te ftf EUPHRATES MOST HISTORIC OF RIVERS WATERED EDEN WASHINGTON. i. ('.. Ajinl I. Tin- F.iihrutc i- I In- inrgcd river in We-tcrn Aiu. mill cmlisation i re puted to hnvc ciihw into Iwittif upon Hh hunk. For mx thousand veur nf li'n-l cmirH hove risen niut fallen on it- pliiin, conquering armies has, mm cited to battle, mid H hundred eM if lme Mini' tip out if the earth nml in llni into obliterate ruin again. i.-criliiiur this great river n it inn- it seaward course today, the N.ittonril (ieogrnphir oeiety, whose lii;iil(iini tr-i nre ifi Hum city, says in a -tntcmcnl given to tin- pre teday: 'Tin1 KnplirnttoM lay a strong olalm io the lioiinr or being the hmwI liix i.n'ir liMi- n hhHIi, nml certain it i t tint in tin' region it drain?., nlonir with it twin M-ter, the Tigris, man first emerge from behind tlml itnnn ettiiblc curtain which divide the Known from tin unknown jmM. 'From then honcofoilli eivilmttiiin. hiixi' ri-oti nml fallen, nation hnvo come mill gopc, citic oT rave beauty Imve riiicil their proud heart itboxo the plain, liii' to ins on into ohlil crn to ruin. -"The Kiihiiiler risea in two nijn, Mowing parallel to one nnotlier oil (he mi tli wide of Tniim mountain, throiiuli imriow valley into which pour iiiuuiiuirnhle Mimll t-tivtiin from tliu high Ainu'iiiiui plateau. 'Flit northeiiuno-t of the two biunehe i the shorloxt, hut it in generally lc gurded n the real ouree of the river. Ii lit- to the north of Kremlin, while Ihe lunger branch unit's it to the Mitltll. "The two liraiiehe are dixiileil bv the wild moiiiitaiu dixtrict of Dersim. "After uniting, they form the Kn-lihnite- proper, which bolrtlv break it wuv through the mountnin by n igaag course that curries it now to Ihe right ami now to the left. Now it Hon- for thirty mil" at right mi-jtle- to it general coure, then ity mih- parallel to it, ami then 180 mile- ut right angle again, u though it weie headetl for the Mediterranean -en. Then it winds to tho south for eighty mile. "Ileie it take up it ueneral trend to the oiilhcat and with innumcr tible wliiirp winding ami heml. but with only a few broad curve, it heart it way lu the ceo. Tho air line di Iiuiee of the remote! spring of the Fuphriilcs from Hit sen i onlv hdli mile-, a ml vet it water mui trttxcl 18(111 before they reach the sen. "In the lat l'JOU wile of it courve the Euphrates i low ami xluggi-b, wandering all over the land when it ha OiHirtiiuily, making that wliich it touches a utaivh ami that wlneh it cannot reach a ilewirt. "IF fall durinjf the la-t 1'JfHl milc i only ten inchc-. to the utile, ami it broaden out o much that while it coiitiiin enough water to float the ficiitc-t battUhip, it i u -hallow that at plaeu a wiuiiuer cannot flout in it. "The ricr proinie. la rie thi-.M-ai ui a time exactly auitvrt to the uccrt- of the uniiie fighting on il bank. "It l- l.i- illliimr it- lllllllllll l'i-C 1 1 1 1 -.i , .....i , : iiMMiiii, nun "iii ri'iii ii ii- iiiiimiiii oa Max. WIi.ii ni it- ii.hmI .i.rjc it i- ii.iMu.iitl' .mil i. hi I.' .in iiiiourt.itii pal I ill n 'i'.ii v "n Litem - '0m m-rimm r4 4X HA Raj-orted by Jaekaon County A re tract Co.. Htxth anil Kir Hla. I'ttilNite llfur Millard va. i'ctct Young at ut; aatiafrftliou of Jurtameut. Katate or U. it. liell; order direct Iiik notice of ciedltora. tiatate or Daulel Whetatona; ur dar appuinliug appratar; guardian Imiib. ISatate of A. I'. Talent; petition to pay dividend; order to pay. Eat ate or Ueoiite W. Stephenaou; copy of notice to atate traaaurer. In the Circuit Court of the State or Orwyou, for the County of Jaekaou. Hague Klver Valley Canal Com pa ay. Plaintiff, va. Flora A. Irvine and (!. W. Irvine, Defendant To the above named defendauta Flora A. Irxlua and O. W. Irviue. lu the name of the atate of Oregen: You are hereby auuimoned and re quired to appear In the above tn titled canst' of court and file our anawer to tbe complain, of plaintiff on file therein within alx weeka from aud after the date of the flrat pub lication of thla huniwoae oi from and after the Ute or peraonal aervice of tli I j aumuiotia and a topy of aald oruplalnt upon ou without the atate of Ore ion. add ptriod of aix weeka titlajt O.t lime recribed within chit 1 1 touj1:aIi ut aiiear and anaaer h tbe -orAtit if iMitillcatlon in the al)re eatttJoa ncumi made by the Honorable K M t'alk'ns, Judge of said ('unit, wtiuli outer mpeaia dat oJ tviu iiai) j .th 1 1 - Aud ou arc li-rt-i iiutifieO that If wiu tail to apptar ajnl answer tald coiupitfiut wniiiii iiO rif'O iifor-aiil fl i nitff xv I fljiplv fa Iff f J"ft i r COURTHOUSENEWS lulT Jlie d'uifW j 1 8'J C9Pl'Il2 ttOt Main St. SQUIRREL FOOD wX,TLo2!iD By Ahem i tP at" plaint, a aucclitgt atatcmout of which rollot ho demanded la aa follewa: Tlint the court will aacortnlu and nasoaa tho vnluc of tho real eatato nought to be appropriated lu tlila hc tlon to-wtt: An caacmenl and right of way thirty feet In width for an lr rlgutlon canal, being fifteen feet on each aide ot the center line thereof, on, nloiiK and over the prctnlaea owned by the defondant Flora A. Irvine trttimted lu aatd county and duacrlbod aa followa, to-wlt: ltuKlnnltiK f.00 clialna naat of Hotitlionst corner of Dounlaou Itind claim No. G4 ot Martin Angel. In towiihhlp 37 aotitli range 2 weat of Willamette meridian; running thence north 17.no clialna; thence cnat B.bO olialna- llinnrc unlllll 1T.U0 clmlna: I flinnct wont n.co rliuliiH to tho nlaco of beginning, lu Juckaon county, Oro-' gon. Said center lino being doacrlbod hh followa, to-wlt: Ilenlnulng at n point on tho oast boumlHry linn of the premium above dencrllied Hi 7 P-10 feet aoutli of tho northeuHt corner thereof thence iiortli l.r. degnjea ami S mlnutoa woat '.'SO feel; theuce north no doKreea and 3 minutes went l!U feet; thenco north 1 4 degrees and X8 mlnutoa west !L' foot to the north boundary line of aald promlxoa. Alao an oaaement and right ot way for an Irrigation canal on and over a rectangular atrip of land 15 feet In width and 'J II feet In length, the weat Hue of which atrip la de scribed aa followa, to-wlt: Haglnnlng at a point on tha east boundary line of aald premleaa 167 ti-10 reel aouth from the northeaat corner thereof; thence aouth on aald eaat boundary line of auld pruiulsea 93 feet. And ulan determine the damaae, If any, reaultlng fmni Ihe appropriation thereof to the remaining landa of the dofendaiil above deacrlbed. That upon the paMiiHiit Into court of the Bimmnt ao aacertulnnd tho plaintiff hao Judanient agulnat de fendant, appropriating to it aaltl eaaemeiil and right of wa. aled February -T. J !. Firat publication of this aumniona, LFobriiury 20th. PoltTKIt I NPI''K Attorney for I'lalnttff. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS nitci it .irixiii. I have flleii ilci larutlon ot c.imli dwev for the office of Circuit .ludae. I will alncertly appreciate an cxprea alon of approval by the voter, of my admlulatratlou of the orfko during the paal alx cai'H Adv. FltANK M. CAI.KINS. I'Olt KKI'llliSMNTATIVie 1 hereby aunouuee that I have fld my declaration of Intention to becowio a candidate for the republican nom ination for the office of reprexenta tlve subjeet to the deeialon of tho re publican party at tbe coming primary election. Adr. C. . THOMAS. SlllilUI'I'. I have heretofore formally an nounced my candidacy for the nomi nation for aherlff on the republican ticket to le voted upoi. at tbe corn lug priman election, Muy 19, 1916. I have held the poult ton of deputy Bherlff during the paat fpur eara. It ja uiianlmoiibl rouceded that a mark er' improvement haw ueen nudfe In all diiarlnicnt of tbe sheriff a or - WHY? CASH WANTKH 0 acres Hear Creek bottom, 70 acres In cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and J grain, easily Irrigated. 1 wiles from Medford. Lass tbaai $8vv cash, District Attorney for Jackson county, treasurer, to be voied on in the corn One ot the boat buys In Jackson (Oregon, subject to tha decision of the i log primaries. ' republican party, at the primary aloe- If I am nominated and elected will county. Say whea ana I win anew yoa. J, G. BARNES Pboae 7S MEWOfin f srr, T.uwwrc. w 1 I' 11 Sb iS3 fAAK fS WI5H BEPoRtS CUTTING OUT FI&URGS--tHrJNCUroUTefcH FieORC CftRISFUULV FRON 0 TO "THEN PLACC FIGUR6S FROM UeFTTO RtGHT SO TUG NUMIifcRS wLt- eo i,a,3,iK-5, b.7,a.q J0 NEXT CUT NO. AND (? OF 'FIMOGR'TWEN LOOK TllKOUGH tT AT PI6URES ANP TH FKbURES VMILU-rCLtl VOU t flea during tho Incumbency of tho present aherlff, the record in the of tlc at the beginning or the preaent adntlnlttratlou wero conaldered the worst In tho atate they are now conaldered euunl to any ami better thnu moat. The work of lax collection haa been ayatomntlaed o that quicker and bet ter service la now beliiR rendered, and taxna collected at a much Ion coat than heretofore I am fully ronvorannt with the du tlea and needa of the oftlee for which I naplrc. If I am nomlnatod and olocted 1 pledge myielf: lat To maintain the offlco In lta nroaont efficient condition. Zml. To cnuoavor to niriner im- nrovo tho aorvlcr to taxuayara and to inlnlniUe tho con. theroof. aril. ro iiupariiaiiy puriuiiu an duties nml enforce all lawn. 15. V. (Cur'rl WILSON. I am n candldnto Tor tho nninlua (ton of Sheriff on tho republican J ticket to bo voted for nt tho prlmarlea May 10, 10 lfi. ir nnminntcu anil olocted I will onforco the law and give tho pttblle an honest. Impartial i nml efficient administration. 37 yeara In .Juckaon county. Adv. HAKItY N. I.OFLA.M). I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for aherlff, to tin voted on at the coming primaries. May 19th, 191 fi. I fool that I need no Introduction to the public, having been a resident of Jarkaoii county for 26 veara. I pledge myaelf, If elected, to glvo an Invwrtlal. ecouoiulcal and con aervatlve admlnlatratlou of thla Im portant office. I have endeavored to aerve the public faithfully in the ixiat und agreo, if elected, to atrlctly and Impartially enforco all lawa. Having a very larae experience lu tha mat tera of taxation ami knowing .lack aon county ihoimighly, 1 plortga my aelf to conduct the tax rolloctlon branch ot the office In audi a manner aa to aerve the taxpayer boueatly, promptly and efficiently. Adv. W. T. CIIIWVK. I aia a candldnla for l ha republi can nomination of ahariff of Jaekaou county, subject to tho primary, May IP. 191. I hava lived In Jackson county twelve xeai'ri, madu the race fur tbe uomlnatlon for xhorltr two yearH ngo and received a aplandtd vole despite the tiHiieual roudltlona I had to op- laam and would appreciate your aup-i port thia lime. ir elected I will enforce all lawa ami pledge myaelf to an economical, Impartial und conservative admlnla tra'IOH. Adv. A. W. WAI.KKll. I hereby anaouncc my candidacy for tbe nomination for sheriff on the democratic ticket, subject to tbe will of tbe voters at tha primary to be bold May IS, IS 10. 1 am a native aon of Jackson county and my en tire pant life la aubjeet to your Inves tigation. HAU'Il a. JHWINOS. Adv. I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomluatUMi for aherlff to be voted on at the coujlug primaries. May 19. 191C. I have served the city of Medford aa chief of notice for over five years and durluR that time served under tour different , mayora. I pledgo myself, If noml - naieu aua eiecicu, iu Mn m imuuc aR0 company, neroro laaing up couu and do my duty aa sheriff at all , ty work, and will aay that my past times, and give the public an honest rCord Is open for Inspection to tbe and laiuartlal admlniatratton. Adv. J. F. HirrsoK. niSTItlCT A'l'roit.N'KV I am a candidate tor reflection to tha office ot district attorney. Adv. K. K. KBLLY. I hsrebv announce that I bare ((led my declaration of Intention to; bocoaM a candidate lor tha repuo - ucaa nomination for tha offlco of U08 nia ay 19, 1 9ig. Adr. O. M. HOHBRT. I hereby announce that 1 have filed my declaration of Intentions, and that I am a candidate for the democratic nni.iln.itlon for Pit offli-e of district Httrn v, sni.Jt '0 tp May pnuur- wuvnnn, i,H.n. suruinv. wrm, i. iw; OUT PTENT01O "FlNCJER-' CUTOUT riOLU INTOP VOUW WISV COMBS TlUa lea. It I am nominated ami elected to thla office. 1 proinlar, not to forget tho fnrt that I am a public aervant, and that I will to the beat of my ability ndmlnlater the affair or tha office. Impartlallv. ineatly and without fear or favor. Adv. N1CWTON W. UOItDBN The flrat of the year a number of republicans, including many who up proved of my efforts tu the interest ot the taxpayers a state representa tive four year iiro, requested me to become a candidate for tho office of District Attorney, inaainiirh as there would be, in addition to the rogular duties or the criminal and Juvenile courts, new duties and conditions confronting the office. Among these xvuru montloned the enforcement of tho prohibition act. and tho likeli hood of having to forecloao many tax Hens, particularly those against tho Southern Pacific laud grant of nearly half million acres lu Juckaon county, amounting to nbout $200,000. My reply wis that tVxouhl become a caudldalo if U were generally do alted nnd the race could bo in nil o without nRtimlng apodal obligation to any particular Individual, faction, locality or Inlerdat. Therefore, attar consulting poraon ally or by letter several hundrod men and women of all occupations In all parts of the county, believing thcro Is a real doslre for my candl dacy, I will be a candidate tor tho nomination of District Attorney on the republican ticket. Adv. JOHN 11. CAHKIN. I am a candidate for Ihe office of district attorney on the denmrrat ticket. If nominated and elected, I hIihII serve the county as I have served the CIO of Medford during the paal three years, during which time 1 huve been lta ell v attorney. Adv. II. It. M'CAHU. nn'NTV ci.Kinr. ('. A, (.'anlliec I ltepuldluili CiUidl ditto for County Clcik I horebv announce my candidacy for tho office of county lerk and If nominated ami elected will continue to give inv entire lime ami attention to the duties tlieraof. conduct tha office according to law and give an efficient, economical aud business like HdmlulHtiHtion. Adv. (1. A. OAK UN lilt. I hereby snnounoe that I have tiled my declaration of Intention to become a candidate for tho republi can nomination for Ihe offba of iin ty clerk, for Jut Uaon county, subject to the derision of the republican par ty, at the primary election to be bold May 19, 1910. Adv. A. S. IIII.DBUItANI), COl'NTY TIMCAKfltKIt Deputy County Treasurer Myrtle W. Itlakeley announces her eandlducy for the office of eounty treaaurer. I hereby unnouwe m landldacy on the republican ticket for the of fice of counlv treasurer, to Imi voteu wi at tbe coiuIiik primaries. 1 have held tha position as deputy In this office for the past year und am eon fldont that I can fulfill tha duties connected therewith 1 served two oars at deputy eoua ty recorder liefora taking tho posi tion as deputy county treasurer; ! have albo had cxiwbanca as account aut for several corporations, such as the Medford Concrete Construction , company and Medford lea and 8tor- votora of Jackson county. It nominated and elected I will rag tbe office without the expenaa of a deputy and continue to servo tha pub- ' lie Just as efficient in the futuro a I have ta the naat. Adv. MYHTLK W. 8LAKKLSY. I hereby announca that I have filed my declaration of Intention to be- icomo a candidate mr tha republican nomination for tho office of county 'conduot tho off We in on efficient aud biislnossllko maanar. Adv. Jtoy U. MAULR I hereby announio Hiof 1 am a ran- 'dldate for the nominsloo of county tr-aurcr for tv kon roiinir. Cirai'on on tiio r'l"iWicu tht to bfi YolOxl hit n.t t i het.ij f'r l Mi i i !m-ir Mnv f. pin I fffrmerlv held Ihe ffle tA Mnintr (MUftfr unit "Mere "ire ("(wtnl MJMA't!"" Io H'O in I. llfl. fwrliiix tlm Hinr t ,i nmH? tMn nrw the (onnfy cinpirMrd mptt a roantflnta to mpwrt tne eeHtr irff pfri tuMitm and mild Mpertt tmsftl mented mr wrk vrr klUMf m a public afflrlal. tr nomtnalwl nnd started t Ual enihiaTor l wmlMt the affatra trt tha office In an mmmI, (riehmt and baal-naaa-llkt manner. Adv. JAB. M. CUONBMtLLHtU C'Olf.VI'Y ASSIWSOU l hnraby aaaonaea my randltlner for the office of county ftManaor ef .lackon county an tha ratiubllean ticket, mibject to tha primary on May 19. 1 plerine tnynaU te an hoamt. efficient. Imaartlat and aen ontloal (llaeharge or tlt ilutlm ot tho orrirn ami propone to maun an aMOM. meata upon the imam or the truo actual x-aliio of Ilia property anil not it twin any Inflated valuation. Adv. aKOIlOlS IiAUNSPAUU. I herewith announca my cnndldacy for county assessor, subject to tho decision of the republican party at the primary election to bo hold May t, lfltfi. If elected I pimlge myself to makn n Just and equitable, assess ment nnd administer the affairs ot the offlco In a hnalueas-llkn manner. Adv, J. H. COLKMAN. I heroby nunottnro my candidacy for I ho democratic nomination for tho office of n Mean or ot Jackson county, at tho prlmnrv to lm hold May intli, 10 lfi. Hnvo hnd throe j ears experience ns deputy uasesaor. Adv. CMNT QAIihATIN. COFNTY SlTPKItlNTUNDKNT. I hereby niiiiounco my cnudldncy on tho republican ticket for tho of flco of County School Superintend out for Jackson county, Oregon, nub Joct to the will ot tho republican party nt tho primary election Mny 19. I stand for practical school ef ficiency, peraonal supervision of tho school and elimination ot county ori.iol supervisors. Adi. FHANC1R C. SMITH. To the veters: I nm republican candidate for county school super intendent at tbe primary election, May 19. 191(1. I am for supervision of tho school b) tha superintendent and for econ omy In the county superintendent's office nnd every place where It does net retard th ' effieisnoy ot the schools. 1 am In favor of progressive educa tion, that Is, education that preparoa the boy or nlrl for life. I am for all Slaving a square deal and an equal chanee for an education. If nominated and elected I will do every thing lu my power ta make, tho schools ot Jackson county tho boat lu tho stuto. Adv. A. J. 1IAN11T. I hareby nutiounco Hint I hnvo filed my declaration ot Intnntlotm, ami Hint I am a candldnto for tho re publican nomination for tho nfflcn of County School Suporltiluudeul ot Jackson county, subject to tha pri maries of Mny 10. It nominated and olectott I pledge myself to an lionet, luimrtlal and economic administration and will personally superxlao our schools, I hold nn Oregon life cortlflcato, nnd having recently spent tour ses sions on preparatory work, both In the University of Oreson nml lu the University or California lu the Btudy of modern education nnd supervi sion, and having served the county as rural school, supervisor for two xaars, 1 feel competent to fill the of fice In a thoroughly Manufactory man ner ami hereby solicit the support ot every true fileud of education. Adv. (1. W. AGItlt. I am a candidate for the republi can nomination for County Xrhool Kiinorlntondent. I stand fer: A con tinuance or progressive iMillclns In education, economy consistent with efficiency, equal educational advan tages for the bos and glrla on tho farma with those In the oltloa aud tow ns. U nominated and elected I will In the future, as In the past, glvu my full time and best effort to the siierxisiou of the s lioola and the ad mlulBtralloi. of the duties of the of fice. During my Incumbency 1 have not confined unfair strictly to the routine, duties of Ihe offlco but have taken a broader view of tho mission or tin- County H bool Huierlatuilent. In addition to my efforts Hi raise tha staudiird or teaching ind improve tbe nhyt-lcal condition ut school I have labored to piomoUi tha welfare of the boys aud kIMm through Industrial clubs. s hool fulrs, school credits for home woik, parout-iosehera circles, spelling nnd arithmetic eouteata, and other aitlvillea. I reel that my work has been regarded with favor and In order to continue thla work, I am aakiug for re-election Adv. J PBIICV WhJLLi. Milt ItlCNT KfllMSIIKIr ItOOMS FOIt ItKNT Vcuil furulshtid ruums 105 South (iraiM 8t. 10 I'Olt Jtlt.NT ITItMSIIUD APTS. FOR HUNT- Apartment fur rout, Tlfo Jierbon. 10 Qulno St. FOIt HUNT -flOOHKH a in n n rs ass 1 1 ir 1 ii J u ItrT"" tJ"JTTsrJsa'' I'Ult ItKNT KurniMieil bungalow for the :uiniiicr. 1 Io " ill. 04 South Central. 13 FOIt HUNT !i-iooui house, closs 10. furnished, $15. a)4 X. Ivf. FOIt KKNT C-room modern buugsv Inw, range connectod, east front, shade. Tel tiX. bOlt ItKNT HntJHlfKKICI'lNa ItOOMS smss. s"awias -aas,asSsssassosso KOIt ItKNT i fiirnihlied house Ke.Milni; looniti around flour. 220 8 Urai'c riiune 7.;-X 16 J)(ll HMKVOVI.THY .i.M) KOfJS KOIt riXI.K Hn.nxe turl.e eggs. ISc cm Ii Mti K Hr)on, (Jrlffln Creek 10 Foil SALK Vrtftf ttlntflnK HKhl ViPilHii J.l 8111J P.ff Tttoge or rito ('. C aW, Tjllcjit, Ofoj foi Mf.n-f-triwrtin J tOllfixl.K Two leain hrMT mule flpe lAfk, I nana. mttiWfl n fte; ln tight work imim in ramphell. nt1 calf; good Individual, wall brad, high reeord aneewtry; fnee low. neglntered Beraahlrt fdga, by linrei Chamidon. wola fer rd aire. Y. R. Mx, WlMwa Hmwh. OrantK Paaa, Or. If roil BAi.it MtflunMjrtnHoaH rott MAI.K--AH new. never aliened, teachers and pupils' cyclo, paedla "dictionary." & vain mas $' also complete history of F. A., b vols, by Kldpath. M: also 1 vol. complete ghakeantar's 'Hamlet." $1.50. Phene 7-M. 7 FOIt RAI-F. Auto wheels suitable for trailers; alao other parts; two .17x5 H tires, fine wind It leu at $30. 209 W. Jackson st. !) FOIt HA I.IC Seat covers one tops at A. I). Little Ton Wortta, 106 N. Front st., near 8. P. station. SI FOIt 8AI.K Pasture, running wator, 100 acres, good 1 months. Phone 801-118. U FOIt SAL13 CI1HAP KIOKKiit ant ot blrdaeye maple botl, aprlufa. dieaa or and large chiffonier. 317 How ard st. Phono fiSS-H. 10 FOIt RAMS Ovorlnnd. rontlstur. Boo K. A. Hicks, Mtuiugor, urugon Urnnlto Co FOIt SALIC CIIKAP Two now cow- boy saddles, now buggy, sot of now single harness, union SthlHos. Bits rOH BAI.B IllWili KHTATH FOIt HAI.K -7-ionni Iniuaulnw and lot, .1:17 S. Onkdnle, third block from city park: coal $8S00, will sell for $1750, $1000 cash. F. 8. llrandon. 0 FOIt SALIC CHUlAP Nice garage. Hxts, nlso woodshed, lJxtU; both well built; 111 move. Medford House Movers. Phone 1kk-M. 10 FOIt 8A 1.10 SO aerea alfalfa sugar lieet land, 3 miles from Medford. This land will pay Interest on In vestment: all lu crop. For particu lars see owner Hox 2S, care Mali Tribune. 11 FOIt 8ALK Ity ownors. choice Wear oreok iHittom land olosa ta Moil ford, with olght year old fruit trees apples gud pears; also alfalfa land. Houses antl lota for sale or rent. Jasouh Taylor 8011, Phone IS 3-1 1. 881 IIHLP WANTHD MAI.K WANTKD Young men for automo bile business. We makn you ex pert In 10 weeks by mall. Pay after wo secure you position. Cen tury Automobile Institute, 1&. Lm Angelas' Cal. 9 WANTISD-Maii with loam to care for orchard for the cinp on' same; n oy Sunday work. Addrasa box r.7-ll. It. It. No. I, Medford. Phone 7HI-W. 11 IIIH.P WANTIIH Mnlo or Pcinalo WANTFD One of the large niana xlne publlahliiK houae daatres to emplo uu active man or woman In thla community to handle a apeclal "ptan which has proven unsually profitable; aood opening for rlg4it party. Addrasa with two refer onrea. iUtx 1 ..:., Times ak. Sta . Now York City. WANTHD nimrmirvKOnH I'Olt HA I.K--Furnlahlngs of 10-room iliouae; must be aold lu three daa ibealnulng Monday at 9:30 a. m. to : p. m each da In lots or by Piece, (heap. 230 8. Central ave II s s'iNaw "fc!! WANTHD TO ItKNT -Ux the UMHith or watts, light team and wagon or one horse ami wagon suitable for delivering produce to the trade. ekie W. M. NoriMH at 185 North Crape st. 9 WANTKD -Slock for paature. Ad dress W. II. Ntiding, Urowusboro, Ore. WANTKD Sacks. Leave at Tur plu'u blacksmith shop. 30 W NT K I ) I have iMitenled and m f d a household coiivenleuce. I have Kraonally aidd hundred of them amouutliiK to thnusauds of dollars. I no want parlies te soil the ar ticle or oversee salesmen In sell ing It In roe F. 8. Investigate Ira L. Cleoson, Central Point. Ore. 9 WANTHD Ml OATIO.NH sssySBsaviBaBkMaksSBsSBaaBSBasasBsaissasjaBasaBhaaBM WANTKD Posiilou uu ranch by married man. Write box 388. Cwu- tral Point. 11 WANTKD clesnlna. Wudilng and Phone 311-Y. general in WANTKD -Position aa house keeper or work on ranch by woman with 8 small children. Mrs. J. R. Miller, Medford. 18 WANTKD Situation by male stenog rapher; 15 years ex p.; verba tuui. leaal aud gcnerul; living here. IIox it. Rural Houte a. Medford. 8 WANTED Da work of all kind. Geo. Takase. Phono 19U-H. 13 HFailNFMai OPTOHTCNITIWS FOIt SALK -The Popptiy. May Co. opiMJslte Ht'Y OIL 8TOCK in producing com pa'. ctueclal low price for new drilling campaign put down 10 walla. Company has 83 producing svelte. Paid two dividends. Write ree luformntton Aauirnauiated Oil Co., 1104 folcord Bldg. Okla homa, Olila S UTQU1CK! Autoinobll gaaollue going up- 8oil Uaso-Tonte, equals gusollne at :ic a gallon; eltmlnatea 4igriion; dollar an hour profit ; -.1I1 x;n ii.utti cil While Mil', Co lcl I ', Cue lliliatl, r i) fMfir ai-vttV hitf h trr-mi'MMM jWxNTr.M Ionian I m for dial rl'oil- ' m,. fi.o t . .. w u TViTf dam- ttis cotton s IHi h" or oiir SS lloti Fierlefuf miiirc f.1. IsV urnHlooal Mills, deol. 7'tii, Wof- Iriilonn. J'a. 41 MOXItV TO MIA.V WAXTKH TO LOAM 40 at H por rent on A-1 mmiioM HMoma prasa. erty In Medford; owtldlM akme hV snred at 400. Ban BB, Mall Tri bune. 10 TO LOAN $100 on Improved ranch Holmes tho insurance Man. LO.TI LOfT -Amethyst rwory wlthonH vroaa attached. PIsN aeUfy S, car Mall Tribune. It LOST Near Phoenix, riding aklrt. Iteturn to Mall Tribune. 9 Ml 1 1 r I I i I'OK KXCUANOK FOIt HXCHANOK Jtosldence lota in Heddlng, Cal.. for auto r herana: also 8.r acres SVfc miles AK or ItPUdliiR, all feared , tilled or pastured has buildings, clear title, to oxclmngu for small homo In ltogue river valley, lrn L. (Hen son, Central Point. Oro. 9 W niirKXCHAN(l IC proporty cornor S. Oakdale nnfl Tenth st. for prop orty Portland or vicinity. O. Town send. liTi Union nvo., Portland. 10 nusiXESR DiitKorunr Auto Knpptlcs LAIIUIt AUTO BPHINO CO. Wo arc oporatlng tho largest, oldest nnd host equipped plant lu tho Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold untlor guar sntno. 2G North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oro. Attorneys CIKO. W. CIIBItllY Attorney nml Notary, Hooma 9-10, Jackson Coun ty Ilenk Building, entrance N. Centra Medford, Ore. POItTKIt J. NEFF At lor nay at law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Hank Hiiltding. A. K. H KA MRS, LAWYKIt daruot On ray bldg. 0. M. HO IH8KTS Lawyer. Metlford National Hank Hutldlng. Dentists Dr. W. M. VAN SCOTOO DH. O. O. VAN 8COYOO Dentists Oarnott-Coroy llldg., ulte 110 Mcdfom, Oro. Phono 850. Collection nml HcjiortH COLLHCTIONS AND RU POUTS Wo collected some accntinta 14 years old. Wo know how to got tho money. Tho llutiock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Hooma 1, 2, 3, llas- , JklnaHIdg., 210 B. Mdln sL Knglnccr and Contractor FHBD N. CUM.MINQS Snglnoor and contractor, 401 M. F. & II. Bldg. Surveys,, cstlmntos, Irrigation drainage orchard and land itu provoment. Inaiirnnco. KAHL 8. TUMY (lanoral Inaurnnce office. Flro, Automobile-, Accident, Liability, Plata Olnss, Contract, and Surety Honda. IOxcollont com paulos. good local snrvlcu. No. 810 fJarnatt-Coroy llldg. 1 Instruction In Music FHK?rALTON 11AIRHT, tonchor ot piano and harmony. Composer and arranger ot music. Halght Music Studio, 401 Uaniett-Coroy building. flnrtmgo OAHtlAOlC (let your proinlaes cloaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbago wagons for good service. Phouu 274-L. F, Y. Allen. Pli)'lclaiis ntitl Surgeons iji-,ri.i'LruiirLnjr) ir-iririri-"i-i" " m DU. F. O. CAULOW, on. HVA MAIN8 CAHLOW Osteopathic physicians, 41C-417 Oarnett-Corey bldg.. phone 1936-L-. Healdence 80 South Uurel at. NwBa im. W. W. DOWAUD OatoopathU physician, 808 Oarnott-Corey building. Phono 130. DH. J. J. 1CMMUNS Phyaiclan and surgeon. Practice Knitted to eye, oar, nose and throat Kyefl scien tifically toalad and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlat for 8. P. It. It. Co. Offlco M. F. & II. Oo. bldg, opposite P. O. Phone 607. DR. U. W. CLANCY Pbysloiaa and surgeon Phonos, office 36, real donoa 784-.I. Office hours, 10 te 18, 8 U DH. MARTIN O. HAKBfcR Phy cian and sargeon. Office Pala block, opposite Nash hotel. Hoorj 10 Mi 18. l to I. Phono tlo-J. s- -.- - .- ;. - --.-.cjm PriHtora aad PubJialMsri sssaa,sasssess - is asss wses . ssnfsj MEDFOHD PRINTING CO., haa Ml best eoulunod printing off! southern Oregon; book bin loose leaf ledaers. billing sys tc. Portland nrleoa. 87 M Fir st. TrHftsnt , Mr , gr-frarfc"fcTa0 BUD8 TRAN8FKR 4 8TORA0K Offlco 48 North Front st, PUwaa 311. Prices right. Sorvioo guar n,ttu SshIiir Maabtnee . .h.-iii-i-i-i-ii- - - - - - ..ii in 8INQRR SBW1NO MACIIINB8 FOB I A LB, OR HINT Sows used ma chines also for sale. Cloaulng and repairing Baldwin Piano tor salo from factory to customer. Real retted ui.. riw. central, phoiiv 30, on an 4 , vi