Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 31, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    vnr. nrx
Mxnrorm wwr, nunrsr., mfiiFokp, om,ov. nmiw. rw.of
n toiii- t n i . I fi i pp. 'i 'i
Hum lour ihiii .1- 'n i' ii if
marlrt on"'',,"n khiiik it a
front est to , the di-
eoTSrv of platNi irr. iri tlif quarts of
tb Itigfcbtsd aWne on I mta ererk in
an unusual fsvonortion i somewhat
sonnet twos).
While the HigMiiiil mine bus b-'i
worked for a Vfar or ieor-, d w-n f
HhtU during rree nt month lltut tl
showiaff in gold cren fed any ni-nc
Mi, . The present owners, findi'is
rtssson to benere that ins ore w
keereajdnir pernliarlv in riehoe t
dVytb wn attained, added wtrengtu l
thW force in an eager desire to un
epver mm evidence of the extent ami
riehne of the ledge. Every drvel
nyaiMit Imh been unifomrlv favor
able, the increase in the outpnt per
tea being ewpeeially gratifying.
I'btliiitOH b Pound
Keewntly they made a shipment of
ballian from the mine to Ihe refiner
at Man Francitteo. Whan the rard
tune back thr Highland owner" wan
asset agreeably surprised to find thai
limy hal a rdatinesn mine. Jn 10.024
amn of fuse gold we found .tag
of an ounce of native platinum by the
Kwif lltr ptutinmn wa dSW-overed
bl the bullion, it m not known from
what rork it fame. At one the mine
owners beeaaie busy on the propo!
Um of develoiW the platinum eon
tent of their rein. Thev have already
AMI for a complete ' equipment to
handle the pjntinnm b.v separating it
tf&u the gold. The proportion shown
at ween ine goM una me uiaiiniini i
tsusoial. It imte reaon to believe
MMt tb loiter in prphnblv Ih richer
of the two elements of thrir mine, ni
thoKb in gold the quarts nm n
Ifl a fSfHl or more.
Wasehheg HeyeloawwaU
Hinrr have I -n, wet'hin;.' the ! -ajefraenta
ia the llifrhlntiil tuinr iinr
iNa; tfae Ntt u wtt-kt Willi niitrt tiuin
iary interel. F. 14 Klkult. f.r
tone of the owim-i of tlmt
pntrr1v, vi(td it un WVWwl of
4le wet k, hrincinR hark wiiiiImt of
vary atrraeliva Minpii of ore. They
re now on exhibition at (he I'ommor
(I elnb.
Not mmiy trohl minem, in propor
tbai to the larva nnmber engaffed in
that faoeinntintr biiNincM, know anjr
thiiur iiIm.ii! the M'ieuee of platinum
and tungsten mining. The dieemery
in tbia Hl-lni-t of theee preeiown met
la, now heinv iiiled at MenHtiwnul
liciiraa, ha unmiMted an iwiuual iu
juiry into that feature of the l.n.l
aeM in thix rxleii-ne iiiiiiiiiv li-iri-tir.
I Kriiiu lln . Ill, mil id-mill i
Mr lre i i.iri uili nun liimtwlf
ad tliu mln ral innisH tiroiert con
fnaad. Krery time an) one tuetton
Ms Judgment or bin Integrity or hta
eta he ut a Ibey are knocking I lie
aprtace iroJet. Mr. tJrwr lau'l the
apHnga project - he lati'l the iwrk nut
the Mtb eamp. nor Hie MmlthKni
99 aontrart nor the lluUer-1'eroaxt
foualaln not ihe taiue uf Abu l.lii
eela nor the ihlWr.-n'ii ila ground
nor Uie dtatributlng ateliou nor the
lake nor the Uta garden nor the IJodae
aji uar the HUlphur cu uor Hie
wierrll nor tin- plpeliue uor tbe
tamd Uau. Ii ut U,u apriaga nor
the earth from whoae Uoaoin iliey
guh. He lti Mount Aaliland nor
the I'liiiMitn not the nrenr nor Hie
altitude uor the unnual taliifall Un
conxtituiea itit of Hit loiul iiiiU"
Sd he muv tx. tin- irlnt4 (uuiuila
aloa, but he l but tin- j.iojcit What
Mr. (Jier la . ixilill. Mrvuiil iletU
ad b l he Mx)itn to , i lorm Kteeiric
dU lie ban no hhim' rlidit lo
run the niirlnga iiojt.rt io Mill Mm
elf than the nintoi of Xhlainl lia
to run i he nt u. .uit lamoelr ll
k uienalile to iirititoim ,uid rinoii
atramea ll- Ii4i no more i Ik tit to
tHind the lu.,m i ' moiK n.i'-
fMlljr Ol 1 ll!,llil ul lllhliOl.t i-
I) than Hie in.i v mi i,,,,- id i,, I,,
Mtrr rlifht to tiai ni , i,i i ,v,.
ni r.H in I imi tin' i io-. ,i ,i,,i,i i i ii
OWII ll U.lll- mill t I i I in ii i
ha ii i. i . i,) t i . ,, ,
ittfu tin i i ,n i t i i , 1 1 ii
U Zmmo for Ecwna
Ketri iiihhI liow . r' ii vhi l,,n lucd
and fail 'l. "i '' '"i' illinium .i, lung
eujeeai mi" l" i I ih 'it. Ii i in i
faruistu-il in un ! idv - '"' "" i " i
iame bi'tH' I lli'iiln.u tn'a n- Hi"
ojUiiiw'Ut iii' i i,,'l"''l In i "Inn i i in
usually n null ni piuipa)., 1 1 i,
bead, ' " t tir uml .iti in
klai aiwiii-. ' I'lii'.Mil
tror cb'sriii 'm- i,u uml tuuki
luukiug '
tieplluak ,
vlMJltalr lit-sl k I in Ii Mil e
rwhJy. II In , ,. , , .ink.
y or
watery aad It ''
miters fsil it Is lli "i
41.1 ni Xvi sll klu
ftvuiv, (
In it
I i Uiijk'
If at-
i ootffit r0Mir
I nwayyl7- lifiaBEL-
Mireery Wilten, Wh Wyg Oefi
Felraanbn' riancee In Mw Mew Trl
eMfW-FiiM Arv Cm4y, "OewW
TreuW" ,
Triangle tr ha new pimi-U lis-
pluying bi anuwhkjr Ulentu in
hmy way.
. Itoniflaa Pairtmnk art- into nil
kinda of trouble In "Habile Tron-
Me," a Tnwntclo flrifnth eometly,
whiefi will ntnuMi atrmifiYf the Paite
theater today and toararrow ufter
nooM and evening, f Hit "all the trn.
We- of KairbankM will oolr add to (he
enjoyment and intMvat ef the plav.
inrbaakx ii a g"d voihib bunker
who i priwipnlly, in rinntatml by the
old Indie of hi" ehnreh to fill the
prewidwnev of the Kabtmlh I'nv naei
ety. Then he gwea awn for a men
tion. . . .
Fairbanks ix etrftek on the Bend bv
n hohlap man and then hi" awuintt
adventure begin.
And there i that Triangle Key-
otoae fentnring Fred Maee in "A
Jiinitor'-' Wife' Temptntmn." A ide-
"t'littiuc IiH-m n matrnii'inial
(n i Ma-.
Try Thle! .Ml lan.bMff lii-aptrr
awd llaie H4aip t iHMliNf Oh I
fturely try a "iianderine Hair
Cleanaa" l( ou wish to Immediately
double the beaaty of year hair. Juat
moutea a cloth with IJanderlne and
draw It carefully through your hair,
taking one amall atramr at a time;
thla will eleauae Ihe hair of dust,
dirt, or any exreselv oil In a few
minutes you will be'amoted. Your
hair will be wavy, fluffy and abun
dant and uoaaeaa an incomparable
aoftneiM, lustre and luxuriance.
Ilealdes beautifying the hair, one
aiiillretlon of Iianderine dlasolvea
t vi-rr particle of dandruff; Invlgor-
t fit tin- i a li. atoiiplng itching and
fulling hair
I a tiller I ne la to the hair what freah
nbnwera of ruin and sunahlae are to
vi'Ki'Utlou. II Koua rliiht to the roois,
liiviaonile and atrnnathena them Ita
e.lillltlatlng, allmulatlnK and Hf-lirodttt-lng
properties caue the hair
Mi grow long, ntrejig and beaullful
You i dii nurelv bate prelt) Milt,
liiHitouH hull, and Iota of It If ou
Kill lltHl ,- ,1 J.', (fill hot 111' uf
Kiioltin'n Itotiilrriiii' from aiiv drug
Hlnre or tniM couiiiir utiU tr It aa
II rui iti il.
i tit sr itn wv riKMiciciHxeiK
The following Is .i Ktht'diilw of ex
liendltures of Jaeknoti Count), Ore
gon, together with a Hat of claim
ants and articles or services fur
whbb lite claim Is md. aud which
were uaaed uKHl lit the CottliU
Coitri for .lurttson CuhiiO ihirliig tttj
iiionlli of Krliruiirt. I'Mii
Tlie lollosliiK hills wire iillowi'd
it'UlUr to the fount v M.ilur Kllllil.
10 wit
i miali (nun awl t itmmltasiMM'i
V (' r.I'l'ViT. I nlllllllhilllllfm
(iiininiii-iitloii .!n 00
K I. TotlVelle. ioiiiiH
ItnlKt' ittlai I ii mi
11 II 'fa lor Kteiio. H,.iiir I ,;
Win (' ltevir, louiii.u mo
it'h t fjliiiii-imatiiili I in
i otirt
IliiU av
K.oimilifei, ilriult
$ is ml
Hltt-ritrs Kike
insiir. fluiltf's Mil
I , v li.l l
ii , l
I l i
. ''oleiitHH,
V lisiilnei
I ! ii Int.
I If i h i. .mm)
ll IMI I
. II,
I ii inn ii Kin
N , , I
Arl'iiit ri.u !
, l, ,l l. I.I t i un.
niiiitrvisor'a al-
f tin tin
i i i i t i ii
,.y lihe 4.i
in. is t..i -i nififg)
-I'I f I
I Mill
i . I
" Beof Roll
A fUw Waf mt ITefwrf UH Own
If Wrt ft'! M'hf, ,r ftff. 4Hr
Kverjr hoiiMwife nntla th di
pmttiofi o Wt ttvn a mat per
Tlnniir problem. K C Beef Roll
will go Ion; way toward help
intr fi ""t when the family jftt
t red of haftb and tew. Yon
r-i!iv ottht to try it for nti prer
t'lfi'pht r tomorrow night at the
trl RoM. K C Sift
nrtffn-i im..ihIMIw
litm:, , tpprt trk4 trf tii
htm I it,tmHj .1 mi,r4 mmi'ard; I knlm
tin iitir.m H Impnmtmjml tm. tmtt
Make a Mruit dowgh of the Hoar
tit, K C taLing powder, burtrningami
mttk, and rrJI into a aheet half aa inch
thick, baring the end even. Mix th
other iagredteatii by themaelvea, ain
luiaM aa nee?lr to make a taute.
Vrrml the pmir f-r the doairn and
roll like a Jelly roll Hake ina buttere.1
pan about forty minute. Rrtoli over
the ontahle with a little heatcn egg left
for the paipoae ami rHorn to the ovea
to brown. Brve ht with a rkli Inmn
ance. ' ither meat, each a chicken or
veal, alone, or in combination, may be
aato. The onfcat and maatanl may be
Htmriy trtim bwt tMnk nl It br Ibe
faoMMMtrAklaaanlrVit'ir Hn Jxart MrKcnHt
Hi1l.rnlfrininririt A Ik cnloml we
Itftral ptH In r-.mi HI K C K'kln
rnvnttt Ke4 nr ,m- lxiliv r-w-k awA
tad lo tlMaei U Mpu Cu.. Lbkacu.
or coniienatl(m ...
AewH ' Offft-e
W II. Roweft. extending taxo
li. J Kuerl), extending lax.
V. T firieve, aaaeaaor'a aalary
Katie M. Orleve. deputy sal
ary Ktta Purkeyplle, deputy aal
ary I.felle W. MUnaell, extend
ing Uxea
CO. 00
7 00
Tomi . . .. .im.oo
CotlerthHt of 'IWMes
L. 11 Alia way, labor tSt.fO
'I. ft. Harper, chief tax dep
uty' salary . . 100.00
J A. N'orrls. Janitor's salary ftO.Au
J. V. Wilson, Janitor's salary 50.00
f'tafr Kami Kiih4.
l)r J l". Hart, salary of poor
farm nuperintendant and
hr-lper . IJ08.33
lohn iilkesa, ferryman's sal-
-ry 15.00
HeeoMlerV Offleiit,
fhaimrey Klorey, recorder's
"lar .$IS4C
Mildred Neil, deputy hire 75.00
SHMejuH's Office.
A. T. Hrown, surveyor's com
ltMStlon . t . Itft.tO
A. J. Itoee, deputy hire SI. SO
.Smler r VehtltiN ami .MeiMiie
Charles I. Hansen, aalary of
district sealer of weights
and measures 130.11
The following hill was allowed
relative to the county stamp fund,
U. f'olvlg. treasurer, $50,
tributed aa follows, to-wit:
Circuit court 13 oo
Kherlf fa office 16.0A
i lerk's offtce 11.00
School suiierlntendent'a office B.s
Assessor's office B.oo
llecorder's of flea .to
County attorney's office 3 ou
The following hills were allowed
relative to the general county fund,
CiHiHly Ciwtl Miel Ciiinmliiiii
iiome Tel A Tel. Co., tele
phone bllt . . .. ... JS.33
Med ford Printing Co., sup-
Idles j, to
Western I'tilon Tel. Co., tele
grama . . .r.a
Total .
CltTHit Olllti.
Home Tel ft Tel. Co., tele
phone hill
Medford Hook Htoro, supplies
19 30
z to
I. so
I'. to
i :,.
Ul 16
3 0
3 Oil
i 00
Jesikl ftemi.
Charles (isrdnor, witness
T. ,1 llolhrook car hire .
A II lluiiiiuond, eonatablu
0. W Murphi, car hire
Ida May Ncutlmmmor, witness
Tom Peril in., witness
Wllium Mchmiiiling. witness
l.llllt Mthmlilllug, witness. .
1. I Tiefrun, Justice fees .
(I o Talor. jusllre fues ..
W T YorK. juror . . ..
Charli-i Young, Juror
T II W.llnrd, luror
J I' Wens, Justice fees. .
rrsnk VMIson. Juror
SbiilfPa Offli-o
i .i
Vi-til in.l
1 1
i'i uitlng Co., sup-
'.' fid
!' 45
11 i' l si Tel. Co. tele-
uiiie bill
si Kxmviiic post, supplies .
U'D I Kuusiuaiv supplies
Medford Printing Co. sup-
IlllfS I
Mtiltunl IIim.i. ritore. supplie
V II -iin. r. n..rlfr iia-
1 1 n i
'III a,
i i I
Itrn. l')pe-
i iter
"Is Co., tele-
1 or.
tiia t;o
$ N 0
1 50
A. 'o
of fiie.
' I ii t, !.
I, i
A I '
I lOtllu'
Co , Slip-
i; to
ilonl Hook glut,', supplies
U Irlth Miotlittr., linns- on
I M 1 J
I I !' "!1. ...4 t u.. BUI..
i'O....- i w.,
S 3'.
put io
iloiiTs Tel Tel ( o tele
phone hill
i.iimii i ,i,(jt) dpj'i.j,Btt ,jtiea ,,
1 ' ' - 3. 10
Mom T"l TH I, tam
r.baae Mil I", u
IM-4fofd irtatlne C., naa-
P ill .... 7.
I Mifr4 Ikmk Mtore, afaaWaa till
I So Ore Treeiiea ow jpajejat
j mipallea ... ,3
Mm .wile TBemi
emvd ....
to 10
MmMerd FrlBtiaK
pi lea for fralt
' A
i T. Ortare,
1 frmm Tel A TH.
pbone bill
3-v. tele-
Med ford Prtatng Ca,
ullea .
Medford Book Stara, Maellea
(Meet4aM nl TMkea
Olaaa Prndhomm C., md-
frtating CV, aap-
ToUI .
'!. ItrtHnttR.
t. D. PhlMita
Whltmy Tfinetiwe.
Rrneatln aatla 117
Mn. J H. Byerly IS.DO
Minnie Boardmaa
Rena W Barr ..
Printha A. BtaekfMra
NeIHe O fluab
Ornhs Betr
Mrs. H. A Crslghtoa
Anna U. Coram
B1U May Calm
Dora Belle ('rem
Laey May Darts ..
May J. Daw .. ,.
Ollee KIIU .....
.Nettle Green
Ulla rranrls ItlKNreraod
Mule liealh ... .... ....
Jennie Jones
iMbelie Klum
tiollie .ore .
Amanda Margaret McXeat 10.00
Ratella Nelson ... 10.00
Mary E. Payne I7.5
Emma Paulson SO. 00
Rosa Ann Hobtdna 17.10
Laura K. Btewart 35.00
Katharine K. Silver 17.50
Mary J. Torey 35.00
(ViM Howe IIHitiM
Cl -Ore. Power Co., lights
Pacific Furniture A Fixture
Factory, putting la count
er In sheriff's office -
Taylor-Williams Co.. maul tee
J. W. Wilson, claaaiag court
Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights ...
Total . .
lull ICM"jii"te
M. K. Abbott, supplies
Dr. R K. Bolden, medieal at
tendance .x
Mrs Jane Johnson, washing
for Jail -
Mrs. Aug. 1). Stagier, board
of prisoners ...... ....
Taylor-Wllllums Co., supplies
I'lrtt h Mi-ox , supplies. .
Cal.-Ore. Power Co., tlgbls ..
10 oo
M 75
Total 1303.03
(Yaw of Poor Otil.ilii of I'iMtr Kiirui
II. Alger, regulsr Indigent... $10.00
August Bohn, regular Indi
gent s no
Maggie Hohl. regular Indigent 15 ou
Crsnflll A Kohnelt. Indigent
supplies for T. J. Xetf... . 10. oy
F. I.. Colvlg, car fare for Indi
gent Sarah Mcfarns and
Mrs. Webb 1 30
Kline Curry, regular Indigent lu Ou
Mary M. Chlldera, regulsr in
digent . ... 13.00
Eastern Store, indigent ap-
pllea for Roberts family.. . 11.01
Kd Plnley. taking Mr. Keen
to poor farm 7.00
J. A. Fattlg, regular Indi
gent .... 10.00
Mrs. Uunu, regular Indigent . 14.00
Mrs. K. C. (lard, ears of Mil-
ler family and regular al
lowance for Mrs, Cewan,
Indigents, regular So.OO
I.uc ill I more, regular Indi
gent . . . 15.00
Mrs. K. ('. (lard, care of Mrs.
Roberts. Indigent 13 00
Mrs. Catharine (illletie, rg
tar Indigent . ... 10 oo
Mrs. Hudson, regular Mdl- ,
gent 8.00,
Hutchison t IfUmsdrn, aup
plies for Rena Avery, Indi
gent . .. ,...4. 13 00
Ktta Jewel, regulsr Indigent tt.ool
Mafia Jones, yegutsr indi
gent 3 00
Msry.Josebs, tegular Indi
gent .. ....... 10.00
J. A. Cslne, regular InulaeHl l.voo
l-ena le, regular Indigent s ou
laince A Co , suppiiea for
Bhauks family. IndUeats . 15. no
Mrs. J. M)er. regular )Mdl
gent 15 oo
Mrs. I Montgouicit, regu
lar iudigent . a 00
Oliver Naudtau, regulur Indi
gent 10.00
Olson A Sun, suppiiea fpr C.
Williams una Mr. BUS
Mills. Indigents Ik.go
The Pernoti Estate. sunjMtM
for P Mrlutyre. Iudigent .. 5 75
M. F Pence, supplies for
John Noon, Indigent k 10
Phoenix MennutlU- 'o sup
plies for K. Kimball. nd-
geut Hi.30
llogue Itlver Morcautlls Co..
suppltes for P. Yuiuw Hid
children aud l. Pgrfgoj.
Indigents . ... 30.25
Spllter A Sou. supiilus for J.
Wilsou. iudlgeut .. . 7.05
J W. Slater, regular iitdiSSUt 10.00
W. ll. Smith. ie.ul..i indigent 15. oo
.Naucy Slsemore, res iter ladi-
geut 10.00
S'tred lleai i Hospital, (Afoot
Ur- aWhsibiier, t. L.
Un, Chas. Wilbur, Wal
ter Wilhur and Joseph
'slil. Mrs liU Urlaooe
and Mr. II M. Hays, tndi
uu laj.fcO
Taleut Mercantile to., sup
plies for Wm Minnow and
Mrs I V Colder, indigent. 10.00
Mr RU-haid Tlioiu.iaos, rog-
ulai uiUlstnt .... 10 00
Taylor-WlUiania I'u, sup
piles for Mrs i 'oil! tar,
Mrs Arhleffellti. Mr. Cop
pie. S Siliumpf and i- A
Wsitt. iudigents . . 17.85
t'lrlrh Hrothers. .applies for
Tom Johnson, Inttlgesjt ... 5 50
I 1 1 i It liroih. n. ui iee for
111 i.iUi ln X)
liroll I'lm-.' r lien
Willi, . I .1 , -l.lill, I
115 11
1 100.14
4 03
to r,3
Z 'i'i
.1 0
6 00
16 :".
35 01
s eo
All'h I'trVfc. hwa real far
Mr fawpta, Iwdlgeal
t'irlah A Urmt, ewaplhia for
tin Artfcar Waleh. Ntdt-
!' Mrery ftabte, Hrayy
itre for tadtge! . .
Waaha AlfeOwlf rtaj ef
Hhfhjewta, rntt MarlaM.
M Wikwrn
Lhttte Wetgomayti, tor
f Ufa. Vrwaaea, regamr
Warner. Wort man A Gore,
snppfMM for Mrs K
Itoye Md Mrs. Clara Xo
ble. radteesiao
The Ahw Tail Co.. car hire
for Jfr Xarda. indigent
Oeo. Browa A B0s. lupplles
for Asa taUtfe, tadhrewt'
Jeha Caraerow, tsppllos for
Mrs B A Dyer, Indigent
Th Winter stare, an polios tor
Henry Taa, Indigent
TtotsJ ..
Ihtvm ,
A. n. A
rretfst M
aspattss .. .
War. mesetag,
13 05
3. 10
sat for
C. W. Crabj. repalrlaa
for lamaiea . .
Cat. -Ore. Power Co.,
aad power .
Henry bner, atrrstag ......
Hubbard nrsa.. aappUos
Medford Furniture A Hard
ware Co . sevpHes
Medford Pharmacy. sapnMes
t'lrlch A Ryan, supplies
TaUnt Merrantile Ca., sup
plies : .
Total mi. 10
.iHtentlf Oiurt.
Boys' atMt Gins AM TOtfety,
regular allowance from
Jaehaon County . . to no
Oha It. (lav. compensation of
probation officer 75
ToUI $33.7.i
Or. J. W. MoUluso. examin
ing Insane J.', mi
IrMllKLHt StWtii' llellef
C.eoree W. Hall If m
A. W. Thomas C'. m
ICIecltOM Itxhcine
A. A. Brandenburg, rent of
poll Ina olaee tor amoral
election. Nor. 1H . . y,
Jacksonville Post, munlles
1 for registration I.'
Total . .. 12 1 :n
35.001 Itewirthii Office
.35 1 J. T. Cramer, fixing desk $1.75
Home Tel. A Tel. Co., tele
phone bill 2.5o
Medford Printing Co.. sup
Medford Book Store, supplies
1 I if.
. '
Surveyor Office
A. T. Brown, office expense
M. U. Kellogg, chalnnvsn
Medford Book Store, supplies
AtltertMiiK uml County l'liiitln
Ashland Printing Co.. print
ing county (Sitirt proceed
Ashland Printing Co., print
ing county court proceed
ings ...
Ashland Tidings, printing de
linquent tax list
Jacksonville Post, printing
call for warrants
Medford Mall Tribune, print
ing delinquent tax list
Medford Mall Tribune, print
ing county court proceed
ings e
Total . . . $l7n
CfMinl) Atlninm-'s Office
II B. Cady. compensation rel
ative to enforcement of pro
hibition law
Home Tel. A Tel. Co., tele
phone bill
Medford Printing Co.. sup
plies Total
Sculp llntitity
m. Heiiy
Lloyd l.ebo
E. H. I.nw
A. L K minting
C. I Patton . .
Bob Flllchcr
Archie Ferns
Edwin Spires. .
E. N Chase
H. B. Welch
I). B. Waleh
Elmer Hgweon
Johu Anderson
W P Charts
C. S. Drake
J I) Kinney
Chas Hunford. ir
Jlennett Uardt-ner
Bennett (lardem r
A O. Ilalley
Alvin Conovor . .
J A Ibdo
J. H Hammersley
W. C llostwlck
W. C. Hostwlsk
Iforan . Fry er
.' no
' in mi
' :! un
2 un
.', ii)
it un
II O'l
a. on
:: oo
0 no
k on
6 'i'i
I mi
1 '.ii
tl UU
2 mi
:: mi
:: .o
U. U. Matthews
lews Hoanii
(1. J. Herman
(I. J. Herman
Wm. Neil
Ot-o. W. Harriett .
.V P. Hansen . .
Waller Oliver . ..
John II King
John Deadmond
J. B. Walker .. . .
Jonas Spilser
W. T. Houston . .
A. U Kromllug .
F S Miller .
K I.. Key . ..
Chas Dun ford, Jr.
U A Curley ,
Raymond Gearing .
E. W. Scott
Frank on man
Ulc Uiulsigiioat
H. B. Brown
Ueo. P. Irssl
.: mi
Z on
;: oo
i oo
Total $815 5o
The following bills were disal
lowed relative to the General Coun
ty Found to-wit
Ashbyad Printing Co, print
ing . . $ 15
A T ttrown office exponas l.oo
Cal.-Ore, Pouter Co, lights
tor poor farm, stc 03.55
II B Cad), i-oiupeasatlon rel
ative ta enforcement pro- o
hllutlou law jo 35
Or (ieo. H. Jarvla. services
for W J Eds worth, indl
kmii ; iiii
Mwn.'iii I'tiii'dvit, ijs an
In - for , , ui vf i , i v
' i i ' r
I I mi
for eoi'il, of flees
I" , -.
r , i '.tiii ,i
( , f ir I'O' i ' " .
',, ttitirt ho f irnl i i
(v,isl Tl ( a'-'' ' " "
grams . .
s t
Total '
Tli fswwwt t " '"
rtaftva to " i'n i."i i
JIMat frtortrt V.
W n Xwiwsraer. fbor 1
1 "
Material . '
Unad INstrtrt t. X
Ed. Dstios. lalt f "l "''
Hmd Msfrlrt Sn. t
O. S. Wslsber. labor I15'
ftratd tHstrvrf ", A
Kfcrk Klme. talw - lio
listeria I
Ilnad lttrtrl -to. T
Kraak K. Nell, labor izft.oo
ttnati IHstetri No. M
JL h liavldson. lalior . 3.o
Itimii inHtrtrt .no. mi
W. R. darrou. Inbor .. $15
Itimd UMtPt No. II
A. K. Fjirhart. Islior . ... I 3l
IImhI IHMHcl Xo. in
Carl Beet, labor f 07
Material !
Itoad HMrkl No. 1 1
p. W. Pence, .alwr .. . ISO.
fliiultwl ItlltMl
John Banks. Asbland refund,
112 road tax . ..
H. K. Cowlo. Ashland refund,
1013 road tax ... .
Oeo. F. Merrlman Estate, ma-
Meadow Brook Orchard Co.,
material 35.00
Mrs. W W. Newton. Ashland
refund 1912 mail tax . . 1.81
O. J. Patton, lalior 50.00
Material .
Kd. B. While. Asblaod rc-
luuu 191 roan tstx
1 Ii'.'
!l'l I'I
Tetel hibor. lunisrlaJ ttc
WIm'IIht jnii sit oIh' Inu
that hi- Mle iffllim ibilly nil
ltlteei, uml lutit- u tin be llu
Medford Fish
TH r F PAUI.r' 1
Ii:' I t
', , I IbemI fES5
$17 4.1 h ti fe tffi&M &?3sva3?arAiS5S &"$$& 1 1
$ 4 7 .-. i i , ,!
L, ! I! Young Men k
in IB-7 I
E' V. i. I i 'ii i , Idk .iri ii ints '&
S'j 1'j u '' i hi- nun lioii- tutnti' a
lui un - m.i in of v.tltii. i'i
,iii, to .liimi i'i ii, ink lui. V
'it; ill .l"i.l,lMi I . 9
I'u.. hi u t I Iii-. i tan k 'A
I masBaxamiLeSBii'iu.mmJm rsi X iiiiBtis-siikswr"-imaS
II I III II lil II -MTWeT-r-tSaT"ltr fflWSaWlaWI "I rl,aT1l "iHJjIltifiMailiailiiw in lill'l III!
' -.'" y' S 'IS. So Pr"rrve the leather and make
7 '" a I " oin j our Iicif wear longer. They
"0 f vllsefL' " InSW Av contain no ecttl and will net
''" 1 . LSw A VeS l crack tha leather. EaMett to uie
.".'ii &9Z$&WfiFr'' - qmrij'
'I In -.1 I' ' ', , it III' l 1,1 I In il .itnl ll- - n I ill '
ill I 'I'll III I,, 1 1 I
tes Soluble
Is tin' I'.t spi, for ssals. mildew ami scab. Ii
has a pu '.'I t' tird ol thn years Effective, Eco
nomical. Con enient.
Note r'iu!ts obtained by
Wunhinann, Ktutmn - n j, .-n i' ton gallons
Nakltna Valley 'nil n . . ale killed.
Y lUma ...' v .ti I'll 'it t- ile kill. 1.
Wonatctfe Vjllt In 1"1" -'" . uie killed.
Ne: rcsuU ntitaiiitd bv
IJi.trlci Ii' -on i'-r bt Nnrih vaklnt In 114 with
20 lb to 100 gallon . :.'-; ssk k.llni
Agait three t.'is nt .:.' tent h r." i. ,n i-r
15 11. io in. i"i 7". , ,i, i 4
20ILs I ' .' - . H,d
2 i'-if. to ..- -y . scak billet
TV'U li an indisputable . ituttlU rtinr
100-lb. diiai -., -
ls-lr tin . i
1 ;b can ii
1 ILIA'S Simii'p tula ToriJAuJ
T4 --
n fotlriin 'IMS wr lbie
tfl0l Pvlfle Mhjh Hood
"eadhs. wf On
, re ,1110 UK
e. . o-rgeer's SCa
"3 7l
, , i ' i-tre. ewpi'fiee Swd
,.- i m 9 ''
t T 'lrd, type f I tin if,
ny ois '"
0 ft.. 'rtmromm,
re . on eoniraef Ho. j
fiirlx II N'atwlrk, fofee ae
I on tit, icir'ri't So I, end-
nialf No ". . 7 ' 7.1
Chris it Nats let, estlraaM
.No ". ronfrx'i v ?, for!
eeonnl on t . l3t
i ' hrt II Nrfteir ftiMl eeu
nut' "o n, i O.I.-act Wo.
, ". n.i f'jrce sc ongt en
, rame . 101 X .''.
A. ,f. ftone WOTK on .-twey
ruse Ml "
Total 3171 H 9'.
( ' RINKR.
' ininl t'lerk
- .
- "
Safety Razor Blades
30c A DOZEN Any Make.
Heath's Drug Store
(it lt.NTI.I
Every filttc tii.iilo Imttcr than uew
Your OWN blades hack STKKILfy.Kn
Work Done by
SHiiilnry Siiarpcniiii,' Co.,
ICdgu lOxjici'ls. 1 Jorkflry, Cnl
Slmighl J'a.(H's Iic-Ivlgcd
.'.") (Vnfs
fax IdBNi;
I i tit or not tic went you to kuotv
UIihI yf rn-h I 11.; iit-t Cliiio ami
of ( Ihc-i' hik! hk'ii. Photie tUf-.
& Poultry Co.
I ligrr a. r vi ve
.. .. Wl " Y.
' HiAorro
If Tea Wait :u
sow How -v
sad scAa
geM r.-i ur
ft tll Sv.c I Ul
esSTrS' sad
liuw a. to