Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 28, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    FMff vcrmt
MFDPrjn MUf. Tfimrvf, Mr fif'fif.Ti fn.' Mi in; ri,'M(
I !
MAtf oftn mail mmmft
-Owti Watt Trihiifi" 0iiil!Mr. IMM
MaYTffM MmlfsH Trbtifia. Jffn. Poatk
ri OWgwaaa. Th AhlnI Tfban.
!K4rriw xvra
OM awata. PT Wall .
fW HIMIffl, ftVllvaf'f br
awaM. IfimnK. J i
aarrlvr m
antf Ctntrai Point - H
OajMH'tlar atilr, by mull, ar yf
waafciy, Mr nr ........ I M
PMf f fb ntv rf M4tor.
rafwr of inrHMM f'oont
Onmii, under lh Mt of Mrrt
wra ClrvMlatlM for H. 111).
PmM Willi ml wlm Aftoe1at4 Pnia d4
gubacrlbars falling to re
ela papyri promptly, pbnn
Circulation Manager at 250-It
i' 4,
It iloean't 1iHk nx If there'll ho ntt)
aurlng at nil thin Inter.
TihIii) Ittilli iniM'.
In h carta l nmrlnclal Vn
what trvurylhlng la up l data aad
the ptopNj nr alwaya plaanlng hiii
naw Mhwflrfl, a allocking thlnjt hap
PnmL 0a of the popular aoelnty woman
annoaneed a "White Etanhant Par
ty. Svarr guaat waa to bring aotne
thiaff that aha could not flint uk for.
Had yat too food to throw away
The par iiowavar, would hava
baas k- it hum but for the un-1
loqftad-for aa.elopiucat which broko
H Up.
laVan of the nineteen women
broutht thalr huabanda. -Ttt-Utta.
111 llway Monday.
Jed Doollttl U thn bualaat man
la town on waahdajr. lie ruahea homo
;o dtoaer and In forma tola wife that
ha aiMt hurry back to keop an an
IieNiflaapt with a man at naif pMl
II. And then he atanda around tho
itoalofflea and llcka the Mai It-ana uu
til I o'lok OaNHtUimla (Khm)
(J mania.
Ilonrl Itiilm.
fttra. Chink XX'llton nave her nalgh
iKira an nltl-tlma nullllng Tueaday
and iHlt a number nt the larflea
ware prtant They ilbl anin verv
flue tuachanlral alltrhlnK and turned
nut MToral new unllta. At noon din
ner waa aHHOunead, and the table
wm wall IMded with pie. cake and
nil that heart could wlah fur.
Oaark (Ark.) Spertalor.
WhIiIi ll.-r!
Kflop your eye on the alrl who al
YiRT allowa her mothar t da the
lioutiftirk nhlle be Idlea about
tuwu. mm you Hill ate her ilh a
aiiortjr dud for her beat flli, and
h1 woara the Httreme In faahlHable
olethea: then abe eU married and
nu can aafelr predlrt that her lot
In life will be weeping. wallltiK and
xaahtuue. Ilouaton (Mo) Herald.
I'pllftlnK lh liinnm.
"Wanted. reharn March 20. o
hiimUah and rhamtHTtnald: light
romfxiy, refined part, capable Reed
drunken aoeue " The MUge.
Sty (lt (ill I HH lllt I'lllM.
A (!! with un aiiuuumnt ring
la aure to got the glad hanU from
i girt.
Js'wtttr again'
Norr count xavlr hlkvn
Xevar trump your partner a-t
Never talk itarb to a policeman
.m -.nikf a defenaeleaa woman
..i imi nur aelghbor'a rut
u ii tlffji un a luilrixiit
tr .
i v itti of rtt.WK.
n fr
M th
1 i
f.1 I
' lit
' A I
in lUatiK tlii'M
t il Hftl i I
'ln tho i
illl I III 1
I I 1 -M '
f I'l i- ifvKU ON i I .
i I V . i i . ,
CI I JK'' !'' it . ' (It.
tiU I'll i In iu a ' i.'li IU
lil I. I xhtv 1 I ' ii
aeir uuil liri i ttlit ' ' t
pf oihfi tiuitortr n
blliOU-l nx i nligttl i 'mi I
al trw ii in th 'ii
heaiiM otb oue i
clavea. Tht moat chi.
ly aeod over thr?e doaea
This hook
will be maUd f I'" i i'it M. i '
Woadeifui Hiiw ii i- oi i i 1 1
hag druggtata t . i. !
uonlthe undfru '
jpont-y lll if rf
i. iffTt.
tits or qulbbta .. u...
to !' M"' "' ilnl "-'HI fiiitiim
Wf rrr'Vffyfliifty fhivt' ix n cmim: nml m lH' fo f-tv
J rtfTKrti' tlfiflrr Hir hciivr-fi: ti MfW lo br hfrrti (inl
; fir? if to rlic : ft f it? w to pltifif iirtff n fiuif t pwk fi fimt
ulit' Ii ix jrlnfitffl; ft tin if to rewt fififi i titiif fo wti n tniif
fo kfffi Kilffwr- tincl n Hffif to firflk."
Thfff it likfwixf n tinif ffrr htiitflincr n rnllmnfl to tin
Hliif fyftlgc minhiK flintrifl. thnrngh fnf Klntfifrtfi forfni
H-wrvfn and on to the uen riiifnlwtldl twiy, Hfifl the liirif
wfirw nt hmifl. Tfif tifne of iticrliit niul innetin ii jH!iffl
thf t iritf Tor w I ion i here.
Thnl ihin in thf wnw of the rnllroufl mnff moeitng
helfl Motifinv evenifiir w wiilioiit quertioii. If by a prrtti-
erly Mffiired Umii of the eily'n nredil we egn aeeoirtpIiMh
I he flevelopmeut of the eouiiiry, and heiiee or the city, the
liiiH for the lonn i af hand.
II wj KiigKexted flint lliit" whh lle tinif for invpaiia
lioii and reflection rather than the lime for aeiion JmiI
what if there to in ventilate
Mr. UullifW Ii iM enitlf are on the (able. Ife does not
ask a sulmidy merely a loan of credit.
The I Hue liedjre mine.' There are miles or tunnels,
llii'oiijrh rich ledges, thousands of Jons of ore on the dump.
The asaM are accessible to all. They have been public
proiicrtv for eight vears.
The owner nT the mine It is his proud boast thai his
word is as good as his bond and an instance to the con
trarv is vet to he cited.
Oilier mines in this dint net
They await examination. There is nothing to be gained
by delay in investigation.
The timber resources'? The fnitetl States forestry
service cruise shows W,()()().t)llI),()flO feet of timber, mostly
pine and redwood, tributary to this projected railroad.
The terminal Humboldt Imiv is an improved harbor
and not a creation of the future. Kureka is a niod-'ru city.
Freight rates We know that Med ford has to pay tho
highest freight rates of am city iu the Tinted States and
that material industrial progress is impossible until there
is a tidewater connection that will force reductions en
abling interior industries to compete with tidewater
plants without prohibitive handicaps.
Medfohl has marked time long enough. "Uo slow "
has been our motto for some ycys. We haw been mak
ing progress backward and sideward, like the crab
(V(.rv way but forward.
And as tho preacher tells us,thoro is a season and a
time to every purpose under the heaven, and the time has
come to do something to develop our tributary country,
our mines and our forests, and incidentally that they in
their turn will develop our city for tho .Lord helps those
that help themselves. ,
Til 10 campaign is on to leach the American people
thrift and economy. Not enough of our people
save money, we are told. Kvery wage earner, vvvvy sal
ary receiver should put aside ho much each year in a sav-
tank'or in bonds.
rile advice sounds good and
it as such. Ihtt it is not disinterested, if we consider how
it works out. The wage earner puts his money in the bank
and gets I M'r cent, or perhaps in bonds that bear ." or (5
percent. If he doesn't the bank will invest iu bonds.
The IhukIs are isMicd by a corporation that pays dii
densof 10 tool) per cent, and sometimes from HK) to 10,000
per cent. The game is good.
It has another phase. If all practice thrift what U to
become of the millions among us who live upon the extra
vagance of the nation, and sell us everything from chew
ing gum to motors and pla.vcr pianos t The same people
who want us to be thril'h make our gum and pianos, and
our movies and employ ihouNtuds of people iu those in
dustries who labor for a livelihood. Now if we save
all our moue. the gum fudorics and movie towns will U'
closed. Our ice cream vendor and tobacconists will be
unable to pax their rent.
It laitnot Ik- possible that xxe are scrioiIy to pursue
a jMilicx that will bring baiiUiupicx and waul to millions,
1h 'cause that would likelx bring trouble.
Our finaih ii i do not want pucisoly that. What they
really mean is that xve should saxt enough lo buy all their
Itouds and spend enough to enable them to make good div
idends on their stocks and carry enough insurance to save
the laxpaxcrs the tost of burial.
It seems like the luilleuium has almost come for the
fleecer" of sheared ases.
' ' I " I
I I.
" I
c V
1 1 I
. . II
i i 1 Mi .
' l.i . i .1 i iii, '
' t i I i' i I i i .
l I r , i- i
'" ' N ' '' '' - " "
'I ' A- ii Xiui. i. I v(, uo, , ii
I'H mil ' ' i i' -'lt un' i i
(ill I -
i I ,-, Un li-i ' i
n -. ! lol Xi
II .K- I XX i
-idf- tin -.ii ui
I ill Utile llllltl MI
I'll '"I Il "1 I
tiiltt-il. iin-liiihim Iii -t .iinl -iHninl
1 1 .
nil i. ii i
ii mn
. l'
It til
.li- it
I! ' . . - ,
and in adjacent districts?
people are likelv to accept
I l'l - lll.l .III II- lint, lilt". Ill till"
I iti1, .t i iilili'liliou thai lid- i-iiili'il
i nli i I'liliiKinii Iu rilit'it'.
llii' l.iulii'' Aid ooi'tt'U nt Hit'
' I it httiiiiu i'Iiiii It ti.iM- iK'i'li'tl
' Mi I Mn (i.ui. it. pii -ultMii . Mi.
,' i." XX i'k, lo i-iinr, .iiiit Mi. Su'
M I -filll.l V I In -in i mi Ik
. i Ii I It Ii II II i il'i I .
I iIMiiiV. Mi.i.l. . Iw.. Amu
, ,,, , Ail i i' XI Ktiuif jt
v uuil .tail lni riifi ui lila-
, ui', who ftrt' I'll bu.iiil llu Uull-h
-I. ii it X uuht-li I.' uuuli itll
i, I, tit Ii, ,i, tin Xim I i in i mi-til
tK i tin -ii iiiuM tt i- t, i in !! .1 with
,, il I , i , , 1,1 !, , ( , i '
l It l- t III 'III t,llLi 11-tnK Ii t I
Al)soluttdy Removes
I mll uftlion. Oiumi k.fyro
pU(.olt JvK attilldli,,tJ-to, j
( I h I I v O "I i ' r h .i
Two unlili nilfl il 'i an1 oin mm
nn Mr Kiliel -iiiiiihii v r i irnd
fo death, and a nrnv of prritoini
were Injured early twtar hen f la men
wept throaskthe third floor of the
Koater apartaamfa at 111? Prwiwc t
aveaae. PoH0 are aearrhlng for a
maaked mall who, arrordlna lo the
atet) told by Ml Remle Reliner, a
waltreaa, eiNored her honu- ou tin
third floor, bound and kiip'I tier
and ael fire to the litilldlnn
Moat nf tltflwe Injured iie hurl
by jump! M from tlie tlilnl floor
lridowa On hundred iiernnnn were
reamed by maani of laddern and Ore
The fire waa of Inrondlar) origin
arcordlng lo the police Three men
and one woman are held at poller
headquartera and a police guard aa
placed al the bedaldo of Mlaa Helmer
al a hoaiiltal, Mhere ahe la Buffering
front h brokeH ahonlder.
"We are uotirlnced the Itetmer gtrl
knowa who started laat nliihl'a fire
aa oil aa tht are yoiterday morn
ing In her rouma," aald Uetetilivo
fan el.
Some of Uiomi held by tho pollrf
vtore Involved In a lilli alavo Invt
tlgallon a fw dua ago folloulna
which oiio woman waa nt lo iirlaoii
In thla cuao the Ketmer girl aw the
alleged vlitlm.
I Ol.l Mill H. . Mm. Ii JH I Imiil
ciitnliiiiiiw Ihroiiuhniit Ohm Inn! not
iniprototl Mifficifiitlv ttidnv l nllny
nil fcniM of aarioiiH dnmnire ri-Milluiu
from the rniaa which fell ocr Uwm'
xetitioiiit dtiritiK tho luot fort.x -eitflit
Many rivei-a and ereeka orrt1ow
eil llnir hunk .veaterdiiy and In-t
niHil, innndnlltiff thonann1i4 of m rv
of low I. mil and dming liiimlrt'il- nf
fit mi I it I'njiu their lioiuva. I'rc
t'H.v ilunmui boHttvcr, wua not hitch,
and mo t'nr aa known no Iinok tire
lost, ('onditintttt in I he north (mil of
I In- .tutt' mIiII acre thrcntcnintr. -I'tiiilinvr
to ii'iitM"- tmni I'mdliy , Tit
fun. Fremont nnd "iiiiilli'f tvtti- niul
iti-linl- -In nn- liml ri.nli
iil tin il in 'i t i in U nml it u i- In in t
I'll t.lltlll I' I II l llll Ui'lllll II lit III till
ii'i iii i i i i i lit i ..... I nt I'M
I 'lllillfilf hill n nn nl ill
the I'ii tic.
lh'-tf Mm u -rn lt -tin- in "Tin'
Hidden t'l.itt. a ilu ol liii-iiu'-- nml
MlCU'tX. ttllllll llM'lll'll lit till' I'llJ"
t-tcrilnt .mil im tvM'uti'd tonulit l"t
the In -I time.
TmU Mini tuck, iik the iii'iiiii'i ni
the hcloine, Mlft ltuirieiile niirni
ii the Miini'in of MM-tt'tv mIio I i i -
ii win lieyniil her menu-. Mi Mi it
luck inet'th her unit telU hei ol im
linViilli'i'H n in einiiit ol -I I. nil in , I
i'iri'iliiililtiee-. She induces the i i '
to lieliete tuiMie i llie i I un
Hirtant llmu in the ttmlil. .unl in '
flic niii-t in.. t r a limn ul iu iii
Mi Miirii-i ale iini'i- I'tiink Mill
alio pint- tin iiii "I ,i ui 1 1 l.i
Ulintr MHIII. Xlll- ri'lH-e- In In In m
llmt Mi-- lliiin-i.ili i- - .
i lilt U i.iltiii r ol vte.iltli. hit in ii
lie- Mill, 'i lien . nun'" llie I..-- ni
In- ut'.iltlt. tiii'otijh the liulitit m i
The Sine of t.e Mother" I'ljtltik
ut the Star todat. Is tli fimt i!t
aluih'i Iu the Nt a Xoik I'm nhi
Suuf tluoo m-enarlA nmti-t The
tort an ontteil !t IMallif tpriit
and teal me h tulta Smwitri .unl I'n
XX llllami It - a X ilnrd'h Mm ii
I n 'n ' it I! 1 o - t'
In rtii it ,'! i ufa iiitlfnl iliu 'i
tr tot kuiii ik It I- sue u thrill, r
" ' " H Ull J. I 1 L ! '
lli'r f i I ' f T i mint'
I r ,1 fc J t t L.akr. 4tl llMt 1 ' 1 fc, I
p,rii, P i i ii it I J 'iwr & in ui
ii ( la. 'i It I t n t 1 ! i i l I
.J - - . I J .Kb . ull ilrH. ..Ill 111
P 1 1..J M"M ! . MIM. "... ,"
It. ,i f , ttl KI'RMi IMit.l.lH trl
r. I , t V Ur h I'i't i4ii"l t
tun-1 j IU um vl llll i itUrru u
B4.sK 3 tlllM.r.
ertm I. I ! mt i m' rH- II mr
m i , ttu lili da ' lixiul-r li Im.o.
tl A. W. i U ON
N I ,l, t iMl
1111 rlirri Cur-. I, taken I i ii.lli 4
i. iir-tn ut,i il 111 nl mi . ir
f, . ,f 1 tu Si I It I'U fall'..
I J ult't i ui Til,- i
a t i i .t"
i.l. li. i . t .i,jr I i i I r ,vw.iiai:,a.
Irftdjr .XvtUlMHt
iMtiHtea M. It ami 17-J
XmliuUuiy s'vlc
IVrnar '
fit flr.OMIM N Mfifi
f rMr tit f htrna' mllfr
Xt- l n . i r-i' n fini i
ii, i,hi.i n ,ifilr m ' itil nri-m
i'ii r on ir Fviffif. im wiviw uep.
linn ifd imdVf il ii" miiIiiii'' fhfv
-t iitid on their ii'."n v ti i nl ili1' flu' i illi un
ii'umi-i'i lund It i ,i i ' i, in ir jiliiiirit' ii'i
i nf!iiin ii H 'i il n-1 , ti, ,. t( ,
'.ltinir miiat i ii-
The (lit i' ii v1 iT' tin i if In
r'f ill l iill tin i iil tli"
finding nr n rm-h itwtn the imnler of
ii IiiN . ttmi tin' ni I n.i t iiiow
iii"ti'- iiMn Ii "h w p. r linl ii n
f i.'l" Ii ii i in ii f i
An mtere-tiiij ctiM'rimrnt t in
iti.iti'il tin- uinrninu liv iepreeutii
lite- o the I S. weilt'li'l Itltleilil lllltl
hicul fruil-jronuiK inlcret.
Thcniii'jrnih. tteic u.H'ndetl in
"(iceiiillt I'lti-triu tul -lieltei-, one at
tht to unit nnolliir half wuv up on
the SMIU-tiMit tower of the wtrelea
"tntiim near tVntral Point. Another
in local eil at the bn-e of llie lower, u
wooil near Mcdtoitl on a Kiminil el
e nt ion mii tillflitiff lilt tlierninjfrali
hull tt.iv up the totter; another near
Talent on a let el with the one ut the
tup of tho tower, nml Mill another on
the ide hill u--t of Central Point on
n let e with that al the top ut the
Tin pifrpo-e of the exHriiacut in lo
ti-t tin iliinlion ot ,f1uw,, of cold
nn (M there t iint u"h) on a cold
dihIiI . tu tletermiiio tfte ciromn--iniieeM
loiitrolliug the filling in of
fill -trata- of air in the xeverul parts
I the xollet.
Thia ia the lirat of n eerie of Mich
expcnnienlM which the went her Im
reati intend cumluetinir locally thn
and miccecilinu -prhia, as a jmrt nt
the frtixt fiirtev which the bureau
hiiH iniilfrtaktii. It in expected that .
th'iM work will clear up the confusion
"o (teiiernl iinrc in the tnllcv na to
weiither coiiditioiiM anil ainoi an
related to horticti!tur.
Thin tu-t eK'iiineut wiih lartcd
thix uioniinir In 4. Cecil Allei,
wenlher bureau oli-cner; Profpaaur
Cute, 1'rnl'i-wif Iii'iiiitr, lieu Sheldon
and A. C. Allen, the latter ettintr a'
M'rie- nl mot in.- pi-lure- of the in-'
-tnllntinll ol tin -tiltioli- on tlie
I utter. 1
X AMIIi.n. XI. .'s I'n
nil til XX il-mi tvinte I" ll'iii" iitn
l.emli'l Kili'llUi nl the In.n- (..lit 1
mum;.' oii-ulenttmii ot tin lull .ml
ii -nniiii'ii 1111 toe inti -i i..i inn
rulttnt li.iii-Mirlniiiiii i niilitn. -llie
i.nlio.iil ii -nliilimi i i- in, i i
i liiilid III tin li'ai-lilllM' i tn.i. 'ii ill
III I'll! (Ill lit HIIH I itll . llll- I -i
t 1 1 li
Secret of ,
A Cfrt o( Mirc-atful
Mciit V millii lia r
tanl t'i drliphlt It .
llir purrit ji (I '. rtt
mt -
. ' I .ill- l , ' i lw .
I - 1 l, 411 II
L.unl llr.l(ra liolll- la,liv
, ,
ftTTBTTr'Tallli " 1
Red Letter Day
10 S. & H. Green Trading Stamps
FPF.R-No Purchase Rcquirc(lFRRR
15c Unbleached Crash Towel
ing special
Tomorrow ....
Double S.&H. Green Trading Stamps
on Shoe Purchases Wednesday
nf ' tfrh"i nfi hr ( lMrf "MflfM
- ' Win ii nt -( fdr ilnifip in wii-
i ! nfit't,d m '( liPiiniifnl vetlev
iemw wiTn rr i tt-, it TrrTTrn
' tin re i tin rinmi lr w it'r-
ilii tur
i ii'l try
'B tlin
jl ik. i, i n i H . ti i n the
I -m i 1 1 I .r ii I. i ( nn ' i in It ci
I ill wrt iiiiliii ii li t tlii wm t
w w-ct, nnt Oie httie rr'ifininit "I
fh trrtir lieirun l srimi imtrtir 'm
rn i nd i' -m i ' mil tn tt i it.'i I'n ir t
on t" tin I mil i r. il i i il tin 'n
PA KIN Munli -'. Iltii' of tho-ic
tukiutr pmt in the conference of the
entente nlln-, ttiinh held it- tn-t
eioit here M'-tenla. h itioted in
the Matin ii ilccnliiiu the ntiiiie
eha rait pr ol the uatheriug.
"f hno iecn mnnv ronferenoi'i nt
which statesmen ami d(ploraatiit
tiMik part." thia delcrale aaid. Mtiu
ally one reccititl the impreMiion that
ench teron whh earel'itllv watchinir
tor an opiMirtnnilv to tori to liiw own
iii'coiinl the iiutakcH niul vtenkiu'i-i'M
of (he otliern a ml itlilain the ninxi-
inuin adtanlaye for lite power he rep
resented, hut there wna nothiim of
thai kind at the prenent eonferein'e.
A lirenlh of Iiik' puiwae and roanhe
ipemcd to pnM titer the iioaetubly unil
to touch ii" all ileeplt.
"We fell nt etcrv linnnent that n
work for liiiitiniiitv fnr greater tiinn
any nntionifl in-pirotinn tta inciini
bent upon ti" utnl iruuliil u to a ape
eiul end. The uh-olute neceaaily for
union anil for -ucrit'icc echoed in
evety word. There i. indceii, in thin
conference an iinl'nriri't tabic (.'raiuleur
for llin-c ttlin luite tin hoiioi to hhaVe
in it- id bin rn!i"n- "
x i: m oi rrv sii:i
vtlmt lh ttu
XX'e alttnMi r
t'c-t !.i ma Homed).
nnii! i ml
ii h the mn. hi unil moHi u tli factor).
SolU onl) li) iih On,. ,nij ll.uu.
o ui I I "n
m r
IK V rk
. S
The Sins of
the Mothers
tr iurc in J t
ttiili Amu
jppu. Stewurl
f?-. and
"y. U4IIC t
XX ill, ii,
X i iii I 9 ttl ri I ' j i1 i
pnvtiit d Moiycf at. il S
in ii. .ii. mod iu ion I i
j.tnililmg Como and m
what linnn lo her
aS ii. 2G3
"tvHtfcrtwt jtCTClin'iP. '.uS
Store R
wmy hair nfxs air
lanr ff eo i verfrh rr -Hon
nf tli' -fa'!'. I '' rt' rnn"- "'if
faaf. Tn 'too fniH'i ' n1f "
aWf fid llie fritlp of rrrr aBTti I' 'f
dafflffaff, " a i' ren' i-ofJIa n' ln
defMia af anv etfug at or taw n mm in
In yowf MM tM rah tef laio "'
ealti. JMIef t , iiiratlviiK .il
dandrnff MaiiieM sel W nlr
atopo romlng nut SA
Hie Mimtent 'I'nfWit IMi-i""
IfeaclHM the MIowmh Ii XII
JiMre fJoee.
Do atnne foodn tou cat lilt im
tanle aood. but work badlt. frrii'iit
Into atubbora lumi" aad cihkc .i -i i
nour, gaaay atonmih? Now. Mr "
Mra. Dynncptlc, jot tlila down I'.ir
Wa penal n dlseata evervthlmr, lent in
nothing to sour and it fact to" Then
never aaa untitling ao aafel iiukk,
ao certainly effectle. No dirfi renre
how badly your atomach la dliwnlorod
you will get happy tellef la rive mln
tttea, but what pelaaea you mot In
that It atrengtheua and regnl.'Hs
your atomach ao tou can oat tour
favorlto fooda without fear.
Moat remedlca give ton relief some
llinea they are alow, leit not nun
"I'ape'a DUnciMin" la quick, poaltlv"
ami pula your atomach In n healtht
nomlltlon ao the-ulaen tvon't conm
You fal different aa noon
"Papa'a Dlapepaln" cornea In ion
tait with lh atomach dlntn-s Just
tanlnhea your atomach gcta nct,
no un nen, no belching, no erucutlona
of undlgeatad food. our bead iluri
and ou feel fine.
Uo now, make the beat Invn-tuniit
you eer made, by Retting a I irxe
fifty-cent case of Pape'a Ulapejixln
from any drug store. You realize Iu
five nilnutpx how noedlean it la to
auffer from Imllt'stlon, ilyapeimia or
anv utoinai li dl"onlet dt.
Double Triangle Hill
E S S I J?
The Golden Claw
1 1
Weber and Fields
The Best of Enemies
X snl. -.fliiiiiij 1 1 IhiiIi -Iti t-liine
Ml ll (Hill's
1 1 ailing Motion
I'ii ntt" llicatto
I'm r ' i . , !' . ,i 1 1 v il r i w
modi I- . illi 1 1 i. n to not ol pmt 1 la ,n i i uiu
iiiuui u - i ttt r t is
Miss Lounsbury
Milliner .M. ,V XI. Iiept. .Store
Camera Shop
20S East Maiu Street,
The Only 'JSxelusive
Comruenial Photorrapborp
in Southern Oregon
Negative! Made any time or
plaee by appointment.
Phone 147 -J
We '11 do the rest
& J, WESTON, Prop.