Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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TMflf: rrrfl
DA n onAn noctM
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SN rflANCIflco. ,,rii if fno
Otto i Shore yellrrrarl was dream
font com H barker nearly JM.Mf),.
H. It tYtf fWrftWrvted. If
mwrww pwrat
(Alfrwd A. , a atovavrtr vf
ia rnmdwff, firtt rJrtumrtl f
Inflate draftta (fMft taetrl
fl atwrt Him railroad along tho
ortiN of tho Pacific botwtm ftm
I'rniMtree and Santa Cros. He, Mm.
lf, spent 1750,000 to man nil
drmm come true, and It wan Howen's
contagious enthusiasm that lad a not
able group or Sua Francisco capital
ist to embark In nil project of spik
ing elgMy mile of rnlla over treach-
oreun bluffs and cliffs, skirting the
souths of Idyllic valley, to bring to
the doors of Ban Francisco tho beau-
Ub of Half Moon liar, Granada,
other stretches of peninsular benches,
and withal a country neroage with n
rich man's vlow of the ocean from a
bungalow window.
Tho aticcosfl of H. K. HuntlnKton,
Jn his ruburban oloctrle line out of
Los Annates, pave the dreamers faith
In their dreams. J. Downer Harvey,
first president of the Ocean Shore,
lost a million, it is said. Charles C.
Mooro. president of trie Panama
Pacific oxposltlnn, whs one or the
other investors.
Financial ill fortune has marked
tho road, almost since Its Inception In
190R. Actual construction was start
od In that year at both termini, and
contracts wore let for electric con
struction and equipment aggregating
$700,000. Then came the groat
earthquake of 1908. It almost de
stroyed In minutes miles of graded
roadbed that had taken nearly a
yoar's time and thousands or dollars
to build.
Cloao upon the dlsastor came hard
tlmos, foreshadowing oven then, the
ond or tho dream or the Oconn Shore.
Thoro had .been nuthoriiod $5,000.
000 bonds at $1000 par. Only part
had been sold, and the one underwri
ter who had agreed to take the? un
sold securities failed at the crux.
Stockholders folt the burden or as-
voMmonts, and thero began a serlo
or noto Issues that succeeded only
whou $2,000,000 hypothecated bonds
wore offered, to secure them. Thest
soourltlos wore rinally sold. Ilowen
had held practically all of the stock.
Tho total obligation Incurred in
tho notes ean only be Indicated by tho
fact that $110,000 was paid In note
Intoroat. $76,000 less than the In
terest paid on all the bonds.
Yet barely enough money was ob
tained to push forward construction
Original plans were mutilated: con
tracts abrogated; thr dream or a fast
do ii bin tracked modern electric line
melted. A single track, ttnbalasted.
was spiked along shelves cut from
tho steep slopes and spanned deep
ravines on wood trestles. Millions
or cubic yards or earth were scraped
away to build these shelves, at some
points 250 feet above the sen. The
ocean gnawed at the bottom or the
bluff; their crests, rain softened,
slipped down, often obliterating the
rail hod. At one place the rails fln
.jr,tTi I . ritlHtmiffTBTi'liau- -J: tw.,.1 ..- H.hik ., . rk-vvft . . v- l, - la I ' Ll:alliB.L. .i.' I 'W IlM RL1lP ilt JHulEriii . 1
jol3BHBWs3a ffiwt
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the extent of nearly a million dollars '
to city folk.
Sections running north out ot i
Santa Cms were being operated too. j
The Southern Pacltic company had ;
co-operated here with the new com
pany in the construction or a road
bed to Davenport, where was located
a cement works, and had laid a par
allel track.
lly ltfOO the Ocean Shore railroad
reached its present limits. South
from San Francisco to Tunlta. a
distance or 3S miles, It had boon com
pleted, and also north from Santa
Map Mb I'timi I'ioiihI.
N. I i.l N.rtlica-t
Nti. 'J -North
So. Ii J led ford Nfirth HivcrHMli'
So. I Northwest Medford ... .
No. a WVat Mnlfurtl
So. (I Mwlfoid North Mmim
No. 7
No. K
Iti'Bi-trur. Addn-x
I'. (1. Slie.ll. ..I. Medlord Hook Sli.iv
.. F. (I. Smili.'.ir,'or.l Hook Store
' (I. Sneilii'or. Med ford Hook Stoic
W. II. I4.vdiunr! Jm'kxoti Street Store
- ... Helen N. Yoekey, Mail Tribune
r ... Helen N. Yoekey, Mail Tribune
Me.llonl North ('exlraill. II. Hull, Medt'ord l-'iirn. & lldw. C...
Medford South Central L H. Cameron, I Win I Telegraph ofliee
Cms to Swauto, 16 miles. In tho
ally lay fifty feet inland from the ; intervening gap of 26 miles there yet
original bod now washed by the sea. await marketing an estimated 100,-
It was In 1807. that the first sec
tion or the road out or San Francisco
wac open for traffic and as fast as
oaoh section was completed, trains
wore run to let in to their acreages,
hundreds or city folk who had waited
patiently to realise their dreams of a
buagalow. green grass, vegetables.
country air and a view to the oeean.
The Shore Line Investment company.
Incorporated also 1n 1905, in connec
tion with the Ocean Shore Kaliroad
project, had sold Hiiiall acreages to
i iwet or standing redwood.
It was only a matter of dx months
after construction ended that Its
Nemesis of financial disaster over
took tho road. Fred S. Stratton was
appointed receiver. Stratton later
was collector or the port of San Fran
cisco, and last year ended his life.
The properly was bought ia by a
committee of bondholders in It 1 1 for
$1,035,000 The $35 000 was paid
down in cash. Coder tho scheme of
reorganisation eight months later
in the same year the present Ocean
riliore Railroad company waa formed.
The $:,, Dim. 000 o( the old stock
was iped out and the bondholders,
Mho bad elected to participate in the
!- Mod ford South Alnili Hen flu met t, (lnnittl-Coiev lldw. Co.
No. 10 -Medford NVwlown If. I Idling. KwingV flun Store
No. 11 Medford Purk A. O. lUmuelt, Homiett Inv. Co., Main and Fir Ms.
No. lJ- Kuulhwthl Mfdfunl.. ..C. 15. Wynkuop. h'tl W. Twelfth Ktrwt
No. 13-Hedford Oakdnio .. K. C. 8hultf. Oakdale (Innvry
No. 1 1 liaat Medfonl... .V. B. Conaer, CwnaorV Cah flrtwery, ICnut Mnm
No. l.'j Southeast .Meilfpl'd. .. U. Jl. Camfron, Po-tiil Telegraph of fiee
No. Ill Meiirortl South Itivoritiile I. Ii. Catnerou, I'oMunVlegrnph olfiee
Pret-inel No.
1 Aaltland Houlevnrd .. .
2 Ashlaud KaHt Central ...
3- A-hland West Central,.
4 Aahlnnd Kaxt Main
5 Ashland Oak
8 North Aahland
7 K.t Ashland
S Southeast Ahiand ... .
0--Northwct Axhlurd ..
10 Antioeb - .. ......
11 Apilec;ate . .
12 Harron .. ......... ...
13 Unlhkrw
H Hutto Kails .
County Prooinols
.. C. Ii. IjOowU, A-IiImii.I
. J. .. Ietnery, Ahliiinl
.. Siim t. Allen, Axlilau.l
... C. L, IjiMNnia, A-IiImii.I
..0. II, k a. V. lUllings, A-hland
Q. 11. (J. P. lUlliug, Ashland
.-..... J. A, IHacry. A-lilmi.l
-.. C. m lonK, A -hln n. I
i. Kiimu t, Allen, Ashland
W. U .UoilgerH, Hea.le
Clludv- A Hose, Aiuilei;ate
0. If. A CI. K. Hillings, AUilnn-l. Or.
Q. II. A (i. F. BilliiiKH, A-hlaml
K. i:. Stnitb, liutte Fall-.
The Junior club of the Southern
Oregon Poultry umhocUUoh has be
come a robust youngster. Sixty-one
settings or thoroughbred eggs have
boon placed, Secretary Peeblea hav
ing secured the eggs from the breed
ers and Superintendent lllllia sup
plied the students who are handling
them. Itonald tSould Is the first to
report u hatch, having obtained 12
lively chick Itom I .' ckk There
are 25 applications more for oggs,
but It will probably not be possrble
to Hiipply them. The breeders have
r'Npondrd freely and generously to
the call for help from the Junior
itlold Hill aludmita have asked for
h full delineat'lou or the plan. Prof.
Claude O. Cate a re tliem ait inter
ostlng talk ntiout It and they have
become much Ititerosted.
The Junior club promises to be
come the most active element of
poultry assorts tloo and the old folks
will have to look out or the young
sters will monopolism the laurels at
(he nokt show.
Hy the way. three or the settings
Placed am eggs irom famous poult'ry
stock at Kugeno.
Grandmother's Rocipe
Brine Bck Color aatl
Luitre to Hair.
Yen ean turn gray, faded hsir beau
tifnllr dtrk and lustrous almost over
Higftt if you'll get a AO-rent bottle of
HWrrth' Sage and Sulphur Compound"
at atv drug store. Million of bottle of
tajls old Umou Sage lea Recipe, lav
Hfvi by t) addition of other wgredi
eats, are sold annually, uyi a wtll
kaoira druggiit here, beeane it drkeas
tae lair so naturally and evenly that BO
floe jb tell it Las been applied.
Tlaate whose iialr is turalag gray or
hasosaiag Isded bare a surprlss await log
taean, bacsus sffr one or two applies
tiar.' tbe gray Irnir vanishes sad your
loek besoase luxuriantly dark aad beau
tifaL ThU U cf youth. Oray-haired,
unatlrsctiw mike aren't ranted srooad,
to get busy wHk' Saw aad 8l-
Kur Coaspoon.1 to-aight sad you'll a da
fbied with your dark, baadsoat aair
aaal your youthful apparaes withla a
This preparation U a tol'rt iauUMe
and it not inter. I.-,1 f..r '- nir.- mitiifa
ti 'U or pi .-. ..ii in u v.! n'. t"
ieorganwuon. rc.Tu ior n-.r j jo Xurtb Central I'oini J. W. JaooiHi, Ccntrnl Point
sacrificed securities, a nm $5,000,- joSotitn Ceolwil Point - J. W. Jaoobu. Central Point !
noo issue of stock uoou which they it r'i;mu i., ., tr-i., i;
I have paid assessments ever since, oae i igUe, Indma , Clieatcr AplegaU. Ahluml
to J being for $23 r,o a ahare. Those s I jfjDarby Fmnk K. Neil, l)erb
curity holders, wi.o cnoae not to cam j6--Kags lint J. V. Mdnlyro, Kagle Point ,
their lot with the road received set- 21 Klounie Kotk T. B. Iliginnotham. Pro,Ht
enteen cents on tbe dollar. Tboy 22 Koota Crook 0. W. MatlMws, Gold Hill
held about $120 ooo In bouds. 33 Griffin Crwk- -.-.- W. S. Hammond, Medford, l(. V, n.
Tho state railroad eommlaalon ot 124 Gold Hill T- A. J. T. Banith, Hold Hill
California in 1VH valued the Oeean 2' North Jacksonville,
properties at more than $5,000,000. 20 Kouth Jaeksonville
A few trains are operated dally over ; 37 Laka Crook -
both divisions and extra trains aro , 28 Meadows .
run on Sunday for city workers soek-1 45 Mound '..
ing the beauties of tbe country and 4ft Perrydala- -
tbe seashore. j 47 East Phooni
Marrey wont bankrupt a few years j JJ'1 Pboi
ago he was a rnlllionalre Another , ;,f,if'
mililooairo a tea and coffee march- W'
ant. was said to have lost ,?" .f1-1
tie quit railroading. Bxeept for what ' j:-?. a v
stock bo waa gbla to dlsposo oI,"""y,
Bowen lost tbe 4750,OOOha put Into ?T"W, '.
Ocean Shore.
55 West T..I-it
Ul Teai'
. .. . .. .-- I J- "
Artienogo growers tooay pranvw j 7iP
valuable) freight tralfiee bo-; . -v
ten thre and four hundred car-
liu 1.- of 4rtlc:.oi.-s a pn
losWf ;
Wilti.w firiny
. Countv Clerk, Court IIoum-
...County Clerk, Court lloiixe
Flwd Thompoon, lke Creek
John W. ilitohell, Heaule
I). W. Heebe. Central point
Ed Jannay, Jaelwon Co. Abstract Ofliee
- ...-... A. II. Planer. Plioeii'.x
- A. II. Fisher, Phoenix1
C. W. Do Carlow. Ahland
A. J. T. Smith. Hold Hill
lira. Bona Whi.dand O. V. Wert,
Mia. M. E. Gardner. Rams Vallev
. Mrs. Emma Qilaon, Sterhui;
K. B. Adamson. Talent
K. H. Adamson, Talent
M. K. Middlobuaher. Trail
, ....Mrs. Anon Kueh. Hrn-b .
J. C Burton, Walking
Mr. I). N. MeVH-er. Point. K p .
i .uitlij.etei, V n . '
About Combustion?
ANYTHING will burn. The fire
k insurance figures show you fif
To mtke a cigar burn easily nd
evenly the wiry the OWL does
Thiit requiros combustion of n dif
ferent sort.
It requiros enrofuily cured leaf
long leaf filler hnnd-wortcrrmnship
that stjuure-end shape.
But bocauie the OWL burns
properly, you got the bonofit of the
OWL'S Million Dollar tobacco flavor.
And that's worth a nickel every time.
AWLpThe Million
ArJDollar Cigar
$&H2' M. A. GUNST & CO. jscr
ttaiwBItt W.ll (I "
I r t w try, i'r ii it, i r rr?Fifigntwffw"W
to Asooclafed Press I - A promlMMsi
rrench army officer has Jowt gwno
, thfwttgn a thrilling eeeapo front a
prlevfi detention camp In Oarajsjl'f
which anrallols In real life that fttwt
owa eotupe of fiction in whtc Tnliwr
Hugo's hero took tho nine of tno
corpse and waa enrrtod off to burial.
The offtcor In this rtemt Mpwrt
ence waa a military attache at Vfotfftn
np to tho breaking oat or the war. He
Joined lits regiment when the war
opened and in a dash ahead of tho
main body of troops waa taken pris
oner and rent to n (lortnan prison
camp not far from the Dutch front
ler. Hero, beelden tho physical hard
ships, two Utings occupied him cloo
ly: first, taking earofttl niontnl notes
with the training ot a military at
tache, on Gorman conditions in tho
nonrby ngrlctilturnl sections; nnd,
then, escape.
Mcnntlmo, ponding his observa
tion and tho rotitln of prison dtttlos,
the officer had noted tho dally com
ing and Rolng of largo dumpcart,
used for carrying nwny horso mnnuro
from tho cavalry Htnblos to tho near
by Holds. Tho sides or tho enrt woro
high nnd rigid and tho tall plcco was
romovnhlo to lot tho contonts nlldo
outt. It occurod to tho officer Hint
H ho could bo cnrrlod out in n load
or manuor,nnd bo dopositoil unilor
the dung-heap in tho fluids, (to might
work his way to rrondom. And so,
with a companion ho triad It .
Iluro thoro was another danger
beyond surriontlng and stonch; that
whou tho cart was dunlpod tho top
contentH would go out first nnd tho
bottom nnd tho prisoner would como
out on top. Hut tho nlldo was oven
top and bottom going out togothor
In a crash -which loft tho French or
finer nnd his compnnlon lmrlod under
tho dung-heap In tho midst or tho
usually follows the use of
for breakfast.
This food comes to you
in the form of crisp, nut
like granules with the true
jrrain sweetness of whole
wheat nnd nialtod barley.
Served with a little,
cream or jrood milk, and
a sprinkle of suar if de
sired, drape-Nuts is a
delicious food with just
enough "chewincss" to
win the appetite and start
"There's a Reason"
At (Irocer
15c the package
Auto Service from Eagle Point
to Medford and Hack
The undersigned will loavo Frank
Lewis' confectionery ovory day ex
cept Sunday for Modrord with hla
auto at 1 o'clock p. in., arriving at
2:00 p. ni. Leave Nash Hotel, Med
ford, at 6:00 p. in., urrlvo Haglo
I'olnt at 6 00 p. in. A part of tho
traffic is solicited. S. II. IIAUNfSIl,
Kagle I'olnt. Oregon.
Particularly Pleasing
to Particular People
Mom people are particular, eapoa
lull) lu the selection or articles 'of
food. Particular people would not,
think ot eating butter without first
knowing that it has been pnateurUird,
You may always deyeud on
"Medford Creamery
because every ounce of oreant vuumI
for this highest quality table butler
la pasteurised; It la pure, freah, de
licious. When butter la pasteurised It it ab
solutely pur.
I'ure, sweat cream for family hh
at all times.
Medford Creamery