Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MPhf'OTffi frf TfdfM'vr. mi .r.iM
rAQff ntum
GOLD Hi l!
' . T In n ll lt '
K' , I ,. ft
Butte mite- fcrr.etfe
ttffgV WfkMW IfWNKR
Tit.. roiilt of the lcfc on rnnntr
"pelllng content, held April 7. 1l.
me btn gnnonnred m follews:
Drvtsloa fftvn or moft tenrtersi
OoM fit . arerat ti. awr
Division II f front two to five
trathmi Apptegato segoof, avergfe
7.J per rent.
Division HI (one tesdrtr), tit fte
tween flam Valley scans! and Bypoe
Springs school, each awHing m inw
mm nflMHr emt. AiMNkor contest
will bo held Inter between la two
schools to detergttae th whrtr.
Dinar schools making an average
of M per rent or more are mi fellew:
Division I. Washington school.
Hertford. 18.35 per cnnl: West
school. Ashland,'. per cent:
Jlooewvelt school, Medford. o.l per
IHvislon'lt. OnU flrovo school.
97,o& per eeilt; ltollgvlew srkool, per cent: Agate school, !K;
Ttdu. Bl; Wagner etwh. :t.3; Hrlf
flu Crook, 0. tS: Howard, iio.i.
Division HI. 18lk Creek. 8. IUii-
rherla, S8; Uherty, 97.75: Chappar
ml 7.0; Rkim Creek. 06. 14: Hlgln
hot ham, M; Central, Id; Crater
Lake. M; Iewe)r, 5.3i; 1'erslst.
l.6: Proepoet.. HI: ITnlo.ii Town,
83.75; Independence, 93. .73: Wfit
8 We. 93.3: Willow Springs, 3: Table
Hock. 92.5; hone Ploe 92.38; Mayea
Creek, 92; Hatchery, 91.2; District
No. 93. 90.7. f
The uamtta of puplla making? 100
per rent In the county spelling run
teat, held April 7, 191A, are as fol fel fol
eows: .Mcilfoul SiIkmiN
Lincoln school Arllene lliitlHr,
Gorlrurie Hiitler, Thelitis Dyor, Har
riet llovlls, Herbert Grey, Hiuol
AVomack. lleth Clark, Worth llasal
llgg. Florence Trowbridge.
Washington acliool lSdim llarr,
Nellie Iloecu, Gladys 15a rl
Campbell, Win. 1. Dehtey, MIIIhii
Carslens, ltllcy Davis. Hlsle I'errli,
Ituth Hamilton, QertriiilH Hargrave,
Shoron C. .Merrlniaii. Daiay Moore,
Thelma riannaway, Martha Itaymniul,
Ituth Nichola, ChioIIhu 1'hiiI, Kvhii
gellue WoUe, Hron Tnrber. Itutmll
Wheeler, Iura. Iteat, Hva All. .11. Nual
MhIkhi.v, DihIh llroiihy. I'redcrlck
Padilyaman, Udltlt Uarrlaou, Mar
garet Ilnrvey, .ap Klntu. Miugue
Altketi. Ionian Spragne. IjiU Heane
laatM'l BlevnHaen, Agnea Stewart.
Jackaou acbool- -Thelma ColHna.
Allen Mc'Clanaban. Itertha ftcbleirh
crt. Carl Hptthu. Kinnia V'blH, How
anl Uowttll, I,mllf Mrierv, Jack
Tony. Kva Walgamott, Lowell Xftli
orland. Dorothy Moern, Kd Kelly,
Iteva Stanitloy, Walter Sherid.
Uoovvelt achool Bruce I'utmim.
Perry Qregg, Itupert II. Mnildox,
Joarphlm hludley, Naomi Hemplilll,
Vadla albhanl. Kranvea Diillols
Clara lMckel, .lamua Haiiaon, Ituth
.A hit lit l) Sl'lllMllh
Weal n'hool Jack llrady. Kettgeth
1'wrtae, Dale tlrown, Dona Uaohtell, Vrovoat. Warran Ualley, Arthur
Pa(ra. PragMMi ttarnthouat. Marjorls
Coleman. Ktll Potter, Dal Young.
Until Putty, Theta lliigrland.
Pano Clift. Ut.atrlce (Juntor. Itoy
liodgera, Herulce Yeo, Violet Wood.
Ittnier Hoxle. Uirralne ITwther.
Helen Mayer. Nellie Hoke, Lawrence
IHtflcr. Mi'llic gmlth, Harry Morris,
l.tla Tulwitt. ItHlph IMvil. MargHret
Campbell. Jen Jobniou. Altu
PohwII. Caroliue TllUm. tfidwlu Kre
niatt. Kthel Powell. Marjorle Whtt4.
Cenatanee CaWwell.
18wt aebool Alma Doran, 0 lady a
NaallngH. Anna Klum. Margaret
Keegan, Lucille Van Huaklrk. Norma
WIIIImub. Aung Hryant, leilaabeth
McKee, Prank Walker, Olena Potter,
Etha Abbott. Beulah Wgllsee.
Jaekaouvllle school Afiiea Baud,
liuik Lauiigch. Ktta Urleve.
Phoenix acbool Hoy Bell. Leone
Kimball. Dora Cox, Oladya Robert .
Marie Ugrtog, Qonrge Fry, Nora Co.
Ve Wilder, Beatrice lleun. Kd
Prttteii. Juaalu Furry. Daniel Cat-
Cegtral Point SchooJ Mjrtle Mc
Dowell, Hazel Bebb, Malcom Andcr
aoa, Wlanlt Stewart. Hilly Hepkim,
Ju iner. Hildebrgad, Veroga Breoner.
MollU' Thornbrue. Clara Hathaway.
With Kou. Arteoe Hay. Kendall
Hgll. Verle Walker.
Kagle Point school Tueo. Florey,
Fgy Perry. VerU Orover. tliclla Bets.
iXelUe Coy. Adln Haaeltoa. Helen
Halt. Fern Lewis. Kt&ei WiakU.
Kara Chlldreth.
Talent school Mildred Beeson.
Rosa Morrisoa; Luc Uatuaa, Lucia
Klnc. Helen Adamsou. Maud Klce.
DeliiB Colmao. (JUuite Holdrldgo,
(Mtttn ffr
PMMif, Hay friiepw, fJWtWWtt MMr
vol rrm m-HA-mjmm Wtllm,
rthet xfavrtM.
Lotie rtm uMitt fgrtat.
rrl ffftaon.
Aatefnpa mn t VffM aWMi.
WlHoir prfMil fftMa-.ffaTtfl
Hhni, 1 Mackfnre. AHft Ag-
lR4fapmi4Mee arhoot Rimer An-
Apat ar-hoitf- - Pearl Tmmim.
flmnwiw, Fay fleebe, fiordon
Darrtatwllo tfiMol Clara Mama
Mrtiorh seiNjof Lame ffweef, Mil-
rlrHl iweet. Cheater Jotter, Vernon
Bams Valley nrhool Hlelii Tree
ham. Daisy Lyman, riany Cooper.
Dimple Cooper. Murl Ortp. Ra
Hoist. Jnenneiuie Hoist, DmilM Coop
er. Albert .atrausK, Carl Van Httnlaw
hwg. Mleaonrl rial srhotfl Cartfa Dar
Idson, WiUte Barrow. Corlae mil.
I'nlon Town Srhool Isabel Taylor
DrowRsborn srhool Mary Monk.
Anplegatw srhonl Leon Otfan-
kaeher, Htella Uylon, (Henn MeDnn
kW, Itlrhard Head. Andrey Larlnn.
Thelma MrDnnlel, KremtHtt .lortlH,
IMrolhv Head, Kva llawsi, Kngene
Mco, CtH-tl Itoucher, llenefe Head.
Paul Wright, Margaret Drown.
Pan key school .least Pmlenburg
Mabel Payne.
Table ttoek seboet Rlva Nealn.
Lloyd Caon.
ttoase Creek school Charles Pettl
grw, Hattle Johnson.
Liberty school Harold Von tier
Chaparrall school Myrtle Chap
man. Plora IBdmnnson, Irene 8tra
tbern, Charles DeArmond, Ben De
Pord. Pmreuee McKlnnla.
Crater school Urmia Oep
pert. Wagner Crook sehmil Mabel Ker
by. Una Davis, Urln Harlow.
Wlmer school Alfred Oden,
George Van Gnuthom.
Llttlo Unite sehool Adou Myers.
Oak Grove acliool Margery Wal
thers, Stevon Wooden, lCnla Norrls,
Altu KnlM, Itobert tlragg. Tlllle
Knlps, Fay Ilragg, ISllsabeth Meier,
Wilbur Godlove, Carl Meier, lleverly
liellevlaw snhaol llnrry Farmer,
Herbert Slaxton, Carl llengle.
151k Creek school Gordon Miller,
Iloyd Miller.
Mayes Creek school Frank I Hills.
Pcrolut school Nellie Morgan.
Dhtrkl No. u: llote Nye, Waldo
West Side srhwd Harriet Harris.
Tolo school Dontim Itttyce.
Fern Valley acbool Flora Manke,
Mililred Waid.
Howard school - Margaret Iluwltt.
Ilbcti itpiliiKh M'hool Thelma
Nnioni, Jane Carti-i, Dcrnloo (Inl-bicath.
aBBkT JBFJ ' 'r J ,ABfc
afaaaaaK1' iflMaSsBaal
sWfcJaaL h..bVbBa
aaaC M LaaaaV
bbbVE 'LbrbsbbW
Tbia pupcr Iim it l iiv 1 to the lu t
I hut broccoli cnu lie ;intlinvi! .1I111111I
HUtty mi itTliiin miI- ..f th Ktiuc
rivr vitllev mul but cot oMi-.iycil il
prtHluclioii Im'chiim it veld it ul':
utk' cr where condition-, ore iuwir.
able It bus bovu to net the
grtmur t.M) on acre in fuvotvj lo
ciililicK, I'J, J. Ilrwn. who lh 11 1 the ni(ir
.lllt'4iic, 1 limited it iii'irtcr l .m
itirc of Ih ItrofiHili, ui'l hi locciiitM
trom lliiii -iiiiiII tract will ! oxer
.M. or ut Hie rule of fJOil Mr ure.
lie Inn- murketotl -o'n-j if the emp
in ilcilloiil itiul miriv in (irantx l'u.
The licniK were olid and blcucltcd
out 11- while .1, no.v', tlttiiivli Mi,
Broun .tid tlicv -cc'u'i tt lie Liter in hciI'ML' 'hit. i h" i,i e-IH-cteil,
m -1 lei enll liavuit; funic to
lii.ill.i t.ilil. .iii.liti.i i
- - ' -. t i 1 1 3
VY UOJt-r Morse.
HfW Mtft iiuOl -&ft L'3
Cohl Hill -'..g (1) 'OttlWAK
I , li.f ikI K. U 1 I ..I IVnttyy
"Mj, how "Tiz gladdaru tired,
sroUen, burning feet
It's glorious!"
Akl wJuU relief. No men tiretl feei;
so more burning (eat, so mors swoiUn,
aebiaff. tender, w4ty feet. No wore
oreneu 10 earns, e!iou.-, bunion.
2io auUer what ail your f-t or what
under the sun tou'te tried wiui.ut gwt
tiajr rlicf, )ust use "iu." "J,!" ' tic
oar remedy that draws out a! I the
poisonous egudaiioDS which putf up the !
test. "Tis" cure your foot trouble to
you'll ntner limp or draw up your faoe
III MIU. lour ti,Mi wmt wriu liljM
aii'i your 1i-l tll iwir, navtr hurt or
get oi- n,l kHullfO Tl.iiik of r 11.1
f- It fruer), i more agony im
toinx ia!I" r tiu&iui
Citt itat U ht saV rin.y autre
or tiP,aifosi.i .n si j et 4b n: e
'! Ivnir ertiiir tina. J t cnoe
Lietitcnnnl lir-i 1 lite I'ttitosl
HtnitM 11 in 1 1011 coi'iii ih the man who
lot-nted Villn nttd hi- Imnil nnrl made
11 remrt that rexiillc.l in the fiftr-livc
mile iliirth ot Colonct Iknhl gntf hit
regiment and the xurtnie attark on
Villa. I.iciilcnanl Ihiiene mae a
dangernn flight of ,.Vl mile, nartly
over BKMintniiiH. mmcI out the hendiix
from above nml reportetl hit dkeov
There Is considerable Interest be
ing manifested all over the county In
the republican meeting to be address
ed bv Senator Burton In this olty
Monday evening. April 17 at 8 p. m.
at the Nat. People are nnxloun lo
bear a good ioltlral speech and
Senator llurton will fill the bl!!.
The ladles are especially Invited
to attend and will no doubt ho ont In
large numbers as they role on presi
dent this year and are anxious to
hear the Issues before the people dis
cussed by a man who knows.
Kit 1I18C. o. Krlhs pasVed away
at his home, lor. North Oakdala ave
nue, this city. Thursday night at If)
o'clock. He had boon suffering for
the past year from heart weakuesa,
which became more troublesome the
past wtmk and the end came very
Cbarles Cramer Krlhs was bom at
Heaver Dam. Wleeoaeln, December
28, IN 13. Ho was one of a large
family of children, two of whom sur
vive him. He served four years In
the Civil war, enlisting In 1 Hit I as 11
private la n eompany of Wisconsin
volunteers, lie was married January
1. 1KI17, to Mary Catherine Krlhs at
Iromiiealean, Wisconsin. He was
planning to enjoy his fiftieth wedding
anniversary nuvt Wednesday. For
the past rive and a hair years ho had
been engaged In the grocery busi
ness with IiIh son In this city.
Mr. Krlhs Is survived by his wife
and seven children: Mrs. William
Hlcwurt of I .oh Molinos, Califernia:
Herbert t;u of Phlladniphla; IS. P.
KribH of Wallace. Idaho; Mrs. C. K.
Iteeves of Kagle Bend, Minnesota.' and
Charles P. Krlhs, who was in twisl
jieMsllh bis father; Abbio H. Krlhs,
at home, and Mrs. J. II. Harrison of
this city.
Funeral services will be held from
the homo of the family Munday af
ternoon. April la, ai g::t. Kev. Can
tens officiating. Interment will im In
1. (). O. F. cemetery.
BTKWART- At Grand Forks. V
D., April 13, Mrs Alexander W
art, aged M, mother of J. K. dtowiirt
of Med ford
- ' I
Ma hit Shin Smooth I 1
1 if) rVMitfHrMf (V rtflfffvTrtrWrtflfffl
: m rwnwrra. w wdKAiunraiuirib
i . '
' ' ,-1" rtf.iflon ', ttvt fin Hi Ihr rr,' ' . II hff ,1 rnr,f( rtf fH
Mr hsrn imprfiitM fjfmej Hf- rt hxf this . eof ite srM nf fft
fefs sod Unnttl,
mre i av
Ir '
' - M snf
r t 1 hf'ltKllo
i'iIii ' pit;
i'i:.",.( 1,(1 "f fee JaV
. .: ' zr
Uprfng H Imrkorl ttatm fty gjfy j fatdfhra ef rwllere
r . 1.. 1
.I'triar cpginberiato 1 inline!, fro.
1 on flina "' ' ' ho'ij h-fd
fit' 'In ntifht, I' II Miiilv, prinrt
i.ti .. Wffrttrglon 'km.! .I'trlng llh
..1 1 .yours, . mwnifRfntry
I. led fe'ii' iuil ' il" hyf "rtraajf
ill lh i.i. inn i li r'. If're,
" reilgn'd h I ihrce m-nbft1
of the BOiikI wen- indent, bill fm
! ' mrmV'r ib-111' h,id glrwuf
he.irlilr endr-ei Vr htl.
The junrlors of the different
h,li were w-eleci,f fur Ikw -m-.'
term t Ihrff promt wlaty.
, The regtrwr monthL MNn irer trad
iiikI .1 Mowed. Tm hills for Msf nV
miie inciter erlnient iferi low
er, owing In reertptt of tar depart
ment for Innehrs.
The minnle of I he tat rsentlar
meeting, also the -iwcinl mretnsg,
were rend nnd afmtoMil.
Mr. Prutl' rrnin.itiun wat rend
mid necepted.
H. D. Reed, of Cold Hill, returned
home last evening, utter a day 01
buslnexs In this rltv
fMUM Aorll II Th mrlrsn
overnmenf l no in .o'p,iion of
Ihe rnformnfloit eNslrod r thr
French grrrernmeitf hlch led lo the
aaarrlNra that m avamshli Unseen
e lorpedoed by a Orrmsn nhma
rhje. Fall details, even to the nnme
of fk aomsMMler and nnnrber of f he
stilrmsrhse, mare bran romntnn leafed
prfraferf M ffM Aatrrlrsii gorera
aieiH. the mtnletry of marine wao
not prepared today to make thai in
formation ufiMte ht h) has bee gtvea
not only (o the I'nKed Stateg but to
aft other governments Interested
tme reason the aittllorttlee refrain
frarn gtrtng ont details la tat H la
their aaderstandtag that they are act
ing in eanfromlty with the wihM of
the American government tt Ik
also the desire of the French officials
to give OeriMMv an opportunity to
reply to too statement that the name
of the oammaader and number of the
submarine are known.
It Is nndrrstood I hat some of the
iriiiiiiient of the Instrument which
ow. to Feel Well During Middle
Life Told by Three Women Who
Learned from Experience.
The Change o( Life is a most critical period of a
woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites
disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember
that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will
so successfully carry women thiough this trying period as
Lydia E. IMnkham's Vegetable Comiound, made from
native roots-and herbs. Read these letters: -3
IliilrtiWHiia.Va. Talnrlwl Uto Oignicnnf Lite
tlvo jcitrn iiko. I always liail h Iwailaiho aiHl luu'k
iirlio with hearing; down jsiltis and I would lutvo
licit liaMhrn very ImuI at tiiniM with dizzy njkiUh ami
nerviHM feelings. After tnkinic ldia M Iiukluuun
I'KetaJO' (iiuiimiuihI I fool like n new )araoti and
nut in U'tU't- health und iw liKiro tniuhkil with
tlx- in hen ami 1 wins I luid Ixfom I tnok ymir won
derful reiiHily. I ivmiiiimmmI it to my friends for I
luiiiKit imdMi it eiMrttKh." ilrx. Mahuvkkt Uauas
man, 76U N. UiiiKgolil St., llitluileliddu, lieu
Ikwrly. Maan. ttI totik Ijrdia K. Ilnkhniii'H
Vcni' Ci'innouml. for mrvoiwneaH ami lyiisisiiu wlnn 1 wiu
.' . . A WB -..- I... .
KiniiK tiirmiii mo t-lmiigt) ot uto. 1 loumt it very Helpful ami
liavt: nlw.ij s imkeii of it to other women who suffer nx I did am
liave had th m try it ami tltcy nlso lutvo rrcoivod
kjinmI results tniiii H.n Mrs. Gkuhoh A. Dvsuau,
17 iUiuudy M., llevurly, Mam.
Hrle, 1 u. "I wag In poor health when Ihn
(1uing of I.iff started with ino and I look l.vdi.i
K. Kinklmin's Vi((iHalilu ( Vuiipnuiid, or I tlnnk I
ahoukl not liu got over it ns oasy as I did. K n
now if 1 do not foci mxl I tnko thn Couinui1
and it rcslons mo In a short litno. I will i.ii
yntr rcincdici to ivcry woman for it m.v help
tliotu an il lid mo." ilrs. K Kisslino, '.' .1 Ivttt
i'lUi bt., Krii , lit.
No otlior iHedlHno lms lieon 1
sufferlitir lis Iiiih Ivi11h II
Women may recrl vo froeund iielpfnl ihU lee liv writlnif tltn Lydia
IMMnkhaoi Medicine Co., I vmi, such letter, .ire reeelvod
himI tm-.n l by uomeit only and held in strhl )itlidcuco,
III - i!''''
Tlicr i n .(o. dsiondabp treat-
mini that ri'lkw u luii lerture iu-I
lanily aud ibst ikan-x and tooth tb
ekin. 1
Ask any druggiii for a ' bottle of 1
seiuo and Miil 11 a dinHtcL H0.111
iu sill II ml ihti i'iuiil-. hU k UcikI-.
(N'xrinii. rlnsuori.i uiel t-iuiihir akin trou 1
Lli- will .Jouti'.ir.
A lull., wiuo. the n itctrtitini.'. i 1 ---fyin
liquid, i .ill Hint i iitl'l. rr
Imiiii.Ii. x sll -kin "ruoiiuurf anil wakes
lk) skiu hull. iiiouili .mil healthy. ,
Z-111... CI- -Imi. I
Ifem "
'1 1 1 1 ion id ihii. 1..1HH in Hi. . 01..11 mill v It not that
of a 1 1 1 ale hut Iiichx 01 . i'.riii . li m ,1 imiilic instl-
lu'ioii We lit lltw lli I'Utikii UMn Uh Hut .ik.-iii of 1 ho
I., ami hi in ih 1 in 1'ilfill 11. 1., li(. 1 li, triict.
li -1 ht In ;i 1 (1 liion lii o i.r .1 i.iuviic'i ol bvr-
Mi. 1 -erti l'i III' I ill. I' ''i..'( UK tits uf ,.l
m&m BBBBanai an - va awan- m aaaanian
Having n- i'd the strvhes of MH. O .1 fKVKItiN of l.lacoln, Ne
bruaka, who in an expert watchmaker and &ngraer: having had S SI
vrs exaerioucc In reiujlflug high grade American and Swiss watches,
l am 110 prtp-ued to give my patrons ao additional erviie where
Moniiitness and quality of work will meet with real appreciation la
tu'l. dopurtmeiit of repairing.
U.iwlim, dl'Hiond aettluK. uiainifai turlug, agate
11,.. lilting. aul ugraviug will repreM-nt the best.
tutting, and
9 ' r sijir M-"
i.'t I Ate Mj 11
The Jeweler
11 so HiifMHs(,f ul in relieving wonnin'rt
IMiihhuiN'H Vrifetiilde ('oiumhiiiI.
III. .(lll ..f lllllllll l-lli.l
U'l'.xiii I i'l II'. 'i.l.-l lioie I'ltoue IO.
goods will be handed
out to the public at
prices that you cannot
afford to miss.
Another surprise fer:
tomorrow. It will pay
you to come.
The Selling of the
Daniels Stock
Sale opens at 9 a. m.
Always the Choicest
You mil rot jihhiiitmI thai thin store always has
t'vt'iwlliiiijr in the market in vegrtaliloH and fruits
ami tlnv arc tin- lirst.
Personal Attention Prompt Sorvico
East Main Street
Phone 252
"ILL LEASE to responsi
ble party my 20 acres bear
ing Newtowns and Bartletts sit
uated on Ross Lane. Property
is now plowed, cultivated and
sprayed. Has heavy bloom on
both varieties.
Mcdford Book Store
I r x' 1jiji y g tout c )
U v ilf 85, at 'Itunfc f . J