Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 31, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Ma
I'rtlr Tonight mill Hittni day.
Mat Tl: Mln. ill.
N'O. 8
u.s. troeps:
Mexican Bnm'it's Force Surprised hy
Colonel Don't! and Defeated in Five
Hours' Figlit, with Loss of Thirty
Men Four Americans Wounded
Villa Not Willi Forces. Stiff crinn
From Broken Leu and Lame Hip
Two Machine Guns and Many
Horses Captured.
Amprifiin cNpeditionnry force into
Mexico in search of Prntteisco Villa
hits rHiilit nnd won it first battle
and the lirf blond lost Iiv Amerienn
imop Iiiim been spilled til Sun fler
ihihiio. in lln' (luerrero district, where
till) Americans, Milder Colonel DimIiI.
Niirjirixctl .'illll Villain-, attaekod nml
dispersed I hem.
General l'crhing, through General
I'tin-doit, retried Imliiv l the wnr
dcniitnicnl t hut li IiiiiI found -Gen-erul
Villii with .") troop nenr Oiicn
ivro. Thirty Mexican were killed
nml four American private injured,
hut tin seriously. Two machine
SIihk, tunny envnlr horse nml muelt
nmtinuntion wn captured Iiv Oh
Americans. The nttnek was u sur
prise nit the Villa force, nnd euliniu
nt d in u runiiiiiic fight in which they
were driven for ten mile into the
mountains northeast of the railway,
wheie they so mi rated into small
Kettle Near Giieircio
The fight occurred about II . n..
iliirth 9, near Guerrero, nml the re
Mt cnme front (he Sun lleroiumo
ituieh. Villu wa not present ilurmt:
the encounter and is reimrti-d to he
buffering from n broken lea nml u
liuiic hip, injuries received in n prev
ious but lie with Piirrunaisls.
The wnr deportment hml infotmn
liou that the disorguuixed Villu
trup ii t'tt r'l tn he assembling in
the tiiH'r itirt of I lie Sun .Maria Mil
ley end Colonel I)oil(l wu evidently
planning iinmeiliale pursuit to pre-
the advantage of hi initial victory.
Otnirnl 'Kutiston's dispatch from
Fort Vim lion-Ion forwarded Oen
ernl I'd siting's dispatch us follew:
VJlbVa Leg: I (token
"Hun Oeronimo runelt, Muieh 30.
--Coloml Duild struck Yilln'x com
mand, toiLiKtinu of 5(H) men, at II
o'clock, March 'Jt. at Guerrero. Villu,
who i -uttering ironi u broken leg
ml u Intnc hip, wu not present.
Xuwbcr ol Villa's deod known to be
thirty, prolmhly otherM carried tawny
deud. Ilodd eupiured (mo tnnehine
gunfc, a la rye number of horse-, sad
dle ami a mi-. Our cusiinltic- lour
enlisted men wounded, none serion--l.
Tlie attack h a itrpti-c. the
Villa Ikniim being driven in a len
inile riiniiiiiu rk-lil. and retreated to
the mountain iioiilicn-! of the rail
road, where thej ciauiled into miimII
"A Inrge number of rnrnuixila
piimner- who were beinK iteld for ex-iH-ittioti
by the Villa troop were lib
em te d urine the fight.
'In order t reiieh Guerrero. Colo
nel IM.l miiictied fifty-fhe mtleti in
seventeen limn- and carried on the
light for live liuur-.
"KlUeo FernniKlez, who command
ed Villa tivop. ua killed in the
tight. With Villu Mrmnnentlv dis
abled, Lnpex Mounded and Fernnndej!
.lentl, the Wow udnitni-tered i it .er
ion. one to iiln'B Uttml''
. MueetHl .iK,t jimw-Ji
It w.i indieutcl that the Mexienn
force-, wore kmnewbere northe-t ol
the ruil.i at the ln,t report- to
Paw-aH'tihing'.. heudituaiier. lie-
(rontinued on Page S.)
hilii,T(N viai li .1 fon
hiileiailoti ot ili- .ir iih reave till I
v,Ut, I --u ii.t-il In tli. -en ale tod),
rienaior ('uiiimiiis. r i nidn ui offer
ed more "ac th!rt ameudttieats
Seiiatnric 'iiMunln I'un crone and
,i.' Anrti i .x,-. i ah -i iitlcl
i'i ( r i -. it i in i i h ' i T
N .i i i . . -ii. i-
Cabinet Discusses Crisis With Ger
many, But Seek Complete Evidence
Nothinp. Heard From Berlin
Affidavits Fiom Survivors'Sent hy
Ambassador Pane.
lowing lodayV enhinct milling ofl'ie
i.iU nid com pie I e cvitlenco hml not
iM'en reeeived in the eanvn of ve't'ltt
eatrying AineriraiiH nltiicktnl reeenl
l : Ibiti no neliou would he Inken hy
the American government until uch
fuel Imil been leceivcd mid Ihnt no
action lending I" nerioitK eonM1
tpteneen would hg Inken at nil mile-
ponehiMve evtdenee wn entiiblUhed
that nn nttnek had been made bv n
Geimnn Hulmmrine eonlmrv to inter
nnliotial Inw.
Ordinary ilelav in eommntiiention
wilb lU'tlin wan one renwm advanced
lor the failure to receive anv te
.Mine from AmbMdor Oernril to
the American goveiiHiient'rt lnl in
iiiir. A the iniiiirv to the Ameri
eim nmbn,Htidor wan ent lnt Tues
day, offieialx ilaled, with immediate
action bv him, a reply could hardl) he
received liefore tinlay.
Ameiienii Ambnnilor l'nge at
Umdoti rubied the deMirtment today
that he wh forwunling by mail ad
ditional at'lidavit- of America in in
volved in the Shnm diiunler.
OffieiaU declared they were not
worried becau-e tbev had not heard
Irom Auiha-ai'or (Sciaid, who wan
Hixliiictcd to make inhume of the
(icrtuan toiciuii iittii-c vvhether or not
ii Mihiiiatiiic tniici I the -teiiiuer-
S--i .11 ll I ll'.li-lllli.HI.
llKAIliVl'AKTCKs. folonia Dublan.
Chihuahiia. .March '!) (bv aeroplane
to Coliinibu. N. M.. March .11.)
The line of communication maiulain
ed bv Sherman in lu match to the
ea hax been exceeded already in the
line M retched bv the American troops
Mouthward into Mexico. Thi line Jo
day exceeded IMOA mile in lenulh.
Sherman finally cut loose from bin
lute and that i precisely what Hriga
dier General J. J. Pending i. pre
imred to do, if nece.ary, when the
final dah alter Villa i ready.
The line of thi dah i uncertain,
but Judical ion today pointed trong
Iv lo nitiintioUM unexeeted a week
Atneriean troops without a
have oieiicd a line directly into Villa'-.
not id hiding plaeeit, all in !-- tli.m
two week. At the head trt thi- line
are columns guarding avenues which
VU might try to use for doubling on
hi trail, while at the front i- a body
of men wliine identities the eeusorsbip
ha hidden thus far, but whose ex
ploit are dnilv liltenng back along
the line, litlui'.' the troop pressing
foivvnid liom the rear -lutloii- with
iiiitn ip.itioii .mil in. nut. lining the most
ir.illimt nt An i i H .in iiiilitnrv triidi-
VK TIOA. It i . M. in, ;i - I -i
nrthiiiuke -lnn-k- vvliel, I "! I'I.hi
mi I Inn a eoiupaiiitiM'lv -boil di-l.itii
ot Victoria, were ieotded on the -
l-moyl.iill ot the ol-erv4itorv at fion-
.tl.- lull thia nioimug. The tir-t.
winch F. Napier iJef ion, the siinr
mtendeiit, tstimntet- ! have itceurn d
.iboiit .100 mdes v . took place .tt
S:l;2, and apiei- i have Im-ch a
Hcll-ilefined . . '
sl vertie"'
il.m,ii i,i,t i.. .-U- !.
more tn. in 1 1 T t iiiuinti
olid tt'm Ii li ii Ii Ii
' 1... I ii .1 s '
ii I .
a pronoitnc
The record
... .'unturned
The sec
- Iiroiioiiiic
. i ii ii' 1 1
Ernst Schiller. Younq German Who,
Single-Handed. Captured British
Steamer Hatappo and Terrorized
Crew of 56. Says He Was Under
Orders of German Government.
U:T:K. Del., March 3l.-Hnt-l
Sehiller, the vntiHg Oermaii who imp
tnrwl the HritUh slentner Mntoppo
... . -. i
nml tftrorueil her crew or nny-si
tnon NVelmtolay uicltt ahnrllv nl tn
the chip had sailed out of New Yoik
harbor for Vladivostok with railroad
siiivlies for the Kus-inn torwitineiit,
declated tmmv that he wan a apv for
the fieiHian government.
Weary from oveilemenl midergone
in hit efforts to eenpe fmm the
(learner yestenlav nfler be hnd held
the erew in hi iwiwer with pistols all
of W'edtiendav nigh I. he Ihtvw him
self iimiii a cot in the l.ewea jail
early today and nought sleep.
Admits He Is Spy
"Yen, 1 mn n upv for the Gentian
government," he nid. "You enn be
lieve it or not it make no differ
ence to me. I got my instruct inns
fiom the German government to go
abtmrd the shin nml blow her up to
prevent her cargo fnwn reaching Kus
sia. could have blown her up, hut
the captain's plea for lbs wile and
daugliter was too much for me and
I hadn't the heait to do it. I am
ready to take the consequences, but I
ask that they keep me ashore instead
of -ending in hnek to the ship I'm'
the enptuin to take me in charge."
Schiller had been told that as In-
diuing exploit occurred outside the
three-mile limit he. would in all like
lihood be taken to Hrilisn )mssc--sion-
m the West Indies for trial for
pirai'v. Federal authorities and rep-ic-i
utatives of the Mulish govern
ment came here today lo examine
Seliillcr and lo deeide what to do
twlh him.
Ilelieves lllin Insane.
An cMiminntiou into Schiller'
mental condition will be made. Those
who have talked with him believe he
i- irresionihle and that his stor of
his en teer is not true.
Schiller was reluctant to tell hit
stor. '' was horn in Germany,"
he sid. "Never mind the town or wv
mi rents' name. I have been in the
count rv otu1 year, in New York three
weeka. 1 was ent hv the German
government to Kngland hooh after the
wur ulartetl and at Germany's jv
quest I enlisted in the Itritish navy
and wax assigned to the training
hip Cottwav at Liverpool.
"I want to sav right now that there
are several Ihoii-aml Gertuans in the
Hrittsh navy. I know wliat this means
to me. It' the Tower of Lmdon if
they get me Inn k lo fhe MnlopMi.
Itut I vvoti't go, just benr that in
Captain Idcli.ud Itcr'.'iier of the
M.itoppu -.nil In i- convinced (but
Jsi lull, t i- .i i i officer.
WAMJIMtTiiN. MiipIi .1 Sum
tor Culber-on. cluniinan "i tin pidii'
iaiv Committee, todav inlloiluced nn
amendment to the auti pn-i law to
permit publi-hers, editots or propn
etora of uewpiiiers or mnuuies lo
take railroad mileage in pavment tm
advertising p,icc. Senatoi Culber--on
i- the niitiioi ol the oi initial anli
I iwl nml ....o-i - in ire bis
.Illll I illllClll
Sll W1.HVI, Man li il The
troop at Sbto ami I nuo ChoW Ku. I
In the proflme of Kw.iivg Tun,: de-t
dared their independent of tin cen
tral government on M arch 2U
The In tied titate uiiloat Wll
niington he .it MatoW The I'nlted
Slates tli If1' III tOII htl WilJl A. Illll-
i I' vi 1 1 ' i. A btcri ' i en '
1 . l li u . i o V , I ll
isingericalled "other
r-'iN ivjjt
JPHn uHRMflPw. B fifJBKBMWWffTPrTlffrliffiiiilBnlKH
j j no v -. iimmiimmmmjmiinrmmmv
Mrs. MaivtHivt lloiton, who Is n llegisl to Imvo occupied n Studio"
fiiiiilslicil by Pr. illine Wanen Wnllc and to have studied iniisle vvltlt
lilni. Walte was imllited for uiunlcr In the flcst ilfKrec today by the
Kiiiml Jiir.v for iniisouiug Ills fatlier-lii-lavv, .lolui I . I'aiU, nilllonalie
drim niaiiiifiutin-er of tirniul ItnpliN, llli.
WASIIIM'.TtiS. Muuli it The
deMrtment of jimtlce orriiUls an
nounce that two iilleged oiiHilmiorj
wllh r'snlaln Hulls Tmilarhar In the
b w
plot lo blow up the Weltand canal j r " M,d v,,ta " "rpl '
were under arrer-t In .New York, that earrlage after the battle, wound
a third wm under aurrelllance in "l Hd hli irnianHtlr dla
New Kngland and that the) expected "' Gie battle with Carran
to arreat a fouitli In a few la. U l which he wnm vlrlorlona.
Among the addltlenal arreafl an- fotonel Cabell In lila meeaage n)n.
nouneed today was that of a man wlt firmed the report that Amnrlran
gave the name ..r Tucker. He w ' Irooiw under Colonel Ueorge A. Dodd
taken Into rualodv In Bl Paao two hJ deelalvel.v defenled BOO VJIIIa
weeka ago and luter taken to New , killing thlrt one. Ineludwl f!en
York. The alleged eonaplratora are ! Kkh Kernandex I'ablo l.opwt.
aald to have planned an Invasion of , Vllla'a lieutenant, who waa roimrted
C'anada to be made at a point went of e ' killed In the Cnlumbim
the Ureal Lake.
Von !er (Joltz won quoted an ay-.
Ing that Von I'apen hod endotied the
Wetland canal inopoaal after It had
been decided that It would lie impoa.
elble to lead a large armed expedi
tion into Canadu irom the t'nlled
Von Der tlplti bad nought to en
Hat (Jermona In Haltlmore, llohoken
and New York and department aaenta
nay he declared h waa acting with
the knowledge of Von Fapen.
Von Ooltx came to the 1'ntted
Htalei In July. MM, from Mexico,
w here he had been on Uenerel Vllla'a
utaff and retairt l to Von 1'aiien
The plan to Inviole Canada, he told
department agent" had been hia, not
Von l'upen'a.
After a time, Von Der fiolts aald.
t mc iUn wan alundoned
lellileil point or iiirunlon
The In-
orridali ,
s.iiil, Mas wi -I c Ule died l.aki'H
lltl!t, . I Ve arc in i
lecting no idchiih of overcoming ih
dlfieultiea wtili li lie In our wa nml
we aball overeoim them, liecaune ue
have the lnflexlilij will to do ,"
nuld Alexandre Itlhot, mlnlater of fin
aiicc, ipeaklng before the senate es
I urda in favor of the vote of credit
for the second qiurter of tt al
mhiI) approved l the chamber of
' At the confer nee of the allien day of the official report of the eu
which baa JuaObten geld here." ihe'ounir between American trooper
minister continued, "the fullest cofj and Villa's tndlts In Mexico He
fldence waa expr ced by all that vi-'publliaus and democrats Joln&l 'in
lory was certain. We ghall arrive at the demonsrttttlou
a peaie which will restore rlaht and j The iepitH $.-. KTduJJIh to Hpeak-Jui-the
uitH will ilillvei On- mnl.1 r ll.ul. Qw UteSrui'teil debate on
Irom .i 1 1 . 1 tin in v nili tm, 1 1, i, l, On ii i - gild l flg,3)i I' ill lo lutw
inn ' io I i' ii ! .id.
COUWIIll A. S l . March HI -A
meannge fiom l.ieutennnt Colonel
I). V. Cabell, (teueral I'eriililng'i chief
raid, la atated to have been wrloita
ly wounded
' Colonel llodd attacked th Villa
ramp with Iflo memben of the ear
hmIIi and tenth ravalrv at dawn, com
plete) mtrprlalng the Mexlcnna. A
five hour running fight followed nnd
lojit report from Colonel Dodit were
that the American iiooiera were
clone behind the VillM.ii who weie
fleelnu fiirtln i Into t o mountain.
G. 0. P.
( IliCAQfJ. Maich :tl. The aub-
jeomuuiite m artuugemeut- of the uu-
tionnl republican coiuniillee will meet
I here April 7, it was announced today.
at which time it i exieeted they will
! -i led n temporary climrmiiu of the
iii'iiniial republican convention.
Warren G. Ilardimr, nited Stales
n tor from Ohio, ha- been a u recti
IJJ I O n.'.ii In the maioiilv ol the siib-eom-Ml
I il K'1""' '"' fii"'oi.nx i li iirmati, it Is
WASHINGTON, .March it Kn
thuilanllc Biiilkiis unit shniHU m.i.1
ea the reading in (be hOUe Ute lo
UhlftLtNl VUltb'
Creation of a District Unanimously
Favored Trustees to Be Elected
and Corporation Formed Two
Propositions Made Beaver Creek
and Hyatt Pralrlc Proposed.
The Talent Farmer' club, at the
largest, liveliest mid lniict mooting
it ever held, voted Thurmlav to or
gnuixe the tlUlriot into an irrigation
unit nt onoe, to ehn't tniateea and to
incorporate for the pnii)(ce of trnna
acting Imsinosn in legal form. Thiee
cniuliilales for truxteeii were propon
ed in the iietNnun of J. W. Millnor of
Ashland nnd l(. K. Kohlnann and A.
I.. Manning of Tnlent.
I'lomhient linsiness mon of Med
ford nnd Ashlnnil were present and,
on reoiiesl, imrtieiivnted in the die-
cussioii of (ho livening. The session
wns opened with oreheslrnl music. A
lunch was nerved nl 10 :.'!(), after
which linsiness wna resumed.
Two PiiiMist(ms orfcuil
The petition for the organisation of
that district hna been filed with the
county eoui I and the exemptions
made. That ia the, first inimrtaiit
step Iowhi'iI oi-gtiniaatiou. The eloo
tiou of trustees will be the next step,
Hint feat in e of business being initi
ated Thursday night.
Two tentative (impositions were
offuied for the consideration of (he
people of the district. The Heaver
creek project, submitted by V. T. Me
Pray "f Medford, of feting- a supply
of water that would eomnuind UO.000
acres on the luosl ('tniserTntivo. is(i
nmte Iiv eiimiuitaut enirinoiirs. nimoHe.
Led lo'atiract siihmhI eumidernlioti.
Iliomaw W. Osgood offere'l the
llvntt I'rauie proMisitiMi, eMtinmted
to cover SIHIO aeies. 'flint ahil the
Heaver creek project would enter the
Hear eieek aim of the Itogue lliver
valley through the same itass hiiiI Iiv
praelieallv the same general toute.
What the Club Has llouo
Vice-President P. M. Thomas, iu
the absence of the president, presid
ed at the mectine. He made a semi
historienl congratulatory talk on what
the Talent Farmers' club has done to
bring about the definite attention of
the federal and atate , reclamation
set vice to the matter of irrigation
in this valley and finally to their as
instance in the mailer of preliminary
surveys, location nf water sources
and costs of installation of n system
of irrigation by the use of one or
mow of the sources surveved. The
reHiit of Engineer WhisJer, together
with the aceotuiuning recommenda
tions, was discussed.
In aiiHwnlng up the sentiment ex
pressed by the several eoeakera, It
may be aald that no attention was
given to the question aa to whether
or not water ia needml for Irrigation,
the main problem being that of ob
taining It at the earliest possible date.
Not a discouraging word waa spoken
In the entire discussion.
Hoover Cicel, Watershed
While .Mr. Osgood made a plain
and sensible talk on the merits of
the ll)Mt Prairie project, the as
sembled cltUena Interested reoogulx
ed that It waa too small to warrant
their giving It serious consideration.
While Installing a svstem for perma
nent Irrigation. It waa decided to
make U sufficiently exteualve to cover
the limit of territory eager for It at
Ike beginning. No patch work would
be necessary at a later date, there
fore. The area of the Heaver creek water
shed, It was explained, la uot less
than nil square miles, In places at
taining ail elevation of .Villi) feet and
In a ii'Klou of utmost peipetual snow
permit for the storage of thl
(Continued on Page Five.)
SIIIMiT) M.inh 11 I'nlt
ed Stales Vttornev larhull leceut
letter to the suii lonnniiiee Investi
gating Itepresentative liiiehanati's
Impeachment charges will be submit
ted lo the house without recommeu
duilou and a resolution to find the
.il(oilu- in loiHcmpt ol the house
Ulil li offi red.
After All-Nflit Stnirjflle, French
Evacuate Villaue, Which Is In
Ruins, But Still Hold Outskirts
Two Attacks at Douaumont With
Liquid Fire Repulsed Attack
Southeast of Verdun Fails Rus
sians Bombard German Lines.
I'AIIIS. March .11. The fiernmtm
delivered a florro night attack on
three utiles of tho vlllngo of Mnlan
court. says the French official ntato
nuuit Issued this morning nnd thn
French retired from tho vlllngo
proper, which waa In rultiH, but con
tinue, to hold Its outskirts.
Fierce Infantry fighting Insted for
tho eutlie night hoforo the French
wltudiew from the untennlilo posi
tion lit tho vlllngo of Mnlnncourt, tho
offlrlnl statement adds.
The OerniHiis again tried to carry
b assault the position vvhloh tho
French hnd won back In tho Avocourr
wood, but they were ropttUed. Knst
of thu MettHo thn night wns calm.
French Statement
The text of tho communication fol
low!: "In the Argoune wo havo ropulncd
two nttnoka with hand gronnden dl
leotod ngnlui our potdtlonn north or
"Went of the ,Meuno tho bomlwrd
uiont or .Mulniuioiirt has gone on with
leiloublrnl vloloni'o. Last ulght tho
OormntiM dollvored a norloa of nttacka
In uinssed fornmtlon. They ndvnnced
from three slilos at a time upon tho
village which formed tho ndvnnced
salient of ottr Hue and which shel
tered one of our UnttnllniiH. Aflor
furloun fighting all night long which
entailed considerable iworlflccs ott
the part of the tinumy, our troops
evaeuateil the ruined village, but we
still hold Ita outskirts.
"Knst of the Memo the night land
ed quietly.
"In the Woevre the flermattB en
deavored on three separate occnilona
to capture from us the work oaat of
HaudremoMt, but all their advance
were repuloed.
"There has been no oecurronro of
Importaure on the remalndor of tho
(ci'iiiiiii Statement
H151U.IN. March il. The text of
todsy's official statement follews:
"Weetern theater: Artillery activ
ity on both sides In many frontal war
aonea Inoreaaed considerably during
the clear portions of the day.
"West of the Memo, tho vlllngo of
Maluucourt and French defensive es
tablishments on both shies of the vil
lage were taken by storm. Six offi
cer and Utt uuwounded men wore
made prisoner.
"On the eaat bauk of the Mouso
the position la unchanged. Hrlof
encounters at close quartern devel
oed around I'tench treHehe south
of Fort IoiiauMint.
"la an aerial fight In the region
of Arras aud llapauino thn Hrltlslt
lost three blplanea. Two of their oc
cupants were dead. l.ieutennnt Im
melmaun thus accounted for his thir
teenth enoni) aeroplane.
"KuHtern theater: The ItiiMlana
)esterdav limited their aetlvlty to
subjecting those parts of our fronta
which tlu previously had attuckod
to Inuv rtlller bombardments."
$10,000 IN LOANS
I'oim.ANI), March :il Hv nn
iigieemcnt entered into between the
St ate Securitv c outturn v uud Distritit
Atioiuev Kvaus, :il(J loau shark vie
tuiio will have their obligutious can
celled aud Ma nager K. K. Ware will
pav at tine ot 454H) Hjsseasetl two
vears auo by Circuit Judge McGinn,
I ol low in;; a raid upon the SePitritv
coin pain by district attorney's oft'u'o
detectives. At the time of the mid
10.000 world of usunous notes were
-eic.l mid Ware wras conviutet'l of
iii nl iiiu in Molalioii of the law. Ho
nppc. Jul 1 the supreme court miss
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