TACW TWO MEDFOHl) MAH, Tl?-f UrK, MKDFOnD, OjfU.oN. WhhSIXhXV. U'ljlf, i'ij; K !' r- TOCAL AND JL PERSONAL Clfflnilp fk l Ih'Iiij ipiltr crn srallv Hrr1 in th n-aMntlal district of Mrrfrord The rf f t I mn in all pnrtu of the rln ,ow. If sMto method fwnld ! devise, to fl!iMM IP th banks of Roar trMk irHMa th rlty' limits, a a-rt ndvstmw mI4 to Made thereby In the saal tftty MRdttlon of the eltr. TboM Ani own rwMewca property on the banks of Aoar ere would da wnll to take this mat tar up before the real 'ecaafthr for It compile torn actio la taw matter. T5(j Vm alrat tnullng tUmpe with ovsry thing aieeot graearlaa. O. J. Fry, of Copper, California tttMrVt)ly Interested In (he Mine JMW minis district, arrived thla HHH-utng from Treks, and will go to tlr nm Iadge mnntry todav Mr. Fry la very hopeful that fvsrythlng peaaoaad by the ronferanee held at Vrekn by orontfHeut represena tires of the Herthern California counties with raprsMfltatlrea from southern Oregou, on February 19, will mat or is Hae ftilty and In reasonably good time. He aaya the people of (he counting concerned In the Medfnrd Itareka railroad project are delighted "with the progreae sontlwrn Oregon fa making In the matter of preparing to MHtstrUct the flmt nnlta or the line Io 'Jeo liar. Mttrti Inleraat la taken Ih tkoae roiintlea In (he matter of sstftfonnty financing all of (he pre liminary movements looking to the opening of (be final proposition m tbo project. Ittlea nfatorlal, window sereens, Mrwtti doors, Vne. Fur, A Fix. Fac. T. Henry Callaghan and W. M. Thomas, the latter a recent arrival from Anaheim. California, left Wed nesday morning for a day or two In the Wlue I.edge mining dlatrlrt. go- Ing pMrtteularly to the it. Albans group, of which Mr Callaghan Is manager. Mr. Thomtia la here to ln reetlgale the conditions generally In otr mining terrltor. but he Is al toady murh Interested In the Ueanty nf imr valley and Ita thrifty orchards and far ma. Hwahe a King Spits olfinr. fie. Tlmr are hows-mado. tf C. 1 Maaley. of Knrlght, Is a Med fard visitor. Dr. ktapboneen now prnetlalng again, l IH Month Holly. I'aona SIIOC. 18. t. Anthony, an A Mian v liuslnes man, Is In Med ford today. (tat your milk, eraam, butter, eggs nud bNUermltk at He VoV. John flNatavssoM. of Portland. Is tranaartlng hustnesn In Medford and vlrlnH today Light lunches served at the Koyal Itakery. 04 T. O. Mhana, of Keildlng. Califor nia, la doing business in this city to 4ar. Tm world's great aat eompaalee. UtttNMi, te iMtnrane Man. Mfa. Henrleiu C. Hunter, who aatnaaaled bar daughter. Mrs vt.n U. Orr. MB West Main street, from Pasadena, California, to Mnifni.t arftvtng here flundat. dilt. h i i fears. s ureases hersttf mk fHm tsrtitw than nhen sh starts! on tin Jnurney. It was faared Hist ihr in,. woM serlousl fatlaur Mr HuuIit. Mnea ahe awl onh recent I v lot her sn, William A Hunter who barted at Pasadena last month, imt Mrs. Orr says her mother flM it ter and Is more cheerful m1ih Ih to this rltv. Mrs Hunter' hit MWd, Hev. Ilenr) Hunter, s Met ho Mat minister In Illinois, died in I m Far ti years the widow ha own ll Ing with her son In California thai be has iwtteed on. bin will m uuiin with bar daughter in tin- it Mrs. Frances H Wilson nuii.,i M. M. Wilson, tbo aerountuiu - u Ittng bar sons In this ai- rm - eral weeks. Juvlng ronic m nom u Kranclsco last week Her iikiiIum ,u i Mrs. Hunter mere warm frl into m m ears ago The latter greath ciiIom .1 a visit from Mis Wilson. !'" lUnnh ter of her uld-tittM' frlead etiilH and to her espned delUhl at tu Imk In Medfoul to remain J I. i'oinMlKv. or San FrMiirlM'o. Is site it dint: in huolncx. In Medforri and at other pointx in the vall thtu cek. Haver man .1. fluhlf of Springfield Illinois, tarried In Medford Wedne ila) whllf en route to Portland Mr Httble visited brtefl mith for in or eolglibork In llllnot blle hoc and promtaad to flnUli bis IiumIiicks in Portland In time to enable him to ! voto a eek to visiting In Itouiie mki valley,' before returning home n off on Kodak at Weston's Cntera Shop. ' saeaeBes"Pisw""!ie"wwo flaleem wnntetf. W want 10 good, hnstltni yoang men who wmh to mske 93 In I In nnlly, to rarrsagnt us Apply ftnefflc ('aaat Snloa Co., r.tn King at , Med ford. 14 M n ttousman, Ar . eonfeaaajl litT of Mr. and Mra. Akers at WI1- rtfi llle four weeks ago, was tadlrted for murder In the second degree by the grand Jur upon two eon Ms at firnnts iMs Tuesda . one Indictment for the murder of rah. The prisoner Is being held without ball for trial at the session of the etrtnlt court that will open Monda. Try a King tplt Mr and on eourage home industry. t( .1 B ftnroush, .lr , last week shot and killed n black hear 1m Monney mountain. TJf voDng mnn hatl-neJ dlffteiilty In bringing rtrt the gnmr,T but In order to reach the spot with n pack horse it a neresssry Co mtt n trial through the thick underbrush for nearl) half a mile The anlriial measured seven feet three Inches from tip io tip. Orants Pass Courier J. O. Clerking, tho host mII around lihotograptitr In sonthsrn Oregon. AImji reliable. Negatives made any where, time or place. Studio !2S Main St. Phono 1S0-.I. l.oul Hennett, of the firm of Marsh A. Rennet I. grocers of this rlty, has gone to fiend, this state, where It ma belhat his firm will find Inducement to establish another Intel ness. That, however, vs HI have noth ing to do with the permanency of their present business In this clt. Our flttoeolatas are Metlfonl matlo. The Shasta. tf Iter. F W Carslens, pastor of the First Its pi 1st church of thla city, haa gone to Centralis, Washington, and from there he h 111 go to Seattle, but sill return In time for his next Sun day service. The wearing of glasses Is not neees aarlly an Indication of age, but rather a sign of Intelligence the conservation of vision. See lr. Itlrk art. 11 There will he a special meeting of the Parent-Tearhara'. tilrcle of the Waahlngton schoof Frffigy afternoon at ft o'clock. A full Anvaanre la re quested, as bnslneaaevgr Importance will lie transacted Sea Dave Wood about that fire In surance jHilley. Office Mall Tribune lllilg. Oi-Mhh Cattnt No. 138, W. t) W. of Phoenix will give a public supper Saturday evening al 8 p. m. In Wood man Hall for the benefit or It. II. Fonirh, who recently lost a leg. Kveryono In invited to come. Music for those who wish I danre. Preparedness the Issue, so bring In your lawnmower and have It The Southern Oregon Trattlonf eonswany began Its thrwwgb schedule from Cast Medford to Jacksonville Wednesday. fenders, pnpertng, tHit, painting. tSl C II McCotinell. agent for the Portland .fonrnal. vlsltaw Oold Hill on bitslaess yesterday, rlurnlog on the evening train. Peatage sUmpa al Da ?ga. ) M and Jo W I lawn greeted the votrs of Hold Hill yeterda after noap. ffi$ ' MMr bwttids, int Alenderfar of tbe'Cnlirnrnla-' Orawhn Power evtnpaov, trnnsacted business Jn Hold Hill yesterday, re ttirhlng this uiorntug. . t ' Klllem off. klllem off W nslnc i woddlark, fonnaldelnnlc, ' HMuilptilde Prof RngMald 'I flow land lira new elty bnmlmaster and Mrs Knw land, srrlvgd In the rlty iMt night la take up nvfMnnenl residence In Med ford Mr. fnVwisnd was In the city during MgfVn, when negotiations were comaad for bis poefMon as! .1, V IMireh, manager of tha Bene-er-Portland Omont empaay of Oold Min, MMnmnM by vf.lfisVlfrnlnp, ahn eoMwetao wHh tho watwt eam ntty, art doing mtsineM In thla city tnnay. Otyntple ffcmr ft to n sack, .'..r,o bandmaster, and two weeks ago re-, i,arTel. , ft, Mrown. turned to Vletorls to transfer his per. A number of the orchardlts need sons' effect to Medford Tha dntlethe smndge this morning, either on of re-orgnntttng t!ie Medford band acconnt of fallnre to consult their will be iiinanaaed inrmodiacely, the thermomnters or bornusa the ther- Inltlsl renotushl elng held this even- mometera were In many eases defec- Ing at x p. M. Jthe or Improperly located. At no laaart ywor auto In the Atllnnco time was the danger point reached fasalnat thalCflr. C. T. Tengwsld. Kdgar Hafor Is in Portland ar ranging to move one of his sawmills along th Tweh railroad out or n rants Paaa to cut tie and lumber for the railroad extension A mewtlnp of the Jackson County Tatparera' league will be held on Wneiiy. April 1. ai Ike pnblle Homy at 1 o'rtoek p. m . at ahlch bnelnees of special ImpnTtanre sill Ue eonaMered. Two nVgas Hl be elected to attend the state confei enee of repreaentatlva from taxpa n' leagnes for the purpose of organis ing a Mate Taxpayers' laagn. Com mittee report tll be heard also at the meeting next week. The monthly meeting of the Med ford Commercial club will be held . .., n4l.ll IIKrarv Ihla uraBlna. !L ""..IT ?"1i'!,0J H:Vll -' iwunca will be dla- wits vugniiT rivuu; imi hw ' tjt was Imminent at any nottr. In thla i ptt",a- .... manner thousands bf dollars worth Bejfd benefit ball. Ashland AnMrr. r mi i. bem. bnrtiari uMMssurih ! Frldav. April 7. music by tho Ashland " -w - r. ..-. - --, arbon. carbollr acid. chlorMetof lime. y0ur lawn mower machine slmrp- creiu) dlpf antiseptic wableta bought i,ned at Mitchells. Phone 3TO-J. at Heaths Urtig Btpre, acrrntB from! .,,. tnm' u.nni ..vi..i. v. XaSh bdtel. , 13 lulw auH thm miMr mm In The remains of jbnn (tin, a welt-,,h. ,... -,,, -,M . ', . , known Chinese farmer in this dls- Hnsgtl tr trie., was shlp.K-d io Vrcka for burial j A , nmhtrnafth of fc KrH. , ' The Star brand of typewriter rib. ,"" vice prudent of the C.llfornl., i. ., -...n, i , io ?n Oregon Powor Co.. haa been attending l...n... f ,, tvM n nn.l'"n ! '' " 0t & PMC "' 0n'- without so clogging tho typo ss to show on tho paper. This Is a pretty stiff warranty, but that la what tho Wohstar comiwny ngroos to with 8tnr i ribbons. Sold by the Mm! ford Print-I band. 34 pterea. Tickets fl. are InvHed. You lie In this vlle. If the orchardtsts will keep In more Intimate touch with Pathologist Cute and follow his dl- rectlon. llie will lw rewarded h ai .VOTKH navliiK of muih mon inl a volume' Precincts Medrord Notth Main and of trouble nd rmltlci. wm. 'West Medford register now at the Iltg &c milkshakes al De Voe'a. ! MsllTHbnne office for sharpened and" be prepared for what la fWmlng. J. . Mitchell. Ir W T Tompkins of Multifield Ih visit Ing Medford He leaven short h for rieftard. laka Uisi on Piniflr highway Hiiinlin new brown overcoat Finder please return to It W Ituhl, Dun oil. e if This Is the last da on which tnxes ma lie paid without the mihIi nt tached Interest iIkiikc will besln tomorrow The liinkn recort n tuh iHK hiinlm - in tli in itii-t ii t t pin nielli tilil tv i!i I l II hi mini A tng comtmny. Mrs Knearl wss a Cold Hill vis itor Tticedav (latos sells Ford ears, ISOO down snd US a month. ' W. J I HHs anil lr. Kherliart were Htlendlng to business In Cold Hill ytsterds afternoon. Sweet elder nt Do Voo's. K. C Norrls, the Jeweler, who has linen with Martin .1. Hedily a year or more, left for Olympta, Waahlngton, yesterdav to remain. Meet me at the Shasta. Martin ISrlckson, chief of the for- eslry service for tho southern Ore-1 gon district, la looking after business i In the Ituncom territory for a few . da. a. ' Weatnn Camera Shop for first-class kodak finishing and ktnlak stippllna. I The retiring officers of the Klhs' ' imlge tendered a surprise dinner to i Kxalted Hitler W II. McOowau st his horn tesierdat evening. Headache painless extracted" b i ninirtu saf tunsfsArt arltaaiaiaaai llilsi lm ' true In, alnwat all cases, and glasses aro certainly nsore to be desired than headache. Come In. Dr. Itlrkert 1 1 Mra. Ada .ludson. LMM Ilea in stnet. has returned home from Ohio, when she silent the isist fle months tUltliiK with reluilM'H ,iml frlenilx. Sanders, the all .iround painter 3.1 mission anil lea res tomoriow Klamath Falls. j Light Hi n oh os served at (he ltoval , Ilakery. is i - Harry U. .Walthal, In "The Itav n " j at the Star theater last night. i!i-m- ' ei a crowtlotl house with a wonderful , performance. The effectiveness of i the renowned star's remarkable eiuo- tlonal work was heightened l the fact that he roseusbles personalis the ( subject of his rhsracterisatiiin The storv of lore, povem. fondness for I ' the wine eup to relieve the pinch of poverty, unlmpptb restrained genius, ' amibltlon ttnroiulted anil tragic death wern rapidly iortraed In a pliture ; ol unsusl Interest jm? jwf vejajA Ci lines Tuberculosis The IfSjnjjil MrfSTit I Mwn 1rM fhfeer ..t lirriMSr IK Item. cesfMln nrtlele m "Tfce IrmlmfMt ml H. rs lwerri-' lleserf m hr tiMIW" Hint Ih' Itlelrlle I MHc r qa inmrn tm '" -i.nr.nim,,- l, ffr, .IHlH W . Ilttssrll. WKi fm l'hc eHrMfMlm HlilrS M rernHtri4 m prereelMN ter nrllif iiriri,ms f iMfcer)ilim4 Ih Isir hiIhII mux lf rMl4ered 4nr (m lime slm-txinM. vsienn f" mtnttr wimiksm lien- sells Hnear ( hr f Kperlnl ifclleleril lmftpe . Imt If tSe (Mills rr Hl In orannle twssSlnslrHM If Is illSV-ull l NIHMnc IhMl Ike eells rnm HrHHrlntr Ihrm fr IihmI." Yimii- "f wlileeirrfl use imiiirm lis ! tl I lief lliit It" iiib of jLihm." - Alu-ratlVr In i ' ' ' il lti'rnr tul rrulsls ( muiiiiiii.ni anil i lin in- throsl ami t,inniln. tvoillitrs I" line In lr moH'tiri- to Its content ft llme.ao lomMnwl with othri- tin i edit nln as Jo lis 'iisllx np ,t"Tri'il I I'1 ihc Cells ili;i' t 'il hSH. b'l min ti to do witli tin n"ults obtslticil In iiiinv cases "t lhir anecltone, UI. ii ,i rs-ui I" ll.lM H'ldCl to !. kill 111 N Alt' rnllxi- Asll'o I hi " ii'i iinlnlr ' nun ii'h , ,! it i. m lt ne It Is ir. ti, irt in liiim;tsl Hill '' I' i It for i i i i si ml ilit I I'rkMnn I til. .rslMr). I'lillmlrliililn. WITH myself, I am nuver lonesome.'' Tho man who said that exporienced the srido antitfaction of "boing let alone" that you feel when you dtscuen solitude with an OWL Cigar. Get the home care of shoes habit It pays Well dressed people always'have well shined ahoes. SwmuA, with the key for opening the box, its quick shining qualities and the handy ShinoiA Home Set for polishing, makes the home care of shoes a pleasure. BLACK TAN WHITE SHINE WITH ShphxA NeS rA sa V. . i.. . r Vitti HOME 5XT miniiiii isjiiihiiiit s.. AND SAVE At ell dealfrs Accept no subttitute JIM m, i Tho Million Dollar Ciar M A CMNST A CO. INCOReoRATSD C rlSlfi ftgJeW w4n m& ffftf m:m wWffi i smSbV f nnll lVnr aanamn LHj fgaeJUEl "??rtti rzy''-j ) i o-o aau r2a&B3B&Z&ZlJ2Si Wlit'tliri iii hic ob.etinK lent m not ue wniit jnit In Know Unit we Miv UMeliiiK iIhII) nil Minis nf l'ieli li-li: nlvi (linns mill Ijiib-tee, ami lme it rltolrv line tif CIk-cm' iiihI I'K'kles. I'ltone illl". Medford Fish & Poultry Co. . FASHION PROMENADE LIVING MODELS Gowns through courtesy of May Co. Complete change every night Medford House Movers We Move HOUSES, BARNS, GARAGES, MACHINERY, Etc. I'lmiio IHH-.M OI'J S. New ton it. Til" U 1 Hit .St. Auto Service from Unfile Point to Mtitlford and litick Tho tindcrslgned will lwno l'rnnk 1. owls' ronfoctlnncry evety tiny cx ci'it Sit n tiny for Medford with Ills unto nt 1 o'clock p in., arriving nt 2:00 p. in. Leave Nimli Hotel, Med ford, at S: DO . in., nrrlvH EukIo Point at C 00 p. m. A part of tho traffic is solicited. S. 11. HAItNlSII, ICagle I'olnt. Oragon. SALTS IS HNE FOR T I Tlush the Kidneys at onoo what Baok hurts or Bladder bothers Kaat forms uric aoid. V V X now PLAYINGI : 1 PHYSICAL WRECK? Tells in Following Letter How She Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's VogeUble Compound. Mllwsnkw. Wis. "Ilefort Uking lfltM K 1'inl.hsm'A Vey tslds t'ow- jxninil I whs s phy siciil w reck 1 hsil l n K"inK to doc tor for se rsl years Imt hv did me no I'.hkI A fneml tobl n utvut I ydin K. I'lnUiajn's jfeU I'!, i ii und, iui I di i.Ud t.i inve it n fair ti island iicMvtt me n lief fim U-sr-nig down pains, which hal Uvn so lnul th.it 1 would have j to lis down. 1 also umh iw Sanattvs ' Wash and it has done nw n irrottt dt ul nt I good. and I am not troublod with a weak ' nass any more."-Mrs P I.. Dku, JS Booth Strwt., Milwaukw. Wis , The most sucois.-ful r nnJy for wo man's ills is 1 ydta F- Ptnkhani's Vege- , tablv Comismnd. It has stood the t. t i for forty y.-ars. which would be impos ! If it dtd not ha gvnninf mnt l'r h'cIhI tthltn, fre, writ to Lytlla i:. IMukUum MmIIoIiio Co, (rutiliilviitiali J.jim, Jiiuw. ' Vour ltt.r Mill lw ikinI, nHl lid HHSHertMt by a hiiiiiuu, uuil b W lu atrk-t couitdiwiM. t V ,y If If y f y V t V ost Amazing Pictures ILver Shown 100--MILES OF UNDER OCEAN JOURNEY--! 00 Seven Reels of Views Never Before SHown to Mcrteil Eyes 9 V No msn or woman who eats msst rrgU' Inrlr mh makr a mlotske by HuhIiIiii; the kidneys ialonnlly. t&y a well known authority. Meat forms urie arid which clogs the kidney i aires so tliev slitggtsbl.v fllUr or strain only part o'f the wale snd poiwins from tho blond, then you get tick. Nearly all rheuma tism, lies lache, liver trouble, nenwit nose, eontipsti.fi, dizsiness, sieeplestneM, blsddcr disorders nonis from sluggish kid ny The moircnt you feel a dull ache In the kidnejR or your hack hurts, or it tint urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sdi. meat, irregulsr of pssssge or attended by a sensation of scalding, get ,bout font ounces of Jad Sslts from sny reliable , pnsrmacy sna take a taMesponniul in i a glss of wster More breskfnitt for a few dsrs and your kidneys will then act tine. This famous sslts is mads from the acid of grspe snd lemon imee. com bined with litaia and has been tiaed for fenerations to flush clogged kidneys snd timuUte them to activity, nH to neu tralize, the acids In urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder dis orders. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and can not injure; makes a, delightful effer vescent lit his water drink winch all rej ulsr west eaters should tskc now and then to keep the kidnevs eloan snd th blood puro. tliiroby avoiding serious kiJ uey cumpiicUipiui. WILLIAMSON M0II0N too writ ! eiwnv. KOIt BALK At u itmrlfitt imni turo, bousvliold good ett mt) fnotn rweni fir. I'or furtlit n lirulnrs tvloplMMte Allni imp 4t Mt'iud lusumuce of' i . w i ford .Vkll. Buk nld' ua, ur Hots! M' J.MrT--Plr no '' rhtln otwo-u .... . ... Itrward If I in ti, it to III uiii'i Jl"l l.MKKUUIW lTtM'Kt(l. TIMh f Villi. Leave Mtdto.tl (or Uh'.m.l 1 Uout snd I'hociiu ddih, cicit mhiIu .,( n mi a m . t " 2 uu, 4 in and t.r i in Alao on S-,urd,v at 1 1 I " p ii i ln li,n. itt i on and in .:o 1 ' ' .. Sn fill it ! ,ti and for Medford v, at on a ni , d 5 l.i i tu. AUo is at 6 .to and' .- . .. ... Ashland at ' on a in an I I t i i , i i .. Y y Endorsations li.ixt- lu'i'ii xnlnntffii'tl hy nil tin I'lultlilU III ftlui'iltinllill JUKI Tlrll I Hie inl itiititiu in Anii'l'U'H, head I li tin- SiiiiiltMiiiiuii Instil uh' nt ',iliiiit;ti)ii. Dorothy Dix l ii;i's all ait it In take tbt'ir -lil-iltcn Id m i' it. Ada Patterson TliruUKll the rolllllUIti nf Ull' "Xt'W Vi.i'k AHH'i'ifau" wiitl: "Xotliiitu ttitilliiig a tli' fijjlit l)04wii'ti .1. EtiitHt WilliaiiiKtiti and a liiiut xliark Jar ImIou th waters tif t Ik -U.iliniiia Ivl.iiiil-.. Iia txt-r Ikcii i iltii i l in pii-iiHi ." V S SUBMARINE! f , ... - . .. y v k: , --r, iwwra-wraatoi. nSJT' -': Jsv ',L . , ,mfw Ma i MSBW',JUBH SHPZIif.'- . ..rmfmi ,. . .Mf -$$$ VJi'' T&r ",T : r . J . ' t! J. i .;. V jiLEirA tl FOR j VJlLOTHES madeN I ! IN VJI Sedfoiw Tlte Last Word in Moving Picture Sensation, scientific ally revealed by the most marvelous invention of the age Also NEWS PICTORIAL Latest Current Events 1 NO ADVANCE IN PRICE-Mat. 10c, Eve, I0-15c ? PAGE; MEDFORD'S LEADING MOTION PICTURE THEATERK5Ci7Ji: All ihafs New, Stlh,h .ml Jiccuuiiuy: in fMILLlRERY Fur liriylit sjhih il,!- i t a.l litiss lqr s mil i h"' nt.'. ' Our pi ii s s Jl Til.it hm, i fliVU.ft$ilt8&t,vl($. 4v ! r . f Miss Lownsburv 9b Jl IMfV WW J