fM'-'f 'I VWJ II ,H (' ' III w . fih ! TOCAI, AND PERSONAL O tiiiTe-tii-i-r-t f-f i " n ' ' ' " ' 1 Engineer r W. Mall, from h of- lice of fhe ntthllr roads end runtl rn RflwerfRg " " federal c.artmen of ifrteaittfre. M rinrtfiir o beam fM wot of sorrev of fhe Medford neater !k btgfcwnv. rieid wr nrffl fcftftp m April I", IH a -rew of aMMt loolre me The work tll a pfto4 nrhbt "" month. Tne route will. In Mil proba- hWfr, fHlm ll eonrse of the flogne nearly a pese'lMe: hnl . "' to mw the oftletal detail f be worked out In prellntlnarv ttr rera. The aeefik- value of the hlgh wigy iH be taken Into aecoiiiit. io e afrit. KBgfneer Ball began the or ganisation of hla fori pa Monday n Vm glvea trading alamtNi with vearjr Uitwg mceot rorlea. ltarmond K Tolllna and Mlaa Klaa A. Obhmda the latter of I'ortland. wV JwlMiNt la marrlaae m the for mer'a hm. BOH Xorth Central ave nue thhi dly. an March 11. Dr. 3 C. Holtlna offldallna. J6no to loan on good farm, cloae In. II. X. Mtfno. A. I. Oak, vlre praaldent of the Coaat Cnlverl and Klnme company of Portland, la In the city In the Inloroal of hla hfwiae. II. H. Hanee fnrmarly with th Mogae Klver Canal company, la the local representative of the C. C. A f. Cu.. wllh head-aar-tar lit thla ell v. Mr. (lagf ron faaaoa that he I way a flnde pleaaure In a vlalt Io wintboin Oregon. gwot flldar at l)a Voo'a. CI. II. Atone, a pnnnlni'til mining man of Monteaoma valley, Colo., ar rived In thla nlty Monday to remain, lie will Intaraat hlmnHf In mining davolopmotit here. Ilia flrat Inveatl Nation probably will be In the Mlite l.wlgo dlMrlrt. In view of the proa port of onlatnlag tranaportatlaa for tlio output of thai territory thla year Smnkft a King SplU olgnr. Ko. Thoy nr homo-maile. tf Androw .leldneae. owner of lb lllnomflalil mine, which la among Ibe many aronpa of promlalng prtHierlloa In the HIhp l.odao country, la en joying a vlalt to the cltv for a few daya. Mr. .leldiieea haa been Hiigugeil In devolopmoul work nn hla ptoperty iwjHrly nil wlntnr, the anow depth liaiMK no offaet on hla IiihhvI opera tloita at any time. PropariHlncMHi la the taatiQ. to lirliiK In your Irnvninawar and havo It aharjinncxl and ho proparml for what la coming. .1. W. Alllahall The Amoma claaa of the Haptlat ehurelt will hold lu mid-monthly llibki atudv Wedoeda evening, March II, M the home of Mra K. I. Htowart, r.4 lerin Ivaiita avenue. All old and nea memliera are In vliod Io ha preaent. Oat yoar milk, cream, hut tar, ga and WHltwtnllk at !) Voe'a. Tire ladhm of too ClUtattera' claaa of the ttaptiet Sunday bcIiimi! will en tertain tktitr hiiabaada and frlenila at Uih home of lr. Uvu Maine Car low, If South Laurel atreet. Wetinea day evening. All memliera are naked to bring their huahattOM and frlenda. The world'a greateat eompaHlea. Holnioa. The Inauraace Man. M. P. Carne. aecompaiiled h Mra. Carney, arrived taai nlglit from Io AnjiehM. io attend the funeral of the late John Carney, of Central Point. Mr. Cnraey, a prominent bnaiuea man of I.O Angelea, la a brother of leeeaartt. 25 off on Kodaka at Waaton'a Camera Ihop. ' &. M. Andrewa haa returned from a btialnoH trip to tiumuoldi county Our ehocolataa aro Medford juad. Tha ihaaia. if The firal roaoa of the aeaaop are In biooM at iaklyM Helghta Thev ur (bo Hlnk Cherokee alm an eaii bloomer. Raadera. iwperlNg. tlut.palntlug Wi Mr. and Mm K. B. Ilanlet. of Medf"i'l mm ri'Klaterod at Hotel Hon eon I'mtlunil . i.ioiki' luiuiu in 'An Allan. " In i'; hi ,i.tri. id ken rroni "The Mian t the Kiiw ' fitar theatei TIiuimI.i ami KiiiU. !r. r I Pa k haa returii A week' liiiHineHH trip IO tCurh Suiuliie need ialuloea nl Kent' Urocer. .: irnta per Id. Cll aater ih ukhIii muddy from MVy rulitt in Little Unite above the laink. ipeiiacle riilire iiiuxi lie experl- H0M )i not ainiiiie' in meiriMere mmm,,i , HSOthod Meie ieriarle M'llera have' ( unit I ii a varietv of halt on tlu-lr hooka. I liciliumul ;..'.! t . N'oihlng it or ever n claimed here hill ability to do the work lir. Rlcberi, Optonietrtal . 0. If. Thomas haa rented the of fli formerly occutled In the I.U W. I Vawler over ihe JarKon ' (y nauk and will engaae in the prar ilee of la. i. O. Oorkrat . too noat nil imM j Photographer in southern Oreajon. Always reliable. Nagatlvos made any- whom, Ubm or niton. Jtunto lit Mala HI. Phono v fleorae t; t u' i aa a Madlurd Urn. A. R. i ' .i : eJrianiimaf ra. uatep. maaaago. saovt I r ' i in I I I I f " r f ' I I I'h" mid !i armofi of the Mm ' Tae U in ttedfA' PftvflM (Hour.- n He Vor t tarn 'inii'iii-r i nfiti iir if ;,, wr ,.n i M in tbi- Mtvlhla , mornlng for Mi Calmer creek ihIim. j n tm ,nm,M. rivet, and in force rf WWI who wm ftp.f,,f,. u irt aimut ( nmm for lm profrfy, ( rttva wood tboot (tort Art ff taraawf pottey. Crtflet MH Trfonn M4ff i Kdftor Rrnwer. of ne Rogue Rrw j Antm, transact.! (foulness ) tit j Tartev metropolis todav. M reports .progress In all of firm wrwk m laralilv and h feolln of con fidence that 1 0 1 t will prove to be a good veer In ever? wa for southern Orogon, ftnoliotl own, 1.8 yf httHdml. L. . Brown. Mm. Carlisle, of Kilnmnfon, Can . ia a Medford visitor this wek. The Star brand of typewriter rib bon ar RnaraRtH to kItc 75,000 Impratalont of lh typa "a" and "e" without io cloRKlnK thn typo an to low the naimr. Thla In a pretty tiff warranty, but that la what the Webntor company aarcM to with Star ribbon. Sold by the .Medfonl Print ing company. A. W. Krtdrlrk, of Baktr. in n hualnnaa vlallor In Mwlford Ihln Hfi- erMn. lot tn at IhvShHatK. IdnMtunanl KInior T foaa, rlt rwordir. la nt ponflnfd to hi honii with a allaht ffTrr that ncroinpHMlfii a llaht attack of rhl'knpox. Hl Sc mllkahnkM at l) Voa'a. Watr SMporlnltndnt ArnaplHfi ia Inaiwttwc the tclphont lint from I hti rlly Io thf Inlakp UmIhv Handera, th all around palntor. J. Th Chrladan I'hnrrh urehratm will alvi a miiak'al onlortalnmont at tlif chiirrli rrlda nlxht at v3n, for which an exrHlciil ptoaiam haa hn pruparwl. Admlaalon frpc. A large altendaiiro la dMlrml. Lattlco matorinl, window aerean, irrflHii dodra. 'c. I'nr. )rlx. I'ao. T-. ,1. IMtitnmer. n ltalHaa man of San I'ranrlaro, la a Mndford vlaltor thla nfttuiioon. Dr. Mtophnnaoii now prctlflni naaln. HH Koutli Holly. Phono 8CX-X. Thn heavy front pndlplwl for Ihi nlxht fortiinattdy fallal In mKterln.1 Ui. InitlKail. Tiicaday niornlna dawnnl In an atmoaphr of baliin aprlnrt. Wtiaton Camra Shop for fli'M-nlaaa kodak rinlahlnR and kodak aupplitw. A ttohflrr In which una bitrmd a lot of nrlirlx from IIih htilldlitK" htdnK lorn down on th corner of Kir and Main atresia atlrartwl a lata and aoiiiowliat fxclted rrowd at noon tn dav, mam lf llevlnw that the old ror nr waa ht-lna ronauiiK'd Ih a general lonflaarutlon. Try a King Bpita rlgar and cnttraiHt home Induatrv. tf Horn, to Mr and Mm. A. P. Hfan nott, tOM Kiiat Klovanth air!. March 7, ISlu. a girl. Mother and little one doing well. Oatea aolla Ford eara. tied down and $35 a month. l.ullicf 1 1 lion, lii Iii'i'iimr ill in I In ril some M'ck uau mill ulm liiis Ih-i'II I'lilllilicd to I ln hiiopiliil In) II lliolllll. Will In' I II ken llilrk' III III- imri'iil' Iikiiii' ni While Snlnmii. Wiili., Inixiiiu mi fit t- ri'i'iiirfi ii- ! In- tilde Io tniM'l. Ihoiiiih not iihlc i -il up Hi iiillni mill umiliir aim In dike hio limk to i lie I mm. Med ford Taxi Co. "Any whr any tlm." I'hon MRS. Mr-. I., r'. M.'inll. m-um ..i T. II. K. IlulllllMllV III till" ell , illi-d .it Wuiikeuiin, III.. MiiiuIiin, Muivli '.';, iillcr u uuirii led illin The Mit' Milium . mid 1'iuiuv Mir rill. Ilil''i' nl il'i r.l-iil hIih liil'inriK I't'oidi'il lifiv ii Uil wile iuiiil.n uiih .1'ui' rlli'lt- nl .i'iil.illiliini'i -, Win .it I hi' lit'il-ule nl I lictl .mill t ,n !; In I I liuil llllli. tnaura our auto in tba Alllaura agalmt ikafl, fire 0 Y Tenawald K H Ml II ih l'iisui i, n.i- ,i Mi. Kin, I i iini Mmiil.iv ! Voe Inn I r luittlea. SaTiTHOE BILLS AGAINST WINNIPEG GRAEIERS WINMI'lt. I i i lul -ml ,il ill - " I !! 1 1 Ii ii I nl ( .'I.I M I ib. " ,i v iiiiii i I tin. iiloviini . lieoiue It and .liuiie- II ll.iw.l. n, m b,, j tlienilwi - ot tin Knliliii i.ilniu Tllom.i- Ke1'. i untl.i. I"t, i,.m lield in I ln io, .un I'll to ftetruuil in i "inn', i j elerlinn ol the Miitllloli.i i tt ill l.lli. llie lllll'lll I I. I'Asii, . i -I I I Ml , i , . , lill , . Ii nn lu , ii, , i i tniui e .1. -up II ill! Ill ll- I IV I ,1 aVv i.i it iimi-iiI het e tiuii COUN I PLEAD GUILTYi "U MSi iH fi. Mnrch 2. .. .. I ..I tiamm. It... . .....I k R ..... ,.-,.. ,-.t , """" in the loat few dav mi . .. m .... ni'-iir ii'n ilt n . i nn ii -enroll if, t.- ..,., ... ... &.., . I looi" rawima hv " i:ii.m In etiiltiterlellilij III I lie vTrtllft V ll. I .. . , ... . , . , 'IfHlelafer were ni j.itn i owr lrn.' Wiili.. iM'iiiiifiliart. n'eHilerl goilly ., - . ... . ,,. ... .. , , , . .. here .kI., , ll. I .,,e. Wnle- - lnef ,oarl I,. ,. el,ar,e ,rf em olaiinf rounter ei. ,. note- .,, Hie Hon rrm,- e..e rcler.ll He.ete hank. Tlic.v n ill lie -iiili need lnmnrtfi. Heen-t i'riin' i"cn who eornlleil tin "eiHiiei -" (Inniiu ihe few wee!.-, out ..llrr flrmit, :il-n muter nrre-l, mmlil IiUimim- iilemi UlllltV. The ,.l. a.... ,d..,.e.l willy fob V are uen r ioii, r.tiwuin r roiim, I'etr VVeleli, .lidin Meiiile uihI t'him. (lriHiiie There nn niiiler nrref in Senllle .t ml I'lii'tliiiul tiM oiherx who were npet.ihn..' itlnler the leiidei-iii ll Pun-. ll" ''"'' '' "' " I'ihIiiii -liiiii.Mi- lull-. E RAIDED FOR BOOZE TAMi.MA. W.i-lt.. V.n.h .'v. Ifnidei' 1 1 oin llie iiii-.i'i'iiiiie. iitti IH'- nl I lee llele -,uMil ilnwn mi the Cil Diiiu Store at ilke-on. n niinitiir eenter. thi- morning, uml at -J'i'le Miiyor .Io-eill .Mel', the owner, ih the liiiement, where he i iilleui'tl to lime iH'en in the mil.l l liiirrel of liiiior, elmruintr him with Helling lioiiiir unltiw folly. The nl-o arrested Anueln- A. Ilnlilliilitlli, hi clerk; "I'ele" Wheeler, Tom WiNim mill (leoi'ite Vellteli, on wnrtttiit- jo ined in the sitH'iior eourt. Ihul of fsillO wa iixkct in eneh ciiho and tin rniileiv -aid they would prolmhlx liiiitu (lie iri-onerK linek with tliem tliif at'teriioon. Among tilt pteiatire were two tmr id of wliinkex, a Imrrel of nirt wine, lenl -I'oitf ihiiiii Imttli- of vlllki mill Iwelvi Imtlle- n liei'l III the ill ui; -toil' BUSH DESTROYER A l.(iioN, March -'K. Ullieinl an liiiiillii'ltielil ua.- maile today t lilt 1 in the ti;eeiit eiiuauement oil Ihe (ler iiiiiii eout ii Ilritn-h ile-lnivir rain motl and Mtink a (lenunn dc-trotcr. An ollieial (Jennaii -lalenient of W'-tenlnv told of the u-h of a (lor man lorjiedii boat diiiinu I he eiieiuiii lerntl the Xmlh lriiiui ioat. The -taieinenl iml two nrtiieil lihing leamelx had Ihiii -link mid I lilt? one toi'iieilo lt.i Imleil to re Iiiiii. Tlie 1 1 1 1 1 1 -I i lu-l three oeii il.ine anil .i Itnh-li iini.' i, he. In lit In ll i v i Iii ell -link SUBMARINES SINK 70,000 JONS SHIPPING liiu. l..i. h .'h simiiM.iii- IliL I lit" Unlk ul In, li, in,, in- - It!)'!' Millill I "l, mIiimi I bell III W ii '.! mil n Milium rinc uni'l.ire auam-l Ibe en lenle nllii"-' -liii be.-.m. tin- lliiilx 'I'l'leyruidi ,.- ih.ii iiit.v in e- limn n t 1 1 ii lull I -link Til. lion ton- ot -liiiitliv. ol u In, ti mil l Ii 1 1 .j li,,.ir,'( i t" iii' I'1!' I lit ll v T.'lr ji ,iili ii,,li.,liU a iv. ii- I 'i- m 1 1. .. I - ib,. r, -uiuili'ii l Vibiuiiil Nun I'liin!, (be lieitii.iii mint-lei ot the iiiivv J.uili l"i. Itllii. (lellli.ilH new -1111111.111111' eiiliiiin.i "'III " 'I . ! l ll. Ii I I ninrri ron 11 i nwi I LUAUtU l-UK ALAMWi . ' I i. .1 '. V V , ., ' "II 1 IM'. ' 'I VI I I e "N , ' .' Iielv - .,' ., i , ,, . , Ii ilall-t W.'le Iii i . ,i, ,, .j, ,, , m.'ii 'lei-l In l. I. '.I ,., (i , i .il.ii v t. I hen ileiiil I ill . ' t l i-l.ii. Tin i e-.l- will a.' hi l.i ,, earls in' V l 1 1 le-nl i ,, m tb, .ii;i ile al .on nun i, ,., u ,t ' '.mm i .ii. n in,', i ,.' ,.h, n, ,i, .Hid . .iimer hand- .... will vv.'il, ,i iiirllin w.ttei- limn, .j il,, ,,, ,, NOTH'K Preelncts Medtord Noilh Main and West Mrdford regiator now at the yailTiibuue otflie. " ASK FOR and GIT HORLICK'S THV. ORIGINAL -r3ALTED MILK, Chap '.uutitutv iwt OU suie ytwe T SKIRMISHES OCCUR IN MIA1 ak IrmlaHM Imva ocuifK' .in , mnirn vi n'lPirinn 'i'ni'n, -n. ., 0ffM. tnpuft tr, , ttHf ,WP ., Th flMIIMMir nnu,f fh j dtf . i ,.-,. .. , , ., ,,. I a wr vjvfanptT-tiiTii in nr ni - ."ton Ihe Dsleater. deerllied In liu- atan repotla, were niereh vangoatil aklrnrtehoa. A ittroM unitarian re- eonnotterlng detarhmenta wlthdre.t la lha niAla tui.lllnn. k lri Hlpnntr , Hi)Hnimn fm vnt,A. lMtr,M the i, . taat weok Uie Rnaahina have attempt ed no MfcMk agalnl the main army of tHmotvl Jflanger. I "Mallnn front- ItaMan artillery I -lielled Dwhordo httllita and the Fella district, M well a aotuo imlnig on Hie Tvrol front. Kaat of Ploeeken j JM)W AMBtro-lliiiiKiiiliui iroopa cap- tiiied an Italian poHiiiun Vttaeka of tin enenM In Hie Summit vallex ttete rcpulaeit " IE MM.TIMOItK. .Mrt - Fire which enilNnui n 'I .i . hole liloi k Of bin livineiH lioil-i". luoke out on the third iloor oi llmm Kei lei and eoniiuiin , wholea.ile hard ware eatahllahment. In I and to" Weat (lerman aireei, Hi In afternoon. Shortly after 3 o'clock the fire aeemed to he apreadliiK rapidly. At 2: IS p. in. the fire wa tliouhi to be tuiilur control and hail been confined to the top floor of the Del del building. Nine hundred glrlx employed In mannfarttirlim "omeni adjoining the eldel lnlldlng marched nnletly Into the xtreetH. There wii" no dlMorder. FULL CONFESSION BY WAITE (Contlnuwl from page one! The liodv of Peck wiim tent io ( I rand ItHplllH. Then a leleKiani. ml'IreHxed to Peck'a son In drum! Htudda and algued only with the Initial ' K" wua found and Inveatigalion alarted. The telegram, Lhe police hmv, read: "Hue phiona urouaed. Deiuuml uutoiwloa. Ksamlne hody. "K." An autopay, performed at the di rection of Dial i bt Attorney Hwann. diaeloaed that Peck'a atoiuath con taloed aracnlc. 1I1 I'initi a 'Ult. The police a In January M. Peck vlalted the Waltea In New York at Waltea Invllulloii, that Mra Peck died January .1": that Walte had the body ahlpped to (Irani! Hnpld. the name day and had tha body cre mated. The police say Peck had made a will In which half hl run one wsh to go to hla won, Percy, and half to hi dauKhier, Cutherlne. the wife or Wulle. They alio u Wnlio Induted bit wife to make a will in which he wan uam.'.l beneflclury. Wuite Ih Sit. lie won horn In Crand Itaplda oi pareniaof moderate meana, went through high a hnol. then wga Kindiinieil from Mhhtann unlvemity wllh honona. lie went abroad and la Maid to ie returned wllh storler of ureal wealth he earned thiouglt praciici' of Kiireery lu Hon Hi Africa. He had known Catherine Peek In Orund Itailili l.a-t winter he met Mi I'e. K mid her mother ut Palm llearh. FI i . mid after a abort court ahip .til.' and the alrl of hla child hood aeiinainlaiiee ert married Walte wa i"M ular In aoeletv and one of ibe alar Indoor lenula iduxeri of ihe iiiiintrv When -ought bv deleitlve In con neition with Ibe I'ei k ile.ilh mta l. iv, W.uit) wan found lu hla apuri m nis rile poller k,i In wiim in a """"" '" ' "!i inums opiate" i.;,w."v,K r; i- t . iii I .,ii i... We al- VV ,l I , 11 ,il III5 Hl' in.' the 'cii .,i .m.l it l.s a gou.l on Sobl iiiik v h- ,iik and "" ! ' OUTPOS ARE ENDANGERS BALiiJ II IRsssy ywwc Itd.-aw4r tf. . Ml ii T mL I '.i i.l U. S. F mm NEWS OF vi!IMiN(iToN. March 2-. rHW i, i. i, ,,f !. f'e of inariiei- and j t ml in nn n i 'mi Inn (MM' left H'bltia (on to InauiiuiHle the (i'iHrt nint of I agriculture'' market nc rlee Cm I rerltlialle rropa thla er Hrnii (office have neon eatabll'herl In Xv j Yc.rk. Ho- M. fllilAte.hia. ftuf'itlo ' I'lti-iiurit, i ticago, M., Mill ' neniioll .'mi Kanaaa lt to roilect and dWni' ne Information In ncr.rd to markeiinu eondltlon (ith-i men are atntioncd In the prodmln xec -tlonaof Florida, lnlnlan.i nn I Terai'. where onion, towntoc" .-iiul almw borriea are h I ready bel'iK ahlnped In carload lot to the bla market? . By collecting In thin way Infor mntlon conrrnhg condition In iwo doclng dlrtrlcta and marketing ren ten, the market newa aervhe or tin department of agriculture la -elgned to aid both ahlppera of ami dealer In periahahle rropa. Tin- in formation tollected la aent out lf' liv teleicraph to nil thoae who uc -nlfliletiily Jnteroated to p tin teleuniph chargea and by null to thoae who do not cars to incur Oil" expense but have a good reason te: wlahlnic the reporla. Kaeh of tit field men In the marketing and pi" during i enter acta an a dlatrlhutur of thla Itiforuiatlott and. In addition It l Hint out ilitect train WiikIiIm ton. OUSTED BY BRITISH I.ONIHiV. M.mli -,v. fl ! ol-r-Of n boilv iiillitiL- it H the I Iv.l. workeia' i onitiilnee, which ban b. n titletnpl In : In Imiifiit 'trlket uiu.ii.l ALL CHILDREN LOVE OE II LIVER AND (le il when level l-li, rte , lilbill.. tor Itatl Inenlli or miiic Motlincli. iiook at the tongue, mother! H eouted, it I a sure alga thai tour little one's stomneh. liver gnl bo v. ola need a gentle, thorough leaua log at once. When iioevlah, cross, ll-tte . pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eai or .ni nat urally, or Is feverish, aioma. h sour breath bad; ban alomucii in lit-, wire throat, diariboen, full or mid. .Ive a toaapoonfui of 'California rivrup or Klgs" and In a few hours till the foul, eonstlpatod waate, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of li little bowels without gripliiK, nul you have a well, iltiful child again You needn't coax sick children to take thla harmleaa 'fruit laxative:" they love its dellrloiix tute. und H always makeM them feel aplemiid. Ask your druggist for a .".n-cent bottle of ' I'allfornlH riiup of I lu." which haa dlrertloim tor hableh chil dren of ull agea and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Ile ware of counterfeits sold here. To lie sure you gel (he genuine, ak io see Uiut It la made by "California Km; ri.trup Company." Itefue an other kind with Kintenipt. -Adv. Have Comfortable Feet i If voni .in tin. I or arlilii': or cal lou-.'il oi in. I., i. ed oi -on 1 J o tn 41 II i ill-.', let in.' lit .11 tin III com i:. l ti.hv Chiropodist MKIi:i.l.ONOP. (Jaini'it-l oit IlitlldlHg. lTi:U! ItltlN .MTIK'XU CO. tiwi: CAIUl. Leave Medtoid for Ashland, Talent and I'hoeuu duil, exreiu Hunday. at k.ilOi. m., 1 OD, 2.00, 4 nn ami 5:1." i m. Alo on flaiiird.iv ut ti ii p. in. undavg Uav. at v mi and 10:30 4. m. and 1.00. no, :u un 8:301 . in. Leave ft.inuil for Medford l.ilK. except Sunday, at i mi a m. I mi, : mi, I e ' and ." I". in. Also on Haturd.1) n ;bt .it H io and 1.' jo gunda leave Vnhland at no a n and 100. 4 ::o, fi 3n and 10 lU'. Strxire from little Foint tt) Medford and Hack undi-unti will L.ive Prank eimt.'i noiu-ry eer da ea- - it'.d.iv for Medford mi hit t t o .loeit p m , arriMnu -1 in Leave Nab lftl, v at .. 00 MARK r' ii I' ' i' lrf! I " ' riiliiom ftfll, , it ... matA tlmrn 'mnil A inrlr ' weren I . I i f ,. i aex , p iii. mi . i i,, IO if 'I i 1 1 1 il r f i - iii'l i i ,i nfi'tn .'I 1 i '.nli j iiiioii l in r it wnf .eiHiiifii that the object of Mr innifiiiliee aa to tompel the Bo.riiinent io r in nl tin- lutiiiltiono of r and tnlllfsr m irr .icta and to Itlnlrav hII i i in i la t Inn h iipou In rreaae of i ti!u. in , frwnoin of action wit'ioi'i i.' w Miuient ion trol. ffi ?,rj Oclfi (bs.$.li West Is unequaled in uniform strength, purity, aroma and wholesome fresh ness. Steel cut no dust no chaff parchment, inner seal cans. Ask your grocer. ' Closset & Devers Safely Razor Blades Kr sharpened 30c A DOZEN- Any Make. ! Heath's Drug Store mwiuvm: i Kvery dg made In it r than new Your OWN Ida.!.- ha. -' I'KUII.IZKU Work Done b Ruuilain Sliaiiuiiiiit' Co., j Kiljji' Kxi'crtH. Ufi-lii'lcy, Calj Stiaiylit Ra.Hi'K Ui'-l'M;otl :K (V-nls ! 1 1 x& j Red Letter Day at M. M. Department Store Premium Parlor WEDNESDAY, Mar. 29 Get 10 S. 6 H. Green Stamps Free i "" 1'!. Su-ITV ' lltrhii,,( '. Will ,., iply il!l .ii! It .jUllrilli lll nl 1 i, ! iw, 1 " ' ' - 'll W'.'-' , . ii ;u il ( ) ,.H j!l "'l1 - v -.trill. ' ' ' ...'.' - St;il'l W ' ! N I I- i In I . Vi,m , ,f, J, iff. I 4'l I '"I tl In in fetal u rt k, ,, ,f. ,i , ! ,nn, nA 1.1. iit'it t m , ' i,.in , Hllkh, eg- i i in , i i'ntr. ) i i.f If M' ii 'ii ifCOfnltll? I in nil mfllti i 1 1- t i our ". w aonht k n"' do ,r .on wohi im n Mr othera f?h t - Adv. UM M.T or Pen '.int .i !!! i- i i'l popular. Plaiimmi Mace ii;, , ,ir or preclo in Htiinva Hre i-'iiii i reptable, and . ihcae . ,n i a -piila(t). P S Don't fail to see llroothev In platinum dtit m-. n Martin? J. Reddy Tin. llotte of (,u. ilit. v vipitohs i u ys v-i:i ( mmi: JIM i:. MlIN si in I i Phone 153-11 !i?s Bryan Vocal Teacher ami Soloist 212 So. Grape St. Medforri, Ore. i,.4 . W.- fcl -"J- A' mmm fr pi m: M SMII!V White's Velvet Ice Cream Mai. en a cl.'Iii loan tie .it ) Inuib, t dinner or picnics, I Hold bj dlh, fiint. iian m millon. V. pack und dellv. r ail .ml. m for a qua it or mote. (ii-rr it t THE DAIRY IIIOM Kt Uvnietii'irr to iii itr. 1 '.iii Ituitci niil( uml )4r lu I to Kill. Medford House Movers ' m:v hum MOVKIIS III' HOl'SIX. Htlll.KIW, 1IH.WV MACill.NKltV. i:ic. 8ATISK.M lOHV SmtVK'E 1'lMine IKei-M moi i i:t a, muivli AitDT liia . KoHttiWH. T3T V. 1 lilt St. tuiL awaawa aoat tmmm MUaaftiiL - H HIHW j b &if Vv lf ' t .it t. U' , i- w.licite.r M II M'.MSti j I . ' ii o I I Tin- .nl 1C Main. r i