Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    fMir frfi
'( ( .1 ti" i.
News From Our Neighbors
Hff. nnil Mr. . Ilmbr fiMit '
Thftrwlitt in Hi' ritv t.l hiU'il
I'fnfrvor llcimff iT I hi' x','ii,lil
a'alton, a in Mrlf'rl on Thitr-
If. Aid Mr. N. . Hrnnelt of F.l.i
Ifgnay Hnr-err, were in Talent .n
Jlr. Ama THomoii of Iwsntwnr,
IWM hi I gaar her aangiiter, Mr.
fr. Ctmaifler of Tntr-nt, vW!.
Jim. Urn linden, Mr. A. M. Kt
Ms Mm. William Kern, nil of frit
ViiHo.?, were over to Mrs. Jamei Al
tm'n Tw(Ihy attending the meeting
f IIm Cheerful Cnnntrv riaS.
The benefit tHirr given by tbe
W. 0. W. of Phiasoit. for tbo Inttr
ftl of U. H. ponli'h, wmh m romplflr
-imi'ps in verr way. about ISO
ii- icaliinl.
I'm- mettle t I Im is
I.i-i Halurtlay wast wil eltewlod
iukI muh RNMi who neeemnlisbt'il hv
.iv nf eleaMbttf .f. numtff ing
!' M'HIiol trollHlln. A ))(WlilfHl IP-
n h dinner vae cijo,vvl.
The ClHMirf-i! .'until vv clnli met n(
tin In.ine f Mr. .lami- Alien Thiira
hi, April ll where they rnjn.veil n
llllll-linll.V pltWHMM', S4i II!, T!lU IK'W
iiIIhcix look their of fico -nil a hort
niriim wws reiir.o.vd, alter wnii h
i'i' cii'Min ami t-eao wm aenr-il.
Twinl.v-thrii lHemUorn wn ;uvmiiI.
Tin- new orfirt'rs .irei I'timiiW-ni, Mr.-.
( ('iiHy: viee )insi(fnt, .Mrs. .1. K.
1'olii-rlx; Mwrula'y, Mr- W. K. Ston-
lit I: IrpaNMrer, Mr. Iluima I'm!.
A. V. Walker, enHililelo for fhir
ili. wmm up from Mf!foi-J Kaliiiilny
w-inng, glleHilia, I ha betu'lil whi
pi i mill tlnnse.
linn Newbury nrl three uf bin
iIiiiiiik were (liiiiiiir t wH wil'i Don'
Mini, Mr. Joe IUUV. VNlrtN4lay.
Mr-, li. (). ;' Asmmiiii, id
tmieil to Iwr liuwo 'hIhwi1hv nit
n ii few day)' viml with liur wr-ml-
Mr, anil Mr. C Tawy.
Mr-. Ilarl HrWui wna pmIII.ij? ihi
Mi-. ('. I'am-v Kumlny.
Mr. Henry ('uHto'Ci of MirHl,
itiiii.lfd tb lea eivrn lr Ilia I-h-!"
' Aid f I'luHinix lrtu rinirdiiy
Mr-:. C. Cntwv has fifty liltla
in. keiH fnum four rttltijM of lAfihl
li.iiiinli tffgn and hn the little eliieka
Hi two hen. They would luaka u
I H't for I 'a Kler pimt mdt.
Auollifr of tlie murv joMv oeen-
iHii. in Kdra pracinet t.ui the tnr
) hi uivfu Mr. mill M". Joe Mailer
in I'ruUv oveniiiic, April 7, Tlia im-
.i-imi wc& tlicir wedding rtiniivi-diry
muI Mr. Itndcr'c Itirilidav. About
-M nl v Kiiofla wert in iltindiiiMP.
( .ili' iindiee rri'iim m'n'od I lie
-'Hi- ut ll.IUJ. Fnv liiindred Wii
pl.iM'il tliroiiirlioul tin I'Miinr.'.
C A. Wiuelrttut of (Irani I'uwh,
w.i- in I lii valley Huailay.
(In- Waituvr. the HlentnlMint miner,
ii. Imhu uul o MedfoiU xavrrnl iIh.vm
till- MlHlk.
A. I.. ItuteN mid wife, of Medl'tird,
Vin i ulliiiif mi frieniU iu I lie Aptde
,.iie -eel ion Hnnday.
I'd Sliatliiek of I hi lure, h none
t" .lnihuMi eoitnlv lo ItMik nflet'' f him HtHiinr inlvnMn.
I i id HiikIh'm aud ICImer Stephen
i of Axhlaud, ihimmh Ibntujih Ap
1 ' n I ThurHihiv on I heir wav to
iIIiiiuim mi ii proMKtiiiK triji.
A i lie it )rKler earn out from
Mi .iiiilMwt 't'humdny and ImmikIiI ii
I -I ul xuitpiua at th Afifiivtiulu
t . ! .-.
II. in v iVrnoll and wife of (lrnnl
V.i, tarried a few hour at Apple
. i Friday.
i: ItoM tMik a load of uidiii
I" ili Ktfuiuhoat winam rVidny.
Mi- lora Couch uf Jaekonulle,
v... .in Apnu'itate visitor at tbe Iteu
iiiii liouie ltt-t Katunlay and Huu-
I i del Toirin underwent another
li-lii Kriition thih week, (Jr. 8wnH
i v lieiiit; iu attendanee.
M.unurel Uruwii U expeetiuu the
umviil uf a nevr piunu oon, u pn--em
t'roiu her vrandfuthar.
W. F. Wnaht ui in Jaekunvillv
on huiue ae duv ut! watik-
Quite n few uipil of tliu m-UooI
itH'ivtKlNl(lO per eent iu lur eoiinty
KjMdMnt content lal Kriduv. Out uf
the priaiarv riMun IU took part and
II Kut ItO per eent. Thoe were
Thehwu Menniel, Audrey und Ktellu
Iyt4Mi. Kutirna Mre, I Veil lloueker,
Parol liv and Hiehnrd Head, Ieou (f
fauhat'lier, Krviuout Jurdun und dim
IfeUauit'l. Tkooe tfettuiv JiMI per
OVflt iu the eighm itliiU were lle-ie
liettd, May liarmw aud Al.nauiet
Qladyx Kue uffd Klnio Tliii''kiu.n
ton wen- Mrdt'ufd viuui a tiv,
hour Wednesday.
Thre wiuu Inrai :t n u.L.ik . .it ill.
partv iii veil in the .1 m ' ' ;i i
Hatardav uiitUt.
Mr. Alldel . Medf. a
interesting talk tu t. . . I
J Ii irdav,
tfore i.iiIMIiir l on lh m At
the ifnnl ntirt I (tin (.roitfr IMiif the
nwaem of Hotel firf'aon hm ern
rlndfrt to r-nrt an wanf to the north
ot the prenrnt utriietufp. it will h
a pommortloff one, and plan afa
alraadf hfira readr for operation.
Tna renoff la thai tfca Foro aafaae
f f. I.. Camp will orentir tae rirxl
atofj of the aanax. Tfie uroprletara
f Ida hotel prafwrtr hare deeMad
that now In the proper 1 1 aw to go
ahead and ftntoli up the whole Jen
ef mw word, aa well aa remoallnf
featurrn. while they are at It. The
Clrte Impreretneat rlali la ahw at
tatlaa for a permanent heme. Thin
will be a ailbetaailal ene and not
merely a mtmmer par I Hon or nrhot
afralr. The loeallon will prohahly
lw on the went aide of the rreek,
near the parka, on land owned hy the
muNleipMllty, the elty Mareelna to ito
nate the aranm! for the purpeae.
The Wediiwday Afternoon elub
waa nnterlnlneil thin week by .Mm.
Mart Orer, at her raalilunea on the
Itoulevard. Sh waa hhkIhIikI by Mi
diunoa Wnller Oorham, Charlea
Ui(iml ami Harry Andrnwi. Title
aatherlrifc waa Ilia moat aucceaarul
one In tbu olub'a hlatnry reeently.
The ilororatlona were In line with
the advent of the etiriiiK noHton and
IiuIkIiIiiiiwI tlm nrfaeU of the enter
tnliiniunt (ivniit whlrli waa an Ideal
sua Iu ovary palrlcular.
Vf. W. Oalilwell. rwililliia at the
rorner of Itook and Nuraery atreeta,
pa In Santa Moan, On I., temporarily.
MlleiulliiK to biiNlneaa tuattura.
iMra. V. W. Ilauta roturnvd home
IIm flrat or the wuek from an oxtund
tN vlalt with relative Iu aoutliern
Callfornln, and with whom aha ha
ieau touring varlnim InoalltfeN In that
loctlou and the Inlermuiintaln re
gion. Mr. and Mra. A. A. Ifimiunna. finm
Kanaaa, Iihvo rnlurned homo after a
lalt with rota liven In the Itanaor ami
Harrln famlllaa llrlna on Dully atruet.
From here the vlallon went to Wil
lows, l. They will dlapoio of their
Kanaaa property, return weal and lo
tate at wime poliie on Hie eoait,
Mra. W. W. Caldwell ha lim.n giv
ing a aerlea of Itineheona thin weelr.
nntertalnhiR a number of frlendn om-
pllmeutary to her nlnter, Mra. Blater,
vbo la vlnlllng relntlven here.
Private ear No. 00, Chicago A
Northwenleru line, eaeorted by two
private ram of the 8. P. aytiteiii. warn
linrthliound on No.' Id, Thurnilay af
tirairan. and their orruwauta lakou
for a npln over the parka by Annul
Kramer and other eltliena.
A. II. Conner, . P. engineer, ae
vompanled by hln wife, plan a trip to
Alaaka noon, on a vlnil lo their aou-tn-lnw'a
family. W. W. VVIIaon
On Tuesday, Analitanl Chief Kn
Rlneer Urake, of the Bout hern Pa-
elfle and part), oreupylne. the prl-
tale ear Paelfle. foltowod on Wed
newlay by Aaslatant Deneral Manaaer
tmpbell and party Iu the private ear
Hlaklynii, Northbound, were caaua)
vial tan here, vlsltlui aeenle beautlen
and apt lugs.
Among ftouien mi varlmia nehool
laiaida In I hie vlelnity, Mla l.llilau
Julian hue been eeetd truatee of
(he Htaklvou etiuntv high arhool at
Yreka', and Jdra ICd Qhhwi. dlrerlor
of the M oh (ague eehool dietrlet for
three )OHre.
Aeeordlug lo aniiouneemeiil made,
the aekt muvemoul la hehair or imii
Hetty purpoaoa hero will be for the
lalxlnu, 1i vote at a niierlal eliHilou
of tlv emu of 180(10 iwr ear for five
years, aa a npeetfU fund for exiiloi-
tatiou work. A like sum at Maine
interval will In anked for upkeep or
the iwrka. Tbia doea not Invohe a
bond tiuue. but the levying of dl
reet tax (rout ar to year to raise
the aumw inentioned.
J. V. atelkev, old-time restdenl
here, in renewing aequalntanrea hit
a few ims in this vicinity, tils fam
ily rvKidos ut Uerkeley, Cal . but per
sonally he is ronneeted with various
wining ramiM. For some lime peat
he has heeu la Arisona. He con
tinue to be a heavy properly owner
in this town.
Alpha Chapter No. I, Order of the
Kaiern Star, Is looking forward with
pleasure lo an official visit, Tues.iuv
evening. April IK, from Mrs M.m
K. Ilouek worth) grand matron of
tbe order, whose place of resideuee
la at Koseuurg.
Temporary otfielaU of the Cum
roliia vlub have been made parniaueat
In the persons of V. it. Umktug.
president; W. II. Uowd. vlee-pred-iteut;
'V. K. Watson. Hecreury. At
an early dale ueu week, Tued4 i j
'eilnedav ev.iUiiK. Hon. C II I.hiii
k i ii ill .i.1lre Meilfulil rUieu In
(Pi i. ..ii el iin i i in ti movenieiil
W ii i i I K ii m. -- .in
llonua, I'i'lnn tUKt r, pmici in il..
lillllli .if S..ii -' miii I- ii .'Hie Hi,..
.11. I'll., ii. ;..'. .i , i I 1 1 , r.
'1 I
i i.ii ; n k v .roti'li'il fhf re
" ome lalklng imfnlffen in fM
ma lo pntal, eeeataf t4 fttwrO. I
Irene of remgfM auwiWllg trfi.
whether rnev wftgfnafew frme trfwt
at. feetttfy f efaen of lf eheHawt
fnjo, Ifowgf, sfsnfajefif or the gfMgvai
anoegf N9S), henavee vhaji oeajvaoeffa'
lion whleh waa efW at If o'eloeh
fluMgy nlffwT htaf and twway fof.
lowing the eteeteftetlon nn I in
Inehen The average mean In iMi
leeallfv for the nvewth af 4nni la I '
no that lh fgegw shower waa go
InaeosM" Megf llf arrived Wednesdnv in
the perstM of a bonnelng Imi'iv on,
born to Mr. twt Mm. Henrv n Kn
itera, Jr. Henry I wants the hov to
he registered, so thet there mav ho
M n nest low aa to hln rlrbt of frnn
ehlae In yearn to tome in the opin
ion ef a proud grandfather.
Aahland granite from the qiiarrIeK
near town owned i W M. Hlslr or
Portland, haa lieen recomtiienl'l
lb rough nenatorlal Influenee for ion
etruetlon work on the new Port la ml
poelofflre The government, how '
ever, la rhary about commlttin It
self io the use of materials, and In
this partleular nperlfWM that ' If xiilt
able Oregon granite in avallaMe in
proper tHntlty. It will receive due
Denominational lentils In helng In
stalled on Ihe lots east of the Went
school. Iu this Instance .Vlelhodlitui i
lakes to the raiiipieln, anil Indication
point to the fact thai Pastor Ihhik-
lass and W. I). Hodgson, proiiilnent
layman, are bark of the enterprise.
which seeks to afford healthful rec
leatlou far removed from park casi
nos and public pla ground.
I. lent. Ilsgen, of the regular urm.
whose headnuarlors are In Kurouc.
waa here Thursday or this week s-ek
Ing reorulln for the government ner
vine In either the Infantry, ravalr or
artillery contingents.
C. K. lleopor. clly eanvanser for
the Med ford Khii, ban Juki received
a nlaht loiter announcing the olrlh
of a fine boy, Donald Hiehnrd (lullov.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale (lulley. rua
liloutn of Hiinnyslilo. Wash. Mra.
tiiilley In a diuigbler of Mr. and Mrs.
Hooper, and the latter with her
(laughter Virginia, havo been vMt
lug the fluiley family for some lime
Mr. and Mra. (Theater Stevenson en
tertalncd a company of friends on
Wednesday evening, Including Mr.
and Mrs. Clark Hush. Mr. and Mm.
Harvey I .lug, Misses Nellie and Lu
cille Snyder, .Inhn Kndera and Wil
fred Can. The Stevenson mansion
on W liner Heights waa the scene of
a jolly gathering, both host and hos
tesa being charming ontertalnere
among the younger social sot.
Loral churches In general plan
elaborate ICaster service on Palm
Sunday, AprH Id, anticipating the
actual date whleh Is on April. Kn
leclally will the cveulng sacred cou
rorts bo elaborate musical events, the
Presbyterian loading as to uantatu
real arc .MothodtHi, Congregational
and Hsptlnl follow In succession.
Trinity Kpisropal will hold services
eyery evening during Holy week.
1). P. Mine of Ashland's colony at
Honolulu, ban returned here recent
ly arter au extended absence.
Keuneib Me Willis ins. upon arriv
ing at Klamath Falls, outered Hie
ample,1) or the government reciama
lluu xervlee and Is an uaaUtuut t
lleorge Icenliower In surveying work
Tbe Howard auto line from here
to Klamath Falls will not only e
continued this summer, Iml an i. ir will he placed mi lie line
the Ii Ip tu l in. i !' III em Ii .Iin . I Mm
ilullt tli Hie -:rr lloi nriiiil. rmil.
i I
ih. mV ,i1tt, -
i. '.I . Inl
ine '" i hi inr
in- in . i. . i ii in
fi H, . r tin or
chorus chnr fof tU
ice in t .. frrvhrtrt
Tl- "F irr tea" -.
d" - nil "i ' i dnv
l I.
I,i ii ii,. infill r
ii -i
, I,
i.ff ...
II" I i
I'ni'li' ' li i
. I ni P. S t I i o' rt-
I f nlfiMUldtv fll'V ill 'O lll'irn'llfh
l ii uei"- ill .1 mil'illi ' le I l'..Jt
S1 "' ''I
,1 I.. I ie
iff,.. 1 1
ewi l-ni
eftceil .'
I. ill!-. . '
I .,1,
.1 '
Wlflfm i'i'I "',r
hffv i 'icli
r -U .I-'' --
fifiteni'iil lie
fne'tfil m 'I
llif ici. t at
(t d'trci In
',. i., fi.. i .en
..I ie limner
: 'Lowest Prices
SotfflTeffi Oregofi
g .I'HsiiJ npjiiiiiiii sjiiisjggiug
Ii ( ::!ii!ii!
S . i i ' 'iii I1
.... ti.i'!i'!
1 ' .' flpl ;
i.i..jiifii ; .
j-jelgnsS J
, "aiitriinciiinni imiiaiiiini j
imisnsi 'u jsjisi lime. naawstaanWgsasnassw
........ m
"TH Natitral Sfcorteninq"
A 111I--1011.U v eoliecll Hill be In M
III Ike elliileli KlllldllV i'VeuiUK. llllli
a umida'i' of Indie frugi Modtoid
are cMM'tci lo lake part.
Mr. T. I.. I'ih is awiiiliiu; a !'.
ilu- near tent nil I'oint iilHR In i
daiijihli'r, Mrs. V. A. Tlumip-ton.
About tilt v ijiiests a-einbiiHl i I
the home of Mr. ami Mr-. Joe Ilndei
lat Kinl.iv cwiniig, the ueeaton be
itiu ,i -iirii-j-e in honor t Mr. K.i
ilei- liiiilulav and uUn m eelehr; -Hon
t. Ml. iilnl Ml-. Itadel'. Wel-
ilnn.- .mi itei-ai . Tin- i'miiiiir wi-
Sua and lod III lag Out l Sna.
Htm iu l(cimie 'I'Utolly.
Here's a ihnuce, Miss Krecklc
Ute, to tn a lemed) (or freckles with
he auarautee of a reliable dealer
iii.ii It will uo ogal you a penn un
lis it removes tbe trefkle. vin u
it doe.s Kne you a rleu coin iUnni
il.e venue is trifling-
Simply got an oume of unii'i.
douhle ktreikglh Irow su iu' i
lloa'-! -' ..V
wni lio en tt u to rid .oi'.i ..
ill. liPl.leP lie. . Ii - Sill v I i . '.
f I . un.
i;.u. i
Il.iny nu.l Rov Brwu molgvd to J""' banqueted the s.nlor tans I o j
CJr.n.l l'u.' W.ili.e -l.iv. Icl.i.liii' iu i... ' i . .1,- L
mane bavb if it
ii.- kU
falls lo
How to make the best doughnuts
you ever tasted
A. really good doughnut is one of the choicest deli
cacies that can be set upon a table.
Doughnuts shortened with and fried in Cottolenc
have an appetizing flavor and' a wholesome good
ness that cannot lx) equaled.
Cottolcne is a real aid to digestion. Hence doughnuts that
arc mfde in accordance with the accompanying recipe not
only look tempting and lasto good, but can be eaten with
thorough enjoyment by any one.
Thin Is true of 11 foods prepared with
Cottolenc, the Natural Shortening.
Arrange with your grocer for regular
supply. Pails of convenient sizea.
Writ" our General Office, Chicago, for our
real cook book, "HOME HELPS."
. o
I if
To a pint of risen brssd clench
work in a cap of sugsr tx-stm
with two sgga and one teaipoon
of msltwl CoUoUnc Mix a littlo
nutmeg or cinnamon with one
fourth cop flour; add this nml
enough mot flour n msks o
stiff dough. Knit and rut ai'l
let riss for half hour. Then f:jr
in deep hot Cottolenc.
.,.. Mm i i iiiiuaiim in mMimimms
i i .Hi . '' r ii I. i ' i ' ' ' '
CottoUtiiSi makes g0a$ 'qgkingi belter'
iwmm ii wimn m iiiim iinniiir liiiuns nuinnsSsiiH
K nW-sMS esiwasaMMwswasraweesesBMsssseansweasMeBasersrjc
6 BKtir -1 ViwrtMTTl? t" WUQMeUl JMILilim I ' " I " muummam T lgKJ; F f I S9B' 1 9
I ISst - fiSn ! ' n9wri9H rWS(3s8' S ! K.'l I
AH iBMeJttt'eaflSfcgaj )MfcgjMitMia. ksi it gesaneinHtiMMii Msmiir:jA- mi Maagj g.gjsjgBgJsaajMlUjfeCl9f4kJgAMPttWtahkMkflL,4RaBlkt)K fltaS Hal
BaaaVvBvaflT'V &4v aa. IflgM QLaa.a3lwn VI jfV grv s 1 1 Ff - -m .- BcBQaVflaM
gXVrrgQitlWsBfl 1 1 I'lllff'lIP'i'i'n iiilaoSJmUASSS&CiSSi
CuriT J(rH. 2 iRfi.
Gh. Sturrh. 2 fAw.
Cefhifn'd Sturcfc. ffif .
F.ra!ffl Starrn. fV.
ffytfl VfgH Ksip. w
A I Naptha SfRi. (tZ-
f (,! Riicl 9V tlia
FrtriM WasWnfl Pawiajr, 25 ite 20c
trk Laundry . t " . . 2f
firing. Clothes Pm, wi.
lartja. Plotl Tsvllet PatiK
Sarwllo. 2 bar?
on Ami. 2 bars
3 boxes Ma!rbs .-
20 M. Team Sump Chrs..
Wool Soan Chipi, 28c irre
Botllfi Sluglnu
Ball Blueittfl
Ammonia, bottle
Lye. can
5 Oh Dut'tt Cleanser .. ......
Two in One Shoe nr Slave Pollili zc
i Pure Lard. Medium size '. 75e
IPie-e Lard. Lar size . $1.45
Crlsco. small size 28c
Crlsco, inodium size 55c
Crlsco, large size $1.05
Cottolenc, medium size 60c
Cotiolcnc. larrjc size $1.60
Wesson Salad Oil 30c
Pure White Flour, iter sack $1.45
' Red Cross Flour, per sack $1.25
, Srahatn Flnur, 9-IIj. sack 35c
; Whole Wheat Flour. 9-lb. sack .35c
Ryr; Flour, 9-lh. sack 10ij
Pancake Flour, 1 0-1!) 45c
i Wheat Hearts. 10-lh ...45c
Hominy, 9-lh. sack 35c
I Rolled Oats, 0-lh. sack 35c
1 35c pkg. Rolled Oats or Wheat 28c
:20c ukjj. Ralston Bran 15c
2 10c sacks Salt 1 5c
2 25c sacks Salt 35c
5-lh. can Syrup 33c
, 10-lh. can Karo Syrup C3c
Hi nal. Teagarden Syrup 50c
I nal. can Lon Cabin Svrun $1.25
2-lb. can Molasses lOc
25c can K. C. Baklnrj Powder 20c
I II). Royal Baking Powder 43c
25c can Cocoa 17c
25c cake Bakinu Chocolate l9o
35c oan Ground Chocolate 30o
Vi lb. Lipton's Tea 33c
I lb. Lipton's Tea E3c
5.0c Bulk Tea, II) 37c
Japan Rice, lb. rjv,c
Mead Rice, lb. 8C
Macaroni, lb. . .. . rjic
- 25c
1 1 nal. Teagarden Sy dp
1 ct. can Log Cabin C-yrup.
!4 gal. can Log Cabin Syrup..
Bulk Cocoanut. lb.
'Astor Milk, doz. .
Holly Milk, doz,
Carnation Milk, doz.
canned Pens, doz.
uiunoti sugar Corn, doz. $1.05
Canned Tomatoes, selected stock,
at $1l3
Shrimp, can 12c
String Beans, can IJ0c
Sauerkraut, can in
i Hominy, can 1!I LI'" 2c
1 Van Camp'a Pork and Beans, 3
I iw 25c
5-oz. can Good Oysters, can 9c
I o-oz. can ifoyni Club Oysters 20c
i L. &. P. Worcestershire Sauce 29c
iPosltim. uku.
1 Instant Postum 1""
j Ciiml) Honey
i j ma. oiraiiieq noney roc
i Lemons, doz. H20c
25 Ihs. Prunes J $) 00
I Best Cane Sugar, I2i lbs".' $10
JM Creamery Butter, 2 lbs ...GOe
1 3 lbs. Laran Walnuts . 5f
Kerosem, Oil. 5 pis. 85c
, Cider Vincaar. gal ZZI2K
I Swtletl Raisins, kB. 'tip
Cwianh. pk8. -.. "put
, Swanhetti, bulk mUyYn
Svwt pickles. t. ZI' 23e
P'-ape Jujw, pt ' -$g
""ki. Jiovr, 01. An-
Btrdaetil. pki? ZZ :1g
Chick Food. 100 lh.
White Beans
urn t";ans, 'j.
2bintA'. . ' .' "- C
-...CT macaroni, pktj. iru
Skinner s Spaghetti. )kg ZI Oc
Skinner. lmkM faZZZL Oc
; Skinner s Efla Needles, pkfjZT Oe
I Oyster Shell. 100 ihs. ' t2
boon coffee. 2 lbs. " p
( Peaberry Coffee, I lb. ..'ZZZ2K
r ' a ,ia,J,"us "P- can,
fJ'iov Asparagus, large can
Fiitry Maine Corn, can
F.nry Canned Fruit, can
A-virted Preserves, can "
2-x bottle Vanilla
9rw hnllU I . " -
Yeldan Milk, 4 cans i
; CaatpbeH's Jeeps, 3 caj "5
jlvery Start. pkg. 'Z S
t..r iictt prioo lis will be in th
,.!-. ,xilr,Uy. KVepthiaooeun.
, r '" and fou.Hir it wth ,
I" - u .-ail t.nd. Thev.r.l---
b. Mn!fui-.i i,a.. ..
"" uy 01 nor in
Jackson County
Supply q0.