MTrrrpYmn mtv, TmnrvF. vrrrrrnm rmioov. irrTiv.MiNV ntmtt i ini. Mm mtcm h t, HEW RAILROAD W LL DEVELOP EW INDUSTRY The inlenatntc commerce commis sion hn declared a rate of 39 centa n hundred on tb Mocoeo, California, lVrtiliwr to Medfonl nml other points iii thin valley. This fertiliser is a decomposed rock formation and closely resemble (fen immense d )misi of lUuwnpnsed riek in the Hlue Lcdite tniiiiitr district, of Inch there nit' hundreds or thousands f tons m sitjht. A similar formation is found in the mountain (if southern California. It has been used as Mil excellent fetti- lioi' mill soil atimiilunt in Los An preles const? and surrounding tarri tnrv for yunra. It contatins a less content of MulvJmr ami lime Ihutt that of this district anil is less accessible tlinn the great deposit of tliu Hlue Ledge district. The latter is only thirty-five miles distant nml yot t hc J'n i iihts of thin valley, Iiv icnson of lurk of tsHiisportatio facilities to enable them to use the local pnnl uet, arc -(inj)(0li'(l to ship in their supply h ilistmici' of Hearly or ipiilo a thousand miles nt a freight e.iciise of .f(i m ton. Kvi'ii at that cost (hi y get u lom vnluable fertiliser, for which they "ond tlii'ir money awn) from thi! valley. In the Itlue Ledge case they would keep the money in local eireiihition. Another tea In re of lo in having to hip tho fertiliser from a distant point in found in tho furl that the I'n Illicit freqilcutlv nc-jlcd to use the soil remedy on account of the incon venience, i1rl,i nml :istnp' huv- llli; In 111 ie it Hi li .1 dllliUi . IRAK FIFTY PERCENT With hut five da mine In which to icglster, over flft percent of the voters or Jackson county have not iHKlKiereil. It It to date, the Halitest legist intlon In year with a possible registration eneeedlns; 18,nwf, hut -1 :t r ( had iea;lstered, 27 lo male, Ifilu I finale reptihHesH, i:i7 dem ocratn 'JO piuareeslve. The following la a complete Hat ot res: 1st rat lows, ahawlaK the number registered In ttM various parti ui to week endiaa Xpril 8, a compiled by the county clerk; , Kepubllcau: Male 119; female 964. total 203. Demecrat: Msla S43, female 464; total 1.19T. I'rearswstre: Mala 17, female 1; total 20. Prohibitien: Malo SO, female 67; total M. Secialist: Male OS, female 3S; to tal 130. Mlsc : Malo 1J7, femolo 77; to tal 184. Tetals: Malo 2740. fomalo IC10; Brand total 43.10. X. AI PAGE TONIGHT The hoauty or this picture la that tho moral uplift, niado as plain as A It c. u not allowed to overshadow the drnirtfttlr story. It rcrjulrea skill to preach Koodiicss, to champion the c.iimo of a militant loiiKlcnre mid avoid beonilnK vvearlsonie, jet V. N'olilo us the director and X Tiushman and ltcverly Havne as the stars, has sneccded In dolnn just this In ' Man and His Soul." Tho story or John Conscience Is so thoroughly in accord with Chris tian doctrines that it mlKbt ho bhovvn in n. Sunday schnol, and at tho saino time the production imjsscihiR tho HaV ; MiuthU quAlilies of good photoplay oiuortalument for audiences of qultd another caliber. It has movement and Ilfn In the development of a hu man i an alive, the acting is better tnau ordinary, every now and again there ure charming light effects to tti3bn the eye. and for a stirring climax there is a realafiic factory fire. The purpose of tha story Is set forth In a brief, prettily staged alle gory, showing tho birth and troubled career of conscience In bygone ages The modern manifestation of the spur to righteousness is found In the lieoon of John Conscience, easaved by Mr. Bushman He is a mau that puts aside his roni ieiue that he mlKl't suceeed in life in even a t Is entirely void of consciewe ami . Qhlnss move along smooihlj for bun (6j.ul f crisU comes In (Jits li?d i. (iHi -. rc..i!ita iWr&Hja'Wreip 1 ,. Iness and hl (0 . a ' i ne!v i..t i.iu.-- a 11 n - ' " Jt' i 1 1. 1 1 1 . r RES ON SHY E 24 Twenty thouasnd square rt .1. ! mtlrclr to the preaenutl.m t rvHRlena. mtaeatloaai and umlal hi fare theme will make up the Itrlit. loni and Soetal Jfer'vtre exoilUc'" Hhlih wlli Ik hroimht to Muli'ji.l next aeeh under tho Minister t ;i i-e elation. It will be rhown here for en week hnln1nR April 24th In h. Xt. Tim exhibit romprlar II. i e liorrn In the I'alare or Kdmatiou unit ikjlal Mctmomy t tha Pnnama-P.i ' clfle Kxi'OMltlon anil are IioIiik taken over the country under the atmplpv of the Toiloral Counell of Clinrclien whose keailquartera ure In No Yoik City. 0. R. St. John for novonil onr In eharpe of the nocloIoKlrul work of the Hoard of Home MIphIoiih of the Presbyterian rhiirch In the U. S. A., and perHonul repreMeiiutUo of the fed eral council la in churno of thla won derful group of exhibits. Ho was In ehnrne of the religions exhibits nt the Panama-Pacific exposition where thov recolveil nearly fifty nwards, tho larjtost number taken by any one Kroup of exhibits on the around Ineluilod In It are Kraphlc repre inhtiitlona of the work of no denom inations and religious and social agencies. These lurludo Methodists. Presbyterians, Itaptlsts, (Mirlstlaus Kplscopallans. both north and south. and a great many lellalous and social axeuclos sucji as the American Itlhle society, the American Tract society, the Lord's Day Alliance,, the Salva tion Arm and Volunteers of Amer ica, Hie National Child Iabor com mittee, the Aull-Baloou league, the National V. C. T. U.. and maiij others. Never befoie In the history or the church haa as large and so comprehensive an exhibit been' fath ered together. One entile section will he given over to a reproduction of the Holy Land with nfore than 100 m rsona participating. A street of Jerusalem will bo shown with water carriers and peddlers, a realistic wedding cere mony enacted In Moslem costumo and the different phases making up the life of the modem dav resident of Palestine Will be depleted WASHINGTON", April 12. I'mm a national defease tmidoiut the training in rifle practice ot the uu-oi-gaiiiaed militia is of us vital im portance to our country as the train ing of the regular establishment mid the organised militia. The volunteer who can hit what he shisits at is mi Hr cent efficient as a soldier. The United Stales government he stored away in its arsenals approxi mately :4M,0(M1 Krag V. S. magazine nfles,' model 1008, and M,(mff.nflO hall cartridges for same. 1'iiele Sum will issue these rifles and the ammunition free to organised rille clubs affiliat ed with the National Kifle AssiM-iutum of America for use uf members at small arm prscUce. llunng the lirst Quarter of 1'Hrt just elided the onimaiiee d imrtmeut issued to club 'I Hi rifles 11 it. I 1,-t.lH,-U71 bull lartrnl,;. s SOCAL SERVC EXPOSITION OS m API FREE WFLES R ORGANIZED UBS aiHE KILLED IN I JtLl EFIKLP. W. Va, April 12 Thrto pi rioiis wire Killed, a wik man and tH. luldiro. whtn the p1 mt 1 of the JJuI'otif Powder cifnpun ' Nemours, Mercer count), nulea. I'mm here was blotfa to piwcs b) J four explosion, cmly today. Iloiiae 111 the little wlluge Welt wieikud. j The deiol cllililren cre batSid III I the ruins of their home near ihc poW dcr mill. Tins principal damage woi. done l the t'irit ei4usion which is said to have completely de-tro)cd the build inir 111 wli'uh it oecuired. The plant has been vv 01 Knc on older. rsrrsr- rr L ARROW .j jWjr--?Qiar Here 18 tflC Spring ryiy'r fPVl T AT? XVwW KuJLLsfAl gitS'lo-'wtH ehow thet?ont APRIL 14- Intwoheiohts AchbySi'i Lexicon y. "i fvui pr MJODV til- .. v v I INFATUATION' AT THE I , LJMJ1 . ptv LUCILLE WARD MARGRITA riSCIIER8JOSEPHSIKGLET0HiH,JHFATUA1. ( tOUH-ALl MI'll'AL MAVTI-HI'ICTUttr MADU UV AMF.RtCAN "Infatuation." the celebrated im- llohli--Miriill company, the pull- el l,v l.lo.Mt (honrne fn in which the new iiuisterpieluie ot tluit nnmo was iidnplcd, i generally 1.1 ..I LI- Ili.I nfVnH lite . iiimiiiiu ..111: ..1 ...- .n-. u novelist met with Publication of Hie novel such MtccesH that the EXPRESS COf ANY ...- nnn,r KW mm IU 01 III UUULL, SALEM, fire.. April 1-'. The bus- iness of trnntMii-iiii(: I mm Cnlil'or-1 1 1 in to Oregon the mount nl luptor Ie- jtnlly allowed to cim-'i a-ison 111 Ore-1 1. .u.... . ... .....1. . .... .. u.i ..,. . IKUI UIlM EniKII I" l-'icil ii" ninuii- ' " " n f I hut 1111 exiil-ess eompnuv bus be. 11 oiyaiiixed lor the sole puiMtse of shipping liiior orders. TIm eom pAn todny HUnI with the public serv ice commission tariffs for the trans portation of alcoholic drinks from San IVmiciM-o to Port land mid A totiu. ARMED FRENCH LINERS PERMITTED TO CLEAR 1 WASIIIXOTOX. Apiil VJ. Krnwcc, lias a iirctl the lulled States Unit Ifiuis aboard the liuei-A Vnlean and lone nt Xew York will not be used fur offensive purp.-c- mii.I Collector Mn- I el) ing, "Hown with the (lovein- Mee. while the meetiiiir here is Inl bv lone todav wo hi-IiihU'iI lo elcur the meiit !" "Long Live Veniyelos!" "povvn Henry S. Jackson, republican nntioii te,K, I Wild Aii-lnu," "I low 11 Willi Austiin!" 11I commitlecmaii I nun (leoijin. HHMSHflBBRpHaaMBaVianBV JB''ff BBBBBsf MdWa . vs )m .uasWHs'jMiH V' m v jttjtffii fm - 'fayrifirrtTrT feavreawahv mt 4.-Jt ;4?r-A .fi&i? I V " ' "SSt. .yTL'J OnfliiiMt'tf,fiMfrd- f Ifi faJTiIaTw. 1- j. -1 ' 3 tin you will , J ' 9r n . Pu A STAR THEATER TODAY ONLY ",',r". " ,ff several editions. tuts L,a i i" - e(ih)(lml ...( i( flrtll,r ,,, ,)y u,r w,)ndrfni .rTormauoo in ..tu... C?-..l 1 I...--!.. ..e t is i-aiii'ii ii inyjuiiir TMItlil flat H nri-rriniHi uimna ' no more talented little pkyor than Mi-s Fischer. ilfME PRESIDENTiAL a i unin I rrn am ril I fT I N KA UnilUlUn I LU UM UnLLU I sAl.l'.M. (he. VJ The names of three pronlcntinl cninlidittcH to lw ,u(1,.d ,, , huulH llt the primaries . ... . . ,. i.wivt tn, mill u',ri 11 ell uiih tho sec retary of stale loilnv. Democrats filed the nnnm of Presuleiil Wilson, while the names of Senator A. H. ('uiniiiiiis tr Iowa and Seiuilor Theo doio lliirloti of Ohio 'were filed by their ivpiihlicnn adherents. i GREEK ARRESTED FOR SHOUTING FOR VENIZEL0S PAWS, April V-'. During a celc- brut ion of the anniversary of flreek indcMndeiice yeslerdm. savs a dia (Mitch Minding, the Athens Kpiriiii, ; headed bv Waller II. Johnson, ehnir he isdiee arrested several Hrsons for mini of the republican state commit a foot high ! We tell yoii P. A. will Exceed the liveliest imaginations of tobacco joy you can hatch. We tell you that its quality, its flavor, aroma .and coolness just tiuar all reckoning. And just add the little old fact 'tfksf it cast' bite, can't pt&cthl Fitvine oufhnw asmoke lib this will "mt" on your fr " MiJ9mV07JP rwate siifj-up-tu-luri-in-tiiiifc! You fvttjPniire Albert hanJtamc pounj aj halt pound tin llkr It .il AMVS ".VOUr p.i'--rild l' li U. . .1! oUt "-' nJ th.,t cc. pound 1 t .t. 1 . fi 1 1 n 3tal-tllaa huntiJar wilnlhm yotn nj( i pa 7 ( I otP, A. luketa. e c t'ltil. lurl $?unH mo.-unvrtnn that kp tho . n. . . r., r -... .- .. ........ . ,..,,. ' ' " " ' "'" t r.-; fand gf trim' P.. J, Pm'.IiOLLj fOUACCO COMPANY, V. .t.t Lulem, W. C. oft-v- MORS mm. CANDIDATE AGAINS T OLCOTT: t rnHTLANP, Ore., April 1.1 " I SECRETARY linrles R. M.mre,. chairman or the ppj., of funH!,,,, u.JM mn--t.te O. O. P. romnillOT, promiBMnt .4-in-i (mhhIs was ovtmrhelminsr i i.mer nftd xeternn stanil-filter and I froteil by 3-1 to 38 againM. Kvery Pl-oiient of the "Owwon system" nt'wan wan ngninst it, the fhrures le- l,. .ilicitation of Governor Withv- n i.e. haa filed for the nomination retary of state against lVnji42. The pnwilion hinted on the 1.1 -ic who haa sinned against the ..Imiiimtration bv opiawing some of ii-. reactionary polieiea in the stale i.iniid of eontnd. The acceptance- by Mr. Monree ends 111 c tensive search for a candidate i. the governor secretary. 0. Pal- , mcr Putnam. The proMaitioit wa first pnt to Harvey Wolla, insurance conimisaiouur. then to A. I Ihirhiir, city auditor of Portland; next lo Max flallnlier. count v clerk or Marion county; then to Cleorge I,. linker, city commissioner of Pnrtlnnd; next to Itobert li. SlevetiH. then to W. A. Adams, then to Phil .Metaelmu, Jr., then to J. II. Ackennnu, former anp .. .. ..i.t:.. !...i...:.. ll .",","- of whom deidined, It n slated that the governor and his kitchen cabinet promised to pros pective candidates the native aup- port of fourtech ucwnHrs outside '..r l..l, ....... ..1. ........I.. M...1 .. nj.iilMlt. "' ii.iioi.o.o ..miiiiv iiii n r.uiuiii' "-' "JW- - to defray 'cm ninpiiiii expenses. At least such n proptisul wii innile to Mr. Admits. . 0. P. ATLANTA. (In., Am il V2. Thai (leorgiii republicans wil'l semi two sepnrate delegations to the imlioiial convention 111 Chicago was iiiudu plain today by the gathering- in Macon and Atlanta of delegates to scimmte re publican conventions, each claiming to represent the republican wirtj in this slate. Tho faction meeting al Macon is ASHLAND DEFEATS PROPS N REFUNDING BOND AnillA.I. iTII I.. mr 1 Ll 1 1 1 -.. k- AHI1LAXP. I .. 1.1 Tl ...II ing for the fin.t wnrd, 1. to 1 18; .ec- onj WBItf 9 lo jg. tllrd wnnt 0 to ad inability of either paying off the ohlimtion in installments within four vears by direct tn-tetion or extending 'payment over period of from ten to. twenty year at ft per cent, the pres ,f .u',, beine U per centi. At firt , ,u. ,,0n apared plausible, nnd eeo ' .nomieal. lint fnrthar consideration made the achetne figure ont far other wise. Specifically the wording-of the hal- i( wn M followa; "An act to amend tu (.mrur ,,f t,0 Hty of Ashland, i,v nddimr thereto Article XXI. nrmiil- ing for an issue of $1:1,0(11) r. per cent I rufundhiK lunula tn provido fuuda for refunding $10,500 street intersection, .fflOOO sepliu tank and 12,01)0 street intersection bonds', optinne.1 on and after Mnrch 1, Mnrcli 10 nml April 1, respectively, and fl'J.OOO stmet in toraectiou mid $(000 fire protection bunds, optional after July 1, 101(1, nil bonds barinn (J Kr cent interest." The offer to refund these ImiikIs, na made originally, was from the Lum bermen Trust comiwinv of Portland, at Hir ami accrued interest. In tho men 11 lime, however, suggestions came rrom other finiinciiil in-liliitiniiH urg ing the city to secure bids on tho same. SENATE TO CONSIDER RIVERS AND HARBORS WASIIINOTOX, April 12. The rivers mid liaihor appropriation bill currying f 10,000,000, passed liy the house late yesterday by a vote of 210 to l.'lll, went to the senate today where it is expected to meet with fur ther opposition. ASK FOR nnd GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED WlELKc Cheap substitutes cost YOU aamn price. yeu: the national joy smoke hits tho smoke -appetite-spot without a miss I Yes, sir ; P. A. cuts out all argument, all ques tion as to how much pleasure you can get out of a pipe or rolled cigarette. The patented process fixes that end re moves bite and parch ! You .simply need an introduction via a toppy red bag or tidy red tin, then you'll absorb some first-hand facts that certainly will make-you-sit-up-and-tikc-notice ! fGenUemen, tobacco satisfac tion is one of those little things in life that's coming to you if you'll just stay-putrOrSpell i$nd- vmbrace- it. Princfl Albert will supply thag satis faction just as sure as you're SAYS HOT WATER ' WASHES POISONS FROM THE'LlVER Everysne ahetild drink hot water with pfcaayfeata In lt befere brcakfaaL To foal as fine as tha TOTtaVi fldcOa, wa wast keep UM llvsr wwahed etoaa, almM every mortia; to nr. vwt Ha aponps-llaa pons fraw (; S ng with IndlgMtlbls material, sour to and potoonous toslna. says a noted physician. If yon gat headarlies. It's your llrsr. If you catch cold easily. It's your liver. If you wake up with a bad taste, furred tonanM, nasty breath or stomach be comes rancid. It's your liver. Sallow skin, muddy complexion, watery eyea all denote ltvir uneleanllness. Your liver la the most Important, also tho must abused and neglected organ of tho body. Pew know Its function or how to roleoso tha damtnsd-up liody waste, blla nnd toxins Most folks resort to violent rnlomel. which la a dangerous, salivating rhcmlcAl which can only ho used occasionally hecauno It accumulates In tho tlwiucs, .alo nttaoka tho bonus. . Kvory man ana woman, side or well, should drink each mornltiR bo fnro breakfast, a rIhsh of hot water with a tcaspoonful of limestone phon plmto In It, to wnah from tho 1 Ivor nnd bowels tho previous day's ladlpostlblo notorial, the polsong. sour bllo ami toxins; thus cleansing, swectontui? mid freshontiig U10 ontlro alimentary rnnnl boforo putting moro food Into tho stomach. I.unostouo phoaplmte does not rn ctrlct tho dlot llko calomel, becnuno It can not eallvato, for It Is harmless and you can oat anything afterwards. It Is lnexponstvo and almost tasteleas. and any phnrmaclst will Bell you a quarter pound, which is suftlclont far a dem onstration of how hot wator nnd llmo otono phosphnto cloana, stimulates and freshens tho liver, lioeplnc you fuollnc fit day In and day out. All Hint's Now, Stylish and Becoming in MILLINER? For bright spring days is ready now for your choos ing. Our prices will please you, as well as tho styles. Miss Lounsburv Milliner M. & M. DcpU titoro HKHK 18 TIIK t TltPCIC ATTACHMK.VT With tha Peril It rodiMOtf tho cost of ileHvertnK goods to a ridiculously low figure The 1W Im ua the truek not In II. Look It ov r before buing Fl Tl 1UN I. iflil vv.i.V -iTulli; 1 onsl ruction lin kin In .iiii-i Hlnl iastllp(.4 PRICE $375 INSTALLED Central Point Auto Co l I.STIt l, POINT, ClltlC. We Mil) soil Sell Second I laud Fonts, WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 lUaat Main Struct, Mad ford The Only Exclusive Connnorcial Photographers in Southern Orogou Nogntivo Made any timo or place by nppointtnont. Phone 147-J Wo '11 do tho rest B. D. WESTON, Prop. V 'f K 1 1 I I cimsAi i I 1 1 y A w a .j.k yvMillUi-S c, AN MwasaiaHiiiaainsa 11