Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 10, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    4fFhTVifi4Ti MTf, THWr vr, Ml iror?h '
fMlf Wffwrt
flfWieiflfl Uf PATMgrt
TiNfTOW rrii in rii" mMnir
of lhrT murr British -tr. unburn wa
reported IihIbv. AH "f thrm wpr tin
iirmeH. l.lnvH nnnoiinr th xink
in of th Silliworth Wall and lb
nfnmhiKWii. IV casrtata mid thirty
mn from the Wlbworfli Hall haw
)CTI JalHiaH. PRraa aijasi art SS)laa
in, Th rw of th fHfnaJsnnnd wit
A Kntf diftfMtfli from Malta tell
of th stoking of th Ymwf, forwwti.T
th KlPWi, wMh waa amtk without
warning. Tfc crw wh reaoimt.
The Sftksnvorth IfH wa last re
ported fmm (Tiliraltar on March (1,
while on r '- from Itomlmy fr
Hni. She km 3(H) fst Jong, 4777
ton jjrcws, wa lmilt in Stiwlsrlsml
in 1007 and owmi! in London.
The Glennlmond arrived in Irfttlxm
March 13 front Itfljtoon, Ilurtna. Ska
was 324 feet lone, 2888 toiiH vrnm.
whi built in .Sunderland in 1002 and
owned in London.
The Yonne, of 4031) tons pro and
377 feet Ion wns built in 181)7 at
GlRxgnw, her homo port. The InHt re
jmrt of hor movement wbh of her de
parture March 0 from OIhhkow for
Hampton Itond.
THY i -ulna j ..' "l
Spraying for the apple scab is now
in projtroKri in thiM district.
It. B. Olson and wife were town
visitor last Saturday.
The xpellinir mateh here last Fri
day afternoon between our Koliool
mill the Agate xehool reunited in a
tie. The deciding- content will take
lace next Friday.
(iranilm Vincent i attending a few
day with relative in Central I'oint.
Ilert Smith, who ban been spending
wwne time visiting relntive in thin vi
ridity, returned ThtiixlMy to hit) homo
in California.
Mr. T. Law of ViHw Spring
tient Sunday with relatives here.
Our mnghborhood wan well repre
sented in the valley towns hint Sut-tirday.
. K. Mynim attended lodge
Jai'keonville lant Saturday night.
The ..owing of beet need was fin
ixhisl in tli if district Inwt week.
tJ. S. Collin of Med ford wns in
thee part lant Friday talking life
iinrone. Mr. Collin represents
the Occidental Life Insurance, uoin
mny of Lm AngeliM, Cal.
John Vinetttit ami wifa of Jaekfon
ilk wre Sunday mitora in Table
Now irt the time to get after thoi)
Huirreln. "Am oune of prevention
worth a Muml of eure."
Fred Aroore, a pnHninent eitiien of
the Meadows district, wan through
hwe laxt Saturday. He report that
the ItantMy mine haa been sold for
. 100,0(MI and a erew of fifty men are
being jHaeed at work. Mr. Monro
ntnte that a large number of minor
re fWwking to hi diatnet and that
many elRiuiK have lien -Inked out.
Frank Cameron of Newmrt, Or.,
arrived lat wenk and will aeud home
time hre with relative.
Mr. King, repreontittg the Medford
OnMr)- Co., wan doing hnhities at
the Table Kiwk More laht Wwlnedny.
The hpelling outot lat wek be
twen the Agate and Kagle I'oint
hehooU m wiMi by the Agate aehmd.
llowiag wratioM have been re
HUM! the Wiekoff raneh.
Tb ball game here Sunday between
th Iim-bI team and the team from
Tolo ilrew a Urge erowd, mm each
team had a game to it credit and
th faas were expecting a elnMy
gawe. The game, bow ever, waa ome
what of a disappointment, a it a
eaaily won by the Iwal team, and er
ror wre plentiful on lth able.
The county rm-k cruher and gravel
M-reen that have 1kh1 near the H
be bridge for more than a year, have
been moved to Gold Hill.
Figure taken from the United
State weather atation at the Mo.
lite orrhard how that the total pre
eipitation for January wa 4.07
inehea. Moat of thin wa in the form
of enow. The highet tmrature re
eonled wa. 91 degrees on the 23d.
The lowet waa IS degree on the
2btb. The preeipiUtiou fur Febru
ary was 2.33. The highest taera
tuw recorded waa 74 degree on the
17th, and th lowest w 2d degree,
whieh oe-urred on the 'ifith, and was
e vera! degree lower than at anv
other time during the month. For
March the precipitation i given a
2.14 inches. The highest temperature
waa 79 degrees and wm reeorded on
the Uth. The lvet W 25 de
fcre and wa rarded on the 13th
and 1i4U of the month. We are in
debted to Frani Riddle, who fceita
the weather tet'ofd at tlw i)odJc "V
ehard, for thexi figures. AUo M.
Riddle has gneroulyQreed(U fur
ninb u a reMrt for publnaium at the
rl..M- if e,nhath in the fututir,
Noxt Tuoxdny night positively
clone the legitimate wenidii with the
merry eartoon comedy, "Wringing Up
Father," which hna boon Obtnlilmliing
erois-eountry records for liuiglm.
"Bringing Up Fnthor" iw bnsed on the
famous earieaturos of George Me
Mnniia, fainilinr to nil newHpnpor
The xpirit of the MeManua cnrlooim
liitri been enuglit in delightful fiiHliion,
with the result tlmt "Bringing Up
Father" w uniipic among entertain
nienta of ita type, being n eroaa bo
tweon n big vaudevillo review nnd
bright ntuaii'Hl comedy, nnd there nro
onoiigli lftiigli in it for three plitvs.
Tho niiiHio is cnteliy nnd tliore nrc
numcroiiH pong hits.
"Bringing Up Father" bus n plot
with elements of plausibility. Pro
ducer Gtia Hill Iiiih gntliered together
n cunt of clever muaienl comedy play
ers in nddition to u chorus of pretty
News From Our Neighbors
John Mensem returned to hi home
on Dry Creek Wednesdnv. He bus
spent the last hix weeks nenr Talent.
Misses Hula nnd Idn Houston, May
Multby und Dueie Howe and pupils
from the fifth to eighth grades in
clusive, met at Trail last Saturday,
After a picnic dinner, they bud u
spelling contest. The Hlk Creek
school spelled against the pupils
from the other district. Claude
Itugsdale of the Trail school spelled
all of the others down. All of tho
pupils made a creditable showing.
l)r. Holt made n professional visit
to the Wagoner homo in Hlk Creek
Among those who attended the
commissioners' court Wednesday in
interest of a bridge to replace the
free ferry, were Chri Bergman nd
George Weeks.
The county spelling contest ended
Friday. The contest baa aroused
much intetrest in spelling among the
parents as well as the pupils. In
some schools even the second grade
pupils have learned the majority of
the wonls on the first iwgu of LUt
A. In many of the schools List A
was the only one studied, us tho last
part of List B waa considered too
hard for the fifth grade. Many of
the pupils in the final test spelling
words incorrectly that at other times
would hnve spoiled without hesita
tion. The Kagle Point -l'ersist stage
changed to the summer schedule April
1. On the 7th he carried the mail
by auto. Mr. Trusty, Sr., took the
hack and team to their home on L'lk
ereek Friday.
Dave Fence scraped the roads on
the west side of the river this week.
An April Peel arty wits given at
the Kobertson home. There were
many present and every one hud u
fine time.
Mrs. Piele and daughter, Deb re,
were m town Sat unlay.
Wliy Smoko tilt Cigars
When La Gomlaa are only lCc.
When the Children Cough, Rub
Musterole on Throats
and Chests
No telling: how won the symptoms
may develop into croup, or worse. And
t hen's whei you're glad you have a jar
of MUSTEKOLE at hand to give
prompt, sure relief. It does not blister.
As first aid ami a certain remedy
there's nothing like MUSTEROLE.
Thousam' of mothers know it. You
should keep a jar in the lvouie.
It is the remedy for adults, too. Re
lieves Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsil
ilis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neural
ria, Headache, Congestion, Pleuriiy,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches
of Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Mus
cles, Chilblains. Frosted Feet and Colds
of the Chest (it often prevent Pneu
monia). At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c jars,
anda ipecial large hospital size for $2 SO.
Pe sure yu get the genuine MUS
TEROLF. K'f'ne imitations ?t what
yoti ak fcr. The Mnstercle Ccamony,
Cleveland, t;iuo.
Women of the local W. C. T. IT.
mid othera take exception to tho old
saying to tho effect tlint beauty "mi
ndornod tho inont." Particularly la
the exception taken In regard to the
ciipld flguro which surmounts tho
now fountain In Llthln pnrk. Thin
urchin Is minus oven a uogllgoo cos
tume, nud tho women demand that
tho initio in art he draped at least to J
tho extent of n fig leaf If nothing
mora. A protoet algtiod by nearly
100 linR beon proHoiitod to tho Rprlnga
commission, with tho Implied Intent
that tho matter will he carrlod before
tho city council In the ovont that cii
pld do a not don a now aprlng suit.
In tho meantime the little raecal Is
poelng In a hnrofacotl manner In hie
aceimtoHiod place, toying not only
with n awnn but also with the super
noiifltivo feellngi of those who feel
aggrieved at hie Immodest pretence
In to public a place.
The wleilom of widening the walks
In Plaza park to eight-foot meaauro
nienta Imcomoa more apparent every
day since tho Improvuiiiout waa
ni ado.
Wnetorn product and homo trad
ing week fittingly closed here by the
serving of a big dinner at the lilks
temple on Saturday laat from 1 1 a.
in. till 1 p. in. I.aillna of tho civic
Improvement club manuKod and were
the bonuflclarlea of the affair, which
waa patronized by nearly 1000 cltl
aena. The feed waa served at the
popular price of X cents per plate,
and report U that the Indies cleared
IKtO, most of the material Inning
,1 (,. i!rf f in ' ' ipvi.lfil
ffrnt" ere ti .r ?
ffatl rtflefdwn of MerifflH la HsVtad
rlfrt-tHMM Mtnntf for rff
, MfMt tQMAtflPn SUt "MM
ft JM" M t f ft aMfffM f
MrilMdAA aiMAM.1 M SMM1M
(nTailssniia. roweewsen m a piwaaing
fwfwmfffr, i i"im f frfMi
fM onM add ffffta li
fe nlher aeevfRfHfah-
wmtt ma mfc t ideal m
ff? HI Hurtalsrtrf hall
Mn. 9m A. Orr of Hmo. ?.,
tfd relttr na the reenlt f iHl g
tmMle aeeldetrt which happened at
TfUht Mm tlMM ago white Ttofttog
Mffa tara. Mie was the motltar
t Jadtfa Jean . Orr. a foranr rati
dMt 9t thle Ttdnltr and wall known
(kifwthflnt aonthern Oregon.
It. U H'Mled. local aptomtrhit,
MM a eommnnlcatlon in the April
nnttilHM- of "Dtmii'i Pope," pnbltehad
nf the Weetern Optical Co., of Port
land, sotting forth hln rogent reneone
"Why ot of town optometrists do
net mippert the Oregon Optleal in
elety." Vrokn will Instnlt n gym and social
be. 1 1 on its high Hohool grounds, pro
vldwl tho eitlrnns will vote 110.000
far the purpoee. It is planned to have
tho building ready tor the opening of
tho schools In September.
Prof. Honry T. Otlmoro, student,
writer, and connoisseur In matters
portalnlng to music and nrt, pnseod
his 77th milestone on tho Oth Inst.
The birth nnnlvorsnry was made tho
matter of nn Informal nnd plonsant
soclnl gathering nt the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. .1. 11. Dill, residing on North
Main strcot. A natlvo ISngltslininu,
the profoeeor lias long boon n resi
dent of both Canada and tho United
States. Having vlsltod the rocont
Pannma exposition, he notes by wny
of rotrospect that great event na com
pared with tho Hyde I'nrlc, London,
exposition of ISM, a marvel of that
day nnd generation, mid which ho
had tho privilege of visiting. Ho wan
also "on board ship" when tho Groat
Kastcru wns engaged In laying tho
Atlantic cable. I)y vlrtuo of mimical
attainments ho line successively fill
ed Important engagements In schools
and churches In Great Britain und
this country.
Dr. mul Mrs. J. P. Johnson, resid
ing mi Plnuoer avenue, delightfully
ontortnlnod a dozen of their frlonds
nt cards on Saturday ovonlng. Klnb
ornto rofroshnionts wore sorvod. First
honors awarded were a bouquot of
cnruatloiiH and tho second wns n walk
ing stick fashioned as to regulation
pattern out of poppermlut candy.
Liquor shlpmonts Into Ashland
during March, as per official roturns,
show no vlslblo Increase over those
for February. They woro Included
In 70 Inillvldiiul orders, nmouiitlng
to over Hint number of, gnllous. In
eluding B7 gallons of whiskey, 8 of
beer nnd T of wlno by nxprosa, and
0 gallons of beer by freight.
l.AKt Friday Postmaster Kaiser slg.
nalUml the completion of his first
yoar of service In that capacity by
banqueting the members of his offi
cial family. The spread waa of two
course, doughnuts nnd elder, served
cafeteria style. It took five dosaii
of tho former and a gallon of the
latter to meet requirement. Tho
iloughniita were of tho ue plus ultra
qunllty such as only Suslo Allen has
the skill to make. A solitary one was
left and this was carofully crated In
a formidable looking packaun and
sent by parcel post to Mlsa l.ydla
McCall, a mouther of tho poetoflcn
force, who Is visiting relatives at
Klamath Falls. Iloch dor Kaiser"
Mr. and Mrs. L K. Ilrown leave this
Heek on an emended auto trip
throughout northern territory reach
ing v far as IlrltlHli Columbia, plan
ning to be Knur about two months
Kill ll I 'ir i. I ,1 li . i' I I I lit
,i r'cird In nn mdurenrc iriil nt ttir
fanstl? tttrtirr 3 Wrwn t si
tfta Heart of fHo AatitctNt rrartlna
Va.'t nHanarva gffuffa, anif lht reca
ll eoatl M Iff b faHm n retan
atfou from MM waft HfiM store
(too re fof aeafaf ys)fa MM.
ff. A. Wantef, . F. MMtnaar, ha
RHreoti to f. ftrtll M IM Hontoef,
naelftfi ragtag ilia awiisisfa foi'onii'
oecagtod by M family, cot nor of It
and Third atPoafa, to W. K. Jetar,
anotkor S. P. employe.
A party of yonng people from Gold
Hill plefitekod la the parha oa Mt
onlay, having hnrel a motor
track to convey thorn hither .
Jntlaa froroat. of fH. Pawl. Oro .
la horn visiting hla brother, Pierre
Pnrvoat and numernns other rolatlrao.
J. W. Maater. formarlr th m
ploy of the Souther a Paclfta a oper
ator and trainman died at Vancouver,
II. C, March 27 and wns hurled there.
For several years he had boen con
nected with the Hotel Columbia In
that elty. He was a member of Ash
land Masonic lodge.
Yrekn will banquet April 19, as
per Invitations received here celebrat
ing the completion of the new high
way between Hornbrook nnd that city.
The gala event Is to be observed un
der tho nusplcoa of the chnmbor of
coininocro of which J. P. Churchill
has beun ro-oloctml president.
Tho special oloctlou to volo on tho
proposition of rofundtng $43,500 mu
nicipal bonds occurs on Tuesday,
April 11. As tho date approaches
more opposition to tho measure bo-
couios apparent.
Oeo. W. Trofron, grand warden of
Odd Follows In tho Oregon jurisdic
tion, returned the last of tho weok
from official visitations to subordl-
jinto lodges nt ICnglo Point nnd Grants
Pass. Ho wns accompanied by W
W. Usshor, who manipulated stor-
coptlcon effects In connection with
addresses given, technical details In
tho handling of which Usshor Is an
Mrs. P. A. Van Nlco Btnrlod for
Chlco, Cal., last Friday for n visit
with her son who reside thoro.
W. It. Scott of San Franolsco, gon
ornl malinger of tho Southern Pa
cific, has been horn rccontly In hla
prlvnto enr Del Monte, accompanied
by V. L. Burkltnltcr, asslstnnt super
intendent of tho Portland division,
nnd J. Q. Dnrlnw of tho engineering
department of the system.
Mitom n icil Mir'Hieh finite
'fitexdnv "n hn nv t Pelican
Mn Mylhe CracnV, leaehef at
Bancherla, relnruotl from h valley
I fWHe
ins; frtwo m tho Fafh for a few
Mr. U. P. Baker m viaititiff
M t( ., 'I . , ,ti
l. I I
'). .. Murker relitm! home
frnm f)"- ' ' li l i i
Mr ml Mr (n S.,nlor wrf.i m
Insffi 1 1 1 . i r- dn v
I -i f(irr died pril ."t nf th
Im-pitdl in Medford, nffcr an upefa.
Hon. p'unernl ervH'e wera ecm
tfwtwl bv Kev. Jlmmmvi f Ragle
Poml. Irrtorment Hi the Bait Palm
Rev. flimmnti heM sftrvkHsj hi Ms
chool house Thnrdav Mint FtUtmf
- j
Anaemic, Ituii-Down, Nervous How
She lCccmeiiMl.
There, aro so many cases llko this
right hero In Medford that wo nro
publishing this Interesting letter with
tho hope that some of our customers
will try Vlnol mid get tho same hap
py results that Miss Ilaos did.
Key West, Flu. "1 am a teacher and
became anaemic, .nervous, run-down,
no energy or desire to do anything, 1
could not sleep and bad that languid,
nervous feeling that made inn a bur
den to myself. I had taken various
tonics without benefit. I heard of VI
ual mid tried It. Koou I had a good
nppetlto, could sleep all night and It
built me up so I have the ambition
to do any kind of work." Mary L.
llnoz, Koy West. Fla.
Tho reason Vlnol as so successful
In this case Is because It Is a consti
tutional remedy that goes to the seat
of trouble. The peptonate of Iron con
tained In Vlnol enriches and revital
ise tho blood, Mhlle the strengthen
ing, tissue building properties of tho
extractives of rod' liters and beef
peptone aid In building up the tired,
overworked, run down sMttcin Med
ford Pbarmacv
"AN you recommend me
Vy cigar I can depend on?
Yes, sir.
How much will it cost mo?
Five cents.
What I Only a nickel? What
cigar is it?
The OWL, the Million Dollar
It has a full, mellow flavor, be
cause every OWL leaf is cured 18
months or more before it is put
into a cigar.
It burns evenly, because every
OWL is made by the same careful
hand-workmanship and from long
leaf filler.
And there isn't a better cigar
shape than tho free-drawing,
square-end OWL.
But the real smoke-beauty of the
'OWL is inside. Have one, sir?
The Million
ar Cigar
f lMf fas? . Trttr ''SiL
-s A
good !
"S f) i
&sHm l,M
Tv2fT w "
i V HI I 1 J LJW
We know the joy of making good we make good flour.
Mrs. Housewife, you will know the joy of making good
baking good bread with
Rogue Spray Flour
H. O. Nordwick, Prop. Phono 507
H V i paFP"
Patronize the inatitutioo that inaintainn the Larjoal
Payroll in Medford.
The JHMfwd! Printing Go-
The Best Equipped Job Plant in Oregon outside of
Rogue River Valley
The Dest Made
Help Home Industry.
Try Loganberry Juice and Sherbets
at the fountains and ice ere parlors.
Oo to J. A. SMITH,
128 N. Grape St.
Telephone 89Q o
All in a Nutshell
why wo nrt- able lo do mill work Tor
the ssiiim rtMple time and tlmu uksIii.
It Is that wa always Hive them tho
best iiosslule valua for tbeir inone.
IT we lispiMtn to buy helow rKulsr
liriios we don't keen the extra profit
I'ut pass It hIouk to our custoiuriH
This Is oiih of tho time. Coiuu and
hhsr the hmvIiik
Ask Your Grocer and Butcher M
Fon " ' -5s
They Are
the Best