PAnr, two TOCAL AW' L' PERSONAL MMM.WM MaBlM0i Burn lit Mm -SrM Ifr.-iM hpftsl fn Mr s1 Mr- fm WIH' of rr slat, (r., t"lt m, I'tm, n daiirli tor. Dt " (rttet rrafflnit stamp! wftfc MWytkiil rwaff grafattsg. ftom to Mr. n4 Mr. Da Wood. nm, Arrll nth. ftMte Kttf ftt tnr. -fWy ar hama-giada. it' tin Wariaaaflar Ming st 7 3". April lit, Ihf Montr Mlsslonsrv sn efatr 0f fti Wathwllst Katscoyal aMftk af Klamath district, will hoM ON last saasjan of th ntaatlag af the M. K. rhtirrh. Thw will h spsrlal MMrtr by th 4rrhstra. "Horn Bonn idnarda" pagsaats, m iIm mission r tw aaa H. and an addrsss hy t)r .1 0. KaWas. Bvsryoaa It tnvttari In UN RMellag. Dr. BtapAatsMn now practicing Again. 1 10 ftflMth Holly, lm iM-X. A Jelly hard of Moos, tinilir th iiifhlT ot nttatr- qrg iior hart. vlillftd I hr Ashland lodge Mon 'ilay availing on th mvaalnn of Instsl--IhIIijii of nflrors of (be InMsr. After tha bNBiHMVN of Hih session, the lrgi ntlii(ltie of mem tors of Hit- two Imlgss of tha Loyal Orilsr of Mnoss otiJtiyad n bin tlms, lisgtnnlng with a lmni1i6l, onn of thos sttmiitnniis affairs for which Ashland Is nnled, anil cfliirltiilsd with a danr of mora than nana! Intsrttat anil gslnty. Among . Hkmw who trailed ho from Mod ford lo Uib elty of llthla bublilss anil gornl Ohaar wars Dictator Cleorg llorliort, (loorga Averlll anil wife, Poll John aon ami wlfo, Frank McUiiiahlln and ' wlfo, j. II. Hain-niontl and wlft, Plnr oikio ItonalMirry, Millie Sllnaor. 8adlo Whltntnn. Shorty Conrad, Jack Stev en and Charlie Uowaon. Oct your milk, croam, butter, okrh nn'd buttermilk at Do Voh'b. Arthur Auatln. of Han Krnnelaco, la it visitor 'lirMedfnrd for a few daya. I.lalit lunohoa terved at tlio Itnynl llakery. 0 U V. Roiikm, of 1'nrtlnnd. Ii dolim IiiinIuhm In Medford and vicinity to- tiny. Do Von buya boor bottlos. If. N. l'alnier, of Onlral Point, ro t turiiod home laat ovuuIhk, "Her a day devflted to bualneaa In thla eltj'. 8o Dave Wood about that flro In 'mimiioa iHilley. Office Mall Trlhuuo Illdg. Mri. II. C. Kurt, of UniHita, thla , ((. la tooklMK over Koriih rlvr VVit(y thla f'k. He atrayed Into the fMtkllla yealerday1 In queat of Ui elttalvo gold nuet. The worlds greateat eomnanlea. liolttiee. The luauranee Man. Itnllth U. Jennlnge, of Rout out. la SrtettMg hla frlniida oh Ihf alrmite twdajr. "Ie Kuiriltnent of rillaenaulp." hih I other I'nUartan literal lire aottt (te to IniiHlcera. Addreaa Xlee llaxel llHrtaa. Cexiral Polol. It. K. I). No. 1, Oregon. SI Paul Wlek. who wa down from Agate yealmttay. aaya the people ef ki district are generally cheorful. ai 9(t an Ktnlaha at Weeton'i CJattern Ikon. I. A. Jailtee. of (Iraitla Paa. did MwlHeaa Im MMlfont iaterday. ro tMmlHg home in Ike evening. Tit a King Splti el gar ami on ooerage home ladnalry. t( P.. H. Met'osnell, local ageul for tke Portland Journal, went to Aab lan4 today on bualneaa ronnected wHk the limitation department of Ul yHr. Oar ekoootales are Medferd weJH. The HtMU. tf (teorgo HaKtlnK. who recently lo cated' In the Tolo dUtrM. returned ia Raeramente. California. loda to ait end U tke llnal dlapoallon or hU lirouary tkere. Made from Medford product! e eluslvely, eirept tke sugar, even lo the flavor, The new lea cream at the Sheets. tf Heer Trasner, of Msrahflold, who tatted over Hunday In Medford, as Hut the bualueaa atmoaphere of that i in has takn ou a bright mornliiK buc lnee the adveut of the railroad into that part of the Mate. He looks i or a large addition to the population ! i be t'ooa he count r thla year u i uiiseHnee hvreof. t'oulter A Hrouse euto gad ear imku iialntlng, opposite Medford hu pleiuMt ttulldlag. St Charles g. Paul, of CiraHoa. South Dskota. Is giving Medford and neigh iar territory tke onve-over this week. Qatsa sells Ford ears, J 100 down and tf a awath. W. It. Dealt y, a business ntaa of Portland, Is taming In Medford for g day or two Sanders, paperlag. tlBt.palntlng. Ill Charts S. Wllsou. of Urania Pass. ttd buataeee in tble city eirda Hiternoon, returning home tola. Ugkt IttBohas served at the Koyal Wskary. ! Mrs. J. W. Pruott. of Central Point, visited la tbW rlt yeattrds) after-aoou- (i lasses thai fit Um ejre are worth all that they oaat- I gaaHatae a (it u umiu.IiI ! Ml a la j&mMaltttMlt with MJiir rinilr-mentk lr Itbk"! crt. i ' j f r I, sVtfS. AM m fh ts Huff Wi WHM, rafgfttsrt u tiii- Wft 'WW frwHMW fM Cn Kmn rfwrt r'rttfrfgr (tvfHfft WWWft fflf Mffl M flMf AlfMftsft iiAimii ttiH, tit a. f. fmrM. ' PtrMfft Mmt'h, of faflem who mt toin In the raller twlf hrroundlrtK mfftinr dfatrlfm for a wewv, will re lume hon tonight for pefmlitalon to rem hack and tav longer Tour lawn mowet- maetrine sharp rnM at MHrhella. Phwffe 330J. Alien T. Welle, of MHimomf. TrT glfria. Is an tntereafed rteltor In Rogue rlvf.r vsllf-v Ihbt week Hoy Surran returned home thla mornlna from tlif Klamath cnunlrv. ehere he devoted ome time to hwH nen In Ihf tall Minder threaliont. 1. 0. Oerklng, tae newt all amend pawtograpker la southern Oregon. Always reliable. Kegattvee made any where, time or plaen. Mtudle IS 8 Main St. Phone Slfl-.I. John Bobbins, manager or the Rogue River Commercial orchards, attendml to hualaeaa In the city toda The Star brand of typewriter rle bona are guaranteed to Rive 7B.000 Impreeelons of the typo "a" and "o" without so clogging thn typo an to show on tlio papor. Thla la n pretty tiff warranty, hut that la what tlio Webster company aKreon to with 8tnr rlbhonn. Sold by thn Medford Print lns ronipfltiy. Thla ttvenlng will bo "Alhtttny Mghl" nl the llaptlst chun-h Mr sud Mrs. Allaway will eonu leave for their former home In Wnehlngton Mr. A I la why hue betui IndiiHtrlouxh dullful and an efficient and pro flclent lonelier In the Siinda) wlmol of that chin cli for many years. Ilia chlck-tntks were of especial Internet and always dellghtfullv luatrttctlvo to Hie pupils. It Is said that he has no eiptal In that Hue of Instruction on the cnaat. Tim school will nils him very appreciably. Tonight Its mem hers together with the entire tnoni horahip of the church, will show Mr. Allaway their appreciation of his in. eellent work.' Poetngo atamim nl Do Voo's. ' Carlyle Blackburn, the courageous and gallant American In "The Pup- iliet Crown." ahown at the Star (heater laat night to a good house, notwith standing the ptovahtura of the rain, won the hearta of the nudlonce by bis cool, clover and atrlklngly American conduct of hla feature of the aavage difficulties that benel the little prin cipality of On I u when It wont broke le eaally won the princess, who la Miss Ina Claire, and her noble and notable constancy showed that aha waa worth winning. It waa a elnv erly ronatructed little romance and verv charmingly premnted. West on Qamern Shop for flrM-claas kodak finishing and kodak suppllns. Mllo T. Kimadav, of Red Itlurr. Cal ifornia, who haa aold hla mercantile cHtabllMlunent there aluce hla l"lt to thla valle In Kebi'iinr, In uutiln a vlaitor In Medford end at oilier Hii i(h III the valley thla week. - "You have a ilellgNirul count r). a dellglitrul ill mate end a delightful cluster or com mutinies In thla valley,'' said Mr Ku naday, "and 1 believe I will Mini il difficult to get away." Olympic flour $1.10 a aack, $r. mi a barrel. I,. M. Wrown. Toil .1. Sloan, formerl of I.on u gelea, but during the past ear n gaged In busiuess In Itutte. Mont has sold out at the latter plate "i"'1 Is looking for something u li came In this morning and bun ou eluded lo make Medford hl heud quarlers for two oi three weekn llig be milkshakes at I)e Voe's. J P Churchill, vice president i Hie California-Oregon Power ioiii iwu. of Yrvka, California, U it lun'l neiw vlwltor In Medford toda Whv aut typewriter than the Ri" ai or Corona? Medford Hook Stoic Allien W Kden. of Seattle. Wah tnglon. Is doing biniliieas In Medford and other poluts in Rogue river al ley this week. Meat we at the Skaale. C. Hniuiieleln. of Portland, la a business Wltor to the ltogue rhr valley metropolis today. Kuntei earda and luioklets tim Vollands shop. Medford I took stoi 'S. U. Ulghton. of Boston, t.nil.,1 in this lt) on business thix unci noon. Sweat eider it Da Voo's. A. I. Palmer, who im rem-i-t-from Portlaud, but who ba 1mh m Aitkl rails for oiu euin, W ilutn. busiuess tiirntmiunti the uiu ilu week. Life read ) Hie stars. Send .in and date of butu mil name au.i cents to Hox 2V, k igene t)n . u resdlug i John P Kane, of Da eupeit .iih Ingtun. ho tame to look oei Uogue river alle in January, in umpan with Mr Hi'rtan, of that ll). iclmu ed today to make a looser ta and lmlect our proiuiee ol big buniuess this ear Wstrhes. iloiku and Jewelrv reialr ed by H. N. lietler. M. K. A II, o. store. A 'ii TOO loTM 'I'q CUijjlhlV, WNTK1 Infuriuaiion a to the present add rem of Mm Jeie Hell em liruce. wtiQ forurl Ued at Springfield ' ' H ret'o- ery CSh proimiiK iK- iimar Ait-dn-. K Si .ililin I'... Hi. M Mtffrporth Mn, ruin vr. FOR COAL MHB v r 1 1 s poi.irt. in-t At- 11 1 1 The wnse icr'"-menf edoiite'1 t i eorerncc if tii offi. si of tii Halted Mtn Workr of America gftdf fffOfeienfatlw. of the mtrtr wner In v. to k Im i "n rsiM fled by a re Ii len'tuie vol,- 1 tin mlrtter owanlalhoi aemri'lrg to an annoaainment made tmi-iv by WIIHam flreen inn mat lone l wer tarv-trciisnrer of the union. The vote was M.' ,t. ruuir or tm agree- mftit and 42,J0 saalnet If. . Th new contract iw lor a eenmt of two yaars, dating Its leKlnnt wwr'" " v -" .the -mailer runehc the wnrk of iceii from April I. Ilf, when the rf J e h lor gfMag. mg had been cotnjdHerl, but. m mat- agreement esplraa). U provides fori "" ,w ftMW M w'" ''t w " ler wu"t the stage ef work iifield, no the psyment of mining eon I on a mine run basin, an Increase of three rjr-nts s ton. and an Increase of five per cent for day labor, dead work and yardage. This agreement la used as a baste for the negotiation of wage contracts In all or the dlntrlct-i of the organi zation. s COM Mill X. N M prll II. -Tb village or Santa Itimalia, almul miles northeast or Parral, waa at tacked and snaked by about 100 VII llslaa two days ago, according to re ports received by Oeneral Pershing and brought here today by aeroplane by Lieutenants H. A. Dargue and Ii. S. Correll. Curransletaa and Vllllstas clashetl almut fifty miles south of Chihuahua City last Friday, the VII 1 1st as being defeated, according lo rejiorts received in t'bihuahua. Itnlhs 2', lentn Hotel Holland. KELLY POOLWEose 1 NEVER SMOKeD IN MV LIFE BUT I PEEL MY-5ELF LlPffNG M6VAJ CWiititlli ; f J . .. . F l,ll """"" "Tux" is the genial smoke! There's vim and punch and get-there energy in every fragrant puff. Get the bustling, hustling spirit of "Tux" into your system and it'll give you an outlook on life fresh as a morning glory at 5 a. 4V ROHi' : 1' I'- i i. i PoruiL-r r I - U.crnal "When a nun finds ih tight foiacca, a plpt occomat hit IrturW twntehr aiJ friend. I Aji found Ihe right fobaao In Tuxedo lH mellQu'neM,frj$':..,iitiJ mildlit l$ord pvjit .--; .tent." mi hporin, L PLANS wmmm nriU.K, n lod.r in- million. The lo n '"ll ll,in, rrii f! ' l!efv V,i Hereon navr m tie Courier-Journal With Howl t leal fhw wev aad try foat fhw fcfits, the sowdoftlert of Walt ssrcwf awa itotsblv dominate DEVI toe (ouiing nationsi fiii.iican .on- , mr,iireit.Mif t .reiiiuti.ti..n ventloa. Thaaaof ih.-dogates who'nwfhfiwfi begani-l.ilimhe-. 1 " r- -. ......r..-. rnnmox ow seawwo may no noogni. iiMMMrtf tafl, aw.rf .mau I.m l.m.iwK, i "" at cnicago win be maae j(,rfhnrds of the vnHer were favor- i, rulfy orgaalatd for tha summer I , ' Hoosevelt mosle. Th j ,,M nud. "in a receptive moml" when'nn, Rlittimft. W" w CoMaerrwi will ha, hegan. Oeweralty, it could J gnt,r visor Steel and party say they j paekd with 1 aosevelt slaflners. Bn- not bBV mr, , ih,.,. tme lnr- na(f an elegant trip. ' Pine ther , w nit atSASBsl aVHRaawaangl athaaa gkwuf an.aSegtgn4ft vawaa s Mafa.. .l ---" -" - w.OTH ... -' :'"" wvv" V ""'r "r Roosevelt. Want of the. day after aoimr. aoenno wotigni or mo people - the voters of the republican party who are at heart repnMleaaa? What of tha Issues which will down at no man's bidding, and -cannot h explain ed away "What of Um revelations the csm palgn Is sure to bring forth? "How might II profit Ihe repubtl- iyi party to gain a insn-oH-home-1'iu I and lose Its Immortal soul, the likelihood being that If it monkeys with the Roosevelt burr, saw It will Iiim- both " SENATE VOIES 10 RESTORE SUGAR TARIFF WAMIIMITON, April II The oetuite late IoiIiin iii-.-ci Mm Mib-iti-tule I'or the llrtiihe ree r-ugnr leH'iil re-.olution extending the present duty if one cent u pound ou sugar until Mo 1. HUH. The vole wii" 10 to .11'. The Work onivmliiieiit wn- mo id lllVl, II to I'P. m. A whole lot of tobacco. Result a -T 7 -.. . I (.,,. ... f ,AL.i V-U i i i ni ' '"" .' , "' " """" "". " "v I uh:tha$sy ' Vvr.AcS F'.yrUP"R lan akhs d.s J 1 GRAND LI'L ww 1rfM . ZL?,J.t 7'i t.l? AM DE FO'TH TAMM S I inFvl uimoac &m ffaWs TWiw" --, mi.5 lo WT1?. ah u& jtiiuusn GRAND U'L :n LTUKBIH Vb- J ?.Q"L D SHYAh TllXEDO I. I IfiKA UA; 'AT r H,. R? S5 T1 MP IHts. rK,l vmch itt-vl i Tuxedo has made thousands of happy, contented pipe-smokers because it's so wonderfully mild and cann$t burn, bite or blister the tongue or irritate the throat. The rich, sun-ripened leaf for Tuxedo is aged 3 to $ yi Then it's treated by the original "Tuxedo Process" a doc M J . -V BfA. ! f 1 BAB'..B,Aet Itmtan K& akl .lln -.. uisluvxiij fciuuc5 fviy ui otie. A ncrc HTC many so-called processes : are mutations of the "Tuxedo Process" none has ever even approached the "Tuxedo Process" in making tobacco leaf mild and wholesome. Try Tuxedo for a week and learn what it means to love your pipe. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE. CMvaniatttigkiaatnawrappad, C Famous grfitm tin with gold f A , HMHitura-proof pouch ( . . aJU lettering, curvwl to fit packet A V?C: mi i. ii I'll- MILLION DOLLAR il FiilfFY''-"'--- IVnlM I J f nisUUl .iirvfom Mrn do effntl , - n, ,. i r mm i tint uhw ii an ov-h oml ii diiiuUToi nun- f! .,nee it beano mid.n oe.-lit. The , .ihrr tmreuti reworl fair eondi- f,M (lf tMnlimmi with e liwf rri-i Tlertne-dm mornmsr. me ex- ..... ... l. I nniliL,,,, ..,, t h faiWia iul in f In , ,,nnii"ii ti tim rnrme nno in we ; imf tsr muntti or Apnt. im mnnr or o is heard t emni4ain beenuse op- vtntutnn WtPe P,,p,M , feMJW tot M ,,MV -, ..., nf th. -,.:. The rainfnll wa gradunl and the temperature warm. At mi time waa there a ilownjmur. The eri will re ceive the benefit of the enttrv preeip itatimi. The conditiou of the orchard iind furniM ie excellent. Never was spring-, time promise betler fur bumper crops. Xotwithslaiidiiig the powibility of drought Ioshcm on iiccouut of water whortage, in eropn rhut reouire a long eeason of growth, the oh thn er etiproes Hie liidiel' fhut enne winch mill u re enrl, will cnciiM' injury I nun that eiiiiM'. The liltliell 'l I he iiiiiecr- tin-, vear -till II--C ot pill. 11 FEET OF S AI NOW GRATER SupervlHor Will (i steel, or the , the time said Mrs. Howard waa lent Crater l4ike park, returned Monday porarlly demented, evening from a nip to Crater lake, j complaining onl- or a mire heel, the I Sanders, the all around palntor. 32. Tom' to Buy? The Perfect Tobacco for Pipt men at one time or another have tried to smoke a pipe and used the m-ting hot tongue and "cold feet." Try again with the right tub icco htxtdof In Tin Humidan. 4k md QQe. In Glau Humidor , 5(?c and 90 o THE AMtMCAH0TOftACCO COt&AHY r-rodurf ef g hirrd tramp m misfit iK.rn fMnertHew fr tPl f end ettj!rg fff JwUMM1. mW IMMTi m r rwn re-' ffl plMef fit hPfore tin work in tti. at vidnftv. , v Mflr f,, Kaineer T Warm. , u,,n Wiihftigton. H c. lo Super ( mr states that Mr Hsfl will lM .,,1. lo ,!, hlo work w the! R,trrev by the first of May gad thet ' w,u 1(V to wat till thgt time be - rB,llM, nn n- mnrt conw Sam av Mrr,p tnt fr. Ball bv beginning Kngfneer .Vllea will he here .... .., .,ru n, at whwa time tne worn wmi ver day. -o rain tin rrospaci was reached on the return home vaster dsv. OFFICERS NAMED I FOR ORAM A LEABUE' At ti meeting of the directors of the drama League Monday lha fol lowing orriecra for the year were elected: President Miss Louise llurko. Vice-president .Urn. Oeo. H Car penter. Second Vlco-presWanl Mra. John II. Carkln. Third Vice-president Mrs. 0. L. Schtaffelln. Treasurer John S. Orlw. Hecordliig secretary Miss Koblu son. Corroniondlng secretary - Urs. Frank Sowen. OMMIA. Neb., April 11. Mrs. Jo neph Howard, daughter ot Michael Kllhallon, mlllloHalre steel magnate of Chicago, and wlfo of Joseph K. E How j son l at a I Howard, actor and writer of popular ngs. committed sulfide by shooting local hotel laat night. Ah actress ! acquaintance who was with her at and CigmttU l - i O V I REOPENING LUMBER ILL UPPER APPLEGATE Airiinucntrnts are now imrns m.nii 1 tw rnf.a operMhgMe ot the ess mm of ,,,r ,irin Afgiagate IHteh Co hi rated in r Wathfaw at the termltnw M Of ""Iwt the 'anal of that i-ompant. mm mtm frnm the Blue Ledge mlm Td( ,, nnM MDMlty of :i:.un r-. 1 a day of one uhlft. It ulll cut tin omMf for ,),,. rinnws and other nc , improvsmeitis In the mli- aad mining camps of that diMtiht The tjraad Applegate Iilti ti 'i . nn st meted its idx dttk about imu year ago. Intending to one It rn limitation pmposes In the A..t. m.t. country. The csna! was newr fin ished for that purimse. It Ih in koikI repair now. It will Ih used to di -velop power also for th) caniim. its owners figure that they can develop 1000 horsepower for dlatrliiutloii A telephone line extending friin Jacksonville to the lllne Ledge mine waa operated for some yearn. It K operated now only lo Copper, etortui having broken the line beond that point. It will soon 1h reimlred i tht lilite Ledge ramp. "It hasn't lieen many ynr since that telephone line wua kept hot. ' said a minor esterda). "When tin Blue Ledge ramp was being operated II was a lively place. Two dalh stages rait from Medford to that oamn and one had to engage !il seat a day or two In advance If be wauled to ride to lllue Ledae. That waa nearly nine yeara ago, The camp had steam heal for Its homes and of fices, taken from the power Iiouhk. It had a niodettt sewugo shtiin and waa developing rapidly Into a mod em mart of business. What will it be when we get the rullroad Into that reulon Medford ounlit to know ' By BRIGS cars, smew iv?iff5.wv l-bh tor's jf?i no Wum nm Ksm!iz'?ia3 aWrW:JWl ggaviiL-awitUt - -.:" ' .1 '..iiij : iSU.5siaS6S,a3KS .' e n