vxnr, mx W:iVouu mwj 'Fr.ff;r r . mi froi.-r o. u o irrri.-ri i;t ff . .v - f&' 27 LOST LIFE TAXES DELINQUEN IN TRAIN WRECK AMHERST OHIO I SOARING PRICE OF I ON APRIL FIFTH GASOLINE AROUSES 8 PENALTY ADDED, SENATE TO ACTION TO RAWMEN PR E S A 1 HOUR DEMANDS iy McCall's Patterns L SYSTEMS Probe Under Way to Place Respon sibility for Disaster Towerraun D&nles That He Was Asleep or In- cnpncltated From Loss of Sleep ) payment or ii.5o by trw Bomb Englnoer Slapped Upon Slqnal. - Kit tern f..l;i t.. n t y y v M'"hI'p PetWrn for irll ,res' m th new Mi mosl advanced .ind the prftler of the Uprl'iz tls The feqtilre the Imm yardage end the ! the easiest to follow Mcfall s Patlrw ar lor and 15 and novo hotter, i M fall's pattern and pit M lea I Ion- main floor Order by Mail Kmi )yn'V will give y nr in Mim-ir mid order their prompt and riio! careful jki-woimiI nf tent inn -mid remember, we prpp,v the delivery flinncci l nil iHiiitln In Orrjron. CLBYEUND, 0., March 30. Wilh (agty-aeten bodies recovered from jreatefday'a wreck of three New York Central trains at Amherst, 0., atten tion today ft focused ufton the mv nrnl investigations that won put un der way by federal, slate and rail road authorities to determine rmivnn silrtlity for the wreck. Iteprescnta tlv of the interstate commerce com mission, the utilities ootnminsion of Ohio and various department heads in the Jsow lorx (.cntral were con ducting investigations in Cleveland tint at other point in llio vininitv of the wreak. Coroner Charles Oarvcr of Lorain county planned to begin mi inquest at Klyria. into the death of the wreck vtetims and thn causes leading. thereto. I 'lottos t'nder Way. The question of whether the ho called "death conch" on train No. tit) whm of modern ateel construction mm claimed by New York (Vntrnl of ficial, or waa mainly of wood eon atntetion, promised to bo an iriior taut few til re of the investigation. Itnilmail officials today were still divided in otiriion aa to whether the lilume ahnultl bo plneed upon the tower man, who, it ia alleged by some offloiala, was naleep anil failed to give thn proper Nijdial, or upon the onninrer, who, they nay, it may be ahown oillinr failed to nee .the mikiihI or exceeded hi order. Of the more than forty pcrxona in jured in the wreck, aeveral were hhji! lo bo in h preoariouN condition early today and more fatalitieo were fear ed. Itailnmd offieialM aav that only lwwty-oven bodiea have been reeor erml and that they reward it at iin pfMwihlo that more bodioN are in the rwlna. Unofficial, bat what waa nttanlnl na rfliable, tMrt plaot'd the num ber of tltMMl at thirty. I'lieliiK tin; IIIiiiiiii. THa two men at whom moat of the (Mttiofft were to In- direct) at to ilay'n inroatigation wera liijcin4er llmu Iloiw of tlw M4eind NM'tmn of No. 80, and Towermau A. It. Hrtmt of Awbit. Iior II. W. Iooard of tho firat aiwtioa of (rain No, 8(1, wku'h pwBwl tlw "Jad ear," aaMtrta hv atote hia train on a nikmmI oriirin ating in ICntNl'M lowrr. I2niiinter IImh deelarva he ow no lianal when he hrotijkht bin Kwlion lHMmiu: nlonif at a fifty mile an hour Mel about tune minutea later. liroat aert he at uo atop Min imi, diwlariuff (be lin waa opn for linRiaeor IKtuanl to iro ahead. If Jtraat k bM eulpabb in the inveati iratbH the Wann" will (rare loek to u baby'a liny rrib m Ike Mruxt home at IHyria. Tb baby waa born Suudar niuht. Mine tbat tint Kniht baa hud little alrop, railroad offifialx aay. TiMniHn'H mmhil IBraat, the towenuan, atoutlr dt hW taat bo waa aalp or had oeu iaeaparlutfil y Iokh of mwi. 'it atgaal luiilr fallt-d to nork, ho aald. "If Uh alRHai had Won worklua prooerlr, lb hlmk almal Hiht mo mlla away ould have flaaitod a (tlon and the blork a mlla away Would have almialled lleaa to eom to a dead aton." aald Kraat. "Howi waa to good an engineer to ruu (taat to algaali tot agalnat hint. "I waa oh the lookout for train No, Sf When It waa two mitea away J threw the lever Into te rlear, giv ing N'o. K a clear (u. I realiaed iare had tHten a Mlgnal failure then the train alopped. AVhen the train had atopped. I again Jammvd the l nal lever Into the clear, and luU tlm It might have worked, for the tralu tartod ahead. Thea the cr.ieh raun 1 didn't have time to atop the Twen tieth OoHtury before It, tu. rieihed Into the wreckage." II. V. Belkanp. reprtucutlac the later-state eoiumerce t'omaiUelaa opened the federal Inwatlgatloo. A. B. IngallM, geueral auperlutonil out Of the New York Central Hum woat of Uuffaio, aitent n hour tn T.ifH will if lclinuriit on April, U AHIIIVOTOV, Mimrt :' Aalta- r;V Y'UK. Men I. '. Tax collection to date, for thla ' - '-ri" " ' '"""; ralroi, Hagr. r. ,'. i Hha m a. . In that BAaMhla. trAmr flaaae ' uaa J aa iB i , i ' Hir if ill in' n i pmp t 7 wa ewaea , jfr inuiiBi in im.Jw, innuunii , . , ..... .,.. . . . . the n-auet of the rum vc or nil ruwru in in- nuiiHin 01 n nwia- ; '4 lh work of Wwdaeeitav. March If. I .. .. - ...... .. . .l '..Jul,.,.. J.. -.i 1....1.... -. r. . 1 uoa oy BBaior .narrinr airnciina; ia ' r"'" """ "". """ "'H" ni annonncoa J. ft. Harper. Ux-coMector Utiorney general to Inteatlaatw , poy by aubmittiiur pro. .oMt ions, of In the aherlff 'a office. Including the whether or not rlilng prlree are the their own for aWti-Mon. The l - reealt of unlawful conaplracy. Imaoda of the tWiloyc arc not n - Senator Martlne reeolntion waa fnaed, neither ia a demand mnrir li prefaced by a preamble aaeortlng that ' the railroad manager fur the iiei-cpt- I'acUir company yeaterdav on Ha roll ing atock, the total rpreanto about one-alxth of the total amount of the aaaeameni roll. Thla la 1 15,000 lea than the total collectlona at thla date laal yar. The now tax payment law, whlcti legally went Into effect laat year, hut which waa ao little underatood that the conaeftHenro In aoma reapeeta waa negllKlble, baa much to do with the appearance of delinquency In the Hgurea above quoted. Mr. Harper think. Instruction on that provlalon of the now law referrlnK apeclfleally to the payment of taxoa and tho Inleroat charge, undor xlven rondltlnna, la made In the following language In ordor that tho taxyr may oacape confualen: "Aaeumlng tlio tax on a certain parcel of property la $108. the firat half (r.0) may ho paid on or before April 5 and tho aocond half ($r.n) on or before October f. without In terest or penalty on either. Hut If tho firat half la paid on any day from April r, to May G, both daya In clualVH, there ahoulil be Added an In toroat charge of 1 per cent (50 cental; from May 8 to June S, In- clualvo, 2 por cent ($1); from Juno C to July K, Inclualve, 3 mr cent (11.50); from July C to Auguat 5, Inclualvo, I percent ($1); from An K'UBt C, to September ft, Inclualvo, 5 por cont (2.50l; from Koptomher C to October ft. Inclualve, R por cent (13). If tho ontlro tax of J 100 la paid on any day from October to November 6. Inclualvo, tho Intoroat charaoa ahoulil he 7 por rent on tho first half ($3.60), and 1 per cont on tho aocond half (50 cental. If Hie ontlro amount la paid on Novem ber 5, the Interoat rharaea ahoulil ho 7 por cont on tho firat half ($3.50) and I por cont on the twoml half (50 couta), pitta a penalty of 5 per cent ($6.00). Intoroat rontlauoa on all delinquent taxoa at the rate of t por cent for each month or fraction thoreof until tho payment of the tax or the laauanro of a certificate of de linquency." Thla explanation will riiabt the taxpayer lo underntand fully the eallant poinu of the apiial protl alone of the new hi the Standard Oil truat controlled the gaaollne output and prtcea. "Every aenator here knowa he doean't think," aald Senator Stone, "that conaunvera of gaaollne are be ing robbed by aome tblevta." Senator Cummin declared he waa Informod that the trade eommlaalon waa preparing to report to the attorney-general on the general com plaint that tkft Rt a ml a til Oil com pany waa In n conaplracy the effect of whlth wan to lift the price of gaaollne In the oaetern country nbovo price In the woat, where thorn la aomo competition by Independent con cern." "I sincerely hope that tho eon Mdracy which I believe oxlata will bo cxpoiH-d and overthrown," tho Iowa senator declared. Senator Uxlae took exception to the preamble of the resolution ar raigning the Hlandard Oil company a a trust, and Henator I lard wick suk goateil atrlklng out tho preamble. "I can't see any reason for timid ity In arralKnlng tho Standard 011 company," bukkosKmI Senator Mar tine. "Cod knowa It' has not boon solleltloua of the rest of the peo ple." Senator Smoot moved to strike out tho proamble and Senator OallltiKer moved that It be tabled. Tho son ato declined to table It by a vote of 35 to 23. nncc of their own propo-nU. Thc-.c are submitted for consideration in the negotiations tbat ore exiwcted to follow. "What the railroads ask for is an oM'n door," (hide redv stntcs. The rejdv waa, sent to the officials of the four brotherhoods immediateh OCTOGENARIAN MILITARY MVERNOn OF PAniS PAItlK, March .Ml. (leneml A. Y. !!. Dubail was iipMiulcd uiihlnry governor of PurU lodnv. He replaces flencral Michael Maunciirv, who is relieved on the uiouinl of ill health 0 cue nil Diiltml, who is H.' Mar- old, fconed hi the Franco I'm Man wai. EARTHQUAKE SHAKES MARTINIQUE, WEST INDIES FOHT IJB PKAN'CK, Mnrtinique, March 110. -An enrtliquake oecumnl here at 5:18 o'clock thin morning. There wue no damage. Christian Church Orchestra Following la tho program for the Christian church orchestra entertain ment to be given at the church Fri day night, beginning at X:3o, ad mission being free: Descriptive march. "Napoleon's I.ASI Charge," orchestra; vocal solo, "One Kbietlng Hour," violin obligate. Nana Hey ; violin solo, "lkrovatore." with variations. Illlss Heine; read ing, selected, Mrs. Heine; vocal trio, selected, Messrs. ItaUom. I.lndley and Law ton; selection "ilrund Inter national Fantaala," patriotic alra of two cuntineuta, orchestra; cornet solo, selected, 0 corse K. Dyer; vocal solo. "The Swallows." Nana Secly; violin and cornet duet, "Perfect Day, ' Messrs. Heine and Dyer, quar tet, M'lc.tctl, Messrs llalt'om, l.lnd lc niul Law ton; mtnli, "All Anicrl i'M," on hestra Infter receipt of the employcf mends. d. ItllllltWIlls (11 tcflS4. NKV YOIIIC, March .'HI. The dc mamlH of nenrly 100.(11)0 locnmotiM otiginecra, fiteinon and trainmen were (ireaontPil to tho general managers of the several milroad companies in volved at their hcnilquaiters in dif ferent jwrts of the count rv todav. Tho employes who belong to the so called II ig Four unions ask for nn eight-hour day without reduction in tay ami time and a half for over time. The railroads have until April 'ill to reply. It is iiuderatood the railroads have already made a tentative answer, which nmouiila to a conditional re fusal that leaves the way oteii for fit 1 1 her negotiations. The demands of tho men went to the Wheeling & I.ake Krie railroad yesterday, and the eight-hour day proposal was refused. Tho position of the unions is ex plained in a statement bv the cvecu tive committee of the adjustment boards, which Iihm charge of the s.ib iniKsion of the demands today. The statement anya: Argument Ailvanrvd. "Ill muking the demuiul for the night-hour day, the unions feel thorn soUes justified, believing that trams can bo so mnnngod that the 100 mile required of a railroad man per din can be put inside of eight hours. As the train service is now, single crew engines in the switching service, un which only one crew works in the twenty-four hours, are often compell ed to work from ten to sixteen hours n day. It ia injustice such as tin that the railway unions want ended." Stamps t ft I T Reliable Mcrchaiulisc epts Store Kcliubfe Method Stamps x t T V ? ? ? V t y Y ? y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y . 8c--Great Embroidery Sale Friday and Saturday-8c We place on sale 100-piece assortment of Fine Cambric Embroidery, 4 to 15 inches in width, values ranging lc to 25c 2 DAYS ONLY--8c YD. New Spring Suits $18.50 to $35 Fnshii m'.s newest nindels in AVomen's Suits arc liere sninH belted and nov elty styles in cheeks, stripes and plain eoloi-s; also many new models in com binations of silks and woolens. All di rect from the New York fashion center. &&C Green Trading Stamps &? Newest Waists $1.98 to $12.50 Special prices prevail in this depart ment. Scores of pretty styles, Cleorp; ette crepes, crepe de chines, chiffons, coral maize, flesh, navy and black. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Muslin fJowus 59 Crepe downs 79 Corset Covers 29tf .Muslin Drawers 49t) Special prices for Friday and Saturday. 1 1 "TRADC.MMm I I fcoimy Children's Spring Hats 35 and 50c An assortment of all the latest BIG SHOE SALE -l Ladies' Low Jleel Walk ing Shoes $3.50 $1 Ladies' Low Jleel Tan Walking Shoes ... $3.50 $1 Ladies' Low Heel White Walking Shoes $3.50 X A things for ages 2 to l'J years. ' Agents for the Famous Hole-Proof Hosiery We do not need to go into details regarding Holeproof Hosiery -enough said; we nxny it in all grades and sizes. Six Months' Guarantee Six Pair. y y y f y y y y y y y ? y y T y y y y y f y y y y "Tjijcfifeo iZitll$tll zw y y y y y y w C1IICA00, Match .10. The dc mands presented tiwlay b rcircscn tatives of the so-called liiu' Km trainmen's unions involve ISO i.-ul way systems with aj.S.OOO null- o right of way, ctclusive of teniiiniil and yards. In the western territory then ure 100 nulriMids with liiS.oon mileage, in the custom ternton sixtv railroads with (i'l.OOO milence, and in the southeastern territory tuiulv railrouda wilh 17,000 milcacc. r OTIOK. In illy pound Daik ln homo, shod all aroiiinl. white hind foot V. JVE GOT THE MISSIS GUESSING NQVW SHE DONlT KNOW WHY G1N SO WHEN SHE SAYS, 'ilOHNjGET YOUR HAT AND TAKE HAROLD ALGERNON OUT FOR A UTTLE AIRING? WHkELING THZ KID IS GREAT SPORT' WHEN YOU CAN SMOKE A lalag before Delnap all that tho rail road offlciala had learned so far in taeir Inveatigutlou u( tho aue ( tha accident. I NOTICI) J I'rMiNeU Bedford Noilh Main and Watt Bedford register DotV at the aUUTtlnmt efflea. V6. ss.rUA'VsS s?ik .4 vMaw. amailaaaiv - -'- Mf -V ...aaT saT 4aV J-tf aT ff iaV Cfit 0fi&B-' THE CICARETrE OF QOALITY VALUABLE COUPON IN EACH PACKAGE uMkViP&SE!-" X LJs. SwfeR-T'-m TODAY AND TOMORROW The World's Greatest Italian Character GEORGE BEBAN m "AN ALIEN" The pln is nn enlargciucnt of "TUT wits a access nil ocr the iimim'iv. SHIN ()K Till". liiiMV .i v.n.dci 'le sUmb m which Mr. IJebnn Till- production l -liowii in nun led-. Tin -tmiuif.t .in. I nt'Oiil- i l IHnr ill, nun cci nllircil I lie momiij pnlinc I.imiiu ilili. . It - umih u.ilkmy leu mile- to Adlni u.ii loi tin- etl liii.it nun i-i-i I pi.iilintn.il .'",, Adult-. In I hidden A picture wliiclt will he remembereil a lifetime. see. . . : ANOTHER BIG ORANGE DAY! at Jones' Saturday y y y t y y y i I t i When we advertise a -iU- we mean liisim-s.s. We hac s.i, a qit ClTST0 MICKS V a nice little sum of niomv on ilic manges th hac ni.. ;.nd would lik,.r-or. f iiiiii'i. in iiiili. 'iwiil t It,. i iw. K'i.o ..r tli. ... ....... ..., ..... . j ....., .. --..i .ii. in- in i ! in -' ij'"i t mm irs. t I Don't Forget-Saturday--at Jones' I Wc ilKu )i,i c a till v lilp- nt 111 li Vi i t.ilili s i LITTLE BELOW THE OTHER FELLOW. With rci ser II c t ? V f V. I (.i and pii.o ALWAYS A arc pl'li-ll.lsr alwav s, Wi -I Vi !.nl t.i - I t you a free ticket to Page Theater. Come in and , lnw .'iii- Is and uivc mi niip prices. JONES' CASH GROCERY w 5 4 J niexi: jr. r0kjcd v IH-r st. .re Kat of Park. Why Smiir.c lilt (Tigers Whoa U UoiuIm are only 10a. j ' iy a a A WQQQWQ4Q$WQrWfy$(Q4&Q& X T w T. zJi xr "Sw.i aMi