Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 01, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Mi t
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I 1
tonmonn iMAioTiunoirifii
rr wmmat nf tiii
'ORu j'ftr.irifvft oo.
Oifrn. " Tribiin n.7iMiijr. IWMI
rJOJIn Flf atrent, Mcpliona if.
The Tfnmrilr Tim. fhe (ffoftf
Mall, Th MlfM Trhuna. JTha 0OMtB
itn Orefowan, Th Ahlanf Trim fiat
mSnHdntP-ftiiJi iatiii
mm ii.ft
nth. ay mall .N
month, elivrad by carrier In
srord, Phowiix. jacaaonruie
Mr "Sat. bTmaii. r nXn i.m
"If, af feef . . I. If
iisi riMr r ih citr r Mtrn(
'TT ' '.
RMal BaM af f nfc n Maa
!tr4 rronil-claM malltf II
( VI W1 HBrn 1IMI .
Ortgon. nr lb Mt of Mli
8wni ClrenUdon for IfH, MIS.
IhwJ wlrt Aaaoelatwl Pnu dli-
uhicrlbers falling to re
Mlve ntrwra prompHr. phono
Ulrenlatlon Manager at IGO-It
l'DRTLANH. Hi., April 1.-Afler
wnilitix in line for iln, ccxeinl of
tttttn for two weekx, in the rorriiloi'
cmltido th I'niletl Mtnle Innd ofHee
kere, aeomi of hometenterN lotlny
bfnn filinir on the Hilelx Imliiui -(irvnlimi,
Opened to entry by Ihe g
rnment. nile there i n tolnl of
1-1,000 aerea aeattereil throiiKhont the
ienralion whinh U om'm to enlrv.
only eompamiively mnll portion of
H 1 aaiil to be gooil nsrieultuntl Intnl.
The fiml hiah in the line of nppli
pahIh wn .lohii 1). (Jiiihu, who fiUnl
HMin a Iraet on which he hnil sottlnl,
but which he hatl faikul prt'iouiv to
oliUfll till to.
A numller of womn who liclil
jJaewa in the line for ten tiny or
morn, nl the Inat moment jrave their
Hneta to linHbantla or limthera, nml
only one woman, Mra. Mnrtinn Mnuu,
who wna No. 'II, put in nn npplien
lion. Several men who took o.itio
amoHK lh waitiiiff upplieuiit n n
finniieinl aieeulntioii, aohl their
laeea to boiinliilc honu'temlers.
Wits .Nlml".K'iiM'n I'roplii'i'.'
To th IMIter:
iliirli Ima been written about the
proiliwla of .Mother Hhlpton anil
other. 4iU tlltl the local HhaKwapearn
ilJ artr conatiler the fotlowlm r
fH of taa (want to hla nutater in
"TImwm or AtHMia:"
llii, Planus, It gaod tlnw art thou
To raudar lalna acoount of iky r
turna FrtiM my far-ff tatatoa.
Kow, good Mr Lnrd,
1 )ray thraa land to mo a patlant ear
Wkllaat I aequalnl thao wllh the full
Of tar mnrorinna. Item: hi the
Cm blMtariag Moroaa and with icy
Did blight Lb taMd'raal grnwtba and
Whlen NatHra hod brdnght forth aft-
r tbalr kind.
Anon, (hart oam a blasttog uaaon
of droaght, i
WbH l'boootia bright wnt down hU
touratai rajra
Until tho Harth waa Ilka a colllad
kiln; -
till, my lord, from out lb havoc
By eold aad haul In turn, sou good
ly atoro
Rowalaod, whlaa by thy careful hiia-
Had boon wai-nuraad Into maturity.
And forthwith, la full laden Argoalaa.
WM wt aeroaa tha aeaa. only to fall
Into Ihe band of fiaroa and warring
And lo iby,corfi-ra brought ao fair
Than, iiiaur, in Hit.-. lir xtretult,
L'am rcriulu nolile lord, and apaka
iu fair, t
And bade u pluut vine on our aun-
u bllla.
Aad gate tiHiirunca that when ao we
They would rovlil win prenaea for
our grapea.
Whirs, Ouk aad ruddy. lhe would
0 dupote.
To nuku Ibam Mluaa aurpaaalng Op-
rut iioat.
Uul Khan c at them pledge aa
tlioy aouabt.
Tht'14. forNHoru lord, with Irene her-
our luteal,
Did l.dvc. .uul built tbelr wine
iiithMD utharw bere,
Aad left th teivanla la ummI aon
Of oiirm, Mtxar beeta were tin
kuuu 10 riliuki'i.para, but aubaoiuie
gugar beats for grapoa la tho fore
aWlng. and he certainly noana to
Imve foraeen rondltloaa la this ral-
A fl'I'UI.M or SIIVKL'dl'KAIti:
GUANTW PAW i vr-ry miirii rvrr-iwri fvcr Mir Med
ford frnitTrifiis! (nnniiNf fhf roiufntrtiori of h rkilrfwd
to Mir Hliif f jwlgp rltftf rSrf am a unit in n rnllrond (o Kifrrkn.
It irirrrf in mnnifwitf'd trt Mir (Irnuin I'nnn wtvupnprr in
itllrrrmfr rlrfnrrmf ion, nbnw nnd plrndiriff Tor Mrdfrml In
linild n mnrwlirifr link with flic Twohv rnilrond and make
fhr prnpowd railroad a feedrr Tor llwf linn.
Medford and f Iron I I'nwi arc far cnmiirh nmvi in hare
f'w onflji-linK iiiterrwf. The citizen or each city ran
, if.ti1 nilfil'tfinu In rlr.Vftlnnimr f lwi I' mu-ii I idlini iv I mi.
"I . ...... ... ..
I ritorv without reference to
! fnK I in anillinir nf Vr.timn I.
'" '" "!'" ' ..."".
jnir lioth coininiiiiitioH to inci'oaacd ondojivor.
Mcdford n conrprwd at prowfnt priiifipallv in n inil-
rond to the MIiip Lodo and
tmilHr Iw'lt and their development. AMien this ha been
wecured, there is plciif - of time to talk about further ex
tension. If (rants Pass ean secure a mi I road to Crescent
City, well and good. If Med ford ean secure another rail
road to Humboldt bay, so much the bolter for the entire
country and for both cities.
If Orants Pass wants to vote a bond issue to connect
the Twohy railroad with the Medford-built line well and
good. The more railroads built the better. But Med ford
cannot finance any such project or cannot consider anv
such project. Her own prospective project is great onnuglr
to absorb all ol the energies
The primary object for
her resources and through them secure her own develop
ment. (Irants Pass is actuated by similar motives. Kadi
community has a virgin field of its own.
(Irants Pass has a sugar factory under erection, having
assured the promoters that sufficient acreage could ' be
furnished in her vicinity. Heeause few of the farmers in
this section care to engage in beet culture, except for a
local niMtmuioii, mere Jias Dcen no end ol ahuse and villi
f ic at ion in the (Irants Pass press, because Medford does
not make good Grants Pass' promises. This acreage was
signed for a local institution under false promises. The
promoters broke faith with
basely betrayed them. It is for this reason, because such
deception is deeply resented, that there is little co-operation,
not because the factory is at (irants Pass, ljut there
is room for two sugar factories. The Medford district can
easily support oik', and intends to secure one, and (irants
Pass already has one under erection. She has all the best
of it so why should (Irants Pass worry
Medford wishes (irants Pass the utmost success in her
efforts for development and assures her freedom from
quarrelsome meddling and expects similar treatment in
return, and when Medlord needs (irants Pass interested
advice will ask it. LTnlil then, Medford energies will be
spent in development and not
aflairs ol her sister citv.
President Wilson in his message on preparedness said
the .voting men who would eompotie our army would really
be fighting, in ease of war, in defense of their employers.
Wo opine thai in his message on means of raising revenue
to pay the expense of a bigger army and navy that he will
suggent that the fellows who have most to defend will be
invited to shell out handsomely through increased ineoiuo
Those wild shrieks of terror Troiii Ihe Mexican border
lead us to believe the commercial eliibg thereabouts are
quite active. Nothing would help business iu those desert
burgs like the presence of a few thousand soldiers. It's
about their only hope for a payroll.
If our plutocracy were given the choieo of turning over
their wealth to this country for the benefit of all the peo
ple, or retaining it all through annexation of our fair land
to (Ireat nritaiii or even (ienuanv, which would the
ehooHc I
Colonel Ivoosevelt returned
elalnw to have discovered a bird with long whiskers. What
we thing he really found or
of Jonathan llourne's almut
If Colonel ttcHwevelt really
that illiam I raven derome
on this platferm:
"We shout the most
AlMitit two vears hence we
growKiuan llawley telling us he
nieut of a law giving .Jackson
from the sale ol the railroad
If we need more troops in Mexico, the government
might tlo worse than to call on the society ladies who at
tended the Willaid-Moran fight.
Kepublican pnierK these days nn quilo filled with let
ters praying for the jmrt v to nominate n enndldfilu who will
be us good a man as Wilson.
M a rival candidate for president to Mayor Bill Thonip-
sou ot l uU'iigo, it is in oitler
for J ess W ilia nl..
Colonel Roosevelt did, however, render this country
one very great service he helped much to elect Wilson.
XMV YoKK. Apin I -Kiirnial de
nial llic tii'iiiiiicnt of (liialc-
inula i- it .11 hi iieiural Felix )mx
iu iiiiv ullegiii ii'viiluiimiarv move
ment ugMiuol (li'iieiiil Curruuxu was
niiulc bv
I'li'Miimi I -Irada fulwreraftifr, chief ol oidnnncc, and S.naioi
III liiiii'iu rU'iitsoci hen, Mio hi, author of llie wmIi'i i
till. ill Ii
.1 II.
wr.iivnuii vn; TKffMNf, n hnii;fi m.n.n
...,,...., ...... "".. i. ..,,...,? ,v . -
the other. There in
no i'faon
Ill ffintuMv tnt'ttli... ahr...ll
mm hum it, nil ailllllil
Klamatli river mineral and
ol her citizens.
Medford is the development of
the Medford growers and
in sinister meddling with the
from the West Indian and
heard is that long-lost dream
the "second elective term."
must' run again, we suggest
be his vice. Thev could unite
and do the least."
will get a wire from Con
has just secured the enact
county two million dollars
tor someone to start a boom
WAMIIM.loW Apul 1. Plans
for a g.iveiymni hvdro-cU.iH,- plant
lo ake' irom the air wri di
cusM'd al a conference lodav 'u'
twceit Sisniiiry taker, Ocnerul t'ro-
'lull V'
i ol,. l-l.'ll VI .
' fit t UNlIt K yfMUI.i '
I'Htreraff nt ( hliy-Hilwf
! ttomomlir-v lti lirni' il mii I hi'
Itirrth rnlHr. Thru- ! hi in
WmIw k mAhMM -ilr, with l
wmhh. nihartiirNl rplmrmfnt of thf
ftn.T. A tmivmilv n oprntrf in
IftAJI. It wna rwtprnil nftw fh
1'nivfraitv of Hfllomnncn. then nt th
bright of it fkrr. Thi look pin"
in JJftM'o ftbnot trrntr year be
fore the llljrrnBM InnHeil on Ilymontli
More than 900 different book,
prinleil in Mes(eo before Ihe ear
IWMI, are known in libra rie.
Jn Ihe lixteenth eentnrv, in the
I'll of Mexico, Pnlro ile Oiinte, in
Iih work for the IikI'mihn, ilveloiil
n genuine iiMhtHtriiil "rlnml too !'-
The Worth of the
(lll'.'h Si'linol cilitiii'inl liv Vein I'.
There nn- n ureal mnuv innifHziiie
printed toitny, nml nx with everything
cN in the woHfl, there me gooil ihhI
iiidiflVivnt inngnxine". No ittlempt
will lie irtnile to mi.v lui.slhiiiK nliont
thew two clnaaes of itmiriizine, nx
Ihe Miihjeel ia nn ostciimve one nml
eovera n jfreni ueni 01 Rronmi. Hie
IihiI poititH nre few nml of no ciiiihc
(ii('iice. Amoiifc the beat of thee
liiHKnrine toilnv nre the Indies'
Home .loin mil, (IikhI Itoiiieljcepinir,
the I'lelonnl Hciew. McChIIV Mnv
11iiii', the lollies' World mid the
Woiihiu'm Home (ompiinioit. Thce
me tin iiiomI populiir on thin eon
tineiit. Some of the moi helpful Article
in theii) inngnziiieK aih (Iih reeiH'M,
nml the eeonnmienl and timt-nvini;
iletiees whieh the mntfttxinp pielure
nml deicrihe, telling how lhc cnn
he mode nt home with the leiit e-
P4'iihc. Mni,y limes the ni tides iiiiHpulnr with nil clauses of iieoph
l lie entertainment Hection help wuno
Hipleed hunted lo miece; aome
MUggcstiun may help her in remodel
ing old clothing into aomething use
ful; ot'tentimeK old furniture mnv he
made over into Komcthiug, ho that
it hccomcH ornamental and ervicc
ahle. One of the hct departments
of thee iiingine ii. ihe good health
dearlmciit. It gives lists of pure
Coming Into Its Own
Nations and poiui iiiuitio need dis
cidiue jut 11- much as indivnluaN. '
The KuiiiMau iialiou have been c- 1
I tecumiM lit fi itflfiit ikl' ,li,i..ii.litiik I'.. I
" "' ".- i".."
the at cighlceii monthH, and no one
the world er can xt:it with anv
degree of certainty when the course
will 1h eouiplcted nnd the combatant
priviliui'd to hang out their "xhiu
gles" nnd pnrmvthU mue'li-louged-for
vocation nf the p'nee bnoiness.
While Ihe I'mlcd Slute has ivuson,
gthd nml NuflifiMti, (o int herself on
the lntck nnd rejoiee over the fact
that tint for her nkirU have leen
idea red from barhed wire eutnngle
went of ihe battlefield, yet by rvn
ou of the IIinmIv conflict weged on
foreign soil, u i-ertnin and ver defi
nite nmorni nf our nvcr-weu trade
ha bm'u curtailed, which iu logical
aafpienee has at fee ted our whole luia
ines curriculum. Jtut iufluentinl a
ii way be uhui our commercial pros,
lierily, the Kunieau war cannot be
held wholly ri'Mioufcihle for the retro-
greaaifln which many section of tb
I nited Stalls huve been aubjected to
during this ieriod in which the war
ring tuition- have been seeking to
blow i'iiiIi olio i' bend off. We. as u
(MSipIc have launched out on too bi-;
and loo grand a boai ami have not
kept close enough tnb on the aenle
The bninc s we have lieen doing in
year mt, while very wholesome and
proKperou in .1 large measure, ha
not been commcuaurnte with the need
in muuv aectiuii to wan ant the e
Iruvuguut pru. lice which the blind
cd eyes and diilltnl aensibililic- n.' the
M'plc have bun unable to cope uiih.
The haudwiitiiiK was seen on the wall
yeurs ao, but not in time fur a large
percent age of ih uforimalis to re
coup tuenuelvi's.
In the ma nut net ure of nnv ood
here is alav wale ntutennl. and
while in years -om by a Inrge amount
of this w nsic material ha been cou
idernl of nn value whatever, more
and more our nianufncturciw are
mukiug use nf it, having gained wis-
dm from our much maligned nnd di-
trutel meat puekare. who virtually
do nut allow an ouce f the careas
of die four-l'iHiled animnU to get
awav from lium without a complete1
and iiistat'tui sclllcmcnl. S.. it .. '
I in the maiiuiiii lure of eitieu-lup. '
1 lure 1- w.i-te material there, hut
the Hume l i..,ror i omiuiiu up (he
.iv I.m all ..I 1 Ins to be ii'd, to (lie
l"rv anil .luii-alion of Id- kirn;-'
Absolutely Removes
IndifTOHtion. Onepackaca
proves it. 25c at all druggists.
1 I.II
of "llMlm w1 (ii ( ili HHtM."
It'll c(itii(li'rril one "I tlir liil" 'I''''
, ('iiwhl- f ihf m-w cflnnilkin.
Hul IHflf rciilll from fhi hnl
limit rotnir.
trin the f 7th nml 1lb rentiirie
Meiienn eHneelion w rtmir in fiml
Ity, menfrw in nmmtnt. It wrf Wiwllv
realiaetl I hat il woiihl not help the
motbtr emtntrv to hnve hHrher eHn
entinn Iborrxitrhlv dereloperl nmon
the preo), metuo and Inilian.
TH fuel wm- thnt er amn after
the enUMifthinont of tb eolonv "f
Meiieo, or New Spaifl, it eon
iliirlcd aolelv with the inlereitj of
Ihe iiiotlier-i'imnlr in iiw. HminV
Klen of foloninlmn wan In iret nil the
wciillh po"-ilili' front her pohHeHMinn.
Household Magazine
food thnt Iiiim' been pned upon bv
the ro eminent, lhnw iniiirinir the
yoiNl hejilth of the fiiimlv tollowintt
the direelioiiH when liuyinjr. Uit,
hut by no menu lel. me the style.
Aptut from picturing the Intent fn-li-
loim, the mpxiixiiK'H contnin nrticle
deenhiuir how ctist-nff elothiiiR,
which i unully iclegnled to the nig
ling, inn v ho miidc into totncthuiK
One fen I nre of nil household mng
.iiip which ia at'Derally enjoyed hy
the whole linuchold, i the fiction
depntlment. Mo-1 of Ihe xtoHe me
good, (nneie nml enilv lindcrnloml
by the younger iiieiuberA of the fam
ily. Moreover, thee Morion deal
with preeiit-dav social, economic
nnd lcligiiiii riuexlioim nml instruct
n well nn entertain.
TIichc mngnxiiiea thu take the
place nf aovernl clnae of inngnxiucs
nml fill tho fiction vacancy a well.
With due eoiiHiderntiou of the fuel
that all fiction magaxine arc vers
one miiat admit that the Mricllv
"hoiiNchold" inagnxiue fill nn im
K)iiant niche in (he hotnv life of
many families in our country. There
fore, the true worth of the leading
household irnignxine in thi count rv
cannot ho overestimated, liecausc
they exert good influence in the
VKKA K. UXK '10.
dum and for the bcuetit of His ser-vant-
iu 1I1N world, a juirt of which
liiulv we all arc. Many cull have
been ai'iiimiiliitr'il iu the social world
during l hi M'riod of nad just mint
which our country has been undergo
ing, hul there i no renou for them
to lie wholly dishenrteiied. While
some will have to atnrt life over
again, there is a field for every ouo
of them to operate in, nnd ueee
lie on the highway of their travel.
From Ihe tuudtoiut of weeuery
nml climate, there i n no more at
tractive section in our country to live
in than the lieautifnt anil fertile
Kogne ltiver volley, of which Ihe city
of .Medford, with licrlienuliful home,
well-paved street, ubiinduul water
supply and irricalion project. .,-
igelher with many other physical at-
inuuie... iokcs just pride. A the me
truMli of a sei'tiou rich in agricul
tural product iv cue nnd siirrouudcd
by a count rv of untold nhd undevel
oped minerul resources, there ia ev
ery reason in the world for optimism
to hold full sway. That railroad de.
velopment wmk i a. thing not mere-
ly talked about, but i nn aetual re-
ality, the oberver will not ,pieetion
vim wiini ne see wini hk own eve
i not all. The lailrou.i genin ami
the engiueeriug mind ur keeniiu
close fouiuiny, and some dav iu the
not very far distant future, i goim?
to be solved the problem which will
throw wide ohu the poit.iU or thi
region, providing menu.. (.f ,.jt and
enlre,., win, h will take eare u' u eon
nler.iblv l.irger poiliou of ,
World', tniii..ijt..
WAI.I1 Ii 1IIVII ; maiWV.
NKW YORK. April 1 Munition-,
which hail lci n acuimiilutiiu at Ku
alun port bccuioe of tuadi quale rail
wa facilities uow arc ing dis
paiched rapidly to uipl deisju it
land over newly const ruuf.l lin,.-.
accordiug to a party of nluct
Cauadittu railwa tiuiliUrt who
rlveU. today on Ihe KutMdu liiur
Kuuk from Kola lu. The r.uUa
men uul the) had just tompu i.d a
new road from Kola iiav on tt,.
vvniie M' to IMiOKra.t Tin.
wav i- now in o,ni .inmi
1. 1 1
Idy siltnnt I
b s, h.utu:tt
rtiooeoM. n anil 170
fr i.ii
F'r'.TIH will AH. Ai-nl I I !'
ing of the ltu-inn Im-pital
Portugal in Ihe Blnek en ia Ihna de-
oeribed in 11 diapnteh rweired tram
U. rtolitheff, delegate general nf the
Red Croa with the Cnueninn army:
"At 8:.'t0 Inat night nenr Shall,
onr hoapital whip Portugal, nl anehor,
wn ciink by an enemv fnibmrninc
which firetl two torM'doe from n
range of 80 yard. After the second
torjiedo the ahip annk in lc than a
"Trawler nml n loiiiedo-hont re
cued eleven of the twenty-ix Sifter
of Charily who were aboard. The.
a No nvcd three commanders includ
ing the French eommnnder Iliient.
and two doctor, one prieat, l'J'i men
of the Kussinn medienl rorp and
thirteen men of the I-'reneh crew.
"The miing include Count TnlNI-
eholf, delegate of the lied Cro, a
doulor, the aeninr Sinter of Charity,
llnronc" Meyemdorlf, ami fourteen
other Sinter of Charity, fifty men of
tho Italian medical service hii1
twenty-nine of the 1'rench erew.
"According to the commander, the
Portugal had -T:! person ahomd, of
whom l.S tteie med. On receiving
new of thi outrtiKc I proceeded to
the pmt and interviewed the mviv
or at the Ked Crui" hopitul on
"The I'ortugal carried the uhmI
Ked Cro -mn, piomiucntlv di-plnv-wl.
I.ONlMiN. A,i, l. I'm,,!,. ,li.
patchc- received 111 t'opeiibiiueii 1mm
Kolteidam am) wireless mi--ii(s
from nenunn sources ay that eon-
siilcrahlc uneasiness prevail in Hol
prevail in liol-
iHiteh niililarv nnd
nro taking
land and that the
. .......1 a..... :.. ....
(Mm iitiiiiuriiics are uiKing various
precautious. All leave for naval and
mili tu rv officer have been cancelled.
Kailvvay car which were placed at
the disMsa of the military nmlioii
ties on the outbreak of the war ami j
Niibseipieiitly were released lempornr-1
ily have been requisitioned. Theic
have been Mguil'ieunt meeting of
those high iu command in the aimv
nnd nnv y. Due report mi Imili !
housea of imrliuuicui Imvi. luun b....
The dismilehe do Hot disclose the
enuse of the feeling, but it !ireuin-
ably is rauneeleil with the sinking of
Dutch steamship.
Telegraphic communication lie
twecn Mngland nml Holland still i in
terruptcd. FULTON 10 FIGHT
Fulton. MilincBota hev weight fltsht
er, has slgni'il a contract with a in
dicate of five New York promoter.
including Tex Klckard, to meet three
fighter in NVw York for $50,000.
according to an announcement here
today by Mike Colllna, Fuliou'a man
agar, on hla return from Xew York.
Tho flrat fight will be with Al
Kelch on April 2S or May 6. the
aeeond with Jim Coffey or Frank Mo
ran at a date yet lo be aelected, and
the third on Labor Day with a man
to b picked b, the promoter, ae-
ording to Colllna. who also declared
the MMidlcate had put up $10,000 to
Idnd the contract and that Kultou
had deposited it 000 forfeit money.
I."MiV. Apul
pint- ilit -ii knit:
'll.lll -I . 1. . ,
"I Hi (;.
.11.1. s
1. IJovd'-. re-
of the ou, ,1ail i
' l-'-l t.t-. and
i i ' ' I'l r,
I .
Young Mem
oven ?2Vt:oRsuNDgR
I . nw aHWM
Featuring HUIT MARIK oHIloitM
the vounxest leading lady jn in.
world, snpportod by llenrv Kin.',
Margoerlie Mchoa aad Andrew
bnekle. A unlqne fJlotd HooMer ,.i,t
In five pari.
Our pleluri" liegln where othru
leave off. Come and lie convinced
II Walthall In "Tho Haven '
Star Tea
wiikui: tiii: citowns ao
Another Quarter Production
for 5 and 10c
The Mill
on the Floss
Cieorgo lClllottN fnnyiu-i atory.
rIiowIuk tho great flood mciio. A
Mutual niHHter piece, In five parts.
Fatty Arbuckle
In U iii.ikIc pants. A two-part Ke.
hlone lomnlv.
Auto Service from Eagle Point
to Medford anil Back
The undersigned will leave Frank
I Lew la' confectionery evory day ox-
cept Sunday for Medford with hla
; auto at 1 o'clock p. m., arriving nt
1:00 p. m. Leave NhhIi llotol, Med
ford. at 6:00 p. in., arrivo Knglo
I'olnt nt 6:00 p. ni. A part of tho
; ";- , ,,,.',
"' 1
'l laM' rK
Phone 153-H
Mis "Bryan
Vocal Teacher
212 So. Grape St.
Medford, Ore.
Is the Coming
Tlu great demand for sood
necessitates cnrlv buying.
Wo have certified seed free
of Johnson grass.
Get our prices.
"Wo have n jjood stock of
local grown Artichokes.
Plant some for cheaper hog
Seed & Feed Co.
ill I
I Main St.
N i : ir r r"i ll
i .. . f . ., j
I ' ' . till ' i , I ,s M
' i nce. 1
lit ' on Ihi-. i .ii. rm
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