Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 30, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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I IrM frml fotiighd fillr
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VJLiliJJx nJlCU ItAjcxIIj
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In i M ir
1II-.I)K0RD OKII.ON. IIIMNIIV, l Vtd II 1". I'lli;
French Aviators Attack Mctz Re
newed Activity South of River
r Sommc hfantrv Attacks Unon
Avocourt Wood Rcmilsecl Artil
lery Duel East of Mctisc.
French tutor luivo ngnin been
active behind the (lennnn lino, bom
barding null mid station in the ny
ion of Met, which i tin base Tor the
dcrmaii offensive nl Verdun.
1'nri. reportsn renewed outbreak
of Herman iiclivitv aonth of tliu tivcr
Sommc, where n violent bnmbard
tnenl, followed by nn nttnek, resulted
in the penelrntion of the advnmjod
French line) 1n the Chnul
iiea, the flermnii, linwever, hcinit iin
tnediiiti'lv driven oitl liv n counter
Rome announce Hint four Autrinti
aeroplanes were brought down during
tho recent air raid over the Vetiethyi
province and that eight Austrian of
lieer were mnde prisoner. A few
MO(in were wounded, hut the inn
tit nil dniiiase done liv the raiders
vv.u insignificant.
(ieiiuHiis lteiulM(l,
PARI1, Mnreh :10. Severn! fler
nino infiintrv nttnek upon Avoeourt
wood, in nn endenvor to retake lot
positions were mnde lnt night. The
war ol lice report of this nfteriioon
Miyt. Ihe-e assaults Tniled. No lur
tlur advance ngninst Mnlniieoiirl
were nttempted liv the flei'innus. Fast
of the AIimim? then- win. henw uttil
leiy fighting.
The text of the statement follews:
"To the Mint It of tlie river Somine,
the wny having heeii piejmu'd h.v o
violent bombardment, the enemv hm
ot titled, to one of JJie advanced point
of our line nl n Hiint to the west of
Ycnainndovillers. A eounter-irtlnek
on our part, however, drove them out
At (Dice.
Counter Attack. KhII.
"To the we-t ot the river Mcu-e the
fltiniuiiM ln-d night delivered several
eouuter-nttncki. against our positions
in ihe wood of Avoeourt. All these
no onl t. however, were driven buck
h.V our curtain ol lire and the I i line
of our lunchiiie gun mid infuntrv de
tueliiucnt, which caused heiivv loe
. in lli' ruiik of the enemy. This wu
nutftblv the ciinc before the redouht
nt Avofnurt, where the Ueimim lu
in pile- of dend bodies. There had
hecn no new milifnrv endenvor in tlie
region 1. 1' Muluitcoiirt.
"To the eiit of the river .Mcue
mill in I lir Woevrc district their Im -been
intermittent bombardments. The
Herman luive thrown into the river
Muiise, to the north of Si. Mihiel, n
(.'rent nuniher of floating mine,,
which, however, hnve caused no dam
age. "In Immune there has been neiiv
ity on the mri of our ortillciv be
tween Domivrc and Bremcnd. There
Iiiim been no other happening of im
Hrinnee to riMui iiom unv other
(mint on the fniu
"During the dnv of Mn re h 20. one
of our aerial nttnekini' iiinli un
til re w down fifteen whell. of lume
ealilMr on the iSutilon ruilrond -tu-liun
of M and five other on the
ruilrond Uiiiui nt I'njjio-Stii-Mi.--olle.
i - i
Cviihmii Stuldiniiut.
nKRI.IV. Murch SO. The repnl-e
of rrpciitid hv the French in
etl'ort- tu ifi-iipinic Hiition that
thev li-1 in tli.- wood nortlmc-t
of Avniiiiiii i .innniiiieed todnv liv
llll'.li. rm.'h Li ,i,, (ii. n !!- l,ilf.
AV .llii. I" t.,r. Ii
proximal' 1 ?' """ has hen .i
a result of Ik' aiicul made li lltil
Marjorte Stirett, the New Yorn.
echoaUirl. who donated a dime to
start a fund to Inn little 8am a bai
tleahlp to be named ' America "
.Muriorle'i patrlotiMii cannot We Im
peached, but the pronpert for the bat.
tleah'ln la not bright At the rate at
which tbu dine have keen accumu
lating It will cke Jum & yoara to
bay that Uaitleehtp. Some of oar
navy officer think e will need It
bvfore lliiio,
Need of More Fliers Shown hy De
struction of Two at Front and Dls
ahlinu of Four Others, Leaving Only
Two in Service More Horses Sent
for Villa Pursuit.
U'AStllXnTON, Mnrch :10. Iin
incdiutc piii-flnirM' ol i-mlil iici'oplniiC'.
to he M'nl nt once to Iliiitnilicr (Sen
c nil I'i'iMliine wn luilliuricd tinlny
liv the vvur (lcNirtmciit.
A h'ciI htiiird of Minnl corp of
I'icei'i hn. hcen ordered here to in
txcl nnd lent the mucliiite. The
hounl will lie comtoed of ('upturn
Viiiritihi 15. Clink, hend of the de
partment of motor of the nvintiou
wrltiml nl Sun )icn, Cul. ; hiciilcnniit
Thoinnt l)eV. Millinir. head iict rue-
tor at the Run Diego choo, who nic
now en route here from Ihe Pacific
conl, nnd I.ieutcnanl It. Q. Jnnci of
the Mittnal cotpx.
Only Two In Scrvlrc.
Report from Major Geucial Fniii
tnn Inv "trexH upon Ihe need for more
I Iyer-, with the advunce column in
Mexico. Of the eiht machine, which
nccomNinied the exposition, two have
hcen det rovwl and four ollierw hnve
Ik'Cii teiiiKirnrilv dinnhleil, leaviiiR
only two in nenice.
A portahle machine linp to repnir
damnifcd neroplanen on the field lias
hecn fi'iil into Mexico.
Alore hotvex are nUo to he ent to
Geiiernl Perhinir. Several hundred
are licinir hnusht in California, and
nn eHtiiunte for 'J000 more Iiiih heen
neiit to eonirreM. Kverv cavalry
horwe in the nmn reiiiounl -tiiliniiK
lui heen M'lU lo the horder.
Villa', Siiojily Source.
UeMirtment of ju-tiee aueiith, fid
lowinir a trail which i nid to lend to
Ameiican .ource of oiipplv for
Villa, hnve uncovered evidence in Xew
York nnd other citie which thev lie
lieve when full v developed will ,jun-
lil'v the eharsc. The alienation often
made that Villa him received aid from
Oennan oorcc uUo it Itciwr inveti
UHteil, hut no iudiciition Im- Ih'cii
itivcn n- to v. Iiether or not anv evi
dence ha- hcen .'miiiil.
The ile in it ineiil i- di-iueliiied to act
on n eviileuiT hut American uioucv
nnd -lipping hnve 'June In Vlllu while
it i- in ilic -i.iui' llml ui'l involve only
-iiliui'iliii.iii -.
COI'KXII iilA. .arcli '.' -The
Itotterdum correKiiomtent of die I'o
lltlkea huvm ihui aiioidliiK to evi
dence gathered by the Dutch mlnia
try of marine tho liuuh Htcmnshlii
Palmhang was torpedoed while xhe
wa l.vlna ulonBlde a Hrltluh de
nt rover, mhlch wan engaged in pick
lug ni mlnea. The Inference in
drawn, the correspondent aaa, that
the Halembang waa aunk by a aub
marlne which Intended to destroy
the Hrltluh wurwhlp and not Die Dutch
men hantnuui
JI'XKV. AlinUa. lanh ."50 -The
anuounceiueiK thut Delettate .lamea
WUkereham would Introduce In con
RTeH t oday a bill to grant statehood
to Alaska caused irfore than usual In
terest throughout Uanka in the rele
hr.ition todav ot the fortv-nlntb an
nivers:ir or tlie -i iiIiik or tin- Alaska
I'Uiclu i iii-hh wau 1 1 1 1 . i it
KOMi: Man h : I .1 i-i I luri
a roplum ! u,n li iui i.umi in th
air raid ovei intii.ui i vim en on
Monlu last, .ind eiht i-trian of
fliem were made pilaoinr- accord
ing to the lateM uffuial i'',oim The
rgiders failed to inflict an damage
of sluntricuni, iV I levM. and
ojil a few Hrsont were WOUHdfcdi
;to succeed
Pershing Projects Lonn and Relent
less Hunt for Villa, Who Has Been
Lost Track Of Rewards Offered
for Bandit, Dead or Alive, Expect
ed to Accomplish Result.
HI, PASO. Teni. .March Sil. IlflB
niller OtiVrftl .lohu .1. I'ershliiK 'irk
projected n Iriuot and relentlcftM cam
jmlKU In the hunt for Prnnelsco Villa
a cliRso that mav Inst for nmny
weeks before the fleeing Imndlt h
run to earth. This information n
glenned here today from military men
who made no terct of their belief
that Villa Ims tllppci tlirotiKli the
cordon of CnrranalatN ami American
Moxlcrtn officials mi Id today Ihey
Imd no news an to the wheioAlioula of
Villa hut that tlie troops of the da
facto Moveriimcut wore aiding the
American soldiers In trying to round
up the brigand. The last of tho In
formation was tlmt Villa was moving
through the Santa Maria valley. Once
anion his peon friends, who would
give the American troops misleading
Information regarding his where
abouts, Villa might eacape detection
for a long time.
Wood Money n. Aid
Handier from the Chihuahua dis
trict said It became known that thete
was a price upon Villa's head, dead
or alive, the bandit would be in con
stant danger of betrayal. Whether
the American troops havo made It
known that there Is a reward for
Villa has not been learned bore bur
it is assumed uhat the word had been
spread among the noon population tin
the American soldiers move from
place to place.
. Roving twnd of Vllllstas are active
In the regiou'of the San in Maria val
ley, hut apparently the American flv
Ing .columns have not come in con
tact with thorn.
Ilrlgadler ('eueral (ieorge Hell,
commander of the base at Fort Milan,
awaited official orders today lo ablp
supplies to the arm.v over the Mex
ican Northwestern, suppllea consist
ing of gasoline, forage, canned goods
and flour will go forward as soon na
the orders ate received.
Supplies MovIiik
Meanwhile Major Klllott, depart
ment quartermaster. Is moving aup
plles In gieat hulk to Columhtia. X.
M., where the.v are carried in truck
trains from the Mexican desert to tho
Army bases below Caaaa Oraudea.
Ten carloads were shipped to Coin in.
bun early today while ten motor
inn kg were also sent to the army
base (here. Twent) -seven mote mo
tor triuka will i!i forward late today
to Columbus
NKW YOltK. March .10 Captain
liana Tausener, husband of Johanna
(ladskl, tho opera singer, and aald to
be an officer In the Herman navy,
was arrested today by special agents
of the department of Justice on a
warrant charging him with being
concerned in alleged conspiracy to
blow up Ihe Wellund canal in Ca
nada. T iuixi her, the federal authorities
-a nl, i, head of the Tuucher Anna
compunv ol tin city, and represent
ative of the Krupp gun work in this
country. Ilia arrest wn brought
about, it wit, etiited. through disclos
ure made bv lIort von Ier (lolt,
aius Hridirman Toylor, who was
bronuht to thia country n dnv or two
ago lo be rxumincd as to what he
knew concerning alleged German
plot. Ttmacher wa-. arraigned be
fore u United Kt.ite. coinmiioncr,
denied the chuie iimI w.c held in
.'..0O0 bail.
l'KKI Cbin.i Mar. Ii "to The
ClunenL kovimiiiiii-iu hdK Mgmd an
durtemenl perrniltiiiK Kiifhia o ton
al ruct a railroad in .Manchuria The
railroad will give ltuiu control In
northern Manchuria, in compensation
for the rallwav right granted to
I a pa n In southern Mih hurlf Iftlfcn
hat .micii,ire'i n tm atrtuuuf. j
i tF or, i ISulKfJoaaav mm '
: t w . wSSBfe ifiw Ii Dritis Destrovcr Wlllch Ai(lcd ln
. W$k -j f ISm M Saviiui Survivors of Torpedoed
aywsus BPllil Mm Channel SI in Twice Shot at hy Un-
w ' rraBW JaaV
W , XyJcix. , Lm dersca Boat All Evidence Shows
KYtf I I KdKanrPHuSl doaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
Mart Jmmm MSLmW Sl,iis Tor"clloc'1 Without Wnmlnn.
1 jmmmw j&: wv?jt Tmvmmmixmwm.
Laaaauli ' ' s(f& VyJaKtMtfgfMI
Cri rj.AN Mtl (,r
C'.iit.iiii , (ov I in eommaiid o
the Third i iv.ilrv at I ort Sam I Ions
Colonel llodK k cO'iiiuiinds the Sev
eutecnth Infuitiv .it K.mlc I'uhh,
I.KVi:tt. Del . March .: KiiicmI i
Hfhiiler, a Ceruian, held up the caii
talnof the litltlab uteamer Matroppo
shortly after the v easel passed Sandy
Hook last night, hound from Xew
York, to VlldnvoHtok with a cargo of
munitions and war material. JU-hulcr,
who waa a stowaway, put the wire
less out of commission, locked the
captain in bis room all nlgiit and
sonrchetl his papers and the ship's
safe The man Is under arrest hero,
having been landed this afternoon.
The Mntoppo pu.)wl out of Kiuulv
Hook at li o'clock lust night nnd the
.itt.H'k on the cup!.! in wuh made two
hour- later. Schuler, it ia mud, had
been u ftowuwuv oil the ilatopiK)
live da.vx. When ell out to eu he
made bis appearnne, u lined with two
revolver!, it i alleged, uud forced
the captain into hi cabin.
The man told the captain that he
hud jtluced bomb- in different part
of the khip. The crew or the ilal
oppo feared the man. nnd when the
steamer hove in U'.'bt of the Delaware
cupe her eoure waa chunged und
she sent up a ival for impiediule
uitnnce, and at the anme time n
boat load of her cew went over the
side to come iiflion and auuimon help.
A tugboat 'and the steam pilot honi
Philadelphia reoi ded to the cull, n
did aUo the const guard crew -t;i -lioned
nt Cae llmlopen, Delmviire
The pilot bout picked, up the -lui-'
crew, who told the story of the hold
up. I
The man wn- hi ought ashore and i
now is in irons at the euloui Imn-i'
in Lewes. He ha- in hi iisenh .
rtioiiev und pna-r- bolonpin-,- to the
ea plain und mute f the Matopim.
Federal authorities in I -ewe- huye
ciill'ilillllleiitcd a lib the Tniled Stales
ili-tri. I iiitnruev .ii Viliiiini,toii, Ucl,
H. J 'A .. 'Ii M.9r. h in (ii ii
ii. il lii II, ( li.ivir ami Mcxi
i un I nn-ul ( i i held a I'luilcieuee
in tin' Mcxkiiii i"n-ulute todav rein
live to the uiovcii'int of supplies ov't-r
the Mi no Not 1 1. western riuliond.
Alleiia'sl )glcnei.i0Ucll rcfu-ed lo
dii 11-0 llig i .(ptDl. m(P, -UN II 1 1 - T0 i
uiiotr trleti to luainuira sec ray.
Colonel l I .UK
,1 t . 12
1 HI (Olttllllllwl Of
at I i r.ulo. Tch.
I Ik
Ninth (.iv.tli
-" OL Rour ? .- r.vRi
Cn'onel Hull. ltd (ominutiil tlie
Twenty m'Ii mi iiitrt .ii llailliiKeu,
NKW VltK. lanh " one Im
portant WllliexaeM delril ' Ihe ll-
'rtel attornev to eouilei' ihe clmlii
of evidence In the I'ei k uiuidei cnxt
waa still mlaalng early todu.v lie I
ICugene (). Kane, the emhalmer, who.
according to Dr. Arthur Wan en
Wall", accented $o0o In malt as pail
payment or :.'.", oon Walte was to
havo given him for swearing that lo
used, prohibited Kison In embalm Inn
the bodv of Walte'a wealthy father-in-law.
John K. Peck, of llrand Itnp
Ids, Mich.
The district atlorne baa ordered
Kano's arrest on a rhurgp of con
spiring to hide a crime He wishes
Im question him also to learn wheth
er or not oilier were Involved in the
Wllegcd ewsiilra-. lotin X. ISH
ter, the undertaker who had charge
of Mr l'e"k' funeral and who em
ployed an aa embalmer, reiterated
uwdtr a strict examlnt.iion last night
that he had no part In the a upposed
Walte'a attorney Walter U. Duel,
now Inalsta that his client had no hi
tention of laying the ground work
for an Insanity plea when he told the
district attorney that an evil aplrlt
which he called the ' mau from
KKvpt" diove him to iioImoii Mr 1eck
and his wife
I.NTI l( V i .il
M.mll .ii
Hie ( Htate
'", '"'"lit h. id
hank at Nordhuff, m.htii iiiIIch north
of here at noon today, kept Miss
,lale laenberg, the assistant cash
ier, covered with a pistol and escaped
with rash entimated at Let ecu 2000
aud f.-lUOO,
K O. McMartln. sheriff of Ventura I
county, was called hy telephone and
act out with a posse, which separated
into laevaral detatlls to seareti the
wild canyons and foothills surround
ing Nordhoff.
Tho bandit entered tho bank when
Miss Isenberg was aloue and intimi
dated her into alienee. Tho alarm
ssh not Klven until the robber hud
'ijaO tBl'd)-.t'PO'1 Iii'UDIIk !'. o
S(lTt)X. March .10. For
ihe in I oi million of the --title depart
ment. Amcticnu AmliNHxiidor Page at
London today forwarded nil unoffie
iiil icmiiI that the Mritih deHtroyer
which nided in rencuini; Hirvivor of
the Snanex had been tired upon twice
hv a Hiihtnnriue. AinhaMilnr Page
xniil the information npHured to bo
I'tiiled Stntea government todav waa
lining ever,- means nl il eomuiaml to
aeeufe conclusive proof regarding
the dianNlera which have overtaken
the Suasex nnd other unarmed mer
chant shiw, nil carrying American
ciliaens. AH cireumalnntinl evidence
indicnlcM that the ships were torpe
doed without waniiug and thai Ocr
man submarine) hnve Uegun nn nn
derwnler cnmimigii in nudntioii of
(iennan.v'a recent asnnuiees to tin?
Cuiled States.
Some officinla credit the siiggealiou
thnt Herman submarine eommutidern
are acting under secret iiiatnicHona
such its were advocated hv Admiral
von Til pita, to tortiedo everr vessel
approiicliiug Ihe Itrilwh Isles. Al
though official eonfinnallon la lack
ing, some officinl believe Hint the
commander, of (leriuau Hubmanihlcv
have ordera other llinii, those which
litis count ry is advied of.
The United .Stales, it i staled au
thoritatively, has ileleruiiited iiHiit the
ueNl kU'p. Unless Oeimiuiv makes
some aliitement in replv to iniiiiriJ
made bv this count rv. In ciiuso the
-late dcparlmeiit lo ehiuige lis pres
ent intentions, nil recent aggravating
iiieidenls will Im combined into one
ccucrnl iiiilietmenl, which will make
the i"iie elcnr cut. Should flermay
ili-eliuiii l'esMinsibili(v for Ihe ilisaw-ter-
the Culled SI ale- will continue
itivi'-iiKiilion-. i'ihii'Iiimvc pritof
lli.'il the -liiiw wrre lol'siiii', wilhoilt
vviirinui: i -ei' d, Ihe I'liiifd Stales
ploll.llllv "ill in I llllllltlv
isl.i:i Dir, Mm, h
ncv-iieneial CeoiKe
o ttor
lirnwn an
ooiinied today that the hrlef he would
file In III I' nl led HIuIch supreme
court In the e.iso of the Heaver Itlver
Power rompanv of I'tah, against the
government would be merely a elate
meul of Governor James Withy
combe's views and would not cover
the legal questions Involved. He
gave aa bis principal reason that he
differed with the governor on the
Ideation of the federal control of
power sites, The case involves the,
question of whether the government
cau control power sites on govern
ment lends. The government won Its
contention In the lower court. After
It was appealed the attorney-general
of several western sis tea decld-
I ed to file hilefa oiiomIiik federal
i oulrol
PAULS. Mdiih !" DUiovery In
the (ireek tabiiul of Cvriu of an elab
orate orraul..Uin toi providing lu
fonuatlou and suiipllf for subma
rines Is riirtn) in a Kiuue dlapaicb
to the Journal Ata-it iori persons,
lucludiiia the Uitpci of one of tho
principal fiorolg. !ivt) ii.'.-n arrested
aud will he ininnfM to I'raiiee
DKAMVnOI), K. I). Mun-h UU.
Three feet of snow bu (alien in the
Hlack liilU In one pot thirty-six
bonis. Hnirroad traflie i- -ertoulv
nppli l
Reported Strikes Near Gold Hill Re
veal Great Quantity of Valuable
Hinh-Grade Metal Gold Accom
panies Tunflstcn Two Clearly De
fined Veins Traced Hundreds Feet.
The discovcrv of liigh-gTtulc iunir
stcu ore nt Sylvanite, three miles uu
the river from Oold Hill. Iiiim bceu
shown to be much more extensive nnd
therefore of far greater 'Importance
than at fiixl surmised. Mcanr. I In ft'
and Kay, who made the find, had tho
ore aswiyed bv B. LiljcKnm of
this city. The latter finds thnt the
ore runs fn,m 8 jwiiiita, 1ft per cent,
tungsten acid to as high u rtl points,
8 per cent, as given in his very care
ful determination. He also fjudw that
Ibis ore will emieautnito very rondilv
lo from .10 to 70 per ettHt tungsten
acid, which will vield, on tho latter
per cent, $.11)00 a Ion.
"The diseovery of luiigstuu near
Hold Hill hv Mewum. n. L. Huff und
Henry Hay," suid .Mr. Liljogran, "w
bona fide. The tungsten in moatlv in
the form of acheelitc, of n yullowish
white rolor, in a ipiarta gangiio; nlso
minute particles of wolfVnuiite nre
fouud in places.
Quart. Cnnlos Tniipiteti.
"Vein N'o. is opened nt fivn dif-fei-t'ittiVlaeiMi
for a distance of .100 to
100 'ftgtt, allowing (piuita from six
incliee lo three I'oet wide cnrryiii
luiigsten; said opening ro from ten
to twenty feet long hv three to twen
ty feel doop. Tlu deeped holo hIiovvh
Ihe greatest width of ore. The
'strike of the vein is north by (if de
grees west, with h dip of (10 ilogrccs
lo the north, ami lias well-defined
"Vein No. 2 is M00 feel south nnd
imrallel with No. 1. JfT). rla opened
by shallow wnft nnd drifls. allowing
seheelile in quarts. It eerlainly looks
favorable for the profitable develop
ment of tungsten ore.
"I would suggest that prospector.
throughout this region he on their
guard and keep n sharp lookout for
the nature of uny uiineinl substance
that looks out of the ordinary, even
though it is onlv rock, and to evnm
ine esKeeially heavy rrna-meuls m
I ni lining.
Keep Sharp laaikout.
"The strike of these lungstim vein
would throw the belt over to lln
Sardine eouuliT throHgh the north
-ide of a low Misa between Koguo
river und Sardine creek.
"Pliieer miners, when cleaning up,
-hoitld look out for heavy fragments
of unv kind or rock, no matter what
color, uud hnve it determined by eom
Iteleui nsMiver aa to what it mnv be.
It might Ik more valuable in content
of other mineral than for gold."
.Mr. hiljegran is responsible for Ihe
stutement thnt this find of tungsten
i- genuine. He went to the mine and
examined it itersonnlly, bringing back
with him a ipinnlilv of snmules ot
Ihe ore.
There is ulso gold in these reins.
A shallow short and drifts in vein
No. 'J once yielded f'iOuO in gold.
(lol.i uud tungsteu are good neighbor,
nid Mr. Liijcgrttii, each being wdlmir
ualiiraly to help the other out fiu
nueially. The anme milling process
applies to Intth melttU
The veins where this tungwteu waa
disco vfieil have been mind for gold
tor vcai'. rungMtfii ore, imwh richer
tbiiu gold, aecordiiii; to the Ussuy,
wn. iliiiivvii .-,.l,. bei-Hiist- the gold
niiner didn't know niivlhlnir about
lllll.'-li II
SAN' rUAN'l'Ist-O. March 30.
Ferdinand Krevi-hhen, Aii-trwn eon
ul at Sun Kmui', tml.iv objected
to taking an oulh to supiairt and up
hold the .-.institution ot the United
States and the constitution of tho
late of Calii'orniu as egeoutor of an
e-tute wbndi be n admiitUtering. The
eon-ill ohjeeted on tha ground that
he win u foreign eitiien and that tho
eii-loninrv oath would be iu violutiott
of his outh of aUegiauce to bis ov
ereitfii. Ilia objection waa ustuinel
b.xoKuiM-rior Court Judfl Thomas F.
Qruhum. This is (aid to be tke flrak
cast on record iu whlok the usual
ti. iih wu-. in. i required, 4..jl.J