Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MKUFQHIi f Afr, THffU Vr. Ml HVhUti, ''ii" , M.'fl'.W. Ml.'ll 11. PL'....
" Sf'
SiRMnnn .tun, immmH
. M,ffiwntm "vwmm
nrr n i iit f nf
SU. ii. i fivri'M . i
I Tf't I P I" Una
ft .f I I '.
Cfi fn.nfrnfti fttK r"h. t(1ffl
' .11 ni tf.-.tfoM ffh-m. fh. So
eesn Tti SaMsM Trhufi
inifKt?rrK Trt
ssal, . . .
Mil , -. -
Umtm tor Mffiar
! as
fry mail. sf rsif .. I jf
ftetet Viaer of fh ritf of Nearer
htfmni "as-' .f frfceo reset
" arsalettea tt 114, fltT
lfff AeaOOtStSd H
tnneeribers falling to re
ceive papers promptly, phone
Olrtnlatlon Manager at J60-H
.Sure, Our .Vow In lied Kieiiii llluMilng
We are all familiar with the po
etic werds: "Thers's many a Rem
that's born to blush hihoh, and
waste Ita fragi-anee oh the desert
nlr." -Kilmarnock Herald.
Yos, nml Muff, Too!
A London magistrate Ima rnlod
that poker la a Ram of ohance. He
was evidently unacquainted with the
leading eaa In A merlon, where on
the name paint srlalng the Judge, the
counsel and the parties adjourned for
a quiet name, anil the defendant trl
umphnnlly demonetraled that It was
n gamo of skill.
Illaitn Up to Ditto
"Manageress (IB), thorough hnsl
new woman, accustomed to control
stag." Women's lCtnployment.
"Didn't you hare a brother In this
course laat year?"
"No, air, It wns I. I'm tnkliiK It
ornr ngaln.
"Kxlraordlnary resginblHiioo,
thought Kxtroordlnaryl" Harvard
If tho fond mother nud fnthor both
nsk j on wIiqmi yen think Uto Imhy
resembles, the safest way out of It la
to toll them It look! absolutely neu
tral. ThIii)'n Itolli'lugiir
A little colored girl, a new-eomor
In Sunday school, gave her name to
the teacher aa "Fertiliser Johneon."
loiter the teacher aaked the child's
mother If that was right.
"Yea, ma'am, data her name," aald
tho fond pareut. "You aee, ahe waa
named fer me and her father. Her
father's name am Ferdinand and my
name la Lisa. 80 we named her fer
tiliser." Itoaton Transcript.
Siijh llioOlil m tho I'llin
Sometimes h woman who thlnka
her husband la the klndeat, quietest
and best-natured man on earth, gets
h sneaking suspicion that he's Just
A member of the first Canadian
rontlngont, writing home. sas: "I
Kiit'Hx the first seven venra of this
war an- going to he the worst."
I .Iti.t.tUH mt lli (III
"Corns All Gone!
Let's ALL Kick!"
Every Corn Vanishes by Using Waa
derful, Simple "Gets-It" Never
rain. Applied in U Sooondi.
Tsn't It wondi rful wliit a iliffrrei
juat IK t la 'Until It mik.
corim anil vallusm It ilM-y nil
lumnwksrti la tlw woriu, with ut
Ma to'
'U'Urct I Hun I rr! I Lot Ilia of Mr
furuit WMU (.rt-fl
fslka )iuiiii"I up Kli ourk crw4
fBSfS. KVUKHll. pi' kllil. tlrlUlllV nut
their corns, m., kn,i ia kaa of tkslr
tB with iUi i - lumlagf. tp ana
SfiHtrwptl"11- '' l "'" ' liolUr" In
tnefr Coras . mi fornvnr' Don't
ruudelt. t'" 'I'ts-it." Us msrvtl
ous. Msnple. I" vi (4lla Apply It In
2 asconils- Notiiii.K to stick to the
tgMklng. hurt r Irrltal lh to
WiIh stops, foi ii i my "clcaa eei.M
rtttlck. Its on. "f HiV yi iim of h
wW. Tr' 1" " kjfk-froiu tor. FW
cot ut, eollUMIi weris. bunion.
SSts-irTs fl v.rywhr. tic a
lHtU. or sent 4lrct x. V. Uwrnc
& do.. Cklcagalll.
Sold in Wedfard and recommended
u tb world's best com remedy by
wwoapr, nr rwir
rpmiWIhW wnn tfir- l7lrfTmfihffMifv f fhr Mrfh "f
j 'thtinmn itcfffifrm, rtc nt fhf frr-rttft cf)ttm if nil
Mfw, ff n trutrffmnti, mrrfo fhm fo mv rthrr fhtf mMTfi
rlffWK-rgjfy rmtn if mMrtirf. ff wnn ffffrmtm whfi nt n
rflf Irnf jNrM In fhf Itifflnf rrpnWf'n hUiry ifirtf fhr
f 'rrlfM Wnfrsi if fomtn-rnt lr ff nfonr.
tMffrmm wnn fh rhnmtrfm! nt htmwtiify- of tV
fTMIMfg, tHii nt fhf r1fwrlf nw llftcf fM ftiflwt firtt)? Ifl fhf
pffrjilf". fforpftftnffrf unfit Jeffpmm'A Any hud lwv
)w n nt, by 8Tid fnr fh Iiwm, Nil Jeffrttm preached fhf
nilr nt fh pf rrpl.
ftettmm wtoIp fh tlvrinrnWnn nt frKlfpfndpnrc, thf
irlriilfl of whlrh twt nnly Wwnglti f ht Amrlrn ppyolntkrn,
font rtilrrrirwlfd In the Fn nrh irronton thut lurwly emtfi
rfpulpd ICitmpf fmin ffiulnliiim. .fcfrpnion wan nmt (o d
vopfltp jiboHfion of hunmn nlnrcty. wjw fmtndpr of fi'pe
ptibllr nrhwjln, wan an (bar of the first lw jnmrnntecinjj
lUyorty of ronm'IpiK'p, and seen red alrolitloii 01 the laws or
entail and prlinogentnre,
'Hie aiu'lfiit world knew nothing of democracy in the
modern sense. 'Hie democracy of Oreeee was tin oriental
oligarchy with a thousand alaves for ovovy free man. 'Hie
democracy of Home, Imsed on that of Greece, also had
human slavery as a cornerstone. Liberty was the contri
bution of the wild (lermanie tribes to civilization, and con
stitutional government an evolution of the ideals of these
barbarians, long smothered in the chaotic conditions cre
ating feudalism. Religious wars of intolerance, discovery
of the new world, spread of knowledge and invention
spelled tho collapse of fuedalism and the birth of democ
racy. As tho first groat democrat, as well jis the most far
sighted statesman of his time, tho world will over honor
the memory of Thomas Jefferson.
Tn one of our sister cities the school children were put
on parade when the promoter, who is expected to rejuve
nate local business, arrived the other day. If that becomes
a universal and popular practice, the public schools may
soon be turning out nothing but "rcalestaters" and town-
loi speculators.
The pork barrel was invented as an excuse to maintain
the robber tariff, and the tariff barons want to turn all the
money into their powder kegs. Under this plan they will
get most of the money raised by protecting their infant
Tf you have not attempted to register and have the
temerity to try, dig up tho evidence of your ancestors' ar
rival in the Mayflower.
If the Oregoniaii circulates in (ho other world wo sin
cerely hope that, out of regard for the feelings of its for
mer great editor, the late Mr. Scott, that the celestial cen
sor cuts out tho editorial page.
lacksou County pioneers, who helped create Oregon,
now have a chance to appreciate insolence in office.
Can County Clerk (lardinershow his birth certificate?
Tt not, how can ho prove his citizenship?
Vhero oh, where are the noble patriots who used to
prate to us about "protection to American labor?"
When is a eituon not a citizen Ask County Clerk
What has become of our poor liUlc "infant industries?"
iW Iw Iti
Itj IW)II llr.mii
Denis PtAhioM fcM provided a sep
arate coat fer the spring srdrobe -a
my Utile affair or pussy wlllo taf
feta with bishop sleeves of transpar
ent Oeorgotte crops
When worn with s Jumper suit,
which tt malt hen in color ami muter-
lsl. It lompletss a eharweng three
piece oostums.
This little eatrs eoat will be Just as
effective, so Its originator. Mm
J syne of tho Fashion Art League or
America, tells mo hen torn with
the while serge alrts that aro to
have an lmtttt& J'lCft tn, tit uhi
' mer "VfgWlipJttey
tlm th cleen tti und imlnf up
slogsn ami npirtf ere in tii sir Mrt
fofd minds afld (0HRiie have hef
busy for some 4f and now th
period for set loll ha been rear net!
and It should to iwfed that (1st Of est
r Bedford clot M the first of the
local forces to fgaeh the irHig-llno.
The mayor of the city hss Issued
no proclamstfo yet, hot he soya It
will proclaim sosjm day during the
first wee In Mr. probably tho Sth,
as the tins nt whleh the refose, de
bris snd Jnnh tmit have been pllod up
shsll be removed by ths city. The
cltv will Insist, however, that every
thing (hat ean he bnrnod on the
premises shall be so dlaposod ef: then
that which remains will be hauled
Jt has been Hrged that, If the
homes In a nrHlrtorhooH become
shabby and weather-beaten, values In
tho whole neighborhood deteriorate;
but, If some houso-owner paints and
beautifies his home, It radiates Its at
tractiveness In ovory direction and
soon tho wholo neighborhood Is made
bright and nttraotlvu.
"Clepn trp and I'alnt Up" litera
ture has Already become attractive,
both In form nnd philosophy. An
olomont of common-sense porvades
It. It poescMoa good-cheor nnd on
oouragoment. It carries with It the
spirit of civic, clonnllness. Here Is a
Start tlm Movement
"If you knew that you could start
a movement In Yourlown that would
make Your llomotown a better Home
town, would you start It? Certain
ly! If you know that the movement
would boautlfy Yourtown, make for
hotter sanitation, onhauco property
values, aid In flro prevention, reduce
flro Insurnuco proinlums, causo flow.
ortiods and shrubbery to replace rub
bish, and educate the children as well
as the 'grown-upa' along tho linos of
cloanllnoss, thrift nnd civic prldo,
would you hocoino enthusiastic In
your civic prldo? Cortalnly!
"Here Is your opportunity.
"Souio man or woman In noarly
B000 towns and cities started the
hall rolling for a 'Closn Up and
I'alnt Up' campaign last yoar. Some
already wero civic loadere, some de
veloped that loadorshlp through their
campaign activity, others merely
started the thing and let others play
(ho loading role. Thousands of these
'starters' are now roper ting that the
campaigns regenerated their towns.
Some town campaigns have practi
cally refurbished an ontlre county
the spirit Is contagious."
11i Woik In (iood IIhihN
The Ornater Med ford club has tak
en the lead In tills matter. It could
scarcely be In better hands.
Ilustness men and property owners
generally have Imbibed the spirit and
promised help, both material ami
moral. Material holp Is essential.
Moral help gives tone 'to the spirit
of tho movement.
It Is now up to every home-owner
and every family that occupies a home
In clean up by scraping together every
particle of dirt and Utter on the
premises owned or occupied and burn
as much of It as will burn and have
the residue piled conveniently for the
eliy wagons when they come far It.
There are scores of ways In which the
premises may be otherwise beauti
fied. They will suggest themselves
as the clean-up ork procHds
iMedford Is not very abundantly
bleasod with ornamental shrubber
In thousands of more places It
should have flower gardens, rose
bushes and beautified parkings There
is every possible Inducement to add
those charms to oho of the most
happHy situated little cities on the
coast. Newr ,n there n more op
portune moment to begin thin excel
lent work of dih.ineeinent than now
By A. C. Howlett
Last Ssturdu) afternoon after I
had written m letter (or the lall
Mall Tribune I met Mr. aud Mrs.
Harts, their sou Charles aud daugh
ter, Mrs. Tauseher, and her two baby
girts, twins. They have arrived late
ly from California and aujwsr to bo
Just ths kind of people we waut to
ftil up the acancies In our neighbor
hood. They have goue to work to
improve their place by bridging a
stream that runs through their place
that has been (or the last fort ears
a constant menace to travel on ac
count of the mud, aud blasted out
with powder a larae rock that stood
Just on the u1c of the road so that
Absolutoly Removes
In di tf ostion. One paokuo
pm es it. 25c at all drugaibts.
' rin m' "" I'!' ' " " Oit
tino r ran dfl thrn'ish the pies
. ifH irmm 4nfftrff We iwM
ii fWf to fttf KM nf fWe
df mm tamftmnf rho ottiw .
up fs in mt Mmirtiinffy.
!f Vrtft OrfrfMr snd ffofffr ftrtr
of fhe MrtWest ofehtftf ftd tot
supper HgftfroHl .
Mr and Mm 0 1. ffl of Pm
psw( mofofed oof ffom Xfgtfforif itt
tirday sffsfnooti, and sfeiH fUe gfthf
at (he flunnynlds
l SmHh end wife end ti W
fttososit iotH snppef with Mrs. Mew
lott (he sosjmi svenlflf.
He. Cft fM. rwehffy rrom Jfeir
Jersey. biK formetly mfeetoMry
from Pehlfi. Chins, cam la lest Jnt
nrday to visit his brothor-fn-law, sis
ter and niece, the Calking family,
and on Snadsy moralng he lectured
on China and tho work In that coun
try In the mission fields and at night
he gave ns another leetnre along the
same linos. He Is a very pleasant
speaker and told us many things
about that wonderful country that
was new to ns "American heathens."
He took his departnre on Wednesday
morning via Hsrnlsh's auto route so
as to catch the 10:10 train for San
Francisco. He expects to return to
his charge In I'ekln In a short time.
The Calklngs family ' and Ilev.
Kelt took dinner nt tho Sunnysldo
on Sunday.
On Sunday we had quite a crowd
at the Sunnysldo for dinner aud sup
nor both. Among ths gnosis woro
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McPherson, Mr.
and Mrs. If. h. Young, Mrs. J. II.
Jackson and son, Janios, J. V. Mcln
tyro, wlfo and slstor, Mlm Allco;
Mrs. Win. Von dor Hollon nnd son
and Itay Coblolgh for dinner or lunch,
and for supper his honor. Judge V.
I.. Toil Velio and wlfo of Jackson
ville C. W. Hudson and Lester Hud
son of Portland, taster, Guy and Wil
lis Davis aud Misses Oay, Jessie and
Kthol Wolib of Tolo, bosldea several
of our townspeople of the young peo
ple that Just drop In for n inoal oc
casionally. There woro altogether
about fifty took dlnnor and supper
hero that day.
Tho Talent ieain camo over nnd
played against the K. V. toam a game
of baseball, and carried off the
laurels. Tho gamo was very closo up
to ovor half way through as nolthor
(earn made a score hut finally tlm
Talent team nmilo a run nnd mndo
six points and then (ho K. V. mado
ono nnd thus It stood 6 to I In favor
of Tulont. Hut tho 1ioys have n lot
of sport nnd n good time and tho
host part nf It is they always (ake
their defeat good nnturedly, as there
Is no grudging about tho defeat.
Thore was one little accident or mis
hap, the ball was struck and was
what Ihey call "a fly," and It came
over (ho grand stand and one of John
Oreb's sons was sitting watching the
ball and It came directly to him and
struck him In tho face Just below
the eye knocking him senseless and
the Talent eateher Jerked off his
mask and caught (he boy before he
fell from (he seat. He bled very
profusely at the time but was not
seriously hurl as his father told me
that he ate his breakfast the next
morning. The reader w III understand
that I was not there and have to give
my reports of Sunday ball games and
the dances from hearsay.
Monday I look a split In Med ford
aud treated myself to two pairs of
spectacles as my old ones wore too
oung for me. Mr. Klwood did the
work and now I can reajl much bet
ter than I could before. It rained so
much that I did not run around (own
much but spent the most of my time
sitting In some house or other.
Tuesday was quite a busy da) hero
aa there seemed to be quite a number
of people In town and one of them
was le Far low and Win. Martin.
They had motored In from creek
oountn for some of the nec-sslties of
What Weak Women Need
We lime It In n Itemed) ConlHlng
the '1 Iiiih Oldest mid Mol
(''unions Tonic Known.
Vlnol contalus the three oldest and
inoHt famous tonics known to medi
cine, vis the medicinal eMracthes
of fresh cod livers, without oil, pop
tonste of Iron and beef peeptone
That Is why Vlnol Is such a won
derful remedy for weak, run-down
persons, feeble old people, delicate
children, and to restore strength aft
ei sickness. Kead this testimony
Savannah. Oa . "I was weak, ner
ous. ruu-down, had no appetite, aud
could not sleep, I had tried medicines
without any benefit aud one da) the
nurse asked me to try Vlnol 1 did
so and 11 nude me feel like a uew
woman. It has restored my strength
and I can do all my ova housework.
1 Mould not ttte anything for the
good Viool hu done me." Sir.h
Wo return money In every such
case whero Vlnol falls to benefit the
purchaaer. Medford Pharuiac) -Adv
Idy Avitaunnt
ih 8. IlAUTI.KTT
Phonos 1. 47 and 47-Ja
Ambulance Service Onrooar
, ,. 4 ,f, 1. .., ! " """
he had M" Hvlnst "" ''" P"'"
ft? nlrg. biff 1 (ffif t"
pffHMffgfi vf (IN tlf mt tntlM
fhft fhdf fhefe fs m lostiM'
fh llwniw f tntfll lht fhe both
t 4. Hrffl, erha g home
tiMtf fho fm ferrf MM w
alt M itiMi rfHrf y end wlitfg fe
renewed file mrh fo t! vT W f . "
I turn tn reewrl ifwf ete Totiitg
renewed DM giih ( (he fllr Mall
TMhooa stnoa mt last report.
' "' ""' " .
r. n
Mill of Derby fnt ont two
small SMhe of mohnlr on (he P.
K. Toetday snd tmt depot sgenl. F
t. Newport, sett etft n eoop of White
Wygndotte hens thet he purchased
of A. B. -trout. M. seems (o he mnh-
l.g a specialty of (he WhKe Wynn-
dottes. They are beauties.
The P. II rnllroad seems to he ,
doing a good bustnoa. (hl. spring J-,
(he little motor cr seems lo be load-
ed bout all the time end there la
tulle s nunvber of passengers on (he
regular car each It ph,
through here.
r. M. Stewart and wife returned;
from their trip lo Lo. Angeles Tue,
dsy, but I have mi seen either of,
them and am not prepared to state
..... . . .....
with regard to his health.
A. O. Bishop of Klngwood orchard
and his wife were In town Tuesday
afternoon. They brought in their
cream for shipment, but I have not
tho space to comment on the cream
ory question, as my letter has about
reached the limit.
Since my last Mr. and Mrs. II. I..
Mitts, the civil engineer, who Is mak
ing a map of the P. & K. railroad,
and his two helpers, M. Stevens and
James T. Matthews, all of Portland,
have taken rooms at the Sunnystde.
I am glad to be able to say that
Mrs. David Clngcade, who was given
up to tile In the Sacred Heart hospi
tal about two weeks ago, Is at home
and says that she feels better than
she has felt for )ears. She Is help
ing to do the housework. A modern
Tried Various Kidney
Remedies But Only
One Proved Reliable
It Is with pleasure that I write
these lines of praise for your wonder
ful kidney aud bladdor remedy. 1
had kidney (rouble so had I became
very much alarmed. I had tried va
rious kidney remedies I heard of but
without relief. I was about discour
aged of ever being helped, when, one
day I picked up a book containing
testimonials of people who had been
helped and cured of their kidney
trouble by the use of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Hoot, so I decided to try it
aud I know I owe my present good
health to the wonderful curative
power of Swamp-Hoot. I sincerely
hope my words will bo the means of
restoring many other sufferers of
kidney and bladder troubles to good
health. Very truly yours,
1191 Itoycroft Ave. Lakewood, Ohio.
Personally appeared before me this
ISth day of October. 1915. II. J. Ksn
stermaker, who subscribed the above
statement and made oath that the
same Is true In substance and In fart.
Wm. J. IClotsbash, Notary Public.
(Letter to Dr. Kilmer Co., King
hampton, X. Y.)
Pmo Wlnit SwHinp-ltoot Will Do
Kor Vim
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co.
Itlnghampton, X. Y., for a sample
sise bottle. It will convince ant one
You will also rncehe a booklet of
valuable Information, telling about
the kldm)s and bladder. When writ
ing, be sure and mention the
Med ford Ore . Dalh Mail Tribune
Regular ftfi v mil and om dollar size
bottles for sale at all drug stores.
A show good enough for an) body
Around the World!
Ac,n,, maturing r.eo Xe. u ho
sa)s ho is th- funnier man in tlu
oriel This is a Ytr uniuiip luuh
'--" --
The Smugglers
of Santa Cruz
A thrct part drama Ihrftmu"
Mutual tik os of the
world liirls dance m miow bare
footed .
If ou ant tlie let ito to the Star
Medford House Movers
We Move
l'hon IH8-M
flt2 S. NewioHH, 7-7 W
i nil sr.
Hot Wafer far
Stele ttmkcim
itislntoiilln--whlch bw W
ff7'" '".Mint. the hfg
kMMii th ivmsh dncts. excite CM
tnnroan ." ''"'- r' l.-U tmi
gaart wblrh mimos ine mom "2-
ttal Hj.i:" TodnVw f
KJ1 Srobblng pmn snd distress. calrSW
,,.,!,. Yon beeosM ncrvowi, d
fpmideiil. sick, fevensn ann mwniw,
yoar meals snnr glM.hlg
artaYtli brnffii which Unwwor.
fy rcHeve but do not rid the blood er
these h-rltntlng toxins tMmmMktt.
JtJfc SlllS
S,o breakrsst for awhile, will net
i- wwj, these ftolsoiw from your sys-
.(em and care you ?' fcf7,,' w,'"
ttarVttr;n,, '"" "" """
j yonr pharmacist for a quarter
KMHi 0f limestone phosphate. nJn
fiijt ?0Ta wurlsh
J'u ZP unnleasont.
niHw " .. .:;: : i . if
IT you aren t ieenna jour mi, ..
tongue Is coaled or you wake up with
bad taste, foul breath or have colds.
Indigestion, biliousness, poPf,tln
or sour, acid stomach, begin the phos
phaled hot waUr euro (o rid your
system of toxins and poisons.
Ilssults are quick and It Is claimed
that those who continue to flush out
the stomach, liver and bowels every
morning never have any hoadacho or
know a mlsorablo moment.
Leave Mcdford for Ashland, Talent
and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at
S:00 a. m., 1:00. 2:00, 1:00 and 6:15
p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p.
m. Sundays leave at S:00 and 10:30
a. m. and 1:00. 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30
p. m. Leave Ashland for Medtord
dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m.,
1:00, 2:00, -1:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also
on Saturday nights at C:30 and
2 20. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00
a. m. and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30
p. m.
Camera Shop
208 East Main Street,
The Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any time or
pla'cc by appointment.
Phone 147-.T
We'll do the rest
E. D. WESTON. Prop.
i at ,ws meftt if you feel Backiichy or
have Bladder tronb!e-8alU
line fer Kidaeys.
Meat forms urie acid which exeiles
sad overworks the kidneys in tbsir efforta
to UlU.r it from the sy.tew. Regular eat
ers of west must flush the kidneys oeea
iita!ly. You must rpliwo tium in -..
i r,1'fve y" bowels, removing all Ue
y V. ' . " ua P'on, else you feel a
dull misery in the kidney region, sbarp
pains in the back or sick headache, dlx
riness, your stomach sours, tongue is
coated and when the weather k bad you
have rheumatic twinge. The urine is
cloudy, full of sediuwat; the ebauuie
often get irritstsd. oollgiag you to pet
up two or three Uwea during the night.
To neutralize these irritating- aoids
and flush off the body's iin7T ..,,.
, get about four eusoes of Jad Salta
Irom anr Dhirma!v !,. in.
spoonful m a glass of water before brsak-
' -J-" dneys will
i'Par. This famous salts Is mads from
"e acid of mtm ami Umn. ...iu
. , ...,.,.;- -" '"jV.iBD.tMIt..
1 - "" 'ni. ana ilU heen used for
i generations to clean and ttimukte slug.
f'!1 c'l?-" "n ! "' P h,ad,1,r IrriUtloa.
'at Silts u imxp..n.,, harmless and
"- P,r, nesi-cnt lithia-
ter drinU hih millions of men sod
- u.v. k n j,. i then, thus avoidiar
Mnoua kidvy a-.i f udder dlssasss. '
sul"'"!'1 !" "'"'" '..!
imt Story tUl til ! .Mu(
tnm Urr, i tkn4t Ulc
lit MW
I 6nf H"H ur Mwt lU tr
r7Jif.7Hl Hiiww-.