Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 01, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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VTi?nwYPr. H
PmlMlip fml tonight t nfr
nml mMffi mnt 7l, itilit. HM
''t 1 Ik
Report of Capture of Bnntllt Mot
Credited, But Believed to Be Only
Matter of Few Days Troops Lose
No Time hi Following Up Pursuit
Wound Story Bolleved a Fake.
Kl. PASO, Tex.. April l.-A Chi
lniiiluin di-pnlch received br a Mexi-
mii official in Jiwres thin afternoon
state therein a report in Chihuahua
tlmt Villa hiM been raptured in Miu
ii in. Kf forts to confirm the report
here were without result.
Kl. I'ASO, Tex.. Aril 1. The cap
lure of Francisco Villa br the fly
iiiir squadrons of American cavalry
--an-hing the Sierra Mad re today is
believed Iiv arniv officer at Fort
ItliK-. l be only a matter of day.
II ix lorve scattered into small
bands after their smashing defeat by
Cul !! I I(m1 and his ravulrvmen on
March 'JW. Villa in rrfiwrted to have
-ouirht safety in hifliiiir in some re-ri't-i".
of the continental divide. The
h.indit' injured lee. mhI to hare been
In oV. in b a gunshot wound or a fall
lrittn u horse, will doubtless prevent
linn from making' nnr long flight over
the rugged mountains.
Tlmt illn wa .already enlured
nml )-in!; brought hack lo the army
hose .il f'nn Grande was a reHrt
i 'im lung here today, but it waa not
i-miIiIiiI in uftieiiil iptarter.
Iltxlll I'.tMIIIW. llHM'
SAN' ANTONIO, Tex.. April I.
With onlv a brief rent. Colon id D.hhI's
iiviilr, to whom fell the honor on
Wednesday of dispersing "dM) of
Villa ' men at Guerrero, attain resnnt
ei' th" chase of tlie scattered baud",
while supporting forces that had ar
med emered the railroad toward
Chihuahua and smaller detachments
nl Ameriean troops began beating the
count rv adjacent for sign of Villa.
Overnight dismtchcs to General
Fusion tnn Mexico told the manner
in which General IVrhinnfaminitive
lore. hud de-do ved, hut none
lin.n-lit ndditional detail of the
lighting !it and about Guerrero. All
bore tiling date of Thursdar or early
Kudu v. iiermitting officers here to
retain the hope that -tei-hap another
uccc-.iiil encounter had been regis
tered, or Mrhapa even the papture of
illa IniiLcIf has been effected.
111m 1'iiHoMiiilmlv
.lu-t win re Villa went alien the
Ann iirini- barged In force nl Guer
rero is unknown hire. Keport that
he wa earned away on a litter; that
be rode oft in a carriage, or that he
u hiding in a cave of a mountain
overlooking the battle between bin
men and thoe or Colonel ltald. were
characterized at headquarter a
I'notticial re-sir! eariv todnv indi
cahd the possibility of an error as
to hut wounded c mditioti. One of
these reports, -huh was from n Mex
ican source, was that he was ouite
-'mid in wind and limb and tlmt hi
wn men had spread the report of
hi- broken leg in order to di tract the
ntliiiti.-n of the American.
Iiiorticiully. it waa rewrted that
the Imlht that disabled Villa naaaed
Ibroujh the Hone of bin hip. It waa
-mil nl hc,idiuartera that jut before
i oh.iicl i.Hld began hJa fifty-five-null-
dui-h to (Jucirero, he waj at
H.i. IniKvii, not more than iweaty-five
mil.- aav in a direet liae. Vnm
iUu himva a truil extendi in aonth
. rl .iirectton to Maliwoo. from where
.mother trail extend to Guerrero,
iiort!ic.t of Malpuo. It wa over
tin- rixm.luboiit route that he led hi
u.ili. m the opinion of aftnv of
tm i- In r. . in order to attack Guer
T r In ii ' rear.
rf ..iinmiiim
W SH I N'IjTON. ril t An
amendment to fie -nate army bill
to create on the Fadfir coast a body
of ;''. i-oo men to be known as the
mot-ile land tone and military re
serve for national owfease to serve
alternately in military tt-rvlee aad
1 1. U'.o n in the roretr nd refla-
a'.'li -. r Olftf ! lo.lrtV '
' r - oi-
One of Five Airships Winged by Brit
ish Drops in Thames Crew Is Cap
tured Twcnty-eiajit Killed, Forty-four
Wounded Ijy Bombs Raid
Most Extensive Yet.
LONDON'. April I. Twenty-eight
nenHiHa were kilted and forty-four
Injured In mat nlghfa nlr raid In
eaitern eonntlea, according to official
figures gtren oat today
One of the five Zeppellna, the I.-l'.
wbleh vlaltotl the eaatern countlen
tt tfnvtBkkJ tlMrlur Ilia tllttM llrnlk-
ping ome ninety bomb, waa dam- j
aged, presumably by Itrttlsh antl-alr-craft
gnns, and rame down off the
it surrendered to
Thamea eatuarv.
Hrltlsh patrol boats. The crew was i
taved, but the airship brake np and
sank while being tewed in.
The raid of last night vtas the
twenty-second of the war. The loot
Zeppelin was the third of her class
to come to grief in these raids.
Dispatches received from points on
the southeast, eaut and the north
east coasts and In the eastern coun
ties Indicate that last night's Xeppe
lln raid or raids for there were apparent!)-
separate ventures north and
south were the most extensive yet ,
At Omit Height.
The Zeppelin remained at mnrh
greater heights than during prorlou
visits and consequently very few per
sons saw them except when they
were picked out by the Hrltlsh search
lights. Their great height also had
the effect of preventing the accurate
selection of their targets and their
ootnbs dropped Indiscriminately
Home places were passed orer with-!
oat being attarkeil, while In other
Instances several bomhe fell within a
radius of a couple of hundred yards.
Information at present at hand Indi
cates that the damage done waa
chiefly in the smaller towns.
The Zeppelins first made their
presence known by dropping mombe
shortly after 9 o'clock and at seme
points the aerial bombardment waa
still proceeding at 1.30 o'clock this
morning. The identity of the wrecked
Zeppelin was disclosed la the fol
lowing statement:
"fifty-four explosive and incen
diary bombs were dropped over the
eastern counties and twenty-two over
the northeast roast. The I.-1.1 was
hit near the tall by gunfire over the
eastern counties. 8be dropped orf
"A machine gun, some ammunition
aad a petrol tank were dropped b
this or another airship."
JiIhhI Xlglit for Itnlil.
It waa aa Ideal night tor the raid
Everything was In favor of the Zep-1
pellns. including the atmospheric
pressure and the lightness of the
wind The dirigibles came In over
the coast early la the evening and.
sailing high, divided their forces.
Those who saw them say they were
larger than the dirigible used on
prevleos visits. They kept at such
a height that they were out of range
t .
i ..
German Claims Tremendous Expcwll-
complisli Results
Mi:itI.IN', April 1 - Kuo-mn raKti
allies in the recent offen-ie on the
northern jmrt of the line were not
leM than 1 10,0011, the German war
office estimated today. The state
ment read:
"Katdern Frent: There were no
.levelojunent of imH.rtanee. The
Kwouan offensive aitparetitly i i'.-
haimled for the moment
"From IMinwrv 28 to March 2K
the ItuMMiaiiH attacked In rue M-clorH
of Field Mambnl Von llindcnburu'i
front with thirty divi-iuim, or mote
than fiOO.dOO men. and with such nn
exMnditare of munition as until now
had been unheard of on the eastern
front. Thank to the limvery and
tenueraua Sttdhrance wf the Gentian
troopu, the naMStaiiM hao hud no tmc-
re at all.
'VTbe ItitSHiait enauHlticH, acronling
to eaiilioua ealciilutioiiM, were uol
fewer than 1 1fl.OfHI men."
"U'eMlern front : Xeur St. Kloi an
attack with hand grenades by the
liritiah was rcpuUed. There waa
fighting with minex iM'twecn Im lias
wee eanal and Xeuville.
Xorthcnt of Itove the fire of the
I'rtneh artillery was terv xpirited.
German artillery effectively Hhelled
(Mmitions of the enemy on the Amne
"There were intent aitillcr imels
in the Anri'inii- .iml m the sector of
the Men-.."
WASHINGTON'. A,.nl 1 H a
vole ot .'I to 1 tin i n.ilf imliriarv
auh-i'oajimiilcc i Mii-nlirint.' the ihin
inution of I .oiii-. II. Hrundciii lor the
kiipreme court, todu otcd to recom
mend confirmation to the entire com
mittee. Those wiling for confirma
tion were Senator Chilton, Walah
and Fletcher, democrat, again -t Sen
ators Cummin and Works, re'Nibli
cans. The full eonimittee i- under
ntood to stand practically een.
i smt fv grsiT. j si .rviniu aaeamacxeai
iiMiAnu il I f r r tJT Fit. r'. j n(nv -IH i
-mm uiss mmu-rw'M
! put An in nnni m Wmt. . .-j&m
ture of Men and Munitions on the, JwRflJ X jAi i&l 'il
Front Has Failed to Ac-t wSmJNm- .i iJ?' BatlwcMrlKfc. sjj
i I ii$ .JUtL 1!B,CJJ!?5r"5ii wLiSn ) wwamsmmak "4
V JHL.rffcw 3Bu.l ffllfcrM
WASHINGTON. April 1. Anilma
sador Gerard eabltii the state depart
ment today that he had been inform
ed by the German government thai
uothing wait known officially there
of the attack on the steamer Huwaex
and lingliaiunan, but Hint an investi
gation waa being made, lie said the
German goernniiut informed him
they had only ncwsmifier report on
the two ciimch up to the present.
The uontent ot Ambasaador Ger
ard's dispatch, the first received from
him since inipurics- about Iho two
iUiiih were forwarded to iU'rlin sev-
rrul days ugo. wcic immediately sent
by wireless to I'ri-nlent Wilson, who j
is taking u week cna. trip uown tne
l'oloinue river on the nuvay yacht
The investigation promised may
take a week ur more. Hubmarinc i
mmunders at scu will huve to re-
iieiore me uerman government.,
will lc in a position to say definitely
whether or not one of its submarine
attacked the Kuejc or Englishman.
Olfu-ials take tor granted thnt the
Knglisbman was ui lacked by u Ger
man submarine hci-uuee of rejsirts
thnt warning shot- were fired at her
before she was torpedoed.
Ji"' 'elT-T - --a i-- eaprtsrvasi - "M "kTT -
SWtemaS "fe!l : v&-.i.V JHH
' IIshi'iMIi Ji'M. .- '' -0titr .&r.
1 1. out uni.i i nvv r rniT i nmrT-i rrrTr ! mw if1
un dm. UU.U. fla4P ,LX&,rtAttt&4&MWKZWlmWiR
Jxlmwiskt ' -St SW fMmsmmW
W'UII, I, IfMfi
NKW YOKK, April 1. Dr. Arthur
Warren Wuite will be plueed oh trial
fur the murder of his wealthy father-in-law,
John li. Peek, the district at
torney eiMMdM, within a month. If
hia condition permits, Wait will lie
airaigneil next Monda on the two
indictments found Hgnimd. him yes
terday. i
A private detective employed by
tKe I'cck family delivered to the dis
trict attorney today 1H0 slidus and
IUII lest tubes which arc believed to
contain disease germs, , The.v hid
labelled tetanus, Asiatic cholera,
pneumonia, tuberculosis, typhoid, ty-
phus, nnthrux and inllucnieu. The de
tective found them in Wattes aMit
inent. The discrepunrv between the $0000
which Dr. Arthur Wurren Waite de-
dares he gave Kane, and the $7H00
which Kane dug up from its hiding
isncc wa- matic tue suiip-ei ot uu in-
ventilation by DiMrict Attorney 111-
wurd Kwann Ma v.
According to Kune, the largw roll
of lulls was lorced into his hands by
Waite and he never counted the
money while it was in his possession.
Then-fore, Im aid, he did not know
its value when be buried it.
Two Hcovy Attacks East of Metisc
Result in Sllnjit Advance Other
Attacks Repulsed Violent Bom
bardment at Mnlancourt Repuls
ed at Dead Man's Hill.
1'AItlS, April 1. -German fotevs
luliverud two litmvy nttauks last
nigiit in tlio Vurduu nigiou oast o tlio
Moiim. Tlio wnr office iuiuoiiiiochI
Gits nftoruoon thnt otto attack guirnnl
the GuruiHtia a footing in tlio vitiligo
of Vhiix. Tlio other attack was ro
liulsml. Woet of tlia rivor tliore w n vio
lent lumilmrtlinoiit in tlio rugion of
The Gtunmn lnigndes ntlaaktMl just
aftur dKik. Tlio uoliiinu attaoking in
front mot with such Miistninud firo
tlmt it whb lliniwn linck boforo rcnoh
ing h honso of tlio village. Tlio us
MHiilts worn renewed rrpeetedlv at in
tervals oT a few minutes, the Gorman
ranks growing thinner uith onoli rush.
IIi.muIi Is Miute.
At about 11 o'oloek the Germans
brought up a fresh lirigado nml lit-
tHokud furiiiusly on nil sides, hut wuro
iigHin tlirowii Imuk by tiflo i'ito nml
At J o'olni'k another ehargo wiin
iiimlo. II was dirocted prinoiimlly
agHlnsl tin flaiiks and the column op
era I ing on Hut loft alter being topiils
cil sevoral limes, succcc.lcil in making
a IiiohcIi in Iho (loTcusivc lino of thu
Kreiicli. lining reinforced with miiro
fresh troops, tlio Gonunns woro ulilo
to hold (ho ground.
The French battalion still hold nut
and fought ftom house to Iioiipo until
i iaw n. j nun mo oror-uicnm(in iter-
.... .. . j
man reintorcementa ovorwliolinod
what icmaiueil of tlio ilofendiug
force. Ity that limo uolhing was loft
of the village hut a pile of smoking
ruins. i
Aio Kill on Iturh,
The Germuiis remained ipi'icl along
tlmt silt of tho lino during the day,
hut made heavy attacks against the
advanced French )Hsitions in the re
gimi of Grail Man's hill. After pi on
s rat ion with a veritable storm of
shells, German infantry attacked in
massed formation and lionet rated the
first line of the French trenches at
some iMiintM. French infantry eoun
Icratliickcd with the bayonet and
drove Inn k tin German'- in disoiilor.
GKNKVA, Apnl 1 Tin Nwi-,
government mi-,- m a piihlie -tatcment
that it scciiin proved that the luo av
iators who dropped five lurge bombs
last Friday oil the Kwiss town of
I'orentruy, near the Freuch frontier,
were Germans, for attached to thu
bomb which faded to explode were
instructions for their use printed in
wpm. l.lL---J M-. mu
NO. 0
Schiller, Confessed German Spy, En
joys Notoriety Gained by Capture
of Matoppo Says He Planned De
struction of City of Sparta and
Cunard Liner Believed Faklnn.
-NKW YOUIC. April 1. Accom
imnleil by a dotootlvo, Kruost Schll-l
lor, tho Gorman stowaway, .who, un
aided, took possoselon of tho British
Htowmor Matoppo at soa last Wondos
dny, nrrlvud at pollco hoadqunrtcrs
horo today from I.owos. Dol.
Bchlllor wns qiiostlonod by pollen
official roRardlng tho Idontlty of tho
four men who ho said woro to havo
nsslstod hint In an allogod plan to
oapturo tho freight stoatm-hlp City
of Sparta, schodulod to mill Into to
day for Vladivostok. Stntoinonta by
Hohlllor that tho City ot Sparta was
to carry a largo amount of ninnoy
was donlod by tho captain, J. Mc-
Kollnr, who sold ho nevor hoard of
"As for thoso four Gorman frlondu
of his," nddod tho captain, "thoy must
ho uinscpinrndlng as Chinamen, as I
havo nobody but colllos In my orow."
Plot Apilnst Ciiuatiler.
Tho pollco stated thoy doidrod to
(liiostlon Bchlllor uIho ropnrdlnK an
allogod plot to blow tip a Ciitmrd
stoamshlp In Now York. This plot,
thoy bollovo, was formulated' In a
Hohokon, N. J., ronort, which thoy
said had boon visited by Schiller.
tfchlllor was In a ohcorfttl mood
vvhoii ho arrived at hnatqunrtors.
"Why, tho cnptnln seomod to havo
tho liloa that I was a ferocious Riant,"
ho oxplalnod, laiiRhlng. "When I
mot tho cnptnln I simply pointed my
liorofliiKor at hi in and said 'sit down.'
Ho sat down very suddenly. I did
not show my plfitol to htm or to tho
iniito, who enmo In soon aftorward."
Hohlllor turnml ovor to tho pollco
tho Matoppo's impors and $00 In Hug
llsh monoy vvhloh ho said ho had
taken from the captain.
No frankly admitted, according to
tho imllre, that ho was loader of a
plot to blow up a Cunard liner. Ho
asserted that ha had persuaded four
men to Join the atilp and that
they ptannod to board tho ship, takn
poesoaslou of hor at sea and doe troy
lior. i i
Is WivivIiik Tales,
The police ware Incllnod to bo
Have, howevor, that onjoylng his no
toriety, their plrato prisoner wan
weaving tales The Cunard plot wan
not carried nut, ftchlller said, ho-
causa his oonfederuta got "cold foot."
Sohlller said his real namo -waa
Clarence Hudson, that his father waa
an ISngllshman and bad nmrrlod a
German woman and that ha was horn
in I'fltrngrad. There his pnronta
sepurated, said he, and he went to
Germany to live with his mother.
At Uie outbreak of the war, ho
said, he went to Kngland and obtalnod
a position at a submarine plant at
Cumberland. He stole so mo sub
marine pis as, ha deeMired, and
turned them over to the German gov
ernor. He was arrested and escaped
conviction aud then oame to Amor
Ico. t
f-'eileral Assistant District Attor
ney Knox heard Schiller's statement.
JtOMK. March .it via I'arH, April
1 Premier AhuuuIi appeared on tho
liulioii) of the HritUh embassy tn
nlKht to salute a great conoourso of
the Hoie of Home who had gath
ered to cheer him, "We are hero,"
ho said, "to further the victory of
right and Justice."
It Is said that Premier A-uIta,
after conferring with the Italluu min
isters, will pay a visit tomorrow to
Pope Uenedtct at the vatlean.
The Tribune ventures the opinion
that the British statesumu's Inter
view with the pope will deal chiefly
with Irish affairs, that the question
of the Irian In Awarlea will be dls
cussed as a "portion at them are con
ducting a moat audacious campaign
in favor of the central powers,"
Other newspapers believe tho papa
will take sdvautage of the premlor'n
preseuie to make another overturt)
,. n, t! JM