trrr'foriT) mvtt ritnt'r Mrnrofin. oiim.ov miimhi' wuh i m. tatop; nrmrrt r WM III V,4U H..lT i . ff KII mwiftuk-1 wv jLShxnaw Wmwf ; Tl. i .ii.l mutual convention of tho Southern Oregon District Federation of W'tmii n'- cIiiIim will lie held in the C'linntiiiKiiiii Park hall in Ashland, April 2(1, '2 and 28. Tin- following program will bo given: Wednesday nflenioon. April 20 1:1.1, call to order, i-eiMtrntiin- of delegates : l:-l-r, "0K v audience, 'America"; 2:00, midribs, "Influ ence of Koliool Legislation," Hon. .1. A. Clmre'ieill, statp school superin tendent; :i:00, address, "Some Miero - seopie Friends mid Foes of Kvpry Day Sty Life." Professor Sweetspr, of Univer sity of Orpjren: 4:lfi, discussion, "Medical Inspection in Schools," h'il by Mix. IT. L. Noblit, chairman of ilBmrtmeiit of public health; AiW, nunouncpuients, ndjournmunt. Wednesday evening 3 :00, ad dresses ill welcome, Mayor Johnson, V. (). X. Siuitli, president Cotmncr ' cinl club; Mi. ('. H. l..nkin, prei- ilont City Federation; response, Mm. V, W. Cunby of Ornnts Pns; violin solo, Miss Alice Vim ilor Sluis; vo cal miIo, Minn Doris Haglcy: vocal duel, Mm. Sylvan Provost nml K. I,, linsor; reception. Thursday morning 0:1., patriotic Dnnir li.V audience; 11 .-20, business; !l:2"i, retiorl of State Federation, Mw, C. I.. Scltlet felin ; 0:10, address, "The Text Hook Problem." Mr. F.. K. floii'; 10:0.". iTiMirt nml reeoininendu- tion, Mrs. ('. I j. Cletivinger, chuir liiiiu of legislative department; 10:1.", discussion, "Slnill Woiurn Servo on Juries," IpiI by Mr-. O. W. Courtney; 30 :M, address, "Juvenile Court Work." Mt. V. II. Clements; ll.:.."., dUco-sion. "New Idea for Civip Im provements," Mm. C. 11. Lnmkin, chairman civic dcpiutinent; nn jioMiceiuent. Thursday afternoon 1 :1", pin no nolo, Miss Kdnu Dnugherly; li'lf), vo cal wdo, Mr. Lovelnnd; 1:1., address, "Children's Book." Mis Marvin, slate lihrar.tin; 2: 1.1, address, ".School Lunches," Mm. K. It. Seely, presi dent Medfn 1 l'Mrt'tit-TiH'lKU-H' coun ceun cil: Bl-ort-nmll recommenda tion, Mm. W. I'rtHbpr, clminnnn of ib'imitHiciit of ptluciitiitn: :i::i0, thrpc-ininiitc icwntH of 1 'incut -Tcnclwi"' itMipiution prpniilinl; 1 :00 mito riil' uivpit bv A-hlunil City l'wl-I'l-ation of Women'. Club-. Tbumday cvpnina; MiimpaI pro grum jtiven molcr direction of Mm. K. J'. Oore nml Georir Anilrewn of Medl'ord. Aniiouncpmentx to be mudc Joter. Fridiiy montiiiK 0:1, poneort Kiniriufr; 0:2.1, icHrt mid recommen dation, Mm. (1. S. .Mnton, chHinnnn Art (li'imrtmcnt; (1:3.1, mldrci, ' 'IIoneliold Dwointion," Allen II. Kutoti, I'niveixity of Oicboii; 10 HO, addict.), "I'lunuiiiR the Home Die tary,'' Mi4 l'ruuoe, Oregon Agri- i eulturnl eoIIKO. ' Friday iifternoon 1:1.1, reiliiii;, Mini. Minnie JuekMin; 1 :.'I0, vocal miIo, 'rofpiMir McMurray; 1:1.1, two-roin-ut rewrt of offipor.; 2:00, threp Wiimitc rt'mrt of chili president..; 'M, repair! of ceminilteOH: crcden tiwl, rpholntioH, ponMtitntion and by lu; 3;(M1, iUPstinn Imi.v; 11:10, elcc liou of offii-urs, nong, adjounncnl. The reception ivu by the Mclbo dint cliurt'li luMt Thumiluy pveniutr to itx new uicmlwn wua a uiot delight ful opraniuii. Th auditorium of the chun-h wiit tranwfoiineil into a reppp tim riHim and tiwtilv decora t til with fluwi'm, tiiwn and finer. A very )lpaiutr poirrum wu jirovided. Mr. IMmcadcx ani, ax did Clarfnce Meeker, mid were a.-nin and ogoin encored. Mem. I.uulley, Ilaleom mid I.awtin delighted the axembly Miia three niuubem. Mr-. W. M. Vim Siiyoc wax at hr lx"t n he nnjr t wrt. A brief addres of welcome bv K.A lir.tinard udded to the plenxure i'i the hour. The piutor, Dr. Kol- liit, eloid the program in an ml- drew ol ; ppreiialion of the leudid tiilvunt'c wade along all line oi iliu-h ii'tixitv aud owKiireil the new- coniwv they would find a trieudly iiii(J.-Jii!'tii eouipanv of folk uilli whom to worship. Alter the program the entire eonian.v udjounied to the xoiial h. II, where the laUe of the hurvh - rved a taly cafeteria lunch. ilore ili.m 300 remained for the re- frthiiiiit hour. Altogether it wax mi titKiu-i .a of gmiil (Vllovr-liip and elieer. Mr-. Arnold Ketuklrr intrtuioed at liiixli 'on nt her home on Kukiyou lleu'lit Vedudav afternoon in bunoi f 11k blmttr of Chicago, who '- ikiting her duughter, Mr. I'bil ll.imill.. The gue.t were Mr-. AltH.1 I .unlT. Mr. I ha. Con i .!. V, iri.i.i. Mi- I'1 II II ,.i .1 U U 1. II. . j M f . i r I-'. Ume tendered a eoni-1 pniiitninrx pnrn io ner nnntvr, jut nt the 5eenth I'ompanT arm on Fndnv night, in the form of a eial dance, Mr. (To if nnd a number of hia nwwiate bWig here in en joyment of their vacation from the I'nivemitv of Oregon. It wa the mot brilliant young teople erent of the seao. It wan the eloping noelal party of the rural ion perioil for Mr. flore. Details of IHp program for the evening were rendered mint bap-1 pilv in an ntmontdiere of merriment throughout the entire entertainment ' ami it promt a tnot enjoyable )tnr tv in cvorv aeiwe The Laiinaimueh ' orchestra rendered ievinl nmaic for the ooenaioti. The nnnorr wns elinnningly dppnrntod in uulvoralty colors, green and yellow, the palms nnd potted plnnU being furnished by Kd Pierce, the florist. The pfltronnj and pntronpap were n follews: Mr. and Mm. M. I. Alford. Dr. and Mrs. K. II. Pickol, Mr. nn.l Mm. T. .1. Wil linmson, Mr. nnd Mm. A. .1. Vance, Mr. nnd Mm. V. If. flore. Among tlioe preont were the follewing: Misie-. Marion Oould, Ittith Wnl ner. 1'ather Warner, Lois Kstea, Wll llo Howard, Laura Page. I-ouIho Wll llamion, Catherlno Swcin, Luclnda Cocbrnn, Jean Hit d go, Luello York, Morcod Harber, I'rnnroa York, Dor othy Thome, Kranrea Kunney, .Ian otto Paltemon, Krclo Stewart, I.eah W'althem, Irohe Smith. Alleen Allen, Marin Oaten, Laura Oaten, Jean An dflraon, Annette Wakeman, Lenore Vanco, Alllhon O'llrhm, Hael Hrown Vora Lane, Xollle Campbell, Ilaxel Antlo, Dorothy Churrlilll, Mary (iore. Will Mitchell, Stewart Torne. (ieo. IlonNcluinn, Don Ittiuyanl, Merlin Itatley, Ward McKlnney. .lay (lore, Fruncla llennett, JantoH Vanco, CJoorao !. Moore. Mr. Thonioaon. Harry Itononberg, Kdwnrd Cioary, Dolph PIiIpim, Dave Hoonborg, Car ter Hrandon, Adrian Jlone, Horlinrt Alford, Ned Vilas. Frank liny. Don Ncwhury. Lloyd WIHInmaon, Hay Hill, Oconee Gate, Horace Hromley, Ilalpli -Pierce, Wesli) .luily, John Moffatt, Lyle Walter. Oon N'nrre gan. Wilt Heverlilue, Frcdorlck lletith. The Medfoid friend of Min Kvelyu Curey will bu intpnvUd to hear ofber belrotfial to Kdwiti Loi'kH ley Stnnton of I.ox Augelei.. The an nouncement wax iniidc bv the bride eleetV mother, Mm. C. II. Caiev, nt it picltily npHiiiitcd luncheon given ih the Shattuck hotel in Ilerkelev, TuomIii.v, April 11. At oaeh cover wan placed a liHKket of flower in which whs concealed the lielntthnl card. Mr. Stanton belongs to a fam ily prominent in financial and ncinl circle- in I.o Angelex. lie U n 1'. of C. man, cln 101.1, it member of the Delta Kn"m Kpsilon fraternity and a H)iilur track athlete. Since leav ing college Mr. Stanton hax been made a member of hix father' huMuexx. Miw Caicy ix the daughter of Mm. C. II. f amy, who made her home in Med ford for about five years coming hoi li-om Seattle. Thev both have a hoM of frieude in this city. After grad uating from the Medford high fcclmol in 1013 MiH Carey left for Ilcrkeley, where n)h entered the Y. of C. and hna thix year gniduated. Shu ix a member of the Kappa Kapia (iniun Miwirity and very jMipulur in eollege life in lierkelcy. The wedding will take idnce in Seattle May 21, pre viou to which the pietty young bride elecl will be much feteil. Uix Augele., will Ik the future rexidence of Mr. and Mm. Stanton, where they will live in the beautiful new hone which ia to lie the wedding gift of the groom' father. A very pleannt aurpri-0 wait given Mm, l(ny Keiinr at her home on Juekoou. xtreet Monday evening, the occasion being her birthday. Mm, Keuur wax prexenteft with u beauti ful water xet. The evening wax xient with curtlx nnd other games, folloued bv a to-Poure luncheon. Thoo prppient were Mr. and Mm. Juek rlchnurc, Mr. and Mm. l(nv K'eixur, Mr. and Mr-. ( baric- Cole, Mr. and Mm. Ward Kcixu. Mr-. Hutb Kiiiir, Mr. and. Mm. fJiover liarneillc, Mm. Ilattie Dean, Mr. and Mr, liarl Keimr. Venita Keisur, ltod Keiaur aud K. M. Cauipbell. WedneMlttv evening Keniuex ehnp ter of the Kern Uv held their biiinex meeting in the Matonic mill, followed by a o'vI evening. Luncluon a ene iu the buuipiet room, cuiT. being laid tor 120. The tultu-K ere prcllilv decorated with apple'. Mna. V K. 'Slerrek wax chairman of the cntortaiument eomuiittec. , C5) () () Ir. and Mm. i. W. rhurchill and daughter,qA(ix Porothv Churchill, of Yreku, arrived in Medford Monday cm-iiiii-j and are e'lc-i at the loucc "1 II (a) ill III I - ,. 1 1. I 'll ll (. I -t M.. i .. The "ixlli ii mi n :i 1 ililn t c'Iimh tion of the Woman'- Ilonic Mi.-imi arv noeietv of Dm MethodiHt F.iico pal ehureh mi" held in Medford. Wedneday, April lg, with a large number of delwgatix in nttendnwep. The morning eaxion a devoted to the reading of report of the were tary and nuxilinriea and other rou tine work. The following district of ficer were elect ed for the enxuing year: Pre-ident, Mm. M. C. Heed, axhland: fire vice prexident. Mm. L. W. Hood, Oranls Paxx; .eeond vice prexident, Mm. F. II. Churchill. Hon burg; loeording eeretary, Mm. How ard. Axhland: corresponding aoere tary, Mm. John II. Curkiti, Medford; trenaurcr, Mm. Juiuea Kmvlie, Med ford. The afternoon maaion wna opened by the "Quiet Hour." led by -Mm. .1. C. Rollins. .Mm. W. M. Vim Scoyoc lcndered a solo iu her itxunl pleimiug innniier. Two pnpem were rend, one from Winching entitled, "A Cup of Cold Water.'' and the other given by Mm. W. 1). Hodgson of Anh land, on "America, n Mission Field." Hoth of theso papern were exceedingly intpivsting nnd in-lructive. 1'ive uiiuiitc tidka wete given by n iiiunbci' of ladies on u subjects vital to the offcetive working of the society. Mm. Reed being familiar with all phases of the work intempemed the entire program with Hmonnl touches there by adding much to the inspiration of the convention. The evening service was the Inst of the session. Very fine music was rendered by !His Heine's nrchentrn. The Home (iuardx pleased all by singing one of their songs. luigpioi! entitled, ",- the Mi-innnries See It," wn. given by eighteen Indies of the Mml ford aux iliary. The address of the evening was mndo bv Dr. J. ( liolhn, in his usual happy manner. He spoke ol tlm wonderful work that is being domi b the missionary societies of the clurt-oji, both in (hit homeland and tho foreign field. Delegates from flrant Pass were; Mm. I.. W. Hood. Mm. II. If. Hnslcr. .Mm. Islinm and Mm. A. I j. White; from Jacksonville, Mm. II. K. Abbott; from Talent, Mm. W. 1). Iloldridge. Mm. Williams, Mm. W. A. Strntton, Mm. .Icffery nnd Miss Wulmtcr; from A-hluiid, Mm. M.C. Heed, Mm. II. .1. Vim Fosscn. Mm. 0. l' Millings Mrs. W. 11. (loud v. Mm. W. A. Patrick. Mm. Howard nnd Mis Weaver. The Loyal Heart class of the Hap tist church entertained the Faithful Hand class lust Saturday evening at the Carry cottage. A,, meet ing was held by the girln during the firxt part of the evening, at which time officers for the coming year wcry elected a follow-: Tlielmn D.vor, pre-ident; I.lvin Sticklnnd, vice prexident; Vera llutcbens, secretary, and France. Medley, treasurer. Aft er the election thy time was sveut in playing game nnd pulling cundv. A very gond time was enjoyed by all. Mm. (.HiTcttxon entertained the W. S. X. aeuing club at her home Inst Monday afternoon. After the busi ucss meeting a short program won given, including two piano solo by Mis .Mildred Corey, reeitaliou by .Mm. Canady, reading by Mm. Man ning, recitation by Mist. Thelma Me Coy, after which refreshments were served. About thirty member- and friends were present. The hostesses were Mm. .1. M. (hessley and .Mm. (larrettson., assiMcd by Mm. lIcHicrt ljiiinacb. Miss .iu Hundlett entertaimil at earda Thumday evening, Mm. It. . Swan winning ladle' fimt priae nnd Alfred Xoth fimt gentleman's prise, after which a dainty two course luncheon was served. Those present were Mr. and Mm. C. B. Wntkmx; Mr. and Mm. H. ). Swan. Mr. and Mm. Alfred Xoth, Martin MeDiniough, .Mr. Oruy, Mr. aud Mm. I J. H. Ku.m-II, Misses Liu nnd Ilattie Kumllett ami Mm. Hundlett. The udvnneed piano pupils of Mm. K. K. (lore nnd the violin inipils of C.irlt.m Jones nill jvf their fimt. ivcitnl on Fndav evening, the 21st ol H nVliM-k in the Pre-b.vtejian ehureh. The program ill ha s.isti(l by several of the pupil, of Ueorg Andrews. Mouday evening, A mil 17, the Worthy Urand .Matron, Mm. Maiy K. Ilonek, of llo-ebuiv, will,p her ol'ficiiil visit to jiviunes t'huptur. Thp vvoi'k of the order vfill be a tui-ml iu ehaiuw of thu auxiluuy isuiinuttcic 'A l.iriu) (it 1 1 inliinie i, rt'oiiesti l. Mm. Wallace will itertuin the W. K. X. -cuing club next Moudav after noon at her home on West Jackson street. Tlie box. for the afternoon will be Mm. Hague and Mm. Howell. Mr-. Harrv Ktoeikman cnti-rtaincd I.. 0S.ii, Ii i ill I -t S..I ,ni;i ,11. .... II.,. .1, Mr I K Ihinirls w h'it,- ,.i.-,Iht aftenrwui at a rfetlilv .i. i" oiled InwrMod at the IMcl M.ili'-rd in hlMT of her at, Mr- 11 r HntHetfrrd of finni Ann ,ra wefe ned in profusion t r tlie tM aVrorationn, Covem wi,- Uid for tW4irt-i-. After the i in. Iifin anelirm bridge played on the metMNfoa flour. The invit- ill guestx were: Mm. II. T. Mother find. Mm. Fmbrtra C. Page. Mr. K I. Hiddell, .Mr. Cha. Koirlih, Mr-. C. A. Knight, Mra. Oos Newbury. Mm M. Purdin, Mra. Oeorge Kohert. .Mm. (Iregory. Mm. A. L. Hill. Mrs Jap Andrew, Mm. C. I. Hutchinson, Mm. 11. 1 Wallher. Mm. J. J. Km mens, Mra. .lames Duidap, Madame Diinlnp. .Mrs. William Hudgv, Mm. L. i:. Wakeman, Mr. It. V. Lnmsden, Mrs. It. J. Cnnroy, .Mm. T. 15. Scant- lin, Mm. Churle t5'hieffelln. Mm. Jessie ChurehiU. Mra. J. C. Mann and Mm. Jane SHedieor. Among thote who attendeil tho RuJicrlptlon dnnco at the Armory. Friday ovonlng In honor of MIbs I'nnvoll, MlflR Holon Farwell, nnd Mies Johnson, who aro vlBltlng frlendB and rolntlvoa In tho valloy, wero tho follewing: Mr. and Mra. Frank Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howne, Mr. nnd Mr. Corning Ken ley, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Hiinilll. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark, Mr. and Mm. L. A. Snlndo, Mr. and Mra. Frank Owen, Mr. and Mrs. A. Conro Floro, Mra. Charles Conner, Mrs. W. L. Hullowny, Mrs. K. I). Hanloy, Mrs. Fred Menrn Mm. OratiRor Fnrwell of Chicago, Miss Margaret Hubbard, MIhs Dorothy Connor. Miss Johnson . of Rochester, X. Y Mr. and Mrs S ' VIIum lleckwlth, Dr. Kellogg, Lincoln J McCoruMick, David CooIIro. C. 8 I Xowhall, KnrI Tumy, Slater Johnson Harold W. Illughnm, Kobort Hubl. Vllae Ilpekwlth, Jr., HoiMtlnot Con ner, aud Spragua Helical. Mr. nnd Mm. ,1. T. Carpenter were given n surprise Mondnv evening bv the membcra of the Indies' and incn' Hiblc cliixses of tho Christian church, nt (hoir home on Xorth Kartlctt. Mr. and Mm. Carpenter, who have hern very active in nil upiirtnientx of the ehurcli work, will leave ne.t week for Indiana and will bo greatly missed bv the entire i'nngregHtion and many other friends. The occasion wna n farewell token of rofcvect to them nnd the twenty-two present had u very pleasant evening. Hefreshmontsvvero served nt tho close of the evening. Mr. and Mm. A, J. Vanco enter tained with n dinner party Tuesdny evening in honor of the univemity shi- dents who are home on their Kuxtcr vticutiou. After dinner Mixa Oore en tertained the party nt the Page thea ter to sec "llriuging I'p Father." Those present wen- Miaaes Lenore Vance, .leue Iludite, Marion Oould, Mnry Oore, Messrs. Carter, Hrandon. Jay Oore, .lames Vance and Want McKuunoy. The Community club, a newly or ganised card club, met ut the home of Mm. Kd Tnivv bridge. 131 Tripp street, Tuesday evening. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mra. Itulph Kw iug, Mr. and Mm. Kriiext McKce, Mr. and Mm. Carl Bowman, Mr. aud Mm. II. I". Tomliuson, Mr. and Mm. A. F. Steuuctt and Mr. and Mm. K. Trow bridge. . Monday afternoon Mrs. J. J. Km men entertained the Octette at her homo on Siskiyou Heights. Pink and whifm sweet )ea were used by the liosU'sx for decorations. A color scheme of pink and white waa car ried out. Mm. C. M. Kidd, .Mm. II. fl. Th.ver, Mm. K. .1. Conroy and Mm F. K. Merrick wero guextx of the club. Tbi-i Knst Side Shakespeare club met nt the home of Mra. I!. W. Car kin on Hsddy avenue Tuesday even ing. The study of (ho aeeond lairt of Henry Fourth wwa euwtneneed. Tin evening set lor the meeting of thn club bus bein changed from Wednesday to 'fiu-iUiy even inf. The regular meeting f the high sehool Paient-Teailier eiri'b will meet Friduy, April 21, nt 3:00 , ra., in the high aehmd buiuiuMr. Mr. Ilillis will talk on the Mihioct of "Thrift." Au iufomwl discussion of the junior thrift oxbibit will follow. All moth ers are urged to be nre;nt. Mm. Coiuin? Kculey wilcrt.iiunl with bridge Wednesday afternoon ut her rsnch houir- in honor of her no - ib. r Mr. i:r... ',., ..ii ..r ci.; .-.-., -..-. , , ,-,.m . .- -rm to r, Chi ago. Mrs W. TI. MiOowan entertaued the U'ldnC'dnv Auction Hridge club at brr lioiue on Mistteto avenue Wednesday. lLii..ld Gmy, -yho has keen speud , ing hix vacation at his bone, will re ' turn Sunday to the luiversity of Ore gun. Mr. C. A. Knight was hostess to the Friday club ut her home on Fast Main street Friday afternoon, o TKl' West Side Dancing club en i.iM'il .in iiil'iiinil !. mi nit; )).iil at 1 ii N ' i ,n h u . ilhi .l.ij t- 1 1. ii.' SOCIAL SERVICE EXHIBIT fi. It. ST. JOHN Director of the Imposition. On Friday nftcrnoon Mrs. Roland G. Peach and Mm. Fred Iwlch enter ttnined the Indie- nnd children of the Ooldon Link Hible cIiixh at the home of Mm. Itench iu honor of Mm. Iouix llennett and Mm. C. II. Itnlduin. A short program of xolux, readings and short tnlkx wna given. Mix. Peach aud Mm. Dalch xerveil'delieiou punch mid wnfem. .Mm. Ihildwin lenvea siMin for Oranls Puss nnd Mm. Hen- netl leaves nexi inesnnv cvcnuig i join her huxbimd, nt Itend. wheiv he baa gone to engage in business Mwnv expressions oi regwi in uie ,os i,thm i-rUyterian ehun-b and now these ladies were heard and Ihev iW'!hwid ,,f t,i exposition, are Dr. Allen be gwatly missed iu a large circle of K ,, ( H. iJi(W ,wiMr Mt friends. Those enjoying the ''' j will, uistnut editor of Keientifm noon were Mesdume- ltuis Itennelt, C. II. llaldwin, V. W. Meam, J. A. llemxtixel, I''. F. Loder, Oeorge L. Howard, Lee Hull, On- Sun-on, Klgiu Hratney, II. I). Allowuy. Ward Keia ur. James I'lemming, Fred Purdin, A. I'oweH. lleorge Minw, jiurv innn- lion Poole, H. 0. lU'iich, Freil IJulch, Miss Davis and sixteen little folks. Wednesday evening Miss Motion Oould euteretained with n dauelng jiarty at her home on South Onkdah? in honor of the visiting students from the university who ore spending the Raster varulujii with their parents. Dancing was enjoyed during lbs evening, followed bv Ihree-eourso luncheon. The color si-hcme of yel low aud green, the univemity colors, being carried nut iu the decorations, including tho program and nine curds. Soft slmdad lights of tho same color were used in the diuiug loom. Those present were the Misses It nth Warner, Lncile Mener, Mi.rie Ontex, Mary Gore. Jenor Vniu'e, Kxtebr Waraiier, Caiherino Swem, Dolph Philips, Don Ncwhpry, Merlin Itatley, Jay Ooie, Kulph Pieree, Oeorge floteu mid I'miicc- Ik'iinett. A call meet int.' of Itoval Neigh bors of America, N'o. 47PI, met ut WoiMliiiun hall Knda.v, April 14. The meeting was culled to order bv Or licle ilusoii. Two neu iiicmbcis wero voted on. After the u-nal InisiiiC-x, ri tit -linn lit- wcie miviiI bv Neigh. !bor llyutt, winch came us very , pleasant MirprW to all pieseut. 1 . . . . J Mr. ana Mrs. . viiw i.eoiwun enteriained with a dinner Friday evening at their ranch home on King's Highway previous to the sub scription dance, In honor of Miss Ksrwell. Helen Karwell of Chicago, and Miss Johnson of Rochester, X. Y. Covers wero laid for over forty guest. Mrs. Lou Jones of Koosevelt avenue returned home Friday morn ing from Tillamook where she has spent the past three weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. D. Aekley. Mm. Homer llothennel entertained the Girls' Tuesday leub ut her home on Oini.i ,i wn ii Tut il.iy atui- sK- iJ-' s-UJL i jtT OPENS AT NAT. 29 CITY CHURCHES Filial plan for the grral social servico ex(Mition nnd Pale-tine paueunl to be held in the Nnlnliuuiiii under the niispicex of the Medford Ministerial nxsoeialion urn perfected. The cMisition will open on April 20 aud will continue for One week, dos ing Saturday evening. Interesting relics of religious his tory, grapliiu representation of the work earned on by (he great boards of the many denomination of this country, realistic reproduction of the present day scenes iu the Holy Mud, scientific demonxtratiou of turn iter ance motion pictures showing social work iu the great eastern eities and leclurex on ancient and modern cus toms of the Hebrew will wtnfrie. the prinei'tHil feature, of the exjioxi tion. Associated .with C. It. St. John, who wax for several years nt the f Uw MM.u,tri4.u de(nrtment l,f tt4, Ioml of Ume lHnm 0f TeniHranee Magnsine, nnd Max Diotse, in charge of the motion pic ture lecture hall. Never in the history of the Pro tectant ehureh has mi large nnd com prehensive an exhibit been gathered ,,..!... ti. ..... ..I...K.I, l.nnU , n, HMn uflfnpi tbt,t j WMs high time to apply the sninc efficient' tests to their work as those applied by great business houses. After this test had been applied how could this work lie presented to the American public was the next ipicstionf The great movements of today are puttiug up their work in exhibit form nnd not in huge rioit-. which but n few will sec.. So these religious social agencies ure getting into step with the other efficient business houses of today and am trying to show the ..niericuii limine wnni iney ure nouig in terms of uplift work und commun ity service. It was idanned to visit eities with this exMa.ition having not less than KMI.IHHi population. The munngem were uiged to visit n few of the smaller places iu this sect ion of the country. Since the close of the Pnn-nma-Pneifie exsiition this travel ing exposition bus visited Seattle, la coma, Port laud, Salem, Kugcne und will oHii iiji in the sixth city Mou day, April '.j4. There will lm a different program each night and nftcwioon. Ltt Tbursduy u few frieudx gath ered nt the home of Mm. O. D. 'raxce in West Phoenix, und gnve her a sur prise. The nlteriioiin was spent in conversation und kodaking and sev eral good shots were mudo without the victim' consent or kuuwledgc, thus udding nt the fun of the occa sion, Dainty refreshments were served aud all present voted Mix. Franco n charming hoslcs and ex pressed regret at huving to hwe a neighbor so delightfully congenial. Mr. and Mm. France have disHed of their ranch home near Phoenix und will uiove to Medford, where they ex pect to reside in the future. Francis Bennett entertained at din nerFridny evening at his home on Host Main street for the following univer-itv students: Don Kewhurv, Willi. mi Viw'ii, ti.rv:i. Oatc anl M I n li..i'. ..l 1 i . n . APRIL UNDER PLANS MADE FA Vva- nnvn- -- - - Dlt. M.I.F.V MOOIIK, V. It. (J. S. In eliaiKi' of the I'aloslliiu Pageant. The Prosppcl Commnnilv club Sgt unlay evening, April 8, held another of its enjoyable meetings nt the Pros pect school house. A well prcpnrril program was giveu during tie even ing nnd inueli credit is given lo the committee iu charge, Mr, flnico Walker. J. C. Kmbry and Miss Kuth eriue Dooling, ably assisted by other member of the club. The plnb paper, "The Wasp," edited by P. C Klloll, and read by Mrs. P. ( Sholl, was well received. Several new members joined the club, among them being P. C Sholl, Mrs. Charles A. Iower. Lee Waddell, J. C. Kmbry, Mrs. Oeorge Walker, (Ira Walker, Charles A. Low er. Mrs. 0. V.. Ilollenbeak. Mm. W. K. Mooney and Miss Anna Itnbertsou. Among the out of town visitors nt the meeting were Mr. and Mm. Carl Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Mlnnchard, Miss Ituth Portor, Miss Margery Kmkine, Miss Haxol Hits worth, Lillian nnd Hope Nye, Due Nye, Waldo Nye and Itnlph Peyton. Fol lowing the meeting refreshments were served by the members, after which the various people dispersed to thoir homes, but not without tslling the Prospect people that they wero royal entertainers. Miss Delia Warren entertnlnod at her home on 527 Putnam Thursday evening iu honor of Miss liertha Smith. Tho evening was most en joyabry sint in music and rook. A dainty luncheon was served during the evening. The guests included the Misses Bertha Smith, Dorothy linker, Inn Hughes, Mildred liovd, Wilmn Oden, Delia Warren and Messrs. Har old McDonald, Harry Manning;, Houoje Hull. Ira linker und Mm. It. Hal ford. Hyacinth Circle of the Presbyter ian church, met with Mrs. II. It. Pat terson ;lu-t Tuesday. The l.astvir fair wo- po-tpoued nnd arrange ments mode for the l'rebytcr,a meeting next Friduy. A full attend ance wo., pre-ent, delicious refreshment- were served aud deligthful ii In rui M 'ii en jo.vcd by nil. llowire ol OintmoiitK tor Cntnrrn Tlmt Gontttiti Mercury M gKreary will a rrrary will nrif ii.-imy . vu.' or S umriius.' lur K... !. vnuriUK a ihruuun I be uiu.atu .urlr. nrlk'lftf KlaUUl.l iHVtr U UaWtl rlClHl .all Ikitt fr.'U. r..ul.ibk l4o all lull,. Am tha Am lb. IU da In It Ii f'.ia iu tlu s-l J..U iU pS ttvrlv. lr.ui III. in llir alarrU l'ur, ualMjIa.'lur.a ii V J ib.iu A c rolvUu. O,, tattlu ih uurt'lirr. miJ u aki li.riMU, feline illriMtl) tii n lb bSMtl mill mu.auai. fJUK nt-ra .f llu- -)-!hui. In IiiiIiu llall'a I'tlnrtS pir I. ur ! .( Ill Kvliuln- ll t. taka uivTiuUr au4 nn.l- In Ttu-I. okiu by I'. J. Qaviuy 4 Lu T atlas nUU fr.. S.04 Sir OniKil.t. I'rliHt, T8c pr Mil. Tlkv Hull tau.ll I'Uta fur cutiamMlWu. TO ORDER $26.00 UP Alio Cleaninii, Pressimi nnd Alterlnrj 128 E. MAIN, UPSTAIRS ($$) Snifv; (fp) '4 41 . .in -Hf