Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 10, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    VW-' T-'fif l
Vffif'VH:ri Mfr Tfff:f "f f .".','ii
i(iiiiii j
r i
MKntONn Vf lf, IKIIM ,NR
am tmr. kni'i
fovkkty UAvnr.H dkuncuewgy
K'Ti i r tub)
?(, i i niNTiHi rr
Tt i nn NtilMlM,
OR1M ataf!
rlarta) rlr atri fiphn
TSJWIIJWattr Tima.
MM. Th MrAtnrit Tchtt.
ft Ornfonan, Tha Aahlan
fba Hartfarg
ord TrktfM. Thw Jtontll-
ino Tftiniw
nviuHMitrtion satdm
it mat ,
hw Inn 1 1 EA
PK month. oVllvMvti h mrrlar hi
Mvatfard, Phi-wnlx, Jaaov(tit
triftel PftMr f tit cnr of Medlar.
WIMtal raaar or Jaram Cmntlr
BMratf M MTondrlMM matter (
!, ore, uiMar mm mi m m
I, JT.
flworw Circulation far IfM, 1188.
IMll I
leaned wlra Aaaaatated I'reaa dla
Sunacrlbera tailing to ro
oalvo papom promptly, phono
Circulation Manager at XEO-H
To ovory limn who In too Komi for
hln Job llioro iirn n liiiinln'il s hono
Job Is too hooiI for them.
' . ToiIuj'm Itcllilnucr.
"Itniiiojnfior tliu otm of tlio nation
urn tin you," cxclnlni)il Iho cotiatltmnt
. "I know It," roplloil Htinnlor Horg
hum. "Anil (ho natlon'a nntlliiK
iiioro neiitoly illworiiliiK ovory day.
TH time li none when a iiihii ran
HMaiitittt an Imprtmalvu poat hikI ki1
Iij a mi optlval llliiilun." WubJi.
Inutoii fttur.
HnyiH Iho Oil I on tlio I'llrn
N'o woman In thoroiiKhly conlmit
In niHkM n iiihii huppr uultaa alio k
aura alio hna tho nowur to nink lit m
Simplicity In AiIwiIIkImk
Look on tlio handle of your uni
lirolla. ir It's got my nam on It
it HlH't yutirn. I've got you in ut tin
QilWa of rio, The Dunn (K. 0.)
n hl One ,
air. BykM haa been marrlatl fifty
njum aad Ma war atorlaa ar wall
wth UalwlUK to.Tha Unaing
W.j Burner.
Wky not dlabamt a fw or our m
Mm for prmraoilitK thlnga and or
gMlse aoin tor dolim aonH-tlilnKT
Try Tlila on Vttur TjimiwiIiit
Mtaa Miiaanna Urnanowlri haa
ItMoma Mrs. Vlatlalttwlca (luruairtow
rfchnk at I'aaalar, New Jeray. Kar
r (K. D.) Ctmrlar-Nawa.
Aunt I.uoy OihhI mo'uln' Uahaou
HtMrI Mottt Ah HBk what kind nr
iflMrte yu' all gwtna tar Iwb Itttur da
iiiw trtiHrfh
TH Ihtraon Organic Pul.
(Toinlcd In An Antii
lnriimlAI the M. K. paraonagti
IM1 Tbtiratlay ovonlng, Mlna Anna-
tHilltt RMiMhi' hikI Cbarkw IE. Hkw1-
ttr Tlio IMguiton (Noli.) (IHM1U0.
IIIIKhillK i'tt
Mr. Col. .laaaup la waarlng h
ltro(l Hiiillo now, ua tlio mlnnal haa
InaUllttd h ulra xaa ranuo In tlu'lr
bum hhiI IikiI IIih ga iliM-lor. Mr.
U'HtrtMn, cumo out and Ih th gas
III. .Mrs. Jhwhp ava rtHiViluu In ii
plwaura ww. The WuHtpwrt (lutl )
Why Not it (VtnntiuV
"Whh1J ftr Uaat Tuaat, dtirate
Un not afiwld of ooaalttu huiulwrtl-
WHHlav Atl Vlrar. rimn-h Tlwa
'1'tnhiyS HollrliiKt'i
A blabtHi of th Church or Kosland
had liMtMl lua eltirgyiiifti of liU ami
tt a KtwWud parly at thtt Kplwoimt
laaliiaHea. Tha nuat of honor wa
a biahttp from an adjoining dlai-rat
The flrat morulng at bmaktaat a
taa vWtlog blabop waa about to craik
tb anvil of bU aga. a audikutU
atotHavd, and, turning to llu hutkr
who wa atandlua at tha bark of th
Wakon'a oaair. h aald. all in wht
AOMIng kta flngora tightly to his
"Qfct my nu! iak this agg aa;
tka 4or f It la atrortoua. Take It
a wv, plogaa; tak It a a ay!"
Tha butlar, taking the eg in his
hand tod eyeing It clovl aald, liu
grant Aoferanoa:
"My lord, n tnoat raKrttable ml
tak naa boon mad. The stupid
aorvngt tons vau our lordahlp u
t-nrate'a egg." -IUnghuuiptun ltoimt-
Hys thv Utri on ltw I'ibn
(Mi,pijiule la the at-trct of kiic-o-n
in iiiarti4 Wc ,r ou al" ln
g.i m tin- lodge and aht aauiH ton
toQ l In r a BIOl IO0 Vli'tnrc Iiiim
ArdlNKHK pinvi il h "('nun- fwyitM in nwft.
'fiff tiMion fht nil mv'-ntiKflforw nrrvv t.
An pxlwlwl irlf nf viff wah rwntly nimlr Uy h ?
ir ftmnniffff nr thn lllimth IpffinlitttfT. ttn cfin'-liHitiri-firr-
Ihiw ftiimfimriKrrl :
Klrat, Tnai povarty la in prlnrlpal rawaa. drrorl and Indira f -"
(mrHnllaitd rlrr. roft(1, That thanaaada of glrle are drlM intri .-
ilfp Urmune nf thf oliar Inability fo koap bodr and anni iifbr !,
hm kragM ffmirtn by them Third, That thousands of atlrt- nr- tm,.
Into Indnatrial fmptoymrnt by the low wagM rrfvd ' ""li r.
that thtv are separated from proper home Infliir-nee at an t-f U
hk that they are Inadequately arhooled and r InaufflclentU inn'., . i
and that many of them twrome rerrulia for tho avatem
Tonr conrmlttne haa found no disagreement aa lo the cfffr , f
famllv life and atandnrda on the mora la of the growing rhIMrMi i
ni rauaea with tendenfr to redin' tiome standards and to d"tr"
clrdeK will tiromote vice la tinaitltnottaly awptad aa Irne r-nilu.
nil Kturlenta of the problem and by all of the witnesses appaarlnx i. hi i f
committee and aueatloned thereon. It maat logtrally follow Unit air v a.
Inadoquata to the pitipor snateHance of a normal family of )niimnl. j'c
and rhtldran, will Inevitably promote Immorality.
Htmit $8(K),fKX),(KK) collected by (HXnfion whs )n m
llic Tnitcd StntcR Inst yi'iu to nifiiiifniii iimtitutioiix t'lir ib
IK'iub'iitsMnd dcf(cjivc8, fifty millioiw niorc tluin wtissjn ut
for frco public wboolw. 'IIicmu defect iven nrc; Hit- fruit ol
We Klil'ly pbiii ilii' expenditure of billitms for nnlitjin
prepnredueM, but pbuis to abolish poverty by the estab
lishment of social justice receive small consideration and
Hinall a)ropriatious.
The dauber that threalten the nation from within
through increase in misery, crime and degeneration is
greater than the imaginary dangers that threaten from
wthout, yet there are no leagues organized and few stales
men advocating the highest ideal of real national prepar
ed nesH.
i ii ! i ii 0m i . i m i" iw
II i ill mm
I MfAMIr' Ww. . A. nl Mi
Ivixilfi, il'IK'Till i litlirili.ltl '
l'.,tlnThHl ill IWIIftmll
i i- f Ih Inmn I'nrtfii i
m-inrfi! I'mIiiv that lh- "
ill it rood Inne toted t" '
in i-iifipertrit iiHton iii 1 1"
' for an eiv'it htinr dn
ii linlf for nvfrtimr. Ivm"
'niflnerri. were ntiicil v n
n.tft ii ml thnl their u i""
' .1 ,iff'cl tlic iirrim-n I'
ml 1 rmrinu'li.
W II ION the bill fur a government armor plate plant was
find introduced, the armor plate trust, composed of
the .Midvale, liethlehem and (!aruegie plants, notified the
government that if the government erected .such a plant,
the tnmt would at once raise the price of armor plate to
an exorbitant figure.
The bluff ami bluster of the armor bully failed to sen re
congreHK and -the senate passed the bill. The trust then
changed its tactics and is now entreating and pleading with
congress, and has offered to cut the price from ijM'Jij per
ton to $1)05 per ton for five veal's, if the government does
not erect the plant. A campaign of pen-suasion is on, and
newspaper offices are Hooded with appeals from the arm
ament barons.
In twenty years the I rust has robbed the government
of 7(),()()(M)()( stales Secretary of the Navv Daniels, who
thus the history of armor pinto bids:
lit IHO wo had tho first competition fur armor, saya Secretary Pun
lent. The Midvale compuny bid 3 16 par Ion. Thin brought the prko down
from 1 120.
If eoiiipvltllou hail continued the prlrn would never have bean hlRher
than $316. and the iumriiuinl would havo saved 21,7ua,2flii. This sum
paid lo armor makers In oxtess of a fair price, has prucllcully paid for tho
plants of all Ihreo of the comimiilca making armor.
If tho Kovcriiiiittnt hud erected a plant of Its own In 1SH I- the Kvcrn
meiit tmlit) would own thme urnior plants
In I'i7 congrosH fixed the iirlte ut lltuu, but tha maiiiifuctiirfra re
lused to si' 1 1 nny until conRrehs lncresjM'il the limit lo f 100, ami It after
wards took off thu limit.
Thinking they stood In no danger from a gtivorHuiant plant, tho com
panies put up the prlre In $15 1, In 1912.
When I became aeorntary of the nay. I seiirt)d a rtwliirtloii to flio
anil then to $4iT, and now the Uethlehem company holila out tho itimiKlnp
bait of tnx.'i for five yours now that they sea tougross will no longer aland
for extortionate prlcea.
Hut after rive yaara, what gttarautao would (ho goMTHiiieiit have (hat
prlcea would not again go soaring?
Kvery hotly knows the answer. The only way to secure
a square deal is by government ownership of a plant and
the competition entailed thereby will keep the price down.
The three armor plate" firms practically admitted to
Secretary Daniels that they divided the colli racts between
them. Seeing the handwriting on the wall, the eleventh
hour proposal lo treat the government fairly should not
deceive anyone.
I.I n' ,. f ,t,
l I ( I VI ' I l ' I
vim ii t .11 ' vie iiihi ; .v.
Mllrc In joined tln
f ilia v (lie Mile ol tlm
1 . cm Pup
I ll Mil l I Hill HI
II I1.1 - .iiK',iii d
niiii.iny. lie
Allit'lleiin held
wiici Mil- 111 MM' i( the print'i'Hx,
pliijH'il li.v inn I'lnin-. "The l'upK'l
Crown" will ho the nttrnetion linln
nl tin Slur mill i- j .n-i 1 1 i-! a plioto
itriimiilif exeiit.
CI il .-'I J8 Ubd go 10 (In
a .
AjauUowr Nnt'
, 11. a,u. l the got' in
Jty ... hil M that h"i
-flie Pall ArKos).
IX TIIKOItV, the goverumeiil ownership of a nitrate
plant for the iiianiil'arlurc In hvdro elect ric process of
nitrate I nun tin- air a part ol the plans for preparedness
is correct. The government should own and operate all
munition plants as well as plants manufacturing the es
sentials of munitions, both as a safeguard and to take. the
private profits out of war. Ihil the plan offered in 'the
army bill now before congress is in reality a pnr!ncnhip
affair in that Ihe government furnishes the capital for the
Investment and turns the profits over to a private corpora
tion. The plan provided in Section H'2 of the army bill, which
whs reject etl hv the house by a narrow margin and i now
lH'fore Ihe senate, provides for Ihe expenditure by the gov
eminent of Jr'JI.tXKl.tMM) in building a power plant for the
Alabama Power company at .Mussel Shoals, and then per
mit the corporation to operate the plant and sell the nitrate
to the government at a profit, fur munitions, and to the
general public for fertilizer.
A strong lobby headed by Frank S. Washburn, prest
dent of the American Cyananitl coinpanv ut Niagara Falls
and promoter of many power plants in the south, has been
for months urging the project. The lobbying activity is
such that it has already called forth the iiitndiicttoii of a
resolution of inquiry.
I'liiloiiliiftllx the ir'JI.lXXUXb) will be orjrivnt aid to the
promoter hut where does the government come inf
This is but one of main schemes being worked by the
advocates of preparedness to grab the people's money mi
tier the pivlciisi.pii of patriot ism.
KOMI:, April 111. The An-dimix
urv irrmriiiK un olleiiHivi' on a hirttc
wuilf nlniijr llm wliol Italian Iron I,
awordinj; lo ilismtclics rctaitvott Itttrc,
ttuii-h Mute Hint Ilii action wna de
cided on nl a iwtint eonfoicnfu be
ta ecu Archduke Kuiretio nud Ilia ollnr
AtiHlriiiu cmiiinninler.
String ImkUs of trooia. buvv licen
witliiliuwii from the Kumnninii border
uml iiiiuflilicK of inunittona arc Imu'iik
Mid in un tho interior of tho empire.
The Ituliitu military eliicl'-., the di
p.ilehi nny, have miidi nil prcpuru
lions t bri'tik Hie offcnii nml to
Toree tlic AilMri.m li.ii'k un the dc-l'i'iiie.
.11 1
mm mm
ItiLKIio. .. Ainl III. T.ili.ln'
1 1 ii fn tinliiv bepin riuiMiii'.' utter
Iuiii'j idle tun weekf iivaiiik to illl
IcrciiceK between tlio Toledo Kiiilwnyi.
ami l.isrlit etintnnv nnd il" rt'cently
up-'. mixed einpliie.
The ettleiiieiil with the men menu
the climiiiiitiiiii ol tin- .l-i'cnt lure,
eiHiipilllv il I irtal- -mil.
The eil In depMitmeiit will liulil
tin ironi-iil.
.Meilfoid t'ltlens Ciiuuiil lliiiibl It.
Iionu's Khlno) Tills Held used -
The) lironght liunefll.
Time haa atrengthened the t'vl
deuce. lias proven thu result lasting.
The testimony is from this locality
The proof ooiivimlug.
.loan Kramer, fanner, Jacksonville.
Or.. says: "Kor years 1 suffered
from kidney romplalut. I tried one
medicine utter auothor, but nothlim
gave me relief. A friend who had
takun Doau's Klduoy I'ills, told me to
try tlioiii. After I had used three
box, tliH tioiibla loft inn."
Mr. Kromur said: "I am huppy to sny
tliut kldno trciible bus loft me, never
to return."
Price Cue, nl all dealers. Hon't
slniil ask for 11 kidney remedy- get
Ooau'K Kldiic 1'llln - the sume that
Mr. Kremer ban twiie publicly recom
mended. Foster-Mlliinrn Co., Crops,
HuT'iilo N V 1
WASIIIXdTON, April 111. Scr.
tiiiy linker of llto r tleuurlmeut
IihIhv lold l(iirantutiv- Olnev ol
Mii"iichufll, he t'XMcted lo itk
coiic r- lor money to inuiutitin eiti Kiddiur Ntimmer trniniiii; ciiiiip-.
leire-entutive Olucv lirifed Hint tnnn
.I.(HHI.IIII t.i f.'i.lMMI.IItll) M re,,nelc.l
-11 v lliif Hint 7"i,0(MI eilliiill- -I1011I1I be
t ruined niiuuiillv ut Mieh ciinii. with
un iiiiroiriniiiiii of ;i,(hHI,IHHl.
J L.-1 J . '.J
iimiv iii'sii.wn
linen llim lo (Jet I'hiI of Ihe Umik.
The follow iii' lnn.- I'.mc in t In.
mliliil to the iiililii I1U1.1I ' Tin
v.. I. nli, Siditwuk; T'h I'n I iv. Shi
1 I. I lllnnill ul nutli, tliln nr. II 11 I,
If. M
Aihci tnrc
11 "n -. I 1 In ttlh'V,
. i In I .til- I
V II 11'
I ' .
luii ; Ku--
. i 1 1. 1 Ih ,
'. - nl '
! . I Ml, 1
I ! ,
.1 I'
1 1
1. 11. 1 1
1 '001 11 1 .
n 11 - 1
. ; t.uih j
d tin-1
. M.-
I nil lii'oli , ' Hi i.e t iiiiijiicinl. Ni
Absolutely "Removes
InclijfOBtlon. OnepkuKe
proves it Sftftut all druyviists,
"I know 0110 dish I ran prepare for
breakfast as well aa any eook ou
earth," Maid m husband one utornlUK
when the rook waa 111 and he hail vol
unteered to help gat break last, lie
s piiea red with lite dish and I discov
ered It whm (irapa-NNla which, of
com so, wus easy to prepure for it
was Mrfi'tl cooked ut I lie fuctor.
but It waa a gowi Illustration or I lie
lonvenknec of having (ii ape-Nuts
"We took up arai-Nuls Imme
illalel after returning from a the
M'tim' miJiiomi in g hot couutr. Our
htoiuarhs were in bad condition ami
wo wore In poor health genera ll.
"lu u da or two we liked ti rape
Nuts better tban nny other kind 01
food on the tiible. ' Wo both ksIih.I
sicudily lu In. i It h nud atreuath, uml
this was uiu.M'd by Drape-Nuts ami
"A friend of ours had a similar ex
perience. She waa seriously III with
ludlgestlon and could find iioiUIiik
to mi( tbut would not give bar lua it
burn uud iilpitgUn. M.tHNlall u
"She found l hat a small dlh of
Oral Nuts with croam made her a
sutUfgctor vupptr and gate her a
conifoitttlilo uixht'a raat. In a short
time she uiu'd avr,l pounds in
'There's a Kenson " Xante glen
' I'oMiitn Co lUtOe t'reek Midi
User H"J llu aliOi bllii" A
jjiiv urti .',, .in troin tiuu tvi tniK
rin ' 'i 1 1 lie, 1 1 ut . . ml lull uf
tJKly AsalaAAat
& s. nAHTUtTtt
lHsuaea iU 41 awl 17.J)
AaniUiM Sonrlc fet
.n:ssi. I. l.VSKY
Ihe, JIi.mUw.iv I'uvorite
Star in a )U un Jatmit of ll.uolil Mac
(irath'H Kuiii.iih i'
Carlylc Blnckwcll
This l Ml-- t'lalte -eiouil appear
ulti i on tiie -trci'ti ami Mr I tliu k
wpII'u flihi jiiie.irMUe iniiler ihe l.ux
ky maiiiiKemeul V roniuine llironuh
and throuah. The love stor of u
princess and an American lien.
Thrilling and dashing and beautiful
Irom start to lonciusiou.
This Is a "1'aratiioiiut" phturt
which atands for the imM in niotlou
Page Theatre
c ir ;. 1 hi Mi 11 1. iv
'I In- llL-i -I n! I .Hl.'i 1 . II !-
ll.i 1 il on in 11 Mi 1 1 1-
I Ml. il,-
PRICES 2Se. 50c. 75r. $1 00. $1.50.
$M Sale Now.
Medford House Movers
We Moe
q loHe INS-M
tll'J S. NchIomh, rax . lllli St.
pi 1 in 1 Kin 1 ;iinnw
MKI fl-1' '" '" """
K C Baking Powder is parnntccd
absolutely pure and wholesome.
mere i iwww;" , -; t
harmful residue left m the food
that is leavened with K L,.
1 in -
Vw L 1
Even the !TKt dclrcatc can cat hot
bread railed with K C without dwtrcw.
Try K C Baking Powder breads if yeast
raiscd bread doc not agree with you.
At the Page Thursday, April 13
Consult tho Following Merchants, who will aak you
to be their guests:
Cloak and Suit House
JONES' Cash Grocery
KRIBS & CO., Grocers
Medford Cigar Store
News nml Smokers'
MODEL Clothing Co.
Ilirseh-Wirkwiiv Cltilh-
Oakdale Cash Grocery
Pantorium Dye Works
5-10-15c Store
Peerless liivnd
Silliman's Sugar Bowl
(Jen. Mdse., (lold Hill
We now carry a
complete stock of
springs for Buick,
Overland, Stude
baker, Maxwell and
Ford cars.
The Key to Your Home
Separated from home by county or
continent standing on Broadway or
'longside a water-tair - close at your
hand is the key to your home.
keys start your Day Letters and
Night Letters on their way.
Your "All's Well" message reaches
home before the mail train gets up
steam. Low rates for many words.
Auto Service from Eagle Point
to Meutord and Hack
Taa undersigned ii ieae Frank
La Is' confectionery ever day ex
cept 8unda for Mtdford with h s
auto at X o'clock p. n , arriving at
2.oo p. m. Ue Naah Hotel, Med
ford, at 5:00 d. ni.. rrlv t'ale
PolBi l 1:00 p, m. A p.rt of the
t!ftte it aolleltad. & II. iUJWylHt
ri!lo I'olnt. Orom i,
! I
, IilSiki .fMMiTWflTBilslk
am IBftl . 1 . m "a " J Y? fl Xrt mi 'nXriJ
CmI'I'T lilM WMM (kxirc ltuc
V. ry i )W CMurtlt fcj 'J,.t
RATEb 'fll AY ME Him
ffa frrtvy w Dtaabi in
lit SaMV HflM ur uun tk. Um,
' ' fi