Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 10, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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fwfwpf. fcfg, Twt
tfm. ?;. Ifhi. W. ft. At
tf ifvMnnmHMrimM
mmmmmmi i
AfKIKOUD Olfl-.nOV MO h. M'l.'ll, H. Iii
M A TT .
I IaI II 1 11 A
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w jrHva .JP-- - Ki'-Jr JHjLv r .JWL vB.J!zi
W JwHLmk -jM B mum?I
, ti, .ir.
mm blow
Crown Prince HurU Two Whole Army
Corps French on Ten
MMe Frant WHI- Terrific Losses
ar.d Falls to Gn'ln Ailvnntnnc
V BetWncourt Evaounted.
T'Mita. April 1 Abandoning the
,i, u on fornuitlon nad the lately
, ,. ,i,iwhed practice of night attach.
i .. rimn yeatarttay engaged two
., -in ora In donao maaaee agalnat
i! c r tench position northeast of Yer
. it i.etween Aoeonrt and Ciimlere.
i .)!,. numbering at leant a division
,, hi . half charged the line between
Meronrt and Hethlnconrt. The ap
t.roi.hed wlthta a hundred yard of
the French tranches and seemed In
. nMile to the fan that the hundreds
e.t lhlr men were falling by the way.
i. ut notwlthatnndlng their rourngo
i nl the weight of their nuwaea. they
were stopped. There waa a deadline
uvend whlrh they eould not pass.
Unn the ultacklnn riilumn were
tlilnin-d out b artillery and machine
: nn fire no that a reformation became
necessary, the order to retire waa
Ktten. Twlre Ihey were obliged to
fill up the gape In their ranka but
tione of their three onslaught ahook
t'ie Krenh line, which hod been ren
MderaMr utrengthened Iw the legion
of Bethlnconrt hv the withdrawal of
f-.-wt from the dangerously exposed
client to rommandlng ponltlen he
hlnd the Tillage.
IMcndiil Line of Attach'
Twn fresh divisions attacked Iead
MntTa hill while the assault waa In
progress on the Hethlnconrt line,
the other force at the aame time try
ing to allp through the ratine near
( nmkrex. To aid the maneuver an
attack was simultaneously made on
tl e east bank of the. Mow In the ra
tion of ChampnonvllleVaeherauvtlle.
The few hundred men who had sue
reeded In penetrating the ravine were
l ft on the .field after the action
proved unsuccessful.
A third attnrk at the same time waa
delivered on a position atrongly or
ganlied by the French northeast of
tvoncourt. the object seemingly be
ing to drive In the French line far
enon-th to tnrn Hill So. 301. which
IPs soo yarda south and constitutes
lmt in characterised as the Gibral
tar of the French line In that dis
trict This attack met with more
meeess than the others, but after
thf Hermans had auceeeded In getting
ii footing at some points in the first
lino trenches too French counter-attacked
and the not mault for the fier
nan nu Increase In their losses
hn id Vrtmth bayonets. It la
:;:l' ,;.;';, Th. sr .
the Frenh held eiactly the same po
sitions at the beginning of the at
(;-i-mun t, -' Heat)'
Th- Herman losse are again ald
to have been on the basis of HMv
txrrent of the effectlvea engaK"' ;nl
theee indnde a onaldorable pri"""
tmn of the Herman reirv.
The failure of the latest ureal liani
iuertroUes of the Germans ot V-r-Iis.
hss greatly encouraged tim
K ranch prese ond public and contlrms
-till further tho cnerol ronfldeiifi
flt In the ability of the high com
mand The attach Is stated to lias
-n one of th most determined of
t!i sreat blows delltered lne tle
i.sttle iiegan fifty days aso, and t
It lcded the least result of any of
them, although the crown prince
hurled two whole army corps against
th French along a ten roll front.
Ah Hethlnconrt formed a ilaniser-
( Cod tinned oo Ce two)
W.IIIMlTON April lit. Ion--iitiiiioiwlit)
ut fine egruain tr
luiunrv ii argiicd today before
thr iirrwk nmrt Mi n involving
u,r invHlwIitv f the lxMiiviile, Kv..
ordinance Qiaking it unlawful for
i-t negro uwn a rflftnf" in dny
dM-k in whifh a grtrr niiinb." of
ln.u arc ocupiiyi be whitf !"!
rai aal.iattil f..r a fthite ikiltf-'i
BcrHn Ctnlms Isolalion of Town and
ForUftrd Points French Cut Off
Losinn 7I1 Prisoners 500 Yards
of Tranches on Dead Man's Hill
PARI8. April tn.Th Germane
continued their attacks htat night In
the Verdun region and west of the
Mense, over a front 13 utiles long
from Hill No. 301 to Fort Doiiamont.
The war office announcement today
says In the fighting west of the river
for possession or Dead Man's hill tho
Germans were repulsed except on a
frontage of C00 yards near Hill Xo.
296. Kast of the river the Herman
assaults gained nn appreciable re
NBRUX, April 10. The war of
flce announced today that In the
fighting near Hethlnconrt. In the Ver
dun region, the town and two forti
fied point of the fort (o the south-w-st
were isolated. The French were
cut off losing "I I tirlsoinn, two guns
and 13 machine guns. The losses of
the French In killed and wounded
were considerable.
(.Vinmn SfiiUMiii'iit
The statement follews:
"Western frent: Attempts by
bombing parties of the enemy to re
capture newly established position
In mine craters south of St. ISIoi were
tepuleed. The mine righting between
l.n llassee and Arras canal lias In
creased In Inleiialty In the last few
"West of the lleuso, Iletliliiroiirt
and also the fortified points of sup
nort known as Alsace and Iorrnlne,
southwest of Hethlnconrt. were Iso
lated. The enemy sought to avntd
danger by hasty retreat but was cut
off by 8llesiun who. In addition to
inflicting heavy losses, enabled us to
take fourteen officers and about TOO
unwonded men prisoners. Two guns
and fifteen machine guns also were
raptured. At tho same time we clear
ed enemy encampments, blockhouse
and positions which had obstructed
us at various points on the front, both
due north of the village of Avocourt
and south of Crow's woods. In these
operations we were able to Inflict
looses on the French. The enemy
lost In prisoners 27fi mon and sev
eral officer.
Itntlno Is ClfMii'it
"To the right or the Meuse a ra
vine on the southwestern border of
I'oivre ridge was cleared In similar
manner. Four officers, is I men and
a quantity of material remained in
our handa. Further east and In the
. - "
"In various aerial flight, one
Frenrh eroplan a hot dowu
Doutheast of Oamloup and oue north
east of Chattou SellliK The occu
pants of the former cre deud. An
rii.'im .teroplane rHlicil to tne rann
i' ! lllnuf of l.tion iiml another
1 '.ii IN lli iutiM
.Sll S.II l "'l.lli.i l'lll 1fl
llvi- ttHt Ui"f -tationed ot Canton
loint-il th ni'fl. on April The
central uoxernnint hu recalled the
Twelfth dlvlitlon. aouo troops or
which arrived at Shanghai from I'e
klng Saturday. The government has
also rescinded orders for tho Teuth
division to proceed to Canton, pre
aunably owing to dlsalMtton among
the men
Conditions at gwatow art reported
a, Htlll peaceful.
Supporters of the republican form
of government here are endeavoring
to bring about the retirement of
President Yuan 8hl Kal. They are
desirous, however, Jnat his retirement
ahall be accomplished by popular
pressure rather than by the ation
of another nation and are hopeful
that the Cnii-O tutt-x or t'.n-at Hrlt
uiu will lixtni Vuan Hhl KS to tep
doajn lu tin- niter. Ht.- of .i'
TiivruiV. Air. M l'c Tir.t.-li
tvtam.flii intirti t ; t - '"
Fugitive Bandit Reported hy Gen
eral Bertani Headed for Duranno
City Is Wounded From Bullet In
Leg, Which Is Broken hy Fall of
Horse No Friction with Invaders.
Kl, I'ASO, Teva. April 10. fon
f'trmniMwt of reiMrti that WrntwUffo
Villa wna in the neighborhood r lnr
ral. or had poneetl it, wn lirwtalhl t
,lnarei lodn.v liv flpnernl I'mncieeo
Itertnni, the Cnrrnnaa couimandor at
flenernl llertnnl who enme l .luarer.
fur n ponference with hi ulterior,
(lenern! flitvim, said that before he
let! Modern Snturdnv nuthentie re
jiort were received thnt Villa )tad
been deen ut Cnmnito. ProceeHling
nt htw pretiotix-hpeeK, the lianilil
leader would on nil v have made I'ar
nil. Itertani hnd no retmrl im ho
idne the Amcrii'un troop were fol
loninjr. The Uift fiht lielweeu Pnr
1'iiiiaiHlHN mill Villwtiii occurred at
l'raiicincii do Ilorjn lour dn.v ngo,
the gonenil enid, Did VilliNlna being
defeated ami lenviiiglitdiiiid them Sev
ern I dentl nnd wouiiileil.
Villa Wits Wounded
fieneral llertnni nid lie hnd nb
Inlc I'oufirmntiou thnt Villit hnd been
wniiiidcd. ! The linmlit w nhot in the
left leg. lie nil, mid wn- further in
jured when his linix' fell on hi to,
lin-nkiug the Iioiich of (lie leg.
lie H'MrU'il detnclimc-fiU of llio
Aiueiienn forces nt Simla Ann nnil
Itolit (icncrul (liuirit nnil (Icncitil
Ib'ritini neei'ltHl toiluv Ihey hfd no
knowledge thnt u limit hnd licen
Inowl on the ottorntiiWM of Ameri
eon ttNitH in .Mexico.
"I iiuetrtnitil, Imwever," Oeneriil
Itertnni nddeil, "that tin- Amcricun
t'oreeK will Ih' willtng In withdraw in
soon as the 'illilo oi'viimiitious
urt tlioroughly broken up.
"So far Ihe relation-, of the de
I'neto ttiH)K nnd tho Auifi-M-nn l
ilier have lecn frieiidlv nnd eo op
crntive. Then1 lutx not been u sin
gle imihViihiiiiI incident."
(letiernl (!oiro. the Jtiurez com
miiiidet', denied that he wu to Ih?
xiiliereeded hv I'Vninndcx.
Iletuleil for Ihiiougo
VA IASO, Texan. April in. In
hi flight before the Anieiieon eaval
ry l'Vnncineo Villa i believed todny
to have aMed I'orrnl und with lii
hnnd, snid to numlHr over 200 men,
i retniiied to he heading towurd
Durnngo City. l)etnchments of the
Thirteenth I'nvnliv ore hard ott the
ImnditV trail, but no oflieinl word
Iiiin eomc ftiim the front to iniliente
their jweition. Mexican refHirts stilt
ed today thnt Villa lin n full day
ahead of hi pursuers. If Villa nc
eeed in reaching Durnngo City he
probnbly nill Iw joined hv the foreeH
of the Arrietu brother, who com
mand over 100(1 men.
A statement uttrilnited to Mexieun
CotiNul Unrein that Villa has now
ceiicd any pocsibilitv of eapture
by the AtnencnnM, hating erosMd a
dead line established by I'reoident
WiUon and Cnrranan tteyond which
it wni ngteetl Hint Ihe American
troni mould not eontinue their pur'
-nit ! I lie bandit, wax ttallv denied
li .Mr. (Ian in. The Meieau consul
-iu.l as lar a- lie knett uo limit of
the Aiiii' jiii-iut had been
.i.'ietd iimiii l the two gov
ITMIH at-.
IIKIK.1K. Apiil Hi 'IJte lollop
ing tateiiient .! juii out tod. iv a!
the AiiHtrian urn other-
"Itulian flout : In the Uoruia li--triet
towns behind Ihe Au-tro-lliiti-
garinn front were held under the lire
of the enemy s artillery. An aero
pl.uie. which " ame to land near Lu
eimeo wa dctftro.tcd by A""tro
lluiii.'ariaii artillery.
"In the Sugunu tallet the ItaliniH
-et 1'ire to ( '.ilihinau I It their
shells iio-til rrjf'4te JSuew
'001 'is c ill a
"till IliP lofl! Xua4 f' eneMit
Cainnt ' if o '
1 If 1 Ml' i TK
WrL.iiiA.-M H.
WAl'KKOAX, III.. April 10.-- ArKiinientM on the motion of the d
fense for a continuance of the trial of William I) Orpet, aeriised of the
murder or Marian l.auibert, l.uko Forent hluli moIiooI girl, were heatd
today by Judge Donnelly. Orpetfs attorneys said they expected to show
that the girl fomntiUod auicldc und that their data on the ease could
not he remit liefoie .lone I.
PARIS, Apiil 1" Mou-ii-iioi tim-
ily, bishop oi . i . ! un, in tin: l.ite.t
nrt'itul in iiom the .liell -.wept
city, wllone enlheilial Ollil lilllop'n
jMiiace nrc now in tin1 eenter of inok
ing mioK. The hi-liop dciuirted from
the city on tho fool board o( u loi-o-motive,
the only mean of eonveynnee
available for it eiviluin. He came to
Paris to see Hiom' of his MtrihouerM
who have taken rel ue here. Regard
ing conditions at Verdun in Ihe )ut
days of hia hIiiv there, he aaid:
"During five dot- of intense bom
bardment, I went bnek nnd forth tram
tho cathedral to the biahop's palace
to eueuiirage the inhabitant", al
although there wn i cully nothiii" but
valor in Verdun. I enuie to the rail
roud station with ihe lnt euutuv "f
civilians to Icate mid then went bnek
to the town. I eould not remain there
as th Military aiilhoritie ordereil
everyone oul. There wero no more
trains for civilians no moie lior-O",
niltomobilcfl ott- olhotp curni'ii ,
At the ruilrond -lation I found a
loeomotite wlneh .i" .jii"t about to
leave for atr.
Only ;i l'i w liMH'i il,is in which t l'cyi.slcr Uv (ho
)iiiiiarit-. ifoist i;tt ion t-lnsrs April Ih. H'voii tlmi't
rcjfiKU'r ytui caiumt ulc 'I'lif following hit the res
ist ran l'i' ilu vuriouH Mftlford jtivfiiictH:
Kleetion I'reeinet.
Med ford NorthcuHt
North Medtoid .
Medford N'oith Riverside
Northwe-t Medford
Went Medford
If ml lord North Main
Medford North Control
Medford South Central
U. l.
Medford South
Medford Xev.totrn
Medford !.nk A. 0. fbtitoH.
Aotithwext Medford .
Mcdfiurd Oakdale
Kll"t Med fold
South, i-t . illoi
M . I.
'on 4).
T ii
V. K
i i
.NOH MR. Ii. t ,
Vi "illiei ree iveil
Kinpie o Rii""ia ne
Aplil 111.
.ihoaiil I he
iletaiU of a
plot reeenilv di"i'otered hi Shanghai
lor the dcM riu lion of ihe iiiilioad
eonneetiUK with Uiiinii territory anil
the placing of hoiub niHiurd tho
lcuinliii HmreM of KuNia liefoie
-he left on the trip jut ended.
iMuils of Ihe original plot for the
Hiitily of -eteial thouniol rifles
uniinunition and uutoinatie pilol" to
ii raiding 'excl in the "ertiee of the
dermaiix came out when ttto Shaiu
hui merehautk uumed Abbim,' lailur
and moii, were arretted. The nth"
were Mixed, the elder Ahhii en
tcuccd to fij'lceu tear"' iinpnouuieiit
ant hU miii to two years
Further inventiuntion led lo Ihe ili"
cotery of n plant for making boinh"
and heavy ammunition, but for a Ion
time none of the products eould be
found. The KreiiHi mliee in Khiughiii
liiiiilly dicovered Mome Itoxes in the
holt iii of a Mud. The box ex were
raided and were found to eoutain ar
tilleiv fhelU for luhl pleeeii. Ar-le-t
of a hiilf-en-te hiliee followed.
Regixtrar, Addrcis.
n. Kmdieor, Medford Hook Store
(1. Sncdicor, Medford Hook Store
(I. Snedicor, Meiironl Hook Store
Ii. L.tdinrd, Jackson Street Store
Helen X. Yockey, Mail Tribune
Helen N. Yockey, Mail Tribune
Hull. Medford r'urn. & lldw. Co.
Cnnu.iin, PoHial Telegruph office
(luinelt, (lurnettt-Corev lldw. Co.
R. L. Kwinv, Ktuug'" (Inn Store
Heiinett In v.
K tiikp.
Co., Main nod Fir ts.
R.'ll W. Tvllth "lleiit
&.. 0. B. hulte. ittibjnlo (iioeoi
V'tttt'm t'h Xi.cW, IfotV filmii
I tltuP, lott I 9.l0?iiCft
Offlclnl Dcniol That Gcrninn Sub
marine Wns Responsible Not Yet
Forthoomtnif Germany Asks for
American Information on Cnse
Amcrlon Asks French Information.
WASfllXOTON. April Ifl. er
tary Ironing annonneotl today that
AmbaasMdor flerard had eahled that
tha German foreign office Informed
lit in It would hand htm a note on the
Kuasox case probably today.
Count Von llernatorff, the Herman
ambassador, will confer with Secre
tary lousing this afternoon. The
ambassador made the appointment.
A preliminary statement handed to
Mr. Oeranl by the llerltn foreign of
fice I understood to be on It way
to the state department by cable.
Other Information In the nature of
evidence gathered hy the American
emlwasy In 1'arl Is on the liner St.
Paul which Is nxpectpd to dock In
New York Thursday. Kfforts will ha
made to have It here for the Friday
meeting of the cabinet.
(criiiauy Aimi liiipilitw
(lortnany linn asked Ambassador
(iiirurd what Information regarding
the explosion which damaged the
Sussex is In possesion of the Ameri
can government. This Inquiry was
forwarded by Ambassador Dernrd to
the state department. When the In
quiry waa iiiiiiIo Mr. (ierurd waa In
formed that tlorutau Investigation In
to the case of the Mussex had not up
to that tlein disclosed that any Her
man submarine was responsible.
It wns made eluar today at the
(1 Htm mm embassy thnt Count Von
llernstorff, who returned to Wash
ington this forenoon from New York,
had not officially been Informed that
Germany definitely aud finally had
dented responsibility for (he Sussex
Cieiuli liifoiiuiitloii .Ukcil
Hecreiary (.analog's conference
with the ambassador was brief. He
tnld him he hud no definite Informa
tion on which he was prepared to
discuss the case at this time, ao the
ambassador will come lo the atato
department at a later time.
Late today Secretary lanlng dis
closed t hut the American government
lu Its collection of evidence on the
lecent attacks on ships bad asked
the Kiench government through the
embassy In Parts for Information re
garding the alleged attack on tho
liner I'atriu. In which a torpedo was
Haiti to hate punned rloite to the lin
ed stern
limioe bill rcNnling the free siiuar
ciutixe of the I'nderwood tariff law
wa taken up for debute in the ei
ate toduv under an ngreenieut to
tolc on the iuenure, at amended by
the Mnaiiee eummittce, tomorrow.
The free nugar elninie would go into
effcet May 1 with a couneoiient loss
in uoveriuneiital revenues of uprox
illialely ,0KI,(MI, mile it is re
lienled in the meuntime.
Chuinnnn Simmons of the finance
committee, opened Ihe debate for the
repeal. He declared it wa- calculat
ed to bo u temporary measure mailc
neeesiary becauso of the falluiL' "H
of eustouitt reteuuew us a result n
Ihe wur in Kuroie and etentuullv,
he thought, condition would ttui-
runt n return lo a tree Miar ixilu-y.
Senator Lodge introduced un
amendment to provide a 5 er cent
ud valorem duty nn coal tar prod
uct und u duty of "'.. Ont- u bun
ilred and II per ecu! ad valorem OU
coal tar dtrtV Althouub the heiuite
had agreed fii a tote not later than
lomoiroxt atleruoou it tta thought
dc halo ttoittd be eoiieluded uud 0
ot cooifini jebd3 rece- tonight.
' I 'to ii'irt'' OdOndini'iil .i- ileleal
Mi ii i .i it i.ii li.iii vi,i
AND MILITARISiVI Wants Nomination Upon nn
Heroic Basis Hughes Virtually
Eliminated hy Disagreement With
Foreirjn Policy nnd Principles
Voiced hy Roosevelt nnd Root.
Hv (llliSON nARDKKlt
WASHINdTON, pf in. I'nnr
hours spent nt Oyster Hny III the
eowimny of Theodore Roowvflll loft
me wondering whether or nob ho
would accept the RtnjI)tloniiPro
grensive uominaliflii for1 iriMfiit.
Certainly he will not if tlisro is uny
question about the jMihtie and the
politicians wanting him.
Too little eniphnMis 1ms uppatt'iitly
been laid on the paragraph in the
cotonel's statement eableil from Trin
idad, in which he said that tho public
must have in its mood something; of
the heroic if it wanU him.
"If the people of this oomitry
want peace and profit at tho pticu
of honor, they don't tvntit me."
.Must Need a Horn
Thin ie how the colonel shot it nt
a republican congressman who Iiml
come to tell him that "poHiaps tvo
may nominate you." For fifteen iniu
utes.the colonel laid down tho law to
his congressional visitor lu true Mo
saic fashion. "If thoro aro any
iIoiiIiIh in your mind," the colonel
went on, "plenne resolve thoui in fa
vor of not uomiimting me. If I um by
any chance to he the noiniuoo of tint
republicans or progressive, or both,
it enn only ho with the uuderatuiidiiiK
thnt the country is in tho mood to
make any saarifieea to maintain iU
honor ns a nation. I said in Trinidad
flint rf it wanted me tUo imhlio must
have something of the hernia lu ita
mood. What I meant wna, that the
country ioiihI he willing lo consider
duties iik well its right and to face
the poHwihilitv of sacrifice and self
denial in undertaking; audi task ns
duty might imose. An president, or
candidate for president, I should ree
oiftiixe but one kind of citisensbip ami
one allegiance. If the country isn't
reudv lr this kind of a cnudidate,
then I am not the man to run."
And there wns much mora to Hie
same effect with qnita plain talk on
tho subject of the eouoHel's oolite
unconcern whether or not he alien
ated a large number of foreign-hum
voter. The republican congressman
went awuv somewhat tlaned.
Ojster Hay n Ottutiii'
U' than a year ago Cnl. Roose
velt had baui'-hed from bis uiwi wny
idea of eter again ruuniuf for tho
prenidency. He talked to we at the
time, very frankly on the subject, ox
piVMsing great aatiafnetinii in the
utilise of freedom which caHne with
the reiiiiueiution of future) office.
He eould xiiy exactly what he thought
on uuv topie. II was no longer
bound lo eoiiKider the fears of timid
Hlti ii-iil axHoeiales who might be
banned bt hi ntteruuees. II had
huriieil Inn bridges and was enjoying
all the liberlieK of private life. It i
not a mtiou- breach of confidence
to .iit that Mrs. Kooeevelt hooted
that tin- condition would he a imiinn
iieut one. She i not happy at the
proect Hint tier hnaiiand may ho
drafted tor the political war.
Oyoter May ha again IjaeouM h
neax center. Six month ago, the
New York uiiera were coolant to
cover it hv telephone or bv oooaaion
al call at the find street building, or
at the MctroMdilun office. Now
I In re are ix grixiled )oliticaI re
Mirtei' periiianeiitlv etieuinted at tha
(Coutlnued on page two.)
WASHINGTON. Apnl 10. Prai
deul Wilson caiieelleid a number of
engngenenls today baouua at tha
cobi ho cuught while town tha Po
tomac riter gg Qui taj'flower last
Friduy night.
The prexidant remained indoors nil
day yesterday in thio hope that ho
could keep engagement' ;iJay, but:
thix noriiing, Dr. Qrnysou onlered
ih.ii he ri'in.iin atvav front hi office,
II. i . u , in he uoll cuout-h to b"Ul
tii' i .iii-i ii, . i uii tiiinmruw,
J , i'A (urtr.fJ v