Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 10, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    fnf two
4ff rrof,ri t ,i, mcf r i 'n,f.
I '
Iff gfnf Wl f 4 rnrnw, rff th
AiMM Mffrttt, vtsttoilover flnfbfgy
WW Mr Mil Hf Orow in (hi rltv
nVrttl fno Ptffm and in Orow fnm
ftttt fawrtfy ram to the ftogrt rlv
f valley from King conntr, r1.
0ttat flfM tMNttaf Mffftpf ffl
WVfyfMf tlt'opt grofcefwt.
fitters and prospector r becom
lg gmron In all part of sooth
etift Onfiii and north California
ft or coming fnHfi many mining
ttatrfets in many different atato A
ttimbtt of promising claim have
Na staged ont In th oM mining
ajttaitfle In thl territory and a
timber of now mineralised rtlons
have been report.
IttJe material, window serosa,
nrM door, me fur, A fit. Wo.
Ooo. Hutterwottfc. of K! Pano.
Texas, tarries! over Sunday In Med
6fu, contladlng hi Jotirney north
Xmday. Mr. Bntterworth say that
to in poraofi not familiar with the
tamper aad custom of Rl I'aao. It
would appar that th ta of Tesas
and th rapnbHe of Mexico am In a
stale of war. He declare that ha
hollevea If th government were, to
oall for volunteer from the atat of
TMM nlono to go Into Mexico and
clean It mp, It could easily obtain an
abundant fore with which to do It.
, Xwoko r King Mpltx olgnr. Ec.
Thoy aro hame-mado. tf
Harold Benton, who visited with
friends orer Burnley In Medford, aay
do would Mho to find Inducement In
Kogue rlrr valley to remain here. He
returned to Yrakn today.
Dr. Xtophonton now practicing
ngnln. 14 C Routh Holly, Phono 8B2-X.
(IWj Howell, of liolae, Idaho, la
ngaln In the city, baring returned
Saturday morning from an estendod
Vlalt In tint Klamath country. He
nifty prolong 111" tay here until the
disposition of the local railroad qu na
tion ahall havn been determined. At
nil events, ho will return next rail
(lot your milk, cream. Inittor, ocas
nnd lnitloriiillk at Do Voe's.
Mra. Mary Aiideraon, of The Online.
Oils atalo, reltiriied hmtwt Huntley,
after a two Hooka' vlatt with frlnnda
In and nonr tbla city.
Mgbt lunehoa sorted at the Royal
linker. 20
Illerelo thleroa aro unuaually act
ive In M ml ford and vicinity. Chief
of Pol lea HKtaou warna those who
own whoala to he rareful about where
ther leare them uupiotecled. A
HHiHlmr of loose Have been reported
during the paal few daya Ttioae who
loee their wheela should report their
loaa without delay to the police of
ftee. Thoao who know of an onclalm
al Uleyele anywhere ahould alao
promptly report that fact to the po
lio office, in tbli way thoao who
loa whoala reoorer them all the more
quickly. Sometime the loaa of a
wheel la reported a week or ten daya
after It waa taken. Thla glvea the
police department little chance to run
the thief down. Oenerally, the latter
la entirely out or reach.
The wnrld'a greatest oompanlos.
Ilnlmea, The' Insurance Man.
Inadrertenlly the name of Council
maa Mann wao uaod Instead or Ooun
oilman Amy In the report of the
eoMNcll mooting Friday night? r
ferrlug to the millea tax and the
manner In which the counrllmau re
ferred to waa mialead at flrat a to
Its pnrpoae. It ahould read that
Councilman Amy wae lonfueed. and
not Councilman Mann, aa the latter
la a ataunrh advocate of progreaalvo
actio by the city on the rullroad
"The Fulfilment of CHIaenahlp,"
and other Unitarian literature aent
fro to Inquirer. Addrea MIm llaiel
Murion. Central Point. H K I No
1, Oregon. Hi
Dr. J. C. Rolllna, paator of the Firm
Metbodlat church of thU .It), will
exchange puplti with the Methodlt
mlttleter of Aahland on Sunday next
!r. Kollln will bo accompanied t
a quartet of Medford alngera.
H off on Kodaka at Weaton'a
Camera Shop.
If. U Walt her, maiir.Ker of the Cal-fornlg-Ortgon
1'ower compuu. lih
headquarter In Mvdford. rfiurnod
lot ur day evenlna from Klamath Palla
where b bad been In attendance on
tne.aeaalon of the public iitllltlea com
MlaafcM In that illy. Mr Waltbor
alao attended thv mIohh of the com
mlaalon in (-anta Pa aud In Med
ford. Try a King Iplti elgar and
eoumgo home Industry. If
Tbe regular monthly buluM
niaotlng of the JSpaorth league or the
Motbodlat thurcb will be h.Kl t the
church Tuowday evening All Jiiem
ber are eamentl) requeMcd to be
preaent. a offleera for I ho tnulug
yoar will bo elected and other Import -ant
bunlae tranaacied.
Our cboeolgtM aro Medford mad.
Tlio Bbaatg. t(
N. M. njlllor, of HUUIwro, thU
gitte. ix touring tbe valley in a leU
groly way this weofc.
Made from Medford pnducti
9fMg4rob, encpt the aupar. cvou to
tl nor. Pin i.vw he nt tUc,f,,ri j.iur this gttenitH
Shasta. t'j
ii finii left on lil to PorMund
tm'tic evatitflg offer a lf of fw
fi in thfa ef tfH a trrofrteftfl-
law Mr Waimr mw m In fflHWgliTjrf, Hfffod !' 'M prof-'i-
1 . ,. J'
rirr rauer g nomor or time otmngion amnowr
the petit fow rear dtid tfpi wgJ i
dfpft rnffUflMg for tnla aerffgn of
the eogef We ny oof ofoanorfty
will boffin Hi real earnest wheo
hall hov wired onf Ifa neper fgt fotl
proiiiem II ha greof ronfldftneo
In the ftttore of xoothern Oregot go
the .Mg for the pfrmggonf homo
bnildir tml dwlaroa ntgf our iMfgfgf
reottrra Weoed It vertotf om4 ostoajf
tnoo of gnv other valley on the
roffet, while onr climate oaaoa a
rharm all H own
Cotftter A Bronae attfo and nr
rlag patotlng, oopoalt Medford Im
plement RnlMIng 21
T. Henry Callagnan hrooght down
front the At. Athaa gfonp of mine
In the nine Ledge dtatrlrt a qnantlty
of marble, on hi return lat week,
and placed It on exhibit at the Com
mercial club room. Mr. Callagban
ay there an unlimited quantity of
splendid marble In that region and
that It I of fine quality. Much of
the llmoroek tip there aaaay Sft per
rent lime- which I about aa pure aa
It can be found anywhere on tile
glob. He predict that marble from
that dlatrlrt will bo whipped commer
cially In great tonnHge when w hall
have acquired (he advantage of a
railroad Into that territory.
Oatea m!!r Ford cam, 200 down
and SIS a month.
Spnrgeon Odell. of Marahnll. .Mlti
neaota, la In the clt) on hualn.
Mr. Odell poeoa Intereata here
and thla I hi third visit. He nay
It wouldn't nrprle him if, on the
occalon or hi next vlalt, he came to
atay. He I very much pleaaed with
thin valley and Ita ollmato.
He Von liny beer hottlon.
Herman It. Xapf, (if Cleveland. O .
la Mijournlng In thl valley tor a few
daya, "Jttat seeing things" and he
la p!aaHl with what he sen
Mad from Mwlford product ex
clusively, except the sugar, oven to
the flavor, the new Ice cream at tbe
Shasta. U
Carl A. Kelt, of Peking, China, tar
ried briefly In Medford Hatnrday
So Dave Wood about Hint flro In
Hurttnco policy. Office Mull Tribune
John Koob, of (lold Hill, was an
over-Sunday visitor In Medford.
Sander, papering, tint, (minting. 332
II. II. Hale, of San Kranclaco, waa
a Sunday visitor In this city.
Light limolio served at the Hoyal
llakery. IS
P. T llaiilon, a hardware merchant
of ICmery, 8uth Dakota, vloltonl over
Sunday with his sister. Mr. C. W
Peart, and hla niece. Mra. W. L. Val
entine and Mra. A. F. Stennetl.
There wa an error In the Mer
ihant Oav ad for the Page theater
In th Sunday paiwr. It ahould have
read Thursday. April 13th Instead of
Tuesday as appeared.
V. S. Stennetl and family of Ash
land, visited Saturday afternoon with
Med ford relative.
Inaure your auto tn the Alliance
agalnat theft, lire C. Y. Tengwald.
C. I, Dusenberrv. of (lold Hill, was
u Hunda) visitor In Med ford
Your lawn mowet mar nine sharp
ened at Mitchell Phone 320-1
S K Mcltonuld. or Trail tarried
over Hunda with Mend in tMn rlt
J. O. Dorking, tno eet all around
photographer In southern Oregon
Always reliable. Negative made any
where, time or place. Studle lif,
Main SI. Phone XIO-I.
A W. KvaiiH and wife of Monta
gue, ('ttllfoinlu. are vUIIIiik with
friends In thU clt) for a few dut.
The Star brand or typewriter rib
bons aro guaranteed to give 75.000
Improaalons of the typo "a" and "a'
without ao clogging the trim aa to
akow on the paper. Thl U a pretty
atiff warranty, but that la what lb
Webstar company agrees to with Star
ribbon. Sold by the Med ford Print
ing company.
It T Wotli'litnd. of Cnrvallls, was
un oxi-Huiulm vUltor In this clly
Poatag stamps at Do Voo's.
(lerald Hoot Smith and mother
huve returned from Chicago.
Weston Camera Shop for rtrat-cla
kodak finishing and kodak aupplles.
Mrs. A Conro Kllero has returned
from a winter spent In New York
Special orange al at )Our groc
er' Ask about It. 16
In the list of the names of gen
erous contributor to the Medford
hand fund nmmlvslon are duo to
the fact that there were several llsta
If those who names wore left out
will report the fart to John Mann,
he will itce that tbe name and
amounts shall be published.
Hbose missing so far sre Mr Steel,
Or porter. '; Ueo Hubert. 45,
llalph Mci'urdv, tft.
Olympic flour 41 40 u sack, & &0
a barrel 1. II llroftii
Manager Pat IHilly and wife are
In the dty todtt) from lllllcreat orch
ard nig f.c mllkshakiu t He Voe's
II W HuaiuoN of I'hoeuU, did bus
lno-H In Meilford toda
Mot meat theSkaita,
A I Wilbur, of Mlianr U a Md-
Swtet cWec at IH Y'ura.
' .tllforntu I l'IMn In vff'lu.- I f
few (f
frr K. Hrrhgegf. of it
- m... J
tm rM by the offfg, 4 ,-,
gnxf dofo f bfffh, foff morne and
e9f l ttm f kic.rt Ore , for
fegnVlM IT
f M. Wvtfof, of Hafcer, CHI tate
fa trgajawstlwg mtln fn MAttA
during a few days' vilt
Orange roflleat at yoor gfoeer's. 1
Alfred BaWey (oft SnrNlgy tt a
frlp tnronglt fm 1m pert t vllov
country tn Insfioct the cotton indns
tiy of that region He agy If If
shonM prove to p safe it go oerom
the border t Mexican to Iota land
for the production of cotton tie will
probably engage in tht haainoe. Ho
ha had some experience In tno rich
land of that parr of the Imperial val
ley that Ilea In Mexico and hae sac
reeded In rarrvlng ont big profits.
He left the Imperial country because
of the Mexican menace two years
Baths jr. cent. Hotel Holland.
J II farnom, of Roeebnrg, who
ha been vlaltlng at vartova plaeoa In
the valley for a week, returned now
thl morning.
Sander, the alt arnnml palnior. 32.
Mr K. C. Bonner, of Eureka, Cal
ifornia, la vlaltlng with her sister,
Mr. Jane Williams, of this city. Mra.
t)onner says the people of Humboldt
county. California, are quite aa anx
ious aa we of Jackson are to get the
railroad started from thla valley to
Humboldt bay.
L. It. Hadloy, of Salem, Is a visi
tor In Medford for a few tlaya.
Peter Malley leU for hla homo In
Yrekit this morning
MILWAt'KCK. April 10 The list
of I .a Toilette delegate to tho re
publican national convention was In
creased today when the official count
or (ho second district showed that
both Ia Kollett delogatea were elect
ed Instead or oun. Previous reMirta
Indlrstod tho socond district was
The lateat rigurea now show that
si, KollettH will hae f If two dele
RHtes from WIhcoiihIii and (lovemor
Pblllpp cIhwii.
Xi:V YORK. Avl 10. The
mouthly statement of unfilled order
of the Knifed St a I ex Steel coriiorii
lion inued todnv iiguiu broke nil rcc
oriin. Tli. onlcre ntoml on .Mnrch 'M
nt ll,:i'Jl,(H)l toiiK, nn increiiM' of 7l!2,
li:l.l totio oer I'Vbimirv 211, when thc
were H..'(IK,IHI() on, (he prcvioii- In-li
let ord.
(Uoatlnuwl from page one)
tlx-lcr Ibiv inn, ami the t cleg rnph
.'itiiiinv Iiiim been pulling in extra
Iimii and getting exiMirienced npcru-
tor- on the job.
Accopi liunKaldo
The luili'll which Colonel Itnoc
wit hnd with I.imIbc und Hoot incmi-.
ol loiirM (hut thoM' eleuii'iitK of tin
old rciublican urgniiisutim Iihm- nc
ci'l'tcd the incviluble uud arc remix
to in-oM'iate. For oiae time Unulic
luii Imen the onk other Miibilii.
A- Mich, it I uhdeiKtowl, he ha
In en eliminated bv u pnv ate iU la
ration that he ioc not agree villi
I he t'on-ign jMiliev and principle
von ed bv HooM'Velt and Root ami
thai he eoiieil bv hi Hiition from
tcllinu jut whut he do bcln e.
(i.tii'iiiclill, he i be coiuid
red a eniiiliilalc.
A I the olllce in Sew York of
Uciirge V. IViknii. I tumid mil lung
to retlect inv doubt a to ulicthcr the
colonel would lake or net the iioiuiuu
tmn. l'crkiits laid the fouiidiilioiiH
ol ln lorlnucx xellmu lite inur
nin c. ami he iml. go mil todav and
ili. ill. Ic it m'IIiiiu' liulilliinu rod- hi
ClllllUMIIXlU M lllMlll'IUg.
(Continued from page on)
oiih salient Its evacuation has lucn
expevted for aom time and nmn
intltt tr observer long ago critic Is.. I
It roleutlon. Ueneral Petaiu s un-t-rrlng
Judgment la letting It ku at
exactly the right niomout Is no
highl) pruieod. While of little value
to the Preach It la of almost none
to tbg Carman aa It Is located in a
hollow, commanded b French gun
oil all sides, out of which It Is pigc
tlcalU Impossible for them to de
bouch TXM) laTK TO I'UfMUI.
I (1ST lii.ld ititf l.mloii t 4r4Vs
Kindir n!()ii in M ul rrllmi, g(d
. i I
Ml tf ML
H1f)Tt .1 10 f.-lr
( r pVr"-fntirii 'ite in -he J
unum were m ntletidnt if f h iipen I
tog cton todnv "i the eleventh n
fiiinl "n,nti'n (.r ' ev leegne
!f the I nttoif Ml i . The ap.-iotwi
will continue thffHit'h Wednc-diiv
Home f the ereintrv' forem'-t nl
Ihfiritlex or) hvtornofi'mnl lor. enm
meree and mBHarv ami mr id .cierwc
are on the profram to de-rit hi '
they fwlteve lobe HliiHt' prr.iri l
n for natioMl defence.
Robert U. fbnmp'm. pre-iictit oi
the len(fne, Ofamed the nm utmn
with an addroa m which hf dlnn,
that While tho league hnd 'Vnrn.-I lii
hntrcd of ihoi c0h which i- .t d
to tirepawdmaa. we trut tlmt m
will love n tn the cnemn's Ii.m
The leagvo um founded lis un n
who believed, (XogH Thnm-on cni
liniiwl, "Thtol an efficient nnd ud
iinte fleet wan (he be I ilclVn.c
ugniust invaaioo.
"Kngland ia spendinjr milium- f
dollare a day," declared Thimioi, in
onclu-iort, 1eauKe whe fnilnl to
enend thousaml at the pronr tunc.
In the fao of anch poaeibilitic-', whv
wnate time over Iriflexr
Thin nflernoon' reunion wn- un
der the direction of Svdm-v Hnlloii.
fnrmi'r jiit ! ol llic -iirciiic mirt
of lliiwnii.
(IIICAHO, April 10. -A wood iin.l
wcr iiiache fiynn' of n dodo, cm
WU'iii o'f, ciirricd on
n Mideroun motor truck, wim diuwn
through the downtown trct- nt
Chicago today. It wii the iin-u ir
of iireparedneHM ndvoculc- tno .'in
iinftnitinu of 1um Suturda Ihm ii
linyt' I inure of u dino-iuir. I.ilnlli.l,
"All iirnior nnd no bruin," w.i- p.i
ruded through the 1 1 ( - In .. nt i
irt,iarclu("K forces.
I'OifTI.AMi. drc. Ai-ul 10 II. it
(lie 1 mini Sin I c i- me. tm.- utli ili i
lii'iilt in olitniniuc i .iv.ih Ii' '-. '
II -I III McMl'll Wll llllll l. ti .
8aysrQlais of hotwater with
phosphate befere breakfast
washes out pelsons.
If you wake up with a bad taste, b.i.l
breath and tongue Is coated. If our
bond la dull or aching: If whnt ).m eat
Hours and forma gas and acid lit utoni
hom, or you uro bilious, oonutlpat. .1,
nervous, sallow and can't k t feillni;
Just right, liogln Inside bathing Pi ink
before breakfast, a guns of real but
water with a toaspoonful of liuie.iton
pboapbuto lu It. Thl will tl'ibii tlu
pouHHis and toxins from stomach. llcr,
kidneys and bowels and clane.
awoeton and purify tho entire alimen
tary tract Do your inalilo IuiIiiiik im
mediately mion artalug In the inorniu
to waah out of lb system all the pre
vious day's poisonous wate, naki un I
aour bile befor putting mure foo.i into ,
too atomacb.
To foel like young folks feel, liku
you felt before your blood, nerve and
lauacloa became loaded with body lia
puritlee, get from your pharniu. 1st a ,
tuartcr pound of llmoatono pbosiihuto
which Is Inexpensive and almost (.imio
loaa, except tor a sourish twlnuo which
I not unpleasant.
Just aa soap and hot water act on'
tho akin, cleansing, sweetening and
freshening, so hot water and lintestnno
imoaphato tut on tbe stomach. II ur.
kidneys and bowels. Men and wome i
who are usually oonetlpate.l. I.,
headachy or have any s'omiK 'i .1' -order
ahould begin (hi Insi.Ui i.ailiim'
before bnukfost. Tbty ar. ur.ur. 1
they will become real crauks uu tint
subject shortly
ifM a
i r,
, , i ... i ik. ...i , ,
i . ti.-.. A
' I fr (IT tt
I lllft'l l i
I mm in irffe
I it mii rf tn
i r i In cfi
-,l . f,l , r i
..rea.eWl..f i..rh . " . . - "r '"'' " aig,
jpgfjaSKMSMaM mmWRMlBWl9KBKSB&9BnB- -
Katherine Kaelred
The Woman in "A Fool There Waa"
HfMI Peters-The Popular Dramatic Star
The &&
a Tbos. H. Ince
??H in "CrooKed to
'KJMnMiSsrr imrwiiman
1 IIMd- 1
MX much I
1 The mom you ch&r I
I KTllIllMes the I
1 sweeter it tastesA
I Look, for -this signature, I
I At your drocer's & I
r t t
Mf dfof d's Letcftng
oriofl Pictof
production of
Unusual Strength
A Big Triangle Keystone Full of
Excitement and Laughs
I tn..
tf WW. '
S hoen n
w of .
In. tr r f flntV ''..rl'.
tgjg ' " mi'i
. b'.,rr .. I '"i.rwvfr t ni"
FvervfKmg. eren "Fvryw
mmn. ' mart wntld pf' erhnrr
tocJay fo the PAf:.. md it
Tnwf'' rfrm-artvicc
and Fascination
the Eid
I- I
9 5f?v W 1