Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    ail Tribune
lmfcftfr afmiter, CwilcY.
' I r' n"i Vir
filAIl :C0L0REDTR00PS!
AfrnmnBitill Kill 1 1 U . U.
t Ltunnnnv . ,,UUI llLLW,,,u
flu ULilaf Irill I i
After prolonged Cabinet Meeting Fi
nn! Communication Will Go For
ward as Planned Evidence Shows
Not Only Sussex but Other Ships
Dostroycd in Violation of German
Promises Evidence of Good Faith
to Be Demanded No Time Limit.
WASHINGTON. April 1 (.-After n
ptolontvd cabinet meeting today it
win announced that a communication
l Germany would go forward an
planned, prb(Jy within the next
forty-eight hour. If n said the
case wns complete with I he affidavits
which arrived today on tlu' steamer
St. Paul.
Tht' idnii to present the American
enso come with life accumulation of
i' idence tlml not thi1 Sussex alone lint
other ships n k well have been de
stroyed iik iilntiii of Germany's
promises ti thi Tiiiti'd Slates re
mained nucha lived.
With thoelntemcnt of fuels will ho
n demand of evidence of Germany's
good faith to make itood Iter assur
ances. Nothing in the lint Kit of time
limit would hi1 attached, it was iiii
Mnki Final Dcuuiud
The president mid the cnliirift me
understood to hiivo agreed thiit the.
presentation of the fnnte shall be iu'
coiiipoiiied hy n definite mid filial de
niiuid fur evidence of Germany good
luilli find idwcrvntion of Iter guaran
tees, but tftbi44.v ill 1ms accom
panied hy no time limit which prop
el ly oould be described us an ulti
matum. ,
Tho cabinet diseued the subma
rine ami Mexican questions in great
detail. It wiim Hiiid no action would
be taken toduv on the submarine
picstioii, but it was indicated' the
i mill word of the American govern
ment wight g forward to Herliu to
morrow. ('hMiWI CMIIfcttU'lN I'llllllclltS
laicling official confirmation of
report of the fight at Tamil, chief
consideration wu given to Germany
uiid it wiih understood that tho nd
ministration would center attention
hi thi issue, nlthoiigh General Cur
innxuV suggestion thuf American
troops he withdrawn will not bo
Cabinet member, were uniiMiallv
reiieent. but :ippuiciiil vvcie satis
i led with tin- iiicciiii'iit (cached n
in the i mir-c i In- inn-lied toward
(i rmaia .
MLXlCO CITY. April II.- Ocimm.iI
Cnrransn, who arrived "U the out--kirt
of Meieo t'ity yeterda, en
ti'ietl the city shortly after S o'clock
t li ti morning, accompanied bv a tew
imoilerw of hi tuff. lli entry wit
1 1 ii be raided and withouf ostentation.
Kn of the inhobitanlb except thoe
who reeognised hint a he ited
throUBh tiie utreeU kuew he bad r
riv'ed. Triumphal arebet. were built montlu
nj; ahii the laeo de Iu Hefornm,
Avcnula Jiiarci and Atenida Frau-cc-cu
de Madero, and frenting: the
railway tatun, palaces and ChapuU
it pic iark, in exjiectation u , great
i l.liration when the firat chief
iuIiuhI ilic mctriptli. General fur
iiiiia did not pa" under one of the
.in-lie. lie went to a pmute houe
ami after rutnir and changing hw
iittiic prK wihd to the uutioiMH pal
arc Other prominent figure m (he
(i..Ii(Tm.u enjered i iiietl( a did
(B.OJimi .0 m$; Oil). Ipnixter
A.'uiliir. ami uor -uiui. uuiiitcr uf
I lie inlt, took up iti.irtct iu pn-
.i. .. -
i , i ii M en t 1 1
Attempt Made to Ambush Tenth Cav
alry Fails Bandits Pursued Up
Steep Mountainside Near Annas
Calicntes, Thounh Outnumbering
Americans Three to One Flee.
l'KltSlllN'n'S CO.M.MAN'I) AT
KltONT. April 7. bv conrier to Co.
Itunlmi. N. SI., April M. About thir
ty men of the Tenth cavnlry, colored,
who were in the flaht with Villlelaii
April 1 nt Akuar t'nlienteH. rrivtd
heie today for rent and rr-outfittirfn.
The men wete iire they had killed
more than the thsv? dead eoveted in
the official re)ort. Tbiee time lit
VilliaUK, Hiimheiinjr about 1")0, at
tempted to ninhiih the nilxniiee ffiiard
of the Teuth. 'Ilie Slpxicnn fonaht
with eonxideiiihle military ulintejry.
Xol more than three troH of lh
Tenth MtrticiNited iu the fight,
which IiimIciI an hoitr ami a half.
Shut at I''iiiiii Amlmsli
The Tenth was ridinar for Guerrero
when they nppronched the town of
Ajrunn Calient e. One of their iruules
warned them that n eoiuddcrnhle hodv
of mounted troops munt have pan-ed
aloiijt the road ahead of them. The
honte' tracks were utill frenh. The
tuhniice (riinrd of (he Tenth went for
ward eautioiisly iik they approached
the town, which wu hidden behind
n hill. Xeniinjr the top of thix iim-,
tho advance wax, williont wnrninic,
Kiilijecttsl to volley fire, potninir fim
ullnneouslv from both eideM of th
road. The Villbla t.)ioothi(r at them
wore lKhiud bill on either wde.
Troop ICfff the Teulh wan Hrmnthl u'
at a trot while I1 troop went around
to flunk the YitliMus and dri them
Troop II k hurried forward
Am Troop K rounded the hill nt n
Kill lop it came within a minute' ride
of the Villitan on that fide. Some
of the en vali vmen got mo clone that
they wed their pitoU. A Yillinta
wiim killed in thi part of (be Mkirni
ihing bv a pistol -hot at about fifty
,ard. The moment that H troop np
(teared the YilliliiM rode for the
nide of a mountain overlooking the
Itau A way t'p .Moiinlaiii
"It wiim the MteeRMt inountaiiiMidc
we have Men iiiivImhIv climb," aid
one ot the rctuiiiinu men today, "and
they knew the trails while we did not,
but we went up niter them. We went
up on ourorMOM until thev made a
aland from behind roek. The bullets
were whittling all around u, but thev
never hit one of us. They bad a ma
chine gun in action, too. We could
hear iU pop-pop.pop, hut we could
not see it. We dismounted and re
iurned the tire. Then thev ran faither
up the mountain with um after them,
until they made another stand. We
oH'iied lire on them again, but thev
would not stand. At last they got
a hi the steep trail which they
knew , while we climbed rocks and
l.illin I lie trunk- and fell behind
Tin dnl not ti to ti"ht a'iiiu."
Kl. PASO, Texan. April 1 1 The
clash between the people of Pairal
and the American trooui who fil
tered the town has had an unfortu
nate political effect on northern Mex
ico but the trial seenu to have pars
ed, aceordlug to a utatement today
ly Qeneral Gabriel Uavlra, command
ant at Juarei.
Ueneral Qavira Mid:
"My troops have the situation un
der control as far south as Madera
and I know there have been no man
ifestations against the American In
in- territory nor have I heard of any
farther trouble at other places.
"The presenec of American troops
Mexico is cause of uiOuslul on
the part of the de facto governntfnt
as the Parral incident shows. If
the Americans were withdrawn, our
government would then Hive its en
tin attention to eronomli iroll( me
Willi ioimIUioii- I.i Hi it I iu iMU
ft, X i i ' i i .i on
At u joint meet in- nt the il coun
cil, Sledford Commercial club rail
road committee and I're-nlcnt S. S.
liullirt of the Southern Oregon Trac
tion eompiinx, Thur-ilnv exeuing the
teututhe contract hdweeu the city
and the traction company was radi
cally altered in accordance with the
iewa of the council and a new con
tract wax ordered drawn along lines
MiiggeMied anil approved by all par
lies to be presented at the next joint
meeting .Monday evening. This agree
ment, if Miitiefuctory, wilt 1m acted
upon bv the council Tuesday exening.
The new agreement provides that
the traction companv deed its equity
in the Medfonl -Jackson railroad,
from a point ten feet within the city
limits to the present terminal above
Jacksonville, and provides for the
construction of twenty miles of rail
road, or as much further us the
i(M).(MMi bond iue will build, toward
the IMue I.edge mine, to he owucd,hy
the city, the traction company agree
ing to build from thence to the miiic
The city's railroad is to be leased to
the traction companv for operation,
iu itayment of which the tract von com
pany pays tho hoiul'intercst on the
city bond issue and further agrees
to iturchuse the same from the city
within five yeurs.
The former proposal made bv the
tiaeimn company provided for the
deeding of the entire traction .tt-m
ami the const ruction of ten miles of
railroad. Under the new contract, nil
of the city bond proceeds will be ex
jsnded on a railroad owned by the
The enM of the railroad is esti
mated at about l"i.lMMI a mile, and a
rtMsble ra i trotyl i guaranteed,
with ixtt -pound ruil- and reasonable
a mile "as jriMnl a railroad," -lutes
Mr. iliilli. "n, Jim IMI hiiill, stoi ked
for $to,oon a mile .in, l.omlid or an
other fto noil ,i mile "
A-IIIMiHV Apiil 1 I t li.uii
I ,i t i ,t ,i l'"H rnim ni livdro eleeiru'i toiioilini mil te- iiii tin man-i
i'ueture ot war iiuuiil i. .i. - anil teiti- i
luer won their liht iu the scu'ije to-
duv by inserting mi amendment pro-1
( .-iiii; an tiiiiiii it ion ji! 1 "i.llMO,. '
immi . i il, ,i 1 1 i ,i i i i
2Sr' a- "Mrrri-'
Philip I.armon. ueneral manager of
Ufcbjr, Mc.Vell and Idbby, the largest
cannery operators In the world, and
Mr. Marrow, auiierlntendenl of their
eannery plants in California, will ar
rive in Medford .Monday to establish
a large pear eannery at Medforti for
the coming season, provided suffi
cient tonnage can lie contracted for
at the rate, of $30 a ton, run of orch
ard, f. o. b. plant.
This good news was brought to
Medford Friday by County Commis
sioner Frank it. Madden on his tu
tor n from Seattle where he interest
ed 1.1 My, Mi-Nell and I.lbby. This
year the concern creeled a cherry
cannery at The Dalles. They own
in California pine apple, asparagus,
peach and pear canneries and In
Alaska salmon canneries.
"A pear cannen in Medfordwlll
stapleiae the fruit Industry and elim
inate the gamble " sas Mr. Madden,
"and place it upon a commercial base,
with a market at our doors for all of
our fruit and at prices. '
"Thirty dollars a ton, la the lug
boxes. Is better than a dollar a box!
net to the grower and saves the ex
pense of packlnx. shipping, and re
frigerating for an uncertain market
It places fruit Kiowlng uton a bui
iions basin. In aidlnion, It means a
large paroll foi il valle) "
Only thicr nunc l;t.- iii wiiiili to iiiii r fur the
priiiiHrifx. ItotfiMtratiuucloHcH Aitril IH. If u don't
rt'jfiHti-r yun cuiiMot vuto. 'I'hc fullowinj; nw the rojf
iMtrara fur the vttriotw Medford prt'eiucU:
FJrcti.n Precinct.
Vedford Northeast .-
North Medloid
sledford N'oith Kiverside
Northwest Sledford.
West Mediord
Medford Ninth Main
Medford North Ctiifral
Medford Koutli Central
Medford boiith Muiu o
nUdfonj NewUiWrt
ftlcrirani I'm'.. A (1 lUninil, P.nir.ctl I. to., Mmu and Firsts.
Koiilhe-d Mt-Hnril C. B Vnl.nt.f,. B.'.i V. Twelfth street
Medford l b.l flltt , a 'V. C. HitinlfT), Cliikdale Grocery
F.a-t Mi .Id i 'I V. Ii I nftW, for.nt'w t . (i... i . F..i-t Main
-.. Hi,. I M I.. I I J It I t, fott, I I 1 1 I ' ' iph oM'h e
M. r.l i I. .1 1 IX I U.H t f 0 I' . ,,.iolli.e
" - ' ! ir ejffiaeteneiernij 4a i -
I.ONIMIN. April II. -French posi
tion near J I all .Hit iu the Verdun sec
tor weM ot the Meiise were subjected
to violent homhiirdiuctit lal night.
Kut of the river there is reciu
descencc of ae(iil mi the purl of
the (lennans, although no heavy na
tions ate recorded in the French com
munication. A small attack on French
Hsi(ioits south of Itoiinmont is Maid
by the French wnr office to hnvo
been repulsed.
The Turkish war olfice report m the
defeat of three Itussinu cavalry regi
men Is hy u mixed force of 1'erainna
uud Turks in Persian Armenia.
An official reoit from Uoidou
says the Miitish have defeated tho,
Turks in Slesojxitainia and have
driven them bad. from one and min
im If to three miles.
An official statement from the
Germnn admiralty n that in Slnreh
eighty trading vessels af hostile na
tion were suuk b (lennan subiiic
rincs or mines.
sent alive lie I. em on- of Texas, whose
resulutiou to warn Americans off bel
ligerent ships raised one of the live
best rows of the pic-cnt congress, In
troduced todav a resolution declar
ing that "the American militnrv
force- uiu-t not tor any reaon be
withdrawn from Mexico until Fran
i i-eo iila has heeu killed, captuml
or fun i d into cile "
Uegistrar, Address,
. V. G. Rncdicor. Medloid Hook Store
K. G. Kiiedieor, Medfoid Hook Ktore
F. G. KntHhcor, Medford Hook Ktore
-W, II. I.vdiard, Jackson Street Ktore
Helen X. Yockcv, Mail Tribune
Helen N. Yockcv. Mail Tribune
II. Ii. Hull. Medford rmu. & Ildw. Co.
I., ft. Caiiuisin, Costal Telegraph office
lta (i.irnelt, (hi rnettv-(orev lldw. Co.
i. L. F.iiiig. iiwiui;' Gun Ktore
No Further Fighting Since Wednes
day Evening Reported No Change
in Mexican Situation and No Or
ders to Withdraw Troops Given
Meager Details Concerning Fight.
TOKKKOX. Mexico, April U. -Ad-vieee
received here say that Ihe
America u force engaged in tho Parral
fight w'UMimdor the omintul of Ma
jor TatniMiiM and that at least ottu
Atuorieati wan killed mill soveral Slex-
leans wounded. The death list of
Mexican is not known. The trou
hlo is reported to hnvo been nuieklv
WARlllNGTON'. April M.-Ameri-enn
Consul IM wards at HI Paso wired
today that his reports itidiunted there
had been no further figiiliug with the
American troops since the affray at
Parral Weilnewlay night. "A few
people" were reported killed on both
When Secretary Itnker left
cnbinet meeting ho said there
can "absolutely uo change iu
Mexican situutinn,'' and (tint
status of the American troop
tbe antno.
No ('limine Iu Plans
Secretary linker said today there
lmil linen no chnngo as ye I in Goiiernl
PiitiNtnu'rt orders, lint declined to
discuss ipiesliniiM of ndiey raised hy
the Cnrrnuxa mile. Tho border com
ninnder's hands were antirelv frcu, ho
stud, to make any necessary tlispiMii
tiou of the M0.000 men of lib com
mand. The disimtcb of Immis to
-Irengtlicn the suiHirtirtg lilies or the
shifting of binlnr foneea toiphices
hes adapted lo eveiilualities ate mat
ters which Geiieial I'un-toii himself is
the only judge, iu tbe war depait
uieiit's view.
An official version of the Pnrrol
incident is n wailed nuxiounly. Since
General Cnrrunia in trnuniitting a
rejiort of what hapciied shaprlv
criticixed the American commander,
ofhcials here feel thut it is neces
snry lo have Ihe American offieers'
own reMrt before any conclusion can
be reached. v
ItllllMies of PlgllllllK
Consul Ilwards said Americans
reaching HI Paso from the interior of
Mexico brought varied rumors of the
fighting at Parral, but no confirma
tion of the reimrt that 1.10 Slexicmns
were killed. All bis information was
that the Americans retired from Par
ral Wednesday and there was no news
of full her activities.
Arrival in tbe suburbs of Mexico
City last night of General Ciirrnnan
with his retinue wae ieHiited bv So
cial Agent Hodgers, who said it was
Indie veil that Carraimi planned to re
muin there during the negotiations
for withdrawal of (be 1'nitcd Stales
and be in close touch with Genetal
Obregon and other cabinet memliei-.
Stale department official- do not
believe Carrunaa daus to make M -ico
Cily H-rmii neatly hi. eii.itul li
ve t.
BAN KUANl'IHCO, V.rll II - Klec
trlfication of the Huulliern Pacific
lines over tho Bisk l on mountains Iu
northern California and Oregon and
through the Sierra Nevada mountains
la California and Nevada Is being
considered by Southern Pacific offi
cials, it developed today. Two sur
veys for tbe purpose have already
been made, the last one having been
laid before the executive officials but
recently, A. II. Hancock, chief elec
trical engineer of the company testi
fied today before tbe state railroad
commission and lu both cases the
projects have been declared feasible.
Negotiations had already been en
tered Into by the Southern Pacific
with the California-Oregon Power
company for electrical power, Mr.
Uabeock said. The cost would aggre
gate millions.
Hancock wu called to Ihe witness
stand In a controversy liefore the
lomiiils-ioii er HkIiIh to provide
ml ill-i i Unite el.illiial .jiower lit
1 I I'm! . . iliilli t
, NO
Mm. Hi; Mill. lit.
NO. 20
Forty Mounted Men Driven Off After
Brief Fight No American Casual
ties, One Bandit Slain in Rush
Against Rear Truck of Pershing's
Supply Train.
AT FRONT. April IX, via noroplano
to Chihuahua, April IU, via Kl Pnso
.lunation, April 1 1. bout! forty
mounted men, bollov3Vtji)9.J.vinis
tns of Gonurnl Tartnajfamntand.
attacked lust nh?ht rinvauioinobllo
supply train and were driven off nf
ter a short iIkIU. Thoro vvoro no
Aniorloau easunltles. Ono Vllllnta
was killed.
General Persuing moved his eomp
yosterday south, iionetratlng far Into
Villa territory where ho found nu
morotiM ooiiHtltutlonallst dotnohmentH
under Onnnnil Onrxa who gave nil tho
Americans a friendly grootlng and
co-ooratlon. Aoroplnnoe, which
were first to reneh this now front
yesterday all had romarknble ndvon
turea but all came through safely.
Periling With Train
(lonoral Porahlng trn voted horo In
an nutomohllo train of supply trucks,
which mndn n record breaking trip.
Tho fight, which occurred about
0 o'clock Inst night wns sovoral nil lea
in tho roar of tho niitomoblloH carry
ing Ronornl Pershing niul his or
cort. It laslod nhotit twenty mlu
tttos. Whan tho bandits, who tried to
enpturo ono truck, enmo up, the
Aiuerlraim poured In flvo "volleys
vvbluh otMled tho flKht complntoly.
There warn two nttnoks, tho first n
slight one and dlrontml nKnlmtt n for
ward truck. Tho last vvns a rush
Against the rear IrneM-darlnR' flitch
bullets flew against the automobiles
and poured through the brush.
The bandits seemed to think tho
cutting off of the roar truck would
he easy because somo of them got
within a few feet of it before tho
Americans, who were withholding
their fire, rut looao.
Mullet 'lliiiuigli Hat
The American soldiers thought thoy
hlt some of the bandits.
Harry Oosnear, of the automobile
truck train, a resident of Philadel
phia, got a bullet through his hut.
At the constitutionalist ramp with
in a few miles of the scone of tho
fight, It was reported that three ban
dits ware killed the first part of tho
week. Meut. A. It. Christie of tho
aero smumiI commanded the mon lu
tbe fight. Captain T. V. Ootid, ot tho
aero suuad, who was in command of
the trucks In front, formed his men
to attack the bandits, but the tight
whs over too quickly for his men to
get Into aetlon. The first oar at
tacked carried the personal effects
and food for General Pershing and
his staff
I.(iIK). itl II -Defeat of the
Turkish fours lu Mesopotamia by
the iiritisb wan reported officially.
I u au euguaenient on the Tigris the
Turks were driven baek from one
and one half to three miles.
The text or the statement nays:
"Ueneral Lake reports that on the
afternoon of April II our torses on,
the right (south) bank of the Ti
gris forced back the enemy's ad- .
vanced lines over a distant varying
from eu and one half to three miles.
"To do this they had to crow u
belt surrounded by deep eats extend
ing from the Tigris to the L'mw-Ul.
Urshm marsh.
"On the left hank water front tho
marshes has been driven by a north
west gale into sow of tho enentyV
trenches at Sannay Yat. Tho enemy
was heavllv punished as he took ref.
uge from the flood In tho now posi
tion." PAI,MA 1K MAJORCA, Ualearls
Islands, via Paris. April IS The liar
celona packet Jaime II arrived hero
today with the crew of the riuirU
steamer Vega from Oulii.i it.-U re
cent!) saved 1 !ti na!iengre of thi
Si.uuUh steamer Principe do Asturlni,
which off Santos March 5 with,
the loss of a large number of pan
KeiiKiii and crew,