V Medford Mail Tribune M I IIHIIIIIM 1 0 pWVM-fVUMmMMM! 4 WEATHER f'Hlr TftHlgfH anil TifeadriJ. SECOND EDITION BATTLETWIXT ViLLA ELUDES YANKEE TROOPS YANKEE GRASP; AND VlUSTAS Cavalrymen anil Bandits Clash at De leted Village in Guerrero Pancho Flees to Mountains in Coach Air Scouts Show Effectiveness in Op erations in Aitllnp, Army. v ANTO.S'IO, Tot., April 3. Thf detachment of Villa's force de leiitcd hi Guuricm Itv A me Hen 1 1 fl i i !- Wednesday wa located yes wnl.iv iicur lhiehinevii, northeast of (liuircro. according lo General IVr "liin!r. who reiwrlcd today to General 1 'in i t tm. i report was sent Sun d.i. ('AMI' OF GF.NT.IUI. J. J. I'KR. MIIMI AT Tilt: FKOXT. April a. by ucrnplune to Column Dubbin and by miliii to Columbus, X. M., April 3. Aid rii'iui cavalrymen encountered n lloiiii.' Iiiiti- of Villistas near f . rl v to.lnv niul sounds of firing hnvo Iii'lmi In aid trout tlmt direction, but u iiniit has hfon made to hcad-qnaitir- us to the results. Tli.' mountains of Guerrero are bc ii iiiiiibed thoroughly for Villa, bill lU'tlniii; Iin- heen learned n lo nil" wlieir.ilMnit- other thnn ruptured ban dit -hi. I he wa being carried fur ih.'i' into iin- mountain in bit jolting (-.Hi li. Guii'inl Pershing announced today tlmt troop of the infantry lire to he u-cd lor mountain climbing in the search tor Villu, co-operating with ilic cavalrymen, who have borne the brunt of the fivc-dn pursuit of the lit !( n bandit. The infiiutrymcii have i....ti .xiw.y tbrrtukJj.rUrtiin prepnr at urn in bill climbing marches for about two week, nntl their officer -ay tbe arc in excellent ihyienl turn. rin- troop were closely Whind t.la yesterday, entering the village l shortly after be had fled mm it. It was sitpecicd that he iin-b' Ik- hidden in one ol it hut nnil i v.r precaution wa taken to effect In- ( iiiiire. Two stpindrous of euv .ihy ntcred the village from opposite i.li -in ultnneously. Everv prcpnra ii. hi li.ul been made for the ettgnge n . ul. win. li failed to develop. There h i,e Imui a number of minor skinn-i-'ic- in tlu' vicinity of the village, mo it- rcpoi'tinir today tlmt they mien. I two Villiln on it nut- lirt- c-ti-iduy and fought for five minute without casualties. Amcri . .it ii ir scout xn now flying over the uiiirc Villa territory and ure carr jnc dispatches from the front to the Held lne and field heiidiiiirter. Motor truck bnve also been tibia to pcni'tiiite the mountain waste ul int u turn the territory occupied l.v fin' m.ilr iniilcr I'ol.iui'l I !... ice A Jt.i.l.l THROUGH PRESS 111 IM.IV Aplil ihv Wlielr-- to v.,imII. i -I'lii H.-- ot Sweden (lull -i- niuiiiiin.Mi-U unint the lini-h oi.li-i- in I'oiin.'il caneelbni: .iilliiiiii.'t to i.rliim notions of the ,1c. hi ratios of Iadon which make .li-tin.'iionn between the treatment of .ili-.. Inti' uud ponditionni routruhuud," -n- the ()enua Xew agen.y. Thi-.' new pper tate that a n inaUil "L faet Oreat Dritain previ ously bad hardly adhered to the inin . iiile of the declaration. The Tnln- iutcn of Sto'kholi lays the iluiiti..ii is crioii and enlli for a united Swedish (Milicv to protect the nation's rnjhls." Grant CmI T1to$ W'AMIIXdTuN, April 3.The u-lr.Mii- iniirt I. ..lav granted the fctute .i New M.xi.o cni!issnu to ue the -iiiitinv ot tliti nitriir to couiK'l liim ( u'luiit i it It- to . ...ii landk m ACll.lt'l I. III. I .l.llltfc rVsJift Back Wmt, WAsr.'IMllu.V, .int tt.-Pn-.i-dent ui.ii JIr WiToti nturiu-il eiitly iitir mhI mi1 irit doHii SIDES PROTEST ORDER COVERS TRAIL Again Man of Mystery Chiliuahtia Garrison Urged to Revolt Col. Dodd Wiping Out Scattered Bands Mexican Military Operation News Meagre. VA, l'AStl, April 3. Krimeweo Villa linn nffniti beeomu IIih ihhii of mjwtery. Almot within the jrrn-p of the Amerienti envnlry, nfter the bat tle of Guerrero, the bninlit i reported today to have slipped the net elosinyr About liim and to lmve cohered the trail of lil riit?ht. Mexienii ofl'n mU in Jtinrex wouaht information ol t ! brifffltid' whereiibnul. but the Ian. I linea brought no definite wind. Mexican report bad it that illn and another bond of hi followers were movintr on Chihuahua with the intention of tret ting the urrion ol the de fiicto government to revolt and join him usain-d the Americans. These reort brouubt here bv travelers were nemiteil by Mextenn I'oiimiI (lur eia. While the bandit' main. command wn neattered at the battle of (Iner reio, it i lielievnl here that Villa has several other lartre iMMlie ol men (lisMeil nt convenient place in the continental divide and that Colonel Dodd n nd hi trooeY may come in contact with them at nnv time. While the enrch for Villa continues, Colo nel Dodd will alo aeek to deiiiov tbee Iwind of VilliMn. There i no liftht on the recent op eration of the Carranxn force uicninftt the Villita. deneral ler tani be ent no rerl in t-be Jitarei headipmrter for everal day, mid what aitanee the troopn of the de facto government are giving l'erhing and hi men i not known. Traffic over the Mexico Xorthwea tern railroad i becoming more active wince the advent of the American ex peditionary force in the 'aa flrande and Modern ditriet. A freight train arrived from Caa Grande thi morning, loiter in tho day a mixed pncnger and freight train tartcd out for Cercon. 'M mile south of Ca.i Grande. The pa engcr included nianv Ameiican re t liming to the interior after (light to the border tollowing the Coluuiliim maaerc. Koine light i thrown on the move ment of General I.ui llerrcrn, re cently reported a defecting from General Carranxn, bv traveler arriv ing hero from Chihuahua City. Th uy that they nw General llerrcrn nt ItMgiinu, some :i") mile north ) ( hi hunhun on the Mexican National mil way, and that he had under him .i eominuud estimated at lOfl men. Ii cent report had Oencral llerrcrn -. I tiug out with 1200 men toward ihe district in which Villa i oMratiii'.'. I.ijiiiia oceupie n wtrntegie m.-hh.ii ,ii the end of the trail lending e.i-i v,,ii.i inroiign i niniiniiua nom me liii.M.io ditriet. It i believed hi re ih .1 it Ilerreru.n contended bv Mcx u. hi officiuU, is eo-operating with the American forces, he will he able to cut off Villa' coup in that direc tion. Kerrera was een at Luguna sev eral day ago, and it may be that be ha lett that vicinity Miiee. At the iuurtermnter' derwt here today it wa announced that equip ment of the motor truck trains oper ating between Columbus, X. it., and Cau Grande, ha about bean com pleted. Only a few nnr machine are to be inl.l.'l The i ...tor tram have reii.-h. .1 the in..-- i -tale of ettic ieii.v, it i- -..i.!. .ui.l "In!, use ol the (Continued on page thro) PERTH IS LOSI l.llVIMlV. Ai.nl I 'I ii. llrilt-h .teillliJllll I'.l'lli ll.l- III . II -Mill.. Sl members ,,t the ci.vr wen l"-t and Oigbt Wci'D luiidcil Hi. l.-)ith .! iiii.irn.e.l. t'rfi-e Uc JlrTs'4 ? fc'"i in lVrth. The Iiirl, i.f 17.i !. jrross- wn-. ovUifd w JfiluoimtP. h- lidlicr of JfiU.'I Jon-, w.n "Mm Dun- sJ o 9cj:. .'? ' if"!--'. . "MKHFOIID BOYS IN "BLUE SIGNAL SECRET SIGNS, ACROSS THE SANDS IN 110 -ie V I EsfflJm w vC F4tfv' F Y2SffBsW m JUWjfe iBI ll'nKV IF mntTH? '' --v. fcWai Wim. ; ,. Mmmmtmr. - " t'nile Sam' signal corps I country luol.cn lij tlio occasion cinl IlSo Ins"" CARRANZA, JOINS VILLA'S FORCES WASIHNGTON. April :t. Report that Colonel Cano bail di ted leu era I Carrauxa and oincd 'illa' ban dit loree. with hi command or it part of it, were credited lodnv h of ficial of the state and war depart ment, and it wn slated authori tatively that while official intima tion that fa no had revolted bad Ikh'H received bere, no actual confir mation had cntue. The impression prevailed that a number of Cano' men were in the fight hit Wednesday when Colonel Dodd struck the bandits near Guer rero. Major General PimMon bu been instructed to warn the American avi ator not to use machines which may be defective or to take unnecessary risk- in I'lvim: over ilnni;eioiis moun tainous eoimtiv. KILLS SELF AND ASKS TOUPEE BE COMBED JUST SO l'Ol.'TI.AND. r. Apnl i . W. Hustings, a well-kiHivvn ln.r, wa , tound dead inhi- olficu licic loduy, carefully garbed in lonnal evening dress. A note found beside him ex plained that lie had taken bis life by1 poion because iu his declining ear he was unable to adjust bis life and viewpoint "with the luck of truth nnd honesty in business and otherwise." Another note, addressed lo "the undertaker' requested that be should be buried with his toupee combed as he had arrnuged it when he ended bis life. Iiastiugs bud always becu knowu aa a punctiiliu dresser. lie hud lived many curs 111 Portland and so far a known lett no ulatives. Honor Bard of Avon WAKIIIN'UTOK, April :t. -Nearly JOOn schools and college of the eottutry have tirruuged tor 11 pageant or dramatic iwrtormance iu eommem oiution of the .'MMitli anniversary of SbukeM'ure's death this mouth, tho ti.lcr.il luiieaii ot eiluc.it inn auiiouuc e.l to.lav . Twenty-five Hurt in Explosion III FFAI.ii. S . 4i" 11 Tu.fc- fy I.D MI'K WPi'U Ifl Hf, SO4 ,r'! I. y fAiaii. m tut t4u-n t lie .: iiw nwiU 1mi mr J.mt of the 0U-, Wi-itiu w.wiiflpw it.i apaauoiirsjiiJinHiiJ- .. tci. 'uTtiv TIi ..t-iidtnl .v.t-. ..t T-Oj r "' t " ' tiili '.'1 J- 1:1 (XI" .on u-r fr OHKMON. MOMY. MMtN. i,stt .W Pl plajlug u big pint In the iIiiim for neiice penults Its wile use. T OHOVII.U:. Cal. April :. The jurv in the dial of Ilev. Madison Slaughter of Chi.", repotted a !- agreement and wa discharged alter deliberation lasting i.ty-ix houi-. The Itev. .Mndioii Slaughter was indictnl Junuarv :tl ou five charges of iiHsuult on t if teen-year-old Gert rude !iimftu. He is mi tor of the linptist chuirh of Chieo. Prior to the trial the )renl of the girl testified before Slaughter's eon gregatitm their belief in (lie jaistor's innocence and both testified al the trial again! their daughter. The defense introduced "confes sion" signed bv the girl in which she admitted her charges were false, but which she declared on the stand be had been induced to sign because she had been told that her refusal would endanger her mother' life. Trial of the Chuo minister on the several other charge similar in chin -inter and inovm- the Lanisou ',irl is pending. I'aitisan feeling' over the indict iiicnis and the trial has split t hi into w n nun: laeiioiis for nmie ih.ui two mouths, -o inn. 'It ho thai .liul'.'e (ll. ..'ill V oliletetl li. i senimils or Ice inn - on tin' i i- il it-iti vr it- pr.ture-s. CIIU'AtiO, V I -1 1 ' AsM-ilion that tbettoiiiei.li. inter nop al pie ent sbowett the lowest condition of any crop from the time lp5e tmil sent wheat priccH today sharply up grade. According to a loading au thority bere, the perMutag is 7 h as against x h last year. On this boats, the probalde maximum yield for tlB was estimated at inu.ouo, 000 bushels In 1 4 l " - 0nlng prices, which ranged from a half to 2c high er with May at It lH to f 1.17. and July al 11.15 to II. II .were fol lowed by a rise to uore than 3c above 8turda)'a finish and then s mod erate reaction. WAKHIKQTOX. April:!.--Prosper- Hy of the railro.i.ls througbotit the coitntrv coniiuues hiiiioiii aouieiiieni, accordiiiM to i Iiminaiy Toport Ai.ulc pubhr r.l.iv by tlsf unr 'nU ciirMiitin tu.ttii h- Jtr art rii bo luilf Jf j RY D EE GRL'S CHARGES AGAINS PASTOR MM CROP CONDITION UMii Mlla. the wide stictilies (CANS T COLUMBUS RAID OFFER PROBLEM l Old MltlS, X. M.. April 3. Much speculation wu cxpresseil in inihl ar,S authorities here today a to the disposition of the VillMn prison ers who are to he interned here. Most of them, it i thought, will Ite turned over to civil authorities. Military men here isuut out tlmt incc a state of war doc not exist Ihe prisoners (ttttflot be tried bv a uiililarv court. While no order have been received Vt military beadipiarteis indicating the plans of Ihe hcudipunlcr for the diNiMisitioti of Villa, should he be cap tured, it ha been suggested that he might be turned over to the defaeto government. u ihe olhci baud, it is aid tlmt the luimlil elm Hum and all bis follower iiihv Ih' tal.cn to the county seat at 1 1.111m.' !" trial n YlllUtll- l'll.t... oil Hi. IIIOllllllU ot the raid upon Colin. il.'i- T T CONSTWTIMil'l.r Viirll :t The follow ilia oftlilal ri.ntiioul has beeit Issued by the war department bere: Caucasus front Fart ot the ene iiiv advanied twists ia the Tsohoruk valley were compelled I.) our force to retire. Our operations there are progressing satlsfa torllv. hsrdanelles- Tbursttav twe of our ... loplunes shot down an enemy ma 1 tunc near Meddul lluhr Other eue nu nun bine retreated In Ihe direc tion of 1 iu in os n cnciio torpedo I10.1t In the l.ulf gf rtaros was re-piii'.-.t i our Ikiiicium nnd wltbdre' tUMill.l S.lllltitlll .11 . ENTER POLITICS KKHI.IN', Apnl l.v virles Jo Ku.vvdlc). Jam.- W 'lif.ir.l, tilt) Ame11.au ainlia--...!.". tic tbitliO was asked bv tiiend- ..ml lv U dfc ocralic mirty to tun lor j.'Ci7nf of Xew York, as the teit. fiS agency. "He conuleis n His. i!iriv mm 1 ever," the aaencv conliturw9lgjp 1 in'.im u.,uW .w .. A llcrlm imbfe icpffch lu-l night, t iJl Mr. lifc-iaai hud issued a state v l&llJl d nviiit; thai he intended to re- .1.1 I I I I .. Mllml III l W I I .11 Ml lo I I .Il t. M' ' ' ' :. of flat X AKEN MINOR ACTIONS URKISU N ZEPPELINS RAIO EAST COAST OF ENGLAND AGAIN Drop Explosive and Incendiary Qomlis for Over Hour on Factory Towns Scotland In Attacked Area Lon don War Office Silent on Details Wide Area Covered. 1 'A II IK. April a. A ZejeHn ap peared over Dntikiik last night and tluew bombs wliieli kllll two olvil- IHll. Dunkirk, the northernmost town of France, 1 a strongly fortified Krt on the strait of Dover. During the war it lias frequently been shelled by a long-range Gctinan gnu. 1IKIM.1X, April 1 (bv wirelea lo Savville). The oflieial Oeiman ac count of Knlurdav night's Xejiiielin raid ocr F.uglntid follows; "During the night or April 1-tt na val airship renewed the attack on the past coast of Kiiglnnil. For a period of one and one-half hours ex plosive and incendiary bombs were thrown on blast furnaces, large iron works and industrial elabliliments ou the south bank of the Tees and on the uirt establishments of Middles borough and Sunderland, lrgo ex plosion, fires ami demolitions were caused and the successful effects of the attack were clearly noticeable. "Notwithstanding heavy shelling of our nnshio. they sulfered neither losses nor damages." T l.OXDOX, April n. -Detail of last night' .epiwlin raids uver eastern Scotland and the northeastern ami tslera , i!S,? . but from eastern counties of Hngland been given wil offlemWj such reports as nave iiccn reennru, n is evident the Zeppelins covered a wider area than during the visitations of the two previous night. Trains and street em's were held up and lights were dimmed for several hours. l.t)XDDX. April a. -The ZcpHins which visited Ihe eat coast of Heal land last night liuiig over the district for forty-five minute, dining which time twenty-five bomb were drop ped. Xo nut her detail from that district have vet been announced. The Zeppelin which apis-ared over a northeastern count v remained about an hour and a half, but, a far lis nt pic-cut iisfcrtaiunhlc. droped iiiiU tvtciilv liomhs mo a oiisuler- .llll. .ilea I.UL'i'K nvlirilllill.il OF E BY GOVERNMENT WAHIIIXOTOX, April S Finish tng lout lies were toda lietua put on the preilinlnarv report of I be federal government's luiilr Into the itse In price of gasoline. It will be placed iMtforo congress ibis wesk. The federal trade commission has bad evcr avallaMe field agent at work on the Investigation and the department of Justice has forwarded lo the commission all complaints re ceived by It. The esMDttal facts gathered have been given to the department which will consider the evldeuee with a view lo determining whether prose cutions sr warranted under the anit tiust laws. The first report to congress la resisiiise to senate resolution will contain comparatlre figures as lo pro duction. prl.es, etc. The report, It is understood, will not finally support the recent an- noiintement of the department of the interior that more gaaoliue was being pioduced and on hand than ever be fore. A second report will present the reasons to which the commission at tributes the price Increase. A third report, dealing with any fsets relat ing to unjifet discrimination by nun ufacturere or produceis, la content plated luter. Norwegian Steamer Sunk 1 niiii , 1 1 ' , .u m I .Hi. PROBE RISE GASLIN BEGUN NO. 10 MANS HURL i MASS ATTACKS Third Phase of Titanic Battle for French Fortress BegunInfantry Rested Teuton Gains Slight, But Unahle to Debouch Heavy Loss Offsets. VAItlS, April n. FlgliUnft wmlln ued all night in (he Vonlmt region enst of the Meuse, bolwoort Doiinu uioiit and Vnnx. TUo Ueuo turned fenenilly, the war oPflno aiinmiiipe men( of this afternoon stirs, lit favor of the French who gained ground in the northern part of Cuilletto wood, which was occupied bv Iho flermnn4 yesterday. West of the river a bombardment was carried on near Itahinnitt with out effect. 1'AltlS, April 3. A new pliano of the battle of Verdun has begun nnd the belief prevails that tlio violenco of the latest attacks foreshadowed another attempt by the Gontmns lo rush tho fortress with vast force. Xew batteries of largo caliber have .been moved up closer to tho French front and the Germuii Infantry has been rested and reorganized. Yesterday's fighting on the whole was not nnfuvotahle to the Ftonch, it is authoritatively stated. Tlio ob ject of the Gentians was to clonr tho approaches to Fort Dntiaiimnut nnd l."),()(IO men were thrown forward on tho mile and a half line between Don auinout fort and the village of Vutix. The attacking force sticcoodod in criissiiiir a little ravine whieh hitherto had stopped them and in aiitorlng the CaMlette )uik laHliPt i tfcoy ,jh((,ig1)i ,,e preneh frt'tri tho Inst ruined houses of the village of Viuix, but the French inisitiiius were so placed as to make it practically ini Hisible tor the Germans to debouch from the village. Vigorous Froncli counter-attack drove them hack to the uiuwr fring of Paillette wood. The total result of the very form idable effort thcr had put forth was a gain for the Germans of about nOO yards of terrain, more than offset, it is affirmed, bv the very heavy losses tbcv had endured. On the west of the river the Germans attacked the Avocourl blockhouse in a no less de termined manner, but again met with a complete failure, the observer de clare. TO FILL AT II IK II U'K. April 3 - Holland' reserves of wheat are practically ex hausted aad The Associated l'reea Is Informed on the very highest author Ity that the government Intends to buy loft.ooo tons lu America In addi tion to the normal sixty thousand monthly In order to form the needed reserve. Several Dutth shine have beeu requisitioned under the new ship law to bring these supplies from America. ' Should the Hrltlsh govornment grant the request that ha just been mads to It for the increase of Hol land's present Insufficient Import supply of 7."i,ono tons o( corn month lv. then tbe ahove mentioned pur chase wilt he correspondingly In ireased A hundred thousand ton of corn U needed every month. ITALIAN SITUATION IIF.KI.1X. Vpnl i (l.v wiieles. In Ha.vMll.i Th. Austrian war olficu has given out, under date of Apnl 'J, the following statement in regard to the promc of the campuiuu on tho Italian trout; "The situation in tb Italian war theater is unchanged. This uiomiiifr cm 11 1 v .ivialors threw bombs on Ad 1 l-l.i u mi Cartiiolti, twenty two mil.-, th i-t ol Tliesl Itllitig two in. 11 .itol uoiiii.lui,; HC-vctti!,'' ON i DUTCH WHEAT BN BR SH BIDD 1 t 1 E ' ytttk, 1P llu tfotiia'r v r u