music and ronslng song aarrtee by the reorgan ised choir, morning and evening. Svenlng service, 7. SO. A aubjact of Interest to young nnd old. We are anxious to enlarge th evening atten dance. Will yon help ua? Sunday school at t:i5 a. m. Wn want all tho church members In the Sunday school and all the Sunday school In the church. .Christian ISndeavor at 6:30. Visit the young people. Mid-week prayer meeting Thurs day evening 7: SO. Choir practice Wednesday evening nnd Friday ovonlng for Maator pro gram. Harry IS. Tucker, minister. ft. .mil tjsm-i.-iiiUi. k.':M . Wti f s in i 11 . " r& J U1 - ! -' tt"t'f?m- - ' - aaiaV'st'l IcjfDaKaT hm AaVt AS m I I BanDUli Direct from Facfory til. v.v.v. . mm- rm.&vte.v- mm IfS&iijtrtl y.W.'.WAV.v.;; hS?::k:'x... mm-S I PRICES ,,-- I rtain I 5J.V I GrafiwHT S,ZE Tread T Tubes -I8T3 166o II1W IT7B 30x3',' 12.70 18.25 3.2S 32x3;, H.SO 17.40 3.S4) 32x4 19.A0 22.55 4A6 34x4 20.15 23.15 4.50 30 x 4 21 JO 24.75 4.70 35x4 M 27 :0 32.10 5.75 30x4S 25.25 32.50 8.90 37x4'i 30.00 34.50 8.00 37 x 5 33.00 37.85 6.05 Adjuitmaata on basli of 4E00 wilts Prices Arc Subject to Ctitngc Without Notkc S ! ."J a Jnwajiipi in 11 -i Si a . ,gia ,, aa f .vM ym ''y.M m yvM ::: ':; Why SmoUo nit Clgnrfi Whon La Qondns are only ICo. Are On ;a lew 01 tnc artists appearing ex clusively in M ctro Wonder plays; Metro produetionsarc the new c r, better iiLOtion pictures P Is your Theatre showing METRO I The drawers will not come open accidentally Y Hild K" STKRL Cabinets have AutomalJn Lgtolies, which hold the drnwers closed until released Don1'! Ezperlmant a( SW r c I. '.- ' ' iMirritiiTTin WT j v I, , , 1 in t Is ' ' ' nnd n of .vX'yX; ,!;.;; vkx-S:-x. Js-.fv- wt ar ytjt jry Yxr-jr.JUMj;f. ..&:; ,':: :.'."..;. -..-$'' nm ' " ; . v.v.v.'.v.v.v. . .vjU.:: :.:: ) vX,X" XKv. .......... - .... ..v.v. .....A. W83M&. FACTOKY DISTKIUU TOK -v. .vaw WyWM Mcdford W$$& rX-Xy!KXvX ;X.:X?XvX imMWTmmMiS I.Xw-:asraftXr" ,:& vyvv.vxwXA:.vXlXxxv TU ESE II aftVlfEaBBBBBnRli'VL11 aFwC'naaTarT'l"J"V,VXriaw wmmw 7J&& jrjKajaju-VKLnaiaistr ,j afr iMsmaaWW j i;i nc wl aaBlw -.. . - . - - . - 1 1 JfMSSSXtK i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 i f I J I ! I f 1 1 1 f If 1 II I If 1 1 1 II I J If 1 1 1 1 ll II I j M Ilf I M Mil M If I II II 1 1 1 III I III 1 1 1 1 II MUIf f IL f ulJBHmaMBaTwr ajaKi :niiw v r a MgrPjKBP tSSfifflmLL. . jc SHKlftvw - -. I uaaaaarS : w&s III IMfeif 1 . 4. BaaWaB Mary mJ - -Li 1 y I SiciiL 5 Si i'i"ur . too V. Ill ' ' l.'. it ' T 1 '. H pride and - " "i " r'' ''" ' " of lnf--l'r -.! -" '' "f ' '-' comlna h for ve h' I, Dr. Kicker 1 122' (Iter TIm- May '. Jletlfisnl, Or.-gon. Auto Service from Bugle Point to iModford and Back The undersigned will laava Frank Lewis' confectionery every day ex cept Sunday for Medford with bis auto at 1 o'clock p. m., arriving at 2:00 p. m. Leave Naah Hotel, Med ford, at 6:00 p. m., arrive Kagle Point at 6:00 p. m. A part of tho traffic Is solicited. S. H. HAKNISH, Eagle Point. Oregon. rT'7" " ' tfiwi For County Clerk Not Wood row Not "Curly" Not E. M. BUT ffLiW Joe Wilson i Bee Supplies A COMPLETE LINE Consisting of BEE HIVES DEE SECTIONS BROOD FRAMES SEPARATORS EXCLUDING BOARDS BEE BRUSHES HIVE SCRAPERS SECTION PRESSES SMOKERS WIRE IMBEDDERS VEILS BEE ESCAPES QUEEN AND DRONE TRAP FOUNDATION WAX Get our prices before putting In your supply. MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. 317 V.. Mam St. Install "V and K" STI'.KL Cabi net in your office. These otbinaU have nituieuMi wnHy spplisnces, iochuliag a uperkK tjpe of wall routruttuxi sml the autemstk IsU'h deMMUttmted sbos, N'o matter what position tbesa rsbiaeU sre bald ia, lbs drswar won't cowe open .iceulanUUy. WiUi soy other cabtueU yeu must take great rare when rearrsnginic yotw office, let a Usitt forward aaU pitch the drawers eut on the Hoor, swath iu the fnMW, sad Kattactbo papers. lfru when "V and F" STKEI. Cabiucts fall to the fl.r-ir 'all tcTcral lt.rios, a in tale of tire tht drawer svu't couio 'kii, ik1 the double wU-auJ-il'tji i,jo- ruction will resist the Asmes on the same priuciple at flre-proof safes, which are similarly budt. Te epen, press down the ktch sad gha the drawer a Kght im ptdse outward, and, owh(f to (pecial sttapeushMi slides, the drawer will rota out freely, uo matter how heavily loaded. "Y snd K" raUseU are made by Vawman & Krba Mfg. Co., of Mochettcr, X. Y. pioneer in the ledeitrr ial "kwder of the rorU" in fiiirw dcfiee and ofiV'e jrtenii. 1'ully (tsadirditoi sad tcated by ttuse. , Tho line includes rabinelt for ccry purixve, offerod in freat vuriety of uvi Slid tiuubdj. Let m UvW j ou. r e&. a a rjk rr it &fl3 Medlorci Book Store 'O tUUIIIUIIItlllimnuillliniMHillllilllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIlllHiiiiHijiiHiiiiiiiili WESTON'S Camera Shop I 208 East .Mam Street, Medford The Only Exclusive Commercial Pliotoraphera iu Southern Oregon Xi'gaUvei Mnde anv time or place by prtuimt Phono 147J elldothemt, . i 0 f (i) E.D. WESTON, rop, O