VA(W TWO iur.nroiM) Mrr, i urisr vf vr nrorm. ow-ma. 'i mummy. TTnr. . i'u. . .., I i . . .t i. w : mast 'iff TOCAL AND JL PERSONAL -4 t Mra. H I. Ir-rflri bss ratamed from Chicago to look after orchard intereata. De Voe give trading i tamps with everything oxftsfU groceries. Jl C. F. Astbury, formerly mi oreh ard onr, J spending a few ilas In tho valley. tattle material, window screens, oroSn door'. I'ne. Pur, & Fix. Kao. . ft J. Jkiroier's resident at Dar by bunt! April lat. Nothing waa saved. , Hmoko ,n King Spitz clgnr. Gc. ' They are liome-mada. tf Mrs. Allen G. Wheeler, of ltoao ', War, M has been rlslllne; Mt WbbjIo Point mid In Mad fori! for some daya, Will return to her home thla even ing. . Dr. Btophonson now nrnotlolng t( ogUln, 14C South Holly, Phone 8G2-X. , (!bo. Wakeley, of San Join, Cali fornia, Ik looking over tho mining dlitrloU of this region for a week or fnoro. Got your milk, croam, buttor, orbs and biittormllk at Do Voo's. , AVlillo .In mo Ilolilon -waa driving " liotno from Medford Wmlnosdny ovon- ' I tig ond whon noar hi ranch north of town, ono of his horaos dropped 'dond. Tho animal wns appnrontly V I t i in 1 1 Ion i ti it f I i ii th hTi t i 'woll up to the inluuto of Ita donth. I Light lunHioa aorvod nt tho lloyal Ilnkory. 20 f ( J5. 1. Fox of Uiko Crrok waa a j ' Mad ford visitor Thursday. Tho world's groatoat companies. IIoImoR, Tho Inauranoo Man. ' J unity Fedden, n nowapaoer man from the Sn Joaquin vnlloy, la en- Joying a leisurely visit to tho Hoguo river country, In company with A. ' H. Lakiiess, a horlletiltrlst of tho Stockton district. On neooiint of tho ' oxaollenee of our aprlng weather the California vlaltora may gonoludo lo 1 mako a considerable tour of tho Htir- roundlng roglou. 25 off on Kodaks at' Weston's 1 Oamora Shop. IS. T. Marrla and wlfo on mo down from I'nrltnud yesterday to look ' nliout tho vnlloy for a few daya. Tlioy aro onjoylng tho visit and may not hurry away. , Hiiloein'yn wanted. W want 10 good, liuatllnK joiing mun who want I to mako $3 to f 10 dally, to roproauiil us. Apply 1'nolflo Coast Salos Co., , 511! King at., Medford. 14 II. A. Mnaon, of Prospect, la on- i Jolng n sojourn In thin pnrt of the I"' vnlloy thla woek. Try a King Spitz cigar and en courago homo Industry. tf Win, I'ureul! oainu in from his pas toral field of lalair yesterday on bus. Inoae. He reports work of nil kind Incident to farm operntloua U pro Kreealug satisfactorily In hi district. J, O. Oorklng, too Dost all around Photographer In southorn Oregon. Always reliable. N'egattvos mado any where, tlmo or place. Studio 22 S Main Mt. lMiono 320-7. P. C. ICmby, of Prospect traneaot ihI business In this clt yeatorda), re turning ImiH lata in the day. Our ohocolatofl aro Medford mado. Tho Sluteta. tf 1'olton J. Worth, of Amity, this state, who has bean visiting this prt of southern Oregon for some days, will let urn home tomorrow. Mr Worth says that, If he eau sell out noar Amity, he villi locale lu this valley thla year. He may have to , take oare of Ida present crop flrat. 8eo Davo Wood about that fire in- mirmieo pollay. Office Mull Tribune llldg. ', Ten carloads of autoumbllea v. ere rewlvwl In Medford during the ; HuiHtk of March, four carloads have bsaui received In this city during ; Ayrll, ao far, and three wore are on v tho road. Cash la being uald fur many of these wacliineji. while othera aro Ueltig purchaiHtl on the usual InatNlmoHt plan. Generally this ex traordinary alitpHieNt or autos for loeul dlatrtbutlon would I consid ered a refutation of the comptaint against the embarrassments of busl mhm depresslou lu tbis legion It u)l be claliuod by some that It Is a reek leas imeatiueat in luxury, but VibeM it la ttkcoerd tbat many of these uwtehlues are being bought by farwiors and ori-bardlata Hho ueetl tbt4ti In the general expedition of tliflr baalueas opera t lens, It way be aaW to Indicate, at leaat, a sturdy confidence tbat tbe hard-ttuiea pe rl ml has reached its coaeluaion ou the Pariflo coast. Handera, aaporlug, tlat.palHtlng. 312 5 J W Carpenter brought bis faiu- lly doHD (roan Seattle, aasured thai lie oonld Had excuse to locate in I Itiifiwe liver valley. Through J W I AVakefleld. tbe ral estate utau, he j Is about to make a cboioo of a farm bogie lu the viiiuit) of Medford It Is lieedleas to a that Mr. Carpeuter Is grdatly ploaaad with bt be finds in this reglou. lie coutas as a pro ?raglve citUea aud suggests tbat be la pot llkeb.te be the last one from tlji Pilgot sound oouatry, (or niaay if roftJlUutl thrtt are complaining of ' o$gitaii'fi i'"l'k d too fraejuaMt flQpils, jo o l)Jiy boav botUag, , f 4 I oarlrm In (,rw and thf iroirl ar for onilriut advarKc ' ald a local business mag today. It may be wall to tar In Mind tbat eggs t now and will probably rma!n to be for soma tin rat the rhaaaant and moat wholesome swat food obtain able. Tbe country la blng searched for marketable livestock for tbe mar kets, which bar become eager even for a nominal supply. It la predict ed that meat prices will soon be tho highest ever exacted In this country. Ret tho lions now, while oggs arc cheap, and Increase the output of fries and brollnra. At tho same time," continued tho business man, "take care that the Increase In tho winter layers shall be proportional" with the Incroaaed demand for eggs during the wlntor season " Postage stamps at Do Voo's. "Speaking of lime as a soil atlm- ulant." said Managor J. C. Ilurcli of the lleaer-Portland Cement com pany at Gold Hill, "reminds mo of a demonstration mado In the vicinity of Gold Hill last year. A farmor had throo acree to dovoto to whoat. Tho soil waa tho same on tho entlro lovol tract. Ho concluded to try llmo hk a stimulant. He limed tho middle aero, leaving the aero each sldo of It J nut ita It waa aud had been for oars. lOuch oulaldo aero produced 19 bimli ols of whoat, vthllo tho llmod aoro produced 47 bushels. Tho demon stration waB convincing, so far as It appllud to that typo of soli. Tho land, nlthough In n lime country, had boon cultivated- for many vonrs." Tho Star brand of typewriter rib Ito n h aro guaranteed to glvo 75,000 Improsslons of tho typo "ft" ond "o" without so clogging tho typo as to show on tho paper. This Is a protty stiff warranty, but that Is whnt tho Wobstor company agrees to with 8tar ribbons. Sold by the Medford Print ing company. Jack Slovens, who baa linen con ducting n Jltnoy huslnoaa Rlong the Pacific hlghwny In thla county, met with n soman hut exciting Incident on Wodnesdny whllo taking a party of slghtsuora up tho highway grade on tho SlHkljous. The maohlno hponmo uiimniingoablo, through a postdhlo mls-mnnlpulntlou of tho driver, and began to hack down tho grndo when Stevens tried lo "awltoh tho gonrs." He was unable to handle It and, aoo Ing that It waa about to back off of tho gindo, tho pnHeaugurfl Jumped, while Stotuna staid with tho maohlno until licv hud bnckml it Into tho hill nnd upsot It. There ho nnd tho party loft It. Mr. Htovuim wns slightly hurt, but the other mombera osoopad Injury, Knator cards and booklets, Medford Hook Storo. in Olaudo O. Cato, county pathologist, will go to Gold Hill Saturday to de liver u leoturo at tho loonl theater while the poultry plctuiea aro being shown. Tho plctuiea are thoso shown nt tho Pago In thla city last Katuiday and are fro ntthe extension depart- luent of the agricultural college. Those who saw them hero prouoiiue- ed them ery excellent. Oatea sells 1'ord enrs, 1200 down nnd $xl n mouth. The College Wonuin elub will meet with Mrs. i. IC Williams, 620 Kouth Peach street, Saturday afternoon at 1:20. i Bweot older nt Da Voo's. ,U W Koenan, of Poillnnd, Is transacting business In this city this afternoon. i (leuevleve, tho little daughter of I. 1) Harris, tho oiohardlat, v. as op crated upon for appondlulte by Dr. Conioy Momlay, and stood the oper ation well. Mie gives promise of rapid recuperation. Weston Camera Shop for first-olaas kodak finishing and kodak supplies. Mr aud Mrs. Nuiin came In fiom Cottage drove )eterda) and havn coHclude to find excuse to remain lu tbla part of the valley Headache painless "extracted" by means of perfect glasses. This Is true In almost ail cases, and glasses are certain!) more to be desired than headache Come In. Dr Klckert, 14 Mrs Mary It llaselrlgg Is In a er) critical condition at the home of her daughter. Mra 11 u. Marsh. 51 North Peach street, and grave fears are entertained for her recovery. Made fium Medford pruducla e, rltishel), except tbe augar, evea to the flavor, Tbe ne lea creaw at tb ibaata t TOO ITU TO t;i.SSlPV, KOU KKXT- ibuugalou. Completely furnished Svfc g (irap. II KOK SAUC Kresh milk goats t re duced rates Mrs I, Duseubury, Climax, Ore KOIt 8AI.K Kuiuituie, matting, en c)elopfdlu. law ii mower. garden tools 41 Hall), Pboue 017. Have Comfortable Feet If our are tired or aching ur cal loused or Inflamed or sore frosg Huy cause, let me treat thaw. COIt.V K. I'TI.UV Cliiropodist )IAIJl&'j(U.U6IUil, Ouiiielt-ykiiHy lliilldiug. M (t, P , I , I f f ' , I It' I rni Ur in i I ii' Hxhlnxitin rhml will I ' lu Id Kildat afl',r"i"n al o'clo'k Jlualntnta of Impbrtant will 1st trasjnteO A rail sdeadsnre la dnrirwl. andtrs, tka all aronn painter. II. An atnMMl mtlng will be held at the Presbyterian church on Friday night. Bvervone interested la nr ged to come and bring a basket of lunch. Insure yanr Into la tbe Alllanse ngalnat thaft, firs. C. T. Tengwald. lOr W. T. Tompkins, of March- field, formerly a physician In this vallev, Is visiting with former neigh bors awl friends In this vicinity this week prior U his departure for to ward, Alaska. Your lawn mowei mar nine sharp ened at Mitchells. Phone 820-J. II. .1. Kingston, of Klamath Kails, has returned home, after several days devoted to rlsltlng with friends in this city. Light luncbea sorvod at tho lloyal Ilakery. 18 William Utley. of Oarrllner, this atate, Is sojourning In this part of tho valley fur a week. Hand benefit ball, Ashlsnd armory, Friday, April 7 Music by Ashland band, 21 piece Tickets $1, Yon are Invited. 207 I I i. I ii j III r I i n i ' l imIhI iiMitri to Iran' i ' M !'' , ti f f Inar "f the ommrrlal iinti leit f nlgbt, tbe atiendanee waa umall Prealdeat Hill refefrvd to the iullls- tltiford rallra4 prossjsltloa m be ing la proccsa of development before l ha city eonaefl and tbat the action of tbat body in catling a special election further la nfowote the maf Ur Is being asaltad with a feeling of great confldsiwa. Olympic flonr 1.40 a sack, 5.C0 a barrel. I.. K. Brown. Paul Itoblnaen will leave tonight for Bismarck. North Dakota, where be baa been offered a position In a pharmacy. Atternay C. Ii. Watson Is attending to legal business In Medford this af ternoon. It. II. Oraudy, a business man of Seattle, Washington, Is again a t Iter in thla city and nearby points. Gee. McManua most successful car loon play "Bringing Up Father," at the Page theater noxt Tuesday night is the last legitimate allow booked by John Colt thla season. Kdward Kelly, Mill of the prosecut ing attorney, Is suffering from a fractured bone in ono of hla arms, tho reaiill of falling from his bloclc 7'whlli' rldlnt! home from Nfliool I .( (O till ' till if I It MI " frlr line niece lt completion 10 the asl-slde terminus flpalaHng. averting goods sold at list S eaproec an special orders. MetlforU Boak on. II Mrs. DbJ R. Terratt joined liar J nsband at Gold Mill tbla weak, where she will remain, her husband having a position as rashter of the bank at tbat place. Dig 6 milkshakes at Do Voe'a, .Frank J. Miller, a raembar of the Oregon public service commission, said yesterday that he discerned a promise In the general situation of things In this territory or greater In dus triHl development thla year than ever before. Mr. Miller waa a rew yeara ago ono of southern Oregon a moat active and prominent bualness men. He aud 111 brother, Harrv Miller', engaged In extenslvo o tie ra tions In .losephlne and .laekaon coun ties some years ago Thoroforo, Mr Miller regarda a trip Into this region as a pleasurable visit among old-tlm frlenda and fellow workers. Ho oc proasea unrtia)lflel confidence lu the ultlmato development of the south ern Oregon territory Into one of the rlrhest commercial fields In propor tion to iti area on the coast (ll i , ! I nil i' " -low l ln ' ''" ' h' rni'i'Md proposition as made tii rlitH Hon npepared to be stimulated no ticeably. Kvery geJ cMlaa hi Mod foni akeiild register at enaa, rgas tha rlty recorder. Mltor C. B. Wolf of the Ashlaad flecord Is enjoying the atmosphere of business in tbe valley metropolis today , , III. I of lh n I ih'i r I .11 i i' 1 '" ' '"I ' H I, i.llfn ' I'ortl n I ' id R II lUon of Orllfln creek, h ft VVadnenv day for headauartera at rater Vk. They motored lo t'l creak gfHl from there will proceed on foot ffr deep snow Mr flKeol fee, on btm ness nnd bis companions will (go pit ture of the lake. Meet me at the Shaata. f -tsacixi. ""1 i ike ffssolme(QGaSmm For More Power, Insist , XOlJXJl on the Straight Distilled, f - 71 All-Refinery Gas l ute ' Standard Oil CompanyvNL 633 jjawiii mS3?S:3ff3Ktrae i3ssvwKJarifcA jw:iw9jQEtrA fBBtatiamsmixsasaasssR aTOarKKgJaBss iWfcMME5CTHyxSH2WtSffiE3 'BavPTOeSSB3SKffl BHffilStfHK3KlO M 11 iBnil w mi ti I38W vyj K3 m fi m Wil- JMgrTlstg ffarrteasr: I EXTRA SPECIAL' SALE IGF TAILORED SUITS Just at a time .when you want a suit, still two weeks until Easter; but we realize that we have over-indulged in Quality. Suits and are putting a price on the higher quality suits within the reach of all. This showing of suits is by far the most beautiful line ever shown at one time. Exclusive models EUBfflli 5 U $55 Silk Suits, Special $4 Silk Suits in (Iros ilo Lonrtiv, tnl'IVta iiml poplin, also 'oiiiliii!ititii Silk and Wool Suits, also Wool Suits, I.').(K) ami $-lU.(H) vnluw, "Styleenift models, (T O spt'fial ! tejD More than "0 Tailored Suits, in tafTeta silk, silk poplins, coinhinatioii tafl'i'ta and serge and lalTeta and pujdiu, as well as the all-wool poplins and gaberdines, in the sea son's choicest colors, Howling (Jreen, navy blue, Hague blue, black, tan and chgeks, $.'55.01) values, (IM PA Stylccraft models, special :tjj) Dlj One lot of about two dozen Suits, the season's newest models, in all-wool poplin and shepherd checks, color navy blue and Hague blue, and checks, UQ C"A special Mo.50 A.tt5. Dresses ,Au inunense showing ..I TalTeta Dresses, pricwl $18.50 to $35 Coats Htmla to meet every requirement, AVhito Oouis, .Uffhi Cotiis, Dark Coats and Black ('oats; also many Silk Coats, priced $8.50 to $30 Millinery i The showing of .Williuerv is iniinense. ISspocially strong showing of Triinmed Hats at $5.00, $fi.O0 90.50 and $7.50. Sport Hats, S52.25, S2.75, ' $2.9S, $a.25 up. ffL- V J i eja in I v J i 1 I i ' j I 11 l JSii III1 u m m . v ' EJ- J r1 mmm j U W A Lyumuciy i cajc KS i IJ yjAfHti.. z J !; ,-5 jv gfff, Jr jtjfr " 1 L-lfrP X fl Jfc JL- T " UnVaaaTan -I saaWh,BHBBl I f YSH Middies-Middies-Middies fvll 1 IPata&r. saaaWaMsaaa JMaasSaftittg ' ' ilM J) t -It J