I fS'.f mil Vf lifor.'fr Mfl TfMJ'f '' Ml f'i flfcWfmff Mir.'iMrinrNf r wi-T'if M'f, n IT JW fl llN'SMl nr Aar i Ni r . i i r i i nr "turn mr "!' i 1'iv riNd i I ff it i frnt H M1tUf t!"lt "l 1. n.ffH StTBli Mwffor't Trinity Tn jfoerS! era Ofimmt, tm Artlftl Tfbuft n99g9metf0rniSn ffc, i r fw Irk: am Central rninf mf ftf fWfl .. , .. ... ,f iivrrra n carrier ra wh. or 'nMb pioni, jiKtlirfwiirflM kui nm Dirtotal Fa MM M J!1W mir h men, rata? . r jrr . tS at ffw riff of tr l"K Mf ft I wmiil-rti.M matter Oft, Hicf IM not ef Ml MftiM frtontf M fern Olrewfetum for lt, ll9. ,. I wurt wire AmBlntwl Ptt din Subacrlbera falling to re ooIto papers promptly, phono Circulation Manager at 260-H HONG KONG KOLUM If ovorj-liiiily atlcmlpil in Ills own IihoImum thorn would lio oxHctly uiioiiali tuinlom lo xu round! TihIii)'n llollrliiKi'l' I 'or fully hulf mi lioiir (liny IihiI HiiMitrud iivar tliolr iwHIiik. Tluiu at lust Clillilmrt row In mo. llo lllOHIlt It t Ills tlmo. "So mooii, doar7" nIkImhI (Iniuido linn Midly. "Couldn't yon ituy Ju-t u llltlu. lonnur?" Outltiiurt shook hl iimiily hood In nulMtiod dt-olBlon. "I ihiihI ho, dnillnK." Iih ntpllcd. "thuiiKli I would nlvo ten yrH of my life (o tduy Hiinthor liour with yoMl,r "Hut," Him iiornlMod. "why Imvn jou lOHOMiiunily tonight " "Mommum, wnol"t girl,' tan ex plained mdly, "ll'i our union uinot lug tonlihl. nud If I don't turn up I id 1 1 In fined twopunuet'- London Anewora. 0OVH0U, AHOfJ.fJ ACT ''pllh: IrllnYTtlHY iMfiniMiir flirrif n-iinnl in th in.ii tor of Hff1 Hlnr ftf-ffjff mirant, fogf'thcr with flu- tuf 'kc n reimrU nf fnw nf the priuftrllmpfi, tifliih' U- fcrtnint'tt rffnff ttt kp thf mrttff ffrrtn itfifafl nubtniHiil to riw pfrrfipy fitr n vm. ffp limy hf mlPtiilifff, ntttt hw Thr itfplv't rftWriMW in fmMfc mn)tcnn nw whc lh fiirlir wrvMil Imr th pnbnr frrnn fhr-lr rlcllhfmtifrTi ttf IwlrfW- wnitrm, it Ann wif lotrk w-H. Hfrrff tmnUitm "f ihr ctrttnen hnrr Hrromptonhfti nodiifiK vxcepi (Mny nnrt llii'if m n wMmpn'jKl rn?lim Ihtit ihf ) why thpy nrt ri'wrlI lo. "No 'oiinril ii wiwr rr Msgrr limn tin- K-rj (bill efrvi lliffii nud Ilin fonncll flint niiwgrppii Willi (he ionie linrl fK'llcp Ikiw lo Hip fwvitiiMp or rcnlffn for it wh flip wlf :;iiffl'rncy, Iwlrnynl nutt ouulinm of nflljlif orriciiiln flint crcnlfd Hip Orofpm ylpm. Whf'ii if in nppnn'iif fhnf fl Iniifc iwrrpiiliiKP of flic jko ilc deffire to nHM mmui n jiiiblic iffmic, it in flic fmrl of flic public 'ofTicinJa lo comply ntitb Jhcli coiisliliicirts' de ffire. If in not (bcirdiity fo block it op fry to block il, in t lie mistaken egofiffiii that tbcii individunl jndifiiicnt iff muimt- iop to the people they rejueaenl. What iT it is it iff not democracy. In the present iimlnncc, all the people ilenire i thai the council put the mailer in uch xhapi'that they can vol' upon it, and this iff the least the council can do, for it relieve the members of responsibility. Some si.v months a' the people, by defeating flie pav ing rcbondinjj; plan, ordered the collection of paving as sessments oral least interest thereon. No effort has as yet been made to collect them. No case has been brought to test their validity. If the same tremendous speed is shown by the council in handling the fllue Ledge railroad proposal that has been shown in collecting the paving assessments, and there is evidence that the same lightning energy is at work, Med lord might as well abandon all lames of progress and re sign ourselves to egetale ill peace. w wmC FIND EX111I EXPENSE HEM SHOWN N COUNTfiV Ttiy My T. . I kn only Amtits lMII dUlMtt Who )UI Mil Inifor- klrw M"d i(HMNf. Ilnh! bare wit bn tftrp h lot or thm Bd Imd (hum Tim Manehiwter Union dartM to ro- t4 blDAblnta vrtmeni In thHl city: but throwt an anchor lo windward by miRMtlnir that they may lw ICnu- 114 apiurruwa turuwl bin with tht ohW. 'I1 t)Hra am maklMg a big Cum war lfc taet that mm wuaOtrn wsmmm la tiUclnt of a bank. W haft known many women who are aceetuptlahml tellers. Old OeMUemaM (ennNilai nw ubaffr)l bmpikmmi I cmm wrlle to ynr laat empluytr for your rlmr H8(r7 Ottaufftiiir I am aoriy lo aay, air. oaek of tha laat two Reutlomvn I Itavit hum wlUt dlwl In my Kir view. I'uhbm. ' Slljti lllO (7i oil llll I'lllll 'Pita karom vail tomtta Jual IihMh lit hum, but I'm wIIIImu to Imt it dna'l ki Turkish Human from aUoklHg iNr nmm lilo other tteo ylu'n affair. .liln lltt llliiiMdf JbH AIImhM Uutt Imhiu oaiius fur a very atrk horae ror tht Imi w-k. but b iwtler at pranant Tb MoMtpeller (U.) UM'rrl. llnnl I'hjw for IrtH'luifiif. "Tomufrtrv. thtt Central MfibudM talaaluti will relebrwte lh aunlvi.r aary of lla remit and immUI ork. The alatera of the ieoil art' lo take pari la the raornlnii aenlre. and In ibaaflernouu Mr In kllb-d for au aildcena on "Th Hot In I Ooullook ' 8Une Uwlh Telearapb ROSEBUnn TO VOTE ON PAILROAD FOR A SAWMILL COHTI.AM). rll IU. The Mult lll) fouucll tuda detldad lo all a atrial eiertlan mat month u a dale to bo net later, wlieu a vole uf the Iople will be taken on a proponed rharter ainendnieut to auiborlae a bond laeuo tif $suti ooo to build a railroad from thin lt to the Itook Crook timber dltrlci A 1000.000 aaw mill project h.uked l eastern rapllal dep44 unoit the huicex of tb propoaed rllroad itroJetl A bond liaur f,ir It' r.ilroad wan authorlied at au election ev ral ueiiuba aito, but was held invalid the ii.ruu aort It U now ropoMd co to autend the t ha Hit a to w.u.v th luiue vall4 AN mm i SURPRISED 1 S HOWHG ENLARGED EARNINGS i a rtMili of a lawr di iiiiind mill hetier im-tnl niiiikel', Vmi'ili-nn inlni'H nud wotlv to the niimlier of 1-' 1 iiiikIh dlvldemU iIiiiIiik Iuiii nioittha of HUG totaling $s:.i;i(J.L'L'. Thin la $13,731,1 IK In vxc of dtv Ideuda paid by 111 conrpanieti dur Iiir the aattie iierlod lu lkll. Ac cordion t report made In the .Min im and liiiRlneerlUR World, I ho 121 loniitaulee making dlabureemeiita In lflt.'i have dint i United dlvldeuda alnro I heir liu'oriKti'Htlon tolMlliix $8tfl, 177,17.".. TIiIn Ih h intiirn of iMHiicd cniillul and $I2,o:-.i,o uddltloiiul. a really wmidurfiil record of Indua trialHveoniiillaiiment and one not en Jn)od by any other single ludiiNtrv I Ml ring the laat 1 1 nioiitlie of 1 " 1 ". ropper cowiiaiilos have puld dil denda totallun $ail,KHS,:i.ii, whi.ii y apprnximHtely Jfl.OOO.ooo tn exrexf of dlvblenda paid during the ti month of 1911 To dute thon iuiii I pMiiiea have dlabiiraed uo leea than $ IW0.KM t.3 1: Imiii'd oapltul In $S7J. 7R0.I5X. SIt-tHo proiHirtlp operatliiK In the I'nllHd HtntCH paid iIUIiIciuIm in ihi5 of jar.,ifi:..(ii. Hud to dun 23.7xi,ft3 oil an homed raiillnl or $IHI,3ltr,0 Thla reditu Ih . i.m hnt tn 1 15 ieri'nt ami hIiohh ih.it milling properlteH ni gootl return when prnperh operated Six t'otnpiinleM otierHtlng tni'lallni Kit nt ttoiks kIioW nil Ilii'it'llxe ol .li RUMJAN SA1LIM8 VCMIL tUltK IN Mf&iTCttftANEAN SAN ANTONIO. Tixu-, Aul I.I. ( 'mi a n ii'-. naiii'-t loi tin- uithdiuuul of AiiH'iii'iin tiiHtpM fiui-fil no iir liriwe lien', either ut mililiiiv lieiid iiinrtern or iimioiik tlw mmiv Mevienn ntlilieal lelugii livinx liere. In lira nboimee ot itintt'iit'liout from Wiieliiiigton, (lenetnl l'iinton ihmiiihI lie order to (leiieml l't'ruhinst ultei iutr Hie I'ondiicl of the eatuHtiu:ii in Alexieo nor hud word of ('mm nun ue lion Ifeen eoniiuunieuUNl to tlio leuiicr o the puuiliut Ion i"-. In the light ot' leeloiiuenl at (Jueretoro, mililoiv men heie regard ri'eent in-tiit of Cnrrausu trooe on I he horiler ami iilenu: the SonotM-l'hi-hun tin ii .lull line a- i'VM't'ttd. I COMMUNICATION. To 'the Kdder: I lime juxl lieeu reading the eom inuitieutiuu and Miem hy W. (1. Kiii. Mthlihcd in I he .Mail Tribune ut April II. and it Iih given m I'lmrnge to Mitbuiil u few UnnigiilH it long (he xaine line. The I wo I'tidexluiil ehureluH in IiiekMOiixille lime been eomltiet ing re nnl Ken ie iv. for the n. mouth, the I'n-ltUfrmii chureh owe week mid the Mcihodiht ehureh lliite week, uml the net renulta of their effotl haxe Iwen tun fouxrrsuui. The ren xon fur hiii'Ii .mall returiix, n ttiveu hv the preMi-hers hml ilinnli iiiiim IteiM ih hud to the inllneiiee mid pom -er id the devil. The wiitei Iu'ImIi has tul n eoiinidertilile ihiiiih to in terview inuux MrMoiiH hIiu ultfiidfd thiiMt Kerxiee., und ill imHer to !h iUeMiou whv thfX dnl not bee. mi. fouveiied. Ibex nil -tnlrd that llo Ntttiv ol rcHiinlx mid inini-linif nl . U ntMilll ol bflief or dlnhiilit.f in I ! .J1U ..I wl.,.l - .....!.. . .1 SM,.I ( hill. ,.l M.rvii.s .li.l ....I ,.,.,,. i ... il.u.v ...u.p."'"" ' "I l""'!-; f" 1"" ---.-. ..... ..-. ......,. ... ...,-, ....- , "t'll a heiiig line Tht ittiild not ln'lkue that an all wii- tmd ol in Inille lltni' i-onld he ko tllli'l mid HlilliM, to f.tiiHiijii to ttiilial lol-iiH-nt, tuix itm- toll., i-ooid not lioifi-t-l heliete, with the ii.i-.oii xthnli tlod bail givi'ii tllfin. thoe iiuieusoiiiilile -.lorn-. ,s tor nixsfll, I an not be lieve lii.it tin all-wise and tust fie iitor tvonld muKi prouMoti tor u I'u tuie lite uml luipuiuest Ihereiu ile-pfiidi-tit upon a mete bolu-t' eoiicern-iii-,' il while hi this lite. Mv h-UMii will not (hiihiI no- li. Iu'liexe that u iwixoii iii.iv Iim- a lite ot dt'bniU'hen aud iiiiitf, and I Inn in the !hI iioui nUii't'iilx it h m, n k liii)tixxiiesM, be fuiue tt.iiM-iltd ami then o sjiiuuhl in iifitMii. Mhile the pefsua whos, Uv bus been one il -.. n n f ),. himiaiiilt. . me Hiiit-ii nas in, uii- tn,. ol 1.1 lift i ttt tot hi huviuti liwtl. and hIiumm1'1 H a son ....r( t iH-rniit titin i.i Im liexi. i " ' i slii'ttUl lit- .uii. . miulfi'iiin t aiiil liij.il i I vx .nit t -uihmI In 1 1, i ,il i,, in i i.i 'I '" tl II I H I III I V I , M li, VViHlllNOTON. i rll I'imiii. elal pronperlty and stnnKih I areat r In th" I'nlteil lltateM lodat than fr before amf la rlilng rapMly to now leveln, oeeoXHtg to lie rnfwfprO- tntton plated ay ihe eomirrrollar of tho rurTeney m figure made pnblle today nhowiim eentliilon Marrh 7, the dole of IR laat bank rail, In Ike country' nnUonal banks, lloro Is what the retnrna tbewa: Total reMurra of national hanka $l3,l3.noo,ooo, an Increase of $2,271,000,00 or twenty per eont within a yaar. Total dopofllta $lo,7tin,ooo.ooo, an Ineretpm of JJf.llk.OOO.ooii or nearly twenti-flre per rent within a year and an liwrttue of $III,0fl,tt90 alnre IHKewhw 31 laat. An Inereaim of luuo.nnn.oon In loana and discount within a ear. Knrplti and utidlvldwl profit of $1,031,27(4,000. an Inereuaw nf $13,. 000.000. The Inereaso In renourri' wlllilu the pant twelve month alone, Comp trotter xxitiiettMi imiHtml out Hi h slMtement tonight, exceed the entire resource!! of tlio lteeehbnnl: of Uer nmnr. huiI the aggregate roftource of American nattutml bttnkn "exceed hv 13.000 ooo.ooo the aggregate re source of tlm Dank of England, tho Hank nf francs, the Hank or UiihsIh, the ItelclmlmnV of (lerman.x. tho Hank of The XelherlHiuls, the ShIsm Natluiml Dank and the Dank of .latmii " "It Is eotiMirvntlvelv estlinHled," read the comiitrnller' Hlnteiueiit, "that the Mtiridtia roeeno now held lit the N'ntlounl bank would be nif ficli'iit to glvo n further loaning pow er of $3. 000. 000,000 to $1,000,000, 000 Hhould the growth and doeloi iiiciit of lommerce, agrliulttire or lu diKirt mil for so huge au enlarge ment of credit. N'otwlthntandlng the Anglo-French lPNn of $:oo, 000,000 and the loan made to other foreign powers, amounting to seveml handled million dollars additional lu which our bank to a greater or less degree have par ticipated there ore no Indhatloui nf unsound Inflation or excessive loans. and the national banks of the coun try havi tifter boon In a stionger pu hltloii than Kiev ar' ut t ti Its tlmo." I I i i I ilili h . ili. i . i ml ' "i 'I , ' " t h.. il ifi..t iinil iii ii i ml r utile ot Hie ixpidinrc "I n'-li "I the pf'n (ml dfteilmen of eonrrtv goxermneiit i "" r '7 "r r f KXI'KXtlRfl Ffifl 4 I 1 f I Hberirr'. ofltee I f 17 t 7 f:i i Clerk'a offlea A i n ' Vi 14 4 Trensnfw'a Wn. ... '. -' 3 ti -I t 1 W Asitewwf'i. Office :. I ti ! 1 2 10 rVhool HtuMtrintrtident Ctffke I t $ til .1 " 21 S rmirtbonwo MimKenance . "t S SH t I ii 9 0 f'wintv Judge and ('mimiisiiBr' eiftemw; Jl 9 7 18 2 2 l' M Cirenit i'onrt Kxpene . . 1U ft 1 2."i 1 8 :i 2 Jastice f'onrt Kneit .... 1 111 ft 7 12 2 H Cnnmor'a Off . .. ft 7 If t U 0 " Jail Kspen-e - I 8 3 17 1 12 1' Indigent. JiiMi.ile. Health , total egp. 4 2 til 0 t 12 1 1 r, ronnlv CiHniniin MelHHil PhwI .. S t ft 17 2 10 7 1 1 t'mmly High eh.ml Knttd .. 0 11 tft 0 1 0 I " Ifontbt Mid llridgix. FhihI . 17 ' i II IH S (I is " As-mo'd Value, lull Ifoll. eimnliaed ft 1 S XI .1 l' II I'oflHlntfmi, UUII ! 1 7 18 2 '-' 11 (7'unlv area hi piiin- mileM. lU 22 7 17 ft l :i IS This I able kIiowm the rank of (lie varimiM einintieH in nanettd valne men, Mini Hie rank of tho expumlU lnrn of eiielt of I he principal tie- (arlmenla of count v itoveruinent, ex:- elnduig .MttlliioniHM, u pnblielicil li.v lite Tax l.iht'ixtor. I'Nn' etumiile, H'lVn-iinr (o lint lable, we find Hint .luekiton county itinkn fifth in nxatMneil value, fonrilt in IMipulnlion, t en Hi in ntea ninl thete fore ite nxerage whould lie sixth in expcnditiue-. Wlten the mnk ol' e.x pcinlit iiies i le than siUt it mitaii' Unit thai ilepnilmeiit is eiMting more limn in tlte nxernge count v. l''or iitnnee, the ulierirP office ranks tourlh in the Mute tor expciuli- iitrea, the clerk' office lliiiil, llic school Kiijierintendenl'i thinl. while the eoitntv cttirtV ex-iMttise ii n.x down in Hie lint, twenty-find, the cir cuit court twelfth, coiirthoiifc miiinlc tmnee fifleenlh nml roads nml liriilueM MHUiilccnlh, all fat' below (he aci age. The cnmlitimiM e mIiohii Iiv I lie futcgoiiig table slionld not lie In ken a t'onelueive. There innv be unus ual or iteruliur eonilitiotis wliieh ne eottnl for seeming diserepnneief. The iniilMtsc of compiling litis (able i to indiente those pnrlieular e)K'iii1i ture which seem to be high. Ihu nf fording an pioi t utiil x for iincstia- ttOII ll tll.lM' 1 11 1 fl I ll l. tHI L" 1PL01G PEACE PAGE THEATRE TONIGHT T L proxti.iiiich $t ouo.ooii ii i i poilud in I'.u '. KlG-SfPROii ol lii i.nix ilt i lain .1 In- in.!, i ol llic .i.liinuistialioii l I' Yuan Shi Km. Kmiig-M u one of the pioxuiffs of t hinii. Il has t'l .ili. nit 7-MUM1 fiiiiaie unit- Hiiiil,ituin t about .'ll.litm.lUHi t apHal is Nan Chany. until, in in an i . anil i li H.MM KIOVA Till Kll'sl.lll llllll' t-l do ha Into tiiH'iiiH .1 In Iii.ih Im .,in . iii tin li' .Sim i1 I Ik . I. .tin ii ei'tiiiilt .1 i i. . In i ii I, .ii. 1 1 p )uli ii l . i April I I, tin 1'n, lllH'lll- Hi Alls 1 1. .in .in loll I. Iiv t i e In li oi llils mi, ,i .it.,ii Mfil Inn In III i . I'l'i iii I'O htH.I. ' i . i i - . i. ii i ij.u I" .1 I (I ll GOVERNOR CHADWICK'S WIDOW DEAD AT AGE OF 83 WIM in'K. Wash , ,(,ui ; Mm. .lam' , tliailwnk, i.l.'t i tiu fi ll. 'i stt plo u A. t liailttnk nf Uri.'u, ..ml iiml In r ol Jnsiuc Mi4n-n J, ili.nlwiik, ut' the Yu -Illusion iii pii'ine i.inil, dit'il here lmla at the lioiu' ot her it'iMplibuiiihUr, Jlr. il J. Muuiv. in her Silrd t.ti II. i Imiiie was it) N.ilcin. Slii t mi II lUOIU'l'l- ot Is'i.l dirr - - - ar t . - -k .ti ,i'l iini -t and sim i ntx wu , in': i i . .' ti miii li lull, i it all i nis ih.tt nr. in u tin' ' lll.UIX II I "11- !i i. - astde mtil a'l n It in ..lie lit that In ' (to unto l ...ii would Ii.im them do .Hi.. u,i" nil ..il 1111.10 ii i service li iim in I i n-i1' md unit- I'AIMS. Apui 1 i. sixteen iiicio Ih'U of the Austrian mijK'iiiil laui- il.v, itieliiduiK Archduchem. Xita, wife of Arcltdiiku t'htirles Fninew. heir to the throne,' Archduchess Jlnrm The- roa. wile of Archduke Karl Slepheii, ami Aiclnliiclicss Leopold Kulvutor, nith ccii miiis, t.Mk (Nirt in a nil grinmge, hcuded hv 1'iirtJiff I'iffl Aielibishop of Yiuiimi. lo the siinctu ur. of the .Miiiloiiim of Zell, to im plote peuce. accoiiling to u diNttch lioiu Koine. Sui.itiil llti'inloK I tin i m . II it ii I ! m I llntt, .li Will li.llllt- a I. hall mi. Illi, .it tin N.itulo inn :.,iuii,, oa. I it tti'll liii;. ,iril . i . in limit i uio. pieieti ot tht' I lutein cluli. The ktnaior will be a iictt or honor of the ' liuvkoya" elub aud all former Uhiouiis uot mem Item of th.' club are uked to loaxa tkatr names with Herieiar l.alta at the Comnicr rial i tub This will In (he first of a series of mci'tlaiti In the l.tui'olu club. Kxcrj bodt i Ins iii tl aud esieeialh the I j tile" 3 Bell-am 5 Absolutely Removes IndieM'ion. Onep.u-lx.tlre CORRECTS ERROR REGARDING NICHOLS RANCH ROAD W. li. Hut lei- writes 1 1 urn I Joule I'oiiiI to cot-iect an alleged eimr ill au item in the "Kagleti." ot leeettt date eoneeniinir the place lie ob tained irom Ibjiitoii UoHeis a shod lime ago. He wi.v: "The roatl hu old Hint abandoned. It Mm. feneed hv Mr. Ihiwerh and hud been elided tor live . en is. It did nut inlerfeie Hith other txmds or with the muds Icatl imr to the Nichols anelics. nil that win. tiM'd iv them Inning licen Iclt oM'n. Theie were ualcwa.Xs lelt on the ..I.I road ami Iho miH out to tin rinwe. tietierallv tl ua regarded as a pi it. ile road ami no work had been t' if "ii it lor muiiv eiH. It was " iHt limit tor the ui-fommod.i- i i Hi.' Ilalx -a tx mill and a leu i all ol whom ale gone Holt I ' ' "' ii loi tin. ,,.,, ,,, ,, The storv of Man uml III Soul." the plittire which opened at the Pane theHlar estetd) and will he repeat ed tonight, is decidedly novel, aud deals with the origin, detolupmeiit and Importance of couscleiae. Conscience Is presumed to he the bond that links a man with his hoiiI. lu a wonderful allagory. the flret scene shows the creation of the Horld. In a sandstorm that lioine dlately follows, the birth of Cou scletne Ih seen. Next Is shown the (lunlen of Hdett with Adam and Cte seeing each other for the first time Conscience aguln appeals uml pos seases them. The development of eonselenoo down through the ages, with many Important hlniorluil events, Is tbeu presented When tho stury takes the form or present day events Conscience is seen sewtad on top of h skyscraper in New York Cltt. tlewing the cllv and weep ing because It seems told of con science The ci4llr.il figure or the ston Is Kr.uiels llimhiiiHii Spring i'evar ? pus i the tiPie "' veir lt I'ftk oltj f..r ifMitble I Wc fp I ek onr Mofjl Seems ritfH fPpeflt". "J'V J f lean bins I fhf is htn its b''" M ektggad "s1 ' snfTijf im mm M ronmonly rallcl i colrl. Hrirlof Mefess '.'-I len Msdiffl Wf Mrrtt flit HfnHf tr labHat rmrlnW tl Wraf m eiWrol mUtm in nois on nm hm4 nrn! IsM f liw . rr hln&i m essential U good beHb. The wnrk, mn-oViwn, JrWIItnted eomllti-n bKb many pettple pwmiwis rmonl In HV, m tnpnr hnwal, frrre' OnMen feilkl Pisewery am only ekniw Ihe hwwsl of InWHir Hlafl, bnt it increases the activity of the bfoort-maklrvg glands, and it enrlrtnW Ihe body wiib an abundant snpftty of pore, rich Mnnd. PMlhy ilrtijajnsta. Taku it a directwl and it will nmrrh rmt Impure .nd pokwmons mailer In (.he stomach, liver, dmwels and Kid neys and drive it from the sjste.4 tiiroogh Hm natural ttianuil. ASK -YOUR KKItlllHOIC ! j l Portland, dregon. -"fh-. lVrre'a ' remeoa? n n x o liven naed in my family for xesrs, nud with ,ti"l remits. I nlwovs gaxe my children the ' (odden Med ical Discoxciv' as n tonic in (lie spring. My liw liand lotik It for MKtr IiIikkI, tor pid liter and in- hi v tuud it for bloHtiiig oatucil lad ip.litrr found lumcelnllv koimI (nun indigestion. I am giaii m leu omnieml Mr. Tierce's U drii Wdleal Iiiscotery." Mm. 51. Cunuiiiglmin, CUO ltosa St net. JIKItli IS TI1K TltL'CIC ATTAC11M1C.NT With thu I'-onl It reduces tho cost uf ilelherlug gmHls to a ridiculously low llgura The lusd is mi the truck not In It. Look It oti r In fore huyliu; : IPft sy?jpS &tegy-nn JSTX CHICHESTER S PILLS "i,I"sA. iiie iiixxiiiiii iihxio, AX hi i ti-.l jv jour I'fai i.i f, , i lil-rliiv trpii IIUmsn.1 Tlrnif I'llltlll lll.l tisl Oal.l wulliAV I . "nl ili In. , ' Iru.jLt. A ' l IIM'iri's.TrilS iiIAMomi lint no i'ii.iji. i, an ii.k nBnl -ilut AUrtKllMt MHDBVORUiOISTSEVERMERE fi:ti ui I.lht t-li' S ro , miiHinictloii TiinK. ii la ai ui'. Sin casilnv PRICE $375 INSTALLED Central Point Auto Co u:.vriti. i'oint, oiti:. We liny ami Sell Second I In ml folds. IBtfflQS) 'fyyy' (.. liwMjrnljH TODAY Blanche Ring in lift i it at Aini-i i. an Km ii .- J. Ilx Yankee Girl icture worfi seeing li it a I'ar I smuuul TUe Pest in tun it iu the tn-' tire uul verse Mcdi'ord House Movers We Move IIOUSKS, KARNS, CAHAC'liS, MACHINERY, lire. Tboilo ISS-XI llltt S. .Sett tint u. 7SJ7 W. Hill St. I South American travel pirttue on satno program- lamte Mwltord for fifteen minutes aud visit skttk m. c lies l.vTiiiinutw ai iiou(.u Tim i. t m. Leave Medfor.t for Vsh'und, Talent nu.i PhocnU d.ub. ex.e.'t Sundat at " on a ni . I on, . no, oo aud 5 15 nrofb it. 'J icat all drut-niits. ' m Al" ou rdiy at n 13 p. ' 1 a I'lltB AND S.WlTAlti: White's Velvet Ice Cream Bee Supplies A COMPLETE LINE Consisting of BEC HIVES BEE SECTIONS nnooo FRAMES SEPARATORS EXCLUDING BOARDS BEE BRUSHES HIVE SCRAPERS SECTION PRESSES SMOKERS WIRE IMBEDDERS VEILS BEE ESCAPES QUEEN AND DRONE TRAP FOUNDATION WAX Got urn H ie.es hefore iuttiii in your supply. MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. 317 K Main St. WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Main Street, Modfor(l The Only "Exclusive Commercial Pliotujmiphers iu Southern Oregou 11 JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER IMly lMlHHt k o. t.ltri.l?lT Mhhmw 3t. -I? Mint 17-J A wKritMi hrt (Vr Mai.e- . (leUdout dessert for lunch, I tinnier or picnics. I sow 1.) uuh. pun quart or gallon. Negatives fado any time or place by appointment. Cv-e pack and dellxer all orders for a ore tiicr l-AT miiiu toavft at n uu and lu Jo rt m ml 1 00 : Oti. f, 30 anil A ?n n ni. ( 1.1,1. n.i .. x.. Wi or more iiail. except guiidaj'. at 00 a, m. I uo. 2 00. 1.0Und5.15p. B. Alio nTR7 HATRV on Saturday alghu at :m KHd! nils UAliV I 3X0 Sutuiar-iaateXailaiuPat 1:0a! I'llQM: im a. m. and 1:0" 1 :, t "- 34 io:Ja KeuQubor to iMnk n.i.. n,,..,. .. ! Pboue 117-.T We'lldotiierest o , i , i iim hi i I im .ii. i nke, i,, t xtf 1 ,0-N u ' '" ' " ' -N s ' "I' ' " sild',. o o o , , i ti in. O in it I ::.. . .?:?.. :.' "",w",Hr ) - T5fb lw imit ) jG. D. WESTON, Prop. o I o () 0