wit. 'I I edford Mail Tribune m mpMwiii1' mum" n mi in i VinmfcIMnnNSMMlllST 4 W BATHER iifiivt frfirwr 'frrxiMt-r Pwfr: Ifm, .Irti Attn. l&M. EDITION ri ! m V Mllll'dUIl OHKHOV I IiM.nIiW. MVItrll :i. 1'itii NO. I; S I V T '' ' " 30 KILLED, ' 40 INJURED OHIO WRECK Dense Fop, Ohscures SIfliint and Three Crack Passenncr Trains of New York Central Crash Toqethcr a Mile West of Amherst Twentieth Century Limited, Westbound, Crashes Into Wreckanc Caused When Second Section Crashes Into Buffalo Flier. t I.KVF.r.AKH, March 2fl. -At h-nst tlurlv person were killed the c iici total iiinv imt be known until nmhil'iill and mm than lortv in mrcd in the wreck enrlv lodov of three of the New York I'entrnl's , i ink jmeseiiger trains u mile west o( .Amherst. Twenty-live bodies had linen Inked out nt noon ntiil live mure were Known to lie in the debris. Ik'H tin- lutiil of ileml nml injured i- liimllv n-eertiiini'd, I lie wieek will -nrpns, in its cost of life mid limit, even the wreck of the Twentieth (Vn tiirx Limited nt Menton in 1001. when the fuuioii train piled into n Ireight on it oiind t fit w the New York t'liicugo iwent.v-hoitr run. IIoiimi I'ok N Cause - 1 1. not- flip obscured the signal net In tlie lirst section )' (he ciisthnuud I'm -bum-lUiltiiiioic-lliin'nlo limited, i .m-iug nimther section ii' Hint I ruin in crush into it. A short time' Inter, before the signalmen could llt- it, the m-t Twentieth (Vntnrv Limited, wi-itwHMU erwhsd-ruio the wreek-..-( which linil been piled up mi the lit IhiuiuI truck. Daylight had not yet appeared vlu the three trains piled up to j liT. Farmers nnd illtit!fr rn-h- I to the assistance of the stricken I ..'.-eager. The work of re-cuiim il " pinioned under the wnvkugc .. iiiiiuiM'red by dnrkne mid ins:. tnlilllnilfcs, automobiles nml all i,i itl. hI' vehicles were rii-hcd from I I vi i.i mid other points. The little ii iii;ni- ill Amhert wu soon tilled. M.t ot the injured were conveyed to )' -pital- in Klriu. The T en tilth IVntnrv proceeded ' it- ui to Chicago. None of the ! -oiiifer-, on thin. I rain wu injured. Thiw Tniliis hi Wiwk 'I lie three train iii the wreck were ivo .cction. o I in in Xo. Ml, cut- liiniiiil, ('hii'.tuo to liufl'ulo I'lier mid tin- Twentieth Century I.imiteil. pride I tlie New Yirk Central, runninjr i inn N'iw York to Cliieirjo. Tlie first liixlv taken troin tlie v. re. I, a . t be identified was that of i;.. tt.-i.u Walyi, Hitor of the I it II ii.iiiiiii Rvangelicul l.ntlici- . t. i iilll. ii. Ilelinit. Til? second -ei - I'M III the ( III, .IXO-Jtllhlilil llel l .-lll'll llltil the lt M'l'lloll Pi .1 I.. ( i.i.j w In ii ih,. lul eetn.ii -Lin ' I" il to t.iki ' i l flic Tvwii!..ih I eiilnrv ue-lli"i'i.'l I'li'iithl ,1 tin., i. h the wrerka-je ' ' ti.iiu .. Mi, ul'ieh hud been h.iiltill I" the u I'-tlni'ind track heli.r.. ll.n I Ii I he -i i.t out to up i. ..i-t i.i the ,h hI iii. in the rear etiaehe-. I the 'i -i-. nun o tka LJiicm;o llnllali m r. Si.im .. , WPn. found in the rear -eet mil o the flier, which buckled ..mi- on In ih,. Twentieth Century' iuh t o way and wu splintered by ili.it train. Iwi .MiMIy niivlNiiniii Mo-l of the mad arc md lo be ..ii i. in i-. who vmii- ti,iiinu m th (Continued on page nix) E R N UPON i iidmntuu TORPEDOED VESSELS ' HIN(ilii. M ... O-t III llll I - dep.irtiin ill I...I i -ii -le.iln-liip Kajli 'I HJI'le Allicllcall);,. i.l'ile.i tin. tbat the I'llllll. With . h..ardcJiad'brou81" ,n, lbe btlng -.ii ii.ij.i lined b .1 Hg'Qtiiut u i.fli.'Uil uniiounctiiiiiit bc'h i t - ile..ii tment iuisMM nil i i - ill. p. t. h ...x-tl.i I .1 I. ii- .i ied .i'i i' (it 'O-t i ii. 4 J) 1 1 i!. .Hal iVa 1 i.l.e Vtue ,.?. I'liint ,,,,, II. S. GIVEN USE OF RAILROADS BY CARRANZA First Chief Permits Movement of Supplies to Punitive Expedition Over Mexico Northwestern nail road Movement of Troops Not Covered, as Not Asked. VSIIIN(iTON. March 2. -Oen-ernl (arrunxa hm detitleil to iwntilt the movement of uiitl to th puni tive cMierfltlutt I" M"tIeo oror the Mexlemi Nntthwesteni rllril. Tha HUiillen will go commardnl freight to eoneernn In Mexico with which the nrtnjr linn rontrnetn. The iierttiUwInn Tor u of the rnll rund 1 not Krunted Ih mllltHry Mttio and doeR not rover the move ment of trooi, for which the .mer Icnn government him not aiikril. It will tumble tlenernl l'ernhlrtn'n forc In get Htiiiiitle in MbumlHnee In h ennntry where motor truck trnln ennnot carry them hihI will thun niil imineaHurNhly In the iiurmtlt of the Villa bnuilltK. KU PASO. Texn. Mnreh Jfl.- 8ii lillea will begin to go forward on the Mexican Northwestern rallmad with in a few lioura after (iensral Hull has received official notification of the conaont of (leneral Carronaa to the ime of the rood. General Hall aalil everything wan In roadliieaa ami he wbh iireimred to act Immediately be received word from (ieneial Knna lou. He exiueaiieil the greatest grat ification and relief over the newa tliHt (ienernl ('iirriiiun hail granted the reiiueKt of Hie American govern iiii'iit piEviiFvir 10 BUILD A RAILROAD HUHtHH IMIIXKMI.I.K, ni.. March -!. HetiiriiK toilav I loin yetcr dn' M'cial eleciiin rhow t hut I'rineulle hud oted in t'aoi of ii tl(K).iHHt IkhhI .--lie lor the coii.t ruction of ii railroad to cvnnict with the Oregon Trunk line ileal' Kedmoud. The ro-id will be owned bv the munieipal il. I'ledite lime been oblain ed from nriiu hoiireex to uro vide for the ivmniuinti r.'.",IMMt Hint will be rerpiired to thinner the inulertnkiiiu. The line will be about twenty iiiile in lenuth. I'rineville, which i the capital of t'rook count , at prccnt l.iek- r.ulio.iil coniniiiiiieiiiinii. F IlKKI.lV. l.inli .'!' Kiiiiib 0 HttioiiH north of M.ilun. our( m-m rul llnea tlctp alunic a fmnt of n'i nietem have i.tt n mornifil b the (i i man trooim, Hie CJeriuan hcudqu. li tem alaff announced today. The atateinent : i 'Western frent: South of 81 Kloi one of the mine craiera occuuled b the UrltUh wna wrested from litem aa a result of a hand erenate engage ment. "On the left bank of the Meuae our troop with little lo. lo themaelvea stormed French oiUons north of Mulancourt over a front of about ters. They also penetrated northwest twrtion of Malan- The French left In our band ivkeivj. ofHcera and 4K unwounded men. one aun and reu: machine gun. Kaniiuation of the prlaonera taken enaiili-d um to confirm the belief that two more French dlvUlona have been SAN FHAXCISrO. Mar. -'H Final certified tatemenufdf the revenues . f ,u ''naaia I'aiffic iiokition niliilMed Hi. Id to III Jl) Ot illri 11 tl! I ..) a. Ot 10 I SIDI. eefMloim IN sroo RENCH P 111 S PURSUERS LOSE I MCE OF VILLA 5 SINCE SUNDAY Chase of Bandit Goes Relentlessly on With Mcanre Details From Front Villa Last Heard of Headinq South Toward Taraluimare Residents Friendly to Drinnnti. V.. PASO. Tev., Mnreh 'id. The ehife of the hriuiiiiil A.'illu 'v tlie flyinjr enliiiuiw of Amerienn emalix goi telentliilv on, but from the inenjteineflN of the offieinl dipalcliei Trom (Ienernl I'ernliinuV ndunced hne it wn imKiHilile to lenrti lodnv the position of lite AnieHemi twnw nml how for thev were in the renr of the fleeinir bund. Villa wn lat Ilea nl of heatlimr southward toward (he Turnhiimiire mountiun country, hi eominmid ill i inn their Mexican Httiicw at full Hieed anil brinjr elowely piVHHed bv the Amerienn tiooHri. CommiinderM of the t'nrraiira tnioH now in the Chibiiiihun region uiirentlv huve lot truee of Villa nud hi men, for no rt'ivnrt Iuim been received bv Mexienn fil'fieinl- here for "Mime time eoiieerninir Villa where nlinuti. Armed biiHdo of VilllxtiiH are re IHiited in variolic pntln of Chihuahua, nml in Home number mound Ton-con, but they lire ocrittiiiir independently of the main ilia eotniuund. At Santa CatMilnn SAX AXTOXIO. Tex.. Mnrcb '.!). I'Vunciwo ilbi wii", moving toward Kan In Ciiliyimi, in the Santa Mima volley, four dnyn ngo, neeording lo infoi iiuitioii Mifiued bv Colonel Ootid Suuduy, nml forwarded lo Orncr.i' 1'iuii.toii liwhiy bv (ienernl IVr-buu. (Ienernl I'etvhinir added that the re-iileiil of the valh'v niH'uretl vcr frieiullv to Villn nnd thiit it was with u'leat tlilfieultv that the -colli leu in- i anv thing from them ivgardiut,' In ii.icincnlK. (ienernl lVrliing wiih known t be vmiIi one of the nihanet'tl eolunin- to lav, but nl hiM own riiiien( Hie po-i-iinii- of liiM troop were not reveuled. AH detachment- oMriiling nouHi nml cat of Xnmiiiiin were leportetl to be pu-hinu forwtird nl high mhmI nnd troin the America ii frontier to the lnt -npily wiM' the iinrtemiiiler' de part men t wa- working nt high prex- uie to keep moving the Inrge voliimo of hiippljeM, A to the detnilM of the actual chime t illa, however, (ten end ranton and In- -tuff knew lit tie mole than the 'iihlie. Cavalry Iteiiifommuitits Ctll.nilir8. X. A...Mmvh '2H. -A large IkmI.v of ravalrv left here today. Xo announcement u mudn regurd ing their deit inn t ion, but it wtu tin ilerntood thev wcic being Kent to re in force (Ienernl I'cr-liing' eommaml. A large part of the cavalrymen of (leucral IVr-binu'- force lire station ed at oiiIms, some of which lire .'Mi mile- liom the bonier. Senator A. II. Knll of Xiir Mexico Hired titduv with Major V. . s iinplc, eoninimidmit of the ba-c lure, ami later lett for Iliiehitn. Sen ..tor Fall -aid he wiih attempting to .btaiii !irt ha ml inforniiition u to new Mexienn border condition. Xo diHitehe were reeeived todav trom (ienernl Pcr-hingV Ilemlo.tiHr-tcr-. It is kli'.vMi, however, that (ien ernl I'iI-Iiiiil: hit ( ..I. .III. I Dilbl.ill bv liiiitnl' I..-! I ijlil ! .1 tin in W ba-e, l.'u mil. - t.. ii.. . i :. AT $13 PER 100 LBS. I'OltTI.VMi. Oi , vi hi li .'ft i the firitt Bale of tin- .-.i-axon here tn.l.r of MpriiiK laialiH r; per Imn.lri.l iOilli(i paid. Hie IiIkIickI price in the hUtory of the I'oitland htoi I. yards at this lime of Hie ear. Itcc ord iirlces also were registered for teorlings at flu an(TJ fur ewes at $8 85. The high quotations are due to the prolonged cold season which has held back shearing. The highest bids since the Civil war are being offered for wool, but sheepmen. It la said, are not hurrying to xbear as tke be lieve t(t)iOian Kel their nu 1'ijl" .i .i I .-nil ot tl vre.il I nojieail ih' t'llat 1 ' S, 1 1". DM at-n i IiiH LAMBS BITE'S VICTIMSjWAITE ASSERTS ar -amiA Mkt Uaitnah L-3ck ll v? MMMMWWf ' f'"Sfff , i -John l.pi ok. PccK'n IioiIj wii". fnimil in the allurements of hi- iu-iii-hiu K weeks n flee his wife died In Hie -nine rot'iii. W'nlte claims be was victim of mi evil influence "the man from l'.g.il." mid ii'iuvseni- hliii-clf hs of dual tHs.iinalil.v a iae of ,lel,j am llv.lr. MS ECI TRIANS F ItoMK. .M.ihIi .' Iiiill.ui infan try has ejected the Austrian) from positions on the heixbla northwest of Horliia which were lost to the Aus trians on Sunday, Hie war office an noiineed today. The Italians oaptured Vti Aus lrlans, Including 1 1 officers. The atateinent follews: "In the region of the upper! Hut river there wbh moderate artillery firing by the eneaij uitalnst positions we recaptured. A column of the en ni) ascending throuKb Valentlna val le toward Val I'lccolo aas repulsed by our gunfire, "Heavy ruins and fog Interfered with urilllerj work again yesterdoy In Hie uiHr Isonio zone, but we de molshed enemy mhIh at Mrsllvrh and made a direct hit on a trench mortar. Our grenadiers dt roved an entrenchment of I he enemy in the Heagora section, toiniiellliig the de fenders to flee. "A desperate flht on the heights northwest of (ionia, whleh lasteii about forty hour . mled Hucn-MMfuii for us. After intm-M eon. en i rated gunfire aitaiiiht our entrem hnientN M Cm fen he ik which .ilieadv hud bet-n (l.llil.lKeil h t o I hi- i lie elieinv opi'll- e.l an ,ill.n I, u iili ,i tin. e Sun. 1. 1 , in nli In .'I ... k IhJ) i i cr lni.oi tuilt (iiir iroopR .r ih, i iieiii) " lilt wiiE l. i, . i., i., i sin i hi. D 3D liin. hi - h. i- uithiliawn hi- n. niii li. in lli. .t. h leiitl.il biilo; in Mni.i.iii.Pii- a eaialiiliiie tortile re publican Oimi Hi. .tu. ii I'., i iie-iih"., iiceordmii t.. wi.nl n eiM.i I t , dv trom ,i I. . . ..ii 'l , - , ,ii, tlie lipid .) . ii ii. MM "' I A. II. I'uiiJi. i.O .' f .1 i Kninlolpli U ' beaiis hoi' 'i be omit ten iron, ,i.. Tilt li. one n Th h.i - '.. i i. I I. .1 i UIC 'fit. nil- l.'oi M ! ill.! !. O I AS m GOIZA E PAID EMBALMER TO KEEP SILENT! Accused Dentist Confesses That He Gave SIO.'IOO to Undertaker Who Emhnlmed Peck's Body as Bribe- Also Admits Glvlnti Bacteria of Deadly Disease to His Victims. NKW YORK. March 89. Futthnr iletnlls or Dr. Arthur Warren U'alto'a activities to prepare a (Infante be fore he was arrest oil for the murder of .lohn IS. l'eek, his father-in-law, vv.n given to District Attorney Ifid ward Hwatin by the prisoner himself fiom bis bed In Heltevue liospltHl. In iiildltliiii to pn.vlng Jdooa in rash nml $!iH0 by rheck to Kugeue W. K.me. Hie undertaker who embalmed i'ceh's hody, XValte tohl the prosecu it loda.v (hat he was to have paid Kane in nil $2n.non, out of which K.me was to bribe the druggist from whom Watte bought the poison from vvhn h l'eek died, tu keep silent. i in- oung nnntist nssertmi, ae-r ioiiIIiik to the district attorney, that IH- negotiations with Kane were t'on tliirteil through .lohn S. IVitter, ail undertaker. Cotter .Mal.es Denial Potter In the district attorneys of- Hie today denied evervtltlux Walte it hi Mr. Swaun regartllng him. Dr. Watte. In the Inst chapter of lilx serial ronfoaslon, told tho district attorney that be had given Kane $!inno to swear, If necessary, that he had used a certain jmiIsou In embalm ing the body of John 12. l'eek for burial. d'he use of such poison In ettihaliu Ing fluid Is agalnat the law In Xs"w York stale anil Kane several days ago was quoted as saving that none was used In embleming .Mr. I'eok'a body. From Walle's revelations tho authorities have concluded that he was preparing fur a plea of uot gull in in Hie event of his arrest for the i.iniilci. 'I'he rest of the dentist's loiireHKlitn, however, has convinced the dixtrlct attorne that he la gel ling read to defend himself on a plea of Insanity. I'mler ICvll liiiliii'iuv Dr. Walte last night told represen tatlvea of the district attorney's of fire that he had admliiiHiered sev eral varieties or disease germs lu both Mr, l'eek and his wife, Mrs. Anna Maria l'eek. When the iterms showed no resuita, Walte said he followed them lu both rases with poleumiUb drugs. In committing these acts, Walte declared that he was under the evil Influence of a force whi h he person ified aa "the man from Kgpt." Assistant .District Attorney Dool ing announced toda that he bad learned that Kane was Hie man who embalmed the bodv or Mrs Katherlue A da ma, the victim in the famous Mollneux polaonlUK rase some flftefta years ago. It was recalled In thia connection that a telegram received in (irand Itapids b 'erc Perk ad vising him to Itivestlaaie tlm deatb oi his fat In r was Miuncii K Ail- iiiiih ' o poiMin of I In Kind found ill 1'ielo'h -iiiiiiihIi Ills Im-i ii round ill Ih.- cinli. limine ilnnl ii-. il U K.ine the i o-qi iiloi u'll.i ,. in. I. in. Mil FOR FAIRBANKS WAMIIMiTOV M ,. ,, ."I Vnc-1're-iiliiil .hi -h. .11 i- in.iiM I.. i lb,. 11..111111.1I ti. n ot thai.'i- U. I'.iii liniiki b Hie ri publican convention. Mi. Mur-liiill ha- In . n 1i.Mi.mif over the uitiei.il iiguie- i.ii ih. (j.diaiia prim iries and ii.'iii thein .li-eover- that Tu 1 1 him I., rim l.ir In iniiil lbe oilier i (.publican-, on the bulbil. In other winds, he wii. budiv scratched. From lbi Mar.hall conclude- that be would he a inn- cmojiihitc to beat. The F.uib.iui, vot was .i.l,7"i Ifl'bind II. I ll.ll. . ., t I .1 .1 ii ii'iliiieiin vole ca-t for i .mil Hi, "ii, hch in A the vote Ih . i.. I .. .i. - for tfovenmr. I v. i In Vl m . li' lit, I . ' I. .Il, . F.liinailK- Iniiil vole u hil, the lut.il Mil. o .ii I..I i.i! . .mil.!, . I ii . i . I . . . , when' lift , i- located, was Hi,:i2l. he I "i.iiblie.in .. i. i r j I .. l III IM MARSHALL STRONG ;CHAM8ERLAIN i SUBMITS ARMY BILL TO SENAT Ei Oregon Senator Explains Measure for Reoruanlzatlon of Army Blame for Lack of Aeroplanes and Ma chine Guns and Faulty Equipment Placed Upon Counrcss. WASIIINHTOX. Mnreh ail.- The army bill wna brought inlo tln setiutn toilny ami to n crowded ehnmhet whieh lisletied ntlentiveK, Chniriiuu Chniiiherlniii of (he military commit tee gnve a detailed explniiittiou of the eiittte mensiire nml its purMet nml told whv lite committee hml de- eidetl to NitliNlituie i(m own bill for the one already m.ed bv the bouse mtber than iitteniid to reconcile difference-, lie ettiphiisixed the neetl for net ion. The wemile bill wiih drown. Sena tor Chamberlain explained, nftnr n thorough study of nil nrmr reorgnn iaiitlnn piano, the I lav bill, Hie Onr lison hill mnl the ('hnmlicriiiiu bill. Without I'Hillsaiislilp ''I'liiivn .... .i.rr,. . 1...1 .....i ,,- ii,, ,i,i ii-irrietH octiveeil the secretary of war nml the two mil itary commit Ices of emigres mo seri ous that (hey enniiol ea-ily be settled in emiferenee," he nitl. "The bill ns finnllv introthieed was frnmed wilhniit iNiilismi or politienl niiMie. It was the emlHiilimeul of the best in nil the army hill-." With eompulMorv training-not compulsory service be declared, the country, afler five yenrs, could nb- Molulely do nwnv with it "landing unity e.seept iiieh n were nwessnry for siieeinl duty. The country, how ever, be explained, wu not reatlv for eomiHtUory I ruining, nnd Voluntary I raining in institution , Isaming was a- far as the bill had gone. Senator fbmuberlmn blamed eon gross fur faulty tHiiiHiient in the iinny, for neroplune- thai would not fly and machine guns that would not shoot. fniigine, to IUmiiio "The aviation service is notorious. Iv weak,"' be -aid. "It is nut K. fault of (be nnnv nor of the aviation corps, but it is the luillt of couin-ss thai refuses to iipproprittlf mouc to pro vide fOMr eipiitmienl. "Still, in lbe discii-sion Inter on the floor of this senate, vou will find dis tinguished senators protesting ugainst Hie appropriations add unfiling that the people' nioiiev niusj not be seiil for war. And the vi if the im- ciiiei-t is heard in the bind protest ing Hint no money must be spent. They say we will never have any more war. I can only Iiom nut, but no man can tell what may happen in twenty-four liours. Wbo could pre dict the blowing up of the Maine, and the Kpiinish wart '' The cost of the national auard un der the bill would lie tI.IHIII.IHHI the first wiir. .'.ll,IHHI.tl(HI m the seioiid. 4 lii.timi.tHui the third; iti'MHMi.tNH) the fourth and about f-.INHI,IMHI aiinu allv tberealler. The total en-1 tit all forces under lbe bill would he $1117, H1MI.IHMI I he n-t vi nr. lnilvinu up to o-Jlill.tMHI.IIIIII th, l.niiih x,.,,,, J1II,. Illlll.llllll Ihr n , m.i i ,,, li,-.',llt oho .hiiiii.iIK i h. r. i.M. i Y l.l Mill ,s, M , M.,,,, jo Kllml. ale hi in" i I.. h,.t. t.M.i hv the I lilted Stall, nimv ciiuiiieei ue,' C'Tps III (Mil the i'.. ml In I vm in I nil, II - bii. .unl t)'ii-n. (iiamlcs in hell, r enn illtlon. Jiumbei- of bcaw iiiuli.r trucks euTftpiif siipplit.- nml e,pnp uient to Hiji advance troop- h.iw ground tin etdv gravel lo a H,dir and filled 1 load Willi deep dti-lv nil-, in simiov of whicji the trucks -ink to their (fbulutk. These ruts tire being tilled wild rock and it i iuid that some of tbiCtretihe. um-t be re built. A rin v men point ofti ih.. if the ad ministration fails in in.iKe satisfac tory arrangement" for Hie ue of the Mexico Korlliwesteru railroad the bruut of the traffic nl the expedi tion will I. ill on tbi road. A Veleilii.irv bii.piliil b.i been e-. t .1 11 1 -III ,1 .ll ill, 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 . t II. -I Il,.ll.v I III III I I ill. Ill I. I. I MIC ( . 1.1 I t ARM REBUILDING MEXICAN ROADS ill FRENCH WIN O'ERTEUTONS AT AV0C0URT Anuresslve Assumed hy Joffrc's Forces After German Attack Upon Mnlancourt Had Been Repulsed With Heavy Losses and German Trenches Arc Occupied Fierce Cotinter-Attack Also Ends in Fail urc Bombardment Along Entire West Front. PARIS, March 2fl. Krftteh Irrmiit mode mi attack lust night on Avo eonrt wwid, went of the .Meue. whein the Herman assault wan tuadn yes terday. The official stalement toilny ea.vs the lVencb enrrietl part of the works whieh the Oermnna had con slrueleil. The OrmnnM mnde a fieroo eoun-ter-atlnek, but wei-e driven Imek wild heavy losses. They tuntlc no offort to recover the lost ground. The recent Herman attack upon Moluneourt was made with a fresh division, which was thrown Iniek with heavy losses. Offensive Itcmmctl After n six days' lull the fli'minns resumed the offensive nl Verdun yes terday wiih redoubled violence, the better to hide their plans. They had for u week been Knelling tho whole Verdun front iminirtinlly, hut the French staff expected that tho attack would come on the wet of the river ami made all due prciwiratioiiB. Th German effort was eonfiHeil to a stftion half a mile fn width he I ween Avoeourt and Malaneotirt. The artillery poured a hail of shells on this short line all morning in picimr nliou for the iiifanlry attack whieh was Inuuehed at ll o'cloek Ih the nf Icruoon. The nltuekiug mnsses, almul n division strong, dashed forward over the ground which had been liloiighed up bv the shells of their heuyv guns, iiuurvnllv evjiwling mi eusv victory. They reckoned, how ever, without the French, infantry ami the l-rench light artillery, which bad been skillfullv Hheltered frtmi the bombardment. Wim Sumo I'ontanl The French infiinlrv hehl off lbe Hermans wiih rifle mid machine gun fire while the 7.Vs threw a curtain of shells which prevented reserves from approaching. Again the gray-coated wuves surged forward, onlv lo be brokeu against the stout resisianio of the defenders. The object of the Germans was to force the French to evacuate the vil lage or Muluneourt, tho heights sur rounding which the Ocnunns already hold. Thev failed completely, it i ai li rmed, ami the French hold lb Maluncoiirt salient us firmly us ever. The text of t mlny's eommuuiratiuii follows : "In the Argonne our batteries have bombarded (lerniuu ioitioBM north of Haute Chevnucliec aud on the houHi ern boundary of the wood of Chep sc A fight with hand grenatles, made m conjunction with activity in tlie next sector, ma tie it possible for n. io iiLise progie-., lutrneuiari) m the connecting trenches of the cnciuv noiih of Avociiiirt, 'We also touK -t ci n I pll-ouel's, "Wet nl the Meuse the enemy hi-t in-lit iiiiulc no fre-h effort again?. nr M..itions ut lluiicourt aud Mob .inei.iirt. The bomburdment. bow etei, .i.-iiuied a certain intensity iluii" nor trout nl lU'tluueouit. ,q ..ri lliimiiie nnd i umicres. t'ounter Mtack IVIls "flu- inni iiiiiu alter an intense (Continued ou page six) HIE ME CASf CillCMiO. M.i i ti ."i The cyte against WiHl.iin Kiifiis Kdwunls, wealthy Hi I'.mi luuiberiuan, ou trial charged ith violation of the Maun act wus ul.iu from Hit) Jury today. At the cuurt'g dlrectiou the jury ro lurued a verdict of uot guilty and IiiiIk" Vudersou entered au order dis . Iiiii'lni; lbe defendant, Kdwardrf wu. eh.iiKid wnh transporting Mifs dit t n liom ciilcuKO to Mlnuui .i.nli., MiU.iiiUt aud other titiLii, r ssUl