Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 13, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    I I ) f
rwramniMMNW'WnMM rj
ihimhiiiwi sisPsT
I WMTMffft
lf Warmer feMw?,
fsi Af. Ifm. ;.
MKIHOUn OKHiOV Till l;-H. MM,' 1 1, K 1fl;
ii r
NO. 10
D eR,rfCfea ew.dHL. nhrmaM
qhrt n'miur MS stkih : ' .
r i H IiBLIti iJI f B i IJL uermati Admissions maKC 11 rracu-i amsBKy
SLsW www w W WW -WO" - W W WW I
Civilians at P.irral Fire U)on Unitcil
States Troops Passinn Through tlic
City and Battle Follows Carranz
Ist Troops Aided Americans in At
tempted to Restore Order "Many
Deaths on Both Sides" Reported
Appeals to U. S. to Recognize
Danyers of Arouslnn Natives.
battle in 1'niTiil between American
lump mill tin -i itiiiti poptilntion
last night (lenernl Carrunr.ii tilt-
gi.iplnd lu 'iiiliii--v lu'M' teday:
"Mnnv deaths" occurred on both
itles. I'nrriiniui troop aided the
Americans in attempting t restore
order. General Cnrroiign lin oi-jM-nlfil
to the Inked Stnt to recog
nize tin danger of arousing the na
tives. A dispatch from General Cnr
liinn himself follews:
"After iocsusc ent ,vn lv Sw-i-ctnrv
ol' Foreign Al'fuir Agutllnr,
the seeretnry of war tweivod h utes
Hinro from Ocnernl Gulirreic HtUal at
Chihuahua, informing him thut it had
litfti imitusihle for militurv pomi-
mauder Im .cheek lite mob uguiust
' " A - 11 I
American troop who ciiiorcn i arrai
mill thnt tin- evening (April 12) the
light hurt continued Wwihi our peo
ple anil Amerienn force unit thut
nmtiy deuth luitl occurred ou both
I'nuikO Action of Timi
"General Ohregnn hn already
given order to picveut coi'tintintion
of the luitlli'. but tlu excitement i mi
treat among the cople thut I fuil
to know whether the struggle can lie
Cull on the secretary of stnte unit
nih ie him that the occurrence in due
to I be unwise action of the American
commander in having entered Pa mil
without the permission of the author-nit-,
xiolalinu the order of that
government forbidding the occupation
f town- by Amerienn force.
"PIHe eoue the secretary of
slat to ee thnt it is unwise for the
American troop to reniuin any longer
on our soil n more eiioito inei
rtenti than the preent otn. which
we mnt uxoid t nil iit-. nun de
velop, t
'Hrii'.e muM ww or nnv nnm-
nii'titi you raav deem di-iille tor
jhiI an end to the tutuution freutnl
by the prenenc-e of Anu-rieun In ,
in our terrilr. I will keep on .il
lifting you thiauh the l'mvicn i
lieu of any further in-ideul." :
I'lfllilliiK Sn 0f
l l..l .liiuitnk fmm Anu'l'irni:
"Miuree today id the imhting -oer.
XeM- of the ehuh was contuined m
the following telegram Irom Querc
taro, duled yenteTjday. and sent by
Foreign Minuter Ajnlr to Klineo
Arredoiido, tit-neial Lurranxu's aui
bu'hador Inn': ,
"J'lea-f milter with the honorable
Seeretaix l.annu atul inforni luni
(Continued on page two.)
Iiri:4 MI1KS XitII 13 --The
Pan-Anicrloaii coiiKrc.-- i locd Itn ses
alons last niiht It proxed the pro
jects for the protection of workmen
and for the etubiubment In the
fulled itotes of permaneut esbibl
tlonc of South American producU and
in South America of like exhibition of
l'nlted Statei product. It i''ff ''
the BruaaeU nomencta '
maulflcatloa of v
trMted to ti ...- . .v - - -.iil)ll
the putilicatlon of di-toni-
Uj'I i .ri!
I' i
German Admissions Make It Practi
cally Certain That German Subma
rine Torpedoed Sussex No Arbi
tration Acceptable Crisis More
Accutc as Facts Are Developed.
WASIIIXnTOX. April 1.1. The
(lerninh note on the Sufx nml oili
er Hiibmnriue pawn hii" been reteiwil
at the Htnte ilepartwent nnd n be
mg deeodetl' tmlny. It probnhl will
be loid before I'n'nident WiUon nml
Seeretnry Innning before tomuht.
In view of the peerming nature ni
the Ml nation with Qennnny ami
Mexieo. 1'iv-ident Wilnon tmla nban
tliHieil hio plans to go to Xew York
IdiiioI'Kiw night nml eaneelleil In- en
guuenient to upeak before the Yoiiim
Men' Dciuoenitic elub there Satur
day. Sluiiitlon OltleHl
The nffithixitH from Lotulon ami
I'arin ewetI todnv on the linet
St. Paul will be eonidemt in eonnee
tion with the Qennnn note nml the
"information" regnnliug n(tnek n
merehnnt ve.eU inee the l.ti-itnnu
diiiler in eM'eteil to be eotupleteil
in time lo go to Merlin within tin
next week.
While llui entire pinna nf the ml
miniMtrnlion gre not being dinelieil.
it i undefHtooit thnt nothing le tiiaii
Koine M.ilixe exidenee of Clemiiiii.x'
good faith to lulfill the nMiraneei
-he ha given the t'nited Slate-, mu-Ii
ii- pi'Moibly, siibxtantiul piini-liiiient
of the Kiihninrinv coiuiunnder who ile
".troyed the Siifex, ean prexeut the
Mitunlion between the two count rie
froin eoming to the jm which diplo
niiit have Mi'ituglcd lor the lat eiu
to avoid.
UlHHie ((riiiHuy
In xiew of the -itncluive naluic ol
the iiifoimation on the Kinoes alrc.nlv
Ix'l'ore tin !tate depailiiient, oltifuil
can not kw how (iennnnv can con
tinue to denv refonibilit. tor ilu
ile-l ruction ot the -hip.
The Miggelion of urhitrntion in the
flermnn note huh met with the (.tnte
nient that the Amerienn government
would not nrbitrate u queotion in
xolving Anierienu liven.
direful cxn munition of the Ger
man note led oftieiuU to eonelude
that the cne of the United Stale
had been materially strengthened.
The nimiluritv between the eireum
tanceft iirrounding the attack on
a uteumer in the Knglioh ehnunel ad
mitted in the Dertnnn note nnd those
-iirreiimlnit: the Siick ine nn.eil
ot'lleiaU to fei I thcic no louuer !
.in iloiilit llu i--l w.i- the
PUIlS iril I m ini-offli ial i
annouix i mi ni .i m.i'l here toditx '
that the Kremli oxrninent hs doi-j
umentary evidence that the Buiaex
wan attacked h a bulimarlne. The
aiatement which waa given out after
the receipt here of the German note
to the United State in a follew:
' It suffice in order to answer the
Herman note to recall tljat fragments
of a torpedo have been discovered in
the hull of the Busex and that the
French government Is in possession
of documents which give the name of
the commander and tho number oi
the submarine which sank (damaged i
the Sussex"
The further statement is made
from the same semi-offii fal sourct
that Fn inli and Iliiti-h warship
sank a iiiiiiun -iiiiinunii on April
- ,rtSl ,,,. . . , , i . ,.i offliem
l.. "... It Is
i con-
i of the KreS?' h Bovornnnlit coiwern-
u . ii .i t ii ' i in ii ii r i il
Left lo Hulii: It. . i:. liiiiirnuiH, iliaiuellor of tin (terinaii consulate at San I laiicKio; llaron Wll-
liclui win III link atliulic. ami Im peilnl foil-ill (ii'iicliil I mil xo Itopp, MiapiHil as (!... left lite fiileml
liullillUK nricr nii-Mi'iing imllcimeiitM agaiiiMt tlieiii.
.Note Hie kmukk. i apiM'uiance of joiing l.leul. xoii Itilmken; tin; iiHimnle. the sk. I lie ilgnicl ami
flic illlolllllti ml nf III- Iodic-.
TDHHKuX. Mo. Vpnl II. -
FrnneiBeo Yillu i believed here to bo
near or at the I'rbinn. ranch Ina
XiexaH, south of Kouno, in the tale
of Ditningo. It i- rexrted that ho
i heading down the Xnsaa river in
the direi'tion of the t'ontrerm mid
Yenieerob bamliu.
Ik'twnen Xiexii-. nnd Inde there
are a Inrge number of home and
mules which were turned out when
the Yilliotn (i.rrUon at Inde surrend
ered. It i wupposed thnt Yilla in
tends to enpture a- mnnv of thiMe
a- possible nnd utilize them in bix
lli trail nuturnUv would follow the
Vuzas river vullcv an the only water
in the country now i ulong the river.
It in repotted that recently ammu
nition in (urge iuuutilic has been
.'oinir tor ward to the t'ontrerui from
the north bx mule puck. In the lat
tour daxti .though, llie-e abipuU'iits
.lie i..ud to have ccicil.
The Im Xiexas ram Ii, formerly
owned by a Villa '.'cm-ral, Thoinn
I rhina, is nuppoMd to be the burial
place of rich loot, umbered by l'r
bina in his xaumi- un.Mtigm and of
coiiMderuble arm and ammunition.
American troop- were ieMitcd
c-teil.i near (lie lliirauvo lioiiudul v
line. IJo-.imo i- tin unlet -onth nf(
the Inn .11 il Ih'lr I .-i t h Mi - li) olid ,
Kn-.iiio .
MIAMill.M, ,.nl i: Tin..-
h ali i - nl tii'. ri "l i'ioit..rv forei -ill
Kwiiiix Tnii.' io .mi- wire a--a--iniitiil
ami otlicr- weic
winimlcil vc-tcliln iIuiiii.' a milit-iiv
eniitereuce. Thstjintu killed weic Ton
" -ding the j
foiitililiee .1- tin- ri pre-i lltative of
" 4
SAX FUANflM i, April Ik -Frani
Hopl. coiuul general of Ger
many here, nnd four others pleaded
not guilty in the I'nitcd States dis
trict court here IimIhv to indietment
involving violations of neutrality.
The other wen K. II. Yon Si'huek,
vice coiiul geuerul ol (lermany here;
Huron tleurge Wilhclm Von Iliinckcii,
n lieutenant of the derma n nrmx
identified with the consulate; ("buries
i flow ley, a detect ie in the em
ploy of Consul tleiierul Ilopp, nnd
Mrs. Margaret rornell, an utxeti
gator employed bx mwley.
Itopp und Van s back were indict
ed two mouths ugo on charges of eon
siiriug to blow in mid destroy rail
roads, ships ami munition factories
in the lliited Slap - .mil Cuiiiula. All
additional iinlictinciit iiiolin',' nl
legi'il Use o the iq.iil lo iiiciti. mur
der, a i son uml n .1-uiution was
found uguiiist Mi oinell, (inn
lev ami You Hum I i
Only Com iiiniv l.i in iii-li in ti-uisin- fur the
riuutti s. I i;is,t!-jitiiiii i-losf. April 1h. II' iii don't
rifristcr n tuiiot vole 'ri.lnllowiiitf iiii- llu- rctf
Uti'ui'M fur th vuHoiik Mcdford ivfiutn:
Klection I'ii ciiu-f.
Mdlonl Xortl i-t
Xoith Medloiil
Met! lord Xoiili Itivcisidc
Xortbwest Melt rd
W est Medfurtl
Mul ford Xortli Mum
Med lord Xortli I entrul
Mul ford South O. nt nil
Mcdford South Mbi'i
Mcdford Newtown
Midlor.l Park A O. Be.
Ko'itlcvw-t M. ill. Til
Mcdford (l.iK.lale
If. II.
I.. It
l .
V. K. Con-cr.
Ki.-t, .r,l
i I ;
' I I
-H I
MINIKIN. ill I : The Httuck
ou Yerduu has subsided for the mo
ment after several days of particular
ly severe fighting. There were ho
engagements of Important e In that
region last night, the official Kronen
statement of this afternoon says.
The principal Uerman effort sine
the Verdun offensive xvus begun Sun
day was the attempt lo force a pas
sage between Dead Msn'a hill and
(ti micros for the purpose of envelops
ing the hill. Some French trenches
in this vicinity were carried, but
the main positks of the defenders
were held and Paris regards the oper
ations of the week as having result
ed decldedb to the advantage of the
On toe western front Russian at
tacks have not seriously shako the lines and althouah spirited
fighting is still in progress at var
ious points the offensive move meats
kiiaprenll) are subsiding-
Registrar, Address.
'! Snedicor, Mini ford Hook Ktoio
i Snedtcor, Meilfonl Hook Ktore
i. Sueilicor, Med lord Hook Ktore
II l.ydiurd, Jackun Sticct Btore
Helen X. Yockcv, Mail Tribune
Helen X. Yockcv, Mail Tribune
Ilii'l. Mclford Furn. & lidw. Co.
mi i .-..ii. I'o-tul Tclcgruph office
ii,,, i i,.iin.tty-Corcv lldw. Co.
I." I I .i , Kxvmg's flun Ktore
I .. Co., Maui ami Fir ts.
i, Mikoop. S'.'O W Twillth street
r.. C. Kchulls, (hocery
Ciiii-i i's C.i-h flrocerx. K-t Main
i , I', i il I , '. , ,i n ottii !
imncD addcot
Employes ot German Steamer Lines
Accused of Maklnu Bombs and
Placing Them Aboard Steamers to
Set Fires at Sea Accused of Re
sponsibility for Fires on 33 Ships.
XKW YOKK. April IX The four
OtwnnH arrvslwl by the pidiee je
lenmv on the charge nf manufactur
ing ineendiarv IfiHnhe and placing
them aboard war stiiply his of the
entente allien were todnv lurtrud oxer
to the federal authorities for prose
cution. The four prisoners, Krnent
lleeker, Cnptnin Charles Yon Kleist,
Cmttain Otto Yoliert and Captain
I '.lino ltodc, were examined thin aft
ci noon nt the offices of the depart
ment nf .justice.
You i'apeii Implicated
Yon Kleist was miid bv the xolie
.ill cady to have confessed. further de
tails of the conspiracy, involving
several others who aires Us are
h mling and to have involved Captain
Ft-uujt Yon I "a pen, former (lermaH
military attache at Washington, ami
Captain ltny-Kd, former naval at
tache, iu the plot.
Ih'teetives today sought evidence
involving n "well known German,"
who i alleged to have supplied a f 10,
IHJII fund to finauee the fire bomb
conspiracy. They sought alo the
arrest of the chemist who did the
ilieinlcnl work in Hie mnnnfacliire
ol the bombs. The name of neither
of these men has yet been revealed
h the i ol ice.
Ilomlis In Sown' Socks.
Prcpn rat ions were made lo arraign
the accused to answer the ecific
charge of idaeiug bombs in sugar
bugs on board the steamer Kirk Os
wald on May 'J, 111 1 .". The steamer
ouuht fire from bomb explosions
while on her way lo Marseilles,
Fiance. I'nexidoded bombs were
toiiiul in her cargo alter her arrival
Police Captain Thomas Tuniiey,
who has charge of the ease, regards
the arrest of the four prisoners as
the most iuiMtrtant stride yet made
iu the detection of n a rent conspiracy
lo destroy stciitulup sailing xxilh
war munitions from Xew York. Hos
loa, Philadelphia, Han Francisco and
I'liisl Kit SlMiuiccs,
The Hlice believe the men involved
have been responsible tor fires uii nt
least thirty-three sleanieis that have
caused M.IMMj.tNM dumage. They as
sert thev have evulenee that bombs
made in a llobuken factorx ostens
ibly oMraled for the manufacture of
fertiliser were sent to all mrts of
the country. The use to which they
vera Mit other than for the destruc
tion nf steamers ha not been dis
closed, Investigator usserted today thut
one of the prisoner said he hud been
sent to the factory in llolmken by
Captain Pruns Yon uien, former
military attache of the Herman em
bassy as Washington who was re
called at the request ot the t'nited
The flobokeii factory u n small
structure in which a few men win
employed. Oue of the prisoner told
the im.Iicc it mi, used at first to make
ieitilizer for slnmicnt to (lermany
tliiouh nciitiiil count ri- ami that
I he (i. nil. in- i ll.n I r-at lilhl ltl'' oil
lioin tilt tirt.lirtr A'lrr ii- nrin.i'
in l i,
WASIUMSTON pril !' Ilinr)
Morgenthau, .meri.ui .uni,a-i.ador
to Turke. said toils v afu-i a confer
ence with 1'iesldent Wilson that he
was considrinK usimiius, hu post,
but that he had uot had au oppor
tunity to discuss the question with
ilu pri' , ,lt nl uml iti. i f.f,,r.. mm not
. i ' . i I , , n I 1 1 ii in
m o rnnnpo
Cnrrniua Requests That "American
Pursuit ot Villa Cease and That
Capture of Bandit Be Left to Sol
diers of de Facto Government
Misunderstanding Between Two
Governments Responsible for Sit
uationPermission Not Given for
Invasion as Supposed.
WASIIIXOTOX, April 18,-0aiv
eral Carransa's proposal far iha
withdrawal of American troopa from
Mexico failed to bring: from ailiahi
ist ration souni's lodav any iailkm
tioa that the troop would be with
drawn immediatelv or that the sit
uation was e.tieete(l lo result In any
serious friction with the de faato gov
ernmmt in Mexico.
late IimIbv Secretary Insing SMtiif
the Carranxa note gave eHiIimne that
there was some inisnailernlanding In
.Mexico. Some of its staleinonts rh
Pftaeuteil did not agree with Ilia sec
retary's recollHtinH of'tlm prollnu
nary negotiation. He said the Unit
ed States recngniaed the rkkt of
Mexico to ask withdrawal nf troow
but that the government efligriiliirihl
that the agreement entered httft xvfift
still in force.
1 1
On nt 1 1 to ' lteiiiist.
Mexican government Hag seat to Its
arabasaador In Washlngtoa a note to
be delivered today to Secretary lou
sing asking that the American troops
b withdrawn from Mexican terrltaiT
and that the pursuit of Villa ha left
to the constitutionalist army.
The note rontalna about 5 BOA
words. In It the de faata goferawoHt
of Mexico contends, that, as tha Am
erican troops crossed Into MoxUo
without permission they should ha
withdrawn unttl a formal eomnaet
can be entered Into between tho two
governments, it is Insist sally af
firmed that the previous notes ef the
Mexican government especially em
phaaiaed the fart that permlaoMR far
reeiproeal crowing or the frnnUer
would be granted only In the tft uf
the rspetltton of a raid similar to
that mad by Villa at Columbia, X.
InisiiitH'tl)' Interpreted
The fact that the l.'altad Statw
had Incorrectly Interproted tka not a
of March to was called 'to the at
tention of the Washington govern
moot, the statement polats out, in a
goto dated March IT. This not like
wise emphasises that the pasaag nf
troops would be permitted "ttttlr If,
unfortunately from this thaw far
ward there should b repeat! at
tacks like l he one registered at Co
lumbus or or anv other kind what
ever at any point of the frentlor Hat.
The note was sent to Kllaoa Arre
dondo. the r.irrmua representative la
Washington, with mstructlona for Ita
dellvr to So n mrv Ijinatag. "so
eiidinu iicKotUiion for a reclprecal
(Continued oa page two.)
W VSIIINCTOV. Vi-ril It A din
triit toiiri lodm lefiiMd an earlier
iime than Ma x ioi trut of throe of
ficers of the IUns National bank lB
dlcted for perjuo In counectwa with
the bank's suit agaiust Saaratarf
Mi Adoo ami loha Skelton WUIlHHM,
comptroller of the eurreaey, In whwh
the latter officials warn charged witb
haxlag i inspired to wreak the bank.
A fuitlicr bill or psrtlrubsra abw
Ing basis for the indictmoute wag ia
fused. The bank officers askHir
an earlier trial atleaed that Cemp
iioliir v inidiiis intendeil to rafuso
.iMc. a, .i I urter expiring July
i in'lu limuu,