8, tf V f o Baaant 8EC0WD S lillliulH'M , U)iiM, inmf j jwiiuii' r i mmm, , m ? le, V" j.i.ik y.r.- A MONEY SQUANDERED BY OFFICERS CLAIM iaitater Borah Declnris $8,000 000 it Year "EmbonleiT and "Watd" by National Gunrtl HeadsEnlist cd Men UnrowardwlMay Bring Protoc. WAHHINOTOXApril 13. -Senator W. K. Hornh of Idaho, rHibliean, at lacking federal )M.r for the National Quant, aroused the senate today with a charge tlMi lite $8,0fl0,0lK) r year Mo.r npprojrietl by the government for the National (Iwnitl waa "shame fully wnated" and some of it "em bentlixl." "Tlint'a n pretty setioua 'barge.' said Senator l'ooiereue, democrat, in tcrrupting. "Well. I make it without any iiml ificalinn," Senator Ilnrah replied, and ho rend from war department repoits lo show that moet of the fund li.nl been, utilised by officer of tho Nn liojial Guard for tliemwelve nnil thu enJisltd im'n had prnclicnlly mm bene fit of it. "If senator here will oxamitu' (! record of these appropriations." Senator kmh continued, "thoy will hesitate about nppropt luting $.', (11)0,000 for the National Quart! ns it i mow prH'(l to ilo. "In thii hill you art not prepar ing for war, yon are not giving the people what they are i'Xn'eting to pny for. ' 'e arc fitlittfr thia hill .ip front lwginning to end with purely political appropriation and you could Mot proceed a step under the guise of national preparedness." Sonatina I'omercue and Heed staunchly defended tho Xnlioual Ooeid. - . . "There may he a thief in the Na tional (lunrd, hut mo there have heett in (he regular army and senaloni from thix ImhIv have been enl to jail," declared Senator Heed. "Hut I nut not willing to hear honorable ineii maliitned without sufficient prov oeutioti." . Heuator Lodge defended the regu lar aruiy and declurcd it wax time to atop easting aenrHions upon it. Senator Iiorah in support of his charge aaid: "I find, according to the reHH of tho war department, that in the Ohio Kntioiiiil rifle match in lull, rl.'l. 1'2 wuh expended on the alnte rit'lo team, all of whom wcie officer. Jn the K-riud from July --. l"'l to September 'SI, Mil, 'J, u otniifl diiw )ay to the amount of fllll, In the Jieiiod from July 1, 1911 to Srptttm Iht 16, 1912, another officer. mUo in the aaiue htate, a enlonel, drew pay to the amount of $(HU. "In the )Hri.Ml from duly Hfl. 1011 to t)eteiiiher 1. 1913, a third olo Mi'l in thut ilate drew pay to the amount of .f-'J00. So the entile ap piHiution or upMirtioiiiui'iit to the xliite of Ohio lor tlii-i year practical ly went to tin- Iticcru and there it no report of ;hi portion of it 'tu ti the enlit'd mi n." BURGLARS COME 3 E JKKTLANI. Ore, April 1".. -For "the third time Miiee April 1, the home of Albert Uuutiur, a wealthy Uierebant, hii. entered b the ume two robber here lat niKht, and in a revolver duel that enued, Fnti Kauennan, a watchman, wa shot n the leg. The robberi eaeaped. The police arc puled by the ,r fcitftenec of the aim and are Irving to find the motive liehicd thut of ob taining money. On April 3 the tno robber held up Uautifr at hie front door. Aiconhni to Uaulier, they obtained only a few cent, but de i lured thev wGild come back. A week ago they robbed him in the amc man ner, obtaining J4. Thev reminded hi of their preioui ihreiO. Lnt uight the robber pried nnn TIMES if PORILANO OM a window wnen naueruau, wno 114 1 O'een clltfatced " euard the holie. i" nr) i. I. & 'JJ Hi LfV A HI MV HB Wl Jv Hf Hif rami dr , VEM-rnr i m BIjv4 5jaFrauriM0C9li9fl SPwWfcJaMMiy y rty,?J In fkivf&' aaaagygJK JJjagX.' yFffWMBlCMBBBIPJHiw lag " jVQPsaeiflBr''! laaH This icniniliiitilo plioiKnipi pel voi an exrcll vtrw of I lie ek? In OH(crn I'mnre for wMlck tkek HMViest N In the foivgi-oiintl; Imrk of it the awlenf fort uroHHil ulilrli the rcmarkMlilr yUrm f orttyiMc tmrtn nn4 (liclU lunp fiillrn in tlu ill)'. Imt tlio fort In the picture Ih mm jrt winleiooawl f Um (Jwhhh mmiim. BAI IRIAN I INF AUSTRIA'S FOES 1" CHANGE New Ql K m ON BOTH LIS MEXICAN QUIET IN WEST 0PEN1VE Germans Cease Mass Drives at High ! fuHri,,n lim"ai of Khd"T fo' Cost Against VerdUII French Hold ' "KtiiiiD frent: Kuian artillery Vantanc in Artillery Deo'iis in Sal- icnts AlOllU Meuse Miliar Actions j ' Prevail. j . - LONDON. WTT5.--Heatr arUI- j lery exebanau contlnim nloug the ; front before Verdun hut the German infantry has not returned to the as- ault. Increaaed aetlvlty on the Oatleiaa front Is Indicated by statement from the Austrian war office. In the Austro-ltallan eampatgn, re peated attacks were made on each side. Austrian troops captured an Italian position at Mnllrrh. Near Speroue the Austrlaaa arbandoned a defensive position and fell back to the new lino. IWKIH, April lu. There was no Infantry flahtlna lu the Verdun re gion last nlaht. Fmnch itosittoas be teen Malaurourt wood and Mill No 301, went of the Meuse were subject ed to heav) bombardment and there were lively artillery exchanges near the western edge of Corbeaux wood. Rant of the river an Intermittent These operations are described In the following statement from the war office this afternoen: "North of Koye a reconnaissance on the part of the enemy who were endeavoring to occupy our trenches lu the region of l'arrlllen was dis herited by our fire. "There was no Infantry flghtiua last night anywhere in the Verdun region. "West of the Meuse there has been a fairly spirited bombardment of our ionltions between le wood of Ma lam ourt and Hill No. 301. Our 'iitterlcft evidenced great artlvln along this part of the front, particu larly west of Corbeaux wood and at arioii points along the Forges brook. ' Kant of the Meuse and In the Woevre there have been Intermittent bombardments. 'In the Vosges there hi clashes between patrols. A naiHiance on the part of the eaemy was rhedced ) our fire at a point south of Salnte Maiie-aux-Mlnea." AT OR. LIEBKNECHT LOMjON. Apill 1' Mi A lifter dam dispatch to the Kxt lunge Tele graph company a; that travelers arriving at The Hague f-om Berlin report that a woman tired two soots from a revolver at In Kbrl Uel knecht. while the socialUt member j of the reichKta wan wslMng in sae i'trc t llotli -!iOt ir.d TI.e j i - ' I.' lilt III M .taf r,W7fm I IKK LIN. A mil IV The fluial! 1 arlitely helled our powitiona oa th. I lower Htriw. aloac; the IJaewter and northeaet of Ciemowita. Near the mouth of the lower Stripe, and south- ea,t 0f ltiurus there were liedr en- yngetnent for adraaeed poit on, Mime of whiea are atill in nroirre. th oeeupaata of one trench which formed a Milieat were thrown buck to the main uowiliona. "N'ortheat of Jaolotiee the enemy entered an advanced witioa but wm ejteted immediately uv a counter at tuck. One Huhhwii '( :eer, three en fim and 100 men w.-rj captured. An Aui-tro-llungarian U l.u h:nnt by a i-.irprifc attack occupies an advun v KuxHtan powitioa on the road bet -en Huscnx and t'aortkow. t. the front held by Archduke Johcp'i Kerdinand the enemy'a artillery m-k active. "Italinn frent: Tb .ir.'llery nifU eonlinueil, inufar n th weathT per mitted. The Auotro-ll irxariana .-an-lured an Italian umiIhmi at itrzlfiu and repiiKod Mvernl counter attm It. The ltMhaiiM uffcred heaw Iom- "Our arttllerv itforoulv fhellctl I lie Italian poitin at Kht-M-h and llontebra. Attet. by lUlian troojM in the Humana etor to oceupy our imwitiona on the beighta of Motalj .0 failed. On the i'onnle road our troop evuetiated a detenie poition uuth of Kerone. In t'ie Adamello s ti Alpiui oeeiiHel the DtMKon-lMgff-nova rulfc. An Italian attack aaiiast Monte Itriiizo -until ot htilf,r t.ulcd." Y TO QUIET REBEL IF.KIN, Cluua, Apiil IV I'resi dent Yuan Shi Kai tpreed conii denee today that the difficulties pre sented by the revolutionary movement in the bonta would be overcome and harmony would he restored. He fcaid that the declarations of independ ence of Cai-Kiaag, Kwang-Tung and Kuutg-Ki provinces were made lor tho purNMe of avoiding rioting, aad that J these provinces ' had not joined the' revolutionary euotemeat inaugurated in Yunnan. lie aeecrted disagreement bad fcprang up among the rebel leaders at lantou and that he waa confident the renlt,would be restoration of the aiiegunee to the Prim government ot Kwang-Tunk pro n.w, where Can ton is the capital. The government 11 uouneed today ; ' the rebels, haa iona with thai for peace that ; that Taai-oa, I-'. iniiii ' :- central eoveruuieiit N . vi, , k..i - t EXPEGTS P N MATT mwm. at. in.w, NK ffl V Si f H MESS SAYS LANSING, WASIIINOTOX. April IV S-re- tary Ianaing pronoejiieed the Mexi can attention nacluutged today in any aspect. Unkea official reports to General FuntoM diaeloae a swore grave sttna tion at I'arrai when American troop were find on than ia now believed to exiat there was nothing to indiraU that a change miga he expected in the near future. Secretary Baker said General Pun tou had not heard from General l'erahing directly fr three da. That rauNed no nneaine-- at the war de- imrtment, however. General Per hing ha. reported oelv when ho bad definite and issnortaiit information to comoina irate. Aa time paaaeK without official in foreaation of the 1'arral fMrhting from American sowrce. offieuils are in clined io donbi that the daxh waa aa aerioua aa oWeribed ia early Mex ican advieea. I'ttblieatiun in Mciieo City of the j .terms the Carrnnzu '.'"vernment M-ek to imMiKe limiting -'nv reeiprtM-nl IriMip inocnieiit- jn r-.s the interna tional iMMindarv (d much Icbt on I lie diplolii.it ii- l.iiiL'i" mitieh liilloMfd. PETROGRAD POST! NKW Yl(k. Apill !' Oitmr T. Marie, Jr., w, p-i.-netl rveentlv as ambaxudor to K1---1, arrived here today, aeeompanie.) l,y Hr. Marie, oa the Norwegian American liner Krtetwnjafjord. iron. Heaadioavian Mirt. lie aid he would go to Wash-1 iugton probably witlnn a few daj. The KriMtiania fjord brought H-'tft l.i--njreri. Officers said that no ,ir-hi of anv ti'.d were lighted 'lironlioiii th totu.'e and that they n-.-nrded tin. n unuhoal expf-ri-ciie- tur a Seandiii. v in ewl. ONLY 2 MORE DAYS Onlv tw im in la in whit-Ii to rrzi'tir lop tho e priinari. I ('jfint ration flow Ainil 1M. If you don't register you cannot vote. The following art the reg istrars for the various Mcdfortl precinct k: Election I'reeiact. Negiitrar, Address. Medford Nortl.esa Y. 0. Kacdicor. Med ford Hook Store North Medford - I'. O. Knedieor, Medford Hook Store Medford North Riverside F. O. Bnediror, Medford Hook Hlore Northwest Medford W, II. Kydiard, Jackaon-Htreet Store Wet Medford . , Helen S. Vorkey, Mail Tribune Medford North Maa-. . . Helen N Yotkey. Mail Tribuae Moilford North tral . II. II. Hull. Medford Furu. A Hdw. Co. Medford Kouth Central - I- ll. Cameron, Foetal Telegraph office Medford South Main -- Ben Oamett, Oaraett -t'orev Hdw. Co. MeSford Newtown .... . K. I Kwingt Kw ing' Gun Stora Medfgrd I'ark A. O. Bennett. Bennett Inv. Of-. Main and Fir sts. Soatbweat Medford . C K. Wynkoop. U W. Twelfth street Medojrd tjekdale e K. C. Scbultg, Skdala Grocery Kast Medf'.ni V. K. (aner. ( Vmer' Cah Gro.erv. Fast Maui So'i'hu-t M :-.i. L ' .iMieion. I'o-t il Tiler.iph office M. ! 1. ' I !' ' 1 !' I- 'i 11 : aim.il n, !,. RH 11 lttht of Hh- war In (If in- arc IhIiik "iHKil. 'I'Iio SIcii-o water front trriH-li ilcfritn, s, hM t U llic Mroutcst in the uorM, arc liullt. Sewrnl E i 10 DRILL 4 MONTHS NKW YORK. April t:. Four bat tleships comprlnlBK the first division of the Atlantic fleet, tho Wyoming, Arkansas, New York and Texas, lie at anchor In the harbor today awaiting admission to the New York nary yard to undergo repairs. The warships kav Just returned from the winter maneuvers off Ouaatauamo, Cuba, la which' they took part with flfty-stx others. Tho Wyoming h the flagship of the commander of the division, Ad miral Frank F. Fletcher. The Ar kansas flies tho flag of the division commander. Rear Admiral Henry T. Mayo. Officers asserted that throe ! of practice has put the veeeala ! " m9n " mtm Although soma saerecy shielded the fleet's maneuvers. It was known that there waa target practice both day and night, endurance runs, bat tlo formatlona aad scout work. The aeorea made by the different vessels have not been made public, but the officers of the first dlvUion said that 1 good records were made at longer ranaea than mi hltlnrto attempted l mcirtii fithtliik' 1 rufl TO SINK INVERLYON V Stl I l, I 1 1 , , ill I ' TIllJ I Xmrricn ioi.hi.I .,1 iiihiun, re- 'iKnilnic flip ilcMtrueiioii of iln Ainurl- 'an itark liiverl)on i.mlid today 1 that the niili wai hunk u aunflre 'of a xubmariae after firti'n minutes ; bad itel. been given to abandon the vos To Americans, he aald. worn ! ia one boat load which was saved and that none were In the boat load which ia anaccountod for. The loverlyon. 1 bo reported was unarmed and made 'no reslataaee. She arried a cargo from Portland. On iat aigbt'a dtai( i from abroad referred to the nverlon aa a Britiah teamer. YAN WARSHP NA YARDS SE GUNFIRE ASK PERSHING ID REPORT PARRAL FIGHT Lonii Silence Worrlos War Office Unonsy About Fate of Tompkins and MO Men Chide at Dolay Car raiua Promises Difficulties In News Transmission General. 8AN ANTONIO, Texn. April 15. I'neaMineft wuh manifewt ut General FutiMon'rt headiiiiartera today over 'General I'erMhiiig'a unbroken ailence j concerning the fight at I'nrrul. It became known toduv that General Punrtlon directed to General I'emhing ! lust night a communication xharply urging him to exiedite a report. General FunHton received from the war dcMirtment twin- a rather long communication but he refuned to di eiiHx the eharueter. There waa rea son to believe the Hubatunce of hia late reiHirt to Waahington dealt largely with the MMitiona and uctivi tiea of Carranxa lrooM in northern Mexico wud the fuilure of them and other Carmnaii authorities to eo-op-ernle mure effectually with the Amer icana, Army officer here and in Mexico have rcMcnted the raiented alate mentw that 110-operution wm being nhown, when, aa they indignantly 11 -Mrt, cotit in tied refuwal to use I lie niilioiidh and to iieruiit the lriiiiHini- . i,i ,,l rtfultf, tniMUHiMii iivt.r luliil Wire huw Im-cu made. The number o Carranxa troop in northern niul cen tral Mexico ia far greater tliun ilml of the United State urniv in Mex ico, but offieera pointed out, Yillu has no apparent difficulty in imp ing through their linen when picscd by the Americana. It ia believed Ibat General Funtoii alau called attention of the war de partment of hia inability to protect more adequately the detached forces at the front without mutorially weak ening the border patrol or uaiug the railroads for troop movements. General I'crshiiitf's chief of staff, Lieutenant Colonel de C. Cubed, ia now at Ctisiis Grandea, where he went to supervise the xcouting work or dered by General Fuuatou to ascer- lam the movement, of Carranxa troops in the region through which the line ol iiiiiiiiiii mIkui msh)s. uwYERTosfsuif. TfiNGl'AII, Ncv.. Apnl l.. 1. A. I Howler, called dean of the lawyer 'of southern Nevada, drank poiaon and I died today rather than face u client J whose cttQ be bad lout bei-imae of an inadvertent error, lie left a not ' aying it waa hia firt error of that jaort in forty yetira' practice and that I he referred death to facuig the man who returned him. Mr. Howler waa .liii' l.il cuneel to Fdward Clif- ' I J u 1 tl ii.iih lO iiu di d la -t mm? f ftfWtt fhHtdirtl, Wat. 7i fWt. mf. f8B8BBffKntSrSiTirSiMMi5Syy ja..aL mil FELT f fll SILENCE FRETS No W&ril Prffl Porhlii for Thrco Days Preonu lion Ortlors Rufe at CftlMwhya Crntnzn Firoes WQtcti DtHlonmtfo Movos Prom Interna HomiI Qorder. WAsmxriTOrf, April is. imte department dtopatafiai fram Kl i'asb today refer to uneaMflrMed reports of a second tight with American trcxipa at Parrel. Oeneral FvtBstan tfoK 'fjlfpapii ed the war (tepartaMMt tt laimd not heard from neueral Ifhjlhtnp for three days. Secretary Itakar wild that General Pnnatan wm Hrjlng General Pershing to rush n ronurt nn the 1'arral Incident. COUTMHU. N. M.. April 1$. Oravest coueera for the aafetjr ot the American line of coiHiHunlanttOn vvna manifest In American ipmrtort) to day. ICvery preiMrntlHn Iihh boon made at the base here to hoop tho line Intact. Motor trucks lined up and flllod with rations stood In front ot military headquarters anil thg telegraph Htn tlou hero was ordered to lie Ifnpt open throughout tho night. No reason was offernd at military headquarters for the unusunl activity hut unofficial reporta gnvo nMunuiou that It was lsl upon reporta mnilo liy Captain U. S. Orant. In coinnininl of a suinll deUrhtuent of Amorlonn guarding tho line at Aeeeiisloii, sixty miles south of tho lionlor. It Is known that with dlplomatlo relations between the Unltod Statoa and Mexleo pending oIoho vvatoh la being. kept far the -000.vmun Genarnl Arnulfo domes, who were roportml to be moving from Ronorn. Into Chi huahua In such a way as to proaent poaalble menace to the Amorlean Hue of communication. However, reporta from military sources Indicate that the force, today could not he looated In northwestern Chihuahua. From the fact that ae word from Oeneral J. J. Pershing has poaieri through here for several days, It Is assumed that the expeditionary head quarters are beyond communication with the American end of the supply route. Numbers or moaaagea paaalug through here from Oeneral Puniton Indicate that the department com mander la directing the new move personslly. Lieutenants II. A. Dargue and IS. 8. (lorrell of the army aeroeeuriw planned to leave today for a 100 mile riight to General Pershing's sump. carrying dispatches telling of eoHdl llonit In northern chihuahua. E WASHINGTON, April 15. Italy's growing iiiiportuucii aa a buyer of American products ia Indicated ia fig ure, uxaomblcd today in the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce, which "how thut the country look $100,UOtl,oOO worth of goods ia tho first seven months of the fiacal year, luir 10. Only Kngland, Franca aad Canada were heavier purenaaera of. American goods. Tho rupiditv of the growth if Intdtf let ween the Tutted States and Italy is indicated in figure ahowiAir eJt i. its to that country ia Hm first halt .)-. the fiacal year 1015-10. amouttwl to 1 48,000.000, only idlghtlv helow tl'i- tigurcH for the entire fiacal year of 10 1 1-15, aud twice as much aa the full year preceding the outbreak o the European mar. The greatest single article of export to Italy is cotton, 30,Mt(MMMi at which were purchased ia the United States in the first aix atoath of tho piesent fical year again! $34,ttML 000 for the entire yeur befoie. Wheat bimieiita jumped from t. 800,000 for a year to 38,000,000 far six month. Wool nianufaolarea r,ew from 450,000 for a year to $1J,JUU, 000 for m months, aud boot and l-oe hhipiuciit. 1 1 urn f 300,000 to 8,70i. into, AMERICAN LINE, ALAN T RAD m AMERICA SHOWS RE