Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 31, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    ftfFTFM?Ti MUt TfffftfVF. Ml TirOTlTT in;i i n n.-ihw 'hi,, ff i i .:
T'Vr;f "i vf -
I )i It1nnin of the lfrtl'li meet
c,ln In tli" evsngeltatlf "rrl- ho
ween for Frldnv, April .'I in Ike
f hnnianqua building An executive
romii itlee wlHch Km general rkirw
Includes Rev 3teom FarqnlMlf, CM
gregatlonal, Dsnnjfloss. Metb4M;
farnahan. PfoohTterlan. and Rloeh
stone, pnolMl, representnitrti of Inn
1lntotrrll Union The toymen wtll
h repreentdt h Maeom Lambkin, V,
o N. Smith. Hodgson and Dtekerwm.
Other lommfMeee will look attar de
talls relating to cottage prayer meet
ings, music, secretary, finance, enter
tainment, and budding. Even 'pub.
McK" features will not b erer-ook-'l
In committee assignments. It
will require nearly a dosen nnhers
to rat the m wit lode. Rev. Mr. Car
tmhnn will have supervision of thr
per-onal worker claaa. Laymen
fiom Medford. by virtue of recant ex
i Hence with the meetings held tbara
i Messrs Mathls and Veasey, will
in- Invited to come her and offer
Higgesllons regarding plans and
methods, thla meeting to be held pre
liminary to the revival proper, and
April ft haa been suggested aa the
dote for holding auch gathering.
(' A. Weston, chief engineer on the
Shasta dlvlalon. accompanied Supt.
MetcRlf on a tour of Inspection at
thla terminal on Wodnoedsy.
Arrangement for the Shrlnnr rc
reption and hall on Friday evening
of thla week contemplate the ten ill nit
of Invltatlona to all members or the
organisation throughout thla Juris
dktlon, oven aa far distant aa Marsh
flulil. Tho ovont will take place In
Elks temple. Mualc will lie furntsh
d by the Hneolrlgg orrhoatra of .Mud
ford. Ashland will hare to look out for
Ita laurels, an epiom anlt spring hav
ing juat been discovered near Ontar
io In Malheur county. Tho find wan
illamvnrml whlln nrnaiiiu'tliiir for
k ascarots.
Klks of Aahlaud Lodge, No. 044,
Hill Install offlcora on Saturday ev
ening, April 1, at which ovont all
mombers are urgod to be presont.
The apodal election to vote on
bonds haa been orflclally called for
Tuesday, April 11. An atnendninnt
to the charter la conteuiplatod by
adding thereto article 21, providing
that 43, BOO of six per cent honda ho
lefunded into a like amount of se
en rl tin boat lug five por cent. Honda
to run twenty year, with option of
redeeming aame In Installment aft
er ten )ear. The greater amount
of the laaue Is represented by street
intersection obligations Incurred dur
ing the paving "reign of terror," so;
called by opponents of thla great ini
proveraent measure.
Over 100 art mwsterplees are to be
exhibited at the armory April tl and
7, for benefit of the public school
Picture fund. The exhibit will be
mualc and diversified entertainment.
Conductor W. W. Illalock and wire
have removed to Dunamulr. which
will be the conductors headquarter
Indefinitely. Ilia run la now on the
local freight between Dunamulr and
Red Uluff. In the meantime the
famll)'a Ashland properties are for
Canvasser Willis, representing the
National Hotel Register company, has
been In the city thla week In the In
terests of that corporation, with the
view of installing a brand new regis
ter In the remodeled Hotel Oregon.
It la understood that the plan, Inso
. far aa advertising features at the
handa of local merchants la con
sumed, haa been turned down by the
Business Meu's Association. The Na
tional company la located at Du
buque, Iowa.
The east side Parettt-Teariiera' A a.
aoelatton will meet in the library oh
Monday afternoon, April 3, at 3: IS
o'etoek. The librarian, Miss Hleks,
will talk on "Hooka Our Children
Head," and Dr. Or egg w discuss
the merits of medical inspection In
schools. The association will also
elect officers.
The Hotel I'ark dining room has
been reopened under management of
G. W. Phillips.
Taxes become delinquent on Wed
nesday. April 6. This date Includes
the customary respite f forded by the
days of grace.
After bavin lived and voted In
the United States for over half a
century, though born an ISngllsuman,
It was required of J. It. Casey, ex
IHMtmaater and the holder at one
time or another of a doien minor of
fices, that ke produce his father's
naturalisation papers preliminary to
qualifying tor registration under pre
vailing laws. Ttiese were forthcom
ing la due season, although they dat
ed way back to the Mexican mar per
iod. These exactions remind the
writer of an experience incident to a
second registration required on ac
count of having removed from Laurel
Btreet to tli corner of Ilaum and
Pine The ntord lioetli Horn in
the Province or ijueliet of American
; MALTED flfiSLiKo
C&ap vuUtitotei coat YUtX un4 Filca.
''P'aiip of ntf in li vnfr I nf
tv preaMentlal election ulnce 17 i
Mer rf Iksteta debarred tnm rgfrMfrg
lion Itajg flffswm Mi gftssjiM Mrf
Hie ff lilptM'fl KflflMk bfgwKfget Ml
4 n Ttmf HgglwIMs rf
tfrrfkener, Atsjwflh aiNt the li4
rrltlsh pwsh. Vpm rertvw, rwftMfg.
Um pie granted. H MfMifi tm
sMved that swtitiaver veied Is
stfalglM llehei far qveen of me loeal
carnival in 111 i.
Mfsa Mettle Jtorgaa. dangktsr ef
J M. Morgan, died in this eltv last
Tnesday, aged 30 years. Funeral
eerVrWt were held on Ttrarwtay fram
the CVIstlan chnrch. Burial wm In
Mountain View cemetery
8. 8. Smith, manager of the Hert
ford Sun, waa In Ashland on Wed
nesday, perfecting arrangements for
the prompt delivery of that paper
which will now reach hern en the
Shasta, limited early In the morning.
With the morning and afternoon ser
vice now afforded by the Swn and
Mall Tribune, respectively, nnws Is
new available to local readers fully
13 hoars In advance of metropolitan
Itepresentatlvos of the Mitt Fire
works Co., of Stmt tie, .have already
Interviewed thla field regarding a
suitable pyrotechnic display at the
fortheeonilng springs celebration
early In .lulv. Inasmuch an this firm
forestalled nl! others onrly In the
season Its efforts ought to score u
A patient at a local hospital, lif
ter submitting to an X-ray examina
tion, seld: "Doc, will these movies
ho thrown upon tho screen at tho
Vlnlng or tho Lyric?"
O. II. Immhlll, horticulturist, not
content with the rutuma afforded by
one of tho best onrhurds In thla vl-
folnlty, supplemented by handsome
royalties received aa n mngnslne
writer and eaaaylst, has fallen from
the lofty Ideals of literature and de
scended to tho plane occupied by the
ordinary real oetate agent.
W. M. ltelnhart, of Wasco, In east
ern Oregon, Is a newcomer ltoro,
looking about with the view of mak
ing Ashland n permanent rosldcnco.
Diik Night nml wife made u dip to
Oniiita I'm Tuefduy.
Ituv Veuuiilile ih Illinium- wheat to
(ImutH I'hsh for Mix. Kulili of A
plejrnte. Chtiilert Ihirklialter nnd Dan Hern
of tlmiiN 1'ns ueie in the AiuYrnto
alley Weilneadav eiroulntnii; a peti
tiou for n count v roiul in the Mia
ouri Flat eouutry.
1 1n rold Kulili has rented K. J.
lirown'e ntni'h nm will take iiiich
ion litis week.
Oeorge Wooldiiilge of JUmsoiiii
Flat whm al Applegnle Satunlav,
when lie enme to meet John liiugliuin
nml get a horse.
.Mile A gee eame out from Steam
liout Friday liy team, (lie ft ret time
he hiiH been out wiih n team ainee
lat full, He Iioh none to (SrunU
I'iihh nfter a load of tuipplien.
.Mr. WilliuiuH, wlm hue been liiiiiiHiig
dredgiiiK ground hi omul IhU plnee,
left I bin Morninr for other niiiit
imd hu.vh they will put u diill to
work here as eoou hw MWHil)I.
.lohn Uunnintfton, I-M Hinn, ltohert
Finnvv uinl Cliff DiiniiingtiMi of
Jiiekonxille were in the Applegule
eouutrv Momlny.
A. W. Walker ami Charie Haw
nioml of .Minlfoid were in tlii vulley
Saturday. Mr. Walker ull T. II.
.Mnl'ield u new (Irani ear while out
Helen ami ('bai)ea Mee ent Sat
urday and Hundny at home, return
inir to (Vulrul l'iint Sunday evening.
Jim ltM-k of Juek-iiuville ui-el
tliroiih thi-. piece Tueduv en route
to Steamboat with a load of mippliex,
where lie hat Ik en working in hU
plnci r mine.
Iliolvi KiiIIiiiiiii ot ItoM'burR,
The Cook's
"I drl Rxlro vmii-
J.cs with Merit
Vanilla, nnd you'll
hae c ikes that will
make you popular with
all who eat.
Order ci 25c Bottle of
Your Grocer
SO acres Hear Creek bottom, 70
acres In cultivation alfalfa, fruit aud
grain, easily Irrigated. I.ctfl tban
3 miles from Medford. fCSbv es.h.
One ot tho beet buys In Jackson
county. Say whnn and I i!l bo
lis IjImS
lu2 Wen Mala &L
Photo 799
O. f. Bo trno r f(fhw nfne n
feneing, hue gnde a swnnfs tit rlfi
to town 'Iffer rut mr flrta week.
The ifniMe nt IN oetuHat fentl kt
flnlantnir genM mum well gdtended,
fift-lhree nasnaers hero M.
lame frfltien nnnV n nnafneiin trip
losJAledford n few ifnv twek.
the llny' and CHiV In4natrial
rink had an industrial meet 'fneadav
and eighteen ittirrila derided to take
up project work and ramr it out. It
wa aUo talked of having Mr. Omp-
hell of Ashland cntne out ami give a
verv inlrrextior and entertninina; talk
in Ihi Achoolhonne in the near fn
tnre. It wan aleo derided to have a
clean-np day on the aehool groundi
April 7. The m$n re atippoaed to
briny tenm. wagons and the women
with fnll haket of eat.
Chewier Kubli ami llirnra llenon
drove a bunch of onttlo lo Hqnaw
hike a few ilaya ago, and returned
F,thel Topping, who underwent a
nlight opei-Htiim, Dr. Sweeny in at
tendance, hnn returned to her ehool
wmi nvnin.
K. J. Itrown made a (rip (o (Irauta
I'aee ThiirwlnV.
Mi-. M. I). Topping enme tip from
Mnrimv Wednexdav evenins; to viit
her dnughter, F.thel. Ir. Topping
will return luitne Thunolnv.
A verv Inrgo crowd attended the
liirtlulnv surprise pnrtv on rr. Worth,
given by Mr. Worth. A very enjoy
ulile evening wn xM'nt, Severn! oiikh
and reeitniiona were enjoved. Anions
thoie present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Cunt rail of Ilueh. Mr. 51. K. 'Top
pihg of Mnrpliy. Mr. nml Mre. Hill
and eon, l.eator, Mnh IJIlen Stone
nm! Mixi Colvin, nil troni l'mxolt;
Mrx. M. Kubli nnd duuidilcr nml mui,
Kdith mill IMwanl; 5!r. Pern oil mid
two daughter. Alice nml Micnrv;
Ik-rt (Mute mill fmnily, Mr. mid Mri.
K. .. Blown and luibv unit dnughler
Miirgnrcl, Mr. I'etei-Hon. Mr. (Iruhli,
Mr. nnd Mre. T. W. Hen. oil. Mr. nnd
Mri. George Herriutt mid rmuilv,
Mrs. John Ilerriott, Mr. and Mi-s.
Ilouehcr mid family, Itnv Ilia-row,
Thomae and Gertrude Mee, Iloatdo
Head, JnnieM Hinl'Loi-i Kiee, Frank
Iloone, Fred Vincent nnd Kthel Top
ping forty-eight in nil.
Trcclncts Mod ford North Main nnd
West Mcdford register now nt tho
MnllTrlbuno offlco.
Don't Neglect Kidneys
Swn in p-l toot, Dr. Kllmor'rt lMvscrlp
lion, Oieiconuw Kidney Trouble.
It Is now conceded by physicians
that the kidneys should have more
attention as thoy contiol the other
organs to n remarkable degree and
do a tremendous amount of work In
removing the itolsons and waste mat
ter from the system by filtering the
Tho kidneys should receive some
assistance when needed. Wo take
less exercise, drink less water and
often eat moie rich, heavy food,
thereby forcing the klilnejs to do
more work than nature Intended.
Kvldence of kidney trouble, such as
lame baok, annoying bladder trou
bles, smarting or burning, hrlokdust
or sediment, sallow complexion,
rheumatism, maybe woak or irregu
lar heart action, warns you that your
kidneys require help Immediately to
avoid more serious trouble.
An ideal herbal compound that has
hsd most remarkable success as u
kidney and bladder remedy la Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot. Thero Is
nothing else like It. It Is Dr. Kil
mer's prescription used In private
practice ami it is sure to benefit ou
Get s bottle from your druggist.
However, if vou wish first to test
this great praration send ten cents
to Dr Kilmer & Co., tilnghsmton, N.
Y , for a sample bottle. When writ
Iiik be sure and mention the Medford
(Ore l Mull Tribune Adv
CIIKTIT .tvunu.
I have filed declaration of candl
dac for the ofrice of Circuit Judge.
1 will sincerely uppreclute an expres
sion of approval by the oters, of my
administration of the office during
the past six )ears.
I hereby announce that I have filed
m declaration of intention to become
a candidate for the republican nom
ination for the office of representa
tive subject to the decision of the re
publican party at the comiug primary
Adv. C. M. THOMAS.
I have heretofore formally an
nounced my candidacy for the nomi
nation for sheriff on the republican
ticket to be voted upob at the com
ing primary election. May 19, 1911.
I have held the position of deputy
sheriff during the past four years. It
is unanimously conceded that a mark
et' Improvement has oeen made lu
alt upartments of the sheriff's of
fice during the Incumbency of tho
present sheriff, tbe records In the of
fie at the beginning or the pretc-nt
administration were considered thtt
wotxt iu the state they are now
considered equal to any gad better
than most
Tbe wura nftor coJIwtiaahill
a -tem&tixtd so tuat quicker and net
I tinil't'l
in ten e
f rm fttf- J tfcn d-
Am .n i n ' -' iffk nrr whlek
1 SI,'!"-
H I am nennao'-l tsrf $Urt4 I
fsiflte mvself
let -To malnrnln the offing H Mt
sfsjuent efficient condition.
Ind To endeavor to fnfther hn
nrnre fhe mrtlr to tatonM Mtt In
MtMnHte (he eea 'heranf.
3rd To hBpajrirally peTftf all
duties and enfor all laws
te W. (Cnr'rl WlLttW.
I am a enndfdate ror the nomina
tion of Sheriff on the repnhMean
ticket to be toted for at the primaries
May l. 1S18 If nominated and
eleeted I will enforce the law and
give the pMblle an honest. Impartial
and efficient administration.
37 years In Jackson county.
I hereby announce my oandldacy
for the republican nomlnatton for
sheriff, to be voted on st the coming
primaries. May 19th. 11.
I fee) that I need no Introduction
to the public, having been a resident
ot Jackson county for 38 venm
I plodge myself. If elected, to give
nn impartial, oconomlcal and con
servative administration of this Im
portant office.
I have endeavored to sorvo the
public faithfully in the l mat and
iiKree, If elected, to strictly and
Impartially enforce all laws. Having
a very large experience In tho inM
teri of taxation and knowing Jack
son county thoroughly, I pledge my
self to conduct the tax collection
branch of the office In such n manner
ns to sorvo thn taxpayers honoatly,
promptly nnd efficiently.
Adv. W T. OIUKVra.
I am a cnndldnto for tho republi
can nomination of sheriff of Juckson
county, subject to the primary, May
19. tUlG.
I lmvo llvod in Jackson county
twelve yenrs, made the rnco for tho
nomination for sheriff two years ngo
and received n splendid vote despite
tho unusual conditions I had to op
pose and would appreciate, your sup
port this time.
If elected I will enforco all laws
and pledge myself to an economical,
Impartial mid conservative adminis
tration,. Adv. A. W. WAMCJOK.
I hornby announce my candidacy
for the nomination for sheriff on the
democratic ticket, subjeot to tho will
of the votors nt the primary to be
hold Mav 19. 1910. I nm n native
son of Jackson county and my en
tire past llfo In subject to your Inves
tigation. 11AMMI 0. JKNNINGS.
I horoby announce my oondldacy
for the democratic nomination for
aherlff to bo voted on at tho coining
primaries, May 19. 1910. I have
served the city of Medford as chief of
police for over five ears nnd during
Hint time served under four different
mayors, I pledge noself, If nomi
nated and elected, to servo tho public
nnd do my duty as shorlff at all
tiiuos, and glvo the public nn honest
and Impartial administration.
Adv. J. V. H1TTSON.
I nm a cnndldato for re-elootlon
to the office of district attorney.
Adv. IC. K. KKI.LY.
I haroby announco that I have
filed my declaration of Intention to
become n candidate for the repub
lican nomination ror tho office of
District Attorney for Jackson county,
Orogon, subject to the decision ot the
republican partv, at the primary elec
tion to be held May 10. 1910.
Adv. 0. M. ltOHKUTS.
I hereby announce that 1 have filed
my declaration of Intentions, and that
I am a enndldare for th democratic
nomination for the office of district
attorney, subject to the May primar
ies. If I am nominated and olected
to this otflee, I prumlio not to forgot
the fact that I am a public servant,
and that 1 will to the beat or my
ability administer the affairs of the
office, Impartially, honestly and
without fear or favor.
The first of the year a number of
republicans, including many who ap
proved of my efforts In tbe Interest
of the taxpa)ers as state representa
tive four years ago, requested me to
become a candidate for the office of
District Attorney Inasmuch us there
would be, in addition to tbe regular
duties of the criminal and Juveulle
courts, new duties aud conditions
confronting the office. Among these
were mentioned tho enforcement of
tho prohibition act, aud the likeli
hood of having to foreclose many tax
liens, particularly those sgalnst the
Southern Pacifli laud grant of nearly
half million acre In Jackson county,
amounting to about $200,000
My reply wan that I would become
a candidate It It were generally de
sired and the ruce could be made
without assuming special obligation
to any paitlculir individual, faction,
locality or latere U.
Therefore, after consulting person
ally or by letter several hundred men
aud women of all occupations In
all parts of th county, believing
there Is a real desire for my candi
dacy, I will be a candidate for the
nomination of District Attorney on
the republluau ticket.
I am a candidate for the office of
district attorne) on the democrat
ticket. If nominated and elected, I
shall serve the county as I have
served the City of Medford during
the past three )ear, during hich
time I have been its city attorney.
Adv. 11. It .M'CAUK.
O. A. (Jonlner i IWinbUrn Candi
date for Coo ot OlerW
I herebv announce my caudldacy
for the office of county derk and if
nominated und fleeted will continue
to clve tnv ent!r- time and attention
to the duties thereof, conduct the
offlco according to law and j;lvo nn
efficient, economical and business
llko udDiiBlstrati. a.
Adv. O. A. GATtDNEIl.
; i tereyr a H"uncc mat x n&vo
i filed ley ueolar&tton of Intuition to
&W6W4 n ca&iMdaiu for Uig topubitr
can nomination it lbs otdue, uf noun,-
r rrv li " ' ni
rtfld fltr rnte".' '
cost Ihan hfrefofore
i r r ' i ' -nn hi' I'lrfii
in Mi df l '-in of Ho rrpuMlrnn pf
if at the primary eWilon lo he held,
Ma? !.
Air. "" ' pi"' N'f
r fit tfV TftfMnl ItPK I
Tpntr Teunlv Trsurr Mrrfte,
W P'sdeleT innonnce h" rnndldncvi
for the office of county treasurer
I hereby snnonn'e m randldscy
on the rewMlean ticket for the of
Men of connty irenanrar, to b toted
on nt tho earning primaries. I hate
held tho position as deputy In this
office for the past year and am eon
fldent that I can fulfill tho duties
connected therewith
1 sorted two years a deputy cooa.
tt recorder before taking the imsl
tlon as deputy county treasurer; I
hate also hsd experience as account
sat for enteral corporations, such aa
the Medford Concrete Construction
company and Medford lee and Stor
age Company, before taking tp coun
ty work, and will say that ray post
record Is open for Inspection te the
voters of Jsckson county.
If nominated and elected I will run
the office without tho expense of a
deputy and continue te serve the pub
lic Just as efficient in the future as
I have In the past.
1 herebt announce that I hnvo filed
tnv declaration of Intention to bo
romo a candidate for the republican
nomination for the ofrico of county
treasurer, to bo voted on In the com
ing primaries.
If I am nominated nnd elected will
eonduot tho office In nn efficient nnd
husinossllko manner.
I hereby nnnounrn that I nm n can
didate for the nomination of county
treasurer for Jackson county, Oregon,
on tho ropubllrnn tlcltot to be voted
for at tho primary election to bo held
May 19, 1910.
I formerly held tho offlco of county
troasurer nnd bellevo 1 gave i;onoml
satisfaction to tho public.
During tho time I wns county treas
urer tho county employed expert no
countsnts to oxpert tho county offi
cers' books nnd said experts compli
mented my work very highly na a
public official.
If nominated nnd olorted I shall
endeavor to conduct thn affairs ot the
office In nn honest, efficient and business-like
I horebv announce my candldncy
for the office of county nssossor of
Jackson county nn tho republican
tlcKet, subject to the primary on
May 19. I pledge mysolt to nn
honest, efficient, Impartial and econ
omical discharge of tho dutloe of tho
office and propose to makn all assess
ments upon tho basis of tho true
actual value of the property nnd not
upon nuy Inflated valuation.
I hnrnwlth announco my candldncy
for countv aeseasor, subject to the
decision of tho republican pnrtv at
the primary election to bo held Mny
10, 191G. If clouted I pledge mysult
to make a Just and oultnb!n assess
ment nnd administer tho nffalm of
the offlco tn a bnslunss-llko manner.
Adv. J. 11. COLKMAN.
I horoby announce my candidacy
for tho democratic nomination for
thn office of assessor of Jackson
county, st tho primary to be held
Msy 18th, 1910. Hae had three
yours' uxiierlence as deputy assessor.
I hereby announco my candldaoy
on the republican ticket for the of
flco ot County School Superintend
ent for Jackson county, Oregon, sub
ject to the will of the republican
party at tbe primary election Mny
19. I stand for practical school ef
ficiency, personsl supervision of tho
schools and elimination of aounty
scknol supervisors.
To the veters: I am rnpublloan
candidate for aounty school super
intendent at the pilmary election,
May lit, 1916.
I am for supervision of the schools
by the superintendent snd fur econ
omy lu the county superintendent's
office and every place where It does
not retard tho efficiency of tho
I am In favor of progressive educa
tion, that Is. education that prepares
tho boy or girl for life. I am for all
having a square deal and an equal
chance for an education.
If nominated ami elected I will
do every thing In my power to make
the schools of Jackson oounty the
best In the state.
Adv. A. J. IIAN1JY.
I hereby announce that I have
filed my declaration of Intentions,
and that I am a candidate for the re
publican nomination for the office of
Couuty School Supeitntendent of
Jackson county, aubjsct lo the pri
maries of May II.
If nominated and elected I pledge
myself to an honest. Impartial and
etoiiomlc administration and will
personally nuporvlse our schools.
I hold nn Oregon life certificate,
and having recently spent four aes
slous on preparatory work, both In
the University of Oregon and In the
1'nlversity of California In the study
of modem education and supervi
sion, and having served the county
us rural school supervisor for two
years. 1 feel competent to 'fill the of
fice In a thoroughly satisfactory man
ner and hereby solicit the support of
every true friend of education.
Adv. U Jf. AGMR.
I am a candidate for the republi
can nomination for County School
8uprlntendent. I stand fer: X con
tinuance of proerestirt; policies lu
education, economy consistent lth
efficiency, equal tducutlonal advan
tages for the hos aud girls on the
farm with thoe In the cities and
If nominated and elected I will In
the future, a lo tbe past, give my
full time and best efforts to the
supertiblon of the schools and tbe ad
inlnUtratlor of the dutlts of the of
tUo DmliiK " incumbency I have
not oonflnOd ntMw-lf itrlctlv to the
routtco diiiks of thn officii but have
t alien & biou'jcr view nf tho mUulon
of (ho Countv Heboid Ha, erimondfwt.
lu addition to v y (if forts vt raise the
'iMtiniartl uf teaching ud improve tho
pi i I .n , ' ,) I bi n
' i' re I t" pr in nif fie ifnfe nt
the m end sirls 'hrmish Industrial,
!..-. t t,', ' ,t , ftp- frr'
I t, ,, t, tir'n'.'irt rrri i
' ' 'I n? II I rlMt rf , rin!"tfl ftr1
dtli"! ni'ldil'" 1 frn tliil m erk
linn t'con Tgarded with furor and In
ordr lo continue this wors, I am
ssklng for re electlcm
I'Olt MKNT lUritftMttlllf) APT.
as, wfc. . ssnstisnasssjasasjBsjssssBnnmsnJpssnn)-
FOR KIBrTAMrlsMsH for font.
The Berhen, 10 Qnlno It.
. r-a-x . - - -sea .
von niLvr notlHiw
FOR RBNT- t-room house, close In.
furnished, 16. 194 71. ITT
FORKRMT3f)"piIld"-'ttreot. I
room modern house, with two
acres. W. J. Hartsell. Ul-Jl. t
FOft ItMNT i-room modern bnaga
lew, range connected, east front,
shade. Tel 4M-X.
Foil SATiH tiirrm-nitnc
- ssssaXSi. xotiwssi s s iSksisiSMesaii
FOR 8AI.T8 Good horse, rlga, and
household goods; must sell at once
cheap. Will deliver. Address
Mrs. Jennets. It. D. 4. 8
FOlt SALIC- Heglstered llolsteln
dull calf: good Individual, well
bred, high record ancestry; price
low. Itegtstered llerkshlro pigs,
by Laurel Champion, world's rec
ord slro. K. It. Steel, Winona
Itanch, Ornnta Pass. Or. 10
I''"bit SAUC My pon of beautiful
Sliver Camplnos. These are the
best. 8 pullets und 1 cock bird.
Prion $30 Look them ovor. O.
II. Crsry, nt Medford Poultry &
KgK CoJ 8
KOU 8A1.K 10 bnbv chicks, six
weoks old. Inquire Medford Poul
try & Itgg Co. S
KOU SALIC ICga for hatching out
of prise winning lluttnrctips, $2.80
per settltiK. Address Medford Poul
try and ICrk Co. S
Fbu'sALlC Prlso wlnnliiR ilKht
llrahmn birds nnd eggs. Phono
or wrlto C. Cnroy, Tuluiit, Oro.
WlfsALIC- Old Trusty Ineubntor.
30C King utreet. , 8
FOR 8AI.K Auto whcols suitable
for trailers; ulso other parts; twq
.17X&H tiros, tine condition nt $0.
X09 W. Jackson st. 9
FOlt SALIC- Seat covurs; one limn
tops at A. I). Little Top Works,
100 N. Front st., neat 9. P. station.
FOlt SALIC I'Msturo. running water.
100 acres, good 4 mouths. Phono
201-113. 11
KOU SALIC At Thro Oaks orolinrds,
grain, hay und wheat. IC8-J1. 8
FOirSAT.lCHlCAP lBloRiint sat of
blrdseyo maple bed, springs, dross
or nnd large ohlffonlor. 817 How
nrdst. Phono 65S-II. 10
FOR 8AI.K Ovorlond roniUtnr. Soo
K. A. Hloks, Mutineer, Orogon
Clranlte Co
FOlt SALIC CHICAP Two now cow
boy saddles, now buggy, set ot now
single liamoss. Union Stables. 333
fok hai.k khtath
l . -. MSM ' 1MSSi
FOlt SALIC 80 scree alfalfa augar
beet laud, 3 miles from Medford.
This land will pay Interest on In
vestment, all lu crop. For particu
lar see owner llox 2ti, caie Mali
Tribune. 11
FOR BAI.1C Ily owners, oholco Hear
crook bottom land oloso to Med
ford, with olght year old fruit trsos
apQlns and pears; also alfalfa
laud. Houses and lots for sale or
rent. Jaseph Taylor & Son, Phono
453-11. 331
vTxT?fin"-Woman "isfTfor dlstrliiutl
lug free skeins Wear-Proof darn
ing cotton with hosiery, your seo
tlon. Kxperlonce uuneeeasAry. In
ternational Mills, dupt. 700, Nor
lrstowu, Pa, 43
IIKI.P WAXTKD Male or l'eiimlo
the large maga-
xiue publishing
employ an active
housos desires to
man or woman in
n handle a special
this community t
plan which has
prefitable: good
party. Addieita
encea. Box ltf,
.Now York City.
proven unsuuUy
opening for right
with two refer-
Times Sq. Sta..
WAM'Itl) Minurrni.rtNKOUH
sms i ssastsmistsasBstissasstBsssjgssaMasawssjssssjss
WANTKD Commerelal hatching,
will Incubate your eggs for 5c
Hi-h delivered lo Medford I'oultr)
A ICgg Co , b U p. m. April 1st. h
WANTKD Good work horse about
11 DO lbs ; must be sound aud gen
tle Cull at Centers' place on
highway north of town. J. II. Lin
vllle. 8
WANTKD--Sacks. Leave at Tur
ptu'a blacksmith shop. SO
WANTKD 1 have patented and mfd
a household couvenlence 1 have
personally sold hundreds of them
amounting to thousauds of dollars.
I now nunt parties to sell the ar
ticle or oversee saleemen in sell
ing, it In tbe l'. S Investigate
lru L. GUusou, Central Point, Oro.
want an ot
VANTKD Wnsklng and general
cleaning. Phone 3II-Y 10
WANTKD Position as house keeper
or work on ranch by woman with
I small children. Mrs. J. It. Miller.
Medford. l
WANTKD Situation by male stenog
rapher, K. years exp ; verbatum,
legal and general, living here. Bog
r,9. Rural Route 3, Medford. I
WAVTni) liay vsorfc of ail Jjlnda.
lV ipn'j i,'lV iiWHi) I)
Uuvtn in Mill
NTRHTtllHN linen f ,rr
-ft m f -T-'fi . , . . .- ufop
i vf- ,ifi,f ii i i ii t ii n-t rP-
ir , I i i.fiiii.i I n II Vtn.l Tfl-
imnf 1ft
rntfuv iM'io on irt)pro-d rsneh
Holmes fm Insnranep Man
TO lOAK f IfM Ofl rgftfOTOd tAttiii
the iMnfnnsM Man.
j'Tfa "r-
mi niviffw ovvowfbimfm
FOR half, flood paying restan
rant, flrt class locatien: aheap
for cash, If Mkon nt once For
pnrtkulnrs address XYX. care Mall
I'Olt nxCilANflH
KORXCHANOR Reildence tots
In Redding, Cal., for auto or
horses; also IT, acres IH miles 80
of Redding, all fenced, tilled or
pastured has buildings, clear title,
to exchange for small home In
Roghe river valley. Ira L (Ilea
son. Central Point, Ore. f
WlLlTlCXCHANOR property corner
S. Oskdale and Tenth st. ror prop
erty Portland or rlclnRy. 0. Town
send, rr. Union ave., Portland. 10
Auto Supplier
are oporntlug tho Inrgost, oldest
nnd best oqulppod plant In tho Pa
cific nurthwont. Use our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 2C North Flfteonth St.
Portland, Ore. .
11KO. W. CIllCRRY-r-Attornoy and
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Ilnnk Ilulldlng, ontruueo N.
Central, Medford, Oro.
PORTICR J. NICFF Attorney at law,
rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National
llnnk IlulldlntT.
Coroy bldg.
0. M. ROI1KIITS Lawyer.
Mcdtord National Dank Building.
Dr. W. M. VAN 8COTOO .
Oarnctt-Coroy Hide., ulte 310
Mcdforo, Oro. Phono 8o0.
Collections and ItciKirts
collected boiuo accounts 14 years
old. Wo know how to got the
monoy. Tho Iluilock .Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has
kins' llldf,'., aiC 15. Main st.
Kiiglnccr nnd Contrnctor
FRKlVNCUMMNnS Snginoor and
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Dldg.
Burvuya,, cstlmntos, Irrlcntlou
dratnngo, orchard and land Iin
provoraunt. Iusiirunco.
KARL 8. TUMY General Insurance
office, Flro, Automobile, Acoldont.
Liability, Plato Glass, Contract,
nnd Suroty Hands. Excellent com
jmnlee, good local service. No.
210 Oarnett-Coroy Illdg.
IiiHtrnctlon In Mmto
FRICD ALTON HAiailT, teacher ot
pluno and harmony. Composor
and arrangor of niiisle. llalght
Music Studio, 401 aarnutt-Corey
M -
OATtflA013 Get your premises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good sorvlco. Phono 274-L. F,
Y. Allen.
Pliyvlclnn nnd Burgeons
MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathlo
physicians, 416-417 Garnott-Corey
bldg.. phone 103C-L. Residence
20 South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic
physician, 803 Oarnett-Corey
building. Phone 130,
DR. J. J. KMMKN8 Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Kyea scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
It. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co.
bldg., opposite P. O. Phono C67.
DR. It. W. CLANOY Physlolan and
surgeon Phanea. otfleo 36, resi
dence 7S4-J, Office hours, 10 to
IX, 2 to E.
olan and surgeou. Otflee Palm
block, opKstte Nash hotel. Hours
10 to II, 1 to 4. Phono UO-J.
Homoepathle Physician, Surgeon,
318 ICast Main St., Medford, Oro
gon. Office phone 143, resldenee
phone 73X-K2. Office hours 1 to
4 p. m. .
Pi Inters nnd PiiblUtiers
MEDFORD PUih'Tixb CO., lias the
best equipped printing office la
eouthern Oregon; book binding,
looee leaf ledger. bllllUK gfatetus,
etc. Portland prices. 37 North"
Fir at.
Office 43 North Front st. Pnege
315. Priced right. Sorvlee guar
anteed 8evt lux Machines
iALB OR R1SNT Some used m
ehlnes also for sale doming and
repairing. Baldwin Piano tor sale
from factory to ouatooier. Keal
(tottce 37g $at Ceuuel, JPooa 390,